O 17 Poised for Liftoff Tonight CAPE KENNEDY, Fla
Women Given Self-Protection "SEE STORY PAGE & The Weather FINAL Mostly cloudy, scattered showers likely this afternoon, Red Bank, Freehold f turning colder tonight. Cloudy Long Branch / EDITION and colder tomorrow. REGISTER 34 PAGES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL.95 NO. 110 RED BANK, N.J. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6,1972 TEN CENTS IIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIilUII o 17 Poised for Liftoff Tonight CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. rocket and its cargo of men, The rocket can be launched land on the moon at 2:54 p.m. (AP) — Seventeen, the last of scientific equipment and sac- any time during a 31/2-hour •next Monday near the Taurus America's proud Apollo riflcal mice will rise with a time period beginning at 9:53. mountains and thR Littrow flights to the moon, lifts into hellish roar on a 2,200-foot tail It can be rescheduled, if nec- crater in the northeast section the dark on a column of fire of flame that may be visible essary, for the same hours of the moon. That area is sci- tonight - a dazzling windup 500 miles away. Thursday. Then, because of entifically interesting because to an epoch of lunar explor- Weather Not Perfect the positions of earth, moon it is expected to have the new- ation. For the half million or more and sun that dictate liftoff est, as well as some of the old- people expected in the area, times, the flight would have to est, rocks in the moon's 4.6 Astronauts Eugene A. Cer- weather conditions were' not be postponed until Jan.
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