Elflll NOTES
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Page Eleven Thursday, May 16, 1963 THE JEWISH POST Thursday,.lfay 16, 1963 -,'.,.. ., j' "'_' r . ,'" •• THE JEWISH POST . ' ," - . prosecutor, arrived here this week Minneapolis; lfive grandchildren; his In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to The Cancer Fund. -Despite recognition by Balaban, fear of competition of good motion so funny he was breathing.d()WD the. ' to address ~. group of ~ mother, Sarah; four brothers, Sam Eric' Johnston, Bob Hope, Jack War- pictUres; Idohave fear of cOm~ Ji.eck of a: lad iwnedBOb -Hope. Belsen concentratioIl- camp sUrYiv of Montreal, Morris of Vancouver, ner, Samuel GoldwyD, George Sid- tition' of bad pictures. I ani not a who was in charge of the' .evening's ors. Top Isr.l!!li militarY·· offi Lou of Regina, Abe of Winnipeg; ney and Jerry Lewis, it remained . "of that /p"oup willing to fun department. .• ..•... ..'. cials IIiaIqng hurried trips to paris . two sisters, Fanny of Winnipeg, and Mrs. Max Rylci$s . for Freeman to relate his own story forecast the end of the motion pic- Said Warner, "I have known Y. samm.y DaVis Jr. plaIf!1in~ to move Mrs. Phil (Esther) Burgard of Los BARNEY .GLAZER'S Angeles. .. with complete frankness. tureiridustryand I think that those Frank Freeman since 1918 when he t~ England. Wants to buy a house Passes at 46 ""1 feel the truth has been stretched who feel' that way should remove headed the Triangle Distribution l'l SamJ Scfu..ilJ in a Jewish' neigh'bqr'hood. ~ Funeral se!-"vicewas Jield at the ¥rs. l\llpc ~ Riv,!-) :Syldss, here," he told the assembled 1200 ~emselves to' another calling." Company in Atlanta, Georgia. He Organizational News: 'JohD. Birch Chesed Shel Emes Chapel. Officiat- 46, passed away May 6 at Miseri HOLLYWOOD industry and civic members. "I have . The' studio chief said he started wanted to make a picture and need J.ww. P041 n1j. e-ru,~"l Society getting it' frqmaiI sides~ ing was ~bbj L. BerbI. Intennent cordia Hospital She is survived by often received credit due others in .l>usiness with Adolph. Zukor in ed some !6nisbmg money. As a mat iJicluding the cOnsemti~e ~. \VI!S in Shaarey Zedek Cemetery. her husband, Max; her parents, Mr. .Active pallbearers were: Allan tnd MrB.;Ben Choslovsky; a son, only because i happened to repre- 11I1o"and~-beal associated with ter of fact, what he actua:11y needed Prime Minister ~en-Gurion, tak": China. They were .ab~e to get free The' Muslims movirig t4eir heael Arn- Hollywood, Calif. - Honored ~ur- he has respected and admired for sent them." This, of course, was him ever since. The 90-year-old was some starting money. ere quarters to Wasbirj~on:The ~ (Jreenb~~,Morton Greenberg, Morton David; a datigh!er, Lynne inuil~duIlp0ticem. °th'fe thAreabnewS' tatemsjlj~an' d' land ~IIl fur· BritWt vvll they old Sigesm1Jll4; . Jack SChwartz, Beverly; two sisters, Mrs. M. (Fru ing a testimonial dinner at the Bev- so many years in his contacts at the the evening's masterpiece of under- chairman of Paramounfs -- board .Quipped Bob Hope, ''Y. Frank ~ge4 