1375 Covered Bridge Rd., Cedarburg WI ⬧ Office 262-377-1070 ⬧ Fax 262-377-6898 ⬧

Pastor: Fr. Patrick Burns Sunday Masses Saturday at 4:30 p.m. Sunday at 8 a.m. 10 a.m. ad orientem 11:30 a.m. (through 3/28/21) and 6 p.m.

Weekday Masses Monday 8 a.m. - South Church Tuesday through Friday 7 a.m. - South Church Thursday Mass is ad orientem

Parish office hours Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. to noon

Confessions Sunday 9:15-9:45 a.m. North Church Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 11-11:30 a.m. North Church Thursday 5:30-6:30 p.m. North Church

Eucharistic Adoration 12 p.m. - 9 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Monday 7:30 a.m. - 9 p.m. Tues., Wed., Thurs. 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Friday (no Adoration on Saturday) South Church (N44W6055 Hamilton Rd.)

Pastoral Council Ed Scherr, Chairperson Bob Shimp, Vice Chairperson Sue Ellen Baye, Secretary John Dorr Angela Foy Chris Frommell Christina Garni Jennie Mulcahy Tim Schilter Low-gluten Communion hosts are available for those who are gluten intolerant. Fr. Patrick Burns Please see an usher should you need more information. Joe Carlson and Joe Schirger, Trustees

The Week Ahead Learn Your Faith NC = North Church (1375 Covered Bridge Rd.) Who are the Jesuits and who was St. Francis Borgia? SC = South Church (N44 W6055 Hamilton Rd.) CH = Church Hall (church lower level) The Jesuit order is the Society of Jesus and was establish by St. PCCR = Parish Center Conference Room Ignatius of Loyola and six companions in 1540. They established E&AC = Education & Activity Center (1425 Covered Bridge Rd.) vows of poverty, chastity and later obedience to the . The Saturday, March 6 original intent was for the followers to go to Jerusalem, but • Mass at 4:30 p.m., NC Middle Eastern wars deterred their journey and what followed Sunday, March 7 was a spiritual revival of Catholicism in Europe and Christian • Mass at 8 a.m., NC teachings being brought to a large part of the world. • Live stream of 8 a.m. Mass

• Confessions, 9:15-9:45 a.m., NC St. Ignatius composed the spiritual exercises to help others • follow the teachings of Christ. He saw a need for church reform Mass ad orientem at 10 a.m., NC and a weakness in the teaching of the faith which was allowing • Mass at 11:30 a.m., NC the protestant reformation to grow. Ignatius and his • Mass at 6 p.m., NC Monday, March 8 companions set out to reform priestly vocation development • Mass at 8 a.m., SC within the Church and became strong teachers of the faith. Tuesday, March 9 They publicly debated Luther and Melanchthon, as well as • Mass at 7 a.m., SC Calvinists and were so good at teaching the faith that they led • Confessions, 11-11:30 a.m., NC thousands of Catholics back to the faith. • Knit and Crochet Ministry, 1 p.m., CH

• Young Adult Night, 7 p.m., NC The Jesuits focused on two things - education and Wednesday, March 10 evangelization. In the first 75 years of their history the order • Mass at 7 a.m., SC grew from 20 priests to 13,000. They opened 372 schools • Confessions, 11-11:30 a.m., NC around the world and had to turn down other requests because Thursday, March 11 they did not have enough priests. They established 123 • Mass ad orientem at 7 a.m., SC residences around the world and brought the Catholic faith to • Confessions, 11-11:30 a.m., NC India and the Far East, including China and Japan, as well as to • Confessions, 5:30-6:30 p.m., NC South America and Central America and parts of Africa. Thirty of • Mass for the Faithful Departed, 7:30 p.m., NC these Jesuits were and over 200 were martyred, including Friday, March 12 26 in Japan and 40 in England. • Mass at 7 a.m., SC

