

Tho Ut ah Goological and Mineralo,gical SU)'\'ey was authorized by act of the Utah State Le,l';islature in 19:i1; hOWe\'el', no funds were made a\'ailable for its establishmE'nt until 1941 when the State Government was reorganized and the Utah Geological and Mineralogical Sur\'C'y was placeri within the new State Department of Publicity and Industrial De\'E~lopment where the SUf\'ey functioned until .Jul~ 1. 1949, EffectiH' as of that riate, the Survey was tram;­ fern>ri hy law to the ColJe,~e of Mines and Mineral Industries, Uni\'ersity of Utah. The Ut((h Coile A'III/ot((tcri 191,:], Vol. :'!) Title ,q, as an1C'nried by cl/((pte,. ~() LaIC.'; of Utuh 191,9 , pro\'ides that the Utah Geological and Mineralogical SUl'\'ey "shall ha\'(' fo)' its objects": 1. "The co lloction and distribution of rolial>le information regarding the mineral resoul'C('S of tho Sta to, L. "The sUITey of the .l';oo lo,gical formations of the State with special ref­ erence to their economic contents, \'alues and uses, such as: tho oros of the \'Cll'ious metals, coa l. oil-, hyrll'o-cal'bons, oil, gas, industrial clays, cement materials, mineral watC'l'S and other surface and underground water supplies. mineral fel'tilizC')'s, asphalt. bitumen, structural materials, road-making ma­ terials, their kind anrl a\'ailability; and the promotion of the markoting of the mineral products of the State.

3. "The inH'stigation of the kind, amount, anri a\ ' ailabilit~ of the \arious mineral substances containod in Stato lands, \\'ith a view of the most efTecti\(.' and profitable arlministration of such lands for the State. 4. "The considNa t ion or such ot her scientific and economic pl'obl('ms as, in the judgment of the Board of l(egents, shoulri come within the field of the SUr\·o y . 5. "Cooperation \\'ith Utah statl' bureaus clealin.l'; with related subjects, with the United States Gcolo,gical Sun'ey anri \\7ith the United States Bureau of Mines, in their l'L'spectin' funct ions inciuding field im'esl igat ions, and thE' preparation, publication, and riistribution of reports and bulletins embodying t he results of the work of tl1<' Survey. 6. "The preparation, publication, distribution and sale of maps. reports and bulletins embodying the ]'(.'sults of thl' work of the Suney. The collection and (,stablishment of exhibits of t he mineral resources of Ut ah. 7. "Any income from the sale of maps and reports or from gifts or from other sources for the Sur\'('y shall he turneri over to the Statc Treasurer and credited hy him to a fund to he known as the Survey Fund to be used under the dircction of th(' Director of the Survey for puhlication of maps, bulletins or other reports of im'estigation of the Geological and Mineralogical Suney." The Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey has published maps, cir­ culars, and bulletins as well as articles in popular and scientific ma,gazines. For a partial list of these, see the closing pages of this publication. For other informa tion concerning the geological and mineralogical resources of Utah address: ARTHUR L. eRA WFORD, Director

UTAH GEOL()(;rC\L AND MINERALOGIC,\L SUf{\'EY College of Mines and Mineral Indust ries University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah UTAH GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL SURVEY



And an Analysis of the Stratigraphy of the Park City and the Phosphoria Formations, Utah A Preliminary Report


The Division of Raw Materials of the U. s. Atomic Energy Commission contributed to the financial support of this work.

Bulletin 59 July, 1957

Price $1.50

Copyright, University of Utah, 1957 UNIVERSITY OF UTAH A. RAy OLPIN, PH.D., President


WILLIAM J. O'CONNOR • • • • Chairman SPENCER S. ECCLES • • • Vice-Chairman CLARENCE BAMBERGER. • • • • • • Member ROYDEN G. DERRICK. •• •••• • Member RICHARD L. EVANS • • • • • • • • • • • Member LELAND B. FLINT. • • • • • • • • • • • • Member GEORGE M. FISTER, M.D. ••• • • • • • • • • Member THORPE B. ISAACSON • • • • • • Member J. GRANT IVERSON • • • • • • • President.of Alumni Association 1?x-otncio Member RENDELL N. MABEY. • • Member ORRICE C. MCSHANE. • • • • • • • • • Member MRS. A. U. MINER • • • •• •••• • Member NICHOLAS G. MORGAN, JR.. . Member A. RAY OLPIN • • • President of the University of Utah 1?x-otncio Member LAMONT F. TORONTO • • . . • . • . Secretary of State 1?x-otncio Member



STAFF ARTHUR L. CRAWFORD . • . . . • . . Director DONALD G. PRINCE. • • • Assistant Geologist and Chief Draftsman ELIZABETH V. LARSON Office Manager and Editorial Assistant MARY ANN GREAVES • • • • • Bookkeeper and Curator of the Oil Well Sample Library JOANN DESPAIN • • • Manuscript Typist EMILY J. ROBERTS • • • • • . . . • Stenographer EVELYN WILSON . . • • File and Order Clerk ROSEMARY VAN DYKE • • Assistant Manuscript Typist GERRELD L. PULSIPHER. • • • • • . Draftsman ANDREW E. LATVALA • • • • • • • . . Draftsman INGRID M. MATZNER. • • • Draftsman CONTENTS Page LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS...... 4

FOREWORD ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5

ABS TRAC T •••••••••• ~ •• 0 0 ••••••••••• ' . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • '7

INTRODUCTION .0 ••• 0 •• 00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·••••••• 9

FJ:ELD WORX ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·••••••• 9 ACKNOWLEDGMENTSoooo...... 10 STRATIGRAPHYUTAH...... OF UPPER AIm ROCIS III NORTHEASTERN 11 STRATIGRAPHY OF THE PHOSPHATIC SHALE MIUmER OF THE DESERET AIm BRAZER. 13 STRATIGRAPHY OF THE PARI CITY AND PHOSPHORIA FORMATIORS...... 15 History of nomenclature...... 15 Regional relationships...... 17 Park City formation...... 19 Lower member of the Park City formation...... 21 Franson member of the Park City formation...... 21 Northern Wasatch Mountains...... 22 Central Wasatch Mountains...... 22 Southern Wasatch Mountains •••••••••••••••••••••••• ~...... 23 Uinta Mountains...... 23 ...... 24 Meade Peak phosphatic shale member of the Phosphoria forma- tion...... 25 Northern Wasatch Mountains~...... 26 Central Wasatch Mountains...... 26 ,Southern Wasatch Mountains...... 27 Uinta Mountains...... 27 Rex member of the Phosphoria formation...... 28 Tosi chert member of the Phosphoria formation...... 28 Kackentire .tongue ot the Woodside formation...... 29 PHOSPHATE DEPOSITS IN UTAH •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 31 Mineralogy and petrography...... 31 Enrichment of by weathering...... 33 Distribution, grade, and thickness of phosphate deposits...... 35 phosphate deposits...... 35 phosphate deposits...... 40 General relationships...... 40 Northern Wasatch Mountains...... 43 Central Wasatch Mountains...... 45 Southern Wasatch Mountains...... 45 Uinta Mountains ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••· ••• ~ •••••••• 46 CONCLUSIONS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 48 BIBLIOGRAPHY...... 49 IIDEX ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·•••••••••••••••••••••• 53 Guidebooks, bulletins and other publications available through the Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey...... 55


Figure Page 1 Index map showing area of this report, localities where sec­ tions were measured and sampled, and the four areal subdivi­ sions discussed in this report...... 6

2 Columnar sections showing lithology and nomenclature of Upper Paleozoic rocks •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •• o 8

'3 Index map showing location and thickness of known occurrences of phosphatic shale of Mississippian age ••••••••••••••••••••• 12

4 Map showing dominant lithology of the rocks of Park City age. 14

5 Diagram showing nomenclature and intertonguing relationships of the Phosphoria and Park City, and Woodside formations be­ tween Phosphoria Gulch, , and the southern Wasatch Moun- tains, Utah •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 16

6 Diagram showing nomenclature and intertonguing relationships of the Park City, Phosphoria, and Woodside formations between Fort Douglas, Utah, and northwestern ...... 18

7 Map showing the areal variation in lithology...... 20

8 Map showing thickness (in feet) of the Meade Peak phosphatic shale tongueo ••••••••••••••••••••• ~...... 25

9 Map showing equivalent thickness (in feet) and the amount at each sample locality of the total carbonate-fluorapatite in the Meade Peak ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o ••••••••••••• 30

10 Map showing the total thickness (in feet) of beds in the Meade Peak phosphatic shale tongue of the Phosphoria formation that contain more than 31 percent P205 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 40

11 Total thickness (in feet) of beds in the Meade Peak phosphatic shale tongue that contain more than 24 percent P20 5 •••••••••• 42 12 Graph showing thickness and PZ0 content of sampled units in the Meade Peak phosphatic shale tongue5 at three localities near Vernal, Utah •• oo ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ooooo ••••• 47

Plate 1 Correlation chart of the Phosphoria and Park City formation from Brazer Canyon, Utah, to Strawberry Valley, Utah •••• In pocket

2 Correlation chart of the Meade Peak phosphatic shale tongue of the Phosphoria formation, the Franson member of the Park City formation, and the Mackentire tongue of the Woodside forma­ ation of Thomas, 19'39 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• In pocket 3 Correlation diagram of the upper part of the Meade Peak phos­ phatic shale member ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ln pocket

Table 1 Part of the phosphatic shale member of the Brazer measured and sampled near Logan, Utah •••••••••••••••••••••••• 36

2 Phosphatic shale member of the Brazer limestone measured and described in Ogden Canyon, Utah •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 37

'3 Phosphatic shale at the base of the Brazer limestone measured and sampled 1 mile NE of Laketown, Utah ••••••••••••••••••••• '38-39


Phosphate has long been recognized as one of Utah's major mineral resources. It is incumbent, therefore, on the state and federal Surveys to inventory the occurrence, extent, and potentiality of this resource. Before the Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey was organiz~d, sev­ eral preliminary investigations had already been conducted on the phos­ phate deposits of Utah by the U. S. Geological Survey; and Dr. J. Stewart Williams, Depar~ment of Geology, Utah State Agricultural College, Logan, Utah, had published a bulletin specifically on this subject~ But all of these studies were recognized as only preliminary and inadequate for the needs of the burgeoning industry that rapidly expanded fol­ lowing World War II.

Therefore, the Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey undertook to arrange for a new, more comprehensive investigation that could form the basis for a publication such as was needed.

Because of his extensive background and previous identity with the subject, Dr. Williams was first approached with a request to undertake the project. To him the task seemed too large for the time and facili­ ties at his disposal. A joint project with Dr. Williams and th~ U. S. Geological Survey was then suggested to the latter agency, and was tent­ atively agreed upon. However, as the investigation progressed, it be­ came evident that the administrative duties of Dr. Williams as Dean of the Graduate School at the U. S. A. C. and other responsibilities with which he was burdened would prevent his adequate participation in the authorship of the proposed bulletin. He, therefore, withdrew and the project was continued and completed by the staff of the U. S. Geologi­ cal Survey, with Mr. Thomas M. Cheney carrying the major burden and pre­ paring the manuscript for the treatise published in the following pages.

While the direct appraisal of the phosphate resources in Utah occupies only approximately half of the bulletin, it is believed that the reader will appreciate the comprehensive scholarly review of the history of pre­ vious investigations, the analysis of their results, and the appraisal of their Significance given by the author as a preliminary setting for the more economic aspects of the subject with which the treatise is concluded.

It is my belief that the Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey and its clientele have been amply rewarded for awaiting the completion of such a mature appraisal and for not rushing prematurely into print with another publication which would, at best, have been preliminary in character. We are glad that we are now able to offer this long-needed analysis on PHOSPHATE IN UTAH.

Arthur L. Crawford, Director Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey

-5- 112· 110· 109·

42· '"c: "'"~ ~ @~ E *" . . I>KEMMERER ii ~ ~l , 15 ",~rl ~ ~ gt I~II\I\~ t .c.. ~ z0 % w y 0 M G @EVANSTON

'"c: " c: 41· E"

10 10 30 40 MILES ~--~--~--~--~--~

MEASURED SECTIONS OF THE PHOSPHOR IA AND PARK CITY FORMATIONS L aketow n ..•...•.•...... •••. Little Diamond Creek ...... •• 13 North Crawford ...... •..... Strawberry Valley ...... 14 Brazer Canyon ...... •...... Wolf Creek...... 15 Upper Brazer...... 4 Dry Canyon...... 16 South end Crawford Mountains..... 5 Lake Fork...... 17 Cumberland .•.....•...... , 6 Rock Canyon ...... 18 Sugar Pine Creek...... 7 Brush Creek...... • 19 Devils Slide ...••.•...•.•..... 8 Little Brush Creek ...... •. , 20 Fort Douglos ...•...... 9 Split Mountain ...... •...•.. 2 I Franson Canyon .. " ...... 10 Sols Canyon ...•...... •..• 22 Rig h t Fork Ho bble Creek .,. " ... I I Horseshoe Canyon ...... 23 Wanrhodes Canyon ...... 12 Leefe .....•...... , 24

FIGURE I. Index map showing area of this report, localities where sections were measured and sampled, and the four areal subdivisions discussed in this report. Location of Charleston fault after Baker (Baker, et 01.,1949, p.1196) and Crittenden (Crittenden, et 01., 1952, p.24).

-6- P H 0 S P HAT E I N U T' A H And an Analysis of the Stratigraphy of the Park City and the Phosphoria Formations, Utahl A Preliminary Report by Thomas M. Cheney2

ABSTRACT The Permian Phosphoria formation contains the major phosphate deposits in the western Unitad States. It consists mostly of phosphatic shale, chert, and cherty Shale, but in Utah the Phosphoria formation intertongues with the carbonate rocks and cherty carbonate rocks of the Park City formation. The Phosphoria is well developed in northeastern Utah, but it thins southward and eastward. The Park City formation also thins southWard and eastward and intertongues with, and passes into, red and greenish-gray and tawny beds that are northward and northwestward­ extending tongues of the Woodside formation. The only economically important phosphate deposits in Utah are those in the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member of the Phosphoria formation. The Meade Peak contains both acid-grade and furnace-grade deposits in the northern Wasatch Mountains and Crawford Mountains, Utah; and it contains large reserves of low-grade rock amenable to strip-mining on the southern flank of the Uinta Mountains near Vernal, Utah. Phosphate deposita are also present in a phosphatic shale unit, 25 to 150 feet thick, at the base of the Mississippian Deseret limestone in the Tlntic, Oquirrh, and southern and central Wasatch Mountains, Utah, and at the base of ita partial equivalent, the Brazer limestone, in the north­ ern Wasatch Mountains, Utah. As now known, these phosphate deposits ~re not rich, thick, nor extensive enough to be minable at the present time.

1 Publication authorized by the Director, U. S. Geological Survey. 2 Geologist, U. S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California.

-7- Vertical scal. 1.0.000 Fee.t 5 WASATCH MOUNTAINS IN THE V ICINITY OF PROVO tBAKEF\et 01,) r-----/l~--, (1949) THICK SECTION SOUTH OF CHARLESTON THRUST : ~ \ EXPLANATION I : ~ Park City and : UTA H I Dolomite Phosphoria formations I I r ~ ~ I ~Limestone Cherty limestone Phosphatic shale at or near base too thin i \ to represent graphically I r 1::c:,::,,>',":




PERMIAN Great Blue formation

Humbug formation MISSISSIJ:lPIAN Deseret limestone Madison or Deseret limestone Madison limestone _____ ~==~~ ______~~~~ ______~~~~~ ______~c====c~~~~ ___J~====~ ______~~~~

FIGURE 2, Columnar sections showing lithology and nomenclature of upper Paleozoic rocks in northern Utah. Modified after Granger (1953) I N T ROD U C T ION The sedimentary rocks that comprise the Park City and Phosphoria formations and equivalent strata of Permian age in the western states have been the subject of recent investigations by the U. S. Geological Survey because of the large reserves of phosphate and minor elements in the phosphatic members of the Phosphoria formation. The sediments that formed these two intertonguing form.ations and thei~r equivalents were deposited over a large area in , Idaho, , Nevada, Colorado, and Utah during part of Permian tim.e. Phosphate deposits are known in the Phosphoria formation in all of these states except Colorado, but the largest reserves are in the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member of the Phosphoria formation in southeastern Idaho and adjacent parts of Utah and Wyoming. Acid-grade phosphate deposits in Utah are known only in the northern Wasatch Mountains and Crawford Mountains (fig. 1) and they are being mined today in a few places. Large reserves of furnace-grade phosphate rock are known from the southeast flank of the Uinta Mountains near Vernal, but these deposits apparently are not minable at the present price of phosphate rock. Phosphate deposits of low grade and ~robably local extent also occur at the base of the Brazer and Deseret of MissiSSippian age. The purpose of this paper is to present a preliminary discussion of the stratigraphy of the Park City and Phosphoria formations with special emphasis on the phosphatic parts, and to discuss the distribution of phosphate in Utah. The Mississippian deposits are discussed only briefly because of the lack of new data concerning them.

FIELD WORK The U. S. Geological Survey's recent investigation of the phosphate deposits of Utah has been underway since 1947. During the course of this investigation, all, or at least the most phosphatic parts, of the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member have been measured and sampled at 25 local­ ities in Utah (fig. 1). Because the phosphatic beds are generally in non­ resistant, poorly exposed parts of the formation, it was necessary to make artificial exposures either by hand trenching or more commonly by digging with a bulldozer. Individual rock units vere then measured, described, and sampled (McKelvey and others, 1953, PP. 3-6). The Park City and the non-phosphatic parts of the Phosphoria vere measured and described at several localities and. sampled at a fev.


Many geologists have contributed to this paper either bT field work or by suggestions and criticisms concerning the analyses of the data and writing of this report. Special thanks are due to V. E. McKelvey who supervised most of the work and made many suggestions that have been inc orporat-ed in this paper. Among those who have contributed to the field work, special mention should be made of D. M. Kinney, J. W. Huddle J andL. E. Smith, who supervised the field parties in 1947; and to R. p. Sheldon, R. 'G. Waring, R. A. Smart, and M. Ao Warner, who, together with the author, were responsible for all fieldwork during 1951. Alvin F. Holzle ably assisted in the field for a short time during 1953. The Division of Raw Materials of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission contri­ buted to the financial support of this work.

During preparation of this report, many helpful criticisms and suggestions concerning the interpretation of the data have been made by R. p. Sheldon, E. R. Cressman, L. D. Carswell, and R. A. Gulbrandsen.

Several members of the U. S. Forest Service, the U. S. Army at Fort Douglas, Utah, the City of Salt Lake Engineering Office, and phosphate companies, as well as local residents, granted acceSs to property or gave information which has been greatly appreciated.

-10- S T RAT I G RAP H Y o F U P PER PAL E 0 Z 0 I C AND


The sedimentary rocks of northern Utah range in age from to Recent. The general lithologic character, thickness, and the nomen­ clature applied to the upper Paleozoic sedimentary rocks are illustrated in figure 2.

