Zeiss Ikon Contarex
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zElsslKoN Now also for the CONTAREX: two new ZEISSlenses with the sensational automatlc flash control The -zOO / Q r€x ultimate in cameras from world-renowned zErssrKoN e") Gontarclx A Camera That Could Only COMefrom ZEISSIKON The name ZEISS|KON is synonymous formance is quickly appreciated by the New ! Sensationalautomatic flash control with photography because ZETSS|KON photographer,for it easily handle6 the has contributed with innumerable in- most difficult photographic problems of Flash without calculation! What could ventions and many new technical de- the amateur, the professional, or the be easier - adjust the focusing and the velopments to the rapid growth of the scientist.The CONTAREXhas more built- aperture is automatically set. Special photographic industry and has been a in features and advantages than many stops are fitted to the ring which pioneer in revolutionary camera de- cameras offer effec- as additionalaccessories. tivefy prevent signs over several decades. any setting being made which would result in under or over Among the great achievements of With ZEISSTESSAR f 12.8, S0 mm exposure. This system works just as the world-renowned ZETSSIKON or- Order No. 10.2411 efficiently with expendable flashbulbs ganization,the CONTAREXcam era ranks With ZEISSPLANAR f 12, 50 mm as with electronicflash. first. This model is the ultimate in per- Order No. 10.2401 fection of 35 This unique ZETSStKON feature is fitted mm single-lens reflex With ZEISSB-PLANAR f/2, 50 mm cameras. to both the ZETSSB-PLANAR f12, SO mm Order No. 10.2412 and the ZEISSB-DtSTAGON f/4, 35 mm - The CONTAREXis remarkable a tech- With ZEISSPLANA? f 11 .4, 55 mm the most suitable lenses for flash nological achievement.lts brllliant per- Order No. 10.2407 photogra phy. 3 Standardlenses for all photographyincluding close- ups - without supplementarylenses Rapid interchangeabilityof bayonet-mounted lenses. The standard lens of the CONTAREX, the six-element ZEISSB-PLANAB fi'2, 50 mm, ranks among the most famous lenses in the world today. Particular advantagesof this lens are outstanding flatness of field and an unusuallywide focusing range" With CONTAREXyou can take pictures as close as 11 inches from the subject (15 inches from the focal plane). No supplementary lenses or special viewfinders are required for these amazingclose-ups! There is no need to go through labo- rious calculationsto determine the ex- posure f actor when taking close-up pictures.The ZEISSB-PLANAR fi2,50 mm as well as all other 25, 35, 50 and 55 mm CONTAREXlenses features automaticex- posure compensation which automat- ically adjusts the aperture as you focus the lens for close-up work. Two additional standard lenses are available for the CONTAREX,the ZEISS TESSARf12.8, 50 mm, and the ZEISS PLANARf11.4,55 mm. The ZEISSTESSAR fi2.8, 50 mm can be used as close as 10 inches(14 inches from the film plane). The ultra-fast ZEISSPLANAR f 11.4, 55 mm lens is ideally suited for avail- able light as well as for night photo- graphy. Closest focusing distance with this lens is 14 inches (18 inches from the film plane). Both lenses incorporate automatic aperture correction for close-ups. { Theseinterior and close-uppictures have lreen taken with the same lens. the ZEISS B-PI-ANAR.Theclose-uo distance was I 1 inches. TheViewf inder System Whether photomicrograph, close-up or telephoto shot, the CONTAREXfinder The picture rs always seen as rt always displaysthe exactframing of the appears rn the final print or slrde sublect- radiantlybright, sharp, upright. unrmpeded and perfectly free from parallax" The CONTABEXembodies two focus- rng systems, a split-image rangefinder and a ground glass ring"The operation of the two ls simultaneous. Focusrng subiects with clean vertical lines rs easiest when thre split-image range- NEWI The standard focusing screen firrder is used, whr{e the ground glass with splrt-rnragerangefrnder can now be rs ideal for focr.rsrngon sublects of a interchangedwrth a plain ground-oiass more uniforrn oattern - lattices,fishing screen or a clear-Elass screen witl'r nets. etc. Wrth either system precise engraved cross-lines When it rs il focusing is srrnplyand rapidly achreved questtonof the overali ima61e ludorng The pointer sharpness (rmpc,rtantfor close-up ancl of the coupled exposure macrophotography)the ground-glass meter appears at the side of the view- lt with screen wili be fourid extremely useful finder rrnage. does not interfere The clear-classscreen rs recommended sublect observation and is easily ad- for photomicrography There is a spe- lusted whrle usrng the viewfinder cial focusrng screen with split-image The instant return mirror rs another rangefrnderand ground-glassrtng for enhancingfeature" lmmediateiy after the 250 mnr and langertelephoto lenses shutter is released, the subject reap- pears in the viewfinder. In short, the simple to use viewfinder system of the W CONTAREXis your guaranteeof picture perfection. and the ground-glassring. ExposureAutomation