• Confessions, 11-11:30 a.m., NC St. Francis Borgia was the third General of the Jesuit Order and • Stations of the Cross, 7 p.m., SC is considered the second greatest General next to Ignatius. St. Saturday, March 13 Francis Borgia’s original name was Francisco de Borja y Aragon, • Mass at 4:30 p.m., NC 4e duque (4th duke) de Gandīa, and was born on Oct. 28, 1510 Sunday, March 14 in Gandīa, . As a child he was very pious and desired to • Mass at 8 a.m., NC become a monk. However, his family sent him to his uncle in • Live stream of 8 a.m. Mass Saragossa, Spain to be educated. In 1528 he received a position • Confessions, 9:15-9:45 a.m., NC in the court of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (who was also • Mass ad orientem at 10 a.m., NC King Charles I of Spain). In 1529, through King Charles I, he • Mass at 11:30 a.m., NC married Eleanor de Castro, a Portuguese noblewoman. They • would have eight children together before her death. Mass at 6 p.m., NC

St. Francis held various appointments in the Spanish court and it Masses for the Faithful Departed was there that he distinguished himself, accompanying the Due to Covid-19 many people did not have the opportuni- Emperor on several campaigns. In 1543, following his father’s ty to be anointed before their passing or to have proper Cath- death, he resigned as viceroy of Catalonia and succeeded his olic funerals. While we always have hope in heaven for some- father as Duke of Gandīa. In 1546, his wife Eleanor died. Shortly one who passes, we should also pray for them, especially in after her death he founded the Jesuit College in Gandīa after these circumstances. For this reason I invite you to join us as making the Jesuits his protectors. However, he desired more we offer monthly Masses for the Faithful Departed on the and in 1548 he made a vow to the Jesuits. He was allotted time second Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the North to fulfill his obligations as a father and ruler of his estates. After Church. establishing stability for his children and transferring his estates The next Mass will be offered on Thursday, Mar. 11. Sub- to his oldest child, he left for in 1550 and was received sequent Masses in April and May will be on the second Thursday of those months at the same time and location. into the Jesuits by St. Ignatius of Loyola. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the (continues on page 3) mercy of God, rest in peace. 2 ~ Fr. Patrick

Mass intentions Easter décor Daily Mass is celebrated at the South Church. If you would like to make a donation toward flowers and Mass time is 8 a.m. Monday other items to decorate both of our churches for the Easter and 7 a.m. Tuesday through Friday. season, please use the special envelope in your contributions All weekend Masses are celebrated at the North Church. packet. If you don’t receive contribution envelopes, please use your March 7 - 3rd Sunday of Lent own envelope and mark “Easter décor” on the outside. If you 4:30 p.m. †James A. Schultz (Rose Ann Schultz) (FPB) wish the donation to be in memory of family members or 8 a.m. †Mary Carbone (Jack) (FJB) friends, be sure to include a note with your name and their 10 a.m. †Ralph and Cheryl Stoffel (Donna Stoffel) (FPB) name(s). 11:30 a.m. †Anthony Scozzafave (Kim Family) (FPB) You can place your donation in the collection basket, mail 6 p.m. For Members of St. Francis Borgia (FPB) it to the parish office or drop it off at the office during business

Monday, March 8 - St. John of God hours on or before Wednesday, Mar. 24. 8 a.m. †Bill Reilly (Connie Reilly and Family) (FJR)

Tuesday, March 9 - St. Frances of Rome Easter Sunday at South Church 7 a.m. †Dorothy & William Connor We are now accepting reservation requests for those who (Connor Family) (FPB) wish to attend the 10 a.m. Mass at the South Church on Easter Sunday (Apr. 4). This is the only Easter Mass that will Wednesday, March 10 be at the historic South Church. 7 a.m. †Maxine Boesch (Mary Jane Geisert) (FPB) Please go to Thursday, March 11 for the online reservation request. If you’re not a computer 7 a.m. †Ralph Thomas (Family) (FPB) person, call the parish office during business hours to share your

Friday, March 12 request over the phone. The deadline for requests is Friday, 7 a.m. †David S. Grimm (Family) (FPB) Mar. 12 at 12 noon. You will be notified after Mar. 15 regarding your reservation status - either yes or no. March 14 - 3rd Sunday of Lent 4:30 p.m. †John Molloy (Family) Do you need help? 8 a.m. †Robert Kobiske (Family and Friends) (FPB) St. Vincent de Paul members, with strict confidence, can 10 a.m. †Bert Kanack (Larson Family) (FPB) assist anyone, regardless of religious affiliation with temporary 11:30 a.m. †Mary Ann Broehm (Garni Family) (FPB) funds for rent, utilities, mortgage, food or other need. They are 6 p.m. For Members of St. Francis Borgia (FAV) also able to share referrals to other agencies. Priests presiding at Mass: If you need assistance or know someone who does, please Fr. Patrick Burns = FPB have them contact SVdP at 262-284-4637. Fr. John Burns = FJB Fr. Jerry Repenshek = FJR Inner City donations drivers Fr. Al Veik = FAV The Inner City drivers transport donations from the col- lection site on the North Church campus to various shelters in downtown Milwaukee, including House of Peace, MacCanon Readings for Sunday, March 14 Brown Homeless Sanctuary and Repairers of the Breach. The

