Former CourKilnKin Charles LeBuff candidly looks at the City's past ai^

33957 OR OCTOBER 14,1999 SANIBEL&CAPTIVA, FLORIDA VOLUME 26, WEEK 42 NUMBER 43,24 PAGES 75 CENTS NEWS Delayed Stress Arguing Dark Skies... all day

By Amy Fleming business owners are of only average Staff Writer income. Commissioner Phyllis Bogen The Sanibel Planning Commission, responded, saying that the owners of after more than six hours of debate and shopping centers spread costs equally passionate public testimony, voted unan- among all the businesses, so that no one Roseate Spoonbill imously to continue hearings on the pro- is required to spend a large sum of posed "Dark Skies" ordinance to its Nov. money. Ann Joffe of She Sells Sea Shells B Wildlife 9 meeting. At that time, members of the disagreed, saying that since her business- commission will discuss and vote on rec- es are not in shopping centers "my costs Conference ommendations for changes to the ordi- won't be shared, this is an expense I A major national con- nance before sending it to city council. don't need," adding that she had recently ference with many The meeting was well attended by spent a significant amount of money to residents and business owners concerned come into compliance with the latest Sanibel speakers is Michael Pistella coming to Fort Myers. with the proposed ordinance, with sever- sign ordinance. Anna Swann of Island — See page 2 Sanibel Police aide Dennis Florie directed al objections raised. The cost of replacing Management Group felt the commission Monday afternoon. It's only mid-October, but already existing fixtures came up frequently, needed to consider Sanibel's visitors, M We Need A traffic is backing up on Periwinkle Way. The Sanibel with estimates given in the range of hun- saying that many of them donate time People's Park! Planning Commission on Tuesday opted to wait for dieds of dollars to several million and services to the island, and that "these City Manager Ed Sealoyer's recommendations on Sanibel businessman Danny Melknan people pay over 1 billion in taxes to Lee Dick Muench lobbies said it was "a problem for small business County, - they should have a say." for the creation of a "island stress," which includes traffic problems, before proceeding with hearings on the subject at a owners to constantly make changes." mid-island park foi while others pointed out that many small t> See Skies, page 4 children, and lor large later time. events — See page 3

By Pattie Pace Commissioner John Manning who Pete Inghain, president of the fed tide News Editor has said he doesn't plan to run for Ding Darling Society voiced his Sanibel Mayor Bob Janes took reelection. support. bloom his first step toward a Lee County Janes said it's premature to dis- "As soon as I heard he was con- A red tide bloom Commission seat Monday, when he cuss issues, but he thinks his peers sidering running, I talked with Bob killing fish and causing - named islander Ted Tyson, a retired and constituents see him as some- and told him I thought it was mar- respiratory problebis in< ' Air "Force officer and coordinator one who will listen to all sides of a velous and I was delighted and Charlotte Harbor ends at for the Angel Flight program, as his debate. would personally give him the Boca Grande Pass just campaign treasurer and filed a can- Initial reaction from islanders strongest support I could." Ingham north of Cayo Costa, didate's statement confirming that appears to be supportive. said, pointing to the benefits of according to the Florida he understands campaign contribu- Mike Billhemier. owner of the Janes' years of experience in local, tion and expenditure laws. To date, Lighthouse Cafe and president of state, county and federal govern- Marine Research Institute ment. in St. Petersburg. No dead he's the only candidate vying for the the Sanibel-Captiva Islands Cham- fish or foul smells related post. ber of Commerce said Janes' busi- "We need a voice on the county to the bloom have been Between now and January 2000, ness experience and record serving commission with so many things Janes will name a campaign manag- on the city council would make him critical to the island really decided reported from Upper Michael Pistella Captiva, Captiva or er and begin fundraising for Seat a good candidate, though he stopped Sanibel. 'This is the time No. 2, currently held by County short of an official endorcement. t> See Janes, page 4 Bob Janes of year we often do have problems, so we're hop- ing it stays up north," Natural Resources Center Director Rob Loflin said. —See Regional Ne'\ s. PS 5 opens

Refuge's new Center for Education — built with- donations and no tax dollars — opens to the public this Saturday; Beat ihe Experts! Interior Secretary Bruce Serena Major won the $50 prize in the Island Babbit may attend. Repoiter's college and professional football con- By Anne Bellew test Staff writer — See page 13 When the "Ding" Darling Wildlife Society's new Center for Education opens on Saturday, Oct. 16, marking the end of National INDEX' Wildlife Refuge Week and "Ding" Glen M. Wood of Jericho, Vermont, took first place in the "Ding" Darling Society's annu- Darling's birthday, it will signal an •Regional News. 5 al amateur photography contest with his stunning photograph of White Pelicans at the •Police Beat, 6 Refuge. The first place winner will receive a gold sand dollar pendant and chain from amazing accomplishment for the •Looking Back...... page 8 Congress Jewelers. J.N. "Ding" Darling National •Business 9 Wildlife Refuge's non-profit coop- •Commentary ...pagell According to John Carney, Contest Coordinator, this year's contest was the largest in the eiating association or Friends •Sports/Outdoors.. . page 14 Society's history — 109 entries from 25 states plus Germany and . The final Group. Although the 1982 Visitor •Island Life 15 submission date was Oct. 1, and judging took place on Oct. 6. Judges included Lisa Center was built with public hinds, •TV listings...... page 16 Forsyth, Norm Honest, Charles McCullough, and Carney. The winning artwork and one every piling, every board, every •Classifieds 20 entry from each photographer will be on display in the Center for Education beginning this weekend through the month of May. t> See Refuge, page 4 2 • OCTOBER 14, 1999 • ISLAND REPORTER Major environmental conference comes to town

Looking at how we watch watching wildlife in the "Ding" Darling for lay people. She's very down to earth; she refuge, and with that increased pressure come talks about how children need to be connected To register wildlife: Attention focuses on a number of challenges to protecting the natur- to nature and how we plant our gardens and Conference registration, which includes Southwest Florida during nation- al resources that draw the visitors. The focus yard affects the whole planet." the reception and four meals, costs $249, al conference will be "how we can better educate and take Other events that lay people probably One-day registrations for Wednesday, care of these people while they're at our public would find interesting are some ol the pre-con- Thursday or Friday are available by calling lands," he explained. ference field nips to Rookery Bay National Royal Palm Tours at (800) 296-0249 or Wildlife viewing is reported to be the fastest Estuary, J.N. "Ding" Darling National Wildlife (941) 368-0760. For a full conference Special to the Reporter growing recreation of the decade, an $18.1 bil- Refuge, CREW, and such workshops as brochure, call FWC's office of lion industry with 48 percent of all American "Revealing Nature: Interpretive Writing Informational Services at (850) 487-0516, Professionals in land management and vacations including "nature-based experi- Workshop" or "Wild Spirit Singing Space is limited. tourism from Sanibel to Saskatchewan will ences," according to the FWC. "With the Workshop." gather to discuss common concerns next week growing economy, there's the possibility of a in Fort Myers at the National Watchable lot more use of our natural areas. It's real Wildlife Conference. Participants will be able Topics appeal to the "Ding" Darling important to start now to do that in a sustain- Wildlife Society will dis- to learn more about Southwest Honda's envi- able and ethical manner so people can enjoy ronment through trips throughout Southwest cuss "Starting a 'Friends' natural areas in the future," said Ellen business, arts Group: What Works with Florida, including Sanibel and Captiva. Lindblad, director of the Corkscrew Regional The conference nans through Friday with a •This is the National Watchable Wildlife a Collaborative 501 (c)3;" Ecosystem Watershed (CREW) Land and myriad of presentations, workshops, and panel Linda Logan, general Conference, not just a Water Trust. "I think it's just a really good discussions covering an array of topics from state conference," said manager of the Sanibel opportunity to bring people together from balancing tourism and protecting resources to Inn, is scheduled to speak Lou Hinds, manager of around the country - see different initiatives the ethics of viewing birds and marine mam- the J.N. "'Ding" Darling on "Sanibel Inn: Green and how different people deal with wildlife mals, developing nature-based businesses, and Hoteliery;" Chip National Wildlife Refuge, issues." putting art to work for wilderness. Hoffman, president of the one of the scheduled It is a forum to exchange ideas and infor- Scientists and entrepreneurs will be among Rogers Tarpon Bay Recreation speakers. "It's not just mation for "anybody interested in dealing with the presenters from throughout the continent, Inc., will focus on locally important; it's wildlife or the environment," Lindblad said. including California, Arizona, Minnesota, New "Providing a Quality Eco-Experience;" and nationally important." "A lot of sessions seem to deal with how to Hampshire and Canada. Florida's active role in Anders will moderate a panel discussion on "Is plan wildlife experiences or get involved with "The dialogue primarily seems to be eco-tourism is one of the Ecotourism Killing Sanibel'?" which will focus partnerships in the natural resources field." But between two major groups of people: those major reasons why orga- Hinds on whether Sanibel is being "loved to death," the Watchable Wildlife Conference goes way charged with protecting resources and those nizers chose to hold the she said. "It would open the discussion about beyond wildlife, she added, pointing out work- who provide educational programs utilizing national conference here - only the third time where the balance lies" and serving on the shops for people who want to learn how to those resources," said Kristie Anders of the in nine years it has come east of the Mississippi panel will be Councilman Bill Hillebrandt, market nature-based festivals or learn more Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation, River, said Susan Cerulean, Watchable City Planning Director Bruce Rogers, and about wildlife habitat or land management. who is scheduled lo speak. Wildlife Conference Coordinator for the SCCF Executive Director Brick Lindblad. At this conference, "professionals are com- Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation As of Oct. 8, about 400 people - including Anders also will join Iillen Lindblad and Lee ing together from all over the country ... to Commission (FWC). "I think that Florida is about 250 from Florida — have registered to County Environmental llducator John Kiseda learn some of the newest philosophies revolv- very much a leader. ... I see us as kind of rem- attend the conference, said Ron Drake, owner to discuss "Community Connections: ing around wildlife and watching wildlife." vigorating the watchabie wildlife [efforts]." and operator of Royal Palm Tours, which is Partnerships that Work," Anders said. Hinds said. coordinating the conference for the Florida Highlighting SCCFs partnership with Captiva The eco-tourism industry is booming as the National and state experts will present sem- Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. population continues to grow and more people Cruises, among others, "We'll gel to tell the inars and workshops in wildlife viewing and Those registered will be coming from 39 rest of the watchable wildlife community what seek recreational outlets in wilderness areas, nature-based tourism. The conference begins states, not including Florida, as well as five Hinds said. kind of partnerships there arc in Southwest with a welcome reception Tuesday, Oct. 19, Canadian provinces and the Virgin Islands, he Florida." 'The challenge facing professionals in this followed by a presentation by author Sara said. They represent an array of occupations: field is there is going to be ever-increasing Stein, who will speak on "Restoring the destination marketing organizations, visitors FWC and Lee Island Coast, in cooperation pressure [on natural resources] from people Ecology of Our Own Backyard." While much and convention bureaus, state divisions of with the Wildlife Foundation of Florida, are who want to get away from their homes... and of the conference is geared toward people in tourism, chambers of commerce, land man- acting as hosts for the conference. Conference get in touch with nature," he said. That might the industries, Cerulean said, "Sara Stein read- agers from state, national and regional levels, registration, which includes the reception and mean a weekend backpacking on the ing, which is open to the public, is very much tour operators and outfitters, land planners, city four meals, costs $249. One-day registrations Appalachian Trail, hiking through Yosemite or and county governments, engineers, Realtors, also arc available by calling Royal Palm Tours and "conservation lodge developers" - repre- at (800) 296-0249 or (941) 368-0760. sentatives of so-called "green hotels." For a full conference brochure, call FWC's -ISLAND WOODS- The schedule for this year, he said, includes office of Informational Services at (850) 487- EVER WANTED TO BUILD YOUR OWN "about twice the educational content that pre- 0516. Space is limited. vious nationals have offered." Also leading TROPICAL HOME ON SANIBEL? sessions will be a variety of writers, artists and Setting standards musicians. Writers Janisse Ray and Sara Stein AFFORDABLE PACKAGES NOW will team with environmental artist Lynne Hull for wildlife viewing STARTING IN THE MID $200,000 and singer Velma Frye on a panel to discuss Eco-tour operators can especially benefit "Art in Service of the Wild" as well as present- from the conference, said Lou Hinds. "They Island Woods is a small pri- ing their own programs. need to hear about the people who are public vate enclave of single family "I think this conference this year — and servants: how we are viewing tilings and where residential homes tucked every year in Florida [at the state conference] the recreational opportunities are going so they into a natural setting. Victor has such an interesting creative tension. ... If can mold themselves — or help change our Dupont has built the majority you look, there's lots of venues where you can direction." learn about the economic end of things - why Ellen Lindblad would be especially inter- of homes in this special it's good to move into nature based-business. ested in seeing cco-tour operators attend the community. ... There's a lot of good business-end stuff," conference, in the wake of an assessment Island Woods is a brand- Cerulean said. "What's different in this confer- CREW completed about a year ago. new subdivision located on ence, we're really trying to open people's Representatives anonymously took nature Farm Trail Road, just off minds to the arts — getting to people in differ- tours of all types throughout the state of Florida ent ways. Periwinkle Way within walk- and rated what kinds of information and Nobody else has had a conference where tourists were receiving and how accurate it is. ing distance to the Old there is so much visual arts, literary arts, Overall, she said, the results were pretty good, Schoolhouse Theater and singing, sculpture. We're giving this a two- although some tour operators still insist on the Tahitian Garden pronged approach with business and arts of such inadvisable tactics as feeding alligators Shopping Center. how do we do this teaching and leading of peo- and luring wildlife close to the tourists. ple into nature." The concept behind this special community is to create a friendly environment where home- (Workshops for tour operators have continued Many of the dozens of programs overlap since the study and a meeting to discuss the owners can relax in the Olympic-sized pool, on the lighted tennis courts or bike riding the but they will be recorded and tapes will be group's mission and plans is scheduled Nov. 4. nearby Sanibel paths. available, on site, for $10, Cerulean said A Call CREW at 332-7771 for more informa- Nature is a part of living in Island Woods, with several tracts reserved by split rail fencing to variety of workshops also are offered on tion.) protect preserved land for the gopher tortoises. Trees are enjoyed on the 38 wooded home Monday and Tuesday, before the conference "In Lee County, tourism is the No. 1 indus- Participants will have a chance to visit sites, with preserve lands abutting the subdivision on several sides. Peace and quiet can be try and eco-tourism is growing very rapidly. Rookery Bay National Estuary, Hickey Creek We need to get off on right foot, while it's just enjoyed, with a little input from the local bird and butterfly population. and Little Estero Island and to take a cruise beginning." Maintaining natural resources will Victor Dupont offers eight different floor plans, most with three bedrooms and two baths. from Captiva. Topics will include everything "keep people coining to enjoy this beautiful The olde Florida style homes feature easy-care vinyl siding and soffits, metal roofs, huge from teaching people about birds, reptiles and area far into the future. For eco-tour operators screened porches, opened and airy floor plans with vaulted ceilings and pocket sliding doors amphibians to grant-writing tips. - this is their livelihood." to help bring nature into your lifestyle. The choices range from 1,396 square feet under air Birdwatchers will be a focus of a similar conditioning to over 2,000 square feet. symposium Wednesday, Oct. 20, as bird lovers Focus on Sanibel and researchers work to create guidelines for Most of the homes have full laundry rooms with tubs and beautifully finished two-car "The greatest impact is on a national and responsible bird-watching. garages with automatic garage doors. international basis," but the conference will "I am really excited about this," Lindblad The wooded lots range from approximately one quarter to three quarter acres and are have some "tackle down" impact on Sanibel said. "Being able to have everybody come to Captiva and other local areas, Anders said In Southwest Florida, we can show them the included in the pricing structure. Home/lot packages are affordable starting in the low tact, several local people besides Anders'arc 3280,000 range. issues we're dealing with" and how some have among those set to speak. Many of the issues handled the challenges, such as closing "Ding Models are open daily from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Coming off the causeway bridge, turn reflect Southwest Florida's ecological con- Darling Refuge on Fridays. "There is room for right on Periwinkle Way until you see the entrance on the right. Videotapes of the homes cerns and some sessions focus specifically on education," she said, and "I would think that and/or packets are available. Sanibel: a pre-conference field trip will briiwj this would be something that eco-tour opera- people to the J.N. "Ding" Darlina NationM Please contact VIP Realty group, Inc. at (941) 472-5187 or toll-free at (800) 533-7338 as tors would welcome. ... 1 see this as a way of Wildlife Refuge and to CaptivTfor a can'' making people aware how important the link is the exclusive representative of this Sanibel development Lou Hinds will discuss "Making S between enjoying [nature] while sustaining it- Visitation Work for Wildlife;" Molly Kriv"l of Find Your Place With ISLAND REPORTER Q OCTOBER 14, 1999 Q 3 Island News Charlotte Harbor conservation plan features hundreds of projects Mayor encourages One of the group's controversial recommenda- congress to fund tions, not yet adopted for action, involves removing both of the Sanibel Causeway spoil refuge for Buck Key islands to improve hydrology, or water move- purchase ment. Though removing both islands would be On behalf of the Sanibel City Council, ideal, program participants could envision a Mayor Bob Janes wrote a letter to state leg- islators encouraging them to fully fund the compromise, such as removing only one of the J.N. "Ding" Darling National Wildlife spoil islands... Refuge land acquisition fund, which could be used for the purchase of Buck Key. By Pattie Pace He asked Sens. Connie Mack, R-Cape News Editor Coral and Bob Graham, D-Miami Lakes, Nearly four years in the making, a two- and Rep. Porter Goss, R-Sanibel, to allocate volume draft plan for managing the $4 million in the fiscal year 2000 Interior Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Appropriations Bill to the refuge. Program, which details more than 350 pro- According to Janes, the state House has jects in an eight-county watershed, is com- already approved the $4 million, but the plete and will be available for public review state Senate was leaning toward a lesser fig- next month. ure of $2 million. The final vote was sched- "Normally, these plans are full of princi- uled for Wednesday, Oct. 13. ples and idealistic statements and hopes, A portion of the money would likely be but here we have been very pragmatic," used to reimburse the Trust for Public said Molly Krival, Sanibel's chair of the cit- Lands, a national non-profit organization. izen's advisory committee for the project. The group has an option to purchase 70 "It's very impressive." acres of Buck Key currently owned by The draft .of the Charlotte Harbor Mariner Properties, which is trying to secure Comprehensive Conservation Management a Lee Plan amendment that would allow the Plan spells out specific actions committed Krival transfer of development rights to a mature to by program members, including counties, mangrove forest at South Seas Resort. cities, water management districts and the Department of Environmental Protection. Dinner-set burglars' Krival recently explained the importance of preserving the estu- aries to the Sanibel City Council. trial date rescheduled She said water flowing from northern counties such as Polk, The trial of four men arrested on Sanibel Hardee and DeSoto into the Peace, Myakka and Manatee rivers last March in connection with a home-inva- eventually runs into the estuaries surrounding Sanibel. With large sion robbery at Mickey Woods' Pine Tree volumes of fresh water being released from Lake Okeechobee into The above graphic shows the regions included in the Drive residence has been rescheduled to the Caloosahatchee River to control flooding, the delicate balance management plan and their watersheds. Nov. 29, but Assistant State Attorney Steve of fresh and salt water has been maintained with the help of rivers Coukos said it's unlikely the trial will com- flowing from the north. to clean local waters, according to Krival. mence before January 2000. While prosecu- "All that water piotected us trcim the cra/y things going on with She added that one of the group's controversial recommenda- tors await laboratory icsults. they continue the Caloosahatchee," Krnal said. "An estuaiy is a balance ol sail tions, not yet adopted toi action unohes lemowng both ol the to depose witnesses in the case. and fresh water. Too much fresh water can kill all the fish and Sanibel Causeway spoil islands to improve hydrology, or water If convicted, Pabel Romero Martinez, 37, everything they eat, so we have been very vulnerable to what the movement. Though removing both islands would be ideal, program of Jacksonville; Enrique Nava, 31 of Cape Southwest Florida Water Management District does with participants could envision a compromise, such as removing only Coral: Carlos Sosa, 27, of Cape Coral; and Okeechobee." one of the spoil islands constructed in 1963 when the bridge was Francisco Hurtado, 30, of Cape Coral, face Calling proposed changes to the Caloosahatchee River "whole- built. life sentences for a variety of charges, sale re-engineering," which will likely involve funneling fresh "One of the major reasons is what's happening with the including home invasion, kidnapping, bur- water into above- and below-ground retention ponds and into the Caloosahatchee," Krival said. "If things get worse, it may be that glary, robbery, grand theft and aggravated Everglades, Krival points out that northern river watersheds provide the river watersheds won't be adequate to protect us." battery with a deadly weapon. A public hearing to discuss the Comprehensive Conservation a measure of safety locally. Management Plan is scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 7. 6:30 p.m.. at Woods was stabbed during the armed One of the 350 action plans already underway on Sanibel the Calusa Nature Center on Ortiz Avenue, Fort Myers. Drafts of robbery and his girlfriend, who called police involves forming a partnership between the city, the J.N. "Ding"' the plan will be available at the city, library, refuge and SCCF, or a from her cellular phone from a bedroom Darling National Wildlife Refuge and the' Sanibel-Captiva free copy can be obtained by contacting the Charlotte Harbor before being discovered by the robbers, was Conservation Foundation. The partners have committed to ridding National Estuary Program district office at 4980 Bayline. 4th floor. terrorized as the men demanded money. the island of invasive, exotic plants and trees, such as Brazilian pep- North Fort Myers, FL 33917-3909 or by calling (941) 995-1777. per and melaleuca trees. To accomplish that, the partners recently LCEC conversion hired full-time employee David Lucas to operate a bulldozer pur- Though the completed plan is scheduled to be in place by chased with joint funds. Though he's officially a refuge employee, January 2000, Krival said the program "isn't over until it's over," because, even if all 350 action plans were completed, dozens of new update the city and SCCF will each pay one-third of his salary. SCCF projects will likely crop up to ensure that estuaries remain healthy. Executive Director Erick Lindblad said designating one employee The Lee County Electric Cooperative has "The obvious one on-island is red tide," she said. "Clear research started the process of upgrading 30-year-old to operate the bulldozer will increase efficiency and insure the equipment is properly maintained. on red tide is still in its infancy; a lot is being done but they still transmission lines and substation facilities don't know what they can do about it." on Sanibel and Pine islands from 69kV to Melaleuca trees devour water and drain vital wetlands and 138kV. The conversion will increase load Brazilian pepper trees choke out inland grasses that actually work capacity, improve reliability, reduce operat- ing expenses and provide flexibility for maintenance and repairs. "Barges are showing up, the right-of-way is being cleared, channels are being dredged Islander wants city to build a public park and the project in underway," LCEC Transmission Engineering Supervisor Ken Cockrum said. The majority of the work on Sanibel and By Pattie Pace The problem is that land was pur- acquisition fund replenished. in the J.N. "Ding" Darling Wildlife Refuge News Editor chased with a grant from the Florida Muench said a two-acre park is not should be completed by the beginning of the Twenty-seven year resident Dick Communities Trust, part of Preservation what Sanibel needs. new year. Crews will build temporary power Muench who has been running the 2000 now called Florida Forever, "Give that land back to the state and lines near the original lines to maintain ser- island's Little League program for 26 according to Natural Resources Director tell them we'll buy it back from them," years thinks Sanibel needs another pub- Rob Loflin. he said. "I'm a grass person. I don't like vice to residents during construction. all these weeds," he said. "Let the birds •The LCEC right-of-way has been lic park and he's got his eye on a piece "Those funds come with a lot of of city-owned property. attachments, a lot of stipulations," have their land and let us poor people cleared; other pre-construction projects have a little bit of land. There's got to completed include: "There are a lot of young people Loflin said. "There's a management moving to Sanibel," he said. "Times plan for the property the state has be a balance and it has swung too far • Widening a walking trail at the north approved and it would have to be (toward wildlife habitat). We have so end of the refuge for construction vehicle have changed. It's not the old guard anymore. revised significantly. It's unlikely the many refuges now." access. "We have no place on the island for a state would agree." City Attorney Bob Pritt said the state • A concrete pad has been built just off function — Taste of the Islands, the He added that the land was purchased has no provision for selling property the north end of the refuge for construction Lions Craft Fair, the Rotary Craft Fair, about 2 1/2 years ago for wildlife con- purchased with one of its land grants, vehicles to use while erecting a self-support- the 25th anniversary for the city," he servation and habitat, including nature though a lease might be possible. He ed steel pole because water at the north end added. "We need a huge park with plen- and bike trails, and that the state has said resident Ralph Clark wanted to buy of the refuge is too shallow for a barge traf- ty of parking - 1,000 cars — this is what refused other management plan changes a small parcel along Sanibel-Captiva fic. I'm looking for. Swing sets, slides sand submitted by the city. Road that the city purchased as part of Construction of the expanded Sanibel for kids, walking trails. ... The key is to Loflin said there is another eight-acre the Silver Key property, but the state substation on Sanibel-Captiva Road is get the traffic off Periwinkle (Way)." parcel at the comer of Casa Ybel Road wouldn't agree to the sale. scheduled to begin by the second quarter of The lot Muench has in mind is a large and Algiers Road that the city recently Whatever it takes, Muench would 2000. parcel, approximately 22 acres, that purchased for $450,000. Two acres on like to see a large, public park built that —Pattie Pace runs from the southwest corner of Casa the right side of Algiers Road could pos- would allow man and nature to coexist. Ybel Road and Middle Gulf Drive sibly be converted into a-park, but toward the Children's Center of the Loflin said he would then like to see the I> See Park, page 4 Islands. city's environmentally sensitive land 4 • OCTOBER 14, 1999 • ISLAND REPORTER

