Enquiries to: Information Team Our Ref: FOI634568 [email protected]

Dear Mr Kann

Freedom of Information Request 634568

Thank you for your recent request received 14 September 2018. Your request was actioned under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 in which you requested the following information –

Please provide lists of all companies/businesses/individuals who have been authorised by the council to use the logos for:

a. 2018 b. Culture Liverpool c. Mayoral 100 Club d. Mayor of Liverpool

This also goes for building sites within Liverpool on public display.


Liverpool City Council confirms that it holds information relevant to the terms of your request, our response being that below is included a list of the organisations who have permission to use the brands you requested.

With regards to the Culture Liverpool branding – this is a brand used by Culture Liverpool, the department within Liverpool City Council responsible for the City Halls, Tourist Information Centres, Film Office, Cruise Liverpool and a number of supported arts organisations as well as the events programme which falls within the funding and event brief of the department.

In addition to this, as we offer a programme of events and activities which are funded by the Mayor of Liverpool, we use and authorise use of the Mayoral brand. This is also authorised by the wider city council marketing team and is done on a case by case basis so we are not able to provide a specific list of organisations as these are done on a request basis.

Below is a list of the organisations who have approval to use the 100 Club branding – in addition to this external usage, Liverpool City Council events which are partnered with the 100 Club will also hold this branding based on an event by event basis.

• Cammel Laird • GSTS • / Grosvenor • HSBC • BID • Fazenda • Gower Street Estates Limited - Albert dock • GREAT • Premier suites Liverpool City Council Information Team Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1DS E: [email protected]

• A few home truths • West midland trains • Home Bargains/ TJ Morris • The Contact Company • Jayne Moore Media • John Haynes • Mashbo • Heritage GB • Bold Management • Chasing the stigma • BAC mono • A & B Engineering • Weightmans • Wildthang • The Know Collection • Liverpool & Sefton Chambers of Commerce • Peel land and property (ports) limited • King Construction • Cleanline Waste services • Think Publicity • Stagecoach • Edison Developments • Huyton Asphalt • Hotelplanner.com • University of Liverpool • Tarmac • Hark Group/IRCP / St Johns • 174 Law • Titanic • LHA • NCP carparks • Merseyrail • Wilmott Dixon • Riverside Housing trust • Michael Franks • Primesite • Radisson Blue • Currency Matters • Aldi • Tom Halls Tavern • John Sutch Cranes • Arriva • The Venue • Liberte

Below is a list of the organisations that we have shared the Liverpool 2018 marketing assets with. The Liverpool 2018 branding forms part of a wider destination campaign so this list is not exhaustive as to be able to use the branding, there are a number of different stakeholder groups and city partners who are approved to sign off its usage were relevant.

• •20 Stories High Liverpool City Council Information Team Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1DS E: [email protected]

• Carnival Company • Liverpool Museums • Metropolitan Cathedral • One Fell Swoop • ACC Liverpool • Cavern club • Liverpool ONE • MilapFest • Open Culture • Africa Oyé • Clipper • Influential • Non conform • Open Eye • Albert Dock • Competitor Group • Jayne Moore Media • Liverpool Pride • Pagoda Arts • Albert Dock/BID • Creative Organisations of Liverpool • John Moores University • Liverpool Sound City • Richmond Liverpool • Arabic Arts Festival • Dada Fest • Knowsley • Liverpool Student Union • Royal Court Theatre • Arriva • Edge Hill University • Liquid Agency • Marketing Liverpool • Southport Flower Show • Arts Council • Everyman & Playhouse • Liverpool BID Company • Mayoral Office • Squash Nutrition • Beatles Story • FACT • • Merseyrail • St George's Hall • Biennial • Fazenda • Liverpool City Region • Merseyside Dance Initiative • St Johns • Bill Elms

Liverpool City Council Information Team Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1DS E: [email protected]

• Global Radio • Liverpool Hope University • Merseytravel • Stagecoach • Bluecoat • GREAT Campaign • Liverpool LEP • Metro Boulot Dodo • Tate • HotelPlanner.com • HSBC • Liverpool Philharmonic • Metro Merseyside • The black-E • The Comedy Trust • The Guide Liverpool • Titan Experience • Tmesis Theatre • University of Liverpool • The Extraordinary Club • The Reader • Titanium Fireworks • Unity Theatre • Windows Project • Wirral Chamber

This concludes our response.

The City Council will consider appeals, referrals or complaints in respect of your Freedom of Information Act 2000 and you must submit these in writing to [email protected] within 28 days of receiving your response. The matter will be dealt with by an officer who was not previously involved with the response and we will look to provide a response within 40 days.

If you remain dissatisfied you may also apply to the Information Commissioner for a decision about whether the request for information has been dealt with in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

The Information Commissioner’s website is www.ico.gov.uk and the postal address and telephone numbers are:- Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF. Telephone: 0303-123-113. Email – [email protected] (they advise that their email is not secure)

I trust this information satisfies your enquiry.

Yours sincerely A Lewis Angela Lewis Information Team

Liverpool City Council Information Team Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1DS E: [email protected]