1st Reading 2 Chronicles 36: 14-16, 19-23 deliveries are made during business hours according to the 2nd Reading Ephesians 2: 4-10 shelters’ hours of operation, so some flexibility in your person- Gospel John 3: 14-21 al schedule is needed. If you would like to learn more about this important min- God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who istry or be added to the drivers list, please contact Jim Janisse believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. ~ John 3:16 at [email protected].

Learn Your Faith (continued from page 2) Fr. Borgia was made commissary general of the Spanish provinces in 1554. Under his guidance, a dozen Jesuit universities were es- tablished. In 1556 St. Ignatius put him over the missions in the East and West Indies, which at the time were all missions of the Jesuits. In 1564, Fr. Borgia was named assistant general in Spain and Portugal, and in 1565 was elected as the 3rd vicar-general of the Society of Jesus. Under his leadership, new provinces and colleges were established throughout Europe, including the College in Rome, which would become Gregorian University. After a failed attempt to establish missions in Florida, he was successful in establishing missions in New Spain (Mexico) and Peru. He was also successful in getting Pope St. Pius V to centralize the government for missions through Rome and establish a policy which required civil rulers to treat native peoples humanely in order to win them over in the faith. St. Francis Borgia died on Sept. 30, 1572 in Rome. He was beatified in November 1624 by Pope Urban VIII and canonized in June 1670 by Pope Clement X. His liturgical feast was inserted into the in 1688 for celebration on Oct. 10. If you would like to learn more about the Jesuits and St. Francis Borgia, visit the library or go to 3

Prayers for our parish family Lent 2021

Died in Christ Lent is a period of spiritual preparation.

