V E S TED V E S TED P A RTR N ERS P A RTN EERR S D h > d / Ͳ & D/>z K & & / D h > d / Ͳ & DD// >zzzKK &&&& / >'> >'> &/EE/> Salem &/EE/> &/h/Zz &/h/Zz ZŽZ ďLJLJŶŶ^ŵ^ ŝƚŚŚ ů ůŝů Ɛ͕ƩŽŽƌŶŶĞLJ ĂǀŝĚĚ ůůůŝƐ͕Ɛ &W&WΠ͕/&Π www.vestedmfo.comm /E^hZE Times~Register /E^hZE www.vestedmfo.com 540.389.6060 Thursday, February 11, 2021 • (USPS 631-140) • $1.00 540.389.6060 OurValley.org Restaurant Week to spotlight the local food scene Shawn Nowlin and eff ectiveness of this event.”
[email protected] Restaurant Week participants usually set their own prices. Roanoke County Restaurant From Feb. 15 through Feb. 28, Week will return next Monday, Macado’s at 211 E Main Street and several local eateries are ex- will be off ering specials in three pected to participate. Created tiers: $10 and under, $20 and to drive customers to local food under and $30 and under. Other establishments in Virginia’s Blue restaurants that are participat- Ridge during the slow season, ing next week as of press time event organizers are hopeful for a Wednesday morning include good 2021 turnout. Farmburguesa, Nishi Food and “Th e winter months tend to La Case Del Burrito in Vinton; be more diffi cult for restaurants and Inka Grill as well as Holly- compared to the rest of the year, wood’s Restaurant & Bakery in and the COVID-19 pandemic Roanoke County. has contributed to the challenge “We want to recognize and restaurants are currently fac- thank the organizations and in- ing,” Roanoke County Director dividuals it takes to plan and of Economic Development Jill launch initiatives like Restaurant Loope said.