CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E481 HON
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April 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E481 of selfless contributions that these young citi- Prior to representing the First Supervisorial As Illinois and other States recognize April zens have made. Young volunteers like Jessie District, Ms. Molina was elected to the Cali- 17th as the Cambodian Day of Remembrance, are inspiring examples to all of us and are fornia State Assembly in 1982 and the Los I rise today to join my Cambodian American among our brightest hopes for a better tomor- Angeles City Council in 1987. Both times, she friends to commemorate the atrocities of the row. was the first Latina to earn this honor. Her tri- Killing Fields and to provide comfort and hope The program that brought this young role umphant leadership in the 1980s against the to the victims’ families. Let us take this mo- model to our attention—The Prudential Spirit construction of a state prison in East Los An- ment to recognize that group-targeted violence of Community Awards—was created by Pru- geles is legendary, and it solidified her reputa- and intolerance still exist in nations across the dential Financial in partnership with the Na- tion—whether functioning on a local or a na- world, and we cannot ignore its presence. tional Association of Secondary School Prin- tional level—as both a fighter and Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me cipals in 1995 to impress upon all youth volun- groundbreaker able to achieve victory despite in solidarity with the Cambodian American teers that their contributions are critically im- seemingly insurmountable odds. community in remembering those who were portant and highly valued—and to inspire Named as one of the Democratic Party’s lost to the Khmer Rouge regime and in recog- other young people to follow their example. ‘‘10 Rising Stars’’ by TIME magazine in 1996, nizing our hope for a more peaceful future. Over the past 19 years, the program has be- Ms. Molina served as one of four vice chairs f come the Nation’s largest youth recognition ef- of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) fort based solely on community service, and from 1996 through 2004. During the 2000 RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBU- has honored more than 100,000 young volun- Presidential Election, Ms. Molina was one of TIONS OF LIBBY AND ROBIN teers at the local, state and national level. 15 top women leaders nationwide to be MAYNARD Jessie should be extremely proud to have named as a possible vice-presidential can- been singled out from the thousands of dedi- didate by the White House Project—a non- HON. ALAN GRAYSON cated volunteers who participated in this profit, non-partisan group dedicated to raising OF FLORIDA year’s program. I heartily applaud Jessie for awareness of women’s leadership in American IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES seeking to make her community a better place politics. to live and for working to positively impact the On behalf of the U.S. House of Representa- Tuesday, April 1, 2014 lives of others. She has demonstrated a level tives, the State of California, and the County Mr. GRAYSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, in of commitment and accomplishment that is of Los Angeles, I want to thank Gloria Molina honor of Women’s History Month, to recognize truly extraordinary in today’s world. Jessie’s for sharing her tremendous talents with us for Libby and Robin Maynard. Libby Maynard was actions show that young Americans can—and so many years. We extend our gratitude to her a leader among women through her personal do—play important roles in our communities for her remarkable contributions in public serv- life, her career, and her fight with breast can- and that America’s community spirit continues ice throughout her illustrious career. With sin- cer. A Florida native, born in Lakeland in to hold tremendous promise for the future. cere best wishes, we congratulate Ms. Molina 1943, Libby grew up active in her church and f upon her retirement from elective office. We school music programs. Libby attended col- are pleased to join her many co-workers, fam- lege in Georgia, where she majored in music TRIBUTE TO THE HONORABLE ily, friends, and associates in wishing her and was selected for the Who’s Who Among GLORIA MOLINA health, happiness, and continued good fortune American College Students. While in college, in her future endeavors. Libby began her journey as a missionary. Her HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD f service led her to New York City where she OF CALIFORNIA worked directly with teenage gang members IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RECOGNIZING CAMBODIAN DAY OF REMEMBRANCE and was a minister of music at local churches. Tuesday, April 1, 2014 During her time in New York, she met and Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, I rise HON. MIKE QUIGLEY married Reverend Herb Maynard with