Deanery Synod Representation for Bishop’s Mission Order Initiatives


The following documents are attached:

• Points Arising on Issues & Advice provided

• Annex I List of BMO Mission Initiatives in the Diocese

• Annex II Linked Parish/Mission Initiative model – notes on framework (i.e. where no Scheme of Representation on a deanery synod is required)

• Annex III Linked Parish/Mission Initiative: Draft Protocol

• Annex IV Steps required to start a Scheme of Representation on a deanery synod of a BMO Initiative

• Annex V Draft Scheme for Representation on a deanery synod of a BMO Mission Initiative

Bishop’s Mission Orders and the Church Representation Rules

1) Points Arising on Issues: Meeting at Winckworth Sherwood (22 May 2013) 2) Considered Advice: Meeting at Winckworth Sherwood (27 June 2013)

Present: Paul Morris, Monica Bolley, John Bevan

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1. The has made a number of Bishop’s Mission Order’s, (BMO) most of which are covering projects that were existing church plants of one kind or another. Some are other forms of mission initiative (MI).

2. A BMO is made for a 5 year term. There is provision for a second term and thereafter for a BMO to be made without specified time so that it continues without having to be re-made. BMO’s may be wound up after a period of operation.

3. The National Church Institutions (NCI) pro forma BMO has a section relating to Synodical representation, which has been used in the BMO documents for most London cases.

4. One London BMO case does not have Synodical representation provision (presumably the project did not envisage using it).

5. However, some of the projects with BMO provision have a particular interest in arranging representation to Deanery Synods.

Triennial Synodical Election Round

6. The Electoral Roll figures presented at the 2013 Annual Parochial Church Meetings will be used in the calculations to determine the Scales of representation on the deanery synods for the forthcoming triennium. The agreed Scales are then applied to the Electoral Roll figures, to determine the number of representatives to be elected to the deanery synods from each parish. (Existing BMO initiatives are not part of the Electoral Roll calculation, though they are requested to maintain equivalent Electoral Rolls.)

The NCI BMO Pro Forma content for Representation on Deanery Synod

7. The Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011 provision does not extend to allow representation on Deanery Synod simply to be written in to the BMO itself. The wording of the BMO pro forma instead proposes a Church Representation Rules (CRR) scheme is taken forward for the MI concerned.

8. The BMO pro forma offers alternative forms; for cases in which a CRR scheme has already been done (not in any London case so far); and an alternative, for use in cases where a CRR scheme may be done in the future.

9. The BMO pro forma text is facilitative, rather than directive. The form of words is :- [11.1 The persons to whom this Order relates and who are specified in the scheme made by the diocesan synod of the Diocese on [date ] pursuant to rule 27A of the Church Representation Rules shall be represented on the deanery synod of the [ ] deanery in accordance with and as provided for by that scheme. Or [11.1 If and when a scheme is made by the diocesan synod of the Diocese pursuant to rule 27A of the Church Representation Rules for the representation on a deanery synod of persons to whom this Order relates and who are specified in the scheme, those persons

Page 2 of 17 shall be represented on that deanery synod in accordance with and as provided for by that scheme.

10. A list of London BMO cases is attached as Annex I.

Making a CRR Scheme

11. Section 27A of the CRR states:-

(1) Any diocesan synod may, at the request of the bishop or bishops who has or have made a bishop’s mission order under section 47 of the Dioceses, Pastoral and Mission Measure 2007* which is in force, provide by scheme for representation on such deanery synod as may be determined by or under the scheme of such persons to whom the order relates as may be specified in or under the scheme. (2) The provisions of rule 26(2) shall apply to schemes made under this rule. *Now superseded by the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011

12. Section 26(2) of the CRR states :- Copies of every such scheme must be sent to members of the diocesan synod at least fourteen days before the session at which they are considered, and every such scheme shall require the assent of the house of Bishops and of a two-thirds majority of the members of each of the other houses of the synod present and voting.