Skies From page 1

Swann said the cost of replacing fixture-* at some cuixed saying that "Sanibel has never stood for of the condominiums ""would run into die thou- "There will be a full education phase, this is no less government." and that regarding local stan- s;inds to millions of dollars."' Swann also ques- dards, "most of Florida is following in Sanibel's tioned the data indicating that fixtures only steamroller." footsteps, trying to play catch-up." about the sears. sa\mg that many of the Eights Greenstein objected 16 approval of the pro- now in place ha\e been there tor at least 15 to IS Council member Andrew Reding posed ordinance, citing the overwhelming opposi- years, a poiiU with which Bogen later coneuned. tion in the audience Tuesday morning. "Is this democracy if so many are opposed?" he asked, Vice Mayor Andrew Reding, sponsor of iccent burglaries on the island. Others were con- real benefits to the ordinance. Terry Brennen of the adding that die ordinance did not follow the guide- "Daik Sides,"' later responded by saying fixtures cerned with lawsuits stemming from injuries Saiiibel-Captiva Small Cottages & Inns lines of the Sanibel'plan because it failed to that comply with the ordinance do not cost any caused by inadequate lighting, citing complaints Association said the legislation "is an example of encourage harmony among residents. Chip Carter more than other fixtures, adding that he was will- from visitors. Dowries later responded by calling bad government, what most of us came here to see of Island Designs Sign & Graphics agreed, saying ing to be flexible on the stated five year compli- these concerns "a false trail", saying that "this is a less of." adding "What will this accomplish?" that while he didn't entirely disapprove of the ordi- ance requirement. He also said he was willing to dark skies, not a dark ground" ordinance. "This Commissioner Steve Greenstein said he has nance, "if it's 50 to one against, isn't that what rep- consider new information on the life expectancy does not prevent lighting streets, crosswalks, etc." reviewed the Sanibel plan, especially regarding resentational government is'?" of light fixtures, but that there had to be some time adding that, regarding security,"bright light is out the protection of natural resources including a dark limitation set for compliance. Reding went on to because it causes shadows; lower light does not night sky. and did not sec that the current lighting Reding responded by saying that the Sanibel say that most shopping centers currently have full block the view of the officer." He also added that plan is problematic. Greenstein added that if the plan and vision statement also refer to living in cut-off lighting, and that already "we are way he did not believe the ordinance would create new ordinance is passed "over 90% of the people harmony with nature, and thai it did not preclude along in terms of business." Full cut-off lighting insurance problems, but that he was willing to lis- will be found in violation and subject to govern- even strong differences of opinion. He went on to includes fixtures that are designed to prevent light ten to anyone having difficulty with their carrier as ment intervention in their lives." Many others say that the audience comprised "a select group, from being directed above a 90-degree angle a result. agreed that the current ordinance is sufficient, but organized by a concerted effort by the Chamber of from the fixture. Reding also pointed out that the The audience quieted when Sam Bailey rose better enforcement is needed. Commerce to get a large crowd here,"and there- development permits needed for parking lot light- to the stand. "I am very conscious of the outdoors. Planning Director Bruce Rogers later respond- fore was not truly representative of Smiibel as a ing would ultimately save money by specifying I remember when I was 5 years old I asked my ed saying "Sam Bailey has a heck of a memory whole. Commissioner Jack Samler disagreed, code requirements, thus enabling businesses "to mother to take me out and show me the stars...I but his eyes aren't as good. The sky in Sanibel gets saying that he saw citizens and property owners do it right the first time." Commissioner Dick now take my grandson out I see no difference in brighter and brighter." He went on to say that this from all over the island, adding that the meeting Dowries added that it was too expensive to do a the skies from 1929 to now. What is the problem? ordinance is intended to be a continuation of a provided "an even playing field." Reding full cost analysis as one person suggested, but that We have the toughest lighting ordinances that I process begun at Sanibel's incorporation, that pro- responded saying that the public would have the he was interested in listening to any individuals know of. The skies have not changed, but traffic tection of beaches and the removal of exotic veg- same even playing field in city council. "There who had undertaken their own analysis. has, crime has. These things need our attention. etation came at individual expense and inconve- will be a full education phase, this is no steam- Safety issues were a significant cause of con- Let's take care of things that need fixing." Several nience, but that today's residents and visitors are roller," Reding said. cern, with many people calling attention to the others echoed Bailey's view, saying there are no the beneficiaries of those restrictions. Bogen con-

Park From page 3

Dig out a lake for wading birds and the Green. nobody wants. Let's give people some- Road near the Sanibel-Captiva Islands small animals; plant native shade trees "This is what the island needs," thing they want." Chamber of Commerce, but opposition for humans and songbirds; erect a gaze- Muench said. "Look at the totally wast- Loflin said other city-owned parcels from nearby neighbors, in this case the bo or stage surrounded by a large grassy ed time, the hundreds of hours the city have been evaluated for parks in* the Dunes, put the kibosh on the proposal. area so Sanibel could resurrect Jazz on spent on a Dark Skies Ordinance past, such as the land on Causeway

Janes From page 1

by the county, like the bridge, for example. pays. the Lee County Supervisor of Elections Janes, who is the vice president of The important thing to do now is collect To offset the cost, Janes hopes to collect office, five of seven candidates have suc- SunTrust on Sanibel, said that since he support for Bob Janes off island. He has to enough signatures to avoid paying the ceeded in collecting the required signatures doesn't officially file as a candidate until run countywide, which is kind of unusual," $3,961 filing fee in July. To do that, he since 1988, prior to the current ballot June, he has time to review his position at he added. needs to collect signatures from 2,425 regis- amendment. the bank. Though he would run at-large in Lee tered voters. A ballot measure approved last Between July 17 and 21, 2000, all candi- "If I ever thought it would present a con- County, Janes, 68, would represent Sanibel, year now allows candidates to collect signa- dates who have not collected the required flict of interest on either issues or time, I Captiva, Pine Island and Cape Coral. He tures from voters of any political party, signatures must pay the filing fee and fill would be the first one to sever the relation- estimates a first-rate campaign would cost regardless of the candidate's affiliation. out additional forms, including a loyalty ship," he said. in the neighborhood of $60,000, which is Janes is running as a Republican. oath and a full-financial disclosure form or just shy of the $66,000 salary the position According to the qualifying officer with tax return.

Center From page 1 cubic foot of concrete and pane of glass in this new center will have been built with private donations — solicited by an organization that did not even have its genesis until after the Schedule of Events first Visitor Center was built. Donations have come from residents and guests, foundations, local and area businesses, and from supporters around the world. "Ding" Darling Birthday & Federal Duck Stamp Celebration When the ribbon is cut and the Peabody ducks waddle to the strains of a Sousa march Dedication & Ribbon Cutting: New Center for Education up the boardwalk to the front door on Saturday, what visitors will see is all paid for — an 11,000-square-foot building, caipeted, furnished and housing a greatly expanded book and 8 a.m. gift shop. Flying overhead will be a flock of 36 terns and a magnificent frigatebird, carved Children's Conservation Cartoon Contest Awards frombasswood and tupelo by world-renowned Sanibel artist Jim Sprankle. Sprankle will with Doug MacGregor, News Press editorial cartoonist have three other carvings highlighted in specially designed cabinets. Also on display will Old Visitor Center Auditorium be works by the distinguished Everglades photographer, Clyde Butcher; award-winning paintings by Jim, Joe and Robert Hautman (Jim is the 1999-2000 Federal Duck Stamp 9 a.m. artist, the third time he has held the honor); the prize-winning cartoons from the Children's Dedication & Opening of Center for Education, Cartoon Contest; and the winning photographs from the 1999 "Ding" Darling Society featuring various dignitaries and the Orlando Peabody Ducks Amateur Photography Contest, But, through various unforeseen circumstances, the final costs of both the building and In the New Center for Education the exhibits have exceeded the anticipated dollar estimates, so funds for the 4,000 square feet of permanent state-of-the-art exhibits are still being sought. One exhibit, The Legacy: 10:30 a.m. The National Wildlife Refuge System, will be funded by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Conservation & Politcal Cartooning Seminar and the Society has asked Congress to help fund the rest of the exhibits. Doug MacGregor Eventually, visitors will be able to enter a re-creation of political cartoonist "Ding" Darling's studio to examine the process by which he influenced the nation. At Connections 11:15 a.m. Island they can learn the story of the flyways that migratory birds use, or at The Changing Jim Hautman, 1999-2000 Federal Duck Stamp artist Estiuuy island begin to understand the complexities of the ecosystems of the refuge. The discussing & signing his work Children's Discovery Room (in place, but still needing some elements) will be a place along with his two award-winning artist brothers where children of all ages will find something fun and educational to do as they crawl around, reach in, climb on, draw and interact with various kid-scale exhibit elements; and, 12 noon in the quiet, glass-walled Birders' Room (also already in place, but in need of furnishings), "Ding" Darling's grandson, Kip Koss visitors can watch birds " and personal" in their natural habitat. A look at "Ding's" cartoons and his conservation efforts The overall conceptual design of the exhibits addresses the Center's core purpose — to educate visitors in both local ecology and global issues. Visitors will discover interlocking 12:30 p.m. systems, relationships and histories of the people, plants and animals that live in, visit or Clyde Butcher, renowned Everglades photographer, influence the mangrove ecosystem at the refuge and will be able to explore the concept of discussing & signing his work the Refuge System nationwide serving as a chain of protected areas that provide safe, pro- ductive rest stops for migratory birds, waterfowl and other species of wildlife. AH Day Ground was not broken for the new Center until $1,100,000 had been raised, and the Wildlife Drive open free of charge building was completed for $1.62 million. The exhibits, the heart and soul of the building, Free guided tram tours every 20 minutes are currently slated to cost $1.38 million. For information on contributing to this significant Exhibits hosted by area environmental groups effort, contact Gene Steele at 395-1261 or Dale McGinley at 472-0383. Children's tent featuring face-painting & other activities Free hot dogs and sodas ISLAND REPORTER a OCTOBER 14, 1999 Q5 egional fel e ws

Gasparilla Sound Red tide causing fish kills in northern sound

That foul-smelling, eye-irritating and Fish kills are being reported by area Algal Blooms project, or ECOHAB. They It has been their plan to chase and study throat-tickling plague called red tide is back marinas around the Englewood and include Mote, FMRI, the University of the deadly algae wherever there is a bloom with a vengeance on Gasparilla Island. Gasparilla Island region. South Florida, Florida State University, in Florida. This latest outbreak may allow Area businesses, beachgoers and resi- Mullet, trout, redfish, snook, catfish and North Carolina State University, the scientists to understand the dynamics of red dents continue to suffer from the effects of a other varieties of fish are floating belly-up University of Southern Mississippi, Rutgers tide well enough to someday predict it. and large red tide outbreak occurring on around Lemon Bay, Ski Alley, Stump Pass, University, the National Oceanographic determine whether attempts to disperse the Charlotte County's western beaches and Gasparilla Pass and Gasparilla Sound. and Atmospheric Administration, the harmful algae could actually work. barrier islands. Tests that were performed last week by a National Marine Fisheries Services, the —Sue Anuitaqe, Gasparilla Gazette Dead fish were washing up in piles Charlotte county agency have tested posi- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and (Oct. 8, 1999) around Uncle Henry's Marina and along the tive for higher-than-average levels of red the U.S. Department of Interior. Gasparilla Island beaches as tar south as tide. Boca Grande Pass. Severe red tide outbreaks arc occurring '"Indications from our latest water sam- simultaneously in the panhandle areas of Golf Coast largemouth bass. ple taken at Englewood Beach early this Panama City and Applachicola, as well as Sporadic press releases about the situa- week, show a high concentration of the red across the state on the east coast off the tion have been issued by the state tide cells in that area," said Beverly Roberts, Jacksonville coastline. Massive fish kills are High mercury level is Department of Health, with the last one research administrator of Florida Marine being reported on those beaches also. issued in 1997. Institute (FMRI) in St. Petersburg Mote researchers have been studying the state's best-kept secret Dr. Thomas Atkeson is the mercury' led tide phenomenon for several years, but Fall is time for the annual kingfish and coordinator for the Florida Department of there is not a lot known about it. Spanish mackerel runs off the Southwest Environmental Protection. Bloom simply blew in Red tide is a microscopic organism Florida coast. He warned that the signs of mercury After receiving reports of a possible red which produces toxins that kill marine life It is also the most important time to poisoning through consumption of tainted tide outbreak in the Gulf of Mexico off the and makes shellfish toxic to human beings. publicize warnings lhat these fish may also fish can be harH to detect. Usually, the neu- Sarasota area late last week, Mote Marine The algae which is a member of the dinofla- contain high levels of mercury and should rological damage is seen in younger indi- Laboratory staff conducted sampling tran- gellate family, has a whip-like tail and pro- be consumed in limited quantities. viduals such as children with the most sus- sects from onshore waters to seven miles duces a neurotoxin. High mercury levels in some saltwater ceptible being the human embryo. offshore, due west of New Pass. Mercury poisoning can result in a Gymnodinium breve affects the central and freshwater fish is one of the least pub- The results showed that there was a low licized environmental issues in Florida. reduced mental capacity in children and nervous system of fish, paralyzing their res- similar symptoms in adults. to moderate red tide bloom about three to piratory systems, causing them to suffocate. Often anglers and consumers at fish mar- five miles off Sarasota in the gulf. The full A number of theories have been put forth kets are completely unaware that certain These fish can still be consumed, but extent of the bloom has not yet been deter- as to what triggers a red tide bloom. fish, including kingfish, Spanish mackerel, only in limited quantities. mined but dead fish have been observed in Wastewater run-off and the pollutants con- spotted sea trout, jack crevalle and shark, —Karen S. Parker, Gasparilla Gazette offshore waters. tained within it, as well as seasonal temper- can all potentially carry dangerously high "As of Friday, no red tide effects had ature changes in the area water are but a few levels of mercury within their flesh. been reported for the Sarasota Beach areas," of the likely suspects that may have caused, Freshwater fish on the warning list include according to Virginia Haley of Mote Marine this latest offensive red tide outbreak. Laboratory. "The FMRI is investigating the extent of reports of red tide and fish kills in the Stump Pass and Little Gasparilla Island On the positive side areas of Charlotte County." A diverse team of research scientists PRIVATE ISLAND HOME FOR SALE Red tide is the result of the massive mul- have been waiting for an outbreak of red tiplication of tiny, single-celled algae called tide so they could dive into a comprehensive This quality custom thmnodimitm bre\e, usually found in warm study on the mysterious algae home, for sale by salt water, but it can CAISI m lowei tempera- Reseaicheis on the team aie pan ot the owner, is designed tures. Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful for privacy and com- fort...and is just steps to the beach. Live Shelling Restriction Florida law prohibits the taking of live shells on Sanibel Island to conserve $585,000 Call for appointment or information this precious marine resource. 941/472-3237


OCTOBER 19,1999

Please be advised that the Sanibel City Council will consider the following request during the regular City Council Meeting of October 19, 1999.


Police & five e p © 11 s

regular black canvas gym-type bag with the HealthPark. Worth had to nde in the back seat Police Explorers shine square ends Someone out there may have seen with Anders to restrain him while he was being Alligator relocated On Oct. 1.2 and 3. Sanibel Police Explorers someone with those bags or perhaps someone transported, and at the hospital he was still very An unnamed individual called Sanibel attended a meeting/training session in St. struggling as they tried to move heavy suitcas- combative. Sheriff's Deputy Jeff Pierot then police to report two 3-foot alligators approach- Peteisburg sponsored by The Florida es from one cai trunk to another." accompanied Krivas and Anders to the Lee ing people near the roadway in Gulf Pines. As Association of Police Explorers. They received Anyone with any information, no matter County Jail. Sanibel's intrepid Officer Mark Steele training in traffic accident investigation and how unrelated it may appear, should call approached the waterway, both animals swam competed in an FAPE pistol competition. The Schulte or Cmdr. Bill Tomlinson at the Sanibel License found toward him. he was able to capture one and competition was with 38 caliber revolvers and Police Department — 472-3 111. Indiana resident Rosemay Walker's driver's escorted her to the Sanibel River near San-Cap consisted of 30 round bull's eyes at 25 yards. license was found atop the stamp machine in Road. He then returned for the second which Two of Sumbel's Explorers, Shane Adams and Cops get bridge training the Post Office. swam away this time when approached, Justin Gulnac, received 2nd and 4th place tro- Sanibel police received training all this past according to Steele's report. He noted that phies respectively in the beginners' division. week on how to manually lower the bascule Police patrol activity these alligators did not appeal' to be fearful of According to Explorer Advisor Officer Ron bridge if die power fails. On Oct. 5, 7 and 10, Sanibel Police per- humans, and removal was based on the fact Curry the next training session is in Titusville formed several-hour beach patrols on that children passed close by on the way to and in December. Local man arrested Bowman's Beach and Silver Key and observed from their bus stop, many bikers used the road- The Police Explorer progiam is for girls and Michael Kevin Anders of Sanibel was no violations. way, and dogs were being walked close by. boys aged 14 to 21 who are interested in possi- arrested on Oct. 10 for felony battery on a law Road patrols were not so calm, however: ble careers in law enforcement. The kids per- enforcement officer after he threw his bicycle • 10/10—David A. Peek of Cookeville. TN form community-oriented jobs and receive at Sanibel Police Officer George Krivas, strik- was cited for driving 60 on San-Cap (speed training in various aspects of law enforcement. ing him in the arm and chest. Krivas had limit 35 MPH) and for being unable to produce Sanibel Fire It is associated with the Boy Scouts for insur- responded to a call from the Jacaranda that his driver's license. ance and training purposes and grew out of the reported Anders was creating a disturbance in • 10/10—Julie Kathryn Morgan of Savage, Eagle Scout program. the restaurant's parking lot. MN was cited for careless driving and warned District report According to his report, when Rrivas for speed, in light of the fact that she had a The Sanibel Fire Control District responsded Jewelry theft arrived in the area, Anders had walked toward donut spare on the right front wheel, and for to 14 calls from Oct. 2 to Oct. 11. Two were mal- Although there is nothing new information- Donax and was, in fact, standing in the middle not using seatbelts. functioning alarms. Two others were what is wise to report on the recent robbery of jewel- of the street. Krivas turned on his emergency • 10/10—James A. Ward, HI, of Palm Harbor termed "public assistance" — in one an owner ery salesman Thomas McClure, Sanibel Det. lights, approached Anders and ordered him to was ticketed for driving 61 on San-Cap. was locked out of his building and the depart- Kurt Schulte did meet with EBI agents last stop, whereupon Anders cursed at him and • 10/9—Thomas J. Mielke of Appleton, WI, ment used a roof ladder to gain access to a win- week. The FBI will be looking into "the •string threw the bike. Krivas called for back up. The driving 59 on San-Cap. dow, then let the person in; in the other, an oxy- of apparently well-planned jewelry robberies report continues that Anders then reached out • 10/9—Jeffrey Frederick Jones of Naples, dri- gen tank fell off the back of a truck and Chief that have taken place in South Florida over the to grab the officer and Krivas leg-swept him ving 57 on San-Cap. Frederick assisted with hoisting it back on the past year, according to Schulte, "and will be and wrestled him to the ground. He was assist- • 10/9—Cuong Quoc Nguyen of Reston, VA, truck. working with us and the Collier County ed by Sgt. Moon Murray in handcuffing the driving 74 on San-Cap. There were seven medical calls, including Sheriff's Department on the case." combative prisoner. Officer Dustin Worth, who • 10/7—Heather Ramsay of Athens. GA. dri- one still labelled "unknown distress" because On Satin day. Oct. 2, McClure was robbed also responded, noted in his report that Anders ving 61 on San-Cap and warned to change her the person was gone when EMS arrived. of an estimated $500,000 worth of jewelry as was "extremely intoxicated and could not address on her driver's license. Another was in response to a sting ray injury, he got out of his car to unload the cases from stand up without assistance." The officers were • 10/6—Nicola Rinella of Fort Myers, driving yet another to a fainting incident at the fishing the trunk oi his car behind the Village Shops. able to get Anders in the patrol car. but he 58 on San-Cap. pier. On another medical call, it was later deter- An armed man pulled up. thieatened to shoot brought his cuffed hands from behind his back • 10/5—Felipe Remigio-Baez of North Fort mined that an operator at Sundial had misun- McClure. grabbed the thiee heavy suitcases and unfastened his seatbelt, according to Myers, driving 52 on Dixie Beach where the dertood a non-English-speaking tourist who and diove oft with an accomplice. Krivas' leport. Worth assisted with placement speed limit is 30 MPH. was actually asking for maintenance assistance "We need help from anyone who may have of a restraint belt on Anders • 10/5—Maunce A. Griswoid. IV of Sparta. not asking for medical assistance. seen something at the time, not thought any- While Krivas was tiansporting the prisoner N.I. cited for driving his moped on the One of the malfunctioning alarms W;LS a fire thing about it, but looking back wonder if they to the police department, Anders began bikepath. alarm. In the other fire call, apparently someone should report it,'" Schulte said "The cases con- screaming and banging his head on the heavy • 10/5—Carpenter Thomas Carl Reed was put a cigarette out in a paper bowl on a bed at taining the jewelry were three plain black can- plastic partition in die patrol car. cutting his arrested at a West Gulf Drive construction site Sanibel Inn, then left the room. The still-hot coal vas suitcases — not salesman's cases. Two head in the process, according to Krivas' on an outstanding warrant for failure to appear burned through the bowl and into the mattress, but were identical with a handle on one end and report. Emergency medical technicians treated for a tag violation. the maintenance people working in the adjoining those little wheels on the other. The third was a him, then referred the officer and Anders to room had put the fire out just as SFD arrived.

