Tions of Parachute Infantry Regiment* I

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Tions of Parachute Infantry Regiment* I •'• w^*s»is*ap^^^ * <-UP' ftJJT.-- • -r»'-i«K; «* .•» *» *M *t: f <V. * t • '**•', *'* >"' •M#'»f' »' *# ,'«>•' I.- ' • / 4 C *. > » .* •>• «• >«•*..« •«si**»««***'#-,'i»-fj-.»*«*««•, *M;»C*. ."fn •.• < ,#**»» •••>• ,, ^>,i>,f,.«r .•.(,!(( , ',VS»/•!•••'••'•.•,f;*»j* ;,«.-. > •,.j-^.«« - , , ^w^A^^^'^r^ ^ ;'*;v _"; '•; w - V* • ..IW-'.V.* VJS/K-. *I ?j»;-*»-»''» » " * MV. >v*fc* (*»»'») » l)V*W# »-*»,*'.» 1 V . «" •'<• >>*,'< »•'>#«•••'» .•" •' : /M J.**.*' >*(frl *-.: V*.» *V">.! /,-' •'•'>?* 1 ••* • *.. •> >^,i^*»*v>''''**-W^^'-*'^*/-"''*;';i -; ,'A-. -, g»„v**t*^WnWitfHb>vmmi>*'•ow'i.w- w»^a»> i-V*;**** *'**'**'- ,-^;^w:,-;V|.,.»i<W»)<HiMW)r>(A^^.l,.t. .jt^^^.^^ieifliJ^BrtSMrti^-Ml^i! -»-*^.- .-^*S^MM» ;./«,•. M* .••i***f CrQnsral Subjects Section ACADEMIC D^PAHIMUM TH^J INFANTRY 3CH OOL Fort Banning t Georgia ADVANCED INFANTRY OFFICER'3 C0UR3B 194? - 1948 PLANS AND OPERATIONS OF $H? 606th PARACHUTE INFANTRY (IQlst AIRBORNE DIVISION) IN TH1 INVASION OF NORMANDY, (NORMANDY CAMPAIGN) 5—30 JUNE 1944 (Personal Experience of Company Commander 3rd Battalion 5 to 7 June 1944,) Type of operation described* PLAN3 AND OPERA­ TIONS OF PARACHUTE INFANTRY REGIMENT* I m '&Jm Major John T« MoKnight, Infantry ADVANCED INFANTRY OFFICERS CLA3S 10 1 mtyim^*4immi,u,t)iik •I'Hii '»•»'• »fi #,• «w t**!>,iV<>»-HJi i« «.•**»".»-#•* «w#»*<JBS>»*'«r* *-*••-.>>'/* *i |W<!( <##«**' '4i*ii #&*#$** : fr.~^^#^' *^i^j#'' * *<**?>#*<*- ;? •' J*T-..'*^- .*«*****'' v- #^t$^'»Jt^ J | -^^i^m^^^Jkimsf^^ti0(_ m , , » . #»•«-»* •••' • -.J*. «.*»**»»»,v^^^^,u^i*..^.^»w.»pfew^i^yttoH*i#mi'-m*r«i y*~m#>vt>*•• ^/"f^v^^W^pW^^ mtm.m»1:bmwmsf#<k. *«.ry .,..,* »swK^'*Jii**-«*Mrfiw^jM#afc^^ *>.#I*MW.-^... • r ,--....,:. r, .,,.»*» 4*<MMM*4#(ityM)> "••V'fr -,* £A1LB„0^. C0ST.lSgg3 PAOT, Indear • •*•»•.••*••*.............,,,,,.,..., ........... 1 Bi bli ography «•»..«,•» ••••••••• ...•••.... 2 Introduotion......... 3 3 ii!^ii^^ 4 Detailed Plan, 1st and End Battalions. •••...., .... ..*..*,. a 5 Plan of 3rd Battalion.... •••... 6 6th Jane "D" Day.....,............*, # 6 Operations of 1st and 2nd Battalions 14 Caran tan« * * *•••**••»••».••••••• •--. -. .. .-. ..... ... v. • •. • 17 Analysis and Grit ioism..,................................ 20 Lessons. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..•...»...,..,.. 21 Map A - Plan of Operation Map B - Drop Pattern Map C - Advance on D/ 1 Map D - Carentan Operation j^^^Vlf^ «£'5KOtyif^ >*###» *«*ii|RI A^f^^fWjro tfgfw*' * * -h jt M» • .-J»^«JS* mij^s»#pw;«*!!Hig4#*p- 1 fC , ! n , .-. *•*»•» ••-**•• «*«.v%*. **«k '^MV^'ATKMff^W< - • OM^VW •M»'yMwr#«^4ni«« io*> ' K" >M»r>i >w».i,j.1*)»«,f>«M'* » **..•»: '• -^ «»i**.M:-*'***#**rf»«)W #**» ««»8"a» ' M* iM»D* r wim* ' •• ^;i»lf^y^<ii*i')i»i»i is^ftiahjVJW^r^^y^vH^^^ i;ti)l§w(*<>Ww'#,»»|>r *W«MP»WiS • '•» • J r, v * •• MWkWWli's ..*.,«« i»v«<, ,)l'Vni«<lkf ril BLI£2BAE£I # ^-» ~ *> «»1 Unit tjMv-^o **4' , , .. wA*»w»oriQ.V i/AWV 1 505 ParacHuyO "j** ^0 i!I3 library) By: History Section, ^iu v ByS DWl-on in the Invasion HM| o£ lOlat Airborne Bxvi.*on A-E Operations ui •*-« of Francs* rt S ll lo? R9P° , ° Jtaa H. coats, Infantry ^.r^.©l.on£X.