The UCSD Guardian Univc rs ily of . / Volumc 45. Number 9 / Monday, Fcbruat'y 1, 1982

Love, marriage, and 16 units

BY PEGGY IVES a rampu~ pholOgraph~ cia...... and I... al ... o Ilc)\\ c\ er. t he..,e couple" are fort unatc to live In a Starr \\' roll'r n· ... pon ... ible for all I he hou..,c\\·ork and home' llnl\l'r"lt~ ... ettll1g where fret' or I{)\\"'ost help i ... cooked meal-, Ernll' h,h been In\ohed in (\\ atlable 10 I hem in case problem" do an ... e. ,we \\'eren't ~oing to gel married unl il intral11ural ba~k('[baliln pre\ 100h\ l'ar"'. "bul Ihi ... .. [ d()n't r('all\ t htnk t he un i\ ('r~it \' IS ... t re .... f ul. I \\ e \\('re ott t of school.. .. " year I don't h,1\'e the time 10 Ix' oblIgated." t hm kit I'> how t hl' people workimd ilciapt t () itt hat Ilm\ mi.lm t i Illes ha\ l' \·ou heal d ErnIe cOl11mencb hi~ \\"If· TraC\ for her make .... It ~trl' .... ful. Tht'n' mil\' lx.' Ie ... "tres on I hI" cOl1fes"'f()n fmlll friend" \\ ho fell III cicl h' in 10\ l' confldt'nce and h<:lp tn the couple'~ deci ... lOn, marned studenb because thl'~: dC/II\'(· In a ktncl of In college and then del'lclecl I he~ lOlIlch;'1 \\(111 makIng proce"~. It'(.' orientl'fl lint tI graduatIon to marr~: .... he'" helped communit . in ThIS "'Itllation h nol 1l1l('Ol1l1110n al l'CSf> . In me ... r need the whIch t ht·i·l' I... a farl ....OI1W married student... feel I he highh challenge of lot of hl>lp COIll pel 11 i \ e n alule of I h IS In:- t II UlIon m a~ be 1..'\ en pur ... uing a ca ;1\ ailable." I h ' more conduCt\ l' to co llege marriage" I han 01 her reer 111 m d ici ne cou n ... dor ~;lld. Ulll\ er ... ities all'. and "he kno\\'~ I Whitchill --Ia "There are ll10reand mort· ... Iuclcnl ...... \\'hoseem need that chal· led that thl to \\anl to h;1\(' it relalloll"hlp b 'cClu"'l' of the lenge and is brl'ak,up of c()mpetiti\' 'ne"'''' of Ihe "choo!''' remarked l CSJ) ~UPIXlrt i\'c." he ... hort 'term cou JUntOI' Ernie I~illo" \\ ho i... jlursuing hi ... Hio Chem remark d. IJIl'... can abo major at Re\ l'iIL' College. The couple l'au~t' a great Ernie marrted hi ... \\ ifl', '('ran'. after theIr plan ... 10 "I art a deal of dis gradualton from hIgh ~ch()()1 tn Vtlma. Arizona. famil~ in the com fort. bu t III six years ago. Following a career in the Na\ y. nex t \'ear or so. t he end. he t'e ... 1a"I" m;'1\" ca n get It done." ponsibililie . al':'u alL'Oun't "It· ... hare!. l'~pel'lall~ ;tl l·(.·1l. \\ here you ha\ l' year or"o. The\ reall/ethettnw.effort and mone\ [ () r " () mc () f I h l' pro bit' 111 " a L' II U pIt' 10 dl'\()le all \'fltll I il11l' til "'Iuclying." l{tll ()" iw ded to ... uppilrt a gro\\,tng farntly and arc read~ ll1a~ e .. pertlnn'. Rl'\\,.trdin.~ a part 1ll'1 \\ nr tht CI )m n1l'n ted. to ;tS"'UIlll' tht' rl'sp()n~lhilltle ... Illlpll' phra~l" "\1~ you look 111 't' toda~ " , :\ lea 11\\ hile. '1'1 an 1~llIo-- \\'Ill''''' full I inw I() hl'lp "Just beIng young and being marrted kwh )Illl c--peL'ially l'IleCII\l 11 rl'gall1l1lg IItnL' of th "1I h lell/l'l he collpll i>lldgd. ,\11 hough I he\ bot h into hard tim ...... Inll If \IlU can \\()rk on thl' gll,ul1d 11)-.' 111 CO'lll11.!nl"(l111ll brt .. kd) \ n-- admll thai "m()Ill'Y I" nol a IJlg prohlt·I1l." EmIl' relationship. you can help'each otlwrgl'1 thrtlugh \lar 'led COllplt'" "'l1l1,·rtn' ftnc111li,t1 d'f/ICUI'll' e1()l'''' \\flil pari tlllll';ll1c1al o rtn'l\(.... \ ' \ i>enl'lil . t he rough tIme .... mil\' al ... !) bt'l'omfnrtrd to kll()\\ that hn.ll1( lal Id The one jlltll>ll'111 I he ('ouple dot' ...... eem I () "There are g()od t hll1g~ and had thIng ... about it Sen IC(" 1lI.t~ pro\ Idl' mort' 10 1Il1rrted uden\-. l'll('lIUllll'r i.... Ihal of nol h;I\1I1g lnllllgh lillll' (marnage) but thi.' good alway ... oulweigh ... tl1\' Ihan III "inglt' "'ludl'nl . 11I,!!;l'1 h l'r bad." ErnIe concluded, Tom Hutll'r III Flllallcial \Ill,' 't·\ I 'e aid all 011 ",\1 101 of II111l'" you h;l\'(' 10 de(,leil' whal I Ill' If tl couple doL'~ decIde tf) l1l;lln durtng l·olkgl'. campu-- ll1arrtl'd "Iudt'nt can ('\PI't! to need priorlt\ i:-- - the r;:::======~' t he~ ma\ joi n lilt' apPI'()'\llllaICh .\'.()()I) lor the I.l ~ 3 ''1101 \ par. "chool work or \ our rank" ()I happ\ cou \\ hdl':l "'ll1.~It''''llldt'nt lin camplI m;1\ o'1h !1( ed to rl'lal iOlbhip." I'\nie ple~ Itkl' Ern Il ,1l1e1 budgel .'();lOIl 1<)1' 11l( dille tl'1lL' P'rtOG \11 off ... aid. (If people really Trac\'. But for I hO:-l' l'ampu C()l1ph' l an ('\pn'l t' pell l· ... t (Ill 'ar .'~I.:-()O ";\1\ ~tud\' habits \\'hll . l'lll'OUnter diffi filI'I hl' n1l1l' 111Clnt h ,chld pl'r!c,d are I ;ro babl~ ' qUIte a want to get married, cultll· .... l()un~l·lll1~ (IlmmuT1lcal ion ddinilt·I) 't'l'lll to pl.l\ a key bit different from and p,,\ ch()logica I rille In I hl'. lll'Cl'-"" 01 collegl'll1.tITI:I 't'-- "'UCh;b tht tho~e students who , er\"lCe ... and FinanCIal Rtllo<. Whet hl't' tl IlL'IIll' Comll1Unlcatloll 1)(:1 \\ l'l'n li\ l' at school. I'll be then nothing in the Aid program:- ..,Iand part ncr" on a bi kl' ndl' hllll1l' I rom "cho(l!. a "'crillu-­ upstairs studying and ready to help. talk \\ It h I he college coun .... clor. or d frtl'ndl~ chal t hen come down to "ee world is going to .. I f \\ l' ... e e a \\' 11 h a ftnancial aid a(hi!'()r. married L·IlUpll· ... an' Trac\' for a "Iud,\­ cl i~ t re ... sed cou pie. II I~ ad\'i~t'd to "kel'p the Itne ... open:" break." ErnIe ~aid. . stop them. ' lhuall~ Ix·tau~c the • * * II 0 \\' l'\ e r . Ern i e communIcatIOn pal, Autumn and :\Iark l hapman .... ill' a foun h) ear feels that studymg tern has broken :\nlmal I'lw"iolc )h~ maj()r and he a t hI rd ~ ear a lone may b a handicap at times. All hough it is do\\'n ... due to a \'ariet v of reasons, " cnll1mentl'Cl Enghsh I.lterat lIt'e major. are ,,1"'0 allhll1g I Ill' necessary for ErnIe to volunteer in programs such I ~ichard Whitehill. counselor at Counseling and rank... of marrtL'c1 college .... , udcnls as the Reent n St udent Commiltee and t he Beach Psychological 'en'ices. :\Iark md Autumn \\ hIlt' the 1\\11 \\ere on the Area Communi'V Clinic for the sake of his "When th('~ gencrally get to us. they're kindof l 'C.'I) rem tng lTl'\\ On\prtl I. I~) '(). hl' (It-dded medical career. h'(' f els that he also ne ds some like ... tranger ... to each other. One thing wc ..,trc!'~ to mo\ l' 01'1 campti. gl'l a Job and m;lrn AUI umn group studying. wich time doesn't alway~ allow . here i... communication." he added. The t\\O \\ere married :'.larth 2,.19,1. "not Tracy also sce~ an affect on the couple's social Whitehill says that t hey see a 101 of couple... \\ ho \\