THE ISLAND REPORTER ft o v r n g reporter The Island Reporter is Sanibel's official Queition: city newspaper of record, published each Thursday with over 4,500 paid sub- scribers. This year, the Island Reporter Would you be willing to contribute money to saving Buck Jack Carlene Glarrow Brennen celebrates 25 years of service to the Key? Publisher Group island communities. We are the islands' manager only source for NEWS. Subscriptions: Address: Mail delivery/1 Year 2340 Periwinkle Way Peter Ronald $40 for full-time P.O. Box 809 Captiva residents of Lee County; Sanibel, FL 33957 $46 for split residences; Letters to the "Depending on what kind of deal is struck with Scott Stan $60 for foreign Editor: Mariner. I'm worried that the private and public Martell Kucaba Please mail your letters to subscribers. our office to the attention money that may be used to buy it may be more than Executive Sales Manager (FL taxes included) (Mariner) paid for it. But it is imperative, I think, that Editor of Scott Martell we not only save Buck Key, but prohibit further build- Office Hours: Postal Information: ing of South Seas." Periodical Rate Postage Paid at Monday - Friday Sanibel Post Office, FL 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Postmaster. Send Address John Jensen Changes to The Island Reporter, PO Box 809, Sanibel, FL 33957 Captiva Telephone: (941)472-1587 Fax (941) 472-8398 "Yeah, no problem. But it does depend on the price and Anne Pattie the specifics (of the deal). I think it's really important Bellew Pace Staff Writer News Editor Display Ads: for this area." (941)472-1587 Deadline Tuesdays at 1998 noon; schedule changes Award Winning for holidays. % Newspaper Liz McDermott Classified Ads: (941)472-1587 new resident of Captiva Member FL Press Association Deadline Mondays at 4 Board of Realtors Ray Michael p.m; schedule changes for Affiliated Member "Sure. I think anyone who lives here should expect holidays. Member of Sanibel-Captiva Carter Pistelfa Chamber of Commerce that to keep the beauty of the natural surroundings Account Photography and if they have to take out of their personal finances Executive ©1999 BREEZE to pay for it, they should be willing to. That's just part CORPORATION of living on Captiva." „. JNG" DARLING ^NA TIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Helen Wood Captiva

Shirlene Paula "I'm sure my husband and I would. We're definitely for Grasgreen St. John not having Buck Key developed." Classified Account Executive Subscription Sanibei island We CO\LT the most pristine islands in the world and are proud to share them with >ou weeklj. Part 2 of a weekly series i s' Editor's Note: The following article is the sec- ond in an 8-week series of stories leading up to the 25th anniversary of the incorporation of Sanibel. The series featuies the recollections of key players in the effort to incorporate, including members from the first city council and the first mayor, as well as sto- ries chronicling the reasons why residents of Sanibel decided to take charge of the island's destiny, and density, and change the course of its development. V i* ' '

-* . Charles LeBuff candidly reflects on impact of city

Noted author, biologist, Founding city council member Charles LeBuff and his family stand by their original island home, where they lived for 22 years. From left to right — Amber Young ([granddaughter), Jean historian tells of change LeBuff, Charles LeBuff, Chuck LeBuff, Leslie LeBuff Young - in 1998 at the Sanibel as he experienced it Lighthouse.

By Barbara Linstrom At 14, while still living in his hometown outside of Boston, By the late '60s, LeBuff and other members of die commu- Special to the Island Reporter LeBuff wrote a paper on the reproductive habits of the smooth nity started realizing that Sanibel could lose its natural green snake. He submitted the paper to "Herpetologica," the ambiance to concrete and highrises. hile Charles LeBuff can account for having lived scientific journal of the Herpetologist's League, where it was "The county commissioners in the late '60s and early '70s on Sanibel for 41 years, he might as well get cred- published and he was invited to present the paper at a confer- were basically all pro-development," he says, adding that a Wit for doubling that amount of time given all he's ence in Texas. His father let the editor know his son's age and plan to link all of the barrier islands with a coastal highway was done here. that he would be unable to attend since he was moving to still sitting in the county planner's office in the early '70s After all, at the time that he was elected to the first city Southwest Florida His paper, by the way, was still being cited "People here weie afraid that we would have highnse build- council, he was working three full-time jobs — founder of professionally as recently as 1992. ings, you know —12,14,20 stories high — which could have Caretta Research, refuge biologist and sign maker. happened," he says. He'd patrol the beaches for loggerhead turtles at night; do While LeBuff attended some community meetings, he ini- surveys of wildlife at the refuge by day and make signs in tially backed away from getting involved in the movement between shirts Aside from all of that, he'd sleep a few winks a toward mcorpoiation. And, although he would spend countless night. 7 like many others opposed the hours during his six years on city council hammering out the "I can remember sometimes getting home as the sun was causeway... I loved Sanibel the way it Comprehensive Land Use Plan, his memory of those times is just startin' to come up, I'd sleep a couple hours and be up and nothing like his recall of wildlife, going," he recalls. was... still, I would go back to that "That was 25 years ago — I can remember things about tur- Given that reality, you can understand how, at the spry age tomorrow. I don't consider this to be tles better than I can about politics," he says. of 63, he talks like such an oldtimer in terms of his depth of an island anymore —it's linked.' Fittingly, LeBuff announced his candidacy for the original knowledge of the island. city council at an award ceremony for Caretta Research. Although, think twice about calling it an island. "I announced that if the vote for incorporation was success- "I loved Sanibel the way it was without the bridge — I ful that I would announce as a candidate," he recalls. "I had would go back to that tomorrow," he says. "I don't consider afterthoughts on that, but I decided that I'd said I'd do it, so I'll this to be an island anymore — it's linked — you can drive to Upon arrival, 16-year-old LeBuff and his family lived in follow through with it." it It's just a bedroom community for the mainland now." Bonita Springs and he attended Fort Myers High School. LeBuff had been prodded by some in the community to run LeBuff, who is as down-to-earth as they come, published That's when he fust heard of Sanibel for the seat after some of the initial candidates who announced "Sanybel Light." a well-detailed and entertaining autobio- "Every so often they'd announce mat the Sanibel school bus weren't pro-environment graphical account of his times on Sanibel, in January 1998. was late and Sanibel was such a unique word, I'd never heard "I was dubbed early on kMr Conservation,' but that's leally Currently in its third printing, the book relates both LeBuff's it before, I had to find out more about it," he lecalls. a misnomer — I never appreciated that kind of a title, nor was amazing attention to his surroundings and his witty way of Then, a little later he and a friend were collecting shells at I an ultia environmentalist or a feiocious conservationist — I viewing life. night on Bonita Beach and LeBuff first glimpsed what would just had gut feelings on certain aspects of those fields." To understand the man and how he is enmeshed in the fab- become his future home. Out of 16 candidates, LeBuff came in fourth, with 500 ric of Sanibel, you have to know that his innate capacity to "I saw this blink of light on die horizon and I asked him votes, out of 1054 votes cast. Given his new responsibility, understand wildlife and to deeply care about it started at a what that was and he told me it was die Sanibel lighthouse, and LeBuff requested and received a change in his tour of duty as young age. I had to go theie," says LeBuff. a federal employee at the wildlife refuge so diat he could work Within a couple weeks, LeBuff responded to the allure of weekends to make up for the long city council meetmgs. the island and stepped foot on Sanibel for the first time. After "I remember meetings that would go all day and half the that, several yeais passed as LeBuff worked as a low-level fish- night," he says. "The meedngs were constant and the battering eries biologist based in Naples. * In doing red tide research, he met Tommy Wood, then man- ager of Sanibel's wildlife refuge. They would fly together in Wood's seaplane to take water samples from Marathon to St. Pete. 7 think the city government ought Wood must have been impressed with the young LeBuff to get back to some of the issues that because he hired him in Nov. 1958 to be the refuge biologist, a post that LeBuff would hold for 32 years. are germane to life on Sanibel — While he always had a fascination with reptiles, LeBuff like traffic circulation and water became especially entranced by the loggerhead sea turtle that quality.' nests on Sanibel. By 1968, he founded Caretta Research, an organization to which he would devote 38 years of field research and conservation efforts. LeBuff and his wife, Jean, who have been married for 41 years, spent 22 years living in the federal employee quarters at by some of the public — the verbal battering that you had to the lighthouse, where they raised their two children, Leslie and take. Chuck. "Some people were very irrational when they came before LeBuff fondly recalls the days before the causeway was us. Some of them were small developers who felt they were built — days when development of the island seemed a distant being screwed by the city and then some were big developers. impossibility. But, he doesn't see the bridge alone as opening "It made you think, what in the blankety, blankety blank am the floodgates. I doing this for? But then there were others who were continu- "The bridge was built and it impacted life here, but it was- ally patting you on the back and that made it worthwhile," he n't so much the bridge in and of itself—it was a couple years recalls. later when the water supply was established through the Island While LeBuff honestly feels that if he had to do it all over Water Association (IWA)," he says. "See, we never had a com- again, he probably would have opted not to be on city council, munity water system here, but then we did and it was the water he also greatly appreciates what incorporation did for Sanibel. system that spaiked development — you can't blame it entire- "If we hadn't broken away from Lee County, we would ly on the bridge." have been another Miami Beach — there's no question about In 1956, Charles LeBuff catches a small cot- His family drank rainwater from cisterns at the lighthouse it," he says. tonmouth on 'mokalee Grade, west of and others drank surface well water. Corkscrew Swamp. He's soaking wet, having "IWA is what made development possible — the large scale just caught an alligator for tagging. subdivisions," he says. t> See LeBuff, page 9 8 • OCTOBER 14, 1999 Q ISLAND REPORTER

I. o €» kin Back The Island Reporter — Twenty-five years of news Chamber believes first year city budget will be $393/400

(Editor s Note — 71w Island Tomorrow would bring the belly-up may be repeated promoted to the new posi- transportation department, Reporter celebrated its 25th two projected budgets close soon in nearby water bodies. tion which he will handle 10 years ago said many maintenance anniversary last year, and the to the same level. The Richard Cantrell, district from his office now located October 13, 1989 problems are made worse by City qfSanihel is gearing up for Chamber report, in consid- biologist for the Florida at City Hall. a lack of parts, some of its 25th anniversaiy this fall. ering cost to the individual Department of Environ- •The city's avowed com- $New 2.8 million which are no longer manu- Tlie following news items are taxpayer, uses a 4.00 mil mental Regulation said a mitment to below market bridge to link islands factured due to the age of taken fivin the pages of the property tax base, plus a •'significant" number of rate housing was again Construction of a new the Sanibel span. Island Reporter over the past 25 utility tax on electric and mullet and a lesser number made increasingly evident Blind Pass bridge linking •Jo Anne Brown Novelli years.) telephone service. The of freshwater fish were this week when the Sanibel Sanibel and Captiva will is making her mark in Sanibel Tomorrow report killed by an algae bloom in Planning Commission begin in early January, Sanibel. not only in her real estimated that a 3.15 mil a man-made canal north of approved a specific amend- severely limiting public estate profession as manager 25 years ago property tax would raise Middle Gulf Drive. ment to the comprehensive access to Turner Beach dur- of V.I.P.'s Sanibel branch October 11, 1974 adequate revenue to operate •Tim Brennan has been land use plan allowing con- ing the height of tourist sea- offices, but also as the first The "practical aspects the city and specifically named the new General struction of five BMR son. A $2.8 million contract woman member of the and anticipated costs" of excluded a utility tax. Manager of the Island duplexes at the rear of the for the bridge was awarded Sanibel-Captiva Rotary incorporation for Sanibel •Captiva Erosion Reporter (He is no relations new Wil's Landing com- Wednesday to Meisener Club. will be the agenda for an Prevention District Director to current Group Manager plex. Marine Construction of open public meeting next Paul Stahlin was elected last Carlene Brennen!). • •Novelist Mickey Tampa by the Lee County 5 years ago Wednesday evening spon- week to a three- year term as Spillane, more popular than Commission. sored by the Sanibel Captiva director of the Florida Shore 15 years ago ever since his appearance in •A complex list of bridge October 7, 1994 Chamber of Commerce. The and Beach Preservation the Miller Lite beer com- maintenance and capital projected annual budget for Association. October 11,1984 mercials, drew most of the improvement expenditures Live-shelling the city in the chamber Dick Noon pro- attention last week at a is still not available for the ban passed report will total $393,400. 20 years ago media party to kick off the city's ad-hoc committee, but After a 45-minute discus- This compares with a figure moted to Parks & 1984 Festival of the Islands. Department of sion, a unanimous vote was of $291,000 put forth earlier October 12, 1979 Rec Director Transportation officials reached Friday Oct. 7 at a by Sanibel Tomorrow, Inc, Algae bloom turns The City of Sanibel now again addressed the group Florida Marine Fisheries as a "suggested first-year has a Parks and Recreation regarding bridge upkeep public hearing in favor of budget," although adding fish belly-up Director. Former director of and new proposals. Arnold the Sanibel live-shelling $43,200 contingency funds An algae bloom that the Sanibel recreation com- Pavlizke, senior project ban. None of the eight peo- as contemplated by Sanibel turned hundreds of fish plex, Dick Noon has been engineer for the county's ple in attendance disap- proved of the proposition which now goes to Tallahassee for a" .Nov. 22 review by Florida's Cabinet and Governor Lawton Chiles. The ban could go into effect Jan. 1 if approved. •Kevin Michael Half, 32, of Captiva was sentenced to 10 years in prison and his Florida driver's license was permanent- ly revoked Wednesday after he pled guilty to vehicular homi- cide, leaving the scene of an accident involving death and leaving the scene of an accident involving personal injury. Last year October 16, 1998 Outdoor dining approved About the time the sum- mer heat breaks, islanders may find a few more places to dine outdoors, enjoying the weather and natural beauty that beckon snow- birds to Sanibel. Sanibel Planning Commissioners approved Mayor Wally Kain's proposed outdoor dining ordinance Tuesday with a 4-2 vote. •Backhoes and front-end loaders will soon be dredg- ing Clam Bayou to open the inlet after water tests showed dissolved oxygen levels were well below state standards. •Regardless of what hap- pens with the federal budget in Washington, which • has reached a standstill and could force the shutdown of the gov- ernment yet again, the annual A He "Ding" Darling Days should go forward this weekend at the J.N. "Ding" Darling National it's the heart of every hospital, the cardiology department. We've got a staff of expert cardiologists, Wildlife Refuge. along with access to the very latest equipment. In many ways your good health begins with a healthy heart and we can help you keep itthat way. Make an appointment for a heart check. BOAT Southwest Florida RIDES Regional Medical Center to Cabbage Key, Cayo Costa and North Captiva 2727 Winkler Avenue, Fort Myers 939-1147 472-5800 Jensen's Marina Captiva Island ISLAND REPORTER • OCTOBER 14, 1999 • 9 i i en il Eil a tf e Realtors7 Association welcomes new executive By Amy Fleming served as Director of Professional Development and staff Staff Writer liaison to the Grievance and Professional Standards Committees before moving to Clearwater, Fla. in 1997. he Sanibel & Captiva Islands Association of While in Clearwater, English continued to distinguish her- Realtors recently welcomed its new Association self as executive vice president for the Greater Clearwater TExecutive, Shirley English. English, a Chicago Association of Realtors. After two and a half years, she native, said she "fell in love with Sanibel" after vacation- moved south to her new home in Fort Myers and began ing here for many years before moving to the area in working on Sanibel. September. Prior to becoming involved in real estate, English earned The association provides a variety of services to its more a degree in history from Aurora University than 200 members, including updates on continuing educa- in Wheaton before being accepted at the prestigious London tion requirements needed to maintain licenses, as well as School of and Political Science. There, she national, state, and local issues relevant to the real estate completed her masters of arts degree in international histo- profession. English said the association is paying close ry in 1983, and later received a certificate in dispute resolu- attention to the proposed "Dark Skies" ordinance, although tion from the National Academy of Conciliators. She lived it's "not taking any position either way." abroad for several years, first in England and Germany, and One of English's most important responsibilities is keep- later in Mexico and Panama, where her daughter, now a ing members informed on changes in the law, such as the junior at the University of Miami, was born. When asked new public disclosure laws passed by the Florida legislature what she likes to do with any free time she manages to find, on Oct. 1. English will be writing a column in the associ- English laughed and said that lately most of it has been ation's newsletter covering these developments, as well as taken up with unpacking, but that she loves to read, is espe- meeting regularly with various committees and the associa- cially fond of the works of Edith Wharton, and is "looking tion's board. Additionally, she will be handling the distrib- forward to enjoying the beaches and waterfront, sun, warm ution of "Call to Action" notices — information on govern- weather and nature of Sanibel," adding that they were a big mental issues requiring immediate attention, as well as part of her decision to move to the area. English also said meeting with other Realtors in planning for Y2K at the 1999 she has recently become interested in learning more about Broker's Roundtable on Oct. 30. English summed up her Sanibel's native birds. duties as Association Executive by saying she plans to "Sanibel is a great place if one enjoys nature and living "work with the president and other elected leaders to imple- in harmony with wildlife", English said. "Everyone has ment the goals and objectives of the members." been warm, friendly, and welcoming." Shirley English comes to Sanibel from a English began her career in real estate in Wheaton, 111., position as executive vice president for the part of the western suburbs of Chicago, in 1992. There, she Greater Clearwater Association of Realtors Business NewsMakers Island Deeds

of 25 agents and two owner-brokers to VIP Realty VIP and Lodge McKee Group. In 1998, the firm sold more than $30 mil- Deeds recorded at the Lee County $492,000: Carol L. Scherzer, Piano, TX— lion in residential property. Collector's Office during a period of sever- Priscilla Murphy Center-Unit 1. merge companies al weeks ending Oct 3 included: $478,000: Donald W. & Paulette A. VIP Realty Group, Inc. has announced its Lowson joins PMR (Addresses are Sanibel unless otherwise Robison, Shelby, IN—1244 Par View. merger with Naples-based Lodge McKee Realty, Barbara Lawson has joined Priscilla Murphy indicated.) $453,000: Frank PreU, Captiva, FL— Inc. The merger increases the presence of VIP Realty as a licensed Realtor. Her background Non-Condos 15160 Captiva Drive, Captiva. Realty Group, the largest locally-owned general includes a B A degree in elementary education, $2,500,000: Michael M. & Mary C. Bahn, $428,000: John C. & Kathleen L. Eldh, real estate firm in Southwest Florida, in the and serving as a social service coordinator for the Dearborn, MI—5075 Joewood. Chicago, JL—1136 Gojden Olive. Lee County H&R. She was voted "Rookie of the $1,300,000: John D. & Barbara M. White, $425,000: Kenneth R. & Ellen S. Appsl, Naples residential housing market Sanibel, EL-547 North Yachtsman. "Our firm had been searching locally to broad- Year" by the Sanibel-Captiva Association of Lake Forest, DL—1581 San Carlos Bay Drive. Realtors, and is a current member of the Sanibel- $1,000,000: Leetrand, Inc. New York, $420,000: William & Donna M. en its base technologically, and VIP Realty is a NY—654 Kinzie Island Court. Hungeling, SanibeJ, FL—1510 Middle Gulf. leader in the real estate industry with its use of Captiva Association of Realtors MLS and Internet committees, and the Education and Grievance $950,000: Captiva Properties, LLLP, $410,000: Kenneth L. & Susan L. Foster, computer and internet-related systems," said Denver, CO—13500Palmflower, Captiva. Miami, FL—Woodbridge Apartments, 1517 Lodge McKee, founder arid president of Lodge committees. She has three years experience with with VIP Realty on Sanibel. $600,000: Owen Creek LLC, Denver Periwinkle. McKee Realty, Inc. CO—13470 Palmflower, Captiva. $404,000: Galen A, & Sandra S. Johnson, Lodge McKee Realty, well established in the $575,000: Captiva Island Vacation Clear Lake, MN—1205 Par View. high-end residential resale market west of U.S. 41 Properties, LLC, Louisville, KY-11514 Andy was founded in Naples in 1984 and brings a staff > See NewsMakers , page 10 Rosse, Captiva. L> See Permits & Deeds , page 10

LeBuff From page 7 In his candid manner, LeBuff thinks the before mosquito ditching, roads and develop- city over the past 25 years has essentially done ment changed the natural drainage of fresh- a good job of sticking to the original goals of water from Sanibel. limiting density and development. "This was primarily an area that was sea- However, he's not all roses about it. sonally populated by wildlife, mostly migra- "We have been a city for 25 years and one tory birds — the ducks that used to be here in of the tasks that we told the citizens then that the '50s were just unbelievable — not only in we were going to address was traffic circula- the slough, but in the marine system." tion —- 25 years later, it hasn't been addressed. As habitat changed with the encroachment But, there are pie-in-the-sky politicians who of exotics, like Brazilian pepper, the wildlife are too busy developing the dark night sky also shifted. ordinances that are silly. "Some animals that were here disappeared, "It's more important that we control the like indigo snakes were very common, but quality of water around us than we tiy to con- now there's an alarm that they might not be trol the skies above us," he says. "I think the here anymore," he says. city government ought to get back and re- Given the shift in environment that LeBuff focus on some of the issues that are germane has seen, he flinches when he hears people "I appreciated the personal service I received at to life on Sanibel, like traffic circulation and refer to Sanibel as a "Sanctuary Island." Furniture World. The location is convenient and I water quality." "When you hear all these terms about this found what I wanted at a price I wanted to pay." As he casually surveys Sanibel today, with great sanctuary island, it was only a sanctuary —— Elsie Myers - Sanibel the perspective of his arrival in the 1950s, part of the year — for multitudes of migrato- LeBuff sees a far different environment. ry birds." "We furnished our first winter home with Furniture "It's not in its original state as it was creat- Despite his testimony — LeBuff feels very World. Furniture World helped us decorate our home ed," he says. "It hasn't sustained its original positive about the upswing in loggerhead sea ecology because of man's manipulations and turtles, locally and globally. with everything from carpet and wallcoverings to its wildlife species may be more diverse, but "The loggerhead is a threatened species accessories.^ Jan & pau, Smjth _ R Myers Beach the number of individuals within these certain and if it keeps up like it is it will be delisted populations are not as great." and taken off the endangered species list in a Serving the Sanibel and Ft. Myers Beach Communities for over 11 years. Speaking of water quality in the estuaries, few years." Join our long list of satisfied customers. guff and interior wetlands, LeBuff shakes his These days, LeBuff and Jean live in the head hard. island home that LeBuff built in 1971, where »T "I think it's probably terrible — I haven't they run Sanibel Sign Services. But, don't * m seen any figures on coliform bacteria or things think for a second that LeBuff isn't up to more LOWEST PRICE; We Afe Not On CtoWA\e|41)S(>0ijr(>,*adlstat eiwws like that, but I'm sure that it's worse than it than one job. He's currently working on his COMPLETE SATISFACTION! tal first piece of fiction, a historical novel set on D re* With taw »t A Ita-Way, was," he says. "I mean, I would no more go up 1 SHffii to Matlacha Pass and eat oysters — 30 years Sanibel in which "two characters lives inter- 409-3311 Gone-lomorro. / Salesperson -WramJM/BH twine." He plans to have the first draft done by CONVENIENT LOCATION FROM FAST, FREE DELIVERY!' So ago I would've — I would' vc gorged myself." SANIBEL & FT. MYERS BEACH NO PRESSURE SALES: Take Your Tims When LeBuff arrived, he witnessed great Christmas. WIBNSRS PLAZA And Bro.'.se, Wo One Will Bother You contrast in wildlife from the dry to the rainy 15SO1 MOBREGOR BUTD season, which used to be far more pronounced 10 • OCTOBER 14, 1999 Q ISLAND REPORTER