to hel;p sOme 300,000 un- eiican Council for Judaism quite erly. Hilton Hotel recently by the various studios. statement. smiled in acknowledgment. He sat Freeman has been in the business b disappointed when Senator Full Harry Stoller and Nell Kay. Hon- mal Stallansky of. Fort William, especiany 'ofthe ~~es in Egypt; fortunate ~ese refugees Cllltivate orary pallbearers were: Henry Ont., and 1I4rs. G. (Shilamus) Horn- film industry for his' 25 years of Every person I approaChed dur : Continued Freeman, "I have no quietly on the dais at Freeman's so long he made 'Cleopatra' with asked CBS producer - interviewer the land and build homes: They bright failed to mentiorl 'Israel or service, Y. Frank Freeman, vice- ing the banquet offered the same left. Cleopatra." Pointing to the dais ~n 'Kellerman, who produced the afib ref&red' to as "angeIS" and it Zionism .in his sp~ch delivered at Sigesmund, Joe Kay, Harvey Kay, stein ,of Winnipeg. president of Paramount Pictures, sincere comment about the execu Jack Warner, president of Warner filled with studio. heads," Hope ~~ '''~ael-It Is Fable," iIlakes fella 'f~l proud to' learn the ~~UJ!.cij concla~e.. .. Sam Salita Nathan Medzon Lou Funeraf service was held at the Brothers Studio,shouId have. liad cracked, "All these, moti()n picture ".".","," ems No a ese4 said, "I am proud'at the age at 72 tive. Each said; ''Tonighfs eulogy to comeback to Jerusalem so' that th8tthe "Kadini" brothers are Jew ,ff'_ ::a: P~Ch~~' Drl Hy P~er ~athan ?h She~ ~es Chapel. Officiat- to be able to continue helping mem- was no phonus 'bolonus.This is a somethiPg serious to say but didn't. magnates have one common· de-. he ' eouid'Ulake "utgent point. is],' .'.. The movie "Desert, Fox" . ' 'mg was &ppi L E. Witty, assisted A_ Lang an Lockshin, Sam Sheps, Abe Levy, by CantOrSterez. IIltennent was ,bers of the motion picture ind~. man who has. been honest with . , . The'tit1e,b()rn by Mr.'.Warner con- nominator- popcorn." Ben-G~?n. a~' tlultthe Ameri- 1;iilnned in fsra!!1- T~ frieildly to 'Tribune' .Sales Ross Munro and Sam Sigesmund. in the Hebrew SicJt Cemetery. It.w never made anY'.diflerenceto everyone. He ,has never stabbed CUSTOM TAILOR j~ ~upvisions of a. conservative, Edie Adams sang "Make someone c~ . ~,?-bli~'.I>a.rp~lr tlJ.ose re- ,Himtn1er..•. Now that non-KOsher . me if a studio Jll!Ill is Catholic, JeW' anyone in the back, never double dignified and stately executive. He happy and you will be happy too," ~Wn~. iIi~ ~~, #"~ ~~t up ~ products can no lq~r .be Iatmed . 'Passes- f; . !'- :.<! ",; :1' has been known to abide by this a fitting description' of Y. Frank - ,. "> " - or Prote~t. I shall continue to crossed a soul, never broken his Phone WHitehall 2-6612 date m Middle-East develilll~tli, with the n¢.il~cijpg~arfl~,!! ~P.1e ,<,,>,. -r, extend help to all faiths." ,word." . status on occasion but Mr. Warner Freeman's way of life; used the oJ?POrttpUty to', put his fellas came up with a beaut. They . - eLflll NOTES ... RACHEL JANArr' cuAP.rEB OF IIENBIE'lTA SZOLD CIIAPTEB of Freeman said he has .often been Barney Balaban, president of Para point aCross' in the coast to coast their' pJ"O{lucts .. ''Yqm-, 306 EDMONTON ST. instead prefers to essay the role of ~===========~ ~4~ertised ~ Pioneer Women will hold its. Hadassah will meet Tuesday, addreSsed as "Mr. Freedman"· and mount, said, "In his contribution to the comedian.' Ii CIVIL DEFENCE SAYS:- telecast. 