Ella Francois, age 91 Prayer Please call the parish office with your requests for parish- ioners who are ill or in need of prayers to be published in the Stations of the Cross - South Church bulletin - both the printed and online versions. Privacy issues The Stations of the Cross are prayed at 7 p.m. every require that all requests be initiated by a member of the imme- Friday during Lent at the South Church. The Stations are a diate family. Catholic devotion that commemorates Jesus Christ's last day Names will be published in a total of 12 bulletins (about on Earth as a man. At each station, the participants recall and three months). If at the end of that time, the person wishes to meditate on a specific event from Christ's last day. Prayers on remain on the list, he/she will need to call the parish office and Friday, Mar. 12 will be led by the Lector Ministry. share that request. Eucharistic Adoration The bulletin prayer list only includes the names of parish- We are excited to be shifting to Perpetual Adoration at ioners. Non-parishioners, friends and neighbors can be added our parish! If you are interested in becoming a regular or to our prayer chain. To be added to the list, please contact the substitute adorer, please email [email protected] parish office at [email protected] or 262-377-1070. or call the parish to be connected to a member of our commit- tee. We would love to speak with you and answer any ques- Knit & Crochet Ministry tions you may have! We thank you in advance for supporting Members of our Knit & Crochet Ministry lovingly create this beautiful blessing in our parish. beautiful handmade prayer shawls and lap robes to be gifted "The best, the surest and the most effective way of establishing PEACE on to someone in need of prayers and spiritual support - includ- the face of the earth is through the great power of Perpetual Adoration of ing those who are sick, grieving or lonely. Each item is blessed the Blessed Sacrament." ~ St. John Paul II by Fr. Patrick before it is shared. The South Church is currently open for adoration and If you or someone you know would benefit from the bless- prayer: 12 p.m. - 9 p.m. Sunday; 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Monday; 7:30 ing of a prayer shawl or other item, stop in the Parish Office a.m. - 9 p.m. Tues., Wed., Thurs.; and 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Friday. during business hours to choose one. Recipients do not need to be parish members. This is a blessing to be shared with our Almsgiving families, friends and broader community. Donations for Family Sharing We are collecting items to help support the efforts of Eucharist Adoration reflection Family Sharing of Ozaukee. Collection bins are located in “During the pandemic, most of us have become increasingly the gathering space through Mar. 10. Please consider donat- dependent on video chat. It reminds me of when Skype became ing the following items that are in much need at the pantry: popular and “Skype grandbabies” became a thing. I recall asking cream of mushroom soup; beef soup; canned corn and a grandfather if he was grateful for Skype and he replied, “It’s facial tissues. great but it just makes it worse,” where he meant, “It makes me Family Sharing also runs an upscale retail store which miss them more because you can’t fully embrace a video.” helps fund the food pantry. Please consider donating gently- “Considering that, about a month into the shutdown, I went used items. There is a bin specifically for resale shop to adoration on a bleak day, during a streak of bad weather and donations. the peak of maximum uncertainty where Cedarburg looked post- apocalyptic on my drive. Well, I started on my infinite prayer list Holy Week and Easter and I grew despairingly frustrated with more than a few things. Palm Sunday: Masses at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday and 8 a.m., Looking at the monstrance, my frustration turned into a fleeting 10 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Sunday at North Church moment of intensely awful loneliness, and I felt myself saying, “I Holy Thursday: Mass at 7 p.m. at North Church miss You” with this urge to run to the altar. It lasted less than a (No 7 a.m. Mass on Apr. 1) second, but was sufficient to immediately shift my focus from my Good Friday: Service at 3 p.m. at North Church prayer list to how much I had taken going to communion for (No 7 a.m. Mass on Apr. 2) (Parish office is closed today) granted, and how much I needed it. Easter Vigil: Mass at 8 p.m. at North Church “Beyond that, the bigger takeaway for me was that the feel- (No 4:30 p.m. Mass on Apr. 3) ing was very personal, very similar to the longing to embrace an Easter Sunday: Masses at 8 a.m., 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. at infant when you see them from afar on FaceTime. It was most North Church definitely not like the feeling of missing the park or my fishing (No 6 p.m. Mass on Apr.4) pole. It was tremendously personal. Then I had the thought Easter Sunday: Mass at 10 a.m. at South Church - by reserva- about adoration, “It’s great but it just makes it worse [when not tion only! See page 3 regarding making a reservation request. in full communion]” and when I left the church, I left with a new Deadline is Friday, Mar. 12 at 12 noon appreciation and a little more faith in the Eucharist as the pres- Easter Monday: Mass at 8 a.m. at South Church ence of God.” ~ Bobby Fassbender (Parish office is closed today) 4 Young Adult get-together Upcoming Christian Formation classes Please join us at 7 p.m. on Tuesday (Mar. 9) Grades K3-K5 in the North Church. Sundays during 10 a.m. Mass in church hall classrooms. We’ll start with Adoration in the church Mar. 7, 14 and 21 and move outside for a bonfire after.

Grades 1-5 Wednesdays from 6-7:15 p.m. in E&AC Mar. 10, 17 and 24 Respect Life Sat., Mar. 13 - First Communion - Morning of Reflection This Lent, we join again with the international 40 Days

for Life campaign to witness to the sacredness of all human Youth Ministry life. To date, 18,000 lives have been saved, 107 abortion clinics Wed., Mar. 10 - Edge - Small Groups have closed and 211 workers have quit. Prayer does that! There Sunday, Mar. 14 - Proclaim for Grades 6 - 11 is much work still to be done. Every day in America over 2,700 Mar. 15-18 - Confirmation Candidates - innocent lives are tragically ended. What might watch for an invite to sign up for interviews God be calling you to do? Sunday, Mar. 21 - Life Teen /Confirmation - Small Groups Every Tuesday afternoon, Thursday morning and Saturday Check your email for complete details about these events morning, we go to 1428 Farwell in Milwaukee, the local abor- tion clinic, to pray, hope and ask God to help the women choose life. Our peaceful, friendly presence matters greatly. Contact Tobey Neuberger at [email protected] or Christina Garni at [email protected] to go along or if you need further details. Look for our information table in the gathering space this weekend! We will also have copies of the movie Unplanned if you would like to borrow one.

