More Create Blog Sign In Please read more Khmer news and listen to CNRP Radio at National Rescue Party. /Khmer Post Radio. Follow Khmerization on Facebook/ Facebook: MONDAY, 3 AUGUST 2009 WELCOME MESSAGE Welcome! You have come to the right Samlaut Uprising might be repeated as peasants faced land confiscations place. Khmerization is a home to the Cambodian daily news, which is Samlaut residents showing Radio Free Asia reporter the lands in dispute. updated twice daily. Please take a tour and enjoy yourself. Thank you. Source: Radio Free Asia To contact Khmerization please send an email to:
[email protected] Reported in English by Khmerization . Sources from Samlaut on 30th July said that many Samluat peasants in western parts of Battambang province are facing losing thousands of hectares of their lands to a private development company. FOLLOW KHMERIZATION BY EMAIL Sources said a private company, Rath Sambath, is planning to develop on 5,200 hectares of farm lands the peasants Email address... Submit claimed they owned since the Khmer Rouge still control the areas in the 1980s and 1990s. One peasant said: "At that time, Cambodia was still at civil war, we have not achieved peace yet. But after 1993, after the VISITORS ONLINE peace talks (between the government and the Khmer Rouge), we came to clear the lands, some were killed, some have their limbs blown off (by landmines) in these areas." According to the map of the Rath Sambath concessionaires, it was indicated that in 2002 the 5,200 hectares of lands were areas covered with thick forests.