'C?~se~~ h~' feel ~t tqf~'; .'. "or . "Sa~b~~'r ple~~ annual spring tea in aid of Child May 21, at 8:30 p.m. at the home of it has always made him feel proud the studio's stature, Mr. Freeman It has often been said that he You buy fire insurance not ~~ prg~ tqoJt .tqo Jpucli. ~Il~~ rr-"h'~r ~ J~ cus~mers ~ Wednesday, May 22, from MrS. M. Freitag, 549 St. to be accepted so casually as a has combined honesty, integrity and Winnipeg would gladly trade his position and because you' expect to have a Re~ An~opY of Israel s problem of discrimina- this· st/!.temen~ as 8J!. inqicatioll of 2 until late at the home of Mrs. S. Avenue, to .discuss tJie forthcomiJig member of the Jewish faith, whiCh deep religious conyiction." fortune to be reco~ed as a l~ad fire, but in case you suffer one. Emergency' plans are your insur tion8J!.eJ ~~ ~ri~ ~0Jl18I!. w~o R,'"s~~t4-··.·. 'Marlt the~ wo~': Glassman, 247 Smithfield. 10th anniverSary tea, May 26, at jng comic. Very often, Mr. Warner's felt tl1ere lust is said anel dOlle, lsr.lel ~. reduce the effects of any w~~ enough~~- ~f lIP REBZI. CHAPTER of HADASSAH the horae of MJ-s. P. Zell, 14 Coral- material borders' upon the com, tiSh .r~~ to ~~~~~;~o,¥ will ~ rep~ted at the World's Welcome' Canadians! JaISII' Prodlice .Ltd. most of it tall, but tonight he was Shavuoth Tea will be held Sun- beny Ayenue. The annual windup METRO CIVIL DEFENCE, MY~ ~!m " ~~Q~~mib\ ~ F;lir.·I Iia~ iDSi~e info~tiOllthat day, May 26, from 2 to 6 p.m. at. ~eJ" meeting will be held June· -Wholesall,' Vegetables Fre!lh DallJ' goOd ole London. Slie sounded $,ke S!!ve~ rich boys are putting the II GlroW''''' of PotatOes aild 'Fannl'zOdllCta 1767 PGrtap Awea... the home of Mrs. A. ~te1l, Cres- II at the Paddqck. ''Phone'Your OrderB"-'WeD~er' Wmnipeg U, Mary Omn~g~"lJr,pf~irmingham do~ to~tber. ; . : . ' .... All· ~ bse .J)eli th'" .. ,. ..... ," , cent Villa, 200 - 245 Wellington MIRIAM ~ BADASSAB, TUmer 8-Z3SL ~ ,,~, e~,.e Ian sometime .....-tro- D.A.V.!V.F.W., CLUB City Phone WHitehall 38t46 q ... D_..... Crescent. Mrs. G. Rosenberg, presi- will meet. Tuesday, May 21, at ,. " &. Ellen' . Man. Granf·and P~gr8m did some gooo, 'but could; ~'"!rr" ... '. '.etime . ~., , Op~4 p.m~ to 12 Midnight Weekdays " ve.. ; been":' beU_";....... "'Th' , e.American". • ,.. pc>li~~ ...... ~~-,., $tar,,7 sotn'. Cha-.' dent, will receive. Convenors are 2 p.m. at Hadassah headquarters. ha Mrs. B. Cherry and Mrs. Wm. Gold- Give and get hostess is Mrs. Fanny 2 p.m.·.to .1~, Midnight Saturday H. iagaraServjce CoUPci.l for P: J~4~i~!Bav~:4-T.T. :':fo~t:~inaMc:t;:tr berg. There will be a door prize. Gutmlan. in Openfr~ some busilless by s@cJmg cas a ~,j" 1 ".,..... • ", • Serving' the best SizzliDg steaks, Sea Food and OA,ITAL·CAII'eo.