Lebanon’s green plans Exploring the contribution of cannabis legalisation to sustainable rural development in Lebanon 1 Master’s thesis August 8, 2020 By Reem Al Aaraj 1 Cannabis farmer in Lebanon’s Beqaa https://canadalegaloctober17.com/lebanons-cannabis-heartland-bekaa-hopes-for-legalization/ Submitted by: Reem Al Aaraj | 6375197 Msc. Sustainable Development International Development Utrecht University
[email protected] Supervisor: Dr. Maggi W.H. Leung Associate Professor & Coordinator of IDSM Programme Utrecht University
[email protected] 2nd reader: Dr. Ilse van Liempt Associate Professor – Department of Human Geography & Spatial Planning Utrecht University
[email protected] Acknowledgements and notice First, I would like to thank my supervisor Maggi whose guidance has been extremely valuable throughout the research process. Our discussions helped me focus my research, while at the same time pushing me to think beyond my immediate target and overcome the many challenges that came my way. I also want to thank all the respondents who took time to answer questions and discuss ideas with me. It would not have been possible for me to reach these findings without their participation. Finally, I am grateful for my parents, sister and friends who have helped at different stages and in different direct and indirect ways. Their support is at the heart of my thesis, and of the two wonderful years I spent at Utrecht University. In the week of the thesis submission, a massive deadly explosion rocked the port of Beirut, devastating the lives and spirits of thousands. As I am still trying to comprehend the magnitude of the physical, emotional, and economic consequences, and as my initial disbelief is transforming into anger and grief, I have decided to leave this event out of the thesis report.