Eurasian Prehistory, I(/): 83- 106. TRAPEZOIDS AND DOUBLE TRUNCATIONS IN THE EPIGRAVETTIAN ASSEMBLAGES OF NORTHEASTERN ITALY Silvia Ferrari and Marco Peresani University ofFerrara, Dipartimento delle Risorse Nalura/i e Culturali, Corso Ercole I d'Este 32, 1-44100 Ferrara. Italy;
[email protected] (Marco Peresani) Abstract Trapezoids represent a significant category of tools among the innovative geometric implements in the lithic assem blages of European late glacial complexes, particularly those late Epigravettian industries from the Mediterranean region to the southern Ukrainian plain. The recent recovery of several artifacts from two excavlllions in the Venetian Pre-Alps (northern Italy) prompted a large-scale examination of the chronological, and geographical distribution of trapezoids as well as the first study of their techno-morphological features. Results show an evident 'ariability in those morphological and dimensional parameters investigated and seem to suggest that the prepar-.ttion of different shapes of blanks to obtain microliths might have occurred in the ambit of economical behaviors. Specifically, these economic choices involve an in vestment in the manufacture ofmicroliths and this is evident in the intensi"e retouch of the tools. position of the so-called hi-truncated bladelets. INTRODUCTION These were included in a group of geometric mi Trapezoids are well known from the Meso croliths known as Divers (Daniel and Yignard, lithic and Early Neolithic technocomplexcs. 1953), and distinct from the trapezes in their ra These geometric implements, produced by double tios of length to breadth (lamelles a deux lronca transverse truncation from laminar blanks, were tures, G.E.E.M .. 1969; jleche tranchante, Bar identified at the end of nineteenth century, when riere, 1956; Escalon de Fonton, 1953; Trapeze G.