Case against 'UCSD 34' finally resolved. Pag 5. UCSD absolved in lab animal inve tigation. Pag 5.

Fabulous Festival of Animation review d. Pag 1 • \1"lld il ~ . h ' hrllill ' ~ I . I ! )H:.!

The UCSD Guardian Oliphant A crossroads for high-tech education

,,,IlI Il11ll'd InlO ll I' a~l' 2 "\11' kid ... lake lou rlh a nd It' aellt' r-l'O Ill plil er con f er('n Cl' "I udvn I" r;lIell parlll'l pall' Illal h. ;1I)"orl) hl..,tuJ'\ ilnd machine" can be imporlanl to 1IIIh · grad('r ~ in ,> ma ll group" 1111 " lall. "he admJlt('d 10 being al'lll (' II III I hl' Iearnlllg gl'ographl. alld dl'1 (·Iop group I he o\'l'ra ll sense of Sl udelll alld demon .; t rill e hOlI' I hl' Il't'n of Ihc m l'l''' l 'nf(jrlunalel~. Oregon il i!-> reinforced bl' human l'xplai n~ . "They'd ... a ~ · ., l\Tol e thelll a ~ a leacher. pari icul arl v compUler" hutllan i /ing 'I 1';11 1 I" an excepi IOn 10 I hl' pra ise, ()onn;i Het rick. Opinion ~ ay ~ I hi s program: would ~ ou lik c wit h Olle of m\' "ludell \-' w ho is educa llol1 by a""ulll ll1 g "Ollll' l'urrenl ru l!' "FranklY. I' m a II ho manages I he com pu t er 10 II'I' it )' " a litlle sl()wer Ihan the of Ih e rt'cllrcl -J.. el'!>1n g drud ge r ~ 1111 1(' appall (-'d al ho\\ I "e(' center at Ha\\·le\, . Such inleracl ion :-- around 01h er". " ... he "(1\'". "Before. I thai loacl" teac her" do\\ nand. co III pU ler" bemg u~ed." ... ays U nsigned edilorials represe 'lllhe vpinions v/lhe edilorial bvard v/ Tile "One of our boy s in special computers eroke \'ision" of would hal'e had ill PUI him on a m her \\ onl", " \\ a.., le" I he :'vlan h n Bm,lon. a motl1('r and UCSD Guardia II. The edilorial board is compused oj PrIer Morlensel1, ('ducat ion. who was wit h­ pn~1 ine past rat her I han an lo\\'er priori Iy. bUI wil h I he lTeil tl \(' leacher's time." lealhl'r \\ho de\c l ops Randy Hill, and Pall l Faru'ell. All ulher lIylicle~ ill this seeliull aYc sulely dra\\'n and shy, has rea ll y Orll'ellian fulure for Edward J. machine. he could be learning Wh en t he I.HO() sl udenl ·duliltlonal l'omputer pro­ Ihe opi nio n o/ Ihe wriler, alld do nolll('c('ssarily represent the lIiel(,s 0/ The come out of himself l)Ccau"e of Willelt. an economics and while I could go and leach the FalnlO uth High Schmlon Cape gram" for a "mall II hnOl" UCSD Guardian, ils edilorial hoard, its adl'aliscrs, VI' till' HeKellls o/Iile hi:-. su ccess with the ~ ()cia l science professor at 01her :W." l od. [\'ic",,, .. "tarted u" ing a \·ljmpany . "\\\,'re "I il l fmellng­ Unil1ersily 0/ Cali/oYllia, com pUler." she says. "Afl er Houghton College in ,ell' Computers also can pr()\ Ide compule r to keep trackofcl ady romputer" u"ed fllr drill and T he L CSD Gllardialll'lICOuraf(~ ., lell('rs lu l/t(,l'diluralld ((rfides/vl' Titl' working with special math York . A:-- co-aulhor o f a I'a ri e l \ of \ '('1'1 nel\ ;lltl'nrl aIl Cl'. IrUa ncy and cia",,· practice or "" eil'el ronlc Rvllom Lin(' ('olumll. I/yoll [muid like 1(/ .,ublllitlJlI (lrli('/l'orlrller, pleas( programs. he was t he on Iy one " Modernizing Ihe Lillie Red cducal iOJl(ll relat IOn s hip ~ in n il I mg d roppcd . - P rOl Iding \Iork bl XJk-. . Tho'>e (Ire ,ome Iype YOllr U'ork VII a 72 space lilll' (Iriple spol'f bl'lu'l'l'lllilll'Si lillilsl'llc! 10 lite toget lOO(m a lest. and he\\'as Schoo l h()u~e . " Willett scI I he classroom o b:-.e n ·e~ KiI\ qu ick. accuralc atlendancl' l\iII·'" 10 ll'>e thcll1 . hUI It'" Opillioll / fililuyial Edilur, Ihl' I '(,SD (;11 (lI'liill 11. IUllf>. All ~lIbl/ll ,'slUm \\'ork i ng 011 t he same IeI'l'l as fort h I he nol ion I hal American Cilliland , a t eac he r In prinl ou h. the computer l'xpl'n'>I\'C and non-prodUl'llle must be si)(lIed by lil( al/ litoI', alld 11111' I i III fllile lil(,!1 11111111' 's plllJlle 1111 /11/> ('1'. t he others in hi s class," educal ion ('Ou ld do a beller job E Ill er",' i lie for I H \'ea rs \\' ho record '> ena bled parenl.., and like uSIng an I -II heeler 10 The (;II!1ydiall r{'KIPls liI(/l il {,(1II11111 r ('11I1'II allY .w/lIlIi.,siol/s. Hetrick S(tI'S, " He wou ldn'l lor less - money by us ing pl ayed a key part in securi ng lanill ) to rl'cogni/.e alld head g<'l a loaf of IJn'ad hOllle from rf:st until he got me over to see computers and ret L1rning to com pUI er:- for her school (lff problem.., h~ gt \ IJlg I h(' market." t he 100 percen t on h is screen the format of the small di sl ric t. "There are !-> om e ki ds per... onal all 'ntlon to "l uuenh Indeed, l'l'onom Il' con"lciera· - he was really proud of "common SChCKI!''' \I'ho can'l deal wilh int erper­ \ 1' ho sk I pped ScilCX) 1. 11011:-. cou ld make - or break - Space reserved Ihat. .. "Kids learn an amazing sonal relal ion ships Jx>t \\ en The IX )ICnllal of compuler... Ih(' IXltenllal of compulers III I n fact. say proponents, amount from each other, and Ihe teacher a nrl the sl udent or in ed ucCl I ion is dtrecII\ I led to Ihl' c1a~.,room. Prof. l hn"lo­ T he UCSD library sy tem has made a decision to Glen and Shearer computers may require even in I he America n com mon between the sLudent and the the programs. or ,(1ft ware. pher Dl'