9 00 A M 1 InuKdlion and Pledge of Allegiance (Councilman Hillehrandt) 2 Proclamation - In\asi\e Plant Awareness Week. New Chamber members Sanibel-Captiva Chamber of Commerce ] Public Comments (Maximum lime allotted 20 minutes, uith a limitation of 5 Ambassador Janie Pritchard presents the minutes per speaker The lime allotted during the second public comments item, symbolic "first dollar earned" to new at the end ot the meeting, is more flexible ) Chamber member Judy Mitchie of Cottages V 10 AM 4 Fit si Reading and Public Healing ot AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO to Castles, left, and to Barbara J, Rich, a TELECOMMUNICATIONS AMENDING SUBSECTION 1 B 2 c OH THE Realtor with John Gee & Company, middle. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE OF THE CITY OF SANIBEL TO DFLETE Ambassador Camille Kucaba welcomes new chamber members THE DEFINITION OF EARTH STATION " AMENDING SUBSECTION Maribeth Traucht of Florida Artistry of Sanibel, far right, and Lois W. IC Ic BY ADDING AN OVERLAY DISTRICT MAP ESTABLISHING Ferguson of The Artisan's Touch, below right. PERMITTED USE DISTRICTS TOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICFS AMENDING SECTION I E 10 . HEIGHT EXCEPTIONS OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDING SECTION I E 12 TO REFLECT CHANGES MADE NECESSARY B\ THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996, ADOPTING A WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS MASTER NewsMakers From page 9 PLAN: PROVIDING REGULATIONS ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES, AMENDING SECTION III C 2 TO PROVIDE VARIANCE STANDARDS FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES, AMENDING Kephart joins Bank of the Islands SECTIONS VII B 2, VII B 1 , VII.B 6 AND VII D 3 TO ESTABLISH APPLICATION FEES FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES, Judith Kephart has joined the staff of Bank of the Islands as a tell. In this PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND role, Kephart maintains frequent customer contact, processing commercial SEVERANCE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE and personal checking, savings and money market transactions, counting, sorting and packaging currency, accepting commercial, consumer and LUNCH escrow land payments, cashing items drawn on other , selling money orders and traveler's checks and verifying balances. 1 30 P.M 5. Public Hearing on petition ol BFI Waste S) stems of North Ameitca, Inc. for late Kephart's banking career spans nearly 15 years and includes experience adjustments ot garbage and Hash disposal and A RESOLUTION APPROVING A in card services, teller, and customer service areas. Prior to coming to Bank RATE STRUCTURE CHANGE FOR BFI WASTE SYSTEMS OF NORTH of the Islands, she worked at another bank office on Sanibel for four years. AMERICA. AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Kephart 6 Mayor and Councilmemhers' Items- and Reports Hickory Group, lid, acquires Inskeep (a) Paul A Piller and Associates Lobbying Services (Mayor Janes) Inskeep & Company (formerly known as Wm A. Inskeep & Co.) was recently acquired by the Hickory Group, Ltd., a Cleveland, Ohio-based independent investment advisory firm. CONSENT AGENDA ANY PERSON MAY REQUEST THAT COUNCIL REMOVE AN ITEM FROM THE According to A. Keith Johnson, Chartered Financial Analyst and vice president of Inskeep & CONSENT AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION BY NOTIFYING THE CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK. OR A Company, "The Hickory Group has a growing client base in Florida and has desired a presence and COUNCIL MEMBER PRIOR TO THE MEETING operating platform in the area for some time. As we have provided professional investment manage- ment services to our clients in Southwest Florida and elsewhere for more than 15 years, this was an 7 Items pulled for discussion by Council or staff ideal merger for both firms and will enable us to provide additional financial services to existing clients. Combined, the firms now manage and advise assets in excess of $850 million." 8. Approval of A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ADOPTING ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE CITY COUNCIL CONSENT AGENDA, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Chapin, Andrews leaders at RE/MAX (a) Approval of Minutes - September 28 Special and Octobei 5 Regular Barbara Amon Chapin has been named the Top Producer at the RE/MAX office for September. A Meetings multi-million dollar producer and Certified Residential Specialist (CRS), Chapin has consistendy been a top Realtor on the islands since she began her real estate career in 1979. (b") Approval of A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF ONE Chuck Andrews has been named Top Listing agent for September. He has been an associate with JOHN DEERE 670 CH-2AC MOTOR GRADER FROM NEFF the firm since 1991. During that time he has consistently been recognized for his outstanding real estate MACHINERY, INC UNDER THE STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT achievements, both on a local and national level. Most recently he was inducted into the RE/MAX BID, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Platinum Club.

(c) Approval of A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CITY OF SANIBEL PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS, SUBSECTION S.3(a), TO PROVIDE CALCULATION OF OVERTIME, AND PROVIDING AN A.G. Edwards sponsors workshop for women EFFECTIVE DATE Lee Ann Conger of A.G. Edwards & Sons will present a workshop entitled "What Smart Women Should Know About Their Money," from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 21, in the A.G. Edwards (d) Approval of A RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE GENERAL & Sons Conference Room, 5246 Red Cedar Drive, Fort Myers. The seminar is free, and is designed EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT PLAN, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING for everyone from the beginning investor to the experienced. Call 275-4466 for more informatin. AMENDMENTS TO THE PLAN, RECONFIRMING PLAN, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE

(e) Approval of A RESOLUTION APPROVING A FACILITY RENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANIBEL AND THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY, AUTHORIZING THE qiTY MANAGER Deeds From page 9 TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE $349,000: Kevin & Joie 1252 & 1248 par View. Condos Doyle Steel, Plymouth, MA $220,000: Scott $1,475,000: Marlene 9. Resolutions —1586 Sand Castle. SomervUle & Cynthia King, Trustee, Wauwatosa, $335,000: Edward C. Somerville, T/C, Fort WI—Royale Tem-Unit 104. (a) Consideration ot A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE REQUEST OF Hanna & Susan R. Hanna, Lauderdale, FL—717 $585,000: Mary L. THE DUNES GOLF & TENNIS CLUB FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIAL J/T, Weston MA—546 East Cardium. EVENTS PERMITS FOR 2000, 2001 AND 2002, AND PROVIDING AN Firestone, Trustee, and EFFECTIVE DATE Rocks. $175,000: Steven K. Charles R. Firestone, Trustee, $291,000: Robert R. & Grilz, Atlanta, GA—5075 Elizabethton, TN—Sundial- (b) Consideration of A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR Judith E. Arbuckle, Henderson. Unit O301. LEGAL SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANIBEL AND THE Buchanan, TN—2042 Wild $132,300: Sandra L. $520,000: Dana S. & LAW FIRM OF ROETZEL & ANDRESS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY Lime. Williams, Cape Coral, FL— Linda Coin, Clarkston, MI— ATTORNEY TO ENTER INTO SAID AGREEMENT, AND PROVIDING $290,000: Joseph H. & 1878 Farm Trail. 2235 Beach Villas, Captiva. AN EFFECTIVE DATE Darla J. LeTourneau, $75,000 each: Sally J. $510,000: Sandra Pittard, Annapolis, MD—1679 Davies, Sanibel, FL—480 & Atlanta, GA—-2535 Beach 10 City Manager's Report Serenity. 490 Peachtree. Villas, Captiva. $285,000 each: Tim $56,000: Samuel R. $310,000: Richard W. (a) Island Stress Millard, Trustee and Congram, III and John C. Foster & Sharon M. Foster, Christopher J. Millard, (b) Planning Department & Permit Backlog Truitt, T/C, Sanibel, FL— T/C, Brecksville, OH—2317 Trustee, Catlinville, IL— 5113 San-Cap. Beach Villas, Captiva. $54,000: Albert F. $350,000: Neal T. & (c) Buck Key The Islands' premier builder Mangino, Trustee, Fort Sheryl R. Halleran, Sanibel, since 1983! 11 . City Attorney's Report Myers, FL—888 Rabbit. FL—Sanibel Arms West- $46,900: Rosario P. & Unit G7. 12 Councilmembers' Comments Paulette Argento, Lakeland, $228,000: Felix & Lorene FL—765 Vinca. Freeman, Gainesville, GA— IS Public Comments Sundial-Unit D209. $186,500: Olaf A. & Adjournment GEORGE Tamara J. Bjorkcdal, Miami, RENT FL—Donax Village-Unit 6. PARKER $157,500: Raymond C. IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE BY THE COUNCIL ON ANY MATTER INC. Sickler, St. Cloud, MN— CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING/HEARING, SUCH PERSON MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A BOATS Lake Palms—Unit 3. VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, TO INCLUDE THE TESTIMONY AND $93,000: Kenneth E. • NEW CONSTRUCTION EVIDENCE UPON WHICH ANY SUCH APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. Koehler, Sanibel, FL— • REMODELING • DESIGN Sanibel Professional Center- IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, PERSONS NEEDING A Outer islands Unit 5. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROCEEDING SHOULD CONTACT CITY MANAGER EDWARD L. SEALOVER NO LATER THAN ONE DAY PRIOR TO THE (941)466-5100 472-5800 PROCEEDINGS. TELEPHONE 041-472-3700 FOR ASSISTANCE IF HEARING IMPAIRED, TELEPHONE THE FLORIDA RELAY SERVICE NUMBERS, 800-955-8771 (TDD) OR 800-955-8770 STATE CERTIFIED GENERAL CONTRACTOR' Jensen's Marina (VOICE), FOR ASSISTANCE. CG-C007963 Captiva island ISLAND REPORTER • OCTOBER 14, 1999 Q 11

Commentfaiy Go for it Janes! tt anibel and Captiva need to think Sregionally — that's a major reason why having Mayor Bob Janes run for the B Lee County Commission is a very good thing. The islands haven't had one of their own on the commis- 0 sion since the mid-1980s, when Porter Goss was T appointed by Gov. Bob Graham. We tend to think isola- tionist here, too often. £ SAW!BEL TAXI That's the nature of islands. Scott Martell That's the way we have R always been. One side of Executive Editor our nature would like to "blow up the bridge" and T truly be our own separate entity. Around 0 On the other hand, the COUL0 BE, bridge changed all that, Our Town vr BUT I/VE STILL physically linking us to the TO C|TE mainland. We've always been warned that someday we'd be a "bedroom communi- HER fOR ty of Fort Myers," or a "Fort Myers suburb." And, as we've evolved, sometimes kicking and screaming, that is what we've become to a certain degree. Yet, we arp an avant-gard community, dealing with all kinds of issues as we wrestle with our Utopian conscience. All this dark skies brouhaha is part of that struggle — to create a better place by exploring different ways, even if sometimes they are the wrong way.

> See Martell, page 12 Then they remembered. There's a pizza place up the lilind Voices street that shouldn't cost too much? More on How's that for a "famous day in history:" on Andy Your comments are welcome! Rosse Lane? Let's face it, just because something is old, it does- Selfish Genes Please address correspondence to: n't necessarily make it "historic." If age is a factor, Letters to the Editor then I am a walking, talking "historic" site., or, is that Island Reporter "hysterical sight"... Whatever! n my last column, I EG, Box 80£ Capt. Bob Sabatino introduced the con- Sanibel, £L 33957 Captiva Icept of the Selfish Gene as presented by l&fefy must be signadf-and'ipqjude ; >• Richard Dawkins. Since I phone niftuber for verification. Where's the beef... feel this concept plays such The editor will endeavor to print a major role in steering all as many letters as possible. on the causeway life of the universe and To the Editor: because it forms the basis for most of my philosophies, Last fall regarding the Sanibel Causeway I predict- I feel it is necessary to con- What is an historic site? ed that "You CAN make a difference," and boy, you tinue with the idea a little To the Editor: REALLY did! The 90 percent-plus vote last spring in further. Please, someone educate me on what basis a'site or favor of retaining a low drawbridge left no doubt in I think I have always district can be designated "historic?" the minds of anyone (except perhaps those whose job been trying to understand According to Webster's Dictionary, "historic" it is to create doubt where none exists) regarding what why humans inflict so much Mark Bird Westall translate as "famous in history." kind of causeway Islanders want (to keep). Thus pain and suffering in the As a former Captiva resident of over 35 years, I was encouraged, I will now hazard a guess at the main les- world. As a small child, I surprised to find out that I had lived on a "historic son to come in the year ahead: "Figures Lie and Liars thought that in the Garden of street." According to what, I don't know... Figure." Eden, humans and all of In all the years I had lived on that street, I was I say this in the wake of the biggest Causeway God's creatures had lived never told of a "famous in history" event (maybe that newsstory of the past summer. You didn't see it on TV together in peace and har- Bird's Eye even was me moving there?) and you didn't read about it in the papers. And THAT mony. But as we humans So, what is an "historic" site, area or district? Place is the story -—• because in July you were SUPPOSED became more self-aware, I View like Independence Hall, Plymouth Rock, the Alamo, to get preliminary results of the vaunted South Florida reasoned, we began to Gettysburg, Little Big Horn, Bunker Hill. I think those Water Management District modeling of Causeway believe that we were some- are "historic" sites, areas or district. Island impacts on circulation and mixing in San Carlos thing special. As we began to realize that we were the Now comes Andy Rosse Lane... Andy Rosse Bay. At least that's what we were told last spring by ONLY species made in God's own image, we began to Lane???!!!! the Lee County Division of Transportation (Lee DOT), become incredibly self-centered. And it was this self-cen- I knew Andy personally for many years, and he through their PR consultant, Kris Cella. And over a teredness that had caused us to be banished from paradise. year before that we were advised by Dick Dawdy of I thought that if we could only stop thinking of ourselves as never mentioned any event of historical significance. Well, something must have occurred that I'm just not the District itself that first-cut results were to become so important, we could go back to living in peace and har- available last winter. mony with each other and all the other creatures of the aware of. So, my imagination took over. And here's planet. what I envisioned happened... So now, after a year-and-a-half, here's my own The famous pirate, Jose Gaspar, lands on the gulf "preliminary finding" for you: either South Florida But after I grew up, I came to Sanibel and began to Water Management District is making a very half-a watch the life out on the mudflats and was amazed to end of Andy Rosse Lane and walks up to R.C. Otters observe that ALL the species out there were acting incred- for breakfast. Then shops at The Island Store for pro- ed, superficial modeling "effort," or they are co-ordi- ibly self-centered. As I watched them closely I began to see visions. After that, he stops by Sbarra's for a massage. nating to keep lukewarm results away from public that they appeared to live together in peace, but for the most Walking back to the beach he stops at the gift shops scrutiny until Lee County DOT is ready to dump part, they were only being tolerant of each other. The more for some trinkets. Then he goes to Jungle Drums to everything on us, amid a welter of techno-BS in sup- I watched, the more I could see that everyone was using check out the art work. Then he gets the urge to go port of their (scientifically unsupported) case to dig up each other for their own personal gain. para-sailing at Yolos. He works up an appetite, so he the northernmost causeway island. Or: C) all of the The snowy egrets (Egretta thula) would follow white stops by the Mucky Duck for lunch. above. ibises (Eudocimus albus) and spoonbills '(Ajaia ajaja) After lunch, he visits a couple of the real estate But just as when this ploy was tried for the eco- around on the mudflats, waiting for the probers and sweep- offices to find out how much he will have to rob and nomics of bridge replacement, and again with hurri- ers to "beat the bush" and panic the prey right into the plunder to buy one of those new homes down the cane surge modeling, we will chose D) none of the snowy's feet. street. above. Instead, we should employ an old TV ad-line in When the food was in a deeper hole, the double-crested Then he and his band of merry men decided to kid- the service of science and demand of the District: cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) would dive and chase nap some women and hide them on the island some- "Where's the BEEF?" the small fish. To escape the marauding cormorants, the where. Then someday this island might be called Matt Stein fish would flee into the shallows. And there in the shallows, Captive Island, or something like that. Alternate, Citizen's Study Group a tri-colored heron (Hydranassa tricolor) would be taking to the Sanibel Causeway Improvements advantage of the panicking fish trying to escape from the We'll that took a little while. So, after hiding the cormorants. Reciprocally, the tri-colored heron would ladies, it was time foi dinner. Bellini's or The Terrace Project Development and Environment Study Grill? But, after buying provisions at the Island Store t> See Westall, page 12 and all the trinkets, their pockets were kind of light. 12 • OCTOBER 14, 1999 • ISLAND REPORTER

We stall From page 1

evolve? And could there be such a thing as ize our actions by saying, "Well, it must be towards the sun. In the end, the branch pulls chase the fish back towards the cormorants. altruism? I'll expand on that in my next col- But the laughing (Lams atricilla) and God's will. After all, everything was put the oysters and barnacles completely up out ring-billed gulls (Lams delawarensis) were here for us, wasn't it?" of the water and they can no longer eat or umn. the best users of them all. Their bills and What helped me to understand that all breathe. legs are a little too short to find food on the life must follow the selfish gene concept At this point, the natural system says*, * Any time I used the term "natural sys- mudflat as efficiently as an ibis can, so was looking at the coon oysters (Lopha "Sorry, boys! You're not only going to have tem", you can substitute the word "God" for through natural selection, they evolved frons) and barnacles (Balanus sp.) in the a bad day. You're DEAD!! You no longer natural system. For me, God is whatever it something that makes them very successful mangrove forests. get to live another day and try to pass on is in the universe that made the rules. at finding food. They evolved an incredibly Oysters and barnacles, when they are in your genes. I know it was an honest mis- aggressive personality. They wait for an ibis their larval stage, are free-swimming crea- take, but so what? Some other creature will to catch a shrimp that is too big to instantly tures. They kind of look like funky-looking come along and take your place." swallow, and then they try to take it away little shrimp. But when they are ready to So, you see? If every living creature does (Mark "Bird" Westall has owned and from him. Why go out and work for a living, become the adult stage, they attach them- not act as though it is the most important operated Canoe Adventures for 21 years on if you can just stand by on the street corner selves to a substrate where they will grow creature in the universe, the other laws of Sanibel and Captiva. A former planning and wait for someone whimpier than you into the creature that we recognize. And the universe will weed those individuals out commissioner, city councilman and mayor, are to come by. Then, you can bully them once they are attached, there is no going so fast that they will never live long enough Westall is a noted environmentalist. He and take away whatever it is that you want back. They cannot detach themselves. to sufficiently pass on their genes. Everyone founded The International Osprey from them. Now, most oysters and barnacles make must be self-centered, if life is to survive. Foundation, regularly does aerial surveys 1 eventually realized that we are all good choices and attach themselves to a If I take a rock and throw it up into the of Lee County's eagle nests and is a licensed incredibly self-centered. It's- not that our mangrove root. But a few make an incredi- air, it is easy for me to accept that the Law alligator handler. A Bird's Eye View will species has slowly developed into a selfish bly honest and simple mistake. They attach of Gravity will try to pull it back to the cen- appear intermittently in the Island creature. It's that ALL life is this way. The themselves to a branch instead of a root, ter of the earth. I believe Richard Dawkin's Reporter.) problem is, when we act selfishly, we which at the moment of attachment was Law of the Selfish Gene is just another of destroy entire ecosystems and cause species below the water line. the many laws of the universe waiting for us to go extinct. And then, when faced with the For a while, the young shells may do to discover how they work. finality of a species' extinction, we rational- OK. They may even grow into healthy, Now, if we are all so self-centered, why good-sized specimens of their respective in the world (universe?) would anyone ever species. But eventually, the branch begins to want to do a favor for anyone else? How BOAT follow its own agenda and starts growing up could social and cooperative species like us RIDES to Cabbage Key, Cayo Costa tfeerf •, WkmpufMWci^0rypu are training it' and North Capiiva p

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WINE'SPIRITS'LIQUEURS'FINE CIGAR This is your official entry form for the Island Reporter Beat the Experts' FOOTBALL CONTEST ONE OF THE BEST SELECTIONS OF DOMESTIC Circle your picks in the left hand column and fill in the tie breaker below & IMPORTED WINES ON THE WEST COAST Please print your name, address, and phone number Bailey's Shopping Center ra^f Cut out and mail to NEXT TO THE THEATER • 472-1682 *-« "Beat the Experts" FOOTBALL CONTEST, The Island Reporter, 2340 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel. OPENMON SAT 9AM 9PM SUNDAYNOOM 7PM •WcDISCOuWONCASEORDERS Entry forms may be picked up at The Island Reporter office or at any advertisers on this page place of business RULES Sanibel's 1 Anyone may enter except The Island Reporter employees and their families 2 Write plainly and do not make changes or erasures Entries will be void if not legible or if any blanks plus tie breaker are not filled in Sports Bar 3 A tie game must be picked as a tie to be correct NOW OPEN 4 Entries must be received in The Island reporter office by 5 pm Friday or be postmarked by midnight Friday preceding the game of the FOR LUNCH at 11:30 week In case of a tie the entry closest to the total number of points scored in the tie breaker will be the winner SEAPOOD • SPORTS ' SPIRITS Sat & SlUl 5 In case of more than one winner the prize will be divided equally 6 Entry forms will be published in The Island Reporter every Thursday for games being played on the following weekend Open Nightly 4 00 - 12:00 8 Satellite Dishes • Home of the "BIG 10" winners Name and Photo will appear in The island Reporter each week! Packer and Brown Fan Club

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in Jerry's of Sanibel 941 472 8668 HO "" FOOTLOOSE SANiBEL ' - SANDALt & iHOE^ CHECE Open Daiiy Sunday thru Thursday • 9am 16 9pm OUTFITTERS r Friday & Saturday til 10pm OUT F0R': Lamest Selection of Single Malt Scotch on the Island Periwinkle Place GAME DAY Fine Wine Department Chadwicks Sq • Jerry's of Sanibel Merlot - Chardonnay - Cabernet Sauvignon SPEC PLC1S MANY OTHERS "Minis" • Pre-mixed Cocktails • Mixers 15% OFF ANY PURCHASE • 10% Discount on Case Purchases Lotto >New Cigar Department • Excluding Sale Merchandise 1528 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel TARE bur .472-8686 1700 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel island 472-7507 ° 472-4717 14 • OCTOBER 14, 1999 Q ISLAND REPORTER

