The Ot. Johns News
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THE OT. JOHNS NEWS VOLUME XXIV—NO. 47 THE ST.JOHNS NEWS.TmntSl>AY AFTERNOON—JUNE 26. 1913. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR LIDLK.TBKI'H^ | •* lu sanunei Kt Ijtroy LiMle ab R MIm A—— Traelui • of Dnplaln wore ualtod lo fuarrlace at | * WHO IS WHO IN ST. JOHNS Probata oflka by Ju4cr <?1uuiasia fmrasERiiii STUDEUS la thfe mm. IFIBI SBIT'Sn lEMS M, Merrill laat Saturday, Juoa Sl<if iraafc. the .^awa wM irer le ftro a The couple wfre arooaipaiiled by Mr. | • of m. Jehas' It proareeairo afttlaaar. and Mrm. Hsra Barrett of Doplala who! * HELD EIERCISES II All ^4>T HKARII Oft' KAI’H OTHKH ! wlui«M«d tk.the cereinooy. Mr. aad* rniYH NIM'f'ENMFri. AT TIIAt'K TO THE BRAOiTES IN ALL THAT TIMK. Mra. lUddIa will oiake thalr borne on IILft: B. J. PIIEWH. MEET MITFRUAT. a farm In Iiupialn. KMiHTKft:.A OlVEN UIPMIMAM LAST Was bom In tbia city March €. 1St4. REV. E. HIHH4IP PLEINB Bill EliritTH OE jrLA' I He recelTed his educatlou In the St. KKIIIAV .MtIHT. linaaine. If .you oan. what plaaaure HEARS] There will be i i arand PV>urUi acbcNds. rraduatlnv with the Tbe Second Annual Hoy's Camp will It would iflw you to meet an old ' begin at l*ark lAdte nesr Hath. Mon 1914 r>iHiol fellow and aeetmale whom you •luly ealabratlon at Kouad Ia Sm the;*^**"* 11*12. N conilna Fourth. Mualc. fireworks. I>uiin« the time he attended arhool day. Thirty-six boys, six tent leadera, had not aeen or heard of for Sd years. athletic «llre«*tor. swimming Inatruct- In the winter of IMT. Horr K. Stowell ^ same*, ball Ranes. races. All are In- *** 1®®** “I* studied music for OR. UUIGASTER THE SPEMER to comi and hare a good >*• 1**<1 • IlklUR. He first : jr, tw*k aiui Co. Y. M. C. A. LARGE CRDWD WAS PRESENT of this city, aad ♦;eonre Trarer. wbujitlnie.’^f;^ aawl 'i**®** «*i the piano and pipe or- lary will go. thus making forty-eight wi\i wPVft'UtL ?hil-^T*Ann ' ________________ ** “ tllenn Henderson, then studied In all. 4IE4I. V. tlll.LftTT years. For the The tent leadera are as follows: CHTRf If MAS PHKTTILT BEf'HR- Arbor and were seat mates. They did ft'ELl. IMIM> HTAIKN. Tent No. 1—Rev. Ralph Harry, Mar- IlftrU'TIFI’L MftXftM’TIti^H. Mrs. Mary Stereaa fell down the past two years he has been studying ATEI! WITH riT FLIfMERS. not see each other sRaln until last the pisno and pipe organ with (lanung ♦ \ sellus, Mich. — Kiiday afternoon, when Mr. Tmrer baaement stalra one day the latter Tent .No. 2—Glenn Osgood, St. part of laat week and received aereral of lainslng He also look lessons on i Nrhetd romml.elener The*. H. Town, was here lo visit hia uleee. .Mrs. C. 8. the clalronst of Illlss of Lansing Per Johns. special Mnsir Rendered Hj the Cholrt triark. l)ad bruisea. She landed upon the sistent hard work, combined with Tent No. 3—Theron Ingersoll, Green- send liaie the I'smiMT NtIhmiI cement floor on her hip. She Iim been HeanlHal no Is by Mm. .Mr. Traver leamwl a abort time great natural talent, has enabled him f ;bush. aRo. throuRh a newsi»aper Item, that a very lame but seems to be rccoveiinR Tent No. 4--Rev. Matt Mullen and Marme Their Blplomae nicely now. to make groat progress In his studies. Fraak E. St4*ae. man by the name of Dorr Slowell liv At present .Mr. Foercb (Ills the jiosl- Rev. W. H. Thompson. ed in St. Johna. Rememberinff his tiun of organist of the llapilat church Tent So, 6—Fennlmore Putt, St. okl srhoolmale of «€ years ago. he Johna. Svvcni«*«-n .round women and one of lainslng. He Is leader of the St. Sunday evening at the St. Johna wondered If It could be the same J<iiHu band and good progress Is being Tent No. 6—Lee .Sherman, Klale. Episcopal church the annual bacca young man were on Friday evening : man. I’pon hla arrival here, inqulr- LEWIS-M'MISLIN WEDDING Tent No. 7 —Headquarters. K. T, May. Ri\en diplomas from the i’llnton made under his leadership. Many of laureate sermon to the members of lies were made and Mr. Stowell wm Qfll PmilTPII mrniirQnAVfriends think be has s brilliant fu- Tent .No. H—Dining or Visitors. tbe graduating clasa was preached by t'ounty .Normal TraluliiR das*. The fiHind to be the same old Dorr. No Tent No, if—Cook, A, E. PajTie (col Rniduallon exercises were held at the tJULLlfllllLLU IfLUnLllUIII lure before him In the musical world the pastor. Rev. C. E. Bishop. The time was loat In Retting the two old ________ i and he rertalnly lias the best wishes ored! . Ionia. sermon was a very fine one contain .Methodist h^placopal church, where a I frientki together and the visit