Issues of principle

13. Is a CRR Scheme or a Mission and Pastoral Measure scheme to create a new parish/ benefice to be preferred for established church plant cases? Long standing church plant BMO’s may be grounded in a particular area, and it could be that, if they are successful and perhaps self sustaining, their future development would be to become a new parish (and/or benefice). In such a case would it be preferable to proceed straight to the Pastoral Measure process to create a new benefice/ parish?

Advice • A BMO is designed to be established for a set time and may be renewed or terminated. Major tests met in the life of a BMO MI will concern sustainability, succession in the role of leader and the evolution of the vision and direction of the initiative. A pastoral scheme effects a permanent change (though it may be altered by a further scheme). In deciding whether a pastoral scheme should be pursued, informed judgements need to be made as to strategic desirability. In consequence, even for an existing church plant, for which a BMO is proposed, it would be inappropriate to proceed to a Pastoral Scheme process prior to the resolution of the issues of sustainability, succession and vision for the initiative, pending which the BMO is the more appropriate vehicle.

Issues of practice

14. Would it be appropriate for a MI to make informal arrangements for Deanery Synod representation by an understanding with the parish in which the Initiative works, that one person from the MI (who would also be on the Electoral Roll of the parish) being nominated, so that they may be elected as a parish representative on Deanery Synod?

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Advice • In May 2013, this point was considered at a meeting about a particular case. A note of the meeting is attached as Annex II. • A draft protocol for parish and MI working together, including an agreement to explore informal representation, is attached as Annex III.

15. How to decide to start a CRR Scheme. The MI governed by the BMO requests the Archdeacon concerned to take forward proposals for representation by a CRR Scheme to Area Council. Following consultation of the Area Council and the Bishop’s Council, a draft scheme may be prepared and despatched to diocesan synod members as section 26(2) of the CRR sets out.

Advice • It is recommended that a form is provided to enable a BMO MI to request an Archdeacon to take forward to Area Council a proposal that a CRR Scheme is drawn up. • A draft form is attached as Annex IV • The Archdeacon consults the Area Council about proposed CRR representation. • The Archdeacon takes forward referral to the Bishop’s Council for consultation prior to a CRR Scheme submission to the Diocesan Synod. • The Archdeacon to ascertain whether the Bishop of London is minded to take forward a CRR scheme submission to Synod and advises the Synodical Secretary accordingly.

16. Should there be a composite scheme for long standing cases? Many of the BMO’s are for MI’s that have been running for some time. Would it be possible to draft a composite scheme to cover a number of MI’s, or is it preferable to draft individual schemes?

Advice • A composite scheme is not appropriate. It is preferable to take forward individual schemes.

17. Would it be possible to draft CRR schemes for representation for the BMO MI’s so that their representation on the current Deanery Synods is in addition to that presented by the current triennial electoral process and calculation? (The point at issue is that the CRRs require the use of Electoral Rolls in existence at 3 yearly intervals).

Advice • No. This would run counter to the provision of the CRR.

18. Should we draft CRR schemes for additional representation for BMO MI’s on the same basis as the current, existing diocesan scales of representation? Advice • No. This too would run counter to the provision of the CRR.

19. If it is not possible to draft CRR schemes for additional representation for BMO MI’s in a current triennium, do we draft simply to allow a particular BMO MI to be included in the forthcoming calculation for the next triennium and for representation in that triennium?


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• This is the appropriate way forward. The scheme would provide for the inclusion of the particular BMO MI (in accordance with the provisions of section 25(2) of the CRR process) in the year prior to an election (which establishes the basis for the calculation of representation). (The effect is to include the BMO’s equivalent of an electoral roll in the calculation so the BMO MI is represented in the coming triennium.)

