Prepared for North Hertfordshire District Council/Bellcross Homes STATEMENT OF COMMON GROUND LAND AT HIGHOVER FARM HITCHIN Our Ref: CB/503/55/1 C/O Rapleys LLP Falcon Road Hinchingbrooke Business Park Huntingdon Cambs PE29 6FG 0370 777 6292 |
[email protected] | LONDON | BIRMINGHAM | BRISTOL | EDINBURGH | HUNTINGDON | MANCHESTER Contents 1 Introduction ............................................................. 1 2 The Site and Relevant Background .................................. 2 3 The Proposals ........................................................... 4 4 Work relative to the Planning Application to Date ............... 6 5 Mitigation ................................................................ 13 6 Deliverability ............................................................ 14 7 Next Steps ............................................................... 15 8 Outstanding Matters to be Resolved ................................ 16 9 Conclusion and Declaration ........................................... 17 Appendices Appendix 1 Site Location Plan Appendix 2 Pre-Submission Local Plan Representations, 29 November 2016 Appendix 3 EiP Matter 6 (Deliverability) Statement of Common Ground between NHDC and Bellcross Homes, 15 November 2017 Appendix 4 Indicative Masterplan Appendix 5 Indicative Density and Land Use Plan Appendix 6 Draft Concept Movement Plan Appendix 7 Scoping Request and NHDC Opinion Letter, May - March 2017 Appendix 8 Meeting Note, dated 11 February 2016 Appendix 9 Meeting Note, dated 2 August 2016 Appendix