The UCSD Guardian Page 7 Hearings held in Thomas Urbach, Science Editor Piper Vosban case DOOllIBual Science February 1, 1982 By PAUL FARWELL Physicists developing Associutc News Edi lo." Got thetn bio Olid -terIn blues Last June, David Piper was harmful to others." faced with a difficult decision Grievance Hearings an electron crystal lJ) JOE F,\LLETTA Au t 01 ruphes feed t hem ... eh e... l'il'lI' Hly l'es('(Irrli IchcII peal/ul to make: he co uld eit her do A three person grievance ~lil(f \\' rill'r frolll -,unltght. Bo\', that'd be butler hil S 10 all 01111((' aJld lIic what he felt was morally and comm iltee has been establish· fly KEVI N F INE ..... y ec.,. ciasc." in the fooel great to hal e chloropla"t "'0 pl'il'( II) SIlY /11('(// jU/IIPed 50(J legally " right" - or he could ed to hear Piper's charges, and I ~esearcher s on campus are Ihat balances the repul"i\l' chain we hen c the autotrophes \Ie \\ouldn't ha\(' to ,,]wnci all perrCli1 in 1111(' 1'l'iJ1' a/olll'. obey hi bosses' order. Piper to report directly to Chancell or t r~ ' ing to make il cryst al force I hal elecl rons ex en on and I he hel erol rophes. The our money on food . We could " / did hlll'(' {/ II/f/I/lier o( cho e the former. Richard Atkinson with a l'Olll]x)sed only of elec trons. one anot her. autotrophes, or self·feeders, ('(J/II nh'l'Y~ ('{Il[el' 10 ser/'(' a:~ decision. At the time Piper was a This no\'el idea is t he work The particular expenment are primary and all else. t Iw guinea pil,~ Ic/zell / 1"(Jla/cd Ihe While member of AFSCME III \\. pesticide controller at the of Professors John Ma lmberg hlch I he (Tyst al would be hel erot rophes. is secondary. .~ I},(( III; hou'cl'C!'. / k/I lire have been willing to di scu s Uni versity Hospital who had and Tom O'Neil in the physics made has its \ a~'uum chamber The se lf·feeders are grzpt and Science eXpl'l'illlUI I 100 ria Jll[l:rfJlIS 10 what evidence t hey will I been asked by his superior. in department. Bot h men (Ire wt'il ,urrouncied by liquid il'ItUIll fan ig ... " hUlllall /I/e 10 al/Plllpl on (IIIYIJIIC pre ent before the grievance the grounds department to known in t he plasma physics ill nearl\' absolu t e zero Ah, c'mon professor. Jeez I Humor SIII'(' lIIyself spray Vos ban - a powerful board , administrators in the field - Ma Im berg as an Il'lllperatllre. The pla~llla don't t h II1k I can handles I ht s. "ThaI /lll.\ 1m) mOlllhs al[o chemical pesticide - around grounds department have yet experimentali st, O'Neil as it radial es heat inlo t he cold It has to be I ime to go. Wh at {('hell I }irs I injccled lIIyse£((('lth the grounds of the University to make a pu blic statement. theorist. wa lls of the \ acuum chamb 'I', time is it am'ways? Oh, no, jLl ... I sit out in the sun and ... A 1'-1 . 4fl£'/" II U'ick I broke 0111 Ho pital. For refusing to spray " If David Piper is found not Malmberg origina ll y just as the Earth radiate~ into another 15 ·m in·ut es. Why all . ill Ih('.\c I(rl'eJ/ splolches YOII scc the pesticide, Piper claims, he c[)ncei\'ed the idea of an I he blackness of space at night. didn't they make biology sf> "II lid 1101(,. acccplilll[ til is gui lty, the impli cations are hel'c Oil my as , renrol'C III} wa demoted to groundskeep· elect ron crystal in 1977, and If the elcct rons become "cold" minutes like the rest of m\ .I'm)" 's al('(mljol' tile I[l' alld (' Jll~~ 1 that it could snowball. and ~ hirl . I bCl(all Ihl' experimenl er. took his half formed idea to Dr. enough. t hey should form a classes inst ad of an hour and 1II0~t .!a)"·)"I!(lcliilll[ sciell!'(, lead to investigations of ot her /lull day, Illyilll[ 0111 in Ihe sun departments such as health O'Neil. O':-.Jeil' s immediate liquid, then a crystal. a haW .. (h'i('uI'eI) i~ j. E{il{'{lrd Falfl'lta The reasons given for ji)1' firsl (I hal/hour (II (J lilllc' and safety issue such as reaction was that it was 0' eit. who has it reputat ion ..... Noi.\!, autotrophes ha\'e of 1/1(' [ 'lIil'l'I'sity U/ Ca/tjomi(l, Piper' refu sal are both moral (/1It1 lall'l' /01' Ihrccllnd Ihelljollr isotope handling," says Este. imposs ible. The initial as an excell nt leclurer, s pecial organelles ca lled 51111 /) iCKo. !Jr. Fal/ella '.I' and legal: 111111 I'S. dci'l'('(ls 1111[ my J/ormal argument led to calculations offered I hi s analogy to help chloroplasts which co ntain (l"MI ion 0/ I hc (I II tot roplw 1111111 "A ll in. ecticides mu st be And. moreover , says and soon O'Neil returned with dari f\' I he idea of elect ron ch lorophyll. The chlorophyll is cxpected 10 )"flld('/' (//IF){)d and I()()d inlllketlm b.... t!a\' The mall ·1I 'ho sl({lIds .1'011 loday s prayed according to t he tronski. "(If Piper is found the opinion that it might work. conclcnsat ion . reacls with the sllnlight and jin'm inK use/l'ss {/III/ obw/et(' l~\' befo)'e' instructions on the label." guilty), it mean' t hat if you Four years and many Suppose one takes. he said, a creates energy for the plants tile end o( llie dccadl'. Dr. s/lll:> isis so/dy Ii II I" 1'('(' 1((11 lOJ/s oj says Jim tronski. a member of know of somet hing illegally ca lcu lations later, the block of some sol id, such as ice. which helps it grow. The Fa /left (/ .. , .. lI 'ale)' PI'I' day II lid l il'I' 10 six hOlll's SUII. the American Federation of happening in you r depart· researchers are coming closer As it is heated, the solid turns heterotrophes ea l the "Thallk \'U II , .\11'. Presidenl ill /ll( tate, County and Municipal ment, you can't report it to to making the crystal a reallt). into a liquid, then a gas. As the autotrophes anel other (nlll .fel/rlli (,1I/ /l'IIKlles. .\Jy '" IIlId IIwl - It hal's Employees (AF CME) who are anyone outside your depart· \vhil ' touring his lab on the temperalure ri"es even more, heterotrophes and the 1'('Sl'llrr/1 lI{'('r II/(, past Iwo yca)', lIllie '" representing Piper in the case. ment. That certainly isn't the second rIoor of Mayer Hall. decI rons are st ripped a\\"a~ · s nafftherdazz le and ... " Iras c/£'all H'illl 1111' ide{/ of (/ "The instrurtions on the intent of any law in the MaIm berg explained t h~:1;1!l1 Lower Level soflens and I'n Ho\ K.d:.!1. ~illl l)h ·\~II.l \ '1:!J.i:--. supplies available Electronics Center. ~~l: I III i~JI 452-7374 IIlVY IIIISE. Tickets on sale Tuesday rrs IIOT JUST AJOt, rrs All ADVDfTURI. Tl':\a~ I ll~tI'Ullll'llt" l'akulatol'~. Il' a I' 11 i Ill!" a ills - l' \ t' n t IH' Sil on a sofa, a choir, and a bed lamps. sofas and choirs in many fabrics TI ·~ I~I L\ HOllll C0Il1I11ill'1' - ' February 2nd. You can feel 01 home with on en lire and colors You orE' InuitI'd .ill;.;t "hm\ u-, ~ '() Ul' \alid ltni­ apartment of quality furnishings from CaRT delivers In .8-72 hours. t----Traveling This Summer? CaRT. the notlon's largest furniture rental CaRT g Ives you a 100" apllon to buy. Torrey Pines \l'I':-it\' III and \!l't a 10', company You only make low, monthly And CORI is offering studenh 10" 011 di"l",;unt 011 .Il1"t about rental payments. on any furniture you rent thru Feb. 19821 C hristian C hurch For more information call 0y. Earj,.~ . o'1e MOl] l'\l'l'\'lhill~' in lilt' AI the CORT Decolatar Showloom. So get all the floor and ,n on III ~0 "7 C;) you'lI see a wide selection of lables, Fast and easv with CORTI 8320 Lo JolICl Seen/( Dr. No. (9h ;:t{ll:d~ Thi;: nfrl'1' x4037 r Suncluv Worship:-----, We have Budget Airfares is good through 9:00 ondll:OO 0 .11 1. .Iuth' ](I. IW'~ . ••••• STUDENT DISCOUNT COUPON •••••••••••• London $659RT sponsored by the UCSD SNOW SKI CLUB CollegE' AgE' (,~S I()Il : • 10.00 o.m. Amsterdam $699RT f DIc;cou"l dv I; ,lb,e Iv slude'1~s ,md t,J(.:Ully ON FURNITURE RENTAL: 15 t(' J ,die J tt'rr~ dfe e\cludrO frorr t,,~ Ctffr Frankfurt OFF WITH THIS COUPON • hurell uo/] pIC II. tip 8:45 $719RT L ,,,,,,,,,, 1 One Coupon per Sfudent • Good Ihrl.l ~eo 28 ~082 • aOz aOz • :!:.2!!- ~~~~ (1.111. Clncl I('/tlrn hv 11 : 15 Tel Aviv $899RT SKI WYOMING \ nof ooolv 10 alreadv Cl \Counled DOckages • TEXAS INSTRUME TS • (I. Ill. 0/ U, rv H(lil MUll B()\ Oceanside San Diego San Diego/ Kearny Me.a • Hong Kong $690RT 1719 oCeonsldo Blvd South 6105 UnIversity Ave 4646 Convoy St • (Inti M()l1ll1' w~ C UIl1{J U::' ELECTRONICS CENTER ~l9 - a711 583,2981 292,6057 Tokyo Book 5/01 1'. heglTllwlg $765RT SKI CLUB MEETINGS 7 pm APM 2113 '.lon qa rue ,$01 9530 p rr, • • CORI ,ell. Rental Relurn Furniture 01 Oceanside ond San Diego • Sl'pl ' (Jlh South Paci1ic $982 RT n iver~ity Towne Cent re 452-7260 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Contact elEE at 452-0630 DOll II h (/11(/ /till (' ('[1(,1 V 'I " ~feb , 8 ~feb . 22 ~ march 8 19!!11, 1 t II' ~ ...... ~ , '''IiQ\ Sunday 2nd floor 01 the Student Center Th(' 11(,SD Guardian The UCS D Guardian 9 ------~------