20. How do we draft the representation provision in the CRR scheme? Section 27A(1) of the CRR sets out the scheme provides “for representation on such deanery synod as may be determined by or under the scheme of such persons to whom the order relates as may be specified in or under the scheme”. Is the CRR scheme to set out the names of persons from the BMO MI or would it refer more generally to clergy office holders of the initiative being included in the Deanery House of Clergy and the Lay members of the initiative qualifying for election to the Deanery Synod House of Laity?

Advice • The CRR scheme would refer to the particular BMO MI in the CRR process, not individual names. • The scheme provides for the inclusion of BMO MI in the year preceding Triennial Elections working through of the provisions of sections 24 and 25 of the CRR, establishing the basis for the calculation of representation. • Clergy serving that are part of the Deanery Synod house of clergy are:- a) beneficed in or licensed to a parish in the Deanery; b) holding a licence to institutions in the Deanery under the Extra - Parochial Ministry Measure 1967 (e.g. Hospital Chaplains); c) a clerical Member of the General Synod or Diocesan Synod resident in the Deanery; holding a Bishop’s Licence to work throughout the diocese or in more than one Deanery and resident in the Deanery (subject to power of direction by members of the house of clergy of the Bishop’s Council to membership of a Deanery synod other than that of their residence) (and no person thereby to be a member of more than one Deanery synod). • If clergy serving in a BMO as Licensed Preacher Under Seal are resident elsewhere in the diocese than the Deanery in which the BMO is situated, to arrange for their representation in the same Deanery as the BMO, it would be necessary for house of clergy of the Bishop’s Council to direct they are members of the BMO Deanery. • Laity are included in the electoral arrangements for representation in the Deanery Synod House of Laity. • A proposed draft CRR Scheme for BMO MI’s attached as Annex V.

21. Section 25(6) of the CRR sets a maximum number of 150 (including co-options) for a Deanery synod, which may be exceeded to ensure that the House of Laity is not less than the House of Clergy. How would a CRR scheme for BMO initiative representation provide for the eventuality that, when BMO representatives are added in, the resulting Deanery totals may exceed the 150 figure and change the clergy/ laity balance? (This points to the careful balancing that takes place in order to comply with the CRR when the 3 yearly calculations are carried out). Advice The difficulty envisaged will not arise if the recommendation of point 19 above is adopted.

22. Should a CRR scheme be drafted with termination provision or would a further CRR scheme be needed to end the representation in the event that a Mission and Pastoral Measure scheme created a new parish or if a BMO expired or closed down? Advice

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• Provision for termination is not required, as the principles involved in what is provided for in section 46 of the CRR will be deemed to apply. (In essence, if the basis of qualification for election and representation ceases, so does representation.)

Recommendation and way forward 23. Advice is sought on the above points, matters arising and any other issues relevant. Thereafter, it is envisaged we would jointly brief the Archdeacons on how matters stand.

Content This Note incorporates the points raised at the meeting at Winckworth Sherwood on 22 May 2013 and the considered advice given by Mr Paul Morris at the meeting on 27 June 2013.

John Bevan, Pastoral Officer [email protected] Monica Bolley, Synodical Secretary [email protected] Fr , [email protected]

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Annex I

List of BMO Mission Initiatives in the as at 27 January 2014

BMO Name Status Area Archdeaconry Shepherds Bush Mission Made 08.05.13 Kensington Middlesex Community Islington, Trinity Church Made 02.05.12 Stepney Hackney