that fol The Athletic Director and Swim larRc Rathering of relatives and of all of the people of 8t. Johns. ing many good sound thoughts for the lowed was well worth bearing. They i mppy l oi'pi.i; NPE.M) FEW Ole la the son of Jacob Foerch, 8t. ming Instructor will be known within young people. friends were aaaembied to witness remembered the teacher, the nam of a day or two. Mr. Hyde of laat year the first of many exercises In coo- BAVH AT LA.NNIML Johns’ oldest tonsorial artist, who has The church was very prettily dac- the acbolare. the old swimmtag hole. always encouraged and helped the la unable to be present. In case no orsied srlth cut flowers. Places were neciton with the closing of the rogd that wound around the hill, one la secured. Mr. May or Rev. Barr>' schools for the year. At •‘‘k*** ,he oW tlme alorekeepers and the young man in hla efforts to obtain a reserved directly in front of the pul musical education. i.wlll take charge of swimming. pit for the class sod the members of o clock, the elgh^n mem^rs with which the sohoolmaa- Mias Oral McAuaian, daughter of — l*hoto by Houghton. Several prominent men of the coun- tbelr places In the or^n loft while mlschevloua. i Mr..Mr. aiaad Mrs. William McAuaian, re- the faculty. ;ty will talk to the boys at the Camp- The large audience present was as- Mlaa Ambra King played a pretty ae- better than they could the|»Wl»»« on Eaat Hlgham streeu was I Fires. July Fourth, a track meet will lection pree pwtty ao^ 7**;® ^*venu which bappeiiod in more rf««l ‘“•rrled lo Virgil Lswl. at the Meth- UlJf’fHiEII INNA .ATE. peclally pleased with the beautiful Jacob Maurer of Kls4e was examin he held, likely at the village of Bath. music rendered by the choir. Mrs. sung by the memb^ * “*■ voaf*. Moat of the achimlroatea wUh!»***»*i paraonage by Rev. W'llcox W'ed- POPUUIR ST. JOHNS GIRL Tueaday, July 8. will be Vlaltora* Day. after *** ‘®**^®''; '^^**^* ’ whom they used to play have long ; • ed last Friday by the I>rs. Oeorge H. Frank E. Stone also sang a beautiful Heal of Klsle and Dr. Scott of this although visitors will be welcome at solo "The Day Is Ended ” by Bartlett. pastor, ogered Invocation. ^ there was a| Mias .McAuaian la a very line young WEDS M. i C. STUDENT any time. The alumni banquet was held In the sadnesa nmnlng thYough the {1x1.^ ^nd la well known In St. Johna. city and adjudged Insane. He waa Rev. Bishop began hla sermon by church parlors directly after the ex- which at times made the two old g^duated from the at. Johns high taken that afternoon to the State Hoa- hesrtily welcoming the member* I The Boys' Track Meet Saturday had the class and thanking them for the ercises. n,(^ forget the pleasures they used to school In the claoa of Ikll. The past MIHN FANNIE MI'I.BER A.ND FRANK 133 boys participating in the events be year she baa been a aucceaaful teach Mr. Maurer had been treated for in honor they had bestowed upon him in ('om. T. H. Townsend and the Nor- en>c»>’ lo the long gone days, P. CHniNii THE HAPPY i’lH’PLft:. sides aevemi others who helped work their selection of him to preach their mal class conakdered themselves very Mr. Stowell will be K4 years old er in a district school near Merle sanity at an asylum twelve years ngo. He became much Improved In j the evenu there. Half of the boys baccalaureate sermon. He gave them lucky Indeed, In being able to obtain next Ilecember. while Mr. Traver is Hearh. Mr. 1-ewla la employed as won badges. Plummer at Siiauldlng A Co.'s hard health and returned home where he a class motto which he pleaded with the consent of Mr. Heorge P. Oillet,(>nly s boy of H2. Mias Fannie Mulder, only daughter has remained several years. He late- them to always keep In mind; "Keep to sing at their exercises Mr. (Ill-------------- ——— ware Bton-. The young rouple will spend a few of Mra. M’llllam Mulder of this city, 1> suffered a relapse which caused your body clean, your head clear and let certainly has a graad voice, hold was united In inArrIsge to Prsnk Pick hia serious condition. your h«»*rt pure." ing hla hearers spellbound to the end. days In Lansing after which they will UTIHIII bhomcpirolid he at home to their friends. They will ering Cowing of Chicago Wednesday We are placed in this life to enjoy After the Invocation, he rendere<l H.J.PATTERSDN PRESIDENT uftemtwn at her home on West Hlgh all worldly things of this world not three selections: "It la June." .Morrell reside In the home recently occupied .Miss Julia Cole of South Loinsing by Frank Henderahott on Baat High- am street.