Congressional Record—Senate S3113
May 23, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3113 student loans in exchange for a two- SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS Whereas, in 1977, President Jimmy Carter year commitment at an NHSC-ap- nominated Patsy Takemoto Mink to serve as proved site, within two years of com- Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and pleting their residency. Accepted par- SENATE RESOLUTION 219—HON- International Environmental and Scientific ORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY Affairs; ticipants may serve as primary care Whereas, in 2003, Patsy Takemoto Mink medical, dental, or mental/behavioral OF PATSY TAKEMOTO MINK, THE FIRST WOMAN OF COLOR TO was inducted into the National Women’s Hall health clinicians. of Fame; SERVE IN CONGRESS NHSCLRP provides critical relief to Whereas, on November 24, 2014, Patsy physicians who have completed pediat- Ms. HIRONO (for herself, Mr. SCHATZ, Takemoto Mink was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the high- rics or psychiatry residency training Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. BOOKER, Ms. CANT- WELL, Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, Ms. est civilian honor of the United States; programs; however, pediatric sub- Whereas November 3, 2019, marks the 55th DUCKWORTH, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mrs. specialists, such as child and adoles- anniversary of the election of Representative cent psychiatrists, are effectively GILLIBRAND, Ms. HARRIS, Ms. HASSAN, Mink to the House of Representatives; and barred from participating due to the Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mrs. MURRAY, Ms. Whereas Patsy Takemoto Mink was a extra training these physicians are re- ROSEN, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Ms. SMITH, Ms. trailblazer who not only pioneered the way quired to take after completing their STABENOW, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Ms. WAR- for women and minorities, but also embodied residency.
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