I... ; - \ I I ' I ' I \ I A. }' ~ PARTY~ --- , __ ,-, ,,­ -- -~ / I I is an action verb I I

startI something With I \ American Way People For the President ' ' Ralph G. Neas, ' \... F r Choice Voters O • Director ~Julie Burton, Executive

Working Assets ·dent M1chae• I Kieschmc. k ' Pres1 \


- . is an action verb I I /

startI something With I \ American Way ' People For the President ' RapI h G · Neas, ' \o.. F r Choice ----..._ Voters o . Director Julie Burton, Executive

WorkingAssets "dent Michae I Kieschnick, Pres1 \


..... / - \ / \ I / I I ~ ; __\ / ~ ,_ ,, - ,_ -- r. s.v.p. Chris Block People For the American Way www.pfaw.org A national advocacy organization that mobilizes activists to promote the values of freedom, fairness and equality and to defend those values from attack by the political and religious far right. Voters For Choice www.voters4choice.org The nation's largest independent pro-choice political action committee. Voters For Choice supports candidates with training, voter ID and get-out-the-vote services, financial assistance and endorsements. Working Assets www.workingforchange.com A long distance, credit card, Internet services and broadcasting company that supports nonprofit groups working for progressive social change and encourages activism by its customers. David Mixner ~os~ ;i ~ Dave and Sheri Mount ~,ttJ Hon. Richard A. Gephardt Mandy Patinkin \1'\ \ • Jim Hightower Hon. Sally Pederson Co Anjelica Huston Anthony Podesta David Altschul Bianca Jagger Paula Poundstone James A.Autry Quincy Jones Rev. George Regas Paul Begala Hon. Edward M. Kennedy Rob Reiner Hon. Howard Berman Michael B. Keegan Josh Sapan David Bohnett Hon. Bob Kerrey Laura Scher Hon. Barbara Boxer Kristina Kiehl Diane Sherman Hon. Howie Klein Carole Shields Hon. Willie Brown Hon. Sheila James Kuehl Tavis Smiley James Carville Hon. John Lewis Aaron Sorkin Hillary Rodham Clinton Norman and Lyn Lear Gloria Steinem Geoffrey Cowan Lee Masters Hon. Art Torres Hon. Tom Dasch le Richard Masur Hon. Robert Torricelli Hon. Hon. Robert T. Matsui Kathleen Turner Richard Dreyfuss Doris Matsui Hon. Maxine Waters Hon. Rev. Timothy McDonald Hon. Henry Waxman Hon. Barney Frank Hon. Kweisi Mfume Hugh Westbrook