FRIDAY religious 6:30pm - OnPg Sh<1bbat VE'get,lr1an potluck Int CE'nter 7:30pm - Intervarslty/Tndent Cllmtian Fellowship meeting The Weekly Calendar MONDAY I Nancy Dewart Wilt bf' speaking on the topiC of 'Interpersonal 5pm - CatholiC Mass (dally Mon/thru Fnday) UnNerSity Rt'lationships .. Are there ways In whlcll you can havf' better Lutheran Church (La Jolla Shores Drive and Torrey Pines) relationsillps? North Conf Rm 6:30pm - The Christian SCIence Organization at UCSD will hold Its weekly meeting BlakE' IV Lounge. Revelle Bnef SATURDAY ------Inspirational rE'adlng after whICh members Will telt how they 5pm - CHhoflc Community Sunday Mass University have been healed through the application of Chnstlan Science. Lutheran Church (La JOlid Shor('s Dnve und

B:30pm - German Club M a CldSSIC film by Flltz L;ng, In lectures/discussions German With English subtitles Revelle Formal Lounge

MONDAY l1am-2:30pm - Midterm Prep & Test Strategies: bflng your 3-6pm - Hewlett Packard npen house for Engineering and 12- 1 pm - Law of the SeCl POSitiOns MeXICO and Brazil THURSDAY services/ workshops course matenals and get organized for mldsl You'lI learn how to Computer SCience majors tour of pfant. overview of Hewlett compared Daniel Suman, Smpps Institute of Oceanography. apply the successful SCORE system and get ready for an Packard and Its organization product dlSplhop 1'111' I C"'; I, ( ,!lan lian

ANNOUNCING Crystal U .C. San Diego Student The UCSD Guardian Page 1] Financial Service Office l'ontinlll' (1 11'0111 pal!l' 7' Andrew Keeler, A~ts Editor February 1, 1982 Sud1 <1 IIlIuld be The ('I(,('trl\

