Y8 History Term 1 Cromwell and the ) (of II Mary and William III James II Charles II Cromwell Oliver Key Figures of . Right of notion Stuart the with away doing joint monarchs be to Mary and ‘ the to led which restore to Catholicism try to seemed James II brother as the known he became successful, and Popular ofEngland. be to back was invited II Charles stored when was re- In 1660the unpopular. were generals, major rule by strict and entertainment of forms ofmany banning asthe such his changes, of many and Puritan strict a Cromwell was kings. era between means the asthe known also is era This was republic. a timeEngland only the 1658, from1649to ruled Cromwell Oliver Summary

Glorious of CharlesI of Execution 1649

reduced by laws like the Bill of Rights. Bill of laws like the by reduced Mary overthrow of the after monarchs joint be to Chosen by Glorious Revolution. the in husband her and hisdaughter by was overthrown James England. Protestant ruling king was Catholic a He him. he succeeded II, of Charles brother Younger Great Plague the and Fireof the during King He was strong. monarchy English the made mentand entertain- back He brought 1660. in England of throne the Nicknamed from1649 England ruled he strictPuritan, A Commonwealth. the and of England Protector Lord ’ of 1688. This was where parliament chose William William chose This parliament where was of 1688. Lord well becomes 1653 Crom- ‘ Merry Merry ‘ Merry Monarch Merry ’

s father, James II. Their power was was Theirpower II. James s father,

dies Cromwell 1658 ‘

’ he was restored to the the to he was restored ’ but his heir and his and but heir

’ which literally which becomes King becomes II Charles 1660 - 1658

‘ Divine

TIMELINE London 1665Fire of The https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zcgbkqt Other Resources explain why? explain Can you England? in monarchy most of the reduceto power the Challenge

Key Vocabulary Lord Protector The GreatFire — The Glorious Interregnum Restoration Revolution Succession of London Look at the timeline. Which of these events did did events ofthese Which timeline. the at Look The Great Hanovers Physician Republic

Miasma Puritan Plague Heir Plague 1666Great The

Annelast(the Stuart) died in 1714. Hanover (present day Germany) after Queen Protestantkings called George(who came from next monarch systemThe determiningof who will become the personThe inline to inheritthe throne. and herProtestant husband. overthrowThe Jamesof II by hisdaughter Mary 4/5 A disaster of the Restorationera. Destroyed Foul air, it was believed to diseasecause A doctor sands people. of BlackThe Death returned in 1665 killing thou- returnThe of CharlesII to thethrone of England. ing, beliefsand churches. A strict Protestant. Very plain and simple cloth- titleThe Cromwell tookwhen heruled England. periodThe of time A country without a monarch. ths becomes King becomes 1685 II James of the city.

‘ between kings. ous Revolution 1688Glori- The

Rights of Bill The 1689