In the upper Paleozoic rocks of northern Utah, carbonate rock and are the dominant rock types. Cherty carbonate rock and black, generally phosphatic, carbonaceous shale are the characteristic minor rock types. The vertical sequence of strata in the central Wasatch Mountains (Baker and others, 1949) is, in ascending order: carbonate rock of the Madison limestone, black shale (carbonaceous and slightly phosphatic) generally considered to be basal Deseret limestone, and somewhat cherty carbonate rock of the Deseret, sandstone and carbonate rock of the Humbug formation, and black shale of the "Doughnut" forma­ tion3 of Crittenden et al., (1952, po 10), all of Mississippian age; cherty limestone of the Morgan formation and sandstone of the Weber quartzite of age; carbonate rock and cherty carbonate rock of the lower member of the Park City formation; black phosphatic shale of the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member of the Phosphoria formation; and chert, cherty carbonate rock, and sandstone of the Franson member of the Park City formation, of Permian age.

This vertical sequence of black shale, carbonate rock (generally cherty), and sandstone, which, with minor exception, is repeated three times in the upper Paleozoic rocks of northern Utah, has been pointed out by V. E. McKelvey (oral communication) as one in which black and particularly phosphatic characteristically occur the world over A similar sequence within the Phosphoria formation and associated rocks in western Wyoming has been described in some detail by R. p. Sheldon (1957). All of the major units thin gradually to the east and some pinch out in eastern Utah and western Colorado.

The rocks of Permian age are overlain by the of the Triassic Woodside formation in the central and southern Wasatch Mountains and in the western Uinta Mountains. In the eastern part of the Uinta Mountains, red beds and greenish-gray shale both intertongue with and overlie the Park City formation: These beds were identified as the Woodside formation by Thomas (1939) and Thomas and Kreuger (1946, pp. 1263-1270), but have recently been assigned to the by Kinney and Romminger (1947) and Kinney (1955, p. 56). In the northern Wasatch Mountain area the rocks of Permian age are overlain by the light brown and gray silt­ stones and limestones of the Triassic Dinwoody formation (Kummel, 1954).

In northern Utah the only notably phosphatic units are the black shale at the base of the Mississippian Brazer and Deseret limestones and the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member of the Permian Phosphoria forma­ tion. The stratigraphy of the phospha~ic shale of Mississippian.age is reviewed briefly, but most of the emphasis in this report is plac'ed on a discussion of the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member and associated rocks of the Park City and Phosphoria formations of Permian age.

3 Great Blue(?) formation of Granger (1953).

-11- D A


I o M N G <[I

4 I"---+t------I---\------< --~r_4T------~----~r------01

<[I u A H 400~H_------+----~~~~-~~~------+_------~------~

> I @Nephi I


Locality Thickness Reference (feet) I. Laketown, Utah 76 This report 2. Providence Canyon, Utah 15 z 3. Blacksmith Fork, Utah 75 Williams, J. Stewart (l939a, p.27) 4. Dry Lake, Utah 200(Est.) Williams, J. Stewart 0948, p.1I42) 5. Ogden Canyon, Utah 19 This report 6. Beck's Spur, Utah 35 Willicken in Williams, J. Stewart (1939, p.30) 7. Cottonwood - Amer. Fk. area 25 or less Calkins and Butler (1943) 8. Northwest of Heber, Utoh 17 Baker, et 01. (1949, p. 1174) 38"++---- 9. American Fork area, Utah 5-10 Crittenden, oral communication (1954) 10. Oquirrh Range, Utah 9 Gilluly, (1932) I I. East Tintic Mountains,Utah 90-160 Morris, H. T., written communication (1954) 12. Mount Nebo, Utah 10(EsT.) Smith, Elton V. (1956)

10,0 I~O Miles

Fig. 3. Index map showing. general location and thickness of known occurrences of phosphatic sbale of Mississippian age.




Phosphatic shale in rocks of Mississippian age was first described by Blackwelder (1910, p. 543) from outcrops east of Ogden, Utah. Rich­ ardson (1913) also found this phosphatic shale zone in outcrops near Laketown, Utah (locality 1, fig. 3), at the base of the Mississippian Brazer limestone. Gilluly (1932), in naming the Deseret limestone of Mississippian age from outcrops in the Oquirrh Mountains (locality 10, fig. 3), placed the basal contact beneath a slightly phosphatic black shale nine feet thick. Peterson (1914), Williams (1939a), and Linch ~ Mansfield (1927) described a phosphatic shale at the base of the Brazer limestone in the northern Wasatch Mountains. Baker and others (1949) and Calkins and Butler (1943) described a black, locally phosphatic shale at the base of the Deseret formation in the Wasatch Mountains near Salt Lake City.

The black phosphatic shale, which apparently is of the same age at all of the above localities, is present as far south as the East Tintic Mountains (H. T. Morris and T. S. Lovering, in press, 1957). Its thick­ ness is irregular and in places the shale is completely absent. Except for the estimated thickness of 200 feet near Dry Lake, Utah (Williams, 1948, p. 1142), the greatest known thickness is in the East Tintic Moun­ tains where Morris and Lovering (in press) report a maximum of 160 feet (locality 11, fig. 3). All localities from which the member has been des­ cribed are west of the Uinta Mountains; however, it has not been reported from outcrops of the Brazer limestone in some of the areas intervening between the northern localities on figure 3 (Eardley, 1944; and Williams, 1943). The phosphatic shale is nonresistant and usually weathers to form a covered slope or saddle between the more resistant overlying and under­ lying units. The component r'ocks resemble those of the phosphatic mem­ bers of the Pho~phoria formation and generally consist of dark brown to black, fissile, thin-bedded mudstone interbedded with dark gray to black, fissile, thin- to thick-bedded argillaceous carbonate rocks and thin, probably discontinuous layers of grayish-brown and black pelletal phos­ phorites o Williams (1943) described interbeds of sandstone from outcrops in Blacksmith Fork near Logan, Utah.


I11111111111111111111111111111111 Red and greenish- gray sandstone ond shale


Carbonate rock and sandstone

Phosphori t e, c her t, and carbonaceous mudstone



FIGURE 4. Map showing dominant lithology of rocks of Park City age in parts of Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado. Modified after Sheldon (in preparationl.




The cherty carbonate rock, sandstone, chert, and phosphatic black shale that overlie the Wells formation, the Weber quartzite, and the Diamond Creek sandstone in this area were first described in the east­ ern part of the Uinta Mountains by Powell (1876), who included them in the upper Aubrey group as part of the Bellerophon limestone. Farther vest along the Uinta Mountains and in the Wasatch Mountains, King (1878) described these rocks as part of the Permo- as did Berkey (1905, p. 522) and Weeks (1907, p. 439). In the central Wasatch Moun­ tains, Boutwell (1907) described the beds overlying the Weber quartzite and underlying the red shales of the Triassic Woodside formation from outcrops on the north side of Big Cottonwood Canyon, assigned them a Pennsylvanian age, and named them the Park City formation. In 1909 Gale (Gale and Richards, 1910) found a phosphatic shale unit within the Park City formation and discussed the stratigraphic relationships of the phosphate deposits of the western field. On the basis of their findings, the Park City formation vas later separated into three members: a lower sandy limestone and limestone member containing abundant chert nodules; a middle black, phosphatic shale member; and an upper cherty limestone, chert, and sandy limestone member.

During geologic mapping and stratigraphic studies in southeastern Idaho, Richards and Mansfield (1912, pp. 684-689) designated the upper two members of the Park City formation as the Phosphoria formation of Permian age from exposures in Phosphoria Gulch, near Georgetown, Idaho o They classed the lower member of the Park City formation in southeastern Idaho as par"t of the Wells formation of Pennsylvanian age because (1) no lithologic or faunal correlation of the rocks immediately underlying the phosphatic shale could be readily established due to lack of informa­ tion in the area intervening between type localities (Richards and Mansfield, 1912, pp. 687-690) (Girty, .1l! Mansfield, 1927, p. 79); and (2) the lithology of the lover member of the Park City formation in south­ eastern Idaho Vas more similar to that of the underlying rather than to the overlying rocks. Richardson (1940, pp. 24-25) extended the use of' the Phosphoria-Wells terminology to rocks in the Randolph quadrangle, Utah.

Schultz (1918) described the phosphate-bearing beds and associated rocks in the Uinta Mountains as the Park City formation because of their similarity to and proximity to the type section of that formation. In his description, Schultz divided the formation into four units: a lover limestone member, a phosphatic shale unit, the upper or cherty limestone beds, and an uppermost thin-bedded, shaly gray limestone unit. The uppermost member is, where present, nov classed as part of the Moenkopi formation (Kinney and Rominger, 1947) or the Woodside formation (Thomas and Kreuger, 1946, p. 1268); hovever, it resembles more the beds of the Dinvoody formation in the Wind River Mountains (Schultz, 1918, p. 47; Thomas and Kreuger, ,1946, P.· 1268; Hansen and Bonilla, 1954, p. 7).

In a paper on the "Park City" beds in the Uinta Mountains, Williams (1939a, p. 91) described a red-beds unit within the upper cherty limestone member of the Park City formation. He named this unit the "Mackentire 'red beds' tongue of the Phosphoria formation" and stated that the upper tvo members of the Park City formation should be renamed the Phosphoria formation. Thomas later classed the Mackentire as a tongue of the Woodside formation (Thomas, 1939, P. 1249). In a later paper Williams (1943) chose to retain the name Park City formation throughout the area.

-15- ::tJ ! <- '" % () 5 ~ 6' g ~ *

tre~ Franson tongu~ he,.,

Meade Peak phosphatic shale member

Cl' Feet

'--__---'1,2 ___ ----'-24 ____ 3,6 Mile, 20'0' Horizontal scale

40'0' 112 0 illlill

IDA 60'0' 42° ING

80'0' I. Phosphoria Gulch 2. Montpelier Canyon '3. Laketown 4. Brozer Canyon 5. Dev"ils S\ide 6. Fort Douglas 4Q°I----_---l------"-"___ -I-_---i--B-I 7. Mill Creek 1000 Vertical 8. Faucett Canyon scole 9. Strawberry VA II ey L-__--'-- ____..L.._---'..::::J 10'. Right Fork of Hobble Creek Formations 50',-, ~~ __5~C _ __"19c Mile. INDEX MAP

Park City Phosphoria Woodside of .. Thoma' (1939) FIGURE 5. Diagram showing nomenclature and intertonguing relotionships of the Permian Phosphoria and Pork City formations, and the lower pori of the Woodside formation between Phosphoria Gulch, Idaho, and the Right Fork of Hobble Creek, utah. Sections at Faucett Canyon and Right Fork of Hobble Creek from Boker and others (1949, p_1188 and 1190). A thick sequence of Permian rocks was described from the southern Wasatch Mountains by Baker and Williams (1940). They differentiated the Park City formation, and on the basis of faunal and lithologic evidence correlated it with the Park City formation at the type locality. Under­ lying it, they denoted successively the Diamond Creek sandstone and the Kirkman limestone of Permian age. Underlying the Kirkman limestone are the quartzites and limestones of the Oquirrh formation, the upper 8,OOO± feet of which has been designated as of Wolfcamp (early Permian) age (Bissell, 1950, p. 89). Because of the similarity in faunas, Baker and Williams (1940, p. 624) correlated the lower member of the Park City formation with at least part of the in the Colorado Plateau; consequently, they concluded that the upper two members of the Park City formation and equivalent parts of the Phosphoria formation are post-Kaibab in age.

The nomenclature used in this report follows that of McKelvey and others (1956) for the rocks of Park City age in the western phosphate field. The main elements of this nomenclature are described in the fol­ lowing pages.


The rocks of Park City age in the area of this report are assigned to the Park City, Phosphoria, and Woodside formations, each of which has distinctive lithic character. In southeastern Idaho and adjacent parts of Utah and Wyoming the rocks of Park City age consist mainly of chert, , and carbonaceous mudstone and are classed as the Phosphoria formation. These rocks intertongue southward and eastward with the carbonate rocks assigned to the Park City formation. The carbonate rocks of the Park City formation in turn intertongue southeastward and eastward with red beds, greenish-gray shales, and evaporites assigned to the Chug­ water formation in central Wyoming and to the Woodside formation of Thomas (1939) in northern Utah (McKelvey and others, 1956). A map showing domi­ nant lithology of rocks of Park City age in Utah, Wyoming, and Idaho (fig. 4) illustrates the arcuate d :istribution of the areas where the rocks characterizing these formations are d aninant. The intert onguing relation­ ships of the three formations are illustrated by figures 5 and 6 and are discussed here to make clear their lateral and vertical relationships over the area.

The Park City formation at its type locality in Big Cottonwood Canyon, near Salt Lake City, Utah, consists of a lower and upper, or Franson, member separated by the Meade Peak phosphatic shale tongue of the Phosphoria formation (fig. 5). The Park City formation is overlain by the Triassic Woodside formation and underlain by the Weber quartzite. The Phosphoria formation at its type locality consists, from oldest to youngest, of the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member, the Rex chert member, and the cherty shale member. It is underlain by the lower tongue of the Park City formation and overlain by the Triassic Dinwoody formation. The Franson member of the Park City is not present in southeastern Idaho nor is the cherty shale member of the Phosphoria present in the area of this report. However, the Tosi chert member and Retort phosphatic shale member of the Phosphoria, equivalents of the cherty shale member, are present in northernmost Utah.

The lower member of the Park City formation persists over the area of this report with the exception of the southeastern part of the Uinta Mountains. It is underlain by the Weber quartzite in the central Wasatch and Uinta Mountains, the Diamond Creek sandstone in the southern Wasatch Mountains, and the Wells formation in the northern Wasatch ~ea. The lower member is everywhere overlain by the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member of the Phosphoria formation.

-17- Ul -n I ::;: (") ! OJ (") c ~ c [ g I5'

Horizontal 400

I I-' a;­ 112· 110· I 600 I DA


I 800 !WYO MING I. Fort Douglas UTA L ___ 2. Mill Creek ----1- 3. Faucett Canyon 4 4. Franson Canyon 1000 Wolf Creek 5. Feet 6. Lake Fork i II I 7. Whiterocks River Vrc~feal Formations B. Red Mountain 9 . Brush Creek 10 Split Mountain ~ II: Skull Creek Pork City Phosphoria Woodside 50 5,0 190 Miles .. of Thomas (19391 INDEX MAP

FIGURE 6. Diagram showing nomenclature and intertonguing relationships of the Permian Pork City and Phosphoria formations, and the lower port of the Woodside formation between Fort Douglas, Utah, and Skull Creek, Colorado. Sections at Faucett Canyon (Boker and others, 1949, p. 1190 I; Whiterocks River and Red Mountain (Kinney, 1955, p. SOl; Skull Creek, Colorado, (Thomas and Krueger, 1946, p. 12921. The Franson member of the Park City formation intertongues northward from the type locality of the Park City formation with the upper part of the Meade Peak phosphatic shale tongue and the overlying Rex chert tongue of the Phosphoria in part of the central Wasatch area, as at Mill Creek, Fort Douglas, and Devils Slide (figs. 5 and 6, pl. 1). Further north, as in the Crawford Mountains, the Franson also intertongues with the Tosi chert tongue of the Phosphoria formation. The Franson member wedges out between the CraWford Mountains and Laketown, Utah (fig. 5). At Laketown the Phosphoria consists of' the Meade Peak m.em.ber, the Rex member, and a thin phosphatic shale unit tentatively assigned to the Retort phosphatic shale member of the Phosphoria; the Retort is overlain by the Triassic Dinwoody formation. Elsewhere in the northern Wasatch area the Franson is overlain by the Dinwoody formation. In the other areas in northern and eastern Utah, the Frans on is overlain by the Woodside tormation. The Franson carbonate rock intertongues southWard and eastward from the type area of the Park City formation4 with red beds and greenish-gray beds of the Woodsi~e formation (fig. 6 and pl. 2). The. areal distribution ot the four major rock types--carbonaceous mudstone, phosphorite, and chert; carbonate rock; sandstone; and red beds and greenish-gray beds in the rocks of Phosphoria age, that is the rocks of Permian age overlying the lower mem.ber of the Park City formation and 'Weber sandstone--is shown by means of' a map based on a ternary diagram (fig. 7) tor which the end members are (1) phosphorite, chert, and carbonaceous mudstone; (2) carbonate rock; and (3) sandstone. The rela­ tionship ot the red beds and greenish-gray beds to the other components is shown by isopachs ot the total thickness ot red beds and greenish-gray beds within the Park City formation.

The pr~portion at phosphorite, chert, and carbonaceous mUdstone to carbonate rock and sandstone decreases trom north to south in the western part of the area. In the north and northwest, the proportion otphosphor­ i te decreases to the east so that the lines separating the various Iithol­ ogies torm an arcuate pattern around a central area in northernmost Utah and adjacent parts ot Idaho and Wyoming where the rocks at Phosphoria age consist of phosphorite, chert, and carbonaceous mUdstone. The ratio of carbonate rock to sandstone decreases in the same directions as the ratio of combined carbonaceous mudstone, chert, and phosphorite to carbonate rock and sandstone. Sandstone is most abundant in the southWestern and northeastern sections. The red beds and greenish-gray beds are thickest in the south-central part of the area and thin to the north, east, and west. According to Xummel (1954, p. 168), the direction of the change in lithology otthe ove.rlying rocks of age is nearly parallel to that outlined above. PARK CITY FORMATION

The Park City formation at its type locality in Big Cottonwood Canyon near Salt Lake City, Utah, consists mostly of carbonate rock, some of which is cherty, and calcareous sandstone. At the type locality the Park City formation is made up of a lower member and an upper member, designated as .the Franson member by Cheney (,1n. McKelvey and others, 1956),

4 Boutwell described a thin "red shale" in the upper part of the Park City f·ormation at the type locality. This "red shale" is probably la terally C ontinuous with the Ma.ckentire t o~gue of the. V oods ide (tigs. 5 and 6).

-19- =====w==~:------G == -=-=-=-=i[-- --

. ,0 4"


E==~'CO= =2:E0~==330==::j4~0===3 50 Mi les


ILl/:4 Totol thickness in feet of red an d greenish- CARBONATE Rotio of carbonote rock to sandstone SANDSTONE ROCK grey shale and sandstone.

Data at these localities• is incomplete or not all quantitative but used as an aid in pre-para t i on of map. ·,0 Measured sections used in preparation of mop.

FIGURE 7. Map showing the oreal variation in lithology of the combined Phosphoria formation, Franson member of the Poork City formation, and Mackentire tongue of the Woodside formation of Thomas (1939) in eastern Utah and southwestern Wyoming.

-20- separated by the Meade Peak phosphatic shale tongue of the Phosphoria formation. These two members are described below.

~ ~ JJ.! lli. .f.!u:k ~ formation

A typical section of the lower member of the Park City formation was described by Cheney (~ McKelvey and others, in press) from exposures near the mouth of Mill Creek Canyon, near Salt Lake City, Utah. At this locality the lower member is dominantly carbonate rock and carbonatic sandstone. Chert is relatively abundant as nodules and stringers, especially in the carbonate rock, although some beds of sandstone near the top of the unit contain abundant layers of chert nodules. Phosphate is present as thin beds of pelletal phosphorite and as internal casts of small gastropods in a distinctive shaly, carbonaceous, argillaceous car­ bonate rock unit 35 feet thick, 50 to 75 feet above the base of the mem­ ber. Phosphatic or fish scale fragments are found in seyeral beds, each abo~t 0.1 feet thick in the upper third of the member (see the Fort Douglas and Devils Slide sections, pl. I).

