Name ______Date ______

Saint John of God

Directions: Read the biography and answer the questions.

Saint John of God was born in Portugal in 1495 to devout Catholic parents. As a young boy he was either lost or kidnapped (biographies are uncertain) and separated from his parents near Toledo, . Orphaned and homeless at first, John eventually found a farming family hire him to work as a shepherd. The farmer loved the boy and wanted him to marry his daughter, but John avoided the arrangement by joining the military as an adult. He spent nearly twenty years of his life serving as a soldier in various ways. His conversion to Christianity came later in life when he heard a homily from Saint John of Avila, who would become his spiritual adviser. Saint John of God felt so guilty for his past sins as a solider that he physically beat himself in public causing such a scene that he was put into a mental institution. His spiritual adviser came to speak with him and convinced him to serve the poor and sick rather than punish himself. Saint John of God followed his counsel and spent the remainder of his life housing the poor and sick in a home he converted into a hospital. He died on March 8, his birthday, in 1550. His saintly acts of service inspired his followers to form the Brothers Hospitallers of Saint John of God in his name.

1. Why do you think Saint John of God is one of the patron of soldiers? ______

2. Describe a time in your life when you wanted to beat yourself up for making a mistake as Saint John of God did after his conversion. ______

3. Saint John of God replaced his shame for his sins with loving service to the poor. How can you serve the poor and sick in your community? ______

©The Religion Teacher