Estimating Grazing Index Values for Plants from Arid Regions
Published bimonthly—January, March, May, July, 537 Tiller recruitment patterns and biennial tiller production in prairie sandreed by September, November J.R. Hendrickson, L.E. Moser, and P.E. Reece Copyright 2000 by the Society for Range 544 Seed biology of rush skeletonweed in sagebrush steppe by Julia D. Liao, Stephen Management B. Monsen, Val Jo Anderson, and Nancy L. Shaw INDIVIDUALSUBSCRIPTION is by membership in the Society for Range Management. 550 Seed production in sideoats grama populations with different grazing histories by Steven E. Smith, Rebecca Mosher, and Debra Fendenheim LIBRARY or other INSTITUTIONAL SUBSCRIP- TIONS on a calendar year basis are $105.00 for the United States postpaid and $123.00 for other 556 Hoary cress reproduction in a sagebrush ecosystem by Larry Larson, Gary countries, postpaid. Payment from outside the Kiemnec, and Teresa Smergut United States should be remitted in US dollars by international money order or draft on a New York bank. Book Review 560 Old Fences, New Neighbors, by Peter R. Decker BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, concerning subscriptions, advertising, reprints, back issues, and related matters, should be addressed to the Managing Editor, 445 Union Blvd., Suite 230, Lakewood, Colorado 80228. E D I TO R I A L CORRESPONDENCE, concerning manuscripts or other editorial matters, should be addressed to the Editor, Gary Frasier, 7820 Stag Hollow Road, Loveland, Colorado 80538. Page proofs should be returned to the Production Editor, 445 Union Blvd., Lakewood, Colorado 80228. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS appear on the inside back cover of most issues. THE JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT (ISSN 0022-409X) is published bimonthly for $56.00 per year by the Society for Range Management, 445 Union Blvd., Ste 230, Lakewood, Colorado 80228.
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