Glaisdale Parish Council Mr D. Palmer Dalegarth The Green Clerk to the Council Glaisdale Whitby Telephone : 01947 897481 North Yorkshire Email :
[email protected] YO21 2PW Web : : MINUTES OF GLAISDALE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held at The Robinson Institute, Glaisdale, on Thursday 17th June 2021. PRESENT: Cllrs : CF, RN, NH, (Chair), CP, MH, KA APOLOGIES : Cllr SWT DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST : Members are reminded of the need to consider whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest to declare in relation to any item on this agenda. Any interest must be declared at the start of the meeting and, if the interest is deemed prejudicial, the member must withdraw from the meeting whilst the item is under discussion and must not take part in any decision making process in relation to that matter. Period for public comment/participation (Max 15mins in total!) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST : NONE 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING : Presented, agreed and signed as a true record. 2. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 2.1 June 2021 Police Report Noted – No criminal activity declared in Glaisdale Parish. 2.2 Rose Cottage, Houlsyke – repairs to surface of Green. Clerk has made contact with owners of Rose Cottage who has agreed to have the necessary work done to restore the area concerned. 2.3 Area of common at Fern Cottage, Lealholm addition to cutting schedule. Members advised that JJ Harrisons have agreed to add this small area of the common to their work schedule for this current season and GPC is to include this area in next years tender details.