PUT YOUR DEGREE TO WORK. W.H.O. I ~~. Welcome Spring In... 'l"~-G, .[1 VETERINARY OR " ~ SAN FELIP-OUT!! 'l.f/ MEDICAL SCHOOLS MEXICO- PH'LLIPINES March 21-24 only $99* PRICE INCLUDES: 4 Days/3 nights beachttont xc. Ires ENGLISH CURRICULUM hotel accommodatlons In hl,I1' 10,"2 LOW TUITION Good for any In house San FeUpe color processing and printing LIVE IN THE U.S.A. Roundtrtp bus transpor· Contact CIEE Come and Join 2 YEAR PROGRAM tatlon from UCSD (Urey 7523 Fay Avenue La Jolla 92037 459-0696 PhD., D.C., D.P.M.·M.D. Hall) at Open 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Monday thru Saturday All hotel taxes 452-0630 Warren College in celebratinq ... Welcome Margarita PROVEN STUDENT 'Price based on 4 people per room; other rates available SERVICE on request 100 laSalle St. Whatever your degree will be, the Navy can give you a New York, N.Y. 10027 (212) 864-3933 management position (if you qualify), You'll get AARC* proudly presents ~GIF#$k technical training and managerial experience. The Navy offers managerial positions in the following areas: ~ • ELECTRONICS Dr. Jill Ellen Trice • ENGINEERING Assistant Professor of • INVENTORY CONTROL/ PURCHASING DIIIRIK~ • PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION Neurosciences and Pediatrics, IDIEIB(QIN~IIRIE • SYSTEMS ANALYSIS UCSD School of Medicine. '~t'Al~r()~Lr All you need is a minimum of a BS/BA degree (summer graduates may inquire), be no more than 34 Her Talk: years old, be able to pass aptitude and physical "You Got It-Now What examinations and qualify for security clearance. (U.S, ff\c, ~6\ Photographing the Urban Landscape citizenship required.) Your benefits package includes ~ ~ t>.~~ ~~Q~-­ Are You Going to Do pm .\ ,'11' .tl" .. \ '~\h,. I, twq1flf1t"r tv ,kJ\'Vl{t"{.l 3:00 FRIDAY \(.o.§ 1 30 days' earned annual vacation, medical/dental/low ~'c.y !Itltlt l~ll.l~ll'I'I\!llllr\( )' .... 1 tl'~pIOff'\""IOU.,.l\pt'll~('1 cost life insurance coverage plus other tax·free Saturdays With It?" 'IIt't t 1,1l:'1 "!I. IIII·v ,It 0\11 .,\.·)1' Hf'.l(ll lOl1 B.Hll).t r.1fk and Weeknights II t "ttlt", U I'U.

