2020-21 Season Performances by: Daniel Cesare Jen Searing Max Cool Stacy Shang Abby Hulse David Staronka Dana McGuire Monica Traupmann Derek Petti Julia Wierzbicki Joshua Ronai Sean Willemann With David Zimmerman and James Redcay, piano Date: Saturday, April 17, 2021 at 4PM To stream these FREE virtual performances, visit: stevens.edu/DeBaunPAC 201.216.8934
[email protected] stevens.edu/DeBaunPAC Spring 2021 Voice Recital: Songs in the Corona Lane Streaming Saturday April 17 at 4:00pm Featuring the Students of Dr. Bethany Reeves DeBaun Performing Arts Center Stevens Institute of Technology James Redcay and David Zimmerman, Pianists (where pianists are not listed, karaoke tracks are utilized) Till There Was You ................................................... Meredith Wilson The Music Man, 1957 Jennifer Searing, soprano David Zimmerman, piano Ständchen .............................................. Franz Schubert (1797-1828) Max Cool, tenor James Redcay, piano Se tu m’ami Alessandro Parisotti (1853-1913) Stacy Shang, soprano James Redcay, piano Beau Soir ............................................ Claude Debussy (1862-1918) Sean Willemann, baritone James Redcay, piano Ti guarderò nel cuore (More) ............ Oliviero, Ortolani & Ciorciollini From the film Mondo Cane, 1962 Daniel Cesare, baritone James Redcay, piano Sonntag .......................................... Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) David Staronka, baritone James Redcay, piano Think of Me ..................................................... Andrew Lloyd Webber Phantom