Societies Registered Under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 for the Year 2016-17
Societies Registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 for the year 2016-17 Vill.- Horotola, P.O.-Patkijuli, Via-Kumarikata, Dist.-Baksa 01-04-2016 BAK/260/J/01 OF 2016-17 Getsemane Prayer Centre (BTAD), Assam, Pin.-781360. Vill.-Salekura, P.O.-Jania, P.S. & Dist.-Barpeta, Assam, Pin.- 01-04-2016 BAR/237/V/01 OF 2016-17 Beki Valley KrishakUnnayan Parishad, Salekura 781314. Kalahabhanga, W/No.-10, P.O. & P.S.-Barpeta Road, Dist.- 01-04-2016 BAR/237/V/02 OF 2016-17 Democratic India’s Social Association (DISA) Barpeta, Assam, Pin.-781315. Bandana Bivah Bhawan, New Amolapatty, Near Phoni Bordoloi High School, W/No.-10, Dist.-Golaghat, Assam, 01-04-2016 GOLA/239/F/01 OF 2016-17 Sanyog, Golaghat Pin.-785621 Vill. & P.O.-Kondhbori, P.S.-Mukalmua, Dist.-Nalbari, 01-04-2016 NAL/246/L/01 OF 2016-17 Hatem Development Society (N.G.O.) Assam, Pin.-781126. 01-04-2016 NAL/246/L/02 OF 2016-17 Makhibaha Gramounnayan Samity Vill. & P.O.-Makhibaha, Dist.-Nalbari, Assam, Pin.-781374. 01-04-2016 SIVA/256/F/245 North East Foundation Choladhara, P.O.- Targan, Dist.- Jorhat 1No. Itakhola, Bus Stopage, Soibari, P.O.-Itakhola, P.S.- 01-04-2016 SPR/242/H/01 OF 2016-17 Itakhola Sports Club Sootia, Dist.-Sonitpur, Assam. Jhagrarpar Nava Kallyan Development Society Vill. & P.O.-Jhagrarpar, P.S. & Dist.-Dhubri, Assam, Pin.- 02-04-2016 DBR/250/S/01 783325. H/No.-48, Ananda Nagar, Six Mile, Khanapara, Guwahati- 02-04-2016 KAM(M)/263/M/01 OF 2016-17 Suraksha Initiative 22, Dist.-Kamrup (M), Assam.
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