Acton Vale Made 23.05.12 Willesden Northolt

Hounslow West, St Paul Made 12.06.12 Kensington Middlesex

Oak Tree Anglican Fellowship Made 25.7.12 Willesden Northolt

Dalston, St Barnabas Made 27.11.12 Stepney Hackney

Mayfair, Christ Church Made 04.12.12 Two Cities Charing Cross

Millwall, St Luke Made 04.12.12 Stepney Hackney

St Peter’s Barge Made 25.12.12 Stepney Hackney

Delgarno Way, St Francis Made 13.06.13 Kensington Middlesex

Highlands, Grace Church Made 18.06.13 Edmonton Hampstead

Tottenham Hale Made 16.11.13 Edmonton Hampstead

Inspire! Not Yet Made Stepney & Hackney& London Two Cities

Muswell Hill, Grace Church Not Yet Made Edmonton Hampstead

“KXC” Not Yet Made Edmonton & Hampstead & Stepney Hackney

Euston Church Not Yet Made Edmonton Hampstead

St Nicholas Centre for Workplace Martin Two Cities London Ministry Sargeant dealing The Amos Trust Martin Two Cities London Sargeant dealing London Centre for Spirituality Martin Two Cities London Sargeant dealing “XLP” Martin Two Cities London Sargeant

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New Wine/ John Coles In Edmonton Hampstead Development Oakleigh Community Church In Edmonton Hampstead Development Church@five/ Strawberry Vale In Edmonton Hampstead Development Fulwell, St Michael In Kensington Middlesex Development Hampton Wick Stood Over Kensington Middlesex

Haringey Heartlands Withdrawn Edmonton Hampstead

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Annex II Notes resulting from a Meeting held on Wednesday 22 May 2013 at the offices of the Diocesan Registrar, Minerva House, 5 Montague Close, London SE1 9BB To consider governance structures in relation to a Parish and a Mission Initiative*

*For reasons of confidentiality names have not been included in this version of the minutes.

Present: Diocesan Registrar, Archdeacon of Hackney, Incumbent of the benefice, Leader of the Mission Initiative, Synodical Secretary.

As a general comment, it was considered that the governance structures put in place needed to be enduring, and not reliant for their effectiveness on the personalities occupying the roles at any given time. A significant feature of this Bishop’s Mission Order (BMO) was the fact that the church which the Mission Initiative (MI) occupies is a PCC asset. It was noted that the name of the parish continued and that in everyday use, the Mission Initiative might well be referred to by the dedication of the church it occupied.

1. How can we achieve a pan- PCC that is small, with representatives from both parish and MI, which deals with non-every day, overarching matters of concern to both church communities; which would enable good communication? (a) The solution was considered to be putting in place a non-statutory ‘Liaison Group’ which ‘sits’ above the Councils of parish and MI. This would avoid the legal constraints associated with a PCC. (b) There would be a ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ to determine how the Liaison Group operated. (c) As a non-statutory body, there would be freedom to shape the Group as desired. The numbers on the Group; method of appointment; determination as to who might be ‘ex-officio’ etc would be worked out as considered appropriate. (d) A suggestion was that the Group might be ‘appointed’ as opposed to ‘elected’. (e) The Group might consist of members from the PCC and MI Council. Each Council might then appoint, say, an additional two members from the respective church communities.

2. How might the separate, additional Councils for PCC and MI be structured? This will include considering their composition and delegation of powers? (a) There are two legal entities in existence: The PCC (a Charity), and the MI, a Charity and Company. (b) It was envisaged that the PCC would remain as it is, and be considered as ‘their Parish Church’s Council’. There would be an understanding that only those from the parish church would be expected to stand for election to the PCC, although those from the MI who were on the parish’s electoral roll would also be entitled to do so. (c) The MI would form a Council. It was envisaged that this would be a separate body to the Trustees (a sort of management group); with powers delegated to it by the Trustees in a ‘Terms of Reference’ document.

3. How might the new structure be arranged so that whilst a MI member is on the PCC, s/he is not at the same time not financially liable for the parish church?

(a) The concerns of this question have been addressed by virtue of the suggestion to set up a Liaison Group. This would be in place of the pan-PCC which was originally intended, leaving the PCC as ‘the Parish Church Council’.

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4. Should the Accounts of the MI form part of the PCC Accounts? (a) The Registrar was of the opinion that this was optional, rather obligatory. (b) It was felt desirable for the MI to be invited to present its separate Accounts to the APCM.

5. What about the reporting in relation to other aspects of the APCM? (a) It was felt desirable for the MI to be invited to present its various reports to the APCM.