" " I1c1 a~ . Ft' hl ' lI ar~ ' I , 19K:! T Ill' l 'lSI) (;lIardiall ----- 13

Bookends in the backcourt Stones and Rod Steward concert color I TYPING Research papers, reports, Relationship wanted w/ Nlglo/ Aslan press photos, reasonable, great giftS, resumes, letters, etc' Fas~ accurate, gal, age 24-34 Asian, PhD p~ych , tenniS, Guards Wight and Goodman set pace for UCSD basketball team evenings 753·'2899 (2/ 1) reasonable Will correct spelling and SWim, beach Send foto Box 9551, SURFBOARDS for sale. 6'8" Brewer, 6'10" grammar Call Diana 455-7614 ( 3/ 11 ) Stanford 94305 (2/1) grabbc' bot h on t he boards Chaep thrillS! $15 gets you flying with the Ages 9- ? Teach In La Jolla Village Call Joe, that Picture ShOW' The Gym, April 1 Employment and bring It to the provost's SI. Box 31 , Santa Cruz, CA 95060 ( 2/ 11) Discount also 6'8" forward· and shooting, the scoring this backcollrt holes, and not es how UCSD Soaring Club. Newcomers 452,1468 ( 2,4 ) (2 1) center Mark Barreca. second year is motiva ted in the easy it is to coach t he duo, office 2126 HSS Deadline: 2·12·82. espeCially welcome at meetings every Queen,slze waterbed complete tallest mem ber on the team backcourt by guards Tom "They learn very quickly and (2/ 11) Tuesday, 7 pm, upstairs Student Lounge. $75/ offer 75'>-3752 ( 2/ 1) who pull ed down seven Wight and Bob Goodman. are very eager players. We 'd be Info, 453-3184. (2/1) BOB IS COMING and he aint j osh,n' Got those Revelle Cafe Blues? your rebounds a game before "We know that to win we at a loss without either Bobor around. Oral MajOnty Speaker, Feb. 5, travel lost and found bowing also to the tough Tom," he explains. comments can make a difference! The have to shoot, and much of our North Conf. room, 5 p.m. (2/4) studenl hOUSing and food commIttee housing scholarly req u irements here. offense is designed to give us The scoring from outside LAGO - UCSD's Le5blan and Gay Wi ll be reading everything you put In the (lEE Student Travel open M·F 1(}5 In the Siolen 2·3 weeks ago my camera was To further tax the Tritons' the ball. " co mmented Organization, celebrates 1 year of suggeslion box, so use il today. In the thi s season is a complete turn Student Center CIEE offers Budget stolen out of my backpack In Central depth was the loss of 6'5" Goodman after a 105·98 win women on top, Monday, Feb 1, Int'I Revelle Cafe (2/4) Affordable hOUSing! Mobile home for arou nd from the 1981-82 stats, flights, ra II passes, tours, books, LIbrary It contained film of the only Center, 6 pm. (2/ 1 ) sale, ne~r MISSion Bay, by owner John B sophomore Matt Adam', a Thursday night over Sout hern where forecourt standouts InsUldnce, work and study programs, pictures of my home. Please return the 455-5240 or 452·2598 (2/22) lanky forward who despite California College, where the and much more Call 452·0630 ( 6/3, film No questions asked. Please call 453- 8ackcourt man Bob Goodman Sherman Johnson and Gary Reward for Info leading to retneval of is the Triton a ssist leader. seeing limited action had iunior from Detroit. Michigan Ha ynes tallied a majority of Share La Jolla Shores house· 3 rooms, 5 9945 ( 2, 4) speakers stolen from Red V.W. bug in 3rd wanted beds. Yours for S1000/ mo Call Dave, the points. Ass istant coach "C" lot on 1/20. (2/4) 459·7540 or Michelle at456-0214. (2 / 4 ) Lost rust sweatJacket on Saturday at Torn Marsha ll illustrates, Himllaya adventure. UCSD Outing club Affordable Beach livmg. ClaSSIC 32' personals Warren Field Reward. Sandy 453·6721 "We go with our trength, and sponsors lecture, slide show presenllng Out of shape wrestlers hit mats Slide rules wanted. K&E, PIckett, SINCO, housetraller in beautiful Leucadia Park. (2 1) t hi s year the guards are the the wonders of the world's highest etc. Especially deSire K&E 2(}onch log­ Wood interior, new awning. ldundry best shooters." peaks. Tues. Feb 2, at 7 pm, Rec Gym log Tel. Mark, 453·9910. ( 2/ 1) facilities 2 min. walk to the beach SEXual freedom IS a right Find out how Lost Green. red & wIllte soccer ball on n Ult inued {rom "a~l' J:I Contreras 8·:~ for the found hi;n self grappling with Conference Toom (2/1) MUIr field last Sunday Please call 481· For Wight, -a politica l Children (ages 9·10, 13·14) wanted for 59500 436-6975. (2/4) the Moral MajOrity wants to screw you · 'ntram ural organizer Scott championship. Steve Foraker, 14 5, the Feb 5, after the T G ( 2. 4) 3562 Reward (2(4) Berndes made some all ow· science major whose player Overseas jobs: summer/ year round. Dept of Psych experiment on Children's I Room for rent 1 or 2 persons 4th st Del Contreras. like many of the e\'entual champion of the 139· obserVing behaVior Approx Mar Pool, 2 blks from beach S160/ mo ances for t he at hlet es' lack of wrest lers, oft en foug ht out of 1·1j division. He lost. Earlier, eligibility ex pires after this Europe, S. Amen ., Australia, Asia. All season, the future beyond fields. 5500-$1200 monthly. Sightseeing. $3 SO/ session for 3 sessions. Call Debbie, 755-3092 (2/ 1) conditioning. "We took a his weight class. Hi s three in perhaps the most talented 453-2957 eves. (2/8) l CSD is very opportunist ie. '" Free Info. Write IJC Box 52 - CA . 