In honor of St. Joseph, the patron of fathers, families and the Universal Church, St. Francis Borgia presents a two-part series from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Tuesdays, Mar. 16 and 23 at the North Church. This series is intended for all men and will include reflections on St. Joseph by We will gather at the parish to join other men parishioner Joe Bassindale. Come for inspir- from around the Milwaukee area. ing talks and personal stories of encounter- Don’t miss this - great speakers, Mass, confession & more! ing God in suffering and in love by guest Sign up online at speaker Bruce A. Lanser. There is no cost to attend, but a freewill offering will be taken.

Faith Sharing: Total Commitment High School Open Gym

The St. Francis Borgia Substance Addiction Ministry All high schoolers are welcome to join us for (SAM) invites you to join them to meditate on and share Open Gym from 8 to 10 p.m. on Sunday nights thoughts about Mark 8:34-38: “Jesus tells his disciples that to be Mar. 7 and 21 and Apr. 11 and 25 from 8-10 p.m. truly alive, they must be willing to deny themselves and take up their own Please enter the Education & Activity Center Gym crosses.” through the Sports Entrance. Surrendering to Jesus and living a virtuous life is a real You must bring clean shoes to change into, whatever sacrifice. We will contemplate the great benefits to being to- equipment you would like to use, a face mask and water. You tally committed to Him and how it will bring us real life, true also must have a permission slip filled out and on file. freedom, joy and inner peace. Please email KC Kranich ([email protected]) for a The virtual meeting will take place via Zoom on Thurs- copy of the permission slip or with any questions. We will be day, Mar. 11 at 7 p.m. To obtain the meeting link, please con- following COVID protocols, so please do not attend if you have tact Pat at [email protected]. a fever or are not feeling well. Everyone is welcome to participate! 5 Archbishop’s Catholic Schools Virtual Event

Tuesday, Apr. 13 from 6-7 p.m.

Save the date for an evening of laughter and stories as Archbishop Jerome Listecki and his guests recall some of their most memorable Catholic school experiences.

Parish office phone Proceeds from the event support the Catholic schools grant program – Grant Initiatives for Today’s Students (GIFTS). 262-377-1070

Pastor Registration details available soon. Rev. Patrick Burns For information on sponsorships or to support the event, [email protected] please contact Marlene Vidal at 414-769-3451 or [email protected] Parish Staff

Director of Administrative Services Leif Nygaard [email protected]

Parish Accountant Jennifer Justman [email protected]

Director of Liturgical Music Susan DeMarco [email protected]

Assistant to the Pastor and Weddings Teri Schnuck [email protected]

Bulletin and Stewardship Julie Larrivee [email protected]

HR, Benefits and Safe Environment Kristin Jacoby [email protected]

Administrative Assistant Sue Blank [email protected]

Director of Apostolates Dave Braun [email protected]

Director of Youth Formation Laura Lindemann [email protected]

Director of Youth Outreach KC Kranich [email protected]

Director of Child and Family Formation Catie Weasler [email protected] Multiple priests will be available throughout the day. Please contact St. Monica (414-332-1576) if you have specific questions, Christian Formation Administrative Asst. such as parking or handicap access. Gerilynn Mikkelson [email protected] In gratitude for the innumerable gifts that God has given us. SFB School Principal Amy Royes [email protected] Contributions - February 15-21, 2021

Cemetery Coordinator Envelopes $ 26,467.00 St. Paul - Mukono $ 287.50 Brian Willbrandt EFT $ 24,336.50 Human Concerns $ 107.50 [email protected] Offertory $ 1,270.81 Vigil Lights $ 216.00 Finance Council Total $ 52,074.31 Ash Wednesday $ 1,506.20

Fr. Patrick Burns Due to the Archdiocesan safety guidelines, the collection from Feb. 27-28 could not be John Tesensky, chairperson counted in time to make the bulletin deadline. Until further notice, the reporting of our Tom Berk John Dorr Angela Foy Andy Lampereur Chris Schumacher financial donations will be two weeks behind as we adhere to the protocols to ensure Trustees: Joe Carlson and Joe Schirger the safety of our volunteers. Thanks for your understanding.

6 1,138 people attended Mass at St. Francis Borgia the weekend of Feb. 27-28.

