Page Eleven Thursday, May 16, 1963 THE JEWISH POST Thursday,.lfay 16, 1963 -,'.,.. ., j' "'_' r . ,'" •• THE JEWISH POST . ' ," - . prosecutor, arrived here this week Minneapolis; lfive grandchildren; his In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to The Cancer Fund. -Despite recognition by Balaban, fear of competition of good motion so funny he was breathing.d()WD the. ' to address ~. group of ~­ mother, Sarah; four brothers, Sam Eric' Johnston, Bob Hope, Jack War- pictUres; Idohave fear of cOm~ Ji.eck of a: lad iwnedBOb -Hope. Belsen concentratioIl- camp sUrYiv­ of Montreal, Morris of Vancouver, ner, Samuel GoldwyD, George Sid- tition' of bad pictures. I ani not a who was in charge of the' .evening's ors. Top Isr.l!!li militarY·· offi­ Lou of Regina, Abe of Winnipeg; ney and Jerry Lewis, it remained . "of that /p"oup willing to fun department. .• ..•... ..'. cials IIiaIqng hurried trips to paris . two sisters, Fanny of Winnipeg, and Mrs. Max Rylci$s . for Freeman to relate his own story forecast the end of the motion pic- Said Warner, "I have known Y. samm.y DaVis Jr. plaIf!1in~ to move Mrs. Phil (Esther) Burgard of Los BARNEY .GLAZER'S Angeles. .. with complete frankness. tureiridustryand I think that those Frank Freeman since 1918 when he t~ England. Wants to buy a house Passes at 46 ""1 feel the truth has been stretched who feel' that way should remove headed the Triangle Distribution l'l SamJ Scfu..ilJ in a Jewish' neigh'bqr'hood. ~ Funeral se!-"vicewas Jield at the ¥rs. l\llpc ~ Riv,!-) :Syldss, here," he told the assembled 1200 ~emselves to' another calling." Company in Atlanta, Georgia. He Organizational News: 'JohD. Birch Chesed Shel Emes Chapel. Officiat- 46, passed away May 6 at Miseri­ HOLLYWOOD industry and civic members. "I have . The' studio chief said he started wanted to make a picture and need­ J.ww. P041 n1j. e-ru,~"l Society getting it' frqmaiI sides~ ing was ~bbj L. BerbI. Intennent cordia Hospital She is survived by often received credit due others in .l>usiness with Adolph. Zukor in ed some !6nisbmg money. As a mat­ iJicluding the cOnsemti~e ~. \VI!S in Shaarey Zedek Cemetery. her husband, Max; her parents, Mr. .Active pallbearers were: Allan tnd MrB.;Ben Choslovsky; a son, only because i happened to repre- 11I1o"and~-beal associated with ter of fact, what he actua:11y needed Prime Minister ~en-Gurion, tak": China. They were .ab~e to get free The' Muslims movirig t4eir heael­ Arn- Hollywood, Calif. - Honored ~ur- he has respected and admired for sent them." This, of course, was him ever since. The 90-year-old was some starting money. ere quarters to Wasbirj~on:The ~­ (Jreenb~~,Morton Greenberg, Morton David; a datigh!er, Lynne inuil~duIlp0ticem. °th'fe thAreabnewS' tatemsjlj~an' d' land ~IIl fur· BritWt vvll they old Sigesm1Jll4; . Jack SChwartz, Beverly; two sisters, Mrs. M. (Fru­ ing a testimonial dinner at the Bev- so many years in his contacts at the the evening's masterpiece of under- chairman of Paramounfs -- board .Quipped Bob Hope, ''Y. Frank ~ge4 to hel;p sOme 300,000 un- eiican Council for Judaism quite