whom today to honor Gloria Molina, who is retiring at she had two daughters. OF ILLINOIS Libby moved home to Lakeland in 1979 to the end of this year, after an impressive 40- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES year career as a public servant in the State of care for her mother, who was diagnosed with California. Tuesday, April 1, 2014 breast cancer for a second time. After her On the occasion of Ms. Molina’s retirement Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, this April marks mom’s passing, she spent some time in North from public office, we wish to extend to her the 39th anniversary of the Khmer Rouge re- Carolina, before returning to Florida again to sincere congratulations for the decades of gime’s rise to power in Cambodia and the care for her aging father. Having been dedicated service that she has given to her tragedies that followed. I join Cambodian touched by cancer personally, she began vol- nation, her State, her City, and her County, Americans to commemorate this tragedy in the unteering and then working for the American most recently as member of the County of Los community’s past. Yet even as we solemnly Cancer Society. Angeles Board of Supervisors, where she has recognize this moment, we can also look at Libby was passionate and dedicated. She served with distinction as the First the hopeful future that lies ahead for the Cam- loved helping people throughout her life. In Supervisorial District Supervisor since 1991. bodian American community. January 2005, she was diagnosed with breast Through the Chicano Power Movement, the The Khmer Rouge regime seized power in cancer. She began her journey with cancer Women’s Movement, and the national move- Cambodia on April 17, 1975 and began a with the same boundless energy, determina- ment against the Vietnam War during the reign of terror and systematic genocide. Up- tion, and amazing strength that she applied to 1960s and 1970s, Ms. Molina’s interest was wards of 3.4 million innocent men, women, every challenge in her life. Due to the de- awakened to civic affairs. She was the first and children lost their lives at mass grave mands of her cancer treatments, Libby lost her chief deputy for California State Assemblyman sites now known as the Killing Fields. Thou- job and, as a result, her health insurance. De- Art Torres in 1974 and later for the renowned sands of refugees escaped these atrocities spite her own difficulties, she continued to be California State Assembly Speaker Willie and were given sanctuary in the United a positive light and to help those around her. Brown. Ms. Molina also served in the Carter States; many came to the State of Illinois. Twelve months after her diagnosis, Libby White House as well as the San Francisco Thanks to the Cambodian Association of Illi- ‘‘won her trip to heaven’’ after the cancer sud- Department of Health and Human Services. nois and our strong Cambodian American denly returned. Libby left this world with dig- Ms. Molina was first elected to the Los An- community here in the United States, we are nity and grace. She left behind a legacy of geles County Board of Supervisors in 1991, aware of the Cambodian genocide and its hope that her daughter Robin carries on in her the first Latina ever elected to the Board, rep- devastating effects. Organizations such as the name. resenting the First District, where she is cur- Cambodian American Heritage Museum and Robin Maynard, following her mom’s beau- rently serving her fifth term. During this time, the Killing Field Memorial carry out the vital tiful example, is a leader among women in she also has served five times as Chair of the mission of ensuring that we do not forget the Central Florida. After losing her mother to Board. Ms. Molina’s tenure has produced dra- atrocities of this period. The Cambodian com- breast cancer in 2006, Robin saw firsthand the matic results both because she has insisted munity is committed to remembering and pay- difficulties faced by uninsured women in Flor- that County services be streamlined for max- ing tribute to those lost in the Killing Fields ida. In 2007, she founded Libby’s Legacy imum effectiveness and because she has while enhancing the public’s awareness of Breast Cancer Foundation (LLBCF). The brought to fruition major capital endeavors that these atrocities and supporting the survivors Foundation provides lifesaving breast health improve County residents’ quality-of-life. and their families. services to the uninsured and underinsured VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:19 Apr 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K01AP8.018 E01APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E482 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 1, 2014 women of Central Florida and its health care utive Director Jim Daly, Finance and Account- is currently teaching Trial Advocacy at the Uni- advocates fight to get patients the treatment ing Officer Jim George, Program Officer versity of Baltimore Law School where he was they need when diagnosed.