& Recreation

Oct. 24 at the Dunes Gulf and Tennis Club on sional tennis teachers and anyone interested in check out the website:, or Beat the Experts Sanibel. teaching wheelchair tennis is invited. call 800-755-5228. This week, Serena The foursome scramble tournament cost per Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 30-31, are days Major, who works at player is $75, and will include cart, golf, prizes set up for participants and includes lectures, Bailey's General and a barbecue buffet supper with beer and demonstrations, and on-court instruction fol- 1999 Arthritis golf Store, walked off soda at the close of the tournament. lowed by supervised mach play. The camp fee with the top prize in Hole sponsorships are available for $100 is $100 and includes 10 hours of instruction, books half price the "Beat the each. This year, CROW's goal is to have 80 lunch, T-shirt, goody bag, resource material You can now play golf for free or reduced Experts" football golfers and 32 hole sponsors. The tournament and also the opportunity to attend and partici- green fees at more than 300 Florida golf cours- contest. She wins $50 chairmen, Ben Johnson and Steve Brown hope pate in the instructor workshop on Friday. es for only $7.50. The Golf Book is valid for guessing correctly to raise $8,000 for the CROW hospital. Limited scholarships are available. To register, through Oct. 31, 1999 and some courses will the most college and For more information, call Johnson at contact Tina Dale, 279-2612. For more infor- accept the book through November. professional games CROW, 472-3644. mation on participation in the Lee County area All proceeds go toward vital research as in the contest. wheelchair tennis program, call Steve Martin, well as quality-of-life programs and services And, in the Major 945-4850. The group meets weekly for instruc- offered to those with arthritis in Southwest Greenstein family Golf balls on sale tion and includes beginners. Florida. Please call (800) 741-4008 or (941) competition, the standing now sit with both 739-2729, or send a check or money order Steve and Mandy at 1-1-3. for Hope Hospice made out to the Arthritis Foundation to: Golf balls for Hope Hospice Celebrity Golf Big Brothers/Big Sisters Arthritis Foundation, 6221 14th St. W, Suite Tournament on Saturday, Oct. 30 at The Vines 305, Bradenton, FL 34207 to order your golf Sundial hosts Golf and Country Club are now on sale N the golf set book at half price today. balls will be numbered and sold in advance of On Saturday, Oct. 30, Big Brothers/Big Champagne Sips! the tournament and then dropped at 8:15, Oct. Sisters will hold its 5th Annual Golf Classic. The 1999 Champagne Sips Tennis 30 from a helicopter. Golfers will watch to see The Forest Country Club is the host of this Everblades set Tournament will be held Oct. 15-17 at the if their ball made it to the Hole-in-One for year's event, which is a four-man scramble for- Sundial Beach Resort. Tournament events $1,000 competition, or the Closest-to-the-Pin mat. Registration is at 11 a.m., followed by schedule include a pro-am round robin, men's and ($500), and the Furthest-from-the-Pin ($250). lunch and shotgun start at 1 p.m. All players The Florida Everblades hockey team has women's doubles, mixed doubles, a poolside Balls are on sale at Val Ward Cadillac, all receive range balls for warm-up, free refresh- received its schedule for its second season at party with complimentary champagne (age Hope Hospice's offices, Charivari, Cheshire ments on course, trophies and gift certificates the Everblades Arena in Estero. This season, permitting) and hors d'oeuvres. Non alcoholic Cat, Easy Spirit, Island Pursuit, Key West, for winners. Players can win dinner for two and the team will open with two games at home, beverages will also be served. The poolside Papyrus, Peel & Pare, Renaissance, Soft as a a three-day, two-night stay at the Sanibel versus Jackson, Miss., Thursday, Oct. 14, and champagne party on Saturday, Oct. 16, will Grape, Trader Rick's, Wallaby and Nancy Harbour Resort & Spa, a Key West vacation the Jacksonville Lizard Kings Saturday, Oct. offer players complimentary food and bever- Young, Inc. The balls are priced at $5 for one package which includes two round trip tickets 16. ages. or $10 for three. to Key West with Cape Air and many more The Everblades will play 25 of their 35 Registration is $30 per person for the first For more information on the drop or the great prizes. games on the weekends, with 11 home games even entered and $20 per person for the second tournament, call Beth Jardis, 489-9162. For more information, call 278-0003. on Friday, 11 on Saturday and three on Sunday. event. Telephone entries are accepted with a There are no home games scheduled for major credit card. All entrant will receive a Monday evenings, two for Tuesdays, and four commemorative 1999 Champagne Sips T- Wheelchair tennis camp Plans set for Captiva on both Wednesdays and Thursdays. Shirt. Call 395-6016 for more information. Tuesday through Thursday games will offered Sea Kayak Festival begin at 7 p.m., Friday and Saturday games The Tennis Association will Some of the world's best known competi- will begin at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday games will Swing Fore an Eagle hold a three-day wheelchair tennis camp at the tive paddlers, speakers and instructors will start at 6 p.m. Rutenberg public courts Oct. 29-31. It is for return to the 1999 Captiva Sea Kayak Classic The Blades most frequent opponent is set for Oct. 24 beginners and for all levels of players. Friday Symposia and Festival. Jacksonville. They'll face each other 10 times CROW's 3rd annual "Swing Fore an Eagle" afternoon, Oct. 29, is an instructor workshop This highly anticipated weekend event has during the season, five in each arena. gob0 tournament will be held at 1 p.m. Sunday, that is free and includes lunch. Area profes- grown steadily each year and draws paddlers The season continues through Dec. 18. For from throughout the United States and Canada. tickets or information, call 948-PUCK (7825). The event covers numerous aspects of pad- dling, from instructional programs and classes for all skill levels from the novice to the expe- with Brian Houston NaiuraltstfSea Kayak Instructor/Guide Master's swimming From Beautiful Tween Waters Inn Marina rienced paddler. For more information on the Trade at Sanibel pool Association of Paddlesports or this event, The Sanibel Recreation Complex is now TRIP SCHEDULE offering Master's swimming from 5-6:30 p.m. 3 Trips Daily Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. There is a $30 annual fee to participate in 8:30 AM $40.00 per person RENT the program, which is open to swimmers 19 1:00 PM $40.00 per person and older. Coaching will be provided, as well 4:00 PM $30.00 Per person BOATS as advice on stroke technique to interested swimmers. Rshing & Shelling For information, call 472-0345. Group Sizes: 1-6 people Brian Houston Closest to Reservations Naturalist/Instructor Outer Islands Only Race Director/Founder: Captiva Sea Kayak Classic Tween Waters Inn Marina 472-5800 472-5161 941-437-0956 or cail Brian Houston at Bring this ad with you and get $5.00 off per person a trip! Jensen's Marina 437-0956 Captiva Island after 6 PM Offer will be honored thru January of 2000!

283-0592 Easy, fast access by Boat, THE WATERFRONT off marker 12, We monitor ch IB 2131 Gleaner St. St. James City, FL Tides for Sanibel Lighthouse 2:38a 2.8

Point Ybel San Carlos Bay Bnt. FL - TideMaster(C)Zephyr Srvs Pgh PA T i des provided by Jammin' Sailboat Cruises 4 6 3 - S A | L ^ s orit.ustm^sx. ^ .a.,aeB ISLAND REPORTER • OCTOBER 14, 1999 • 15

Pe®pleB event! & leisure The case of... Dateline Sanibel Moon Madness Get your flu shots here! BailevFest this Sunday The public health establishment is really stressing get- Bailey rest, Bailey's annual Thank You party for the b continue my series SIS ting one's flu shots this year, and a few places on the island community, is this Sunday, Oct. 17, from 1-5 p.m. at about our last are offering them. Bailey's Shopping Center. Featuring games for the kids, THalloween of the • Bailey's General Store — Tomorrow from 9 a.m. to noon lots of environmental displays, pony rides, Bailey's, Millennium. I thought we and Friday, Nov. 12, from 9 a.m. to noon. beautifully restored mule-drawn wagon and Model T should look at "moon mad- • Sanibel Community Association —-Tuesday, Oct. 26 from delivery truck, both Sanibel and Captiva fire engines ness." Most people know that 8:30-11:30. Medicare Part B may cover; otherwise it's $10. and personnel, the Sanibel Police Department DARE the origin of Halloween comes • Although the on-island store is not offering shots, vehicle, and a marine patrol boat and officer. from the ancient Druids. Today Eckerd's at 17105 San Carlos Boulevard in Fort Myers Highlights of the afternoon will be the crowning of the this is considered a pagan reli- (next to Winn-Dixie) is also offering flu shots for $10 and King and Queen — fifth graders Austin Williams and gion, but in medieval times it pneumonia shots for $25 on Tuesday, Oct. 26, from 9 a.m. Sarah Kukol —• by last year's King and Queen, Kenny was more popular than to 1 p.m. Medicare Part B covers the flu shot. Smith and Dena Banta, the Calusa River and the Cut Christianity. The Druids held • San-Cap Medical Center on San-Cap Road has a limited Loose Cloggers, Harry Boyle and others playing their their wild religious rites always number of flu shots available to members of the island com- guitars, and ...(drum roll)... The One, The Only Bailey's during the light of the full munities. Call for a time slot. Blues Brothers! moon. In medieval times, those Hilary School recognized Community Breakfast who believed they were witch- The Sanibel School has just been notified by the es also believed they were pow- Hemingway Commissioner of Education that it is a recipient of the 1999 scheduled erless to resist the lure of the full Florida Department of Education School Recognition The Fall 1999 Community Breakfast, which brings moon — even though they Award. This recognition program, which began last year, is the Southwest Florida environmental community knew that if they were caught designed to financially reward schools that exhibit sus- together, this year features John Hankinson, Regional dancing in its light they would Paranormal tained high student performance as well as those schools Director of the Environmental Protection Agency. He be tortured to death. Stories of that show significant improvement in student performance. will address the Southwest Florida Environmental werewolves and vampires at Detective The $27,000 award will be used in ways that continue to Impact Study and other local/federal initiatives. the time were also associated enhance student achievement and improving their skills. Held at The Hall of Fifty States on Thursday, Oct. with the full moon and their Materials and classroom supplies are a priority. "We're very 28, from 7:15 to 8:30 a.m., the semi-annual event is transformation has traditionally been on a lunar schedule. excited about this and really proud of our teachers' accom- sponsored by San-Cap Audubon, Save the Manatee Early Babylonians and Greeks shared a healthy respect for the plishment," commented Principal Barbara Von Harten. Club, the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation, moon and Moon Goddess. And, like most early beliefs and super- Bonita Bay Properties and Mariner Properties' Little stitions, the moon's influence has a solid basis in fact. We know Bloodmobile on island Pine Island Wetland Mitigation Bank. The breakfasts that the moon affects the tides of the oceans. We also know that The Lee Memorial Bloodmobile will be at the Island are organized by Neil Wilkinson of the Audubon the human body is composed mostly of water. The effects of the House Restaurant on Wednesday, Oct. 27, from 7-11 a.m. Society of Southwest Florida to get people talking lunar gravity on fluids in the human brain causes erratic behavior. Everyone is more than welcome to donate, but Kiwanis is about issues from urban redevelopment to wildlife and Every country in the world keeps its own records on its crime rate, particularly interested in donations in Ryan Greenplate's water quality. Although the event is free, reservations its accident rate and its suicide rate. Statistics have long proved name. Ryan is Sanibel School 2nd Grader Kimberly are required. Call Wilkinson at 275-3033. Oh, you that these rates fluctuate every 28 days and that there is a sharp Greenplate's younger brother and is currently being treated might want to bring your own coffee mug! increase with each full moon, then tapering off right after. These for cancer. periods of erratic behavior start about two days before the moon Ark re-opens is full and last for a day or so after. Docent training to start Noah's Ark, the volunteer-run, nationally-known During the Middle Ages, in England, the care of "lunatics" Training sessions for new docents at Sanibel Historical thrift shop located behind St. Michael & All Angels was vested in the King. The very word "lunatic" comes from Village & Museum are slated for Monday and Tuesday, Church on Periwinkle, re-opens for the season on Luna, the moon Goddess of the early Romans. Today, Webster's Nov. 15 and 16 and Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 22 and 23, Monday, Oct. 18, at 9:30 a.m. and then be open five dictionary describes lunacy as "a kind of insanity with lucid inter- in the Rutland House Museum at the Village on Dunlop days a week from 9:30-12:30 throughout the season. vals, formerly supposed to be influenced by changes of the Road. The sessions last from 9 to 11:30 each day. Donations are always welcome; if the Ark itself is moon." For additional information, call Mary Bell, who moved closed, contributions may be left on the back porch. A good definition, except for being politically incorrect. to the island in 1953 and leads the classes, at 433-2484; or People who would have been labeled lunatic in the old days, are Jackie Rauschert at 472-6029; or Jean Downes at 472-2016. Political group meefs now know as eccentric, neurotic, or high-strung. The Village reopens for the season on Wednesday, Nov. 3. Democratic Club of the Islands is featuring Charles What are the symptoms of "moon-madness?" LeBuff as guest speaker at its Oct. 21 meeting at the On the next full moon, check to see if you have feelings of Seminars offered Sanibel Library. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. LeBuff uneasiness? In the morning you find you can't seem to get Hope Hospice is offering two seminars on coping with (See story on page 7) will be discussing Sanibel Then focused? Have trouble sleeping? Fight more with your spouse or grief this month at its home office at 9470 HealthPark and Now. co-workers? If you keep notes on your feelings over a one month Circle in Fort Myers. The Democratic Club is sponsoring the commemora- period you will see the full moon quite often brings on one or The first, Coping with a Life-Threatening Illness, is tive vote on Nov. 5, that signalled the beginning of more of these symptoms. tomorrow, Oct. 15, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The cost is Sanibel as a City. In addition to providing the marching Most serial killers commit their deadly deeds during the full $20 and CEUs are available. Call 489-9149 to register. The band, the group has replicated the original "I believe in moon, from Jack the Ripper to Son-of-Sam. So it's no wonder that second, on Oct. 20 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. is free. Called SANIBEL TOMORROW" buttons that islanders wore. in every major metropolitan area, it's standard procedure to sched- Restoring the Balance in Life —An outreach of love..., the And, yes, the meeting on Oct. 21 is the very first event ule additional staff for police, fire departments and 9-1-1 opera- program will be presented by Roz Wegryn, CEO of the of the anniversary celebration. tors during the full moon to handle the increase of emergencies. International Medical Center in Fort Myers. To reserve a But is it more than just the gravitational pull of the moon that seat or for more information, call International Medical at affects us? 415-9355 or the director of bereavement at Hope Hospice at The moon not only causes sea tides to sweep around the earth 489-9156. twice daily, it causes great masses of air to flow in wind belts that distribute oxygen from plant life to mix with carbon-dioxide from The Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum on Memorials may be made to animal life in the upper atmosphere. Sanibel. Congressional Church, Nantucket, Mass, or to Shell Point Village in FoitMyers, The moon also acts as a giant reflector for those most myste- Obituary Sibley is survived by a son, Charles A. rious particles of energy called cosmic rays. These come from Sibley of Fort Myers and Connecticut; a outer space and bombard our planet and animal life on land and Marion Snow Si! daughter, Helen S. Mejtens, also of Connecticut; four grandchildren — Memorial service sea. But the rays vary in number and strength. Scientists have long .JVfeiion S. Sibley, a resident of Fort Raymond Mertens and Charles Sibley, HI, A memorial service to celebrate the life wondered whether the moon's ability to reflect these rays — Myers and Sanibel for the past 25 years and both residents of Connecticut, Lynn Bibbo of Paul Cornelius will be held at the Sanibel which is strongest during the full moon — may explain the a summer resident of Nantucket, died Oct of Pennsylvania, and James Sibley of Congregational United Church of Christ on strange power the moon has to unbalance people and animals. 6,1999 atShell Point Village. She was 106. Texas; and seven great-grandchildren. Satufday, Oct. 23, at 2 p.m. The Rev. Yes, "moon-madness" affects animals as too. Marine biologist She was a member of the Nantucket A private family gathering will be held Randall Niehoff will officiate. know that many fish species breed at the time of the highest tide, Abiah-Folger Franklin DAR Chapter and in Connecticut and that occurs during the full moon. The moon also affects such things as the hour of the day or night when insects hatch. Fly fish- ermen have for many years put these two together, to find when Nov. 4 - 28 1380 Colonial Blvd. 10091 McGregor Blvd. fish are feeding on the newly hatched insects. The moon has the Fort Myers 936-6433/939-2787 greatest effect on migrating wildlife. Perhaps the moon's gravita- oteppinq The Old Schoolhouse 278-4422 "My Name is Alice" tional pull signals the time to leave for warmer climates. Or the Theater "Phantom" A musical revue light from the full moon gives bird life a beacon to steer by. 472-6862 Through Nov. 20 Oct. 28-Nov.6 selected days Even though the moon is only one third as large as the earth Out 1905 Periwinkle Way Tues. - Sat. Selected and times. and less than a million miles way, it has almost twice as much "Dracula" Matinees, Sunday and gravitational pull on the earth as the sun has. Current theories Oct. 25 - Nov. 27 Twilight shows. Naples Philharmonic about gravitational pull on the world's oceans have led Doctors to On the island Mon. - Sat. 8 p.m. Tickets $20 - $37 800 597-1900 speculate on the moon's effect on the human brain. We know the $24 Lily Tomlin brain is supported by fluid inside the skull. BIG Arts Florida Repertory Theatre Oct. 15, 8 p.m. At the time of the full moon, there is a measurable drop in the 900 Duniop Road Arcade Theater Shakespeare's "King Lear" skull's pressure. However, this theory doesn't hold up, since at the 395-0900 In Fort Myers 332-4488 Oct. 19, 8 p.m. time of the dark of the moon, there should be a greater pressure Bay, between Jackson & drop because the dark of the moon has both the sun and moon Ongoing workshops in art, The Theatre Conspiracy Hendry Streets Edison Community College gravitational pull working together. crafts, music, dance, yoga, 10091 McGregor Blvd. Fort Myers Gallery of Fine Arts To date there is no one theory that explains the cause" of Liberal arts and classes for 936-3239 "Room Service" 8099 College Parkway "moon-madness." We only know that it exists — and we are all Youngsters "Lonely Planet" Oct. 22- Nov. 14 489-9313 influenced by it. However, this last Halloween of the Millennium Oct. 14, 15, 16; 8 p.m., Oct. Tues - Sat. 8 p.m. Wed. & Photographer Clyde does not fall on a full moon. Which makes me believe we will Pirate Playhouse 3, 10, 17; 2 p.m. $14 Sun. Matinee 2 p.m. Butcher: "The 1995 have a safer trick-or-treat. 472-0006 Limited Edition Collection" Happy Halloween. 2200 Periwinkle Way Broadway Palm Dinner Edison Community College 2-4 p.m. "The Glass Menagerie" Theater Foulds Theater through Nov. 7. island REPORTER

Listings for the week of Thursday, Oct. 14-Wednesday, Oct. 20 Week

THURSDAY PRIME TIME 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 ENBC Hews News Wheel Jeopardy! Friends Jesse Frasier Stark ER (cc) (S) News Tonight ©PBS World News NewsHour Crossroad Antiques Mystery! (cc) (S) Mississippi: Song Charlie Rose (cc) ©FOX News (cc) Friends Frasier Seinfeld Baseball American League Championship SerBS, Game 7. (Live) News (cc) SDCBS News News Edition EXTRA Diagnosis Murder Chicago Hope (cc) 48 Hours (cc) (S) H News Letterman GO WNPL Star Trek: Voyager Carey Carey Popular (cc) (S) Charmed (cc) (S) Heart Heart Caroline Mad Ab't GD ABC News (cc) News ET Hollyw'd Line [Line Wasteland (cc) (S) 20/20 (cc) News (cc) Nightline ©WGN Wayans Prince Caroline Movie: **** The Silence ol the Lambs News (cc) (S) MacGyver (S) R ©TBS Roseanne Roseanne Prince Prince WCW Thunder WCW Thunder Chimp WCW Thunder Thunder ED PBS NewsHour Business Fr. Fields Antiques (Antiques Noah's Ark (S) Mysteryi (cc) (S) (G'night G'night ©SHOW Movie: ** King David (cc) (S) Movie: ** Twilight (cc) (S) Movie: Tomorrow Never Dies (9:35) (cc) Line's (S) ©HBO Movie: tt The X-Files (5:45) (cc) (S) REAL Sports Movie: *** Copycat (cc) (S) [inside the NFL (cc) (ED DISN Growing Smart Rolie Bear Out/Box Movie: ** St[oh (cc) Movie: Escape to Witch Mountain (10:10) (LDTMC Movie: Good Wile (5:45) Movie: Night Caller (7:25) (cc) Movie: * Jury Duty (cc) (S) Movie: ** D rty Work (cc) (S) @)FAM Boss? Boss? Animals Show Me Movie: Haunting of Seacliff Inn New Millennium The 700 Club (cc) ©CNN W'rldView Moneyline News Hr. Crossfire The World Today Larry King Live (cc) CNN Newsstand Sports Mon'iine IDUSA Warrior Princess JAG (cc) (S) Walker, Tex. Ranger Movie: *** Working Girl (cc) (S) Baywatch ©LIFE Golden (Golden Intimate Portrait (cc) Chicago Hope (cc) Movie: Doing Time on Maple Drive |Attitudes Golden ©ESPN SportsCenter (cc) |2Nighl NFL Football (8:15) Kansas City Chiefs at Baltimore Ravens. (Live) (cc) SportsCtr. ©TNT Due South (cc) (S) |ER (cc) (S) Movie: **** Rain Man (1988, Comedy-drama) Jodie Foster "Collectibles in Country Charm" HDAMC Aovie: ** Ocean's Eleven (5:45) (cc) Movie: *** Wait Until Dark Ghost Stories Movie: Egyptian (cc) GDNASH Alice |S) [Alice (S) The Waltons (cc) (S) Movie: ** Hostage (cc) (S) Champ. Bull Riding Dallas (cc) (S) Antiques ®A&E Simon & Simon Law & Order (cc) Biography (cc) Investigative Rpts. Inside Story Law & Order (cc) and ©NICK All That CatDog Arnold! |Rugrats Thorn. DeedEd Brady Lucy Jeff'sons |Sanford All/Fam. Maude Collectibles ®TRAV Once Upon Island Adventure Bound Lonely Planet Adventure Adventure Amazing Destination Lonely Planet ©NOST T. Orlando 12 O'clock High Room Oziie Ballroom Dancesport Bonanza 12 O'Clock High

FEAWRMG Byer's Choice Carolers FRIDAY PRIME TIME Lllllput Lane Cottages • Candles * Antiques 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 ©NBC News News Wheel Jeopardyl Saseball National League Championship Series, Game 3. (Live) News Tonight New Selection of Teddy Bears • Tiffamy Lamps CD PBS World News NewsHour Wash. [Wall $t. Livelyhood (cc) (S) Ageless Heroes (cc) Charlie Rose (cc) ©FOX News (cc) Friends Frasier Seinfeld Ryan Caulfield Harsh Realm (cc) News (cc) Frasier Paid Prg. Annalee * Lizzie High Dolls * Scatter Rugs ©CBS News 'Jews Edition EXTRA Kids Say Money Now and Again (cc) Nash Bridges (cc) News Letterman ©WNPL Star Trek: Voyager Carey Carey Miss. Hill Foxx Harvey For/Love Heart Heart Caroline Mad Ab't Sanibel Afghans ©ABC News (cc) News ET Hollyw'd Boy... Odd Man Sabrina Hughleys 20/20 (cc) News (cc) Nightline @ WGN Wayans Prince Caroline Caroline Movie: *** Chaplin (1992, Biography) News (cc) (S) MacGyver (S) R "Annalee" Dolls ©TBS Roseanne Roseanne Prince Prince Movie: *** Honeymoon in Vegas (1992, Comedy) Movie: * Fire Birds (10:20) ©PBS NewsHour Business Fall/Rise Wash. [Wall St. |McL'gh!in Issues Antiques Roadshow Her. Her. 1446 Periwinkle Way 395-0888 ©SHOW Movie Movie: A Night at the Roxbury News Stargate SG-1 (cc) Limits Recall Mon.- Fri. 8-8, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 10-5 WE SHIP UPS ®HBO Movie: Pink Cadillac Inside the NFL (cc) Movie: ** Fire Down Below (cc) (S) Movie: Absence of the Good C. Rock ©DISN Jackson [Jersey So Weird [Movie Movie: ** Mighty Joe Young (9:10) (cc) So Weird Jersey ©TMC Movie Movie: ** Deceiver (7:15) (S) Movie: *** Rudy (1993, Drama) (cc) (S) Movie: Hard Rain ©FAM Boss? Boss? World Gone Wild The World's Greatest Magic II (S) Comedy |Comedy The 700 Club (cc) ©CNN W'rldView Moneyline News Hr. Crossfire The World Today Larry King Live (cc) CNN Newsstand Sports Mon'iine ©USA Warrior Princess JAG (cc) (S) Walker, Tex. Ranger Movie: *•* Carlito's Way (cc) (S) Movie ©LIFE Golden Golden Intimate Portrait (cc) Chicago Hope (cc) Movie: ** Stormy Weathers Once and Again (cc) ©ESPN SportsCenter (cc) Auto Racing |Auto Racing NASCAR Blue Bonnel 300. 50 Great SportsCenter (cc) ©TNT Due South (cc) (S) ER (cc) (S) Basketball From Milan, Italy. (Live) Basketball (Live) ©AMC Uovie: ** Strategic Air Command Movie: *** The Fighting Sullivans Movie Movie: The Undead ©NASH Alice (S) [Alice (S) Motor Madness (cc) Extreme Wrestling WSL Rollerjam (cc) WSL Rollerjam (cc) Motor Madness (cc) ® A&E Simon 4 Simon Law & Order (cc) Biography (cc) Biography (cc) Sherlock Holmes Law & Order (cc) ©NICK All That |CatOog Beavers Skeeter Thorn. Afraid? Brady Lucy Jeff'sons Sanford All/Fam. Maude REAL ESTATE LOANS ®TRAV Once Upon Island Adventure Bound .onely Planet America After Dark America After Dark Lonely Planet FINANCING ARRANGED FOR ©NOST Heroes and Sheroes Combat (cc) Room Ozzie Heroes and Sheroes Bonanza Combat (cc)