erly. Hilton Hotel recently by the various studios. statement. smiled in acknowledgment. He sat Freeman has been in the business b disappointed when Senator Full­ Harry Stoller and Nell Kay. Hon- mal Stallansky of. Fort William, especiany 'ofthe ~~es in Egypt; fortunate ~ese refugees Cllltivate orary pallbearers were: Henry Ont., and 1I4rs. G. (Shilamus) Horn- film industry for his' 25 years of Every person I approaChed dur­ : Continued Freeman, "I have no quietly on the dais at Freeman's so long he made 'Cleopatra' with asked CBS producer - interviewer the land and build homes: They bright failed to mentiorl 'Israel or service, Y. Frank Freeman, vice- ing the banquet offered the same left. Cleopatra." Pointing to the dais ~n 'Kellerman, who produced the afib ref&red' to as "angeIS" and it Zionism .in his sp~ch delivered at Sigesmund, Joe Kay, Harvey Kay, stein ,of Winnipeg. president of Paramount Pictures, sincere comment about the execu­ Jack Warner, president of Warner filled with studio. heads," Hope ~~ '''~ael-It Is Fable," iIlakes fella 'f~l proud to' learn the ~~UJ!.cij concla~e.. .. Sam Salita Nathan Medzon Lou Funeraf service was held at the Brothers Studio,shouId have. liad cracked, "All these, moti()n picture ".".","," ems No a ese4 said, "I am proud'at the age at 72 tive. Each said; ''Tonighfs eulogy to comeback to Jerusalem so' that th8tthe "Kadini" brothers are Jew­ ,ff'_ ::a: P~Ch~~' Drl Hy P~er ~athan ?h She~ ~es Chapel. Officiat- to be able to continue helping mem- was no phonus 'bolonus.This is a somethiPg serious to say but didn't. magnates have one common· de-. he ' eouid'Ulake "utgent point. is],' .'.. The movie "Desert, Fox" . ' 'mg was &ppi L E. Witty, assisted A_ Lang an Lockshin, Sam Sheps, Abe Levy, by CantOrSterez. IIltennent was ,bers of the motion picture ind~. man who has. been honest with . , . The'tit1e,b()rn by Mr.'.Warner con- nominator- popcorn." Ben-G~?n. a~' tlultthe Ameri- 1;iilnned in fsra!!1- T~ frieildly to 'Tribune' .Sales Ross Munro and Sam Sigesmund. in the Hebrew SicJt Cemetery. It.w never made anY'.diflerenceto everyone. He ,has never stabbed CUSTOM TAILOR j~ ~upvisions of a. conservative, Edie Adams sang "Make someone c~ . ~,?-bli~'.I>a.rp~lr tlJ.ose re- ,Himtn1er..•. Now that non-KOsher . me if a studio Jll!Ill is Catholic, JeW' anyone in the back, never double­ dignified and stately executive. He happy and you will be happy too," ~Wn~. iIi~ ~~, #"~ ~~t up ~ products can no lq~r .be Iatmed . 'Passes- f; . !'- :.<! ",; :1' has been known to abide by this a fitting description' of Y. Frank - ,. "> " - or Prote~t. I shall continue to crossed a soul, never broken his Phone WHitehall 2-6612 date m Middle-East develilll~tli, with the n¢.il~cijpg~arfl~,!! ~P.1e ,<,,>,. -r, extend help to all faiths." ,word." . status on occasion but Mr. Warner Freeman's way of life; used the oJ?POrttpUty to', put his fellas came up with a beaut. They . - eLflll NOTES ... RACHEL JANArr' cuAP.rEB OF IIENBIE'lTA SZOLD CIIAPTEB of Freeman said he has .often been Barney Balaban, president of Para­ point aCross' in the coast to coast their' pJ"O{lucts .. ''Yqm-, 306 EDMONTON ST. instead prefers to essay the role of ~===========~ ~4~ertised ~ Pioneer Women will hold its. Hadassah will meet Tuesday, addreSsed as "Mr. Freedman"· and mount, said, "In his contribution to the comedian.' Ii CIVIL DEFENCE SAYS:- telecast. 