-uAai*5_. * rs. ...g./„3_ „_. „. ..— *'„,. - ^^f^^oi^Ivision 1.13 Library) Mono* the 506th Parachute Infantry in O- AA.- 3 Operation Europe „ ftl0_al H. *• Hannah, Official Sport by Lieutenant ^f^ Personal Possession) Hafimentai 3-3, 506 Parachu,e -Intent War Departmen^ „„t* ObeeObserverr s Reporunt a A-4 \a jLiroorne p*a" ^ (2IS Library)- By: colonel Biavexx \ A_5 personal Knowledge '••m^' > ' ii V / ill' •>« i rf*' rt^fy^ .* ...... .. )• * '< #» 'r<w* e*> tV'«iiiH%' •r;'?#V' - ^"'-^,: . *. •'*.-(J-i8it#!?i».«*,s.»^#^ »*> «*>M mmmw*><- -»-<-*»#*-«^.« * *# V ' •. # «• «. IP w .„.- , *«M«r- i*«*frhv* »• *• ..•» l |V«»><A«»>«««^.»»V»! "*'» »' "*• 'W» <wnr:>-!*i»'3m>e> T 'V«^* *f «*•«»•<!. •.,»•<» •*.<•> *>w #«»-*»w- ••'•**•. w*"—^-' ''«»*t»n!l^-«W*•,ff•*-^i*t^»'*'""*tf"*»:• •'.'•*' ,'•*> *•».#*•*»•»- ki«». **•"*!»'»»• .*•' - «*•.»l,«M^•tfa»*^«l•t»*,l ku&®3 AND OPERATIONS OF £Hf §06th PARACHtJTI? »»'•'.<>•,'? •*»vi»W.>l.»•-*•*»*)?• >""•*'•">">*' itfVASlOi* OF NORMANDI, (NORMANDY CAMPAIGN) 5—30 JfJW* 1941 (personal ^atperisnce of Company Commander 3rd Battalion 5 to 7 June 1944.) This monograph covers the plans and operations of the 506 Parachute Infantry, 101st Airborne Division in the in­ vasion of Normandy (Normandy Campaign), (5th June 1944 to <**''••• •>" SOth .June 1944} • personal Experience of Company Commander, 3rd Battalion 5th June to 7th June 1944- Ths first large scale use of Airborne troops in mil­ itary history was made on 6th of June, 1944, when two American Airborne Divisions (the 101st and the 82nd), operating under 711 Corps, landed during darkness on the Cotentin Peninsula* and carried out a coordinated plan to assist the beach land­ ing of the 4th Division st H-aour on D-day"morning. Six Para­ chute Infantry Regiments; the 505, 507, and 508 of the 82nd Airborne Division and the 501st, 502nd, and 506th of the 101st Airborne Division, together with the normal complement of Para­ chute Field Artillery and Parachute Engineers,totaling more than 14,000 men, were lifted in approximately 1,000 C-47 planes, and flown from bases in Southern England to designated Drop Zones in Normandy. (1) The 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment was in the Mar­ shaling Area (taice-off air fiald) eight days prior to D-Day« During these eight days, additional supplies, equipment, and A clothing were issued; medical and first aid instructions given. During this period the complete combat load was issued. After the Comp&nf Command*ra had been given %hm flrtt brief­ ing, the Drop Zone looationa of th#..jto£ijv*3t **•** 3L&u^l« ' ..'''?'. V •***»•* ?"7iC:!,::::.iS:: • £iZ3XJ&t C •** PV '-> '*# £>V*V&**>< *• t i rims ft ,mm,*-#*+•», ,*<».•* <•>•«*•** • v >t>i i •<"• • ' "'• » mQmm , M t «•*(#/•••»'•• '/• .«*# /"*.- •> ' v-"» '»/*•/»# •!'••••#'• * <r " • sp *»cf- trfttfti- <K-# 'J *- fit .*»* &*> .:^iJ #*. "P." -*-*«K 4 I *, /*. ,.*t,ft ,„,,, -«&tjMt i, .. .*•.,/«**». ^, '** , % \ n,%*fti # •«. ' -** * «r - * •/• #• » . « , i , '"VWIWWu'fii. > ^v, , M., *.»./* .^.^M',-*.- ^^.^,.. .,„, -ww^^^^-w^^^^-v **-.-».• .•**,#. ,- -«•<•*»,#,» iHvm,^*^**,: .^^^^^ « *»»*<**><9«.; *••**' 4W w v "•"'Oili/ tussA.^rvit)*- •»**,*« *rt-rfv #w- ,'} n.*1-*- 4*>j». "•'"-'i>MiWH»to» i rt /is<|»>f'*#»»,. S.'itf^lWw t Ai*.