The CONTABEX is the f irst camera vantagefor measuringin extremelypoor with f ocal plane shutter ever pro- light.The pointer of the exposure meter For the very frrst timel A focal-plane duced in which shutter speed and aper- can be seen in the viewfinder, as well shutteris coupledwith built-inexposure ture settings are coupled with the as in a window on top of the camera meter exposure meter. You can pre-select body. This built-in exposure meter is either setting (shutter speed or aper- extremely dependableunder all kinds ture) and then find the other setting by of conditions. lining up the exposure meter pointer in Available shutter speed settings the viewfinder"For specialwork, the ex- range from 1 Io 111000thof a second, posure meter can be quickly uncoupled. includrng B" The delayed-actiondevice The CONTAHEXexposure meter has can be adjusted from two to ten sec- an unusually wide rneasuringrange. ln onds. The CONTAREXshutter is fully most cases, it is used for neflectedlight synchronized for flashbulbs and elec- readings. By simply removing a light tronic flash. M or X type synchronization baffle in front of the photo-electriccell, is automaticallyselected as you set a the meter can be converted to incident- shutterspeed. To guard againstpossible light readings.This will also make the errors in f lash synchronization,all shut- exposure meter 16 times more sensitive ter speed settings are colorcoded. than with a light baffle, a special ad- Pointeron side of viewfinderfieid - easv ro Aperture or shutter speed can be pre- Withoutthe lightbaffle the measurinqrange adlustin the taking position. selectedwith the aperturesetting wheel, or of the exposuremeter is increasedby four shutterspeed dial, respectively" f/stops. Easeof Operation focusing, depth of field, frame counter, film type inclicator,and exposure meter Conveniently located controls pointer can be checkedat a glancewith- guarantee fast operation out moving the camera. @ A hancJyrewind erank speeds up rewinding of exposed film and reduces your reloading time considerably There's much less chance of you miss- rng a picture rryiththe CONTAREX The r.'iewfinderis designed so that most spectacles wearers can see the entire field of view without removing their glasses. There are also correc- O The CONTAREXis designed to offer tive lenses availablefor those who wish maximum readiness for action shots. to adapt the viewfinder to their own eye Rapid wind lever, exposure meter ad- prescription. lustment, shutter speed settings and focusing are always at your finger tips The frame counter rndicatesthe num- for instantoperation or last-minutecor- ber of unexposed frames. rections. No calculationsare required to deter- @ When usingthe CONTAREXaTwaist- mine the number of picturesremaining. level. all importantcamera scales and This holds true regardless of the num- dials such as shutter speed, aperture ber of exposures in the magazine @ ffi TheInterchangeable Magazine Back From Black-and-Whiteto Color in a few seconds .ti Every amateur has experienced the The interchangeableback provides a disappointment of missing a perfect flexibility which heretofore was obtain- color shot becausehis camerawas load- able only by using additional camera ed with black-and-whitefilm; or when bodies.With interchangeablebacks you therewas a good opportunityfor a good savethe cost of complete camerabodies artificial light shot, his camera was and have less equipmentto carry. loaded with daylight film. In industrial and scientific photogra- Those disappointmentsare over. The phy, several lab technicians may use novel interchangeableback for the CON- the same camera.By using interchange- TAREXmakes it possible to exchange able backs they can retain their film and partially exposed rolls of film in sec- have it processed at their own conven- onds, in full daylight and without the rence. loss of a single frame! Smallest'" The 15Interchangeable zEtSS Angle Aperture Focusing LargestScale "of Subject Lenses of Control Range Fieldto fill View (Subject-FilmBeproduction 21 mmto 1000mm focal lengths! the Frame Dist.) without withoutAc- Infinltyto Accessories All 15 interchangeableZEISS lenses ZeissBiogon Normal 40x 63 in. for the CONTAREXcan be changed f/4.521 mm Zeiss Distagon Art*p"'tgJ""d. quicklyand easily by meansof a posi- 7 in. 1t 2.8 3 x 41/a in. 900 pre-selectoriris* * tive positioningand securing bayonet WA25_nr'nr.__ Zeiss B-Distagon Aut. spring-load. mount. There is no need for shutter 15in. 1:8 71/zx 11 in. f/4,35 * 630 pre-selectoriris** tensioning precautions.When insert- mm Aut. spring-load. ing a particularlens, the aperturevalues Zeiss Distagon 1: 3.5 3rlzx 5 in. f/2 3s 630 pre-selectoriris*1 not applicableto that lens are automat- Zeiss Tessar Aut. spring-load. ically excluded. 15in. 1: 4.7 413/tox7e/nin. f/2.8 50 mm 450 lectoriris"* All CONTAREXlenses have been ZeissB-Planar Aut. spring-load. * 15in. 5x7in. matchedfor even color renderingby a f/2, 50 mm _ selgctoriris"* special coating process.For example, Planar Aut. spring-load. Zeiss 51/z x81/r in.