The lower contact of the lower member is at the horizon above which carbonate rock and cherty carbonate rock are dominant and below which the or quartzites characteristic of the Weber quartzite, Diamond Creek sandstone, or Wells formation are the dominant lithologies. The upper contact is at the horizon above which the soft, dark brown to black carbonaceo1.j.s mudstone and phosphate rock of the Meade Peak phos­ phatic shale member are dominant. The beds immediately underlying the Meade Peak member are cherty, calcareous sandstone or coarse siltstone or cherty carbonate rock.

The lower member of the Park City formation attains a maximum thickness of about 880 feet in the southern Wasatch Mountains (Baker and others, 1949, p. 1188) where it consists mostly of carbonate rock, some beds of which are cherty or sandy, and calcareous sandstone. In the central Wasatch Mountains at Fort Douglas (pl. 1), a few miles north of the type locality, the member is 290 feet thick and is composed of carbonate rock and carbonatic mudstone, much of which contains coarse silt and cherty carbonate rock. Sandstone beds at the type localitl are generally coarse silt beds at Fort Douglas. At Devils Slide (pl. 1) the member is about 330 feet thick. The upper part of the member is similar to that at Fort Douglas; it consists of cherty carbonate rock and carbon­ atic mudstone containing a few thin phosphatic beds. The lower part of the member at Devils Slide is mostly thick- to massive-bedded gray carbon­ ate rock. The distinctive shaly black carbonaceous, argillaceous carbon­ ate rock unit which contains thin phosphate beds at Fort Douglas and at the type locality in Mill Creek Canyon is not present at Devils Slide. In the northern Wasatch area the lower member is 60 to 75 feet thick and is dominantly cherty carbonate rock. I The lower member thins and becomes more sandy eastward from the central Wasatch Mountains. It is not present on the south flank of the Uinta Mountains east of Lake Fork (fig. 1). In this area the Meade Peak phosphatic shale tongue of the Phosphoria rests directly on the Weber sandstone. -

Franson ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ formation

The Franson member of the Park City formation was named (Cheney ~ McKelvey and others, 1956) from exposures in Franson Canyon, Utah (fig. 1), where the member is 245 feet thick and is composed, in decreasing order of abundance, of carbonate rock, sandy carbonate rock, and calcare­ ous sandstone (pl. 2). It overlies the Meade Peak phosphatic shale tongue of the Phosphoria formation and is overlain con£ormably by the Triassic

-21- Woodside formation. The Franson intertongues northward and westward with the Meade Peak, Rex, and Tosi members of the Phosphoria formation o East­ ward and southward it intertongues with the Woodside formation.

Northern Wasatch Mountains

In the northern Wasatch Mountains, which include the Crawford Mountains for the purposes of this report (fig. 1), the Franson member of the Park City formation intertongues with the Rex and Tosi chert members of the Phosphoria formation (pl. 1)0 It wedges out between Brazer Canyon and Laketown (fig o 5) where the Rex chert an-d Retort phosphatic shale member make up the equivalent interval. In the Crawford Mountains, the Franson is split into two parts by the Tosi chert tongue of the Phos­ phoria formati-on.

The lower part of the Franson member at Brazer Canyon (pl. 1) is 130 feet thick and consists mainly of light gray and medium gray dolomite and minor amounts of cherty limestone. The chert occurs as nodules and stringers that both parallel and cut the bedding planes. The lower con­ tact of the Franson member at Brazer Canyon is at the top of a thin nodular phosphate bed that lies between the massive chert beds of the Rex chert member of the Phosphoria formation and the overlying carbonate rocko The upper part of the Franson member of the Park City formation is approximately 15 feet thick at Brazer Canyon, where it is a thick-bedded to massive, slightly argillaceous, abundantly fossiliferous limestone. The majority of the are bryozoans, , and fragments of stems. MaI\V of the brachiopods probably belong to the Punctospir­ ~ ~ulcher fauna described by Girty (Mansfield, 1927, p. 79; J. E. Smedley, written communication, 1953).

The Dinwoody formation of Triassic age overlies this upper fossilif­ erous limestone unit of the Franson with apparent conformity.

Central Wasatch Mountains

The Franson member intertongues with the Meade Peak phosphatic shale and Rex ~hert tongues of the Phosphoria formation in the central Wasatch Mountains (pl. 1 and figs. 1 and 5).

The lower tongue of the Franson, 60 to 100 feet thick, splits the Meade Peak into two parts. At Devils Slide the lower part of the Franson is composed of soft, light brownish-gray, fine-grained sandstone. FUrther south, as at Mill Creek and Fort Douglas, the lower 15 to 35 feet of the tongue is quartz sandstone; overlying this is a bed 5 to 15 feet thick composed of angular fragments, as much as 3 feet in diameter, of carbonate rock, sandstone,and chert. The upper 40 to 50 feet of the tongue is light gray, thin- and thick-bedded carbonate rock; stringers of phosphorite are present near the top of this unit.

The main body of the Franson member overlies the Rex. This part of the Franson is 220 to 240 feet thick and is composed of carbonate rock, cherty carbonate rock, and calcareous sandstone (see Fort Douglas and Devils Slide, plo 1 and fig. 5). As in the northern Wasatch Moun­ tains, the uppermost 20 to 30 feet of the member is abundantly fossilif­ erous. The Woodside formation, which overlies the Franson member of the Park City formation in this area, is generally described as consisting largely of red beds; nevertheless, at Fort Douglas and at the type locality of the Park City formation (Boutwell, 1907), a thin, possibly discontinuous unit of light greenish-gray shale lies beneath the typical Woodside and rests with apparent conformity on the Franson member of the Park City formation. A similar unit, approximately 190 feet thick and

-22- compQsed of greenish-gray shaly argillaceous limestone interbedded with massive light gray and light grayish-brown, fossiliferous carbonate rock, overlies the Franson member at DeVils Slide. There are thin layers of nodular chert in the lower 50 feet of this unit. Some of this shaly unit which, was included in the Park City formation by Eardley (1944, p. S34) may be equivalent to parts of the Franson member elsewhere in the area. However, this unit differs in lithology from the Park City forma­ tion and is more similar to the lower part of the Dinwoody formation described to the north by Kummel (1954, p. 169), so it is not included in the Park City formation.

The columnar section ~f the Franson at Devils Slide (pl. 1) is a composite section measured on both sides of the Weber River Canyon; hence it may not be entirely correct in detail. The section of the Franson member at Fort Douglap (pl. 1) was measured from poor exposures. Except for the uppermost bioclastic limestone unit, no correlation is shown within the Franson between these two sections or between Devils Slide and Brazer Canyon.

Southern Wasatch Mountains

The Franson member is mainly carbonate rock and calcareous sandstone in the southern Wasatch Mountains (fig. 1)0 It ranges in thickness from 600 feet at Strawberry Valley (pl. 1) to 830 feet at Hobble Creek (Baker and others, 1949, p. 1189)0 The increase in thickness of the Franson from the central Wasatch area to the southern Wasatch area is abrupt and coincides with the Charleston fault (fig. 1).

At both the Strawberry Valley and the right fork of Hobble Creek localities, the uppermost beds of the member, similar lithologically, contain abundant bryozoans, brachiopods, and other fragments which at the right fork of Hobble Creek are typical of the Punctospirifer pulcher fauna (Williams, J. Steele, oral communication, 1954).

The Woodside formation unconformably overlies the Franson member of the Park City formation in part of the southern Wasatch Mountains (Baker and 'Williams, 1940, .po 624). At Strawberry Valley, however, the contact between the Woodside formation and Franson member is gradational •

.l!.1n.:t.a. Mountains

The westernmost exposures of the Franson member in the Uinta Moun­ tains (fig. 1) are at Franson Canyon (pl. 2), the type locality, where the member may be divided into three lithologic units. The lowest of these units is 75 feet thick and consists mostly of light gray and grayish-brown carbonate rock and minor amounts of sandy carbonate rock and calcareous sandstone.. Chert as nodules, stringers, and beds is most abundant in the upper third of the unit. The lowermost bed of the unit contains abundant fragments of phosphatic inarticulate brachiopod Shells. The middle unit is 70 feet thick aud consists of light-gray and brownish­ gray carbonate sandstone, some chert and two thin beds of phosphate rock. The upper unit is SO feet thick and is dominantly white and light-gray carbonate rocks; however, the most argillaceous beds in the lower 40 feet are reddish-brown, and many of the carbonate beds in the upper 40 feet contain abundant fossils and fossil fragments, some of which are phos­ phatic casts of bryozoans and possibly echinoid fragments. The reddish­ brown beds are probably laterally continuous with parts of the Mackentire tongue of tb:! Woodside formation (fig. 6 and pI .. 2). The contact with the Woodside formation is conformable.

A few beds of the uppermost fossiliferous unit contain Punctospir­ ~, Productids, and other types of brachiopods (J. E. Smedley, oral communication). This upper unit is lithologically similar to and is

-2,3- considered to be an extension of the fossiliferous limestone unit that is found at the top of the Park City formation at the localities to the west and north. Because of its unique lithologic characteristics and because it occurs at only this one stratigraphic position, immediately underlying the Triassic Woodside and Dinwoody formations, it may represent nearly synchronous deposition over the entire area.

At Wolf Creek, southeast of the type area, the Franson member is only 125 feet thick. However, the lower part of the overlying red beds, mapped as Woodside shale by McCann (~Huddle and McCann, 1947), contain seve ral c arb ona te roc k beds th at are s imilar lithologically to the carbonate rocks of the Franson member. Fossils from some of'these beds were identified by James Steele Williams as of probable Permian age (Huddle, written communication, 1954)0 Therefore, the lower part of the Woodside formation in the vicinity of Wolf·Creek (pl. 2) probably is laterally continuous with and equivalent to beds of the Franson member at Franson Canyon. The lithology of the lower part of the Woodside formation and the tongues of the Franson member are not shown on plate 2 because this part of the section has not been described in detail. At the sections measured east of Wolf Creek, on both flanks of the Uinta Mountains, the Franson member is divisible into a lower and upper car­ bonate rock unit separated by the Mackentire tongue of the Woodside formation (pl. 2).

At most localities in the Uintas the contact between the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member of the Phosphoria formation and the lower unit of the Franson member of the Park City formation is gradational. The lower unit attains a maximum thickness of 150 feet at Lake Fork and decreases to a minimum thickness of about 40 feet at Split Mountain. Carbonate rock is dominant lithologically, although chert as nodules forms a character­ istic part of the unit, as does calcareous sandstone, which generally occurs only in the upper 5 to 15 feet of the unit. At some localities this sandstone is conglomeratic.

The upper carbonate rock unit of the Franson member is 60 feet thick at Lake Fork and 35 feet thick at Little Brush C_reek, the easternmost section at which this upper unit can be identified. It is not prese~t at Split Mountain (fig. 6). East and south of Little B~ush Creek it pre­ sumably grades laterally into the light greenish-gray shales and brownish­ gray mudstone and red beds of the lover part of the Woodside formation of Thomas (l939). Lithologically the upper unit of the Franson member is similar to the lower unit as it is composed chiefly of light colored carbonate rock, but it characteristically contains thin beds of cherty carbonate rock and some calcareous sandstone (pl. 2). The thinning of the unit and consequently much of the thinning of the Franson as a Whole is thought to be due to lateral gradation to the south and east of the upper part of the member into the lower part of the Woodside formation.

At Split Mountain, the southeasternmost locality observed, the Franson member is only 39 feet thick. The Franson there corresponds to the lower unit of the member to the northwest. At this locality the greenish-gray sandstones and yellowish-orange calcareous mudstones that overlie the Park Ci4Y formation are included with the Woodside formation.


The Phosphoria formation at its type locality in Phosphoria Gulch near Georgetown, Idaho, consists of phosphatic and cherty shales and chert. The tongues and members of the Phosphoria formation that extend into the area of this report (fig. 1) are the Meade Peak phosphatic shale, Rex chert, Tosi chert" and Retort phosphatic shale (McKelvey and others, 1956) (figs. 5 and 6), and are described in the following pages.

-24- ~ ~ phosphatio ~ ~ Q! ~ Phosphoria formation The phosphatio shale member of the Phosphoria formation was reoently named the Meade Peak phosphatio shale member of the Phosphoria formation by McKelvey (McKelvey and others, 1956) from exposures near Meade Peak, Idaho, where the member is about 200 feet thick and is composed dominantly of phosphate rock, carbonaceous mudstone, and mixtures of these two types. In Utah, the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member is composed mainly of dark colored phosphate rock, mudstone, carbonate rock, and intermixtures of these types, although mixtures of phosphate and carbonate are not common (pIs. 1 and 2). Minor quantities of chert, generally as nodules, and quartz sandstone are present at some localities. The member characteris­ tically is soft, thin-bedded, and brown to black. The dark color probably is due to the high content of carbonaceous material, as much as 16 percent of which is present in some beds at BraZer Canyon. Generally, the Meade Peak is unexposed and characteristically forms a covered slope or saddle. The upper and lower contacts (pIs. 1 and 2) are generally placed at the break between the soft, brown or black, phosphatic carbonaceous mud-

1090 ~--~~-,---,~----~------,------, 42°


41° .,;- --::;- --I 41D ",'"

U T 'A H

",0 I 29 • .57 / / 63. / / ' / 1\ / ..- ..-"-"'" / ./ / /' 10 "- ,/ ,/ /" / I "- ~-- / --- /" --_/

400 L-______~ ______L ______~ 400 1120 1110 110 0 1090

10 10 20 30 40 MilES I

Contour interval = 25 feet

.0 thickness (in feet) 01 each locality.

FIGURE 8. Mop showing thickness (in feet) of the Meade Peak phosphatic shale tongue of the Phosphoria formation. ~ Faucett Canyon, (Boker et 01., 1949, p.1I90).

-25- stones and the more resistant, light-colored chert, carbonate rock, and sandstone of the overlying and underlying units.

The member is 220 feet thick at Fort Douglas. It thins to the east and south and is absent at Split Mountain (figs. 5, 6, and 8 and pl. 2). The regional and local variations in thickness and lithology are dis­ cussed in more detail in the following pages.

Northern Wasatch Mountains

In the northern Wasatch Mountains (fig. 1), the Meade Peak is 180 to 225 feet thick (fig. 5 and pl. 1). It is divisible into many relatively thin units that have been correlated northward into western Wyoming (McKelvey, 1946). In ascending order, the major zones in the Meade Peak are: (1) 40 feet of medium gray to black thin- to thick-bedded, hard carbonate rock inteTbedded with a few thin beds of dark gray to black carbonatic phosphate rock; the basal 5 feet of this unit is mudstone, at the base of which is the "fish scale" bed that marks the base of the Meade Peak in this area and in southeastern Idaho; (2) 20 to 25 feet of argillaceous phosphate rock and mudstone; (3) 25 feet of brownish-gray, thick-bedded carbonate rock and mudstone; (4) 30 feet of brownish-black and brownish-gray, thin- to thick-bedded, interbedded argillaceous phosphate rock and carbonate rock; (5) 4 to 5 feet of black carbonaceous vanadiferous mudst ene which is separated from the overlying and underlying zones by beds of foss iliferous carbonate rock 1 to 2 feet thick; (6) 15 to 20 feet of brownish-black and black thin- to thick-bedded, interbedded dolomitic mudstone and argillaceous phosphate rock; (7) 2 to 15 feet of dark brownish-gray, thin-bedded, laminated, slightly silty chert composed dominantly of siliceous sponge spicules; (8) 31 feet of dominantly dark gray to black, thin-bedded pelletal phosphate rock; (9) in some places a shaly thin-bedded mUdstone up to 34 feet thick overlies the uppermost phosphate zone. All of the above mentioned zones may be traced through the Crawford Mountains, with the exception of the southernmost area of outcrops. In the latter area, the Meade Peak is approximately 90 feet thick. Although the upper phosphate unit is similar to the upper unit fur­ ther north (pl. 2), the lower part of the member is dominantly dark colored carbonate rock and is much thinner (McKelvey, 1946, pl. 3)5. POSSibly part of the strata have been faulted out, but better exposures than are now available are needed to evaluate this.

Central Wasatch Mountains

The Meade Peak is 60 (Baker and others, 1949, p. 1188) to 225 feet thick in the central Wasatch Mountains. It consists of an upper and a lower phosphatic shale split by a carbonate rock and sandstone tongue, 60 to 100 feet thick, of the Franson member of the Park City formation.

The lower phosphatic shale unit is 60 to 150 feet thick and is composed mainly of dark brown and black, thin-bedded, soft a~gillaceous phosphate rock; dark brownish-gray, thin-bedded, carbonatic mudstone; and light brownish-gray and dark gray, massive argillaceous carbonate rock. The lower contact of the lower phosphatic shale unit is placed at the base of an argillaceous, slightly sandy, phosphate rook 1 to 3 feet thick. The lower 30 to 50 feet of this unit is black and brownish-gray argillaceous phosphate rock interbedded with brownish-gray, argillaceous, phosphatic carbonate rock, and phosphatic carbonaceous mudstone. Most of the strata above are dark colored carbonate rocks or carbonatic mudstones. The uppermost beds contain abundant chert-coated geodes and a few thin discontinuous nodular layers of phosphate rock.

5 McKelvey, V. E., 1946, Preliminary report on stratigraphy of phos­ phatic shale member of the Phosphoria formation in western Wyoming, south­ eastern Idaho, and northern Utah: U. S. Geol. Survey Open File Report.

-26- The upper phosphatic shale unit, 60 to 80 feet thick, consists of thin-bedded, dark gray and black, phosphatic mudstone, argillaceous car­ bonate rock and argillaceous phosphate rock. The contact with the under­ lying tongue of the Franson is marked by a thin bed of nodular and pellet­ al phosphate rock. The upper contact is placed at the horizon above which is the Rex chert. This upper phosphatic shale thins and feathers out rapidly to the south, for at Mill Creek it is represented by only a few thin nodular phosphorite beds (pl. 1).

The upper phosphatic unit in the central Wasatch Mountains is prob­ ably laterally continuous with the upper phosphate at Brazer Canyon in the northern Wasatch Mountains. The underlying sandstone and carbonate rock tongue of the Franson probably is laterally continuous with the chert bed at Brazer Canyon; a similar facies change from a spicular chert to sandstone has been demonstrated in a number of areas in Montana (Cress­ man, 1955) and Wyoming CR. Po Sheldon, 1954, oral communication). The lower part of the Meade Peak at Devils Slide and Fort Douglas probably is laterally continuous with most of the unit underlying the chert at Brazer Canyon; however, at Devils Slide the upper part of ,the lower mem­ ber of the Park City, in which thin phosphate beds are present, probably is equivalent to the lowermost 40 feet of the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member at Brazer Canyon (fig. 5 and pl. 1).

Southern Wasatch M~untains

The Meade Peak phosphatic shale tongue in the southern Wasatch Mountains (fig. 1) is 160 to 215 feet thick and is composed mostly of grayish-brown to black, thin- to thick-bedded, calcareous mudstone, che,rty mudstone, and phosphatic mUdstone o Chert forms thick beds at Strawberry Valley (pl. I), but to the west at the right fork of Hobble Creek and Wanrhodes Canyon only a few thin beds of chert are present. At the head of Little Diamond Creek, the base of the tongue is marked by a bed of argillaceous, slightly sandy, phosphate rock about 5 feet thick, which, with the exception of a few beds less than 1 foot thick at other locali­ ties is the most phosphatic bed in the southern Wasatch area.

