WEALTH LINE \ FATE /LINE I 20 - YEARS LOVE TO · LIFE LINE LINE "" Volume 12 Number 7 August I Septernbec" 2000 Publishet·'s Commentary 4 DLU£ LIN£ Who rules ... courts or cops? BW£ LIN£ MAGA%1Nl' 1~1 ltwy7 East Correspondence 6 Suite 2!14 Marktuom, ON L3R 1 N1 ""n: (905) 640-3048 Fax: (905) lie7!147 Leading the way into 9 ...,.;tblu.. ....,.ueline.ca the thir·d millennium The Saint John Police Force - Publisher - Morley S. Lymburner e-mail:
[email protected] CACP Trade Show Guide 16 Floor Plan and Exhibitor List - General Manager - Mary Lymburner, M.Ed. Case Law 26 e-mail:
[email protected] Questioning an accused in absence ofa lawyer -Editor-In-Chief Blair McQuillan Police motivational tt·ainiug 34 e-mail:
[email protected] Technology 38 - Advertising - Crime Prevention for your computer Mary Lymburner Rhonda Shuker From conflict to concord Bob Murray 46 Police Chief C.E. (Butch) Cogswell and the members of the Saint John Police Force are - Pre-press Production - Confet·ence highlights many issues 52 proud to host the 95th Atumal Canadian Asso Del Wall IAWP seminars and trade show guide ciation of Chiefs ofPolice Conference between August 26 - 30, 2000. To leam more about the - News Editor - Product News 53 police service and the CACP Conference ttu11 Les Linder to page 9. e-mail:
[email protected] Blue Line Classified 56 In this issue, you our loyal reader, will also find features regarding media relations tips for - Contributing Editors - Vitality 58 senior officers, police motivational training, and Communication Skills Terry Barker Proper hydration and exercise safety tips for investigating clandestine chug labs.