'C?~se~~ h~' feel ~t tqf~'; .'. "or . "Sa~b~~'r ple~~ annual spring tea in aid of Child May 21, at 8:30 p.m. at the home of it has always made him feel proud the studio's stature, Mr. Freeman It has often been said that he You buy fire insurance not ~~ prg~ tqoJt .tqo Jpucli. ~Il~~ rr-"h'~r ~ J~ cus~mers ~ Wednesday, May 22, from MrS. M. Freitag, 549 St. to be accepted so casually as a has combined honesty, integrity and Winnipeg would gladly trade his position and because you' expect to have a Re~ An~opY of Israel s problem of discrimina- this· st/!.temen~ as 8J!. inqicatioll of 2 until late at the home of Mrs. S. Avenue, to .discuss tJie forthcomiJig member of the Jewish faith, whiCh deep religious conyiction." fortune to be reco~ed as a l~ad­ fire, but in case you suffer one. Emergency' plans are your insur­ tion8J!.eJ ~~ ~ri~ ~0Jl18I!. w~o R,'"s~~t4-··.·. 'Marlt the~ wo~': Glassman, 247 Smithfield. 10th anniverSary tea, May 26, at jng comic. Very often, Mr. Warner's felt tl1ere lust is said anel dOlle, lsr.lel ~. reduce the effects of any w~~ enough~~- ~f lIP REBZI. CHAPTER of HADASSAH the horae of MJ-s. P. Zell, 14 Coral- material borders' upon the com, tiSh .r~~ to ~~~~~;~o,¥ will ~ rep~ted at the World's Welcome' Canadians! JaISII' Prodlice .Ltd. most of it tall, but tonight he was Shavuoth Tea will be held Sun- beny Ayenue. The annual windup METRO CIVIL DEFENCE, MY~ ~!m " ~~Q~~mib\ ~ F;lir.·I Iia~ iDSi~e info~tiOllthat day, May 26, from 2 to 6 p.m. at. ~eJ" meeting will be held June· -Wholesall,' Vegetables Fre!lh DallJ' goOd ole London. Slie sounded $,ke S!!ve~ rich boys are putting the II GlroW''''' of PotatOes aild 'Fannl'zOdllCta 1767 PGrtap Awea... the home of Mrs. A. ~te1l, Cres- II at the Paddqck. ''Phone'Your OrderB"-'WeD~er' Wmnipeg U, Mary Omn~g~"lJr,pf~irmingham do~ to~tber. ; . : . ' .... All· ~ bse .J)eli th'" .. ,. ..... ," , cent Villa, 200 - 245 Wellington MIRIAM ~ BADASSAB, TUmer 8-Z3SL ~ ,,~, e~,.e Ian sometime .....-tro- D.A.V.!V.F.W., CLUB City Phone WHitehall 38t46 q ... D_..... Crescent. Mrs. G. Rosenberg, presi- will meet. Tuesday, May 21, at ,. " &. Ellen' . Man. Granf·and P~gr8m did some gooo, 'but could; ~'"!rr" ... '. '.etime . ~., , Op~4 p.m~ to 12 Midnight Weekdays " ve.. ; been":' beU_";....... "'Th' , e.American". • ,.. pc>li~~ ...... ~~-,., $tar,,7 sotn'. Cha-.' dent, will receive. Convenors are 2 p.m. at Hadassah headquarters. ha Mrs. B. Cherry and Mrs. Wm. Gold- Give and get hostess is Mrs. Fanny 2 p.m.·.to .1~, Midnight Saturday H. iagaraServjce CoUPci.l for P: J~4~i~!Bav~:4-T.T. :':fo~t:~inaMc:t;:tr berg. There will be a door prize. Gutmlan. in Openfr~ some busilless by s@cJmg cas a ~,j" 1 ".,..... • ", • Serving' the best SizzliDg steaks, Sea Food and OA,ITAL·CAII'eo.
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