The correlation presented on plate I from Fort Douglas to Strawberry Valley is that established by Baker and Williams (1940, p. 543).

~ Mountains

The Meade Peak thins from 225 feet at Fort Douglas to 122 feet at Franson Canyon in the western Uinta Mountains, a distance of only 20 miles. From Franson Canyon the tongue thins gradually to the east and south and is absent at Split Mountain near Vernal (fig. 8).

In the western part of the Uinta Mountains between Lake Fork and Franson Canyon, and on the northeast flank of the Uinta Mountains the tongue is divisible into three easily recognizable gradational units (pl. 2). In ascending order these are: black, carbonaceous, soft, phosphatic mudstone 10 to 20 feet tnick, the base of which i~·generally phosphatic sandstone or sandy phosphate rock; dark-gray to black, medium­ hard, thin- to thick-bedded, argillaceous carbonate rock and carbonatic mudstone (mUCh thinner at Horseshoe Canyon than further west); and light greenish-gray and gray, thin-bedded, hard, cherty carbonate rock and cherty mudstone that contain numerous lenses and beds of phosphatic mud­ stone. Much of the phosphate in this upper unit is as internal casts of small gastropods, pelecypods, and ostracods; although this type of phos­ phate is known elsewhere in the western phosphate field, it occurs in greatest known quantities in this zone in the Uinta Mountains o

The Meade Peak is 23 to 29 feet thick in the southeastern Uinta Mountains, as at Brush Creek, Dry Canyon, and Little Brush Creek, and is absent at Split Mountain (figs. 6 and 8, and pl. 2). The lower part

-27- of the member is composed mostly of thin-bedded, light gray to grayish­ brown, pelletal phosphate rock and subordinate amounts of mudstone. The upper part of the member is thin-bedded, soft to medium-hard, ar­ gillaceous phosphate rock and hard, thin- and nodularly bedded, cherty limestone; most of the phosphate is in internal casts of small pelecypods and gastropods. On the basis of lithologic resemblances, the upper and lower units are tentatively correlated with the upper and lower units of the Meade Peak in the western Uintas. The middle unit (argillaceous carbonate rock) of the Meade Peak in the western Uintas thus is thought to have no counterpart, or at most a very thin one, in the southeastern Uintas (pl. 2).

The Meade Peak in the Uinta Mountains probably represents only the lower shale unit described in the central Wasatch Mountains (fig. 6). The thin phosphorite beds in about the middle of the Franson member at Franson Canyon (pl. 2) are probably feather edges of the upper part of the Meade Peak.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Phosphoria formation

The Rex chert member as redefined by McKelvey (McKelvey and others, 1956) is present in most of the northern Wasatch Mountain area, where it overlies the Meade Peak. At Brazer Canyon (pl. 1) the Rex is 55 feet thick and consists of light grayish-brown, thin- to thick-bedded, hard chert and a few thin discontinuous beds of carbonate rock. The Rex is overlain by the Franson member, except at Laketown where the Rex is about 200 feet thick. There the Rex is overlain by about 4 feet of phosphatic shale that may be a thin equivalett of the Retort phosphatic shale member of the Phosphoria formation. This phosphatic shale is overlain by the Triassic Dinwoody formation.

In the central Wasatch Mountains a thin chert unit, 6 feet thick at Devils Slide and 30 feet thick at Fort Douglas (pl. 1). that overlies the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member has been tentatively called the Rex chert tongue. The Rex is not known to be present elsewhere in the area of this report.

Tosi chert m~mber of ~ Phosphoria formation

The Tosi chert member of the Phosphoria formation was described by Sheldon (in McKelvey and others, in press, 1956) from exposures near Tosi Creek, Wyoming. A tongue of the Tosi extends south to the Crawford Mountains. At Brazer Canyon (pl. 1), it is 30 feet thick and is composed of thin-bedded, hard, dark gray to black chert typical of the Tosi at its type locality. The lower contact of this member is placed beneath a thin nodular phosphate bed which occurs between the chert and carbonate rock. The upper contact is placed at the base of the carbonate rock of the upper part of the Franson member. The Tosi is not present west or south of the South Crawford section'(pl. 1).

6 The Retort is the uppermost phosphatic shale unit of the Phosphoria formation in Montana and Wyoming. It is not laterally continuous with the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member (McKelvey and others, 1956).


The Mackentire tongue of the Woodside formation was first named by J. Stewart Williams (1939, p. 91) as a tongue of the Phosphoria formation from exposures in Mackentire Draw near the Lake Fork River (see Lake Fork locality, pl. 2). Thomas (1939, p. 1249) later redefined the Mackentire as a tongue of the Woodside formation. The Mackentire tongue has not been adopted by the U. S. Geological Survey.

At the type locality the Mackentire is 105 feet thick and at Little Brush Creek, the easternmost locality at which it has been identified, it is 35 feet thick (fig. 4). It changes from dominantly soft, reddish­ brown, calcareous sandstone and siltstone at the type locality and in the central part of the Uinta Mountains to dominantly greenish-gray and dark yellowish-orange calcareous sandstones and siltstones in the eastern part of the Uinta Mountains, as at Horseshoe Canyon (for location, see fig. 1) and Little Brush Creek (pl. 2)0 A bed of anhydrite 3.0 feet thick is also present at Horseshoe Canyon (fig. 1). The Mackentire tongue is thought to be continuous over the area for the following reasons. No more than one major red-beds unit was found at any of the localities visited, and it is everywhere present near the middle of the Franson member. The thick­ ness and lithology of the tongue changes east, west, and north of this central portion of the Uinta Mountains, but both the thickness and lith­ ology are nearly the same at any longitude on both flanks of the moun­ tains. In addition, it can be traced in outcrop eastward along the north flank of the Uinta Mountains from the western end of the outcrop (fig. l)--a locality at which the Mackentire is similar in thickness and lith­ ology to that at Lake Fork. That is, it is about 60 feet thick and wholly red beds o These red beds pass out to the east so that in the vicinity of Horseshoe Canyon (fig. 1) the unit is dominantly greenish-graY beds though lenses of red beds (Anderman, G. A., oral communication, 1955) and some anhydrite beds are present. The Mackentire is nearly the same character in the Little Brush-Brush Creek area 15 miles south of Horseshoe Canyon.

-29- 109 0 ~--~IT~'-'-'------.------r---~ 42 0

o M N G

/ r 0 41 r----"-----++-I-----;.L--4------!---:-'...." .13.9 I I

I 31.0. I u T A H ,,~" / I B.9. .12.2 .9.4 .JJ 10 '~'I

...- / // oA ------?---_1--/

400 ~------~------L------~------~40° 112 0 111 0 110 0 1090

10 0 10 20 30 40 MILES L'__ ~I ____L- __~I ____~I __~I

Contour interval. 5 equivalent feet -0 Amount in equivalent feet at each locality.

FIGURE 9. Map shawing equivalent thickness and amount (in feet) at each sample locality of the total carbonate-fluorapatite in the Meade Peak phosphatic shale tongue of the Phospfioria formation. J/ A few feet of phosphatic sandstone at base of member was not sampled so this figure is slightly low.


The only phosphate deposits that are being mined in Utah are the sedimentary deposits in the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member of the Phosphoria formation. Minable deposits of acid-grade phosphate are known only in the northern Wasatch Mountains; within this area phosphate is b~ing mined only in the Crawford Mountains. Large reserveS of furnace­ grade rock are present in the Meade Peak member on the south flank of the Uinta Mountains near Vernal, Utah. The known phosphate deposits in the black shale at the base of the Brazer limestone and its partial equiva­ lent, the Deseret limestone, are too low grade to be minable now or in the near future.

The phosphate deposits in Utah have been the subject of several early investigations by the U. S. Geological Survey and various private geologists (Gale and Richards, 1910; Jones, 1907, 1913; Blackwelder, 1910). The data available previously have been summarized and analyzed by J. Stewart Williams (1939) and Williams and Hanson (1942).

Because the latter two reports cover the subject previous to our investigations, this report on the phosphate deposits in Utah is based in general only on the data contained herein, ~ Smith and others, (1952), in Cheney and others (1953), and in Swanson and others (1956). The discussion will be restricted to the areal distribution, vertical distribution, and character of the phosphate deposits with emphasis on the regional relationships. The details of accessibility and structure are discussed briefly only in those areas where it appears likely that phosphate will be mined in the near future o

Besides phosphorus, at least 40 elements have been identified in the Meade Peak (McKelvey, 1949, p. 52). Some of these elements, such as and , are in both phosphatic and nonphosphatic beds, though more highly concentrated in the nonphosphatic carbonaceous mud­ stone; however, and are mainly in phosphorite bedS, and others, such as nickel, molybdenum, Silver, and are concentrated chiefly in nonphosphatic beds. The highest grade deposits of vanadium in the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member in Utah are in the northern Wasatch Mountain area, and a brief discussion of its occurrence is given by McKelvey (1946).


The phosphorites are marine sedimentary deposits. The phosphate in the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member is in the mineral carbonate­ fluorapatite (Altschuler and others, 1953, po 9; Silverman and others, 1952). Commonly, the mineral is submicrocrystalline and isotropic, but it also occurs in a crystalline anisotropic form. The first variety is frequent17 termed collophane, the second francolite (Lowell, 1952, pp. 13-14).

The carbonate-fluorapatite occurs, in decreasing order of abundance, as structureless pellets and nodules, as fossils and fossil fragments, as and pisolites, and as a cementing material in rocks generally composed, at least partially, of other forms of carbonate-fluorapatite. Most of the phosphate is pelletal and most of the pellets are from 1/8 to 1-1/2 rom in size. The color of the pellets ranges from light brownish­ gray to black. The darker colors are probably due to a larger amount of contained organic matter. In the eastern part of the Uinta Mountains, where the organic content of the member is low, the phosphate grains are light brownish-gray, and in the northern Wasatch Mountains, where the or­ ganic content is relatively high, most of the phosphate grains are dark gray or black. Most of the nodules are structureless, but some are aggre-

-31,- gates of pellets or oolites or both. Pelletal carbonate-fluorapatite forms the greater part of all the economically important phosphate depositso

The phosphate in fossiliferous material is the second most abundant form of carbonate-fluorapatite in Utah. Fish scales, bone fragments, fish teeth, and fragments of inarticulate brachiopods--materials that were phosphatic during the life of the organism--make up some beds, but inter­ nal casts of small gastropods, pelecypods, and other fossil material that was originally nonphosphatic, are also a common form of phosphate, espe­ cially in the Uinta Mountain area. In general the originally phosphatic fossil material is translucent light brownish-gray or light gray, and it commonly has a resinous appearance in hand specimen. The originally non­ phosphatic fossil material is generally pale brown in color and most of it ranges from 1-10 mm in size. Rarely does the phosphatic fossil mater­ ial form beds thick enough to be of economic importance except when com­ bined with other types.

Oolitic and pisolitic are common only in the northern Wasatch Mountains in Utah. The oolites are generally subelliptical and generally range in size from 1/8 to 1 mm, though pisolites as large as 5 mm in diameter have been found. No commerical deposits of oolitic phos­ phorite are known in Utah, although as mixtures with the other two major types, it forms an abundant characteristic part of the acid-grade deposits in the northern Wasatch area.

Phosphate rock, which as used herein means any rock in which carbon­ ate-fluorapatite is the dominant mineral, is generally dark gray to black, or dark brownish-gray to brownish-black, thick bedded,soft to moderately hard. In the eastern part of the Uinta Mountains, however, the phosphate rocks are generally light brownish-gray to brownish-gray, and some have a greenish cast. A bluish-white bloom characteristically develops on the weathered surface of acid-grade phosphate rocks.

Phosphate rocks are mixtures of carbonate-fluorapatite, quartz as silt and sand, carbonate as calcite or dolomite, clay, mica, minor amounts of feldspar, and carbonaceous matter. The most common of these mixtures i~ carbonate-fluorapatite and clay and silt. Phosphatic sandstone or sandy phosphate rock is common only in the basal beds of the Meade Peak in the Uinta Mountains and central Wasatch Mountains. Phosphatic carbon­ ate rock is uncommon except in the upper part of the Meade Peak in the Uinta Mountains where phosphate (mainly as internal casts of small fos­ sils), chert, and carbonate are the chief rock-forming materials. The pelletal, oolitic, and nodular phosphate rocks are interbedded chiefly with dark colored carbonaceous mudstone, or calcareous mudstones. The bioclastic phosphorite is mainly interbedded with light colored cherty and argillaceous carbonate rocks. The beds range from laminae less than 1 mm to several feet in thickness but are generally between 0.5 and 1.5 feet thick.

An economically important characteristic of the phosphorite deposits is the lateral continuity of the phosphate and associated beds over large areas. For example, individual beds in the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member have been traced for more than 100 miles (McKelvey, 1949, p. 275.) Beds can generally be traced many miles farther parallel to facies strike than they can be traced normal to facies strike. The grade and thickness of the phosphate beds, that can be traced over large areas, change~ but within a mine or an area the size of the Crawford Mountains (fig. 1) the grade and thickness generally remain relatively constant except where the strata are markedly affected by postdepositional changes. Therefore, fairly safe predictions as to the grade and thickness of beds may be made in a mining district, but the errors in prediction will increase with the size of the area and the distance between control points. Partly because

-32- of the large distance between measured sections and partly because one must trace units across facies strike (fig. 7), no individual beds can be traced from the northern to the southeasternmost part of the area of this report; however, some beds can be traced long distances (pIs. 1, 2, and 3).

To facilitate the following discussion of the phosphate deposits, .the phosphate rocks have been catagorized as follows: (1) acid-grade phosphate rock, which contains over 31 percent P20~ (about 80 percent carbonate-fluorapatite)--generally is used in the mAnufacture of super and triple super phosphate by acidulation; (2) furnace­ grade phosphate rock, which contains between 24 and 31 percent P 20 5-­ generally is used in the manufacture of elemental phosphorous by the electric furnace method; and, (3) low-grade rock, which contains less than 24 percent P 20 and cannot be used in current processes without beneficiation. A general5 discussion of the current methods of process­ ing phosphate rock is given by Waggaman and Bell (1950).

About 3 feet of acid-grade rock is now being mined in one part of the western phosphate field and this is generally accepted as the minimum thickness of acid-grade rock that can be mined profitably if the beds are steeply inclined. Probably 4 feet of acid-grade rock is a more acceptable minimum especially for flat or gently dipping beds. About 12 feet of furnace-grade rock is the minimum thickness of this type rock now being mined, but under optimum conditions 5 feet of furnace-grade rock might yield a competitive operation. ENRICHMENT OF PHOSPHORITES BY WEATHERING

The effect of weathering on the P205 content of a given bed is an important factor, often overlooked, affect~ng the value of any phosphate deposit. Peterson pointed out in 1914 (p. 756) that "the amount of phosphate may decrease with depth owing to the leaching of the less? soluble constituents and the concentration of phosphoric acid in the leached zone." This weathering and consequent enrichment of phosphate is discussed briefly by Mansfield (1927, p. 217) and McKelvey and others (1953, po 4). According to L. D. Carswell of the U. S. Geological Survey, data gathered by some of the western phosphate mining companies indicate that the P 20 content of a high-grade phosphate bed may decrease by as much as 5 percent5 500 feet below the outcrop. For example, a unit that 0 contains 34 percent P20 5 at the surface may contain only 29 percent P2 5 at depth. This enricliment at the outcrop by weathering probably affects the concentration of some of the other elements, particularly those com­ monly associated with the phosphorite. A deposit minable at the surface may not be minable, according to current mining grade cutoffs, a few tens or hundreds of feet below the surface; hence, an evaluation of the degree of weathering of a given deposit is necessary before the economic value of that deposit can be determined.

To evaluate the effect of weathering on a phosphate deposit, the following factors should be taken into consideration: (1) the presence or absence of carbonate; (2) the presence or absence of organic matter and (3) the geologic and geographic setting.

The presence or absence of carbonate in acid-grade phosphate rock--an indication of the degree of weathering--can be determined by a simple field test in which concentrated hydrochloric acid is dropped on a fresh rock surface. If the rock is highly weathered there will be no reaction, presumably because most of the carbonate has been removed from the carbonate-fluorapatite; but if the phosphate rock is unweathered, carbon-

7 It seems the word "less" is a misprint and should read "more"o

-33- ate has not been removed so a slight effervescence will generally take place (McKelvey, oral communication).

The presence or absence of carbonate rock beds in their normal position in the strata is also an indication of the degree of weathering. Many of the carbonate rock beds in the phosphatic shale are continuous over rather large areas. For example, the "cap lime" (Mansfield, 1927, P. 76) is present nearly everywhere in southeastern Idaho, but where the associated strata are highly weathered the "cap lime~ generally is represented by a thin residium of pale or dark yellowish-orange mudstone o Other carbonate beds, though perhaps not as extensive as the "cap lime," can at least be traced throughout nearly every mining district. There­ fore, if it is known that carbonate rock beds should be present in the phosphatic shale in the general area of a given deposit, their absence or the presence of thin beds of yellowish mudstone in the normal posi­ tion of the carbonate rock beds may indicate a high degree of weathering and consequent higher grade of the phosphorite beds.

Light-colored phosphate rock and mudstone are indications that the rocks have been highly weathered. An example is the strata at the Laketown locality where practically no carbonate rock is present and none of the mUdstones are calcareous. The rocks are probably only a few feet to tens of feet beneath an old erosion surface at the base of the Tertiary Wasatch(?) formation. Both the value and chromaS of the rocks in this section are higher than in other sections where the rocks are comparatively unweathered. The average value at Laketown is 6.0 and the chroma 2.9. Averages of approximately equivalent strata in a mine near Hot Springs a few miles to the north yields a value of 3.6 and chroma of 0.9. In a trench in the Crawford Mountains thought to be weathered to a lesser degree than the Laketown section, the value aVer­ ages 3.7 and the chroma 1.4 for approximately equivalent strata.

The geologic and geographic setting of a particular locality may furnish some clues as to the degree of weathering. One would expect a higher degree of weathering in proximity to old erosion surfaces as described at the Laketown locality. The presence of numerous faults may facilitate circulation of ground water; hence, in a highly faulted area, or at least in proximity to faults, a higher degree of weathering might be expected. In the open pit phosphate mine at Fort Hall, Idaho, the strata are cut by many small faults; the traces of these faults are commonly marked at the ground surface by topographic lows. The carbonate rocks have been highly weathered and the grade of the phosphate rock is higher near the faults than in the topographically high areas between the faults where the carbonate rock beds are commonly unweathered (C. Sweetwood, oral communication)o According to L. D. Carswell (oral communication), the lower phosphate rock bed in southeastern Idaho is of slightly lower grade where samples were taken from trenches located in V-shaped canyons, in areas of young topography, as compared to those samples of the same stratigraphic interval taken from trenches on slopes of low gradient or on the sides of broad valleys, areas of mature topo­ graphy, or in other areas where the mantle is thick. Furthermore, data suggest that rocks in a given interval from trenches on northward facing slopes contain more phosphate than rocks from trenches on southward facing slopes, probably because the degree of weathering, as indicated by a thicker mantle and denser vegetation, is greater on northward facing slopes. Veathering on such slopes is more intense because snow remains longer and surface material dries more slowly.