6. Annual Community Event The Archdeacon made mention of a previous experience of an annual community event, aside from the formal APCM. This was an informal celebratory event which was open to the community to attend, and included for instance, photographs of church activities being on display, food being served and various inviting activities to attract people from the wider community. – This idea was welcomed by all.

7. What do the structures mean for churchwardens going forward? (a) All agreed that two churchwardens would be needed for the parish church council alone. (b) The MI could appoint its own equivalent to churchwardens, on the understanding that they would be without the legal status of churchwardens. The MI might wish to refer to them by some other title, such as ‘elders’.

8. How might representation for the MI on the deanery synod work, in the short term at least? (a) There could be an understanding that one representative from the MI would be nominated for election to the deanery synod, with the APCM then ensuring that person was successfully elected. This would allow representation in the Synodical structure for the MI. (b) It was noted that in order for a person to be elected from the MI to the deanery synod, s/he would first of all have to be on the parish’s electoral roll. (c) By virtue of being elected on to the deanery synod, that person is an ex-officio member of the PCC. As the PCC would be ‘the Parish Church Council’, the person (though legally a member of the PCC, and therefore a Trustee), could opt not to attend.

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Annex III


The Parish of

The Mission Initiative

1. The Parties This Protocol is drawn up between the Parochial Church Council of the Parish of [ ] (PCC) and the [ ] Mission Initiative (MI) (referred to hereafter as “the churches”].

2. Provision of Worship 1) There is commitment from both churches to honouring the inheriting congregation at [ ] in the MI’s future provision of regular Eucharistic and liturgical worship, as well as providing new forms of worship alongside it.

2) There will be consultation with the Incumbent/ priest-in-charge /PCC by the MI, before any major change is made by the MI to the current [ ]am service/ arrangement of services.

3. Mission to the area 1) The mission of the parish and the MI will be complementary and each church will look to the other as a mission partner.

2) The churches will work together to enable further church planting and other Christian mission initiatives.

3)The churches will cooperate in building on existing mission and outreach events and to organise other initiatives and in particular, Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Harvest and Patronal festivals and will give particular prominence attention to each other’s major events.

4) The parish and the MI together will support and encourage the provision of music in the liturgy and as a support and outreach in mission.

5) The churches will cooperate in exercising particular care in outreach work to and with schools and colleges and sustaining links with [ ] school.

4. The Wider Community 1) The churches will cooperate in building and supporting local communities and their life together and in facilitating community ministry initiatives.

2) The churches will work together to further and strengthen good relations with other Christian churches.

3) The churches will work together to further and strengthen good relations with other faith communities and in so doing shall have particular regard to relationships between other world faiths and Christian communities, both locally and in other countries.**

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5. Pastoral Areas 1) Notional boundaries for the operation of the MI have been agreed. The area of the MI is [ ]. [A map is appended.]

2) How the churches operate within the boundaries of the parish of [ ] can be changed by agreement in consultation with the Visitor and the Bishop.

3) The churches accept that people will be drawn to a particular church by their spiritual needs.

6. Fees Fees are subject to National regulation and Diocesan policy. 1) Statutory Fee income apportioned to the PCC of [ ] will continue to be paid to the PCC.

2) The incumbent of the benefice will administer the payment of statutory fees apportioned to the Diocese of London.

7. Lease arrangements for the MI to occupy a church or a parish property

1) The church of [ ] will be a shared responsibility of the PCC of [ ], the Diocese and [ ] the MI and their respective responsibilities will be defined by legal arrangements made under Faculty.

2) The [ ] MI will have a full repairing lease of [ ] [church/ church centre / church hall]. The Diocese will require a Quinquennial inspection and will be responsible for payment to the inspecting architect for the report.

3) The PCC of [ ] is to be consulted about any proposed structural alteration to [ ] [church/ church centre / church hall] and no works may be taken forward without the consent of the PCC.