^(#i.. u.iv -,w>.1„... *si <»• .,i-y* >.,. i Division had learned that the Germans had moved two addi­ ••'-.••.'>(.-'•' ,:. „<»'- •- ••»»•*•< '*^V*'> »^»#(i^***w.;^«*»VWi' tional Infantry Divisions into the Onerbourg Peninsula (2). The troops iere briefed after the first two days in the Marshaling irea; and ftontluuoua and detailed briefing con­ tinued until ths day of ta&e-off, or D~l. The thoroughness of this briefing in the 3rd Battalion was satisfying to all, and each man had a perfect mental picture of the terrain in the vicinity of the Drop Zone assigned* and the details the mission were clear to each individual* This briefing was carried out in a large barn, located in the Marshaling Area, by use of sand tables, maps, and aerial photographs. Sufficient time enabled small units to establish 3GPfs to meet various situations if they should occur* (£)* SITUATION AND MISSION <fcI n all, there were four causeways which connected Utah Beach with the solid ground of Normandy. The seizure of the two southern exits was part of the mission of the 506 Para­ chute Infantry. In addition-the two bridges near La Port at the mouth of the Douve River were to be secured. The 50£ Parachute Regiment had been given the mission of securing the two northernmost exits. The tactical situation and the nature of the ground in the operation against the Southern exits, were similar to the conditions confronting the forces farther to the North. The mission was considered an ideal one for parachute troops, was within the capabilities of the Regiment, and the operation was thought to be so timed that the seaborne forces would mrriv® before ths sncmy could build up a strong counter force. ) A-4 T (3) A-6 twjBu^awwwBt r '»•'* tH it* >•<<•! t> '*••• #*• #t 0 tt'iftf '#*'• >i*r*9t •'«••• > «-,. (t » i. « f # t-,0 >?*./. 4 i, mmt>- 4»r. •» ¥ tf ti • «.«»«<*»». <„,. '0'*..-4t i- •#w* ».* *• i, f, „*.%••» -4 «-#v' m**<*>vri-"*t *t m- i y#«•/#-/• *> 1<:J0i*'m *• «» % »»•.-•*,•" WMMT '?,' / s»**BM- • I* , ^ - ., „ «, a . m n»; •*** •»** • •* ,,V rtjM4*»«.*>*<•>»"• •»-''-• ->*»• /t •^••r ["t *+.-j»r , •n?<\*«Mt*->~> +•*>•• 4*m «**>•*->• '*» ***<*-' *' «*:.*'-*"">*• ••*'•' •• »w>-^»p*»t*i**»l«lt*»jiri»^»i»»»»»«Mi«'» r«**> * M >..•<.» <•**" .»V M"W**> **.*-.*'*««*••••** ->« „..,> «*u »*«..«- -.-*. T A^SA.M. w* «**«* woauu, k ne osuaeway .v^', *<<< ?f. *•• «..->."> ,»!••#' identified in the operation plan as Sxit #1 , tied in with 4- *- to iirt hi^n^ay sat or %h» Cotentin JPsniasula just to the mast of Pouppeville f a Tillage &aar the mouth of the river Douve, about 5 silss northeast of Oarentan. PJxit #2, a little far­ ther to the North lad from the beach through Houdienvilie to 3t Marie du Mont. Both of these causeways were built tofan7"'"'^ average) of 6 feet above the marsh, which was an initial bar­ rier tothewestward advance of the forces landing on the beach. Over most of its area, the marsh could be waded and it was therefore not a formidable obstacle to the passage of troops; but it was criss-crossed at many points by drainage canals, which though narrow, ran to a depth of 8 feat or mora. The presence of these streams composed a very real danger; if the force coming by sea was denied the use of the causeways, many
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