8Value and chroma are components of color as defined by the Munsell color system, which is briefly outlined by Goddard and others, (1951). Value, which is the degree of lightness or darkness of a color, is expressed numerically--low values are dark colors and high values are light colors. Chroma, also expressed numerically, is the degree of saturation, i.e., the lower the chroma the less vivid the color, the higher the chroma the more vivid the color.

-34- The relationship of the present or old water tables to the strata in any area may also prove useful in the evaluation of weathering and enrichment of the phosphate rocks.


Mississippian phosphate deposits

The phosphate deposits at the base of the Brazer limestone and its partial equivalent, the Deseret limestone, are not of high enough quality to be mined at any locality from which samples have been analyzed, and only those in the Tintic mining district, Utah (fig. 3), seem worthy of more exploration now. It should be emphasized, however, that not many analytical data are available concerning the phosphate content of this phosphatic shale. J. Stewart Williams (1939) has presented a few anal­ yses and some are presented here.

One complete section of this member at Laketown and two partial sections, one near Ogden, Utah, and one near Logan, Utah, have been meas­ ured and sampled. Abstracts and analytical data for these sections are presented in tables 1, 2, and 3. At the base of the shale member at Laketown, a bed of phosphate rock 3 feet thick contains 27.6 percent P20 S; however, at outcrops in Ogden Canyon the beds are so lean in phos­ phate that they were not sampled. At Providence Canyon, 13.9 percent P205 is the maximum amount contained in any bed, and that bed is only 1.8 feet thick.

The phosphatic shale at the base of the Deseret limestone in the Tintic district (fig. 3) contains one bed about 2 feet above the base of the member that is 4 feet thick and contains 23.62 percent P20 S and 0.14 percent V20 50 In addition the overlying 12.8 feet of beds contain 15.25 percent P205 and 0.32 percent V20 5• Lower grade phosphate beds occur in the overlying beds of the member. A unit 4 feet thick about 24 feet above the base of the member contains 1.12 percent V205 and 5.8 percent P20 5. Many of the overlying shale beds contain up to .54 percent V20S but the highest P205 content is only about 11 percent (Morris,H. T., and Lovering, T. S., i~ press, 1957).

The distribution of minor elements in this phosphatic shale is not known except in the Tintic district where Morris reports that their con­ centration is similar to that in the Meade Peak phosphatic shale.

The phosphate deposits in the Tintic mining district are low grade, compared to those in the Phosphoria formation in northern Utah, and would have to be beneficiated before use in making a commercial phos­ phorous product. Nevertheless, because of several unique economic factors, further investigation of these deposits and methods of bene­ ficiating the phosphate rock is recommended. Large reserves of this rock are available in the Tintic district where the phosphatic shale unit is cut one or more times by underground workings at several levels in recently operating base-metal mines. Railroads and power facilities are available at the mines; thus saving many of the initial costs in­ volved in developing phosphate rock elseWhere. (Morris, personal communi­ cation, 1957.)

Permian phosphate deposits

General relationships

The most important and largest phosphate deposits in the western field are the phosphorites in the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member of the Phosphoria formation in southeastern Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, and Montana; however, large reserves of phosphate are also present in the younger Retort phosphatic shale member'of the Phosphoria in Montana.


Part of the phosphatic shale member of the Brazer limestone measured and sampled near Logan, Utah, from old pit on the south side of Providence Canyon two miles east of the Canyon mouth in sec. 18, R. 2 E., T. 11 No, Cache County, Utah, by R. W. Swanson and R. G. Waring in September, 19510

Bed no. Sample number Thickness P 0 9 r.9 Description 2 5 A. PHOSPHATIC SHALE MEMBER OF THE BRAZER LIMESTONE 10 6776 RWS 2.2 5.3 63.5 Mudstone 9 6777 RWS 1.6 10.7 54.2 Mudstone, phosphatic 8 N.S. 2.0 Limestone 7 6778 RWS 2.1 11.4 55.8 Mudstone, phosphatic 6 N.S. 2.7 Limestone 5 6779 RWS 1.8 13.9 40.3 Mudstone, phosphatic 4 N. S. 1.7 Mudstone, calcareous 3 N.S. 0.6 Limestone 2 N.S. 0.4 Mudstone 1 N.S. 0.2 Chert

~overed below 15.3 Total thickness measured

9 Samples analyzed for P20 5 and acid insoluble by the U. S. Bureau of Mines Laboratory, Albany, Oregon.


Phosphatic shale member of the Brazer limestone measured and des­ cribed from an old road cut on the north side of Ogden Canyon in NW 1/4 SW 1/4 sec. 16, T. 6 N., R. 1 E. Beds strike N. 100 E. and dip 25 0 W. This area is structurally complicated by many small faults and folds; however, the following section is thought to be representative of the shale member in the area. Section measured by R. G. Waring and R. A. Smart.

Bed no. Thickness (feet) Description


1.0 Limes tone


B-26 0.3 Mudstone, calcareous B-25 0.7 Limestone B-24 0.2 Mudstone, calcareous B-23 1.3 Mudstone, phosphatic(? ) B-22 2.5 Mudstone, calcareous B-21 0.3 Mudstone B-20 1.5 Limestone B-19 0.8 Mudstone, calcareous B-18 0.3 Phosphate rock, calcareous B-17 0.8 Limestone B-16 0.2 Phosphate rock, calcareous B-15 1.1 Limestone, argillace ous B-14 0.1 Phosphate rock, calcareous B-13 0.4 Mudstone B-12 0.2 Mudstone, phosphatic( ?) B-ll 0.3 Mudstone, calcareous B-lO 0.1 Phosphate rock, calcareous B-9 0.2 Mudstone B-3 0.1 Phosphate rock, calcareous

B-7 0 0 2 Mudstone

B-6 0 0 2 Phosphate rock, calcareous B-5 0.2 Mudstone B-4 1.0 Mudstone B-3 1.9 Mudstone B-2 0.7 Mudstone B-1 .1...l Mudstone, calc areous 18.7 Total thickness


Phosphatic shale at the base of the Brazer limestone measured and sampled 1 mile NE of Laketovn, Utah, on east limb of an overturned anti­ cline in sec. 32, T. 13 N., R. 6 E., Rich County, Utah. Beds strike N. 100 W. and dip 800 E. Section measured by F. J. Anderson, R. G. Waring, and R. A. Smart and sampled by Waring and Smart in July, 1949.


Bed Sample Thick­ POlO A.I. IO eU Description No. No. ness 2 5 BRAZER LIMESTONE

B-40 3 782-FJ A 2.8 0.5 390 0 a Limestone, argillaceous

B-39 3 7BI-FJ A 3.6 0.4 43.5 a Mudstone, calcareous

B-38 3780-FJA 4.2 0.5 45.7 a Limestone

B-37 3779-FJA 3.2 0.6 27.8 a Limestone, argillaceous

B-36 3778-FJA 1.6 0.6 90.5 a Mudstone

B-35 3777-FJA 4.7 0.6 25.7 a Phosphate rock, calcareous, and limeston~ argillaceous

B-34 3 776-FJ A 2.8 0.7 21.5 a Limestone and mudstone, calcareous

B-33 3 775-FJ A 0.8 23.0 a Mudstone, calcareous, and limestone

B-32 3762-RGV 1 .. 5 10.3 a Limestone

B-31 3761-RGV 2.0 18.7 .. 002 Mudstone, calcareous,and yhosphate rock, calcareous

B-30 3760-RGW 1,,0 11.1 22.5 0.003 Mudstone, calcareous, and phosphate roc k

B-29 3759-RGW 0.8 6.5 46.3 0.002 Mudstone, calcareous, and chert

B-28 3758-RGW 0.8 0.6 23.7 a Limestone, argillaceous

B-27 3757-RGV 1.7 3.3 27.8 0.001 Limeston~ argillaceou~ and phosphate rock, calcareous

B-26 3756-RGV 1.2 12.5 26.1 0.003 Mudstone, calcareou~ and phosphate rock, calcareous

B-25 375 5-RGW 1.2 7.4 42.8 0.003 Mudstone, calcareous chert and phosphate rock, calcareous

B-24 3754-RGV 0.8 11.0 43.7 0.003 Chert and phosphate rock, calc are ous

B-23 3753-RGW 0.8 0.5 40.2 a Chert

-38- Lot 1291 (continued)

Bed Sample Thick­ A.I. eU Description No. No. ness


B-22 3752-RGW 1.5 2.7 36.7 0.002 Mudstone, calcareous

B-21 3 S20-RGW 0.7 0.5 40.5 0.002 Mudstone, calcareous

B-20 3 S19-RG'W 1.2 0.2 a Limestone, argillaceous

B-19 3S18-RG'W 0.9 3.0 43 0 0 0.002 Mudstone, calcareous

B-lS 3817-RGW o.S 9.4 62.7 0.002 Phosphate rock, calcareous argillaceous and mudstone

B-17 3 S16-RAS 6.9 a Limestone

B-16 3815-RAS 3.0 10.1 43.7 0.003 Mudstone, phosphatic(?)

B-15 3 s14-RAS 3.7 0.2 9.7 a Limestone

B-14 3S13-RAS 1.6 0.1 19.1 0.001 Limestone

B-13 3 S12-RAS 2.3 0.1 20.1 a Limestone, argillaceous

B-12 3 ell-RAS 1.9 0.2 35.5 0.002 Limestone, argillaceous

B-l1 3 SIO-RAS 2.3 5.7 57.5 0.004 Mudstone, phosphatic

B-IO 3809-RAS 0.1 6.2 a Limestone, cherty

B-9 3808-RAS 0.1 26.3 a Limestone, argillaceous

B-8 3807-RAS 48.0 0 0 003 Mudstone, calcareous, phosphatic

B-7 3 S06-RAS 0.6 3.S 50 0 5 0 0 003 Mudstone, calcareous

B-6 3s05-RAS 2.2 0.1 27.7 0.001 Limestone, argillaceous B-5 3804-RAS O.S 1.4 44.3 0.002 Mudstone

B-4 3s03-RAS 1.5 5.9 47.0 0.004 Mudstone, phosphatic, calcare ous

B-3 3 S02-RAS 1.1 0.6 28.0 0.002 Limestone, argillaceous

B-2 3S01-RAS 3.1 27.6 12.7 0.005 Phosphate rock, argilla­ ceous, calcareous, and mud­ stone, phosphatic, calcar­ eous, Chem U .004

B-1 3800-RAS 0.1 33.1 1.7 0.006 Phosphate rock, calcareous, Chem U 0.006

76.2 Total thickness of phosphatic shale member

10 Samples analyzed for P 0 and acid insoluble by the U o S. Bureau 2 5 of Mines Laboratory, Albany, Oregon.

-39- In the Phosphoria formation as a whole, the total phosphate content, and the thickness of beds of phosphate containing more than 24 percent P205 are greatest in southeastern Idaho and decrease to the north, south, east, and probably to the west (Swanson and others, 1953). As would be expected then, the total phosphate content and thickness of beds of acid­ grade and furnace-grade rock in Utah are highest in the northernmost part (figs. 9, 10, and 11).

The slight decrease to the south (about 16 percent) in total phos­ phate content (fig. 9) in the western part of the area is accompanied by an increase of about 37 percent in the thickness of the Meade Peak phos­ phatic shale member (fig. S). The greater thickness of the member is,

110 0 42 0 ------r-"iTn-~-'------.----.------, I I / / / / / / / / ,/ ,/ ,/ / ,/ / <...... ------./ WYOMING

0---­.0 41 0 --1------

.0 UTA H o. .0 ~ .0 0. )

.0.7 /

40· 112 0 111 0

10 o 10 30 40 MILES ! ,

contour Interval: 2 feet

FIGURE 10. Map showing total thickness and amount (in feet) of beds in the Meade Peak phosphatic

shale tongue of the Phasphoria formation that contain more thon 31 percent P2 0 5 .

-40- therefore, mostly due to the greater amount of nonphosphatic sediments. As a result of this and the slight decrease in the amount of total phos­ phate present, the grade and thickness of phosphatic rocks decrease mark­ edly southward (figs. 9, 10, and 11). South of the northern Wasatch area, no known beds of phosphate more than 1 foot thick contain as much as 30 percent P205 and, except in the Little Diamond Creek area in the southern Wasatch Mountains where 5.8 feet of beds contain 28 percent P205, no beds of minable thickness contain as much as 24 percent P20 • In the northern Wasatch area as at the Laketown locality, 22.8 contlnuous5 feet of beds in the Meade Peak member contain more than 24 percent P205 whereas south of Sugar Pine Creek in the central and southern Wasatch Mountains (the Little Diamond Creek area excepted), only 1 to 3 feet of beds contain more than 24 percent P205.

The total phosphate content decreases southeastward from about 45 equivalent feet of carbonate-fluorapatite in northern Utah to about 15 equivalent feet of carbonate-fluorapatite in the vicinity of a line drawn between Franson Canyon and Cumberland (figs. 1 and 9). This decrease in phosphate content nearly parallels, in both direction and rate, the decrease in thickness of the Meade Peak member (fig. 8). Southward and eastward from this line throughout the Uinta Mountains, the total phosphate content in the member remains essentially the same except in the easternmost part of the Uinta Mountains where the total phosphate content is slightly greater. The thickness of the Meade Peak, however, gradually decreases to the southeast and east in the Uinta Mountains. The anomalous high phosphate content of the Meade Peak in the eastern part of the Uinta Mountains occurs where the thickness of the Meade Peak is minimal and the total phosphate content is slightly higher than in the rest of the Uintas. In this area, the thickness of beds of phosphate rock containing more than 24 percent P205 ranges from 3.2 feet at Rock Canyon to 9.5 feet at Little Brush Creek (fig. 11). In this area the phosphatic shale member is made up of about one-third carbonate­ fluorapatite which is proportionately more than in southeastern Idaho where the total phosphate content of the member is greatest. This com­ bination of thinness of the phosphatic shale member and relatively high total phosphate content is characteristic of the phosphatic members of the Phosphoria formation on the shoreward fringes of the field in Montana (Swanson and others, 1956, PP. 8-11) as well as Utah.

Southward and eastward from the eastern part of the Uinta Mountains, the thickness of beds containing more than 1 or 2 percent P205 decreases to zero in about 15 miles. Essentially no phosphorite is present at Split Mountain, Utah, nor at Vermilion Creek in the northwestern part of Colorado (Sears, 1924).

Thus, in only two major areas in Utah, the eastern part of the Uinta Mountains and northern part of the Wasatch Mountains, and one minor area, the Little Diamond Creek area in the southern Wasatch Mountains, are beds of acid-grade and/or furnace-grade phosphate rock in the Meade Peak thick enough to be mined at the present time. Of these two areas, only in the northern Wasatch Mountain area is the phosphate content and continuous thickness of phosphate beds great enough and costs of mining and trans­ portation of the phosphate rock to the consumers cheap enough to make the deposits minable profitably at the present price of phosphate rock.

The phosphate in the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member general~y is concentrated near the base and near the top, even though the base and top of the member are not at the same time horizons everywhere. For example, the uppermost phosphate zone in the northern Wasatch Mountains probably is not laterally continuous with the upper phosphatic beds in the Uinta Mountains (figs. 5 and 6). In the northern Wasatch Mountains, the upper beds in the phosphatic shale are the most phosphatic and in the Uinta and oentral Wasatch Mountains the most phosphatic beds are near the base of

-41- 1090 42° r------~~r_~~~~~~~~~------~------~ 420 .//// 30 ----./// 28--- / 26 _./ 22.8 24~ 22

Y Q-/ M / / / / I o

.1.0 I 41° t------j------\ 41°

3.0 • u T A

1 .2. \ ------//1 4--/ -__.. /' I / -~---~~// i

4" I 1 "."5.8\ 400 L-______~ ______L ______~ 40° 1090

1'-0__ ~0~ __..J..1f> ____ 2__'_0 ______'_30 ___ 4f> MILES

Contour Interval = 2 feet O. Thickness of beds ot each locality containing rno re tho n 24 percent ~05

FIGURE II. Map showing the total thickness (in feet) of beds in the Meade Peak phosphatic shale tongue of the Phosphoria formation that contain more than 24 percent P20 5 in the Uinta Mountains.

the member. The distribution of phosphate in the Meade Peak in the various areas of this report in Utah is discussed below.

Northern Wasatch Mountains

The northern Wasatch area is the only area in Utah in which phosphate is acid-grade and is being mined. Furthermore, only in this area in Utah are beds of furnace-grade rock thick enough to warrant their exploitation for use now in the electric furnace process of producing elemental phos­ phorous. The highest grade phosphate beds are in the upper part of the Meade Peak member, and the lateral continUity, thickness, lithology, P 205 content, and stratigraphic position of these beds is shown on plate 3.

-42- The sequence of beds in the upper phosphatic unit is as follows: Generally, the top is marked by a nodular and pelletal phosphate bed. (See Brazer Canyon section, pl. 3.) Underlying this is 3 to 4 feet of phosphate rock, generally pelletal and nodular, interbedded with carbon­ atic mudstone or carbonate rock. This unit together with the uppermost nodular phosphate bed averages 10 to 15 percent P205 at most localities o The underlying unit, locally referred to as the A bed (King, 1949, p. 286), is composed dominantly of pelletal phosphate, although oolites are present in some beds and the uppermost 0.1 to 0.5 feet of this unit is commonly nodular and oolitic phosphorite. In the Crawford Mountains, which are represented by the easternmost line of sections on plate 3, the A bed attains a thickness of about 7.0 feet and contains as much as 31.5 percent P205, as in the upper Brazer section (pl. 3). The bed has-a ~inimum thickness of 5.3 feet and contains 30.5 percent P 0 at Brazer Canyon. To 2 5 the west of the Crawford Mountains, as at Laketown and Sugar Pine Creek, the equivalents of this A bed are difficult to define, but apparently they are 7.2 feet thick and contain 31.9 percent P 0 at Laketown, and are 2 5 about 7.5 feet thick and contain about 34 percent P205 at Sugar Pine Creek. Underlying the A bed in the Crawford Mountains is 2 to 4 feet of argillaceous phosphate rock o locally called the B bed, (King, 1949, p. 284), which averages 24 to 26 percent P ° 0 Beneath this bed are 2 to 3 feet of carbouate rock or calcareous mu~s~one that contains only about 2 percent P205. Underlying the carbonate rock are 3 to 5 feet of argilla­ ceous phosphate rock, called the C bed (King, 1949, p. 286), averaging 24 to 26 percent P205& Underlying this bed is chert or cherty mudstone, the top of which marks the base of the upper phosphate unit shown on plate 3. In the western part of the area at Laketown and Sugar Pine Creek, no thick mudstone or carbonate rock separates the Band C beds as in the Crawford Mountains. The Band C beds at Laketown have a combined thickness of 10.1 feet and consist of argillaceous phosphate rock that contains 23.8 percent P 0 • At Sugar Pine Creek the combined Band C beds are 8.2 feet thick 2 5 and contain 26.5 percent P20 5• At the latter locality if the Band C beds are combined with the A bed the whole unit is 15.4 feet thick and contains 30.8 percent P 0 • 2 5 At both Sugar Pine Creek and Laketown, overlying and underlying beds, separated fro~ the A bed by thin phosphatic mudstones, contain more than 31 percent P205 and would, no doubt, be mined with the A bed. For exam­ ple, as much as 13.8 feet of continuous beds average 31.0 percent P205 at Sugar Pine Creek, and at Laketown 8.9 feet of continuous beds average 31.4 percent P20S• The phosphate c mtent of the beds below the A bed increases to the west, as does the phosphate content of the Meade Peak as a whole, thereby accounting for the increased thickness of rock containing more than 31 percent P20 5 (pl. 3). The thickest acid-grade deposits in the northern Wasatch area are in the Laketown and Sugar Pine Creek districts. These deposits have not been exploited because they are not as accessible as other deposits; they must be mined by underground methods; the reserves above entry level are not large; they are on the west overturned limb of a syncline complicated by many small faults and folds; and, until recently, not much has been known concerning the grade of the deposits. If the transportation difficulties can be overcome, the phosphate deposits in these two areas might be mined profitably.