8. Communication 1) It is recognised that good communication will be crucial to the success of the MI and the relationship between the churches, facilitating the sharing of initiatives, information and advice.

2) The clergy [and lay ministers] will meet [regularly/ frequently/ once every month/ fortnight/ week] and are encouraged to continue their participation in other networks and to share with each other information and take up together mission opportunities that arise.

9. PCC membership and representation.

1) The PCC is the legal and representative body of the parish of [ ]. There will be representation from the MI on the PCC to ensure good communication between the churches and working together for mission across the parish.

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2) The PCC will meet to decide matters relating to the parish as a whole, particularly joint mission events, custodianship of church buildings, reports from Deanery Synod, business referrals to PCC’s by Diocesan Synod, and to hear a verbal report from each church.

3) The MI will elect from its membership a Church Council which will meet to decide matters relating to its particular area of ministry and pastoral area.

4) It is anticipated that each church will develop its own committees and working parties answerable to their respective church councils. Where a joint service or project is initiated a small dedicated working party will be drawn from both churches for the life of that project.

5) Details of the activities of the MI will be presented at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM)of [ ]parish alongside the Vicar’s report for the Parish, and Vicar’s report presented in turn at the equivalent annual meeting of the MI.

10. Churchwardens 1) Two churchwardens will the elected at the Annual Meeting of parishioners of the parish of [ ] in the usual way. They may be from either church.

2) The [ ] mission initiative may wish to elect two “Wardens” of its own, who will be commissioned by the Archdeacon, but will not share any legal responsibility for the parish of [ ].

11. Deanery and Diocesan 1) The churches recognise and affirm the importance of continuing active participation in the life of the Episcopal Area and Deanery in which they are situated.

2) In order to achieve a measure of informal representation at Deanery Synod for the MI the churches will explore:- a. if a member of the mission initiative could join the [ ] parish electoral roll; b. then be nominated by [ ] parish for election to the deanery synod; c. then, at [St ‘s] Annual Parochial Church Meeting, be successfully elected. d. by virtue of being elected on to the deanery synod, that elected person would be an ex-officio member of [St ‘s] PCC, legally a member of the PCC, and therefore a Trustee. This may be seen as helpful cross-representation, but if it were not so desired, the elected person may opt not to attend the PCC meetings. ***

12. Use of Buildings It is agreed that reasonable use of the [ ] church hall/ parish centre will be available to St [ ] parish and to the [ ] mission initiative, upon reasonable notice in either case. The Mission Initiative would be expected to meet the costs of heating, lighting and cleaning in preparation for, and after, events, but would be pay a hire charge.

13. Respecting parish traditions The MI will have particular regard to and respect for the traditions of the parish of [ ] in making arrangements for worship.

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14. Flexibility and holiday cover 1) The clergy serving in the parish of [ ] and the MI will provide flexibility of cover where necessary. 2) The clergy commit to providing holidays cover and, where possible, to make arrangements in advance.

15. Arbitration The Archdeacon of [ ], who is also Visitor to the [ ] MI shall be arbiter in any dispute concerning these protocols.

16. Review These protocols will be reviewed annually by the PCC of [ ] and MI. thereafter.

Signed Incumbent/ Priest in Charge [ ]

Signed Leader [ ] Mission Initiative


Notes *This protocol is mainly drawn from an agreed protocol dated January 2013. **Section 4.3, regarding inter faith work, draws on section 17.7 the Code of Practice to the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011 ***Section 11.2, regarding representation on Deanery Synod, draws on the legal advice given in section 8 of the Note attached as Annex II above.

