A Preliminary Report of a Robotic Camera Exploration of a Sealed 1st Century Tomb in East Talpiot, Jerusalem James D. Tabor, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
[email protected] This is a preliminary scientific report on the unprecedented exploration by robotic cameras of a sealed 1st century tomb located in East Talpiot (Armon HaNetziv), a southeast Jerusalem suburban neighborhood established in 1973. The tomb is presently located 2.1m under the basement floor of a modern condominium building. Our exploration was carried out under excavation license (G73/2009) issued by the Israel Antiquities Authority in 2009 and subsequently renewed in 2010 and 2011. Rami Arav of the University of Nebraska at Omaha and I are co-directors and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte is the academic sponsor.1 Associated Producers Ltd. of Toronto obtained funding and provided technical expertise, equipment, filming, and other vital logistical assistance.2 1 Janet Levy, chair of the Department of Anthropology acted as our supervising consultant. Our license covers exploration of two adjacent tombs, the one reported here, presently under a condominium patio, briefly examined in 1981 but never excavated, and another, less than 45 meters distant, presently in a garden area between buildings, that was excavated in 1980 and later sealed up with a concrete cover by the condominium residents. We have not yet re-examined the second tomb. The coordinates for the “patio” tomb are 172400 128800 and for the “garden” tomb 17249 12929. The published coordinates for the latter are incorrectly printed in Amos Kloner and Boaz Zissu, The Necropolis of Jerusalem in the Second Temple Period, Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Culture and Religion 8 (Leuven—Dudley, MA: Peeters, 2007), pp.