At Laketown about 2 miles of outcrop of the Meade Peak exists (Rich­ ardson, 1941), and the phosphate reserves above entry level in this area are not large. South of the outcrop, the Meade Peak is concealed by Ter­ tiary sediments, but it is possible that the Meade Peak continues, un­ broken by major structure, for some distance beneath this cover. Thus, large reserves may be discovered south of the area of outcrop, beneath the Tertiary cover. The cost of transportation o~ the phosphate rock to the nearest railroad at Montpelier might be lowered by barging the rock on Bear Lake most of the distance to the railroad--further enhancing the value of these deposits. Bear Lake is only a little more than a mile from the north end of the outcrop.

The deposits at Sugar Pine Creek lie just south of the Randolph quadrangle, 26 miles south of the deposits at Laketown. They were briefly described by Gale (in Gale and Richards, 1910, pp. 527-529) and were investigated in the early 1900 1 s by geologists for the San Francisco Mining Company which owned many of the claims in the area. According to Gale, beds reported to contain 30 to 32 percent P205 were about 5 feet thick, but recently the author found the acid-grade zone to be 15.4 feet thick (S~anso~ and others, 1956, p. 30). This is the greatest continuous thickness of beds averaging more than 30 percent P 20 5 yet found in the western phosphate field. In view of the thickness of this acid-grade deposit, it seems ~orthwhile to investigate its lateral extent and structure to see if mining costs might be low enough to offset cost of transportation to the nearest railroad, about 30 miles down grade to Sage, Wyoming.

It should be remembered, however, that the strata measured and sam­ pled at both these places by the U. S. Geological Survey are only a few feet or tens of feet below an unconformity and erosion surface at the base of the Tertiary Wasatch(?) formation and that they probably have been enriched by weathering. This supposition is strengthened by the color of the rock, which is light greenish-gray and gray, indicating that the car­ bonaceous material has been leached or altered; but because the depth of weathering below the pre-Wasatch surface is great elsewhere, the enriched zone may be scores or hundreds of feet thick. The exploration costs of determining the location and extent of the Meade Peak under the Tertiary at both these localities would be great; nevertheless, the stakes are high,for the upper phosphate unit is probably as thick and as high a grade for some distance down dip beneath the Wasatch formation as it is now at the surface o

The A bed is being mined at two underground mines of the San Fran­ cisco Chemical Company, and it was recently mined in an open pit mine of the Simplot Company in the northern part of the Crawford Mountains. Large reserves of acid-grade phosphate rock remain in this bed and large reserves of furnace-grade rock remain in the B bed in the Crawford Moun­ tains. During the course of recent mapping, W. C. Gere (oral communica­ tion, 1954) of the Uo S. Geological Survey found several small outcrops of the Meade Peak not shown on Richardson's map (1941). He is also find­ ing that mapping on a smaller scale shows the structure to be much more complicated than that shown by Richardson. Proper further evaluation of the deposits will have to await the outcome of Mr. Gere's and others' detailed mapping.

The outcrops of Meade Peak described by Blackwelder (1910, p~ 547- 549) 25 to 30 miles east of Huntsville in the vicinity of Dry Bread Hollow were not sampled during this investigation. It is not known whether these deposits are acid-grade, like those at Sugar'Pine Creek, or low-grade, like those a few miles to the south at Devils Slide in the Central Wasatch Mountains.

Central Wasatch Mountains

Within the central Wasatch area, the highest grade phosphate beds are in two zones in different parts of the area, one near the top and one near the base of the member. None of the beds are thick or rich enough, however, to warrant their consideration as potential near-future sourceS of phosphate at the localities which have been sampled.

In the northern part of the central Wasatch area, in the vicinity of Devils Slide, the highest grade beds are in the upper part of the Meade Peak (Cheney and others, 1953), and are probably laterally con-

-44- tinuous with the upper phosphate zone at Brazer Canyon (pIs. 1 and 3). Only 1 foot of the zone contains as much as 24 percent P205' however, and the thickest bed containing more than 20 percent P 05 1S only 1.8 feet thick. Consequently, this area does not warrant furtter exploration in the near future.

In the rest of the central Wasatch Mountain area, that is south of the outcrop near Devils Slide, the highest grade phosphate bed is at the base of the Meade Peak member. Its thickness ranges from 2.5 to 4 feet and its P205 content from 24 to 27 percent at all of the localities sampled. It consists of fine- to medium-grained sandy phosphate rock interbedded with slightly argillaceous phosphate rock. The lense-like character of these sandy phosphate rocks has been demonstrated at several other places. For example, at Basin Creek, Wyoming (for location and description, see Sheldon and others, 1954), a bed of sandy phosphate rock 12 feet thick thins to less than 3 feet within a strike length of 2 miles o The sandy phosphate rock at Little Diamond Creek, Utah (Cheney and others, 19?5, p. 40), may also be from a lenticular bed. Perhaps, there­ fore, thicker deposits exist in local areas in the central Wasatch Moun­ tains, but the grade of known deposits does not presently warrant the costly exploration required to find them.

Southern Wasatch Mountains

In the southern Wasatch Mountains the most phosphatic beds in the Meade Peak are at the base of the member. Only in the vicinity of Little Diamond Creek, where beds 5.8 feet thick average 28.8 percent P205 (Cheney and others, 1953, p. 40), is the thickness and phosphate content great enough to be of interest as a potential source of phosphorous.

The phosphate content of the basal 4 to 6 feet of the member ranges from nearly 29 percent at Little Diamond Creek to 20 percent at Wanrhodes Canyon about 5 miles to the north, to 10 percent about 9 miles fUrther north at Right Fork of Hobble Creek. At Strawberry Valley, about 15 miles to the northeast of Hobble Creek the only notably phosphatic bed in the lower part of the Meade Peak is one 0.7 feet thick about 7 feet above the base that contains 7.3 percent P20 5 (Smith and others, 1952; Cheney and others, 1953). These data suggest that the basal part of the Meade Peak becomes more phosphatic to the southwest in this southern Wasatch area. If so, the black shaly sequence of beds, believed to be equivalent to the Meade Peak by Ao A. Baker (oral communication) that crops out a few miles east of Nephi, Utah, 20 to 30 miles south of Little Diamond Creek, might contain minable deposits.

Jll.n..:l&. Mountains

The only notably phosphatic beds in the Uinta Mountains west of Lake Fork are argillaceous, sandy phosphate rocks at or near the base of the member (pl. 2), and these are not of minable grade and thickness. They are 2.3 feet thick and contain 21 percent P205 at Franson Canyon and are 3.7 feet thick and contain 19.5 percent P ° at Dry Canyon. These values are representative of the beds in the who!e 5western Uinta Mountain area. Thus, no beds containing a minable quantity and quality of phos­ phate are present in this area.

In the eastern part of the Uinta Mountains, near Vernal (fig. 1), the Meade Peak contains, thick low-grade deposits. The vertical dis­ tribution of phosphate in the member in the eastern Uinta Mountains is shown on figure 12 (also see Kinney, 1955, pl. 5). The highest grade beds (X, fig. 12), which range from layers 1.3 feet thick containing 25.4 percent P205. at Rock Canyon to layers 4.6 feet thick containing 26.3 per­ cent P20 at Little Brush Creek, are about 2 feet above the base of the member. 5 Beds nearly as thick and containing nearly the same amount of phosphate (I, fig. 12) are present 2 to 6 feet above the top of the high-

-45- est grade bed. Thus, there are two beds that average about 3.0 feet in thickness and contain 25-27 percent P205 separated by 2~5 to 7.0 feet of lower grade beds. If these two acid-grade beds could be mined selectively in the vicinity of Little Brush Creek, rock having a maximum thickness of about 8 feet and containing 25.5 percent P205 could be obtained. If the intervening beds were included, the total thickness would be about 11 feet and the P20 5 content about 23.5 percent. If a continuous unit in­ cluding all the higher grade beds in the Meade Peak were mined, the total thickness would be 15.4 feet and the P205 content 21.7 percent. Any greater thickness would drop the grade below 20 percent. The thickness and phosphate content of the two acid-grade beds (X and Y, fig. 12) de­ crease slightly to the west at Brush Creek, where the maximum thickness is only about 6 feet and the P20 5 content is 27 percent. By including the intervening low-grade interval, the unit is about 15.7 feet thick and con­ tains about 20.8 percent P20 5 • However, the beds above the upper acid­ grade bed (Y) are more phosphatic so that in the Brush Greek area a total of 20 feet which averages about 20 percent P205 could be mined.

The total phosphate content, thickness, and phosphate content of the furnace-grade beds, and the phosphate content of the low-grade interval decrease greatly to the west at Rock Canyon~ The maximum thickness of the highest grade phosphate is 2.3 feet and the P205 content is 22.9 percent. A zone 15.4 feet thick contains only 16.1 percent P205~

The outcrops of the Meade Peak extend, with minor breaks 16 miles west of Dry Canyon to the Whiterocks Rivero The Meade Peak is 20 feet thick at the Whiterocks River outcrops (Kinney, D. M., 1955, p. 50); however, its phosphate content is unknown. Because of the westward thickening of the Meade Peak and accompanying decrease in phosphate content of individual beds, it appears that the Meade Peak between White­ rocks River and Rock Canyon would not contain deposits of high enough grade to make further investigations worthwhile.

Thus, from the data available, it appears that the best phosphate deposits in the southeastern Uinta Mountains are in the eastern part of the area of outcrop. In evaluating these data, it has not been possible to take into account the effect of weathering on the phosphate content. As discussed previously, the P205 content may decrease as much as 5 per­ cent with depth in areas of advanced weathering; hence, due to differen­ tial weathering within the Little Brush Creek7Rock Canyon area, changes from east to west might not be primary differences. Even if the change in grade is due mostly to secondary processes, the increase in grade from west to east might be important in consideration of mining. A study of the effect of weathering on these deposits would be worthwhile before more work is done on the deposits.

Because the Meade Peak forms dip slopes on the low dipping south flank of the Uinta Mountain anticline (Kinney, 1955, pl. 1), much of the phosphate rock is amenable to strip mining. Probably, the biggest single factor inhibiting development of the Vernal deposits is their distance from railhead at Craig, Colorado--125 miles by highway. This factor may be overcome if Echo Dam on the Green River is built, for it would provide a nearby cheap power source that might make it possible to build a small electric furnace plant and process the rock at Vernal.

The Meade Peak crops out on the steep north flank of the eastern part of the Uinta Mountains, and at these outcrops the phosphate deposits are also low-grade. A unit 3.6 feet thick about 2 feet above the base averages 26.7 percent P2 0S at Horseshoe Canyon (fig. 1). About 6 feet of beds that include the aCld-grade bed contain about 24 percent P20 5 , and by including the 6-foot unit a zone 12.9 feet thick averages about 20 percent P205' The lateral extent of these units is not known. The only other locality sampled on this outcrop is Sols Canyon (fig. 1), where the total phosphate content is low and the most phosphatic unit is 1.6 feet thick and contains 16 percent P205.

-46- Verti co I Scale Rock Canyon Brush Creek Little Brush Creek 30 Feet






° 30 20 10 0 30 20 10 0 30 20 10 0 Percent P 0 2 5

FIGU R E 12. Graph showing thickness and P 0 content of sampled 2 5 un i ts in the Meade Peak phospho t ic shale tongue of the Phos- phori a' formation at three localities near Vernal, Utah. Un its X and Y are shown by pattern. Data from Sm i th and others(1952).

The phosphatic beds are richer in phosphate at Horseshoe Canyon than at Sols Canyon. Carbonatic material forms only a small part of the beds at Horseshoe Canyon, whereas at Sols Canyon carbonate rocks are numerous and carbonate forms a prominent part of the phosphatic beds (Cheney and others, 1953, p~23, 33). This difference in phosphate and carbonate con­ tent may be partly due to differences in the degree of weathering at the two localities. Nevertheless, much of the difference must be primary and the total amount of phosphate and the phosphate content of individual beds in the Meade Peak decrease from Horseshoe Canyon to Sols Canyon.

Regardless of the origin of the differences in the phosphate content along the strike of the outcrops of the Meade Peak, the phosphate in the vicinity of Horseshoe Canyon is not minable at present. Because the beds dip steepl~ only small reserves of phosphate rock amenable to strip mining exist; therefore, they would have to be mined by underground methods; moreover, they are about 70 miles from the nearest railroads.

-47- CON C L U S ION S

The major phosphate deposits in Utah are the acid-grade and furnace­ grade deposits in the northern Wasatch Mountain area; these occur in the upper part o~ the Meade Peak member o~ the Phosphoria ~ormation o~ Permian age. The deposits are now being mined and large reserves of phosphate rock remain. The thickness o~ the Meade Peak, the total phosphate con­ tent, and the thickness of beds o~ phosphate rock all decrease to the southeast of the northern Wasatch area. No beds o~ minable phosphate rock are present in the western Uinta Mountains or in the central and southern Wasatch Mountains except for a small deposit near Little Diamond Creek in the southern Wasatch Mountains, but large reserves of phosphate rock, amenable to open-cut mining, exist on the south flank of the Uinta Mountains. These deposits, however, cannot be mined at the current prices of phosphate rock because of their low grade and the high cost of trans­ portation to the nearest processing plants.

The phosphatic shale o~ Mississippian age apparently is continuous over a rather large area in northern and central Utah, but the phosphatic beds are low grade and apparently of rather local extent. BIB L lOG RAP H Y

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______, Geology of the Uinta River-Brush Creek area, Duchesne and Uintah Counties, Utah: U. So Geol. Survey Bull. 1007, 1955.

Kinney, D. M., and Rominger, J. F., Geology of the Whiterocks River-Ashley Creek area, Uintah County, Utah: Uo S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Prelim. Map 82, 1947.

Kummel, Bernhard, Triassic stratigraphy of southeastern Idaho and adjacent areas: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 254-H, 1954.

Lowell, Wo R •• Phosphatic rocks in the Deer Creek-Wells Canyon area, Idaho: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull., 982-A, 19520 Mansfield, G. R., Geography, geology, and mineral reSourceS of part of southeastern Idaho: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 152, 1927.

McKelvey, V. E., Geological studies of the western phosphate field: Am. Inst. Min. Eng. Trans., vol. 184, pp. 270-278, 1949.

McKelvey, V. E., Davidson, D. F., O'Malley, F. W., and Smith, Lo Eo, Stratigraphic sections of the Phosphoria formation in Idaho, 1947-48, part 1: U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 208, 1953.

McKelvey, V. Eo, Williams, J. Steele, Sheldon, R. p., Cressman, E. Ro , Cheney, T. M., and Swanson, R. W., Summary description of the Park City Phosphoria and Shedhorn formations in the western phosphate field: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 40, no. 12, PPo 2826-2863, 1956.

Morris, H. T., and Lovering T. S., Stratigraphy of the East Tintic Moun­ tains, Utah: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper (in press).

Peterson, William, Phosphate deposits in the MisSissippian rocks of northern Utah: Science, new ser., vol. 40, pp. 755-756, 1914.

Powell, J. W., Report on the geology of the eastern portion of the Uinta Mountains and a region of country adjacent thereto: U. S. Geol. and Geog. Survey Terr. 2nd Div., 1876.

-50- Richards, R. W., and Mansfield, G. R., The Bannock overthrust; a major fault in southeastern Idaho and northeastern Utah: Jour. Geology, volo 20, PP. 681-709, 1912. Richardson, G. B., The Paleozoic section in northern Utah: Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., vol. 36, no. 214, PP. 406-416, 1913. ______, Geology and mineral resources of the Randolph quad­ rangle, Utah-Wyoming: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. ~23, 1941.

Sears, J. D., Ge~logy and oil and gas prospects of part of Moffat County, Colorado, and southern Sweetwater County, Wyoming: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 751-G, 1924. Silverman, S. R., Fuyat, R. K., and Weiser, J. D., Quantitative determi­ nation of calcite associated with carbonate-bearing apatites: Am. Mineralogist, vol. 37, nos. 3-4, pp. 211-222, 1952. Schultz, A. R., A geologic reconnaissance of the Uinta Mountains, northern Utah, with special reference to phosphate: U. S. Geolo Survey Bull. 69 0- C, Pp. 31-94, 1918. Sheldon, R. P., Physical stratigraphy of the Phosphoria formation in northwestern Wyoming: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1042-E, pp. 105-185, 1957. Sheldon, R. p., Cressman, E. R., Carswell, L. D., and Smart, R. A., Strat­ igraphic sections of the Phosphoria formation in Wyoming, 1952: U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 325, 1954. Smith, Cleon V., Geology of the North Canyon area, southern Wasatch Moun­ tains, Utah: Brigham Young University Research Studies, Geol. Ser., vol. 3, no. 7, 1956. Smith, L. E., Hosford, G. F., Sears, R. S., Sprouse, D. P., and Stewart, M. D., Stratigraphic sections of the Phosphoria formation in Utah, 1947-48: U. S. Geolo Survey Circ. 211, 1952. Swanson, R. W., McKelvey, V. E., Sheldon, R. Po, Progress report on inves­ tigations of western phosphate deposits: U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 297, 1953. Swanson, R. W., Carswell, L. D., Sheldon, R. P., and Cheney, T. M., Strat­ igraphic sections of the Phosphoria formation, 1953: U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 375, 1956. Thomas, Horace D., Comment on "Park City" beds on southwest flank of Uinta Mountains, Utah: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 1249-1250, 1939. Thomas, Horace D., and Krueger, M. L., Late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic stratigraphy of Uinta Mountains, Utah: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geol­ ogists Bull., vol. 30, no. 8, pp. 1255-1293, 1946. Waggaman, W. H., and Bell, R. E., Western phosphates; £actors affecting development, comparison of sulphuric acid and thermal processing, potential markets: Ind. and Eng. Chemistry Bull., vol. 42, ppo 269- 292, 1950. Weeks, F. B., Stratigraphy and structure of the Uinta range: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 18, pp. 427-448, 1907. Williams, J. Stewart, Phosphate in Utah: Utah Agr. Exper. Sta. Bull. 290, 1939.

-51- Williams, J. Stewart, "Park City" beds on southwest flank of Uinta Moun­ tains, Utah: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bullo , vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 82-100, 1939a.

______~------__~, Carboniferous formations of the Uinta and northern Wasatch Mountains, Utah: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 54, no. 4, PP. 591-624, 1943. ______, Geology of the Paleozoic rocks, Logan quadrangle, Utah: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 59, pp. 1121-1164, 1948. Williams, J. Stewart, and Hanson, A. M., Phosphate reserves of Utah, revised estimate: Utah Agr. Exper. StaG Bull. 304, Supp. to Bull. 290, 1942.

