The Project

A Resource of Links to Key Ralph Winter Articles, Organized by Historical Time Period


FOR FOUNDATIONS COURSE READINGS: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b3157f3b40b9d21a8096625/t/5ed13d18cfba127f3 c41f09d/1590770998243/Foundations+Reader.pdf

FOR FOUNDATIONS COURSE LECTURES: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b3157f3b40b9d21a8096625/t/5ed5ca9592049010 23c87cc0/1591069337966/Foundations+Lectures.pdf

FOR FRONTIERS IN MISSIONS ARTICLES: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b3157f3b40b9d21a8096625/t/5be3338f21c67c84d fc1b9f1/1541616554604/Frontiers_in_Mission+4th+ed+copy.pdf


Chronological Outline I. Overview of God's Purposes in History II. III. Old Testament IV. Intertestamental Period V. New Testament VI. 0-400 VII. 400–800 VIII. 800–1200 IX. 1200–1600 X. 1600–2000 XI. 2000–2009+ Kingdom Era

I. Overview of God’s Purposes in History The Kingdom Strikes Back (Foundations Reader, 7-23)

Ralph Winter's Story of Our http://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b3157f3b40b9d21a8096625/t/5c1ad551f950b7de56 cb08dc/1545262419200/2.+RDW%27s+story_of_planet.pdf

WCF Booklet: An Overview of the World Christian Foundations Program http://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b3157f3b40b9d21a8096625/t/5c1b11b76d2a73659 c041b17/1545277880010/***WCF+Booklet+draft+8+RDW+B.pdf

The Unfinished Epic 2 https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b3157f3b40b9d21a8096625/t/5ed7e8a6f699ba243 55b715b/1591208113185/The_Unfinished_Epic.pdf

II. Prehistory Prehistory: Importance to Mission of Prehistory (Compiled article) http://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b3157f3b40b9d21a8096625/t/5c33a7361ae6cfb099 9887e9/1546889016413/5g+Prehistory+compiled%2C+edited.pdf

Theologizing Pre-History (Foundations Reader, 323-28)

A Larger Worldview? http://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b3157f3b40b9d21a8096625/t/5c1ad85d21c67cabab a65223/1545263198073/A+Larger+Worldview%3F.pdf

III. Old Testament “Historification” of the Big Picture (Foundations Reader, 51-56).

The Biblical Plan, Announcement of the Great Commission (Foundations Lecture #3)

The Unfolding Story of Scripture: Part 1 (Foundations Lecture #4)

Exegesis and Hermeneutics of Isaiah 49:1-6 (Foundations Reader, 63-67)

IV. New Testament The Gospels from a Global Perspective (Foundations Reader, 101-105)

The Growth of the Church in Judea and Samaria: Acts 3–12 (Foundations Reader, 117- 20)

Paul’s Middle Missionary Letters: Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians (Foundations Reader, 139-43)

V. 0–400 The First Four Hundred Years (0–400 CE) (Foundations Reader, 153-58)

The Classical Renaissance (Foundations Lecture #10)

VI. 400–800 The Second Four Hundred Years (ad 400–800) (Foundations Reader, 173-78)

The Carolingian Renaissance (Foundations Lecture #11)


The Two Structures of God’s Redemptive Mission (Foundations Reader, 179-87)

VII. 800–1200 The Third Four Hundred Years (800–1200 CE) (Foundations Reader, 189-93)

The Twelfth Century Renaissance (Foundations Lecture #12)

VIII. 1200–1600 The Fourth Four Hundred Years (1200–1600 CE) (Foundations Reader, 211-14)

The Renaissance Proper, 1200–1600 CE (Foundations Lecture #13)

IX. 1600–2000 The Fifth Expansion (Foundations Reader, 215-18)

Four Men, Three Eras, Two Transitions: Modern Missions (Foundations Reader, 229-35)

The Retreat of the West (Foundations Reader, 237-40)

X. 2000–2009+ Kingdom Era The Kingdom Era Is Now (Foundations Reader, 253-56)

Twelve Frontiers of Perspective (Foundations Reader, 267-82)

The Analysis of a Movement (Foundations Reader, 287-97)

A Summary of Ralph D. Winter’s Warfare Missiology (Foundations Reader, 33-35)