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Call Mary Beth Keller, Cemetery Manager, here to serve you and your family at 414-807-5701 11333 N. Port Washington Rd. (262) 241-4120 Compliments of OPENING APRIL 2019 ANTHONY BURANT OPENING OPENING OPENING OPENING OPENINGOPENING D.D.S. APRIL APRIL APRILAPRIL OPENING APRIL APRIL APRIL 2019 2019 2019 2019 20192019 2019 5009 Columbia Road Hamilton House is located in charmingOPENING Cedarburg, Wisconsin with all the amenities to take the stress 377-5900 out of daily living. We offer all the luxuries you’ve always wanted but never wanted to maintain! APRIL Hamilton House is located in charming Cedarburg, Wisconsin with all the amenities to take the stress out of daily living. We offer all the luxuries you’ve always wanted but never wanted to maintain! 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Delivery to all of Grafton, Over 200 Sales! Cedarburg, and Village of Saukville m Catering PROTECT THE HOME WHERE m Delivery YOUR DREAMS GROW. m Take Out Scott Hollrith BUS: 262-377-3338 Open Daily! 10am - Midnight Mark A Vey Agency LLC CELL: 262-689-2625 A Catholic Family Tradition Since 1892 [email protected] 372 Falls Rd. • Grafton Mark Vey, Agent Free Market Analysis Order online at: American Family Mutual Insurance Company, S.I. & its Operating Companies, Saukville, WI 53080 [email protected] Active Parish Member 6000 American Parkway, Madison, WI 53783 262.376.0420 | ©2015 006441 - Rev. 2/20 - 13572972 Bus: (262) 284-6664 262-432-8100 W61N517 Washington Ave, Cedarburg

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N5875 Cty. Rd. M Eernisse Funeral Home D&M ACCOUNTING SERVICES, INC. Plymouth, WI 53073 & Cremation Service Connie L. Hillmann Accountant We are located in the Tri City Bank Building on Hwy Q (262) 376-9600 (Corner of Appleton and County Line Road - Lower Level) Just 1/2 mile from SFB – See Us First! N96 W18221 County Line Rd. Rated 5- by fellow parishioners Commercial • Industrial • Residential Michael & Joy Schramka Menomonee Falls, WI Proud Supporter of St. Francis Borgia Parish Parish Members 262-253-9955 • [email protected] • [email protected] Mon-Thu 8am-4:30pm • Fri 8am-12pm Cedarburg 262.377.8350 FREE Sat 8am-1pm Mequon 414.351.5794 (920) 467-2000

[email protected]

SCHULTZ & MOLEPSKE, LLC Certified Public Accounting Firm • Serving Businesses & Individuals • Tax Planning & Preparation • Financial & Estate Review senior living, the way it was meant to be • Accounting & Tax Services 815 Washington St., Grafton, WI 53024 262-377-9900 • Scott Molepske, CPA, CFP, Parish Member email: [email protected] Next to 5 Corners 376-2100 Jennifer Gall, Administrator Heating & Air Conditioning Experts The Donahue Building 213 Wisconsin Avenue Grafton, Wisconsin 53004 262-510-2215 (262) 375-1900 • Fax: (262) 375-1827 866.992.1717 Parish Supporter WWW.MRHOLLANDSHEATINGANDAIR.COM Full Service Accounting and Tax Preparation Locally owned by Ken & Laurie Theiler • Parish Members & School Family Bayside Travel Audubon Court 333 W. Brown Deer Rd. • Bayside, WI 53217 Phone: (414) 247-8665 • Fax: (414) 247-0914 Email: [email protected] Contact Dan Stone to place an ad today! Michael & Jeanne Reuter [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2607 Owners, Parish Members

Golden Rule Painting “Serving Legal Needs Since 1939” 262-353-5907 John Gallo, Parish Member 1650 9th Ave., Grafton Licensed & Insured Where Value and Values Meet (262) 377-0600 •

FINANCING AVAILABLE % 0 for 12 MONTHS FLOOR COVERING, INC. Quality Carpeting • Ceramic & Hardwood Luxury Vinyl Tile & Plank BETTER WINDOW TREATMENTS FOR ANY BUDGET! Home Office Institutions 414.299.9099 • 7676 Hwy 60 377-6444 For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Francis Borgia, Divine Word, Cedarburg, WI A 4C 01-0025