NEWS LETTER ISSN 1687-1421, Volume 17, Number 3, September 2006
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EURASIP NEWS LETTER ISSN 1687-1421, Volume 17, Number 3, September 2006 European Association for Signal Processing Newsletter, Volume 17, Number 3, September 2006 Contents EURASIP MESSAGES President’sMessage ........................................................... 1 2006 EURASIP AdCom Elections Bios and Photos of the Candidates ............... 3 2006 EURASIP AdCom Elections Form . ...................................... 6 EURASIP Secretary-Treasurer’s Report 1st July, 2005–30th June, 2006 . ............ 7 OTHER NEWS FaceRecognitionHomepage ................................................... 9 STUDENT ACTIVITIES JuniorFacultyPositioninAppliedMathematicsforMultimedia .................... 11 SHORT TUTORIALS DigitalSatelliteCommunicationTechniques:AReview ........................... 12 Testbeds and Rapid Prototyping in Wireless System Design . ....................... 32 EURASIP (CO-)SPONSORED EVENTS Report on the 48th International Symposium ELMAR-2006 focused on Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications, 07-09 June 2006, Zadar, Croatia ........... 51 Report on XI International Conference SPECOM ’2006 ........................... 54 CalendarofEvents ............................................................ 56 Call for Papers: The Fourth IASTED International Conference on SignalProcessing,PatternRecognition,andApplications .......................... 57 CallforPapers:AdvancedConceptsforIntelligentVisionSystems .................. 58 Call for Papers: 6th EURASIP Conference EC-SIPMCS 2007 ....................... 59 Call for Papers: 1st International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies (Samt 2006) ............................................... 60 Call for Papers: 15th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2007) ...... 61 Call for Papers: International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications (ISSPA 2007) . ................................................. 62 Call for Papers: 13th International Conference on Systems, Signals & Image Processing (IWSSIP ’06) ........................................ 63 Call for Papers: International Workshop on Multimedia Content Representation, ClassificationandSecurity(IWMRCS) .......................................... 64 Call for Papers: An ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Non-Linear SpeechProcessing(NOLISP’07) ................................................ 65 Call for Papers: 26th Picture Coding Symposium (PCS 2007) . ..................... 66 Call for Papers: 2007 International Waveform Diversity & Design Conference . ..... 67 Call for Papers: 8th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS 2007) ................................. 68 Call for Papers: 2006 International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC 2006) ................................................. 69 Call for Papers: International Conference on Artificial Neural Network(ICANN’06) ......................................................... 70 Call for Papers: The International ITG / IEEE Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA 2007) ................................................... 71 EURASIP JOURNALS EURASIPJournalonAppliedSignalProcessing .................................. 72 EURASIPJournalonAudio,Speech,andMusicProcessing ........................ 74 EURASIPJournalonBioinformaticsandSystemsBiology ......................... 75 EURASIPJournalonEmbeddedSystems ........................................ 77 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking .................. 78 SignalProcessing .............................................................. 79 SignalProcessing:ImageCommunication ....................................... 80 SpeechCommunication ....................................................... 81 EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing Abstracts of EURASIP JASP, Volume 2006, Regular Issue .......................... 83 Abstracts of EURASIP JASP, Volume 2006, Special Issue on AdvancesinMultimicrophoneSpeechProcessing ................................. 94 Abstracts of EURASIP JASP, Volume 2006, Special Issue on DesignMethodsforDSPSystems ...............................................102 Abstracts of EURASIP JASP, Volume 2006, Special Issue on PerformanceEvaluationinImageProcessing .....................................112 Abstracts of EURASIP JASP, Volume 2006, Special Issue on AdvancedSignalProcessingTechniquesforBioinformatics ........................ 121 EURASIPJASPCallforPapers ................................................. 128 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Abstracts of EURASIP JWCN, Volume 2006, Regular Issue . ...................... 136 Abstracts of EURASIP JWCN, Volume 2006, Special Issue on QualityofServiceinMobileAdHocNetworks ...................................143 EURASIPJWCNCallforPapers ................................................150 EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems Abstracts of EURASIP JES, Volume 2006, Regular Issue . ........................ 156 Abstracts of EURASIP JES, Volume 2006, Special Issue on Processing with High Complexity: Prototyping and Industrial Design .............. 157 EURASIPJESCallforPapers ...................................................161 EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Abstracts of EURASIP JBSB, Volume 2006, Regular Issue ..........................163 EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing ................ 164 EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology ...................165 EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems ....................................166 International Journal of Biomedical Imaging ................................167 EURASIP Journal on Information Security .................................. 168 EURASIP Book Series on Signal Processing and Communications EURASIPBookSeriesonSignalProcessingandCommunications ..................169 SignalProcessingfortheAcousticHuman-MachineInterface ......................170 AdvancesonNonlinearSignalandImageProcessing ..............................171 GeneticandEvolutionaryComputationforImageProcessingandAnalysis ..........172 AdvancesinSignalTransforms:TheoryandApplications ..........................173 How to Become a EURASIP Member ....................................... 174 EURASIP Membership Application ......................................... 176 EURASIP MESSAGES President’s Message This is my last President’s message, since my two-years term ends in September and the new Adcom, that will result from the elections in the general assembly meeting in Florence, will elect the new EURASIP President. From now on and for the next two years I will serve in the Adcom from the past-President’s position. Over the period of these two years a lot has taken place and of course a lot more could have taken place. My most important and valuable experience was to watch my relationship with the other members of the Adcom: Ferran Marques, Marc Moonen, Markus Rupp, Paulo Correira and Fulvio Gini to be transformed from that of a professional cooperation into a friendship. If there is one thing that I gained over this period is this enriching feeling and I would like to thank them publicly for all their work and dedication to EURASIP. Nothing would have happened without their constant effort and support. The Adcom took a number of critical decisions and initiatives during the last two years, responding to the needs of our scientific community in a fast changing world. Five new journals were launched: Journal on Wireless Networks and Networking, Jour- nal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, Journal on Embedded Systems, Journal on Au- dio, Speech and Music Processing, Journal on Information Security. For all of them, the Open Access publishing model was adopted. As I have commented in previous messages, this publishing model, that fully exploits the current technological advances without sacri- ficing quality, guarantees a much higher visibility to a published article. Statistical studies have shown that the average citation index per article increases, since, obviously, it can be downloaded freely by anybody. Also, such a model, seems to be socially more fair, since col- leagues from less developed countries and less privileged universities, with limited library resources can have better access to the published literature. We have come to a new agreement with ELSEVIER, one of our two publishers. The EURASIP Adcom will have the full control on the scientific aspects for all our journals. The Editorial Board members will serve for a period of time and they will be appointed jointly by the EIC and the Adcom. This regular change will guarantee that new people with enthu- siasm and new ideas will be given the opportunity to serve as Associate Editors, offering the scientific “vitality” that a journal needs in our days, where new areas appear and flourish in a very short time. The Editors in Chief will also be serving for a limited period of time and it will be the Adcom’s main responsibility to guarantee the high scientific competence and respect that an EIC must have, in order to serve the scientific community successfully. All EUSIPCO Proceedings, since 1996, are now Open Access. At any time, only the Pro- ceedings of the last EUSIPCO will be freely available to members only. All previous EU- SIPCO proceedings will be free to download by anybody. We feel that such a policy will make EUSIPCOs more attractive, due to the higher visibility a published article can now enjoy. A new award, the “Athanassios Papoulis” award has been decided to be granted, in or- der to honor colleagues