• PRIMARY • SECOND HOME • INVESTORS • FIRST & SECOND MORTGAGES, JUMBOS • FNMA 60 MINUTE APPROVALS • CONSTRUCTION/PERMANENT, LOT LOANS SATURDAY MORNING • ZERO POINTS & MULTIPLE BUYDOWNS AVAILABLE 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 • POOR CREDIT, PRIOR BANKRUPTCY 11:00 11:30 ©NBC Paid Prg. Wall St. Today (cc) (S) News Saved Hang City Guys 1 World City Guys NBA PROGRAMS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANUK ©PBS Body Arthur Teletub, Barney Dragon Noddy The Arts The Arts Burt Woll Cucina Caprial Savor ©FOX Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Holmes Godzilla Rangers Xyber 9 Spider Digimon Beast Big Guy ©CBS Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Anatole Blaster's Rescue Fly.Rhino CBS News Saturday Morning (cc) (S) Tales Mythic ¥)WNPL Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Malibu Voltron Hero Pokemon Batman Black Pokemon Detention Cartoonie Sylvester 1 (I) ABC Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Field Trip Bill Nye Pep. Ann One Saturday Morning "Doug , (cc) (S) Sabrina. Squiggle Winnie CAC MORTGAGE INC. D WGN Outdoor Children Ch'lando People Farm Rpt Business Paid Programming Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Outdoor ©TBS Gilligan Gilligan Ties Ties Matters Matters Matters Matters Movie: ** Harry and Ihe Hendersons Licensed Mortgage Brokerage Business 2) PBS Stream Digital Zoboom Wimzie's Barney Arthur Zoom (cc) Kidsongs MotorWk |W'dwriqht Handy H'metime ©SHOW Movie Movie; *** The Joker Is Wild (7:15) Movie: Witch's Daughter Movie S3 HBO Movie Titanic Pippi Babar Movie: Soccer Dog: The Movie (cc) (S) REAL Sports Inside the NFL (cc) I3DISN Sing Cubs Mermaid DuckTale Bear Out/Box Otter Rolie Movie: Belle's Magical World iDuckTale Cliafles A. Chegut JjDTMC Movie: Rudy (5:30) (cc) Movie: ** Bean (cc) (S) Movie: Kiss Me, Guido (9:05) vlovie: *** Charly (10-35) (S) D DFAM Paid Prg. Paid Prg, Dogs Ralph Advent. Advent. Kids/402 A.A. retend Stdn R'active Wolf Licensed Mortgage Broken gD CNN CNN Int'l Travel Money Golf Saturday Morning Showbiz Style Saturday Football DUSA Business Personal Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg, WWF Livewire Hercules: Journeys S LIFE Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Designing [Designing fyO APPLICATION FEE DESPN Outdoors Fishing Fishing Outdoors Walker Quest Span. Fly Photos SportsCenler (cc) College GameDay DTNT Kung Fu Babylon 5 Babylon 5 Wild, Wild West Brisco County Jr, Movie: *** Rocky D AMC Movie: *** Jesse James Movie: ** Ocean's Eleven ":50) (cc) Fashion Movie: Love in the Afternoon 2) NASH Paid Prg. |Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. |Paid Prg! Hunt [Fishing Outdoors Ducks Shooter Boat © A&E Bio. International Movie Bob Vila Guide 941/472-3110 695 Tarpon Bay Rd., Ste 11 America's Castles House Beautiful (cc) @)NICK Gullah Blue's Brown Ace Doug (cc) Rocko's Rugrats Rugrats Sponge. Arnold! Thorn. Beavers PAH 841/472-8159 Sanibel, FL 33957 DTRAV Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Travels Outward Outback Adventures Tourist My Town SlNOST Gospel TV Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg, jpaid Prq. Paid Prg, Paid Prg. ISLAND REPORTER • OCTOBER 14, 1999 • 17

SATURDAY AFTERNOON THESANIBE REALTY CONNECTION 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 offers Live) 2 NBC College Football USC at Notr - Dams (Live) Yan: Asia House House 2) PBS Workshop H'me time Victory Handy Antiques UcL'ghlin Wash. Wall St. College Football Georgia Tect" at Duke 3D FOX 3rd Rock Roseanne Married '.larned Married Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Baywatch Hawaii 3 CBS To Be Announced Football College Foolb II iLive) (cc) College Football LSU al Kentucky (Live) ]D WNPL Hercules: Journeys Warrior Princess College hootDall umo stale al renn state (Live) 71 ABC College Football State at Purdue (Live) Soul Train DMX (S) © WGN Movie: Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure Warrior Prince ss Hercules- Journeys JBeastMaster (cc) (SI as seen Movie; ** The Jerk (1979, Comedy) 63 TBS Movie: * Ladybugs (1992, Comedy) Movie: * * Robin Hood Men in Tiqnts House Antiques Julia only from (JIPBS Cookin' Cooking |cook-OI( Cooking Reaina Travel Europe 21st Century /irk (S) Movie Movie ©SHOW Movie: Looking lor Lola (2 45) Movie: Hayley Wagner, Star PUNTA RJ&SSft €O!*E»OIVi!9fl!UIVI! Reverb (S) Movie: *«* QJ) HBO fitanic (1997, Drama) (Leonardo DiCaprio) (cc) (S| Movie- Requiem (or Murder (415) (S) Animals Mokomba Spacious 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath Condominium Homes dZlDISN Movie: P.U.N.K.S. (V05) (cc) Z Games Forward Brotherly Brotherly Smart Smart ©TMC Movie Movie: Big Squeeze (12 20) Movie: Desperate Measures Movie- Saturday Niqht Fever (3 40) (cc) Movie with Large Screened Lanai, Full Size Laundry, Weird Kids/402 A.A. ® FAM Pretend The Spice Girls: Wild! (S) Partridge Boss? World Gone Wild Lots of Storage and a Community which offers: Saturday Travel ©CNN Saturday Sci. Saturday |Mealth Moneyw'k Movers Saturday Honey Saturday Evans • Heated Pool and Spa * Sftuffleboaitl ©USA^ Walker, Tex. Ranger Movie: *** Sea of Love (1969, Suspense) (cc) (S) Movie: *** icen! of a Woman {cc} (S) «Private fishing Pier •Picnic Areas 65 LIFE Golden Golden Katie Katie Golt LPGA AFLAC Champions, Third Round Movie; ** Harmlul Intent ©ESPN College Football Indiana at Wisconsin (Live Horse Racing (Live) Goif Las Vegas Invitational ~\\ ird Round s jennjS • Adjacent Full Service Marina @TNT Movie; *** Rocky (11) Movie: *** Rocky II (1979, Action} Movie: ** Rocky III (3.55) (1982, Action) (75) AMC Movie Movie: *** Samson and Deilah (cc) Movie ** SodGm and Gomorrah (315) (cc) RESALES FROM THE MID $150,QQ0.00'S 53 NASH In-Fish Saltwater Outdoor |Trucksl JAuto Racing («) (S) R Inside NASCAR (cc) WSL Rolleriam (cc) (SJAfiE The Planets Giants Empire ol Crime: The New York Mob Investigative Rpts. American Jus ice City Conlident al ©NICK CatDog Monsters Garlield Gadget Flub KaBlami Wild Kids Figure A. Mack Shelby Journey KaBlami fflTRAV Treks Tourist Intersection Casinol Exped. Australia Edge Extremist Adventure Outdoor VACATION RENTALS ©NOST Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. [Paid Prg. Glass Home C rafts Quilting Quill Wok/Van Cooking Cookin' SANIBEL HARBOUR RESORT PUNTA RASSA CONDOMINIUMS A FULL SERVICE REALTOR AT THE GATEWAY TO SANIBEL 15009 Punta Rassa Road • Fort Myers, Fl. 33908

SATURDAY PRIME TIME (841)466-3313 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Visit Our Website at WTTP:\\WWW.SANIBFl.i\iET CD NBC News News Wheel Baseball National League Championship Series. Game 4 (Live) Dateline News Saturday E-MAIL [email protected] ©PBS On One Wealth Lawrence Welk Lighthouses David Crosby Red ... Appear. CD Hwy. Indepond. GDFOX Married Seinfeld Friends Paid Prg. Cops (cc) [Cops (cc) Amor. Most Wanted News (cc) MAD TV (cc) (S) Personalized Travel Planning International & Domestic ©CBS College Football (cc) Edition M'A'S'H Early Edition (cc) (S) Martial Law (cc) (S) Walker, Tex. Ranger News M'A'S'H /$£$N Experts CD WNPL The X-Files (cc) (S) Carey Carey Movie: -* k Shining Through Stargate SG-1 (S) NVPD Blue (cc) (S) CD ABC College Football News (cc) R, Ebert Movie: * t* Apollo 13 (1995, Historical drama) (cc) (S) "Jews (cc) Springer @§WGN Earth: Final Conflict Prince Luckiest Movie: * »* Who Framed Roger Rabbit |News (cc) (S) Wayans Movie ©TBS WCW Saturday Night (cc) Movie: * • Michael (1996, Fantasy) (John Travolta) Movie: ***• Witness (1020) OPBS In the Wild (cc) (S) New Fla. |Served? Appear Time/By The Good, Bad & Beautiful Marilyn Monroe Red ... ©SHOW Movie: *** Back to School (615) (S) Movie: * t Senseless (cc) (S) Rude Rude Beggars, Choosers Women PROFESSIONAL, KNOWLEDGEABLE, 03 HBO Movie: ** Tim in the Sky (cc) (S) Movie; E cellent Cadavers (cc) Comedy Movie: *** Titanic (cc) (S) PERSONABLE TRAVEL CONSULTANTS © DISN Jackson Jersey Jackson Spears & Mclntyre Jackson Spears & Mclntyre Backstreet Boys So Weird Jersey (BTMC Movie: The Out-of-Towners Movie: For Love or Money Movie: ** Godzilla (1998, Slenci e liclion) (cc) (S) Movie WORLD WIDE TRAVEL PLANNERS CRUISLS/TOURS ©FAM Movie: ** The Sandlot (S) Movie; ** Lean on Me (S) Movie: * * The Outlaw Josey Wales (Certified Consultant on Staff) (Our Specialty) ACCOMMODATION EXPERTS ©CNN W'rldView Sources |Gang Sports W'rldView Moneyw'k Larry King Weekend W'rtdView Gang Sports Tonight (cc) AMTRAK-CAR-AIR (Hotel, Condo, Villas) SENIOR DISCOUNTS ©USA vjovle Movie: *** Caililo's Way (cc) (S) Movie: * Friday (1995, Comedy) (cc) (S) Movie: Phat Beach DISNEY WORLD SPECIALISTS TRAVEL INSURANCE Oh Baby Ruby Any Day Now ©LIFE Movie: My Little Assassin (1999, Drama) Movie: ** II Someone Had Known ESCORTED & PERSONAL TOURS ©ESPN College Football Syracuse at Virqima Tech (Live) College Football (Live) 33 TNT Movie: ** Rocky IV (1985, Action) Movie; * * Jackie Chan's First Strike Movie: Animal Farm (1999, Drama) NOW HIRING Part Time Staff ©AMC Movie: Tucker: The Man and His Dream Movie: *** To Catch a Thief Movie. ** The Big T-N-T Show OS) NASH WSL Rolleriam (cc) This Week Grand Ole Opry Ryman Country Oak Ridge Boys Grand Ole Opry © A&E LA'. Detectives (cc) The Love Chronicles Biography (cc) Inspector Morse Top 10 (cc) EXPERIENCE Preferred © NICK Cartoons! Doug (cc) Arnold! Rugrais Rugrais Amanda DeedEd All That Lucy Lucy Lucy-Desi Comedy SDTRAV Pathfind Undersea Adventure Adventure Lonely Planet DestStyle DestStyle Frames Frames Lonely Planet 472-1222 Combat (cc) 12 O'clock High © NOST Movie: ** The Human Monster From the Archives Garrison's Gorillas Monday - Fritl.iv 9am - 5pm • Sat. 9am - 12pm 1635 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, Florida 33957

DELIVER PHONE BOOKS $$ Earn Extra Money Fast $$ SUNDAY MORNING Independent Contractors (must be at least 18} 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 | 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 News Meet the Press (cc) Icily Guys Paid Prg. I(2_NBC_ [Paid Prg. |Wld Web |Mech Animals [Today (cc) (S) needed to deliver phone books in Tugboal ICartoon Face JFiring f. Brown Lee Pitts ICDPBS Off Air Arthur Sesamo IWimzie's {Sesame Street (cc) :ox News Sunday Talk About Money [Paid Prg. Bowden Ft. Myers, Cape Coral, and Surrounding areas. CD FOX Paid Prg. |Paid Prg. IPaid Prg, IMass Paid Prg. CBS News Sunday Morning iNation EXTRA (ec) (S) iGDCBS jPaid Prg, Paid Ptg. House ICopeland Dr. D.J. Kennedy Attractive piece rate pay! Winner's Way [Hercules: Journeys Warrior Princess IGD WNPL aid Prt (•herd PaidPrg. [Paid Prg. [Paid Prg. Demola Martha Bob Vila [Buy Ownr This Week Politically CALL TODAY! I CD ABC Paid Prg. iPaid Prg. [Paid Prg. Homes Robert Schuller Charles ICharles :ull H'se 'Matters Prince iMalibu CDWGN World David Roberts Singsat'n iBozo Super Sunday Movie: League of Their Own (9:55) B2TBS Movie [Movie: Somewhere in Time (7.40) f-888-606-8900 Ext. FL1OG Arthur IWishbone iReligion IT. Brown On One I ED PBS Puzzle Ba iBarney lArthur Movie: Dancing on trie Moon IMovie : : l6D SHOW|R. Scarry R. Scarry Movie: My Magic Dog :{••;.••• y •::,. M-ly 9 am •- 9 pm<:o;; £0<: [Movie: ** Good Burger (cc)(S) Movie: Malaika (9-45) (S) ESHBC Two Is; iBabar IRolie Movie iDuckTale Boar Out/Box |d3 DISN Sing ICubs .Mermaid iMo Just Between Friends Movie JDiqimon |Digimon |Babig Babies Believe! |Z, Levitt I© FAM Evans Sunday Morning -JFL Preview (cc) :CNN Int'l laved USA High WWF Superstars I® USA |C-Not Edge r Pn Paid Prg. IPaid Prg. aid Prg. [Designing |Desig I® LIFE IPaid Prg. Paid Prg. iPaid Prg. iPaid Prg. Paid Prg. INFL ISportsCtr. ISp'tWeek [Reporters |SportsClr, |NFL C'ntdown IB) ESPN .SportsCenter (cc) R |Sr. PGA 'GA To. lois & Clark Movie: *** In the Heat ol the Night 161) TNT Gilligan's Island Mouie: Tarzan's Fight for Life Movie: *** Finian's Rainbow (1968, Fantasy) \m AMC Inside NASCAR (cc) RaceDay Paid Prg. jPaid Prg. JMechanic |Mechanic "PIRATE PUYHOM IE) NASH jPaid Prg. Paid IPaid Pn of Souls Breakfast With the Arts Rugra The J. Howard Wood Theatre I® NICK iGullah Blue's Paid Prc Romantic I@D TRAV |Paid Prg. Paid Prg. jPaid Prg, IPaid Prg. Sanibel Island's Professional Theatre Armor ICrusade [Sid Roth [Gospel TV waggart VilUFaith Fatima featuring:


Masterpiece Theatre (cc) the Qlass Jftenaqerie. (JD WNPL |The X-Files (cc) (S) by Tennessee Williams

Movie: The TimeShiftere SD WGN Movie: The TimeShiflers gDTBS Masterpiece Theatre (cc) (S ICountry 4- ftiov. IS 55) PBS 5S SHOW|Movie: Lite With Mlkey (6:15) (cc: Sex/Ciiy |SeWCitv The exquisitely beautiful and haunting 5s)HBO Disney Presents Movie: Monkeys, Go Horn memory play with which Tennessee SDDISN |Moyie: Big Hit (cc] Williams first exploded onto the American QlTMC i stage. A young man is torn between devotion to his painfully shy sister and his WWF Sun, Heat desire to be free of a mother obsessed ** Telling Secrets T1993, Miniserlesl IC ton Redskins al Arizona Cardma NFL FootbalM8M5)_Wa with security and her genteel past. A JHniiy Salutes7odie Foster Holly Salutes Jodie Foster @) TNT [Movie: *** The Birds (5;15J modern classic suited to the intimacy of §9) AMC IMovie: Take Her, She's Mine the |. Howard Wood theatre, brought to GBNASH life by an extraordinary professional cast. ©NICK m TRAV ©NOST 18 • OCTOBER 14, 1999 Q ISLAND REPORTER

Macintosh Book Shop SUNDAY PRIME TIME Oldest Island Bookshop Established 1960 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 CD NBC Baseball (-1) (Live) Dateline NBC cc) Third Watch (cc) (S) Movie News Sports Featuring: Best Sellers, Children's, Local Interests, CD PBS 3rd Age Business Lawrence Welk In the Wild (cc) (S) Masterpiece Theatre tec) Crown Religion Contrary © FOX •JFL Football (4) NFL Post. Baseball American League Championship Ser es, Game 4 (Uve) News (cc) ER (cc) Nature, Birding & Shelling Books, Cards and Gifts. ©CBS News News 60 Minutes (cc) (S) Touched by Angel Movie: Silk Hope (1999, Drama) (cc) (S) 'Jews M'A'S'H - Music Cassettes and CDs - (13 WNPL The X-Files (cc) (S) 7th Heaven (cc) Felicity (cc) (S) Jack & Jill (cc) (S) Stargate SG-1 (S) NYPO Blue (cc) (S) CD ABC News News (cc) Movie: Lion King II: Simba's Pride (cc) Snoops (cc) (S) The Practice (cc) (S) *)ews (cc) ET © WGN Movie Movie: *** BreaVfast at Tiffanys MacGyver (S) News (cc) Replay Wayans Beast Be sure to ©TBS Movie: **•* Star Wars (515) Movie: The TimeStiifters Movie: The TimeShifters visit our ©PBS Antiques Roadshow Lawrence Welk (S) In the Wild (cc) (S) Masterpiece Theatre (cc) (S) Country Grafters (S) ©SHOW Movie: Life With Mikey (6 15)(cc) Movie: In a Class of His Own News The Hoop Life (cc) Line's Rude Music ® HBO Movie: Good Burger Movie: * Hops Floats (cc) (S) Sex/City Sex/City Larry David: Curb C. Rock Reverb Department ED DISN Jackson Sitters So Weird Gargoyles Darkwing Bonkers Disney Presen s Movie: Monkeys, Go Home! M'heim featuring ©TMC Movie: Just Between Friends Movie: Dirty \ fork (7 35) (cc Movie: Big HI (CC) Movie ED FAM Movie: «** Superman (5) (cc) (S) Movie: **• Speed (1994, Action) (S) Comedy Exploring Cassettes & ©CNN WrtdView Business W'rldView Sports W'rldView Pinnacle CNN 8 Time (cc) Millennium (cc Sports Tonight (cc) SD USA Movie: Big WWF Sun. Heat Pacific Blue (cc) (S) La Femme Nikila GvsE (cc) (SI Law & Order: Spec. ©LIFE Movie: •** Tslkng Secrets (V 93, Ministries) (Cybiil Shepherd. Ken Olin) Any Day Now Beyond Chance ©ESPN Golf (5) (Live) SportsCtr. NFL ftFL Football (8 15) Washinoi n Redskins at Arizona Cardina 5 (Live)(cc) SportsCtr, @TNT Movie- *•* The Buds (5.15) Holly Salutes Jodie Foster JHolly Salutes Jodie Foster Movie: ** Foxes 2565 Periwinkle v^sanibei* 472^1447 QB AMC Movie: Take Her, She's Mine Screen Movie: *** The Long Gray Line (1955, Biography) Movie (5) NASH Ducks Buck Realtree Shooter n-Fish |Legends Champ Bull Riding Country Ram. Classic Garage m A&E Movie Top 10 (cc) Biography (cc Bioqraphv (cc) @3) NICK Movie DeedEd Kenan All That Animorph News Brady Lucy Jeff'sons Taxi (cc) Mary Hap.Days CUTRAV Treks Encounter Adventure Adventure Treks Tourist ntersection Chicago Amusement Parks Treks Tourist TOP TEN BOOK LIST ONOST Ballroom Dancesport Cafe DuA Cafe DuA Garrison's Gorillas Combat (cc) 12 O'Clock High From the Archives 1) BIG TROUBLE - Dave Barry 2) RETURN TO THE SEA - Anne Johnson 3) SANYBEL LIGHT DAYTIME MORNING - Charles Lebuff 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 ©NBC News Today Later Today Jerry Springer Sally Jessy Raphael 4) HARRY POTTER AND THE CD PBS Body Sit/Be Fit Arthur Zoboom Barney Teletub. Sesame Street Various [Various Various Cooking CHAMBER OF SECRETS - /. K. Rowling GD FOX Business Underdog Playback Beast Magic Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg, Ricki Lake Maury ©CBS News News This Morning Donny & Marie Rosie O'Donnell The Price Is Right 5) NATURE OF THINKS ON SANIBEL CD WNPL Sonic Jumanii Pokemon Histerial Copeland Paid Prg. In House Unhappily Nanny N'Radio Enquirer Judge CD ABC News Good Morning America Regis & Kathie Lee Martha Stewart The View - George R. Cnmpbel ©WGN Various Word Various Copetand Matters Parent... Matters Cosby Knight Rider Matlock ©TBS Coach Ties By/Bell By/Bell Matters Different Little House Little House Mama's Mama's 6) SANIBEL CAPTIVA COOKBOOK (3) WPBT Business Rogers Zoboom Dragon Barney Arthur Sesame Street Barney Arthur Couch Reading - Children's Center of the Islands OSHOW Movies & Specials Movies & Specials Movies & Specials Movies & Specials ©HBO Sports Various Various Babar Movies Movies & Specials Movies & Specials 7) CHAINS OF COMMAND ©DISN Dinosaurs Mickey Aladdin DuckTale Pumbaa Winnie Otter Out/Box Bear Mermaid Winnie Otter GBTMC Movies Movies & Specials - William Caunitz © FAM J. Meyer Various Various Various Donkey Jerry Itsy Bitsy Edition The 700 Club Baby Itsy Bitsy ® CNN Ahead of the Curve Earfy Edition Morning News CNN Business News 8) ANGELAS ASHES - Frank McCourt © USA Bloomberg Information Television Videos Videos Perfect So Right Ned [Fired Up Wings Wings ©LIFE Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Fit/Lite Workout Designing Designing Katie Attitudes Party of Five Chicago Hope 9) SANIBEL ARCANUM - Thomas Cochrun ©ESPN SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter © NASH Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Pro. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Studio [Country Alice |McCoys Dallas 10) LIONS PAW -Robb Wliiie ©TNT Wild, Wild West CHiPs CHiPs Reasonable Doubts Heat of the Night Movies & Specials ® AMC Movies & Specials Movies & Specials Movies & Specials ® A&E Foot Soldier Various Programs Northern Exposure Quincy, M.E. The Equalizer Murder, She Wrote @ NICK News R. Scarry Franklin Rocko's Arnold! Rugrats Kipper Blue's Lit Bear Franklin Gullah R. Scarry CDTFtAV Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Amazing Destination Europe Tour Dlx. Walker Kiss RENT BOATS S3 NOST Fatima Various Dollar Copeland Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. More Money/Dolans Room Ozzie Fishing and Shelling • Closest to Outer Islands 472-5800 DAYTIME AFTERNOON Jensen's Marina • Captiva island 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 CD NBC Jaws Days of Our Lives Passions Divorce Divorce Martin Short News News CD PBS Various Various Various Various Rogers Barney Teletub. Reading Arthur [Wishbone Zoom Creatures CD FOX Monlel Williams Matlock Roseanne• Charles Digimon Rangers The People's Court Home 3rd Rock ©CBS News Young & Rest ess The Bold As the World Turns Guiding Light Oprah Winfrey News News ©WNPL Jenny Jones The 700 Club Paid Prg. Sister Cartoonie Pokemon Hero Hero Jenny Jones CD ABC Feud Port Ch. All My Children One Life to Live General Hospital Judge B. Judge B. Judge Judge ® WGN Dream Maker News Hawaii Five-0 MacGyver Full H'se Full H'se Cosby Parent... SB TBS Matlock Hunter Movies 8 Specials Cosby Cosby Full H'se Full H'se 51 WPBT Various Various Mother Wait... Movies & Specials Various Various Various Arthur News SB SHOW Movies & Specials Movies & Specials ©HBO Movies & Specials Various Programs Various Programs JimltaaM 'pining: . S)DISN Out/Box Bear Madeline Katie Animals DuckTale Pumbaa Aladdin Wild! Ready Torket. Growing SDTMC Movies Movies & Specials Movies & Specials Movies & Specials n ..;.•• ; . • "... ;•:' .-.•,•..: -.••••• •: . •.• •• , £ ••... ••..:•;•' •••..; ••::; IJ3FAM Itsy Bitsy Wiggles Storytime Dracula Eerie Goose Various Various Alien Wolf Addams Two/Kind ©CNN Newsday Burden CNN Today TalkBack Live Street Showbiz Inside Politics .%•: SewingMdMnticItal^fyad ©USA Working The Truth Single Boston |Movies & Specials Baywafch Pacific Blue ©LIFE Movies & Specials Party of Five Ellen Ellen Designing Designing

