September/October 2009 Published for the members of

“We Keep You Connected” The future of television viewing!

Plus... Broadband Media Sexting: the newest Billy Holkem shares Networks now online problem among teens his Boston butt recipe Blessed are the... focused? I am having a good day! I’ve just read connected to your world. In the simplest something that I think is awesome. Do you terms, we make important and often very remember that phrase “Blessed are the difficult decisions every day trying to be meek”? What comes to your mind when certain we remain a relevant part of your you see the word meek? If you go to the homes and businesses well into the future. dictionary you are likely to encounter a We appreciate that opportunity. is a member-owned corporation range of meaning. On a positive note you But right now let’s return to a per- dedicated to providing communica- will find phrases such as gentle or pliant. sonal level. I challenge you to examine tions technology to the people of Less attractive, you will see spineless or your sense of focus. How well are you northeast Alabama. The company spiritless. No wonder some people have a harnessing your power to address the has over 16,000 access lines, mak- problem; blessed are the spineless. Yuk! most productive and truly important (read ing it the state’s largest telecom- In his book Eye of the Storm, my favor- fulfilling) areas of your life? As I have said munications cooperative. ite Christian author Max Lucado points before, one of the best life lessons anyone Board of Trustees out that the [Greek] term translated into ever shared with me was never to take Randy Wright, President English as meek “does not mean weak. myself too seriously. How are you doing Flat Rock Exchange It means focused. It is a word used to with that? Make no mistake about it; life describe a domesticated stallion. Power will throw an immense landscape at you Gary Smith, Vice President under control…” WOW! Doesn’t that make that will always tend to be as fuzzy AND Fyffe Exchange a difference? Blessed are those that have DISTRACTING as it possibly can. Your Danny R. Richey, Secretary learned to harness their power. task is to achieve clarity of purpose. It will Geraldine Exchange The word "focus" can also be aptly be incredibly hard work. That, I can abso- Lynn Welden, Treasurer rendered as obtaining a sense of clarity; in lutely promise. It is perhaps, in one sense, Bryant Exchange this case, clarity about what is important, your greatest life challenge. But do your what needs to be done, how to do it. How best. After all, Blessed are the Focused.n Robert B. Burkhalter is your life coming? Are you focused? Do Pisgah Exchange you have a sense of clarity about what is Greg Griffith really important to you, to your family, to Henagar Exchange your job? Randy Tumlin There’s an old adage that says if you Rainsville Exchange want to get something done, give the task to a busy person. Ever wonder why? People who are productively busy (as Connected opposed to those who are just furiously Vol. 13, No. 5 September/October 2009 running around in a meaningless circle) is a bimonthly magazine have learned the importance of getting published by Farmers Telecom- munications Cooperative, © 2009. things done, of staying on track. In other It is distributed without charge to words, they’ve learned to stay focused. To all member/owners of the Coop- be sure, in this, as in all of life, balance is erative. Send address key. There is always a possibility of be- corrections to: coming so focused on an objective that to Farmers Telecommunications your detriment you ignore all that is going Cooperative, Inc. on around you (tunnel vision). But that is P.O. Box 217 really an incident of narrowness of vision Fred Johnson 144 McCurdy Ave. N. and not of focus. Remember, focus implies is General Manager Rainsville, Alabama 35986 clarity, clarity of the whole picture. of Farmers Telephone: (256) 638-2144 Certainly, we here at FTC try to remain Telecommunications focused on our objective of keeping you Cooperative, Inc. Produced for FTC by: WordSouth Public Relations, Inc. Connected magazine is available anytime, from anywhere. Search feature stories and recipes, then print or even email them to family and friends. Login today and On the Cover: It’s All Online! stay connected! Visit FARMERSTEL.COM and click on the Connected icon. Digital Television service from FTC is now in the testing stages. See the story on Pages 8 - 9 to learn about package prices and the channels that will be available. 2 Connected - September/October 2009 Nationwide UnlimitedCalling

Telcom Enhanced 1 Max 2 Plus UNLIMITED UNLIMITED NATIONWIDE CALLING NATIONWIDE CALLING (Local & Long Distance) (Local & Long Distance)

Voice Mail Basic, plus Voice Mail Basic, plus UNLIMITED Calling Features UNLIMITED Calling Features

High-Speed High-Speed Broadband Internet Broadband Internet with speeds up to 10MB** with speeds up to 6MB**

$ .95 $ .95 109 Per Month 99Per Month

Telcom Telcom 3 Enhanced 4 Essential UNLIMITED UNLIMITED NATIONWIDE CALLING NATIONWIDE CALLING (Local & Long Distance) (Local & Long Distance)