19 minute off the lenj.,'1.h of each opponent ~ ou t \\' eight ed him by match·up of the day, Sanders Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. (2/25) round, " he explained. an average of H pounds. gave away' anot her 15 pounds don't want to rely on anything that might not happen, so I REVELLE RESIDENTS & COMMUTERS: It's Wrestling Tourney Of course. not every The Ix)(]r turnout (only 25 to 0Plxment Stev/, ayre. your last chance. Take a little risk and services continued from page 14 \\' rest ler was out of shape . pari icipants) forced Berndes to Entering t he final peirod of JUS! keep playing basket ball have fome fun. Sign up for the REVEllE for sal~ :--.1t'\\ hou~t'. and an extra t\\'I) J)"..,it ion . Reall7lng the danger David Carlson. who admit~ con"olidate the ori ginal 12 that con test. Sander~ led · 1 ';~ t he best I can." There have TALENT EXPOSURE by Feb. 5 in the mches of height , appear ed III he ru ns to stav fi t. used h is size weigh t divisions into fil'e . on the strength of two been hi n t s of a pro scou t or two Community Center or the Res Halls UNWANTED HAIR REMOVED PERMANENT· of allOWing t he heavier Illan !o be . t ronger t ha n t he com pact Office. ( 2/ 4) and st rength' to bull his way This leads to some interes ting, t akedo\\'ns. Bul Sayre starl ed in the neighborhood. LABORATORY EQUIPMENT, all kinds, large LY near campus. La Jolla Village sta:- on top. Sanders executed defending champ. But Clbb" through the 152·16 1 pound selection. Reconditioned and as· IS. ProfesSional Center, 8950 Villa La JOlla a startling and spectacular lI-.;ed hi " "peed and repetOlre of occas ionally lopsided, the final round in the For Goodman. who will pla y The MUIr Rathskellar is now open on Good Prices. Nova Labs. 578·9729. 161 Drive, SUite 1160-C, cilil for Appt. 453- move. As t he referee ble\\' the moves to skip·and·~·dide to a In· group. The pound con front at ions. ael \ antageous "on·top·' one more year for the Tritons Gua rd Tom Wight leads team weekends. Cash only basis. Come one In (2/1 8) 7040. ( 6/ 3) fres h man defeat ed ergio Sander~, at l:lO IXlunds, turn to in scoring with 22.0 avg. and feed your hungry stomach. (2/1) \\ hi ,; tle to begin act ion . :z \·icton . please page 15 in tllP 1982·83 lineup. a quiet 4 custom tims (14"), 4 Cepek tires. Fit Typing, fast, Ilccurete, reasonable. Pick Allention: the deadline is February 5 for Sanders. like a swimmer off " lie (C;lbb~ ) ha~ m()\e~ he most small trucks Call Dan, 453-9025. up and delivery available. 271·0383. Ihe block , dove fo rward from Spring and Summer Internships in (2j1) (6/ 3) h3sn't enc'n taken out of the ------~ California and Washington D.C. Apply his crouch position, arms c\o,;et yet," obsen'ed (IF ,.---coupon·---. ------Parakeets, 2 regular American and 2 CLIP & SAVE thru the ASsociated Students Internship TYPING - IBM - 2 experienced typists extended and legs dri\·mg. uncommon English. 3 mos old. Pe~ Wrestl 'i ng officia l Rh ys Office. For more information call X4689. v. show or breedi ng prospects. S1 (}S 16 . - editing/ specializing in RUSH JOBS, Da 0\'1vs hm·Adams. (2/4) 453-0656,452·1588. ( 6/ 3) Marie or Gary, 45(}0402. (2/1 ) In what Bernd s labeled One' o( GiI)b,;' last mO\'es :kinko·s: 51800 74 Fillt 124 excellent condonew "t he match of the day," last· was to\\ ard the dexlr. I • I Are you hungry and the cafe isn't open? Typ Ing. Familiar WIth student format. Fast, Come to the MUir Rathskellar. It's now tires. I'M/ FM cassette str. no dents or accurate, reasonable. 271·0383. (6/3) minute enlr\, Gibbs defeated '" won't be back next vear." open weekends on a cash only basis. niCks. Engine in tiptop condoCall after 5 HOLlSnC HEALTH counseling; herbal his larger op[x)Jlent Rod RlI ner moaned the battered. brUised (2/ 1) pm 276-5326. (2/1) ;COPIClS : medlcme, nutrition, body work, for the 166· 176 pound and wear} champ as he c () February 5, February 5, February 5, 440 engine from '69 RoadRunner plus reblrthlng, tal chI. consultatiOns and championship. The mustach· departed. "Th I~ i~ t(Xl much." o 0 February 5, February 5, February 5, 727 trans. Both need ,,';bullding. classes. Discount to students. 457·0156 iced Ritner, with thighs like "But," he pau..,ed, " I saId g.[[)PIES~~ February 5, February 5. (2/ 4) S325/ offer. 755-3752. (2/1) (2/ 1) Dallas Fullback Robert that last year." 8 <81/2X 11 Vc. I i Whi,te Only). i WE OFFER COLOR PRINT FILM (C41) I PERSONAL I I HEALTH CARE II I Klnko's Copies I DEVELOP & PRINT I & I (Ralph's Shopping Or) I easons PROFESSION AL I I FREE 12-exposure ...... $2.59 ravel ot La Jolla ER\ ICE I 457-3775 I 20-exposure~ ...... $4.47 L ___ coupon ---! 24-exposures ...... $4.99 - I.()\\·pst Airfarc~ J)ornl'"tir & Intl'rnatlOnal PHOTOFINISHING 36-exposures ...... $6.99 -Tour packages for a \\ l'l'kl'nd or longer to I hl' CCME TO THE BCX:lKSTORE PHOTO COUNTER !1lOUlllalnS or the sea as \\l'1I as lTU ISt'S. AND DEPOSIT THE COlJPa'J BELllIdic, schools of medici ne or osteopathy. Early application ( ,IIII,1r ttl'" Utll1(~' gr(ldlhlh' ,ltId MOVIES encouraged. umhrqr(uJtllltl..' (Ollr\t.· ... IUitlll1l" 1st. SEVEN ROLLS PROCESSEO • }!JO 1m () II 11110 'rgr,IOII,IlI' Ililih Our S<.hol.vshlps Indude: 2nd. F!VE ROLLS PROCESSED Super 8 & Movies ...... $1 .59 )lIM) 1m h II grddll"k II"ih H IInih -rulTION ~ LI "IIiItUfl 3rd. THREE ROLL S PROCESSED -IOOI(S 1 DA Y C;ERVICE ON C-41 DEVELOP & PRINT FILM U'-,I) dl~. IhI' d Ih.'\\ fJrtl9rdUl lor ,IU - LAB FUS ~ I A III ~I"""h. ~1II0< '1I 1' II IdY <'< 1m - lQUIPMlNT 1fNTAl. AND S530 Ih\' dcWI'l by ,IIll' 110 111<1 Ihl' MONTItlY SnPEND (,lhllJ.11dltl((1 "IUrHlllrf pro~r(lm . UNIVERSITY 13E)E)KSTE)R ~ I~K "" ,ilia lIt",rd ' S)}s Wllh M~xildll fOlt DlTAiLS CONTACT: Unive r <;i ly of C.llifornia, S,ln D iego 110,1 ~dlllil y. AI,,"tlilelll ,Il\(l II II tel USAf MedkAllteauld,. 0f'Ike r"I, ' ~ lrolll ~400 p"r lIIulith. Q 008 1881 COIIIIHIU Center lat, Suite lZl 11I1"rIIl.,ioll: Prol",,,,, (,.1. Oddu LJ .Joll<1, Ct.lhforma 92093 SAnBemudlno I ,1IIV('r,,'y 01 ~1I1J,, · qu . AI( ,II .. P,lrk 452429 t (114) 383· 5683 (CAll COWO) '>.'" /l"·qu. LI '111 111 -----_.. ------_ ._------