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ne of the finest properties on Captiva Island1 The mam house and guest house are constructed with fine craftsmanship and gracious lining features 5 bedrooms, den, soaring ceilings, fireplace, 6 112 baths, 3 boat docks swimming pool, tennis court, beach walking easement exquisite grounds Guesthouse featwes 2 bedrooms 2 baths complete kitchen & living loom Amanda ICalDog Arnoldl IRugrats Stunning architectural feature'; truly a unique offering Proudly offered, upper bracket



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DIVORCE S150* Covers children Auction Commercial & Residential LESS THAN PERFECT credit9 GIVE YOURSELF A RAISE TODAY' 9 ADVENTURES IN PARADISE property division name change Real Estate in Florida Need debt consolidation Call POSITIONS OPEN: As an Avon Representative You SANIBEL ISLAND RESORT military, missing spouse, etc Only www Biclroalestate com or Chase Manhattan to get the finan- >Marina Dock Staff determine your income The hard- one sngnature required 'Excludes (800)442-7798 9%BP Fax or Bid cial relief you need through our >Trolley Drivers er you work the more you make. FRONT DESK STAFF PERSON govt fees, uncontested Live Oct 25-27 Lie RE Brokers innovative mortage and refinance >Wave Runner Guides Earn up to 50°o ot what you sell WEST WIND INN Paperwork done for you programs. Call now1 >Manne Biologist Call (888)942-4053 (800)554-3273 The Chase Call FULL TIME: 5 DAYS PER WEEK (800)462-2000 B Divorced 472-8443 FINANCIAL Manhattan Corporation. All rights or 3-11 P.M. SHIFT reserved Equal Housing Lender 437-1660 GOVT POSTAL JOBS-UP To BENEFITS INCLUDE PAID VACA- DIVORCE S195 00 30 days, SERVICES $17 24 hour, Hiring for 99, free TION, HEALTH INSURANCE, Property, Children Missing call, application/examination PAID TOLLS. Spouse OK No Hearings/No A BILL FREE LIFE' Consolidate and OVER YOUR HEAD IN DEBT9 Do CITY OF SANIBEL Information Federal Hire-Full Court Available Bankruptcies reduce your debt payments You Need More Breathing Benefits (800)598-4504, exten- EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY S225 00 Stop Creditor Calls IMMEDIATELY and CONFIDEN- Room9?9 Debt Consolidation, No ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY sion 1401 (8AM-6PMC.S.T) (WE WILL TRAIN) BUT A GENER- 8AM-8PM Mon -Sat TIALLY. Achieve debt free pros- Qualifying1!1 "FREE Consultation PLANNING DEPARTMENT AL KNOWLEDGE OF BASIC (800)688-3188 (800)990-9835 perity for your family ACCC non- (800)556-1548 $11.65 Hrly COMPUTER FUNCTIONS Part-time 20 hrs per week profit Call (888JBILL- Licensed, Now Hiring FT Food Servers Day & WOULD BE HELPFUL. FREE(245-5373) Position open until filled Evening Positions Available Great Bonded, NonProfit/National Co Must type 55 CWPM Flat rate long distance 3 plans High school diploma or GED with Benefit Package Apply in Person WHAT IS NECESSARY IS A starting at S35/mth Nationwide Four yrs exp. 3040 Estero Blvd , FMB PLEASANT PERSONALITY, FAST DEBT RELIEF NOW' Credit coverage now 1 -300-477-7325, BUSINESS Or Associate of Science degree GOOD TELEPHONE ETIQUETTI card & other bills consolidated, Ext 1436. with two yrs exp. AND PROPER payments lowered, interest POSTAL JOBS $48,323 00 yr Now OPPORTUNITY ENGLISH DUE TO INTERACTION reduced, FREE consultation Non- POLICE DISPATCHER hinng-No expenence-paid WITH THE GUESTS. Preg9 Depressed' For Real help profit agency Metropolitan EARN MONEY IN YOUR spare Full-time $11.33 Hrly Training-Great Benefits Call for Financial Management time, surfing the net No experi- Application Deadline: lists 7 days (800)429-3660 ext J- 941-542-4457 LOOKING FOR AN HONEST , (800)558-5562 ence or investment necessary, October 22,1999 800 911 Certification desired CLEAN CUT INDIVIDUAL TO JOII* WOLFF TANNING BEDS Tan at just visit www ghostsurfers com 1 Holiday, weekend and THE WWI TEAM. home Buy DIRECT and SAVEi and tell your friends 100% suc- Rotating shift work required. Commercial/Home Units from FREE MORTGAGE APPROVAL in cess rate Sanibel Beach Club hiring cleaners 1 CALL DARYL JORGENSON AT 5199 00 Low Monthly Payments minutes for Homeowners Get APPLY: City of Sanibel and inspectors (experienced), 1 472-1541. FREE Color Catalog. Call TODAY cash fast Pay off credit cards 300 Dunlop Road part-time Friday and Saturday. (800)842-1310 Make Home Improvements Apply Flat rate long distance. Agents Sanibel FL 343957 Work - tolls paid. Call 472-3382 online AMFC com or call needed now. Four star product (941)472-9615 Alternative Mortgage Excellent comp. plan, PART TIME CITY APPLICATION REQUIRED X-MAG Agent's, car handlers, man- AUCTIONS (800)729-0545. 1-800-477-7325, ext 1436. Drug Free Workplace, EOE Veteran's Preference agers, new company needs you. HELP WANTED & BAZAARS Sanibel Tolls Paid Mag Agent's up to $1 500 sign on HOMEOWNERS REFINANCE FL Statutes Chapter 119 bonus No current crew members Part-Time sales help needed imme- 1 1 90 Acres Farm and personal proper- FAST Over-the-phone Need sec- Compliance Must start today Call diately No evenings or Sundays. 9 ty Estate Auction, October 23, ond chance Credit problems- (800)555-1212 No experience necessary Apply Sweeneysburg Road, Beckley, Bankruptcy- Foreclosures- OKI at The Cricket Shop 1633 WV Free Brochure (800)726-2897 Starting under 7%-APR 8 973 GREAT CAREER Periwinkle Way, Sanibel or call for or visit our website wwwnverben- Nationwide Lender. (800) OPPORTUNITY MEDICAL/HEALTH appointment (395)2277 dauction com Randy S Burdette 699-LEND. The Island Water Association is #927 www seeking HELP WANTED a career minded individual WORK FROM HOME' Mail Order to fill the position of HOME CARE business Need help immediately Operator Trainee at their for adorable S522 +/week PT Water Treatment Facility home bound boy, on Sanibel Island. living on Captiva S1000-S4000/week FT Full train- Excellent pay and benefits Full time ing, free booklet (813)386-8384 ncluding paid vacation, holidays Days - 8'30 am to 5 p m wwwcash911 com/homebase \PLACEYOURCLASSimEDADTbD/^!! health insurance, Monday thru Friday retirement plan and more. Will train and certify Travel paid 472-1587 Fax482-8398 Strong mechanical aptitude and REDI CARE HOME HEALTH PROFESSIONAL math skills helpful. Shift work, 433-1909 A word is defined as any string of characters that needs a space to valid Florida Drivers License HELP WANTED separate it from another string of characters. Punctuation is free. and Pre-employment drug test required. "MEDICAL BILLING" Earn FUN AND INNOVATIVE Applications available at Excellent Income Processing CLASSIFICATION: 3651 Sanibel-Captiva Rd. TEACHERS Insurance Claims Full Training WANTED for three home schooled 1 p a. 4 Provided Computer Required kids on Sanibel starting November RECEPTIONIST Call Toll Freel (800) 540-6333 ext 15 Grades one to two levels WEEKENDS FOR 1127 teaching the basics and middle BUSY SANIBEL s 6 7. 8. high school level subjects like gui- REAL ESTATE OFFICE. tar, voice, photography, algebra CALL BECKY AT Biller Earn $40K per year. Easy and history for two gifted kids. 472-1511 medical billing. Full training, com- Please fax resume to 0 m 11. 1? puter required. 888-660-6693 ext.17 941-472-8506 or call $1000 WEEKLY Guaranteed pro- 941-395-9639. cessing mail! $4 per envelope 13 14 15. 16. processed1 Details 24 hrs OFFICE/CLERICAL (888)893-3773. Independent Insurance Agents - HELPI. WANTED. Leadsl Mortgage Insurance 17. 18. 19.. 20. Product. Clear 1-800-SANIBEL IS SEEKING A * * Apply Coatings •" $1500-$2500/Week. Discerning WE TRAIN/S10—12HRI RESERVATIONS SPECIALIST few will cover this area! Hurry! FAMILIAR WITH SANIBEL AND 91 22. 23. Local Work First movers compose Teami Call 1-800-843-1619 CAPTIVA ISLANDS. RESERVA- Spencer ©(336)421-3504. TIONS OR SALES EXPERIENCE aalbnte@sprynet com PREFERRED. CALL NANCY: Words in excess of 2S cost 25c each per week BE A PARALEGAL Up to S50/HR 472-1800. Process simple forms at home ~ RESTAURANT No experience or degree neces- PR P7 PR PP. sary. Must own computer. Call 7 _HJLP WANTED days/wk (800)688-3188 WATERSIDE INN (800)990-9835. ON THE BEACH Applications for all positions are nn 31 3?.. 33. Resort looking for a part-time now being accepted for new warm friendly, Sanibel Island Restaurant opening COMPUTER USERS NEEDED. out-going personality this Fall. Please fax resume to for front desk 472-5555 and call 472-1141 for 37 WORK OWN hours. S25K- I80K/YR. (800)536-0486 ext 136. reception/reservation 1st. inteview appointment Must be willing to work www/ewpcom some evenings, some weekends Cheeburger, Cheeburger looking for and some holidays. Enclosed is a check or money order Computer Users Needed Work own Compensation commensurate helpl Cook wanted F7T or P/T. Will train. Call 472-6111 Ask for Carol. If additional space is needed, use another piece of paper. hrs. $25k-$80k/yr with experience for $ to cover ad for wks. 1-800-476-8653X 7566 and performance. Call Joan Good or Bert Jenks at 472-1345. RETAIL -or- Bill my-VISA- MC - AMX NAM? DENTAL BILLER. Up to $20-$40/hr Fax your resume to 472-2148 HELP WANTED Dental Billing software company e-mail needs people to process medical AnriRFSfi PHflMF [email protected] "GOODWILL INDUSTRIES - imme- claims. Training provided Must diate opening, immediate opening, Fxp datp own computer. (800)223-1149 ext part-time sales clerk Experience 458 helpful, but not necessary, will T.ITV STATF 7IP tram Applications being accepted at Goodwill Boutique, 2400 Palm Earn Big $$$$' Comp-U-Med seeks Receptionist for construction office No refunds lor unused weeks Ws assume responsibility lor Ihe first incorrect insertion only and only tf notified of that error by Friday noon after Ridge Road, Sanibol on Man-Sat full/part dome medical processors Full-time, light office duties, phone the ad appeared We do not absume any responsibility for ad error beyond the cost of thead itsell We reserve the right to reject revise and 10am-5pm EOE - Drug Free property classify all ads If a telephone number lb to be part of the ad it must be included in the context of the ad All ads are prepaid and a PC required Will train Call & computer skills Benefits avail- ahlo Pall Tnoo . Pn R74-Rnni Workplace." ISLAND REPORTER • OCTOBER 14, 1999 • 21


