New York City, NY, USA NMUN•NY 28 March - 1 April (Conf. A) / 5-9 April (Conf. B) General Assembly Second Committee Background Guide 2021 Written and updated by: Maike Weitzel and Martin Schunk, Directors Kenny Van Nguyen, Assistant Director NATIONAL MODEL UNITED NATIONS © 2020 NMUN NATIONAL MODEL UNITED NATIONS THE WORLD’S LARGEST UNIVERSITY-LEVEL SIMULATION • SINCE 1927 13570 Grove Dr., Suite 294 • Maple Grove, MN 55311 •
[email protected] • 612.353.5649 Dear Delegates, Welcome to the 2021 National Model United Nations New York Conference (NMUN•NY)! We are pleased to introduce you to our committee, the General Assembly, Second Committee (GA2). This year’s staff is: Directors Maike Weitzel (Conference A) and Martin Schunk (Conference B), and Assistant Director Kenny Van Nguyen (Conference B). Maike has a Bachelor of Arts in European Studies and a Master of Arts in International Relations. Martin recently graduated with a Master of Arts, in Media Culture and Media Economy. From 2019 to 2020, he was a Carlo-Schmid-Fellow at the United Nations Department of Global Communications. Kenny completed his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Communication from the University of Colorado at Boulder and is an AmeriCorps Service Member Alumni. He is currently a staffer to Colorado's Lieutenant Governor Dianne Primavera. The topics under discussion for the General Assembly Second Committee are: I. Financing for Development II. Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) for Sustainable Economic and Financial Development III. Disaster Risk Reduction The General Assembly Second Committee is one of the six Main Committees of the UN General Assembly.