" Mro Arts and Uterature t:xhibit & Sale

Posters Books Prints Jewelry Statues Wall Plaques Station­ Let your career payoff while still in college: ary Earn over $800 a month during your junior and senior years. Special Navy program guarantees you a teaching position after graduation. After graduation you get orientation in one - also performances by of the most successful and sophisticated engi­ talented Black Artists. neering programs in the country; plus opportunity for advancement. Then, teach college and grad­ Every One Welcome uate level math, physics, chemistry and engineering. If you are a junior or senior majoring in Tuesday february 9, 1982 math, engineering or physical sciences, find out more today. And let your career pay off while 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. still in college. For more information, call the Naval Man­ International Center agement Programs Office at: :2~I:l·()()~)1 food and refreshments

The Associated Students and California Public Interest Research Group (CaIPIRG) invite you to attend a lecture series: MAMMOTH " Know Your Rights" .~t~ MT . ,,~ With the Week 5 - 2/ 2/ 82

I \ \j. U.C.S.D. SNOW SKI CLUB Consumer Credit I Credit Cards, Banking Services, Loons, etc; \ Insurance: Health, Car, Life and Renters ( v FEBRUARY 6- 7 $35 per person Week 6 - 2/9/ 82 Big Wood Condos Where Your Student Fees Go Reg istration Fee, Educational Fee, AS .' Activity Fee, and Student Center Fee (~ 'FEBRUARY 26-27 $30 per person Week 7 - 2/16/82 Sunshine Village Condos Housing Rights On-Campus: Dorm Rights, Apartments, etc., Off-Campus: Tenants Rights, Renter's TRANSPORT A TION A V AILABLE Rebates

North Conference Room - 12-1:30 p.m. Every Tuesday of week indicated FOR MO RE INFORMA TION x 4 037 or 481 2837 Co-sponsored by: AS Student Advocate Program & CalPIRG