HELP WANTED TRADES 1993 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE MOPEDS OWNER ESTATE 48 000 MILES ONE OWNER ONE •JUNGLE DRUMS GALLERY * HELP WAITED DRIVER WHITE WITH BLACK Harley Davidson 1996 Sportster offers full-time, part-time sales TOP GOOD TIRES LOOKS 1200 4800 miles Loaded with positions. Seasonal possibili- Plumbing warehouse manager Live in Beautiful NEW S10 900 JONES genuine Harley Accessories ties Chat with folks looking for good benefits Apply at 907 472 5898 Showroom condition Black on Punta Gorda wildlife art in paradise. Energy, Country Club Blvd Cape Coral Black Asking S8 995 Call Gary at In a friendly personality required Ask for 574-4121 941-541 2778 Cape Coral Fl ANOi Kathleen or Slim, 395-2266 1995 Chrysler Town & Country adult community Captiva Fax 433-0880. Truck driver trainees neededi Swift 62 000 miles $14 500 Call with direct access has immediate openings for entry 472 6012 POWER BOATS to the Peace River. level drivers Earn 37K-42K, No Watch the dolphins, SALES experience neededi Training avail 1994 GRADY WHITE 20 FT fish on the pier or HELP WANTED able through TD I (800)435-5593 Toyota Avalon XLS 1995 Asking ADVENTURE go boating!! $14 500 OBO also Nissan Walk around with Cuddy Cabin Salt AltimaGXE 1993 Asking $6 000 Water Series 150 hp Yamaha JOYCE JORDAN IMMACULATE!! REALTY Welders needed for busy shop OBO Great cars great shape' Outboard Motor Low hours ADORABLE 14x33 AT PERIWINKLE PLACE Drivers license required Call Includes blue Bimmi top and One owner All Mtnce records Furnished Mobile, IS SEEKING 267-4727 motor cover Live bait well Trim available (941)395 1929 1 Bedroom -1 Bath FT/PT tabs 5i Tex Color fish finder and SALESPERSONS SPORTING Loran Stereo, VHF radio, bottom SACRIFICE SALE!! paint In excellent condition NORTH CAPTIVA COMPUTER KNOWLEDGE Cadillac 6 door Limousines GOODS 2-1984/85 H&E limousines 6 Owners want to buy larger boat ISLAND A PLUS doors very clean, 44 000 Call Terry at 472 3691 or $9,500 STARTING IMMEDIATELY. CAN'T GET TO THE GYM? miles/51,000 miles dark blue, 472-0939 Price $17 900 Looks SALES AND EXCELLENT SALARY. almost new 941-637-4940 LIFE STEP 5500 FOR SALE cloth interior Conservatively RENTALS CALL CALL LORINDA AT priced at $1450 each Must take DAYS (W) 433-1909 pair Firm 941-303-0277, Toll free 472-0505 GULF FRONT HOME FOR INTERVIEW. EVES (N) 939-0975 pager 888-516-0346 Allied Sea Breeze, 34 5 Diesel, N E Cape Coral 3/2/2 CBS split Please leave message. wheel steering hot/cold water, plan built in 1995 Vaulted ceil- 4 BR/4 BA auto pilot VHF Loran, 5-Sails, ings, all appliances, neutral colors, PERFECT FOR PERSONAL Celebrity '87, 4 door, air 63,000 Refrigeration Avon, Outboard plant shelves, screened porch, ENJOYMENT ADT Dealer needs salespersons WANTED TO BUY miles, $1,850 or best call See Illness forces sale $24,000 Call quiet neighborhood $76,000 Call and installers Call I- AND/OR •COLLECTOR BUYS* Ray Little at Roger Dean before 9 00pm 1-941-542-5397 (941)458-5310 RENTAL INCOME 800-355-1817 Atwood Electric Chevrolet 574-3326 Cape Coral, Florida and Alarm Fishing tackle, Cameras, $995,000 Clocks, Watches, Radios, Record Players, Pool Home NE Cape 3/2 5/1 5 Dodge Neon 1996, low miles 29K, BOAT PARTS & over 1600 sq ft New everything "UNBELIEVABLE" Coins, Collections, Pens, Sales Representative for local terri- like new one owner, only $169 a Maple cabinets Conan counter HARBOR FRONT Old Toys, Cigarette lighters tory $1,000 - $1,500 per week month w/$500 down cash or trade SUPPLIES tops Family room W/3 sets of Almost anything of value SOUND VIEWS possible We furnish 2-3 pre-set WAC See Ken Busch at Roger French doors Reduced $89,900 E-mail Alternators Starters, Generators for 11,000 SQ.FT. TOTAL appointments each day No cold Dean Chevrolet 574-3326 2021 NE5thAve 574-1237 calling No slow or off season [email protected] Cars Trucks Boats Rebuilt - $885,000 Immediate product delivery No Call 574-1364 Remanufactured - Repaired Or holdbacks Sold Financing Leave message if I'm not there Geo Metro LSI '98, 4 door automat New All Makes & Models www NoBrokerNetwork com No GULF FRONT LOT Company sponsored health insur- ic, air, low miles, two to choose 542-0008 Broker, No Commission, No Bull PERMITS & PLANS IN ance Call Bob Diamond at from, $500 down, payment $179 a We are the change (800) PLACE I would like to buy several sets of Craftmatic Adjustable Beds month WAC Call Dan Yaple at 450-2469 READY TO BUILD used golf clubs Also golfing SAILBOATS (800)947-9732 Monday - Friday Roger Dean Chevrolet 574-3326 ONE OF THE LAST 9 00-5 00 books and other golf related items Please call 910-7121 14ft Hobie Holder with rebuilt trail- SANIBEL/ $375,000 Olds Achieva '98 6 cylinder, auto er Self furl Jib, canvas cover Top Notch Sales Persons 28 000 miles only $239 a month $1 900 Call (941)481 1124 CAPTIVA We would like to purchase used or Will Train with $500 down cash or trade (941) 472-3000 power tools including saws drills Careeer Opportunity WAC Call Bill Brady at Roger HOMES FAX' etc Also some hand tools Will DOCK SPACE All Ages Dean Chevrolet 574-3326 (941) 472-9635 also buy stuffed and mounted fish NEW Leading SW Florida Corporation Fresh or saltwater Call 910-7121 RENTAL/SALES Excellent Compensation SPORTS S CONSTRUCTION Package. WANT TO RENT OPEN HOUSE BUILDING 10NA MCGREGOR AREA Full or Part Time. IMPORTS DOCK SPACE AT 772-5815 for ISLAND WOODS CLOSE TO SHOPPING SUPPLIES SANIBEL ISLAND AND FORT or 1990 Jaguar XJ6 Light metallic 17 ft. Power Boat. 1-800-329-2372 JANUARY THRU MARCH. MYERS BEACH FACTORY ERROR Must sell 5 blue 89,000 miles New tires and EAST END SANiBEL. QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD - wire wheels Must see to appreci- Come visit us buildings All Steel 50x80 25x30, Phone collect at Sanibel s DEAD END STREET SKILLS Si 40x60, 30x40 45x70 First come ate Asking $7,000 OBO Call 651-452-6196 newest community' LAKE VIEW first served-we pay freight 850-8000-JOHN or There are several models CUSTOM HOME 651-426-5115 TRADES Pioneer (800)332-6430, ext 100 in our 38 lot MOVE IN CONDITION www usmb com wooded neighborhood of THREE BEDROOM/ BMW 1984 7331 Blue w/beige Olde Florida style homes HELP WANTED TWO BATHS leather interior Power windows, ACREAGE (open, airy, vaulted ceilings porches) POOL HOME Concrete Cutter needed Drivers locks, sunroof am/fm cassette Lowest Prices ever in the #1 Selling For sale by owner 4BR/3BA or with a very 11941 LORAS LANE license required Experience a player and cold a/c 99,000 miles Arch Steel Buildings Including 3BR/2BA with rental 1BR/1BA on convenient location PRICE 5161,900. plus Call Mon - Fn 9am-4pm Asking $4,500 or best offer Call 20x24 30x42 40x64,50x110 1 6 acres Large oaks, great two tennis courts, pool JEANNIE M RUSSELL 574-8001 281-7321 or pager 930 4145 Factory Direct' Ultimate neighborhood, priced under and Russell Commercial & Investment Garage/workshop Must Sell' natural setting Properties Inc $100 000 Possible financing Alva These new homes are priced from (800)341-7007 wwwsteelmas- area 941-728-2965 Phone 941 694-2631 DRIVER COVENANT TRANSPORT Dodge Dart 330,1962. the mid $200,000's terusa com EMAIL russell@quiznet net "Coast to Coast runs 'Teams Slant six engine., We are open daily Runs strong, needs work. from 12 to 4 start 35C-370 $1,000 Sign-on OFFICESPACE You can find us on bonus for exp Co Drivers For Beautiful car, ANTIQUES perfect restortaion project. Farm Trail Drive Experienced Drivers and Owner $1,000. For Sale or Rent • office showroom just off Periwinkle Way' MANUFACTURED Operators (800) 441 -4394 For Antiques - Dishes, China cabinet Call 458-7690 before 8PM warehouse 1,400 ft condo close Come and see Graduate Students (800) w/rounded glass and claw feet to Sanibel Near Factory Outlet the real Sanibel lifestyle"'! HOMES 338-6428 $1,800 Call (941) 489-3136 If you would like a video, SPORT UTILITY Call (941)481-1124 just call VIP at North Fort Myers Pine Lakes VEHICLES 941-472-5187 Beautiful manufactured home on DRIVERS-SAY yess to Paschall COMPUTERS & golf course in senior community Truck Lines' Guaranteed home ISLAND OFFICE(S) FOR RENT- .SOFTWARE—- Ford Explorer XLT, 1998, 22,700 Great location - 3 mm from low maintenance, 2br/2Ba Call time No forced northestm plenty GENERAL REAL (941) 731-7976 of miles 1 yr OTR, 23 yrs & CDL mi, excellent condition, cham- Causeway Newly renovated First w/HazMat Company O/O s GATEWAY COMPUTERS pagne interior and exterior, floor Easy parking Call 472-4127 ESTATE Fleets welcome (800)848-0405 Factory-Direct $0down Low $23,900 OBO, Call Candy Monthly payment Pentium-Ill 600 910-4260 INVESTMENT available Some Credit Problems INTERVAL FOR OKI Call by Oct 15, waive first PROPERTY DRIVERS/OWNER OPERATORS payment Call OMC Lincoln Navigator '98,3,600 SALE Hiring Owner Operators' Swift (800)477-9016 CodeA06 miles, still new, $39,000 w/war- Cape - 24 unit Apartment/Motel Transportation High miles, insur- ranty. '95 Ford E2S0 Cargo Van, By Owner - Sanibel Beach Club II EQUAL HOUSING ance available, paid base plate & Complex on water with pool 40,000 miles, lifts, side/rear Weeks 42-43 October OPPORTUNITY $1 275,000 Possible financing licensing, bulk fuel maintenance HOME FURNISHING doors, excellent condition, Unit 2C, 2BR/2BA Overlooking All real estate advertised in this discount (800)498-8821 or newspaper with substantial down payment $13,000. '91 Twin axle h/d open Beach & Gulf Pool-Spa-Tennis No Brokers 941-542-8499 (800)769-2983 (eoe-m/f) trailer, lots of features, $2,800. is subject to the Federal Fair Carpet dealer left with many rolls $6,800 00 each Terms (941)- Housing Act of 1638 which of 1st quality carpet Many col- Must sell all. 482-6450 454-6747 makes it illegal to advertise ors to choose from. We will any preference, limitation or Drivers - Experienced or truck install any 3 rooms, up to 3.60 discrimination based on race, REAL ESTATE school grads CDL-A Hiring OTR sq. ft. for only $379. Buy today, TmTcKsayANS FOR STVLE BY color, religion, sex, handicap, DISTANT drivers Earn up to 390/mile instaHitornjTiorow:_945^157 familial status or national Great benefits Start ASAP O/O's Chevy S10 1996 pick-up truck LS, origin, or an intention to make OWNER EXCLUSIVE SOUTH CAROLINA $1 05/mile Call Candy Carpet installer w/many remnants & like new, bedliner, low miles, only such preference, limitation or discrimination. This publication lakefront community on Lake (877)315-1163 first quality rolls, great deal 3 $169 a month, $500 down cash or 3br/2ba, 2-car garage, split plan, will not knowingly accept any Murray Featuring clubhouse, rooms installed w/pad $379 00 trade WAC Call Dick Collyer 1,413 sq ft living North Cape Roger Dean Chevrolet 574-3326 advertised for real estate pool, tennis, walking trails, marina (360 sq ft) Buy today, install $82,500 Call 454-3626 which is in violation of the law. Reserve your lot today1 Excellent Our readers are hereby Drivers/OTR FFE Transporation hir- tomorrowi 574-9757 financing Harbour Watch ing expennced and inexperienced informed that ail dwellings Dodge Grand Caravan 1995 advertised in this newspaper (800)805-9997 www harbour- drivers CDL training available for Cape Coral home, by owner MlSCELiANlipiJS extended 7-passenger, loaded, are available on an equal watch com qualified applicants For informa- 3br/2&1/2ba, pool, oversized lot, 6-cyllnder, all the toysl Only opportunity basis. If you feel tion, call Elaine (800)569-9265 $128,900 Call 283-2066 you have been discriminated Owner Operator Average $ 94 Boss Bikes - Two - Like new $150 $189/month w/$500 down cash or trade WAC, cash price of $8,875 against you may file a SOUTHERN COLORADO RANCH cpm each Call 472-6012 complaint by calling Call Don Colton only at Roger SALE 68 AC $39 900 Enjoy sen- Cape beautiful 3-2-2 home Tiled The Florida Commission of sational sunsets over the Rockies Dean Chevrolet 574-3326 Human Rights at 1-800-342-8170 FACTORY DIRECT POOL baths pool indoor laundry, securi- or & views of Pikes Peak on gently Mirror & Shower installers Excellent HEATERS Heatpump, Solar, or ty, nice landscaping, near St HUD at 1-800-869-9777. rolling terrain Yr round access, pay & benefits Need valid drivers Gas Maior brands New/Used Do Mazda B2000 1993 pick up, Andrew Church, Midpoint Bridge, For more info please call the tele & elec. Ideal for horses license West Coast Insulation it yourself or installed Free Phone 5-speed, cold a/c, priced to sell shopping 1408 SE 25th Terr Lee County Offoce of Equal Excellent financing Call toll free 3218 Marion St Fort Myers, FL Quotes (800)333-WARM (9276) See Jeanne Healy at Roger Dean 941-458-0171 Opportunity 335-2267 877-676-6367 Hatchet Ranch 334-2338 We Drug Testl www solardirect com Lie Chevrolet 574-3326 #CWC029795 22 Q OCTOBER 14, 1999 • ISLAND REPORTER island CLASSIFIEDS REAL ESTATE VACATION PROP. VACATION PROP. VACATION PROP. VACATION PROP. DISTANT & RENTALS & RENTALS & RENTALS & RENTALS VACATION PROP. & RENTALS TENNESSEE LAKE BARGAIN 3 Beach Front Condo Two LOGGERHEAD CAY SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION acres with boat slip S24 900 bedrooms plus two baths BEACH VILLA Fully Furnished Two bedroom two bath Beautifully wooded spectacular Washer/dryer Large kitchen Two bedroom two bath LUXURY VILLA views v.ith access to crystal clear sanibei holiday Pool - tennis - bicycles Now BEACH VILLAS Condo One bedroom one bath rntn lake-next to 18 hole golf booking weekly and monthly Pool • Tennis - Cable - VCR GULF FRONT Owner 330-864-3094 BAY SIDE VILLAS SOUTH SEAS course' Paved roads utilities One bedroom two bath soils tested Low, low financing STEPS TO BEACH THREE NIGHT MINIMUM PLANTATION Call owner now (800) 704-3154 RENTING WEEKLY DISCOUNT FIVE BEDROOMS ext 3735 CAPTIVA WATERFRONT SAVE THROUGH OWNER" PRIVATE POOL AND SPA NOV & DEC 1999 ONE ACRE CONDO AND MILLENNIUM STILL AVAILABLE' VACATION RENTALS (800) 899-7327 FENCED IN LOT 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, MARCH THRU 2000 BEST VIEW ON VACATION PROP. Sanibei & Captiva with loft. Ft. Myers THE ISLAND & RENTALS In 10 unit complex. BY OWNER LUXURIOUSLY FURNISHED Dock, pool. 1-516-628-1801 RESORT Cottages, Condos Every amenity. SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION AMENITIES AVAILABLE Homes and Estates SEASONAL RENTAL PRE- 1-3 bedroom Bay Villas CONTACT OWNER FOR ATRIUM FERRED. LOGGERHEAD CAY 2 bedroom & 2 bedroom SPECIAL RATES. DAYS: 248-548-4006 Exclusive Gult front condo resi- Discounted 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, w/loft Beach Villas Phone: dence Two week minimum monthly EVES: 248-649-9773 Sleeps 6 Seasonal rates Available now and December 23 rates Amenities include: Amenities optional (219)272-0889 1999 to January 22,2000 and after Pool, Tennis, Cable, VCR. ALSO Sanibei Harbor Fax: March 25 (608)363-7669 800-572-6423 First time offered Buttonwood Lane Discounts for long term. 1-800-878-7495 (219)273-5973 941-472 6565 Spacious Olde Sanibei Cottage Book now through owner. Two homes from beach Two bed- (847)234-6808 1630 Periwinkle Way rooms two baths sundecks great http://www patantir. net/sanibel/ 1 DIRECT GULF FRONT Suite A Orlando Vacation For less room S5 000 month in season X- SOUTHWINDS DRIVE Brandnew Suite Resort 2/2 AVAILABLE: http //www Mas/Millenmum available LOGGERHEAD CAY SANIBEL jacuzzi, furnished, across from sanibelholidaycom 941-549-3474 BEACHFRONT BESIDE CASA YBEL RESORT Universal Studios1 DECEMBER THRU MARCH Two bedrooms, two baths DUE TO ILLNESS 2nd Floor Unit $89 99-11/30/99 Ask about Two Bedrooms, Two Baths Beautifully furnished $29 99 per night deali 5Star OCEAN'S REACH Sunrise and Sunset Views Fully equipped NEAR LIGHTHOUSE Piling beach home Guest Services (407)226-1099 Fabulous Views' Gulf Front • ••••• $750/Week (Sept, Oct) One Bedroom Condos $875/Week Off Season Near shops AVAILABLE Upscale - Delightful Each accommodates four (May-Sept) Non-Smoking Call for Seasonal Rates NOVEMBER, DECEMBER Find Your Place FEBRUARY, MARCH, Two bedrooms Two baths Fantastic View 5% Discount SANDDOLLAR Beach, pool, tennis, bikes With 3 Weeks or More and APRIL Very nicely furnished 941 -395-2475 Pool and Tennis Owner: 732-223-6748 Gulf Front Condo 941-395-1972 With Sweeping View Please call 330-788-9329 2BR/2BA Plus Den 800-982-3471 LOGGERHEAD CAY Newly Furnished 941-472-5550 Two bedrooms two baths Available Now To Atrium Exclusive beautifully Nicely furnished SUNSET CAPTIVA December 15th decorated Gulf-front luxury Great view' BEAUTIFULLY Also January, March 5th CHANGE OF PACE 2BR/2BA, den wrap-around VIP All amenities FURNISHED HOME & Beyond balcony Glorious views AVAILABLE AVAILABLE WEEKLY Beautiful vacation home 3 bedroom, Rent Thru Owner 2 bath Your own private tennis Sunsets' Easter available NOW THROUGH 2,000 2 Bedroom, loft, 2 Bath Screened Lanais (941)395-2177 court and swimming pool 100 Call owner for brochure SANIBEL/CAPTIVA/ Rent from owner 941-395 2177 3 TV/VCR yards to Gulf of Mexico (BOO) 484-7304-PIN 8286 or (770) FT MYERS BEACH / FT MYERS Pool - Tennis - BBQ Grill (440) 338-8031 664-7186 Gulf Beach, Boat Dock (440) 338-5281 Seasonal & Annual Ocean's React* Gulf Front Condo And Morel SUNSET CAPTIVA Rentals One bedroom Sleeps four Newly Call owner at Completely Redone 314-872-9990 POINTE SANTO decorated "A" rated Shelling 2 Bedrooms plus Loft BEAUTIFUL POOL HOME 1-800-237-7526 pool tennis Top floor for best Sleeps 6 DE SANIBEL EAST ROCKS Fully Equipped Sanibei 941 172 1613 view ol beach Call owner I WEST GULF DRIVE AREA) 612 472 7994 All Amenities .USURIOUS GULF FRONT PENT OVERLOOKING Ft Myers Beach Pool Tennis, & Beach t 941-765-8636 Available Now HOUSECONDO TROPICAL LAKE SUNSET CAPTIVA TASTEFULLY DECORATED Luxury Weekly or Monthly 2 bedrooms 2 baths 3 BEDROOMS'2 BATHS VIP Realty Group/ POINTE SANTO Three bedroom two bath Call Owner screened lanai with ALL AMENITIES Rental Division Large screened porch. For Discounted Rates spirai staircase to WALK TO BEACH Most beautiful Fully equipped. (978) 526-7689 private rooftop sunderk AVAILABLE Gulf Front Complex. Private Gulf and Gorgeous sunrise DECEMBER 1999 Bay front community. and sunsets JANUARY 2000 ****** Tennis and Activities. Pool • tennis -Boat docks - HOMES FOR Beautifully decorated Gas grills, and much more. and fully equipped 708-481-8188 Two bedroom CALL OWNER RENT Call owner e-mail CAPTIVA BEACH HOUSE gorgeous condo. 517-321-6324 Substantial savings jlorenzo @ prodigy net ANNUAL RENTALS Spectacular View. (610)664-2371 Lovely Private, DIRECT CANAL FRONT Beautifully furnished If we're booked, THE ATRIUM This beautiful BOARDWALK TO BEACH Heated pool we can refer you Gulf Front. 3 bedrooms/2 baths UF home SUNSET CAPTIVA 3BR/2BAhome Tropical vegetation to owners network. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, Den. has just beer Elegant 3 BR/2BA Home VERY PRIVATE Spectacular gulf views Two weeks minimum. relandsw t and in Private Fireplace, paddle fans, All amenities 248-363-9257 Photos available. paints i oughout Beachfront Community screened lanais, BBQ, Rent direct from owner t'jod floors Fully furnished heated pool, tennis, bikes 781-483-1707 and save! tile and carpet, 2CATV s, VCP, All amenities (609) 985-0322 direct access CD/Stereo, W/D GREAT RATES'" SANIBEL ISLAND (609) 492-7389 with dock and Pool - Tennis - Boat Dock Call owner 3 bedroom,2-1/2 bath electric lift • *••*• 1 Call owner 314-842-2147 Townhouse. A must see $2,000/mo 615-371-9029 Beautifully furnished. LAKE FRONT + POOL Near Golf Course 3 bedrooms/2baths UF piling home and Beach. THE VACATION screened in pool, LANDS END Monthly rates close to beach, AVAILABLE: HOME new berber carpet $1,600/mo VILLAGE CONDO JANUARY and FEBRUARY At South Seas Plantation 612-788-8404 YOU'VE ALWAYS 2 Bedroom / 2 Bath GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD Luxury Unit This 3 bedroom/two bath WANTED piling home of-1 Fantastic Ocean Views 1 Most private beach. large scree " t. porch, 1-B0D-SANIBEL Weekly or Monthly Rentals SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION Dock on Bayou. Book now for next season wr^2i aors in Great Sunset Views' Heated pool room R Owner 800-897-0288 BEACH VILLAS Wide porches. eservations REASONABLE RATES Backs up to Two bedrooms, two baths Open sunning decks. Conservation Land $1550/mo A-Rated Chateau Sur Mer area. w BY OWNER Idyllic luxury and comfort. LAKE FRONT Easy care, no effort This beautif' ', LUXURY HOME BEACH FRONTr% GET AWAY FROM IT ALL 800-390-6829 FAX 941-772-4753 Vacation Home. 2 bedroor"'! ' uath SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION >* At beautiful secluded Three bedrooms, three baths. Mr "ondo Monthly rentals. '-. r ,iew condition 3 Bedrooms/ 3 Baths • Loft • Pool • Beautifully furnished Boca Grande. Call for rates. arid is only $950/mo 1 & 2 Bedrooms Also Available • Amnities optional Bay, Gulf and Beach Front SANIBEL-VACATION HOME FOR (941)472-8248- Special rates thru owner • Cali 10AM • 11PM • 1-800-227-1783 Condimmiums RENT West Rocks Subvision (505) 982-9242 Call 472-6747 3BR/2BA/large screened porch for more info On an unspoiled, barrier /2nd. floor Lakefront property on these fine properties Island. Near beach Sleeps 6 Minimum and additional rentals one month Winter rates Grande Island Vacations NAPLES FLORIDA $4,300 mo Del Prado Inn GULF BEACH VACATION RENTALS 941-964-2080 • 800-962-3314 (513)232-4634/(513)287-2656 Vista MiCasa Resort PROPERTIES INC Apartments/Efficiencies Lie Real Estate Broker Bi-Weekly and Monthly Sanibei & Captiva 941-542-3151 472-6747 Call Naples Coastal Realty, Inc. 1-800-231-6818 Toll Free 1-877-593-6274 • (941) 593-0080 CENTRAL RESERVATIONS, Inc. Your ORIGINAL central reservation service on the Islands CAPTIVA ELEGANT GULF HOUSE I CfiPTIVfi LUXURY with over 5,000 one to seven bedroom, homes, condos, 1 cottages, efficiencies and hotel rooms, on and off beach GULF FRONT HOUSE Weekly, daily and monthly rentals. LOVELY ESTATE: PRIVATE BEACH "Let us do the searching for you.** Beautiful 5 bedroom, 3 baths - Separate Wings - Private Beach At Your Doorstep P Uc Real Estate Broker, call 800-325-1352 or 472-0457 Long driveway into an acre of lush tropical estate grounds all to yourself. Exclusive Tastefully decorated 3/4 bedrooms or den 2 Kitchens - Heated Pool & Spa - Cable T.V. - Large Sleeps 8 3 1/2 baths Full-sized heated pool and spa, nominated Beautiful kitchen/family entertainment area, Decks for architectural award, with terraces pool pavilion All amenities Brochure available i» Vi R SEASONAL RENTALS "the very best on Captiva'' $4,600 per week Dec. 19th - April 24th $3,000 per week April 24th - Dae. 18th L££f The Best Choice of Properties Call 513-417-2501 & leave message Realty, inc. (DAYS) 201-569-2111 (WEEKENDS) 914-687-0360 Available on the Islands. ^ ~ Negotiable Rates ~ ISLAND REPORTER • OCTOBER 14, 1999 Q 23 island CLASSIFIEDS HOMES FOR HOMES FOR APARTMENTS & CONDOS FOR LOCKSMITH RENT RENT DUPLEXES FOR RENT ANNUAL RENTAL RENT CAPTAIN'S WALK CONDO. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Two bedrooms, one bath. Spa. EARLY FALL 1999 2 car garage. ****•*• TWO BEDROOM AND THREE Enclosed Lanai. Second Floor. Newer stilt home. BEDROOM VACANCIES BY MONTH OR YEAR. Newly Near Preserve, Beach, STOP PAYING YOUR IN THE BELOW MARKET redecorated. 315-673-4054. Golf and Shops RATE HOUSING AVAILABLE: LANDLORD'S PROGRAM. NOVEMBER 1st. APPLICATION PROCESS. HANDYMAN 847-492-1075 MORTGAGE ANNUAL LEASE. ISLAND LOCKSMITH ANYONE CAN QUALIFY FOR FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, Quality work done your way All PLEASE CONTACT home repairs and improvements 100% FINANCING COMMUNITY HOUSING Call Glenn Davis for frea estimate 24-hour Emergency Service AND ANNUAL RENTAL NO APPLICATION FEE 540-4367 Charming UNDER $400 MOVES YOU IN RESOURCES, INC. AT three bedroom/two bath SAME DAY APPROVAL 472-1189 WIN $50 UF piling home 1ST TIME BUYERS O.K. with fireplace in POOR CREDIT O K Sambel Nice, spacious 1 bed- GUMBO LIMBO. BANKRUPTCY O.K. Just been repainted room, 1 bath, at ground level. BEAT THE FH A/VA/CON VENTIO N AL Very quiet neighborhood and recarpeted. CALL (941)769-7052 AAA APPROVED Enclosed two car garage. (941)275-5223 Fireplace, screened lanais, W/D Backs up to a ASK FOR JIMMY, JR. hookup. Near lighthouse, on 472-2394 EXPERTS Wildlife Sanctuary CMS canal. Immediate occupancy $1450/month. LICENSED MORTGAGE LENDER No dogs $750/monthly. Annual Walter, Norma & (941)454-5178 Call 339-2337. Please leave Dan message. Thompson SEE PAGE 13

rj^'iB'.ffifv^, .*.« is .,&t4t't »* ^Tji^if

Ll. qJC? & REMODELING "*" A lull service contractor dedicated to e\tcptional y ELECTRIC, INC. quality at a reasonable price OMSTKEfflON (_(» • REPAIRS & NEW CONSTRUCTION ADDITIONS • KITCHENS •

• 24 HOUR SERVICE CALLS BATHS Michael j.Valiquette VISIT OUR SHOWROOM AT SANIBEL SQUARE GENERAL CONTRACTOR FREE ESTIMATE SERVING SANIBEL & CAPTIVA SINCE 1981 Island Resident Lie #CGCO56909 H 472 - 1 841 Lic.#ME00084 Phone: (941) 472-0200 Hurricane Protection Consultant


(941) 466-1617 ESSLEY ROOFING (941) 335-6833 Pager 18 YEARS OF LEE COUNTY ftOOFING EXPERIENCE • Licensed / Insured DEANS • Topping RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL M • Shaping TREE SERVICE INC. • Removal SPECIALIZING IN REROOFS ALL TYPES OF ROOFING • Lot Cleanng I ROOFING LOT CLEARING • Hauling NEW ROOFS & REROOFS • REPAIRS PEPPER DESTROYER • Baekhoe / Root Rake ISLAND REFERENCES ALL WORK si vrr LICI NSEDCtto 54802 SERVING ALL A Full Seivice company Bringing •Since 1982 j GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES LEE COUNTY Quality Woik and Dependable Dean DesRochers FT MYERS -g^ __ —g, CAPE CORAL Residential and Commercial Sauces Native Lee Counlian 275-4818 945-2878


DOORS REPLACED • COUNTER TOPS • CROWN MOLDING Ray Roseberry SANDOLLAR a m Care Giwer Sanibel to Naples to POM CARPENTRY o Ul Plumbing inc. References, Heavy Lift, V) Live-In, Will Travel, Relocate o , _ a Repair and Remodeling g - 6ENERAU CARPENTRY > Senior Discount g 19 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE-REFERENCES UPON REQUEST g P.O. Box 1283 g FREE ESTIMATES...NQ JOB TO SMALL (941) 437-1330 • Fax: 437-4172 Sanibel, Florida 33957 v> 941-940-5170 (Local call S.W.FL) LICENSED & INSURED RON FOWLER UC#CFC057135 Lou Gelormine email: [email protected] #CP 000338 941-466-3204 Help Keep the Beach Dark and Furniture-Free For Sea Turtles May - October • Lights confuse nesting females • • Lights disorient hatchlings • • Furniture creates impassible obstacles • Sanibei-Captiva Conservation Foundation 472-2329 ^ 24 • OCTOBER 14, 1999 Q ISLAND REPORTER


• and oh so near the beach! • Morning sun as well as sunsets! Over 3000 sq. ft. CBS ground level • Completely remodeled 3 bedroom, 2 • 3 bedroom, 2 bath on 2 lots! • Gulf and vegetation views everywhere! in Shell Harbour. 1/2 bath. Just bring your boat - boat towel - • Beautiful lake views on large pool • East end locale, lots of privacy! • Sanibel beach front decor - cool and inviting! bathing suit. size lot. • Great room, screened lanai - • Many new items - great rental! Otherwise totally & fully furnished. • Vaulted ceilings & lots of storage. $269,000. $650,000. Call for details and video $574,900. • $274,900! • Ask for JIM HALL Call SUSAN ANDREWS • Call JAMES or PENNY HETMANEK • Call ANTHONY or KATHRYN GAETA at 472-5187x251 (990440) at 472-5187 x 215 (980188) at 472-5187 x 231 (990473) E-rnail: [email protected] at 472-5187 x 219 (990571)

€ULF MIDGE! LAKE FRONT LOT GO1GEOUS VIEWS! Gated community. Sea Oats subdivision. Offers tennis, pool, pristine beaches! Near beach. One acre parcel offering seclusion! Area of lovely newer olde Florida style Abuts conservation lands! homes. Nicely priced at $169,900. Sewer hook-up paid $128,000. Call JIM HALL Call VAL POOL at 472-5187 x 215 (970467) at 472-5187 x 256 (990424) EXCLUSIVE SMALL COMMUNITY GO CRUISIN' DOWN THE RIVEH Only 12 lots near beach. Riverfront lot in Fort Myers. Neighboring estate sized homes. King's Bay Estates. Community pool and tennis. Fabulous river view. $269,900. City water, sewer, cable $158,000. Private area near shopping and Call SUSAN ANDREWS Call ADA SHISSLER Panoramic views of lake and 17th at 472-5187 x 251 (419907) at 472-5187 x 254, 472-1422 (971053) fairway. restaurants. HE1ONS LANDING PRIVATE BOATERS COMMUNITY Pristine and private Sanctuary Pool courts. Located on a cul-de-sac. 175' x 123' waterfront lot. subdivision. Area of new homes. Lots of privacy and fantastic bayou views! Filled and ready to build. 3 bedroom, 3 bath with pool and spa. Views of conservation lands. Perfect for the nature lover. Jonathan Harbour amenities. A great location at an even a better price. Great location in South Ft. Myers Excellent buy for $549,000. $329,000. Only $169,000! $245,000. Call MIKE MCMURRAY Call CHARLENE TIMOTHY Call MIKE MCMURRAY Call JAMES or PENNY HETMANEK at 472-5187 x 250 (990172/3) at 472-5187x222 (990559) at 472-5187x250 (990206) at 472-5187x219 (980885) RENTALS AVAILABLE! SEASONAL • SHORT TERM • ANNUAL WORLD LEADER EQUAL HOUSING Find Your Place With IN RELOCATION OPPORTUNITY VII HOMES • CONDOS • WATERFRONT • OFF-WATER Let Our Professional Rental Staff 2|i^jliji%|fj^^^^£ Sanibel Office • 1560 Periwinkle Way Manage Your Properties For You! (941) 472-5187 • (800) 553-7338 • Fax: (941) 472-0996 (941) 472-1613 • (800) 237-7526 GRAND OPENING GAMBRO Healthcare - Ft. Myers South GAMBRO Healthcare Patient Services is proud to announce the Jarand Opening of GAMBRO Healthcare - Ft. Myers South. GAMBRO Healthcare is a Medicare Certified sixteen station facility offering state-of-the-art, in-center hemodialysis. GAMBRO Healthcare of Ft Myers South GAMBRO Healthcare Patient Services is now the second largest provider of renal dialysis services in the United States. The rapidly expanding company owns and operates dialysis centers across thirty-three states and the District of Columbia, including associations with nineteen prominent academic universities. This new center is located at 8570 Granite Ct in Ft. Myers