CSC 2019 1St Quarter Report RM Edits
SETI INSTITUTE Activity Report Q1 2019 Image: An artist's impression of GJ 667 Cc, a potentially habitable planet orbiting a red dwarf constituent in a trinary star system. By ESO/L. Calçada - ESO, CC BY 4.0. 1 2 Peer-Reviewed Publications (only in press or published) 1. Abdalla H, Aharonian F, Ait Benkhali F, Anguner EO, Arakawa M, et al., including Huber D (2019). VHE γ-ray discovery and multiwavelength study of the blazar 1ES 2322-409. MNRAS 482, 3011-3022. 2. Abdalla H, Aharonian F, Ait Benkhali F, Anguner EO, Arakawa M, et al., including Huber D (2019). The 2014 TeV γ-Ray Flare of Mrk 501 Seen with H.E.S.S.: Temporal and Spectral Constraints on Lorentz Invariance Violation. Astrophys. J. 870, id.93, 9pp. 3. Abdalla H, Aharonian F, Ait Benkhali F, Anguner EO, Arakawa M, et al., including Huber D (2019). Particle transport within the pulsar wind nebula HESS J1825-137. Astron. Astrophys. 621, id.A116, 18pp. 4. Arentoft T, Grundahl F, WhiteTR, Slumstrup D, Handberg R, et al. including Huber D (2019). Asteroseismology of the Hyades red giant and planet host ɛ Tauri⋆. Astron. Astrophys. 622, id.A190, 12pp. 5. Bacalla XL, Linnartz H, Cox NLJ, Cami J, Roueff E, et al. (2019). The EDIBLES survey. IV. Cosmic ray ionization rates in diffuse clouds from near-ultraviolet observations of interstellar OH+. Astron. Astropys. 622, id.A31, 12pp. 6. Baldi, R.D., Rodriguez-Zaurin, J., Chiaberge, M., Capetti, A., Sparks, W.B., McHardy, I.M., 2019, ApJ, 870, 53. Hubble Space Telescope Emission-line Images of Nearby 3CR Radio Galaxies: Two Photoionization, Accretion, and Feedback Modes, astro-ph/1811.04946.
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