-52- I N D E X

Abstrac t, 7 Feldspar, 32 Acid-grade deposits, 7, 9, 31, 32, 33, 40, 41, Fertilizer industry, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48 Field work, 9 Acknowledgments, 10 "Fish scale" bed, 26 Albany, Oregon, 36, 39 Fluorine, 31 Altschuler, Z. S., 31 Foreword, 5 Anderman, G. A., 29 Fort Douglas, 10, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, Anderson, F. G., 38 28 Anhydri te, 29 Fort Hall, Idaho, 34 Aubrey group, 15 Fossils, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32 Franc olite, 31 Franson Canyon, 21, 23, 24, 27, 28, 41, 45 Baker, A. A., 6, 11, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, Franson member, 11, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 45 24, 26, 27, 28, 29 Baker, A. A., and Williams, J. Steele, 17, 23, Furnace-grade deposits, 7, 9, 31, 33, 40, 41, 27 42, 44, 46, 48 Basin Creek, Wyoming, 45 Bear Lake, Idaho, 43, 44 Bell, R. E., see Waggaman, W. H., and Bel~ R. E.Ga1e, H. s., 15, 44 Bellerophon limestone, 15 Gale, H. S., and Richards, R. W., 15,31,44 Berkey, C. P., 15 Gastropods, 21, 27, 28, 32 Bibliography, 49-52 General relationships, 33, 40 Big Cottonwood Canyon, 15, 17, 19 Georgetown, Idaho, 15, 24 Bissell, H. J., 17 Gere, W. C., 44 Blacksmith Fork, Utah, 13 Gillu1y, J., 13 Blackwelder, Eliot, 13, 31, 44 Girty, G. H., 15, 22 Bonilla, M. G., see Hansen, W. R., and Bonilla, Goddard, E. N., 34 M. G. Granger, A. E., 8, 11 Boutwell, J. M., 15, 19, 22 Great Blue (?) formation, 11 Brachiopods, 21, 22, 23, 32 Green River, 46 Brazer Canyon 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 43, 45 Gulbrandsen, R. A., 10 Brazer limestone, 7, 9, 11, 13, 31, 35, 36, 37, 38 Brazer, stratigraphy of, 13 Hansen, W. R., and Bonilla, M. G., 15 Brush Creek, Utah, 27, 29, 46 Hobble Creek, Utah, 16, 23, 27, 45 Bryozoans, 22, 23 Holz1e, Alvin F., 10 Horseshoe Canyon, 27, 29, 46, 47 Hot Springs, Utah, 34 Cache County, 36, Huddle, J. W., 10 Calcite, 32 Huddle, J. W., and McCann, F. T., 24 Calcite geodes, 26 Humbug formation, 11 Calkins, F. C., and Butler, B. S., 13 Hydrochloric acid, 33 "Cap lime", 34 Carbonate-fluorapatite, 30, 31, 32, 33, 41 Carbonate rock, 7, 11, 13, 15, 19, 21, 22, 23, Idaho, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 24, 25, 26, 34, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 34, 43, 47 35, 40, 41 Carswell, L. D., 10, 33, 34 Illustrations, list of, 4 Charleston fault, 6, 23 Index, 53-54 Cheney, Thomas M., 5, 19, 21, 31, 44, 45, 47 Introduction, Chert, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 43 Chromium, 31 J one s, C. C" 31 , 17 Clay, 32 Collophane, 31 Kaibab limestone, 17 Colorado, 9, 11, 14, 41 King, Clarence, 15 Colorado Plateau, 17 King, D. L., 43 Conclusions, 48 Kinney, D. M., 10, 11, 18, 45, 46 Craig, Colorado, 46 Kinney, D. M., and Romminger, J. F., 11, 15 Crawford Mountains, 7, 9, 19, 22, 26, 28, 31, Kirkman limestone, 17 32,34,43,44 Kreuger, M. L., Thomas, H. D., and Kreuger, Cressman, E. R., 10, 27 M. L. Crinoid stems, 22 Kummel, B., 11, 19, 23 Crittendam, M. D., 6, 11 Cumberland, Wyoming, 41 Lake Fork, Utah, 21, 24, 27, 29, 45 Lake Fork River, 29 Deseret limestone, 7, 9, 11, 13, 31, 35 Laketown, Utah, 13, 19, 22, 28, 34, 35, 38, Deseret member, stratigraphy of, 13 41, 43, 44 Devils Slide, Utah, 19, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, Limestone, 22, 23, 24, 28 44, 45 Little Brush Creek, Utah, 24, 27, 29, 41, 45, 46 Diamond Creek sandstone, 15, 17, 21 Little Diamond Creek, Utah, 27, 41, 45, 48 Dinwoody formation, 11, 15, 17, 19, 22, 23, 24, Logan, Utah, 5, 13, 34, 36 28 Lowell, W. R., 31 Dolomite, 22, 26, 32 Low-grade rock, 33, 44, 45, 46, 48 "Doughnut" formation, 11 Dry Bread Hollow, 44 Dry Canyon, 27, 45, 46 Mackentire Draw, 29 Dry Lake, Utah, 13 Mackentire tongue, 15, 19, 20, 23, 24, 29 Madi s on lime stone, 11 Mansfield, G. R., 13, 15, 22, 33, 34 Eardley, A. J., 13, 23 McCann, F. T., see Huddle, J. W., and McCann, Early TriassiC, 19 F. T. Echinoid fragments, 23 McKelvey, V. E., 9, 10, 11, 17, 19, 21, 24, 25, Echo Dam, 46 26, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34 Meade Peak, Idaho, 25 Meade Peak phosphatic .shale member, 7, 9, 11, 1~ Faucett Canyon, 18, 25 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 3 2 , -53 - 35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 _. Salt Lake City, Utah, 13, 17, 19, 21 Menlo Park, California, 7 Sandstone, 15, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, Mica, 32 29, 32 Mill Creek Canyon, 19, 21, 22, 27 San Francisco Chemical Company, 44 Mineral resources, 5 San Francisco Mining Company, 44 Mineralogy, 31 Sears, J. D., 41 MiSSissippian age, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 48 Sedimentary deposits, 31 Mississippian phosphate deposits, 35 Selenium, 31 Moenkopi formation, 11, 15 Schultz, A. R., 15 Molybdenum, 31 Sheldon, R. P., 10, 11, 14, 27, 28, 45 Montana, 9,27,28,35,41 Silt, 32 Montpelier, Idaho, 43 Siltstone, 21, 29 Morgan formation, 11 Silver, 31 Morris, H. T., 35 Silverman, S. R., 31 Morris, H. T., and Lovering, T. S., 13, 35 Simplot Company, 44 Mudstone, I)., 17, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, Skull Creek, Colorado, 18 34, 43 Smart, R. A., 10,37,38 Munsell color system, 34 Smedley, J. E., 22, 23 Smith L. E., 10,31,45,47 Sols Canyon, 46, 47 Nephi, Utah, 45 Split Mountain, 24, 26, 27, 41 Nevada, 9 Strawberry Valley, Utah, 23, 27, 45 NiCkel, 31 Nodules, 15, 21, 22, 23, 2L" 31, 32 ~~;~~ 0~~neR.crJ.e~'3~:a~~, 4~b ,434i,4~4 Nomenclature, history of, 15 Sweetwood, C., 34

Ogden, Utah, 13, 35 Thomas, R. D., 11, 15, 17, 20, 24, 29 Ogden CanY()Jl, 35, 37 Thomas, H. D., and Krueger, M. L., 11, 15, 18 001ites;-31, 32, 43 Tintic mining district, 35 Ostrac ods, 27 Tintic Mountains, 7, 13 Oquirrh formation, 17 Tosi chert, 17, 19, 22, 24, 28 Oquirrh Mountains, 7, 13 Tosi Creek, Wyoming, 28 Triassic, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 28 Triassic rocks, stratigraphy of, 11 P2 05' 33, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 Park City age, 14, 17 Uinta Mountains, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21, .23, ·Park City· beds, 15 24, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 41, 42, 45-47, 48 Park City formation, 7, 9, 11, 15-29 Upper Paleozoic rocks, nomenclature and lithol­ stratigraphy of, 15-29 ogy, 8 Pelecypods, 27, 28, 32 stratigraphy of, 11 Pellets, 31, 32 Uranium, 31 Pennsylvanian, 11, 15 U. S. Army, 10 Permian, 9, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 48 U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, 10 Permian phosphate deposits, 35 U. S. Bureau of Mines Laboratory, 36, 39 Permo-carboniferous, 15 u. S. Forest SerVice, 10 Peterson, W., 13, 33 U. S. Geological Survey, 5, 7, 9, 26, 29, 31, Petrography, 8, 31 33. 44 Phosphate deposits, distribution, grade and Utah State Agricultural College, 5 thicknes's, 35 Phosphate deposits in Utah, 5, 7, 9, 31-47, L>8 Phosphate rock, 5, 9, 15, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, V2 0 5 , 35 32,33,34,35,40,41,1.3,45,47,48 Vanadium, 31 Phosphatic shale, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 25, 26, Vermilion Creek, Colorado, 41 27, 28, 31, 3L" 35, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 48 Vernal, Utah, 7, 9, 27, 31, 45, 46, 47 Phosphoria, 19 Phosphoria formation, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15-29, 16, 18, 30, 31, 35, 40, 41, 42, 47, 48 Waggaman, W. R., and Bell, R. E., 33 stratigraphy of, 15-29 Wanrhodes Canyon, 27, 45 Phosphoria Gulch, Idaho, 15, 16, 24 Waring, R. G., 10, 36, 37, 38 P~sphoria-Wells, 15, 17 Warner, M. A., 10 -Phosphorite, 17, 19, 22, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33- Wasatch area, 19, 21, 41, 45, 48 35 Wasatch(?) formation, 34, 44 Phosphorus, 33, 42 Wasatch Mountains, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21, 22, Pisolites, 31, 32 23, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 41, 42-45, 48 Powell, J. W., 15 Weber quartzite, 11, 15, 17, 21 Precambrian, 11 We ber Rive r Canyon, 23 Providence Canyon, 35, 36 Weber sandstone, 19, 21 Publications available through the Utah Weeks, F. B., 15 Geological and ~ineralogical Survey, Wells formation, 15, 17, 21 55-61 Whiterocks River, 18, 46 Punct9s~~, 22, 23 Williams, J. Steele, 23, 24. See also Baker, A. A., and Williams, J. S. Williams, J. Stewart, 5, 13, 15, 17, 29, 31,35 Randolph quadrangle, 15, 44 Williams, J. Stewart, and Hanson, A. M., 31 Recent, 11 Wind River Mountains, 15 Red-beds unit, 15, 19, 24, 29 Wolf Creek, 24 Red Mountain, 18 Wolfe amp age, 17 Regional relationships, 17, 31 Woodside formation, 7, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, Retort phosphatic shale, 17, 19, 22, 24, 28, 20, 22, 23, 24, 29 35 Wyoming, 9, 11, 14, 17, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28, 35 Rex chert, 17, 19, 22, 24, 27, 28 Rich County, 38 Richards, R. W., 15 Richards, R. W., and Mansfield, G. R., 15 Richardson, G. B., 13, 15, 43, 44 Rock Canyon, 41, 45, 48

Sage, Wyoming, 44 -54- Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey BULLETINS

BULLETIN 35 - IJaIloysite of A!;"ulmatolite Type, Bull Valley District. Washington County, Utah, by Arthur L. Crawford and Alfred M. Buranek. (A rare Pagoda Clay.) Price $ .10 BULLETIN 36 - Directory of Utah lUineral Resources and Consumers Guide, by Alfred M. Buranek and C. E. Needham. A mineral resource map with bulletin listing producers and consumers of certain Utah minerals, metals, and non-metallics. Price $1.00 BULLETIN 37 - The Geology of Eastern Iron County, Utah, by Dr. Herbert E. Gregory. Geology, geography and pioneer history of Bryce Canyon National Park, Cedar Breaks, and adjacent scenic areas. Price $1.50 PLATE II - Extra copies Reconnaissance Geologic Map of Eastern Iron County. Utah, from Bulletin 37. (RS-37) Price $ .50 BULLETIN 38 - Stratigraphy of the Burbank lIilIs, Western Millard County, Utah, by Richard W. Rush. A stratigraphic section of interest to geologists concerned with the petroleum possibilities of the Great Basin. Price $1.00 BULLETIN 39 - Lower Detailed Stratigraphic Sections for Western Utah, by Dr. Lehi F. Hintze. A comprehensive study indispensable as a guide to the lower Paleo­ zoic stratigraphy at Utah. Price $1.50 / BULLETIN 40 - Bibliography of Utah Geology, by Walter R. Buss. Contains approximately 200 pages of references complete through 1950. Price $4.00 BULLETIN 41 - Geology of I_uke l\[ountain, Utah, by Dr. Kenneth C. Bullock. Details an area within the triangle formed by connecting the great mining districts of Bingham, TinUc and Park City. Price $1.00 BULLETIN 42 - Geology of Dinosaur National Monument and Vicinity, Utah-Colorado, by G. E. and B. R. Untermann. A profusely illustrated 226-page scientific treatise by the gifted Untermann team. "Billie" went to the U. of California for the educational equip­ ment to interpret her "native habitat, 'Island Park,' the pIcturesque heart of the Monu­ ment." Her husband, a geological engineer, the Director of the Utah Field House of Natural History, was Ranger at the Monument for several years. This is their "labor 0f love." It should furnish a welcome background to the Upper Colorado River contro­ versy, and the proposed Echo Park Dam. Price $2.50 PLATE II Extra copies Geologic Map of Dinosaur National 1\1onument and Vicinity, N.E. Utah-No W. Colorado, from Bulletin 42. (RS-42) Price $ .50 BULLETIN 43 - Eastern Sevier Valley, Sevier and Sanpete Counties, Utah-With Reference to Formations of Age, by Dr. Clyde T. Hardy. Deals chiefly with the involved structures resulting from the intricate deformation of the Arapien shale and Twist Gulch formations; covers the gypsum, salt, and oil possibilities of the area. Price $1.00 BULLETIN 44 - G('ology and Ore Deposits of the Silver Reef (Harrisburg) ruining District, ,,'ashington County, Utah, by Dr. Paul Dean Proctor. The latest and most compre­ hensive treatment of this world famous occurrence of silver in sandstone. Price $2.00 BULLETIN 45 - Geology of the Selma 1IiIIs, Utah County, Utah, by Dr. J. Keith Rigby. The author of this careful research investigation was a special research fe1l0w at Colum­ bh University for the Humble Oil Company. He is now a member of the faculty at Brigham Young University. His distinguished achievements give prestige to hIs views. Price $1.50 I3ULLETIN 46 - Uranium-Vanadi11m Deposits of the Thompsons Ar('lt, Grand County. Utah - 'Vilh Emphasis on the Orig-in of Carnotite Ores, by Dr. William Lee Stokes. This work by the author of our "best seller," GuIdebook No.3, Is of immediate and profound interest to all students of fissionable materials. Price $1.00 I3ULLETIN 47 - IUicrofossils of the Upper of Northeastern Utah and South­ western 'Vyoming. A sympOSium volume by Dr. Daniel Jones and three graduate students of micropaleontology, David Gauger. Reed H. Peterson, and Robert R. Lank­ ford. Beautifully llIustrated by 16 full-page halftones with 11 full-page charts and figures. SpeCialists who have seen the photomicrographs have declared this work out­ standing. Price $2.00 BULLETIN 48 - Lower Ordovician Trilobites from Western Utah and Eastern Nevada, by Dr. Lehl F. Hintze. Profusely illustrated with photographs and drawings. A classic In its field. Price $4.00 BULLETIN 49 - In process. BULLETIN 50 - Drilling Records for Oil and Gas in Utah, compiled by Dr. George H. Hansen, H. C. Scoville, and the Utah G~ological and MIneralogIcal Survey. From the records of the on and Gas Leasing Branch of the Conservation DIvisIon, U.S. Geological Survey. ContaIns a map of each county on which has been spotted every oil well (and every dry hole) drilled In Utah prior to January 1, 1954. ~abular sheets detail the drilling record of each well, giving "tops," all "shows," and all other data of record. Price $5.00 Bulletins - continued BULLETIN 51 - The Rocks and Scenery of Camp Steiner, Summit and Wasatch Counties, Utah, by Dr. Daniel J. Jones. A prototype for Boy Scout Manuals. prepared in quantity at a nominal cost as a contribution to the better understanding of our outdoor heritage. A glossary. block diagrams, cross sections, and pen sketches supplement the text. Featured are the tllllng of peat bogs. the carving of cirques, and the evolution of other mountain topography near the Boy Scout Camp at Steiner, Uinta Mountains. Utah. Price $ .25 BULLETIN 52 - Geologic Atlas of Utah - Emery County. by Dr. William Lee Stokes and Robert E. Cohenour. Contains 40 plates showing areal geology in five colors on a scale ¥.a-Inch to the mile. Text by Dr. Stokes. the eminent authority on uranium and Meso:wic stratigraphy in this area, explains the r-:aps and gives latest information on oil, uranium, and other mineral resources of Emery County. Temple Mountain. the $9.000.- 000 Pick Mine. and other uranium deposits occur on the rim of "the Sinbad" of central Emery County. Price $5.00 BULLETIN 53 - Rocks of \Vestern Millard County, by Dr. Richard W. Rush. The subdivisions of 1,000 feet of Silurian dolomites. and adjacent Ordovician and strata. Price $1.50 BULLETIN 54 - The Oil and Gas Possibilities of Utah, Re-evaluated. A symposium by the best available authorities in their areas, compiled by Dr. George H. Hansen and the staff of the Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey. Being edited. BULLETIN 55 - Clays of Utah County, Utah, by Dr. Edmond P. Hyatt, formerly professor of Geology, Brigham Young University. Dr. Hyatt. a graduate of the Missouri School of Mines, has made himself the authority on Utah County clays. Bulletin 55 is the first comprehensive treatment of its kind for Utah. Price $2.00 BULLETIN 56 - Geology of the Southern Lakeside Mountains, Utah, by John C. Young. A critical examInation of the structure..1?geomorphology and history of a range blocked­ out on the southwest margin of the "l~orthern Utah Highland." Price $1.50 BULLETIN 57 - Middle Ordovician Detailed Stratigraphic Sections for Western Utah and Eastern Nevada, by Gregory W. Webb. The Swan Peak and Eureka "quartzites," are "spotlighted." Porous members of these formations form possible reservoir rocks for petroleum. Price $1.50 BULLETIN 58 - Geology of the Pine Valley Mountains, Utah, by Dr. Earl F. Cook, Dean, College of Mines, University of Idaho. A classic description of ignimbrites - their cre­ ation by Nature's most violent moods - followed by the emplacement of an asymmetrical laccolith beneath the ignimbrite blanket, on a floor of Claron limestone, believed to be roughly the equivalent of the formation on which the tourist stands at the brink of Bryc;e Canyon. Price $2.00 BULLETIN 59 - Phosphate in Utah, and an Analysis of the Stratigraphy of the Park City and the Phosphoria Formations, Utah - a Preliminary Report, by Thomas M. Cheney. U.S. Geological Survey, The latest and most complete economic evaluation of UVlh's phosphate deposits. Price $1.50 BULLETIN 60 - The Rocks and Scenery of Camp Hunt, Rich County, Utah, by Dr. Clyde T. Hardy, Associate Professor of Geology, Utah State University. Logan. Utah. DediC'ated to the Boy Scouts of America. Non-technical, lucid, concise, stimulating. Price $ .25 BULLETIN 61 - The Oquirrh Formation, Stratigraphy of the Lower Portion in the Type Area and Near Logan, Utah, by Paul W. Nygreen, written at the University of Nebraska. The Oquirrh formation of Pennsylvanian age is unique for its enormous thickness, the intriguing possibilities it holds as a key to the mysteries of Pennsylvanian sedimentary processes, to Pennsylvanian time and paleogeography, and to the cause of vertical ad.iust­ ments of the earth's crust. A study of the zonation of its fossils, particularly of its fusu­ linids, is the foundation upon which this report is based. Price $2.00 BULLETIN 62 - Notch Peak Intrusive. Millard County, Utah - Geology, Petrogenesis, and Economic Deposits, by Harry Merrill Gehman, Jr., written at Cornell University. Seldom can one find in so neat an area the geologic record of magma emplacement, thermal meta­ morphism, sillcation, the formation of aplite apophyses, pegmatizution and ore deposition. Price $1.50 GUIDEBOOKS

NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH The Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey

Guidebooks to the Geology of Utah

No. 3 (1948) "Geology of the Utah-Colorado Salt Dome Region. with Emphasis on Gypsum Valley, Colo .... by Wm. Lee Stokes, University of Utah...... $2.50

No.4 (1949) "The Transition Between the Colorado Plateaus and the Great Basin in Central Utah." by Edmund M. Spieker, Ohio State University...... $3.00

NO.6 (1951) "Geology of the Canyon. House. and Confusion Ranges. Millard County, Utah." a symposium by twelve authorities...... _.. __ ...... _...... $4.00

No.7 (1952) "Cedar City. Utah. to Las Vegas. Nevada." A &ymposium by 17 special- ists __ ...... $4.00

No. 8 (1952) "Geology of the Central Wasatch Mountains, Utah." A symposium volume by various authorities on this area, with rO:ldlogs and definitive data so arranged as to be of maximum use to a visiting geologisL...... $3.50

PLATE 1 Extra copies Geologic Map of Central Wasatch Mountains East of Salt Lake Valley, Utah, with roadlogs; from Guidebook No. 8 ...... __ . __ ...... (RS-38) $.50

No.9 (1954) "Uranium Deposits and General Geology of Southeastern Utah." The occurrence, mineralogy, chemistry, origin and technology of the Colorado Plateau-type uranium deposits - a symposium by AEC scientists and other authorities, edited by one of the authors, Dr. William Lee Stokes, who in 1941 wrote his Ph.D. thesis on the from which has come 60 per cent of the uranium production to date in this region ...... ____ ...... $3.00

No. 10 (1955) "Tertiary and Geology of the Eastern Bonneville Basin." A re-examination of the "Salt Lake formation," and of events portrayed by it and by younger valley filL A symposium of Ph.D. theses and other special research on the volcanic. erosional, and sedimentary record of Bear River, Ogden, Weber, and Jordan Valleys. Edited by Dr. Armand J. Eardley...... __ ...... $4.00

No. 11 (1956) "Geology of Parts of Northwestern Utah." Stresses the Raft River Mountains and the Promontory region..... __ ...... __ . __ ... __ $4.00

No. 12 (1957) "Geology of the East Tintie Mountains and the Ore Deposits of the Tintic Mining Districts." Summarizes the published information on these famous mining districts and contributes new data and ideas by modern authorities. Emphasis has been placed on the regional environment of the districts, factors controlling localization of ore in the mines, and exploration for new are deposits ...... __ ...... $4.00

Field Conference Guidebooks Published by the Intermountain Association of Petroleum Geologists

4th (1953) "Guide to the Geology of Northern Utah and Southeastern Idaho." Analyzes the "Disturbed Belt" of overthrusting in this region and the structural com- plexities that may affect the oil and gas pOSSibilities of the area...... __ ...... $7.50

PLATE I Extra coples Geologic Map of the Northern Wasatch Mountains, Utah. and Idaho, from above IAPG p'lblication... __ ...... __ ._ ...... _...... _...... (RS-40) $ .75

PLATE II Extra copies Geologic Map of a Portion of the "Idaho-Wyoming Thrust Belt," from above IAPG publication...... _.. _____ ...... _...... _. __ .... (RS-41) $ .75

5th (1954) "Geology of Portions of the High Plateaus and Adjacent Canyon Lands, Central and South-Central Utah." Discusses the Clear Creek Gas Field and the possibilities of the areas to the south.... ___ ...... _._. ______.. _. _____ ._ ...... _. __ ...... _...... $7.50

PLATE I Extra copies Geologic Map of Portions of the High Plateaus and Adjacent Canyon Lands, Central and South-Central Utah, from above publication. Map consists of four sheets; sets not to be broken... ___ . __ ...... _. __ ...... ____ ...... ______

6th (1955) "Guidebook to the Geology of Northwest Colorad!)." Descriptions and sec­ tions of the oil and gas fields of this ar ea, prepared in cooperation with the Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists...... _...... $7.50 7til (1956) "Geology and Economic Deposits of East Central Utah." Its oil, gas, and uranium possibilities. Also papers on public land laws, gem occurrences, etc.... $7.50

8th (1957) "Guidebook to the Geology of the Uinta Basin." Up-to-date stratigraphic and economic information on Uinta Basin oil and gas fieldS, gilsonite, and other features of one of the west's most interesting geologic areas. Articles on geo- logic and tectonic history, paleontology, etc. Numerous maps, charts, cross sections, and other illustrative materiaL...... $7.50

Reprints from the Symposium Volume on Oil and Gas Possihili ties of Utah

RS- 6. The Precambrian Rocks of Utah, 6 pages, by Dr. Eliot Blackwelder...... 25 RS- 7. Summary of the Stratigraphy of Utah, 8 pages, by Dr. Hyrum M. Schneider...... 35

RS- 9. The Carboniferous and Permian Rocks of Utah, 12 pages plus 2 tip-in maps, by Dr. J. Stewart Williams...... 50 RS-11. The Cretaceous System of Utah, 10 pages, by Dr. Harold J. BisselL ...... __ ...... 50 RS-12. The Tertiary of Utah, 8 pages, by Dr. J. LeRoy Kay...... 35 RS-13. The Quaternary System in Utah, 10 pages, by Prof. R. E. Marsell.... .50 RS-15. Oil and Gas Leasing in Utah (Laws and Regulations), 8 pages, by Attorney N. G. Morgan, Sr...... 50 RS-1S. Part I - Grand-San Juan Area, 24 pages...... 75 RS-17. Part II - Uinta Basin Area, 25 pages...... 75 RS-18. Gilsonite and Related Hydrocarbons of the Uinta Basin, 26 pages, by Arthur L. Crawford...... 75 RS-19. The Clay Basin Gas Field, 7 pages, plus 2 tip-in maps, by M. M. Fidlar, Chief Geologist, Mountain Fuel Supply Co...... 35

RS,..20. Part III - Utah Plateaus Area, 24 pages...... 75 RS-21. Part IV - Basin and Range Area, 44 pages, by Arthur E. Granger, Carroll H. Wegemann and C. Max Bauer, United States Geological Survey, 44 pages...... 1.00

RS-22. Plate I - Colored Relief Map of Utah...... 50

RS-25. Plate IV - A Correlation Chart (of formations in Utah) ...... 50

RS-27. Plate VI - Geology of the Egnar-Gypsum Valley Area, San Miguel and Montrose Counties, Colorado...... 50 Other Reprints For Which There is a Charge

RS-33. Geology of the West-Central Part of the Gunnison Plateau, Utah, by Clyde T. Hardy and Howard D. Zeller (pages 1261-1278, with folded map, Plate I, included, and bound with cover), from Bulletin of the Geological Society of America ...... ____ ...... $ .75 RS-33a. Extra copies Plate I from above publication._...... 25 RS-34. Lecture Notes, by the Intermountain Association of Petroleum Ge­ ologists, on the Symposium: Oil Well Logging, Testing, Completion; Feb. 23, 1953...... _...... _...... _...... 1.50 RS-37. Reconnaissance Geologic Map of Eastern Iron County, Utah, by Herbert E. Gregory (Plate 2 of Bulletin 37 of the Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey) ...... __ .. _.... _. ___ ._ .... __ .. ___ . __ . ____ .. .50 RS-38. Geologic Map of Central Wasatch Mountains East of Salt Lake Valley, Utah, with roadlogs; from Guidebook No. R_ ...... _...... __ ._._... .50 RS-39. Tertiary Well Logs in the Salt Lake Desert, prepared for publica- tion by Joseph F. Schriber, Jr. Reprinted from private records made available by the Southern Pacific Railroad..... _... __ ...... __ .. _...... _____ .50 RS-40. Geologic Map of the Northern Wasatch Mountains, Utah and Idaho, Plate I from the IAPG Guide to the Geology of Northern Utah and Southeastern Idaho - Fourth Annual Field Conference, 1953 ___ ... _._.__ .75 RS-41. Geologic Map of a Portion of the "Idaho-Wyoming Thrust Belt," Plate II from the above IAPG Guide ___ .. _.. _... ____ . __ ._ .... ______. ___ .. __ . ____ .. _..... ______.75 RS-42. Geologic Map of Dinosaur National Monument and Vicinity, N.E. Utah-N.W. Colorado, Plate II from Bulletin 42_ .... ___ .. __ ...... _. __ ...... ______.. .50 RS-43. The Uinta Mountains and Vicinity, A Field Guide to the Geology, by G. E. and B. R. Untermann .... ___ ._ .... ______..... ___ ...... ______... ______. ______.. .25 RS-46. Geologic Map of Portions of the High Plateaus and Adjacent Canyon Lands - Central and South-Central Utah, Plate I from the IAPG Guide to the Geology of Central and South-Central Utah­ Fifth Annual Field Conference, 1954. (Map consists of four sheets. Sets not to be broken.) ______... ______.. _____ . ____ . ______... ______.... ______..... ______.. ___ . 4.00 RS-50. The Riddle of Mountain Building, by Dr. Armand J. Eardley. A newly integrated concept of the basic cause of mountain building through expanding columns in the earth's mantle heated by the decomposition of radioactive material deep in the earth, is here presented. Known phenomena, such as the relationship of batholitic intrusions to moun­ tainous areas, to volcanic island arcs, to ocean trenches and associ­ ated gravity anomalies, are explained in relation to this mountain building hypothesis __ ...... ______. ___ .______.25 RS-52. A Legal Guide for the Uranium Prospector, with an Analysis of the Impact of the "Uranium Boom" on Mining Law, by J. Thomas Greene - The Analysis is a carefully documented treatise for the student of mining law, reprinted from the Utah Law Review) Vol. 4, No.2, Fall, 1954_ ...... ______.. ______.... _._ .. ___ ... ___ .. _____ . ___ ... ____ ... ______.. ____ . _____ 1.00 RS-55. Tungsten Reserves Discovered in the Cottonwood-American Fork Mining Districts, Utah, with a Discussion of the Influence of Scheelite on the Character of Secondary Molybdenum Minerals, by Arthur L. Crawford and Alfred M. Buranek __ ... ___ . ______._.______.50 RS-56. Tungsten Deposits of the Mineral Range, Beaver County, Utah, with a discussion of the General Geology, by Arthur L. Crawford and Alfred M. Buranek. ______.. ______. _____ .. ______._. ______.. ______.. .50 RS-57. Guidebook to the annual Brigham Young University geology field trip to Bryce and Zion National Parks. Contains a geologic map of Utah in color, a phYSiographic map, text, block diagrams, and sketch illus­ trations of points in route and the canyons. Excellent for students, tourists ______.. ______. ______.. _.... ______. ____ . ______. ______. ______.. _. 1.00 RS-57a. Colored geologic map of Utah from the above guidebook. 10¢ each in lots of 5 or more; in lesser quantities, each______.15 MISCELLANEOUS Other Literature on the Geology of Utah

available through the


Symp_osium Volume - The Oil and Gas Possibilities of Utah. Compiled by Dr. George H. Hansen and Mendell M. Bell. Bound volume sold out. Reprints available as listed on a previous page. The Great Basin with Emphasis on Glacial and Postglacial Times. A bulletin of the University of Utah (Vol. 38, No. 20). This symposium volume is composed of: Part I - The Geological Background, by Eliot Blackwelder; Part II - The Zoological Evidence, by Carl L. Hubbs and Robert R. Miller; Part III - Climatic Changes and Pre-White Man, by Ernst Antevs. Price $2.00 Low-Temperature Carbonization of Utah Coals. An exhaustive 872-page report of the Utah Conservation and Research Foundation to the Governor and State Legislature. Price $5.00 Wildcat Map of Utah (42" x 50") - Prepared by Utah Oil Report. Kept up to date. Every 011 well in Utah with latest information on status. Price $10.00 After Victory Plans for Utah and the Wasatch Front, by Dr. J. R. Mahoney and others. PUblished by the Utah State Department of Publicity and Industrial Development­ A com1?rehensive summary for postwar development; two hundred seventy-five (9" xII", fine prmt) pages replete with graphs and other illustrations dealing with (I) Wartime Economic Changes and Postwar Industrial Readjustments in Utah,i..T (II) Agriculture.; (III) Water and Power; (IV) Transportation and Freight Rates; ~-v) Recreation and Rehabilitation Areas; and (VI) Public Works. Supply limited. Price $2.00

The Western Steel Industry - Parts I and II, with Special Reference to the Problems of Postwar Operation of the Geneva Steel Plant, by Dr. J. R. Mahoney (then, 1944-45), Director, Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Utah; (later, 1954-55) Senior Specialist in Natural Resources for the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Scholarly, well-illustrated, exhaustively treated. Price $1.00

Measures of Economic Changes in Utah - 1847-1947. Charts, tables, graphs, and diagrams summarize a vast collection of data on Utah's "first hundred years." Mineral, forest, and farm products, education, taxes, state expenditures and receipts, plus population and employment information are a few of the statistics here presented. Published by the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Utah. Price $1.00

GlossarlC of Selected Geologic Terms, With Special Reference to Their Use in Engineering, by Dr. William Lee Stokes, Head of Department of Geology, University of Utah; and David J. Varnes, Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey. Approximately 2,670 definitions delineating current shades of usage for the most important terms in geology and geologic engineering, a dictionary for those who would familiarize themselves with the science of geology. Price (paperbound) $2.75

Uranium, Where It Is and How To Find It, by Paul Dean Proctor. Ph.D., Geologist, Columbia­ Geneva Steel Div., U.S. Steel Corp.; Edmond P. Hyatt, M.S., and Kenneth C. Bullock, Ph.D., both of the Geology Department, Brigham Young University. A 96-page summary of material the uranium prospector wants to know, a non-technical explanation of geologic facts of interest to the layman. Contains 18 full-page maps. Price (paperbound) $2.00; (fiexible plastic) $2.50

Uranium the World's Expanding Frontier, by Armand J. Eardley, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Mmes1 and Mineral Industries, University of Utah; William Lee Stokes, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Geology, University of Utah; F. W. Christiansen, Ph.D., Norman C. Williams, Ph.D., Associate Professors, Department of Geology, University of Utah; and Clifford L. Ashton, LL.D., partner, law firm of Van Cott, Bagley, Cornwall, and McCarthy. This volume is written for the layman. It is designed for the bUSinessman interested. in the economics of uranium, and for the average citizen interested in the future of this energizer of the atomic age and the impact it portends for the future of mankind. Price $2.00 The Red Hills of November - A Pioneer Biography of Utah's Cotton Town, by Andrew Karl Larson. An interesting, scholarly account replete with the incidents of pioneer life in the town of Washington in Utah's Dixie, and the adjustments forced upon the early settlers by Nature's stern environment. Professor Larson is primarily an historian and student of the social sciences but he has checked his geology with members of that P-ro­ fession. Price (clothbound) :ti5.00 Gazetteer of Utah Localities and Altitudes, a University of Utah; State Institute of Fine Arts, and W.P.A. cooperative project. Lists location and altitudes of many Utah towns, cities, mountains, mines, lakes, streams, and other features. Published 1952. Price $1.50

Free Reprints and Circulars of the Survey Still Available U pan Request Circular 23 - The Resinous Coals of Salina and Huntington Canyons. Utah. by Alfred M. Buranek and Arthur L. Crawford. Circular 24 - Utah Iron Deposits other than those of Iron and Washington Counties. Utah. by Arthur L. Crawford and Alfred M. Buranek. Circular 25 - The Occurrence of Celestite on the San Rafael Swell. Emery County. Utah. by Arthur L. Crawford and Alfred M. Buranek. Circular 28 - The Molybdenum Deposits of White Pine Canyon. near Alta. Salt Lake County. Utah. by Alfred M. Buranek Circular 35 - A Reconnaissance of the Geology and Mineral Deposits of the Lake Mountains. Utah County, Utah, by Arthur L. Crawford and Alfred M. Buranek. Circular 36 - Fluorite in Utah, by Alfred M. Buranek. Circular 37 - Metal Mining in Utah (1935 to 1950). by Dr. C. E. Needham and Alfred M. Buranek. Circular 38 - Diatomaceous Earth near Bryce Canyon National Park. Utah. by Arthur L. Crawford. RS-14. Location Plot (tabular list) of Wells Drilled in Utah (through 1948), RS-23. Oil and Gas Wells of Utah (through 1948) plotted on map. Formerly charge items. reprints RS-14 and RS-23 from the "Oil and Gas Possi­ bilities of Utah" are now superseded by our new Bulletin 50. Drilling Records for Oil and Gas in Utah. RS-28. Plate VII - Geologic Index Map of Utah (showing U.S. Geological Survey Publications in Utah) RS-29. Plate VIII - Geologic Index Map of Utah (showing other than U.S. Geological Survey Publications in Utah) RS-30. Utah Raw Materials of Interest to the Chemical Engineer-A reprinted summary by Arthur L. Crawford. published in Chemical and Engineer­ ing News (Vol. 27. p. 3017. Oct. 17. 1949). RS-32. Ozokerite - A Possible New Source - A Challenge to Research, by Arthur L. Crawford. RS-44. List of Samples Available for study at the University of Utah on Well Sample Library; samples from Utah and bordering sections of neighbor­ ing states. RS-45. Geology in the Grade Schools. by Dorsey Hager. Reprinted from Science, Vol. 114, No. 2949. RS-48. Perfecting a Claim, reprinted from Uranium Magazine~ November 1954, for those who do not care to purchase our more exhaustive treatise (RS-52. by J. Thomas Greene). RS-51. The Mineral Industry of Utah - 1952. The Utah chapter, prepared by Paul Luff. Commodity-Industry Analyst, U.S. Bureau of Mines, under a cooperative agreement with the Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey. for the "Minerals Yearbook" of the United States. RS-53. The Mineral Industry of Utah -1953, by Paul Luff. Sequel to the above, for 1953. RS-54. Underground Storage of Petroleum Products in Utah, Location and De­ sign, by Arthur L. Crawford. Will our petroleum storage facilities go underground? Some practical considerations.

PLEASE NOTE: We are required by law to collect from residents of Utah a sales tax of 2% on all purchases. There/ore, when sending mail orders, Utahns should add 2% to our listed prices.

ARTHUR L. CRAWFORD, Director UTAH GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL SURVEY 200 Mines Bulldlng, University of Utah Salt Lake City. Utah