The Boston Avenue Church Tulsa, Oklahoma Möller Organ, op. 9580, 1961-1987; Angerstein, 1997-1999 105 ranks 5869 pipes

GREAT POSITIF 4 Hautbois (Sw) 16 Violone 16 Pommer (Gt) 4 Clairon 16 Pommer 8 Principal 4 Schalmei 8 Principal 8 Copula Chimes 8 Violone 4 Octave 8 Harmonic Flute 4 Rohrflöte COUPLERS 8 2 Principal Great to Pedal 8 4 Octave 1 1/3 Kleinquint Swell to Pedal 8, 4 4 Spitzflöte 1 Octavlein Choir to Pedal 8, 4 2 Super Octave IV-V Zimbel Positif to Pedal 8 2 Waldflöte 8 Fagott Bombarde to Pedal 8 IV Fourniture 8 Cromorne Antiphonal to Pedal 8 III-IV Cymbel Positif Unison Off Swell to Great 16, 8, 4 16 Contra Trompette Choir to Great 16, 8, 4 8 Trompette BOMBARDE Positif to Great 16, 8 8 Trompette 16 Bombarde Bombarde to Great 16, 8, 4 Great Unison Off 8 Trompette Harmonique Antiphonal to Great 8, 4 Chimes 4 Clairon Harmonique Choir to Swell 8 V Grande (T.C.) Swell to Choir 8, 4 SWELL 8 Trompette en Chamade Choir 16 16 Flauto Dolce Bombarde Unison Off Choir 4 8 Principal Bombarde 4 Choir Unison Off 8 Rohrflöte Swell to Bombarde 8 8 Viole Pomposa ANTIPHONAL Positif 16 8 Viole Celeste 8 Gedackt Positif Tremolo 8 Flauto Dolce 8 Gemshorn Positif Shades on Choir Expression 8 Flute Celeste 8 Gemshorn Celeste Great to Manual I 4 Prestant 4 Principal Bombarde to Manual I 4 Flachflöte 8 Great to Manual IV 2 Doublette Tremolo II Sesquialtera Chimes PEDAL MOVEMENTS IV Plein jeu Great to Pedal reversible toe stud and piston III-IV Cymbale Swell to Pedal reversible toe stud and piston 16 Bassoon PEDAL Choir to Pedal reversible toe stud and piston 8 Trompette 32 Positif to Pedal reversible toe stud 8 Hautbois 16 Principal Bombarde to pedal reversible toe stud and 4 Clairon 16 Subbass piston 8 Vox Humana 16 Bourdon Tutti reversible toe stud and piston Tremolo 16 Violone (Gr) 32 Posaune reversible toe stud Swell 16 16 Pommer (Gt) 32 Bourdon reversible toe stud Swell 4 16 Flauto Dolce (Sw) Zimblestern reversible toe stud (5 bells) Swell Unison Off 16 Lieblich Bordun (Ant) Master Expression reversible toe stud and 10 2/3 Quint piston CHOIR 8 Octave Expression Pedal, Swell 8 Holzgedackt 8 Spitzflöte Expression Pedal, Choir and Positif 8 Spitzviole 8 Bourdon Expression Pedal, Bombarde and Antiphonal 8 Spitzviole Celeste 8 Violone (Gt) II Erzähler Celeste 8 Pommer (Gt) 4 Harfenprincipal 8 Gedeckt (Ant) ADJUSTABLE COMBINATIONS 4 Koppelflöte 5 1/3 Quint Great 8 2 2/3 Nasat 4 Choralbass Swell 8 2 Nachthorn 4 Flute Ouverte Choir 6 1 3/5 Tierce 4 Spitzflöte Positif 6 IV 2 Spitzflöte Bomb. 4 8 English Horn V Mixture Ant. 4 8 Petite Trompette V Scharf Pedal 8 (and toe studs) 8 Trompette en Chamade 32 Posaune General 10 (and toe studs) Tremolo 16 Posaune Memory selector 1-32 16 Contra Trompette (Gt) General Cancel 16 Basson (Sw) Setter Piston 8 Posaune 8 Trompette (Gt) 8 Trompette en chamade