Hourglass 05-27-06 .Indd
SSgt.gt. MMichaelichael KKnight,night, lleft,eft, ssupportsupports CCpl.pl. DDennisonennison MMuczynski,uczynski, iinn a lliveive fi rree ooff a SStingertinger mmissileissile TThursday.hursday. TThehe 11stst SStingertinger BBatteryattery MMarinesarines aarrivedrrived oonn MMonday,onday, ttrainedrained oonn MMeckeck oonn WWednesdayednesday aandnd TThursdayhursday aandnd ddepartedeparted ttoday.oday. ((PhotoPhoto bbyy NNellell DDrumheller)rumheller) wwww.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ/Hourglass/hourglass.htmlww.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ/Hourglass/hourglass.html COMMENTARY Thirty minutes isn’t so much to give Do you like numbers, facts and If those are added up, that’s fi gures? 1,011,571 American military members I did some research courtesy of the who have died for freedom. Internet and found some you might like And that’s just the ‘major’ wars to know. America has fought, although I guess Are you ready? any war is major to the ones who are There were 10,623 Continental Army fi ghting and dying in it. Soldiers killed in the American Revolu- There’s another number that should tionary War; The War of 1812 claimed be noted. That’s the 30 minutes it will 6,765 Americans; 13,283 Americans take to hold the Memorial Day cer- died in the Mexican War; 359,528 federal Soldiers died in emony starting at 9 a.m., Monday, at the fl ag poles. the Civil War preserving the Union; 2,446 Americans died There are many things to do on a day off. Diving, fi sh- in the Spanish-American War; World War I saw 116,708 ing, picnics and going to the beach or pool. I hope that Americans killed; World War II took 407,316 American lives; quite a few folks can also fi nd time to attend the ceremony 33,651 Americans died in the Korean War; 58,438 Ameri- this year, especially since many of our young and not-so- cans were killed in Vietnam; 293 Americans died in the Gulf young men and women are giving their all right now in War and more than 2,500 Americans have died in Afghani- stan and Iraq so far.
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