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Annex IV

ADDRESS TO: - ARCHDEACON (Named as Visitor in the BMO)


1. The Mission Initiative, its nature and scope:

2. Is a Bishops Mission Order in place?

3. Does the Bishop’s Mission Order, contain provision for the Mission Initiative to have representation on the Deanery Synod by a Church Representation Rules Scheme? (Note: If there is no provision in the BMO an amendment will be required)

4. Leader’s statement on sustainability, succession and future of the Mission initiative:

5. Mission Initiative Governance Structure: (a) Does the Mission Initiative governance shadow a Parish Structure (ie: Electoral Roll/ Mission Initiative Council/ and Annual Meetings/ Elections)?

(b) If the Mission Initiative governance does not shadow Parish structures, what arrangements are in place?

6. Why is Deanery Synod Representation sought?

7. If a scheme for Deanery Synod Representation is taken forward, does the Leader undertake to arrange the conduct of elections as closely as possible to the provisions of the Church Representation Rules?

8. Explanation of any special circumstances which apply.


Mission Initiative Leader date

Annex V A Format Church Representation Rule 27A Scheme for a Mission Initiative


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A SCHEME for the Representation of [ ] Mission Initiative

on the [______] Deanery Synod

Within the Archdeaconry of [ ]


(1) In accordance with Rule 27A of the Church Representation Rules made pursuant to the Synodical Government Measure 1969, a Diocesan Synod may, at the request of the Bishop who has made a Bishop’s Mission Order under the provisions of Section 80 of the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011 which is in force, make provision by Scheme for the representation on such deanery synod as may be determined by the Scheme, of such persons to whom the Bishop’s Mission Order relates as may be specified in or under the Scheme.

(2) The Bishop of London has requested that the Diocesan Synod make provision for the representation of the [ ] Mission Initiative on the [ ] Deanery Synod.

(3) The [ ] Area Council has been consulted regarding the proposal that the Diocesan Synod make provision for the representation of the [ ] Mission Initiative on the [ ]Deanery Synod.

(4) The Bishop’s Council has been consulted regarding the proposal that the Diocesan Synod make provision for the representation of the [ ] Mission Initiative on the [ ] Deanery Synod.

(5) The Bishop of London has made a Bishop’s Mission Order on [ ] under Section 80 of the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011 to provide for the [ ] Mission Initiative.



1. The Mission Initiative shall have: (i) an Equivalent to a Church Electoral Roll; (ii) a Mission Initiative Church Council; and (iii) a Mission Initiative Annual Church Meeting and Elections; as if the Mission Initiative were a parish acting under the Church Representation Rules provisions.

The Church Electoral Roll equivalent

2. The Electoral Roll equivalent for the Mission Initiative is to be made up of the names of those qualified for membership as if the Mission Initiative were a parish under the Church Representation Rules provisions 1 to 4 (inclusive).

3. A person whose name is entered on the Electoral Roll of a parish (or Electoral Rolls of more than one parish) as well as the Electoral Roll equivalent of the Mission Initiative must chose only one of those entries for the purpose of qualification for elections.

4. The Electoral Roll equivalent is to be maintained by a Mission Initiative Electoral Roll Officer, who is to be appointed by the Mission Initiative Church Council.

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Mission Initiative Church Council

5. The Mission Initiative Church Council shall be formed as if the Mission Initiative were a parish operating under the Church Representation Rules provisions and in accordance with the provisions of Part II and Appendix II of the Church Representation Rules.

Mission Initiative Annual Church Meeting and Elections

6. In the year prior to the deanery synod elections following the coming into operation of this Scheme and thereafter for subsequent triennia, the Annual Church Meeting of the Mission Initiative shall elect in accordance with the Church Representation Rules provisions, having particular regard to provisions 6(2), 9(5)(a) and 11, such number of lay representatives to the [ ] Deanery Synod as the Secretary to the Diocesan Synod shall certify.

Coming into operation of this Scheme

7. This Scheme shall come into operation upon the date of the session of the Diocesan Synod at which it received assent.

SIGNED on the day of 20 (Chair of Diocesan Synod)

SIGNED by (Lay Vice President of Diocesan Synod)

SIGNED by (Secretary to the Diocesan Synod)

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