Voice Mail Basic, plus Voice Mail Basic, plus UNLIMITED Calling Features UNLIMITED Calling Features

High-Speed High-Speed Now included in Broadband Internet Broadband Internet with speeds up to 3MB** with speeds up to 1.5MB**

$ .95 $ .65 FTC Bundles! 89Per Month 74Per Month

Restrictions on Use of FTC’s Unlimited Long Distance Service - FTC’s Unlimited Long Distance Service is available to Residential customers only and is provided subject to FTC’s Standard Terms and Conditions and FTC’s Price List (subject to any advertised discount).* These can be found at . Unlimited Long Distance Service, whether purchased alone or as part of an FTC Bundle, is for typical domestic voice use only. It does not include 900 calls, 800 services, Calling card calls, International calls, Directory Assistance, Operator Assistance, multi-line conference calls, chat services, or data services – standard rates apply for these services. All long distance calling areas are limited to the 48 continental United States plus Alaska, Hawaii, and select U.S. Territories. Long distance is not intended for use to connect to Internet service providers, data providers, or information services. Commercial facsimile, auto-redialing, resale, telemarketing, and general business use are strictly prohibited. While FTC does not apply arbitrary limits on typical long distance usage per month, should FTC determine, in its sole discretion, that usage is not consistent with typical Residential voice usage patterns and is abusive of the Service, FTC reserves the right, after giving notice of its intent, to immediately suspend, restrict or terminate the long distance service, or to bill future excessive usage charges at the per minute rate included in the FTC Price List, without further notice. FTC reserves the right to block permanent Call Forwarding in connection with the use of Unlimited Long Distance Service. Customers must subscribe to FTC Long Distance. All rates are subject to change. FTC reserves the right to eliminate its Unlimited Long Distance Service offering or any FTC Bundle that includes Unlimited Long Distance Service at any time upon appropriate notice to all customers subscribing to the Service or Bundle, consistent with then existing Alabama law and the rules and regulations of the Alabama Public Service Commission. Additional requirements and restrictions may apply. *The rate does not include applicable taxes and fees. “We Keep You Connected” Johnson reports to members on progress of their cooperative at FTC's Annual Meeting Farmers Telecommunications Co- As a true economic stimulus, John- operative held its 55th Annual Meeting son said FTC has returned $1 million of on Saturday, Aug. 1 at DeKalb County members’ equity to them this year. That Schools Coliseum in Rainsville. Fred brings the total to more than $14 million Johnson, FTC General Manager and in capital credit refunds that FTC has Executive Vice President, told members returned since the early 1990s. that the company had committed to a “FTC has continued in the past three-year, $36 million project to build a year to strengthen this cooperative and world-class network across the region. provide the best service possible for the Johnson announced that Digital communities we serve,” Johnson said. Television was now available in some A total of 764 members registered for areas, and that FTC was expanding its the meeting. Members voted to return FTC BOARD OF TRUSTEES—Members of services into Crossville and Section, as the incumbents to the Board of Trustees: the FTC Board are, left to right: (seated) Lynn well as parts of Fort Payne in the coming Lynn Welden, representing the Bryant ex- Welden, Treasurer; Randy Wright, President; Gary months. He discussed the new system- change; Robert Burkhalter, representing Smith, Vice President; Danny Richey, Secretary; wide calling plan announced recently, as the Pisgah exchange; and Danny Richey, (standing) Randy Tumlin; Greg Griffith and Robert well as unlimited nationwide calling. representing the Geraldine exchange. Burkhalter.

Co-op Couples Conference Cory & Misty Palmer of Flat Rock were among 24 young couples sponsored to the 2009 Alabama Co-op Couples Conference, which is hosted by the Alabama Council of Coopera- tives. The Hilton Beachfront Garden Inn, Orange Beach, Ala., held the 34th annual conference. Farmers Telecommunications Cooperative sponsored the Palmers to this three-day confer- Using Technology to Support the Community When a major historical event was being planned on Sand Mountain, Farmers Telecommunications Co- ence where participants had an opportunity to operative became involved to support the technology. A Sacred Harp singing was held at Corinth Baptist learn how cooperatives affect their everyday life. Church in Fyffe on Sept. 12 and 13, marking the 50th anniversary of the 1959 event at the same location In addition to Farmers Telecommunications Co- where famed folklorist Alan Lomax captured the first successful stereo recording of the traditional singing operative, other sponsors include AgFirst Farm style (those recordings reside in the Library of Congress and have been released internationally). In order Credit, Southern States Cooperative, Federal for local company Town Creek Productions to video the event and send a live feed from the church to the Land Bank Association, Rural Electric Coop- senior citizen center 1,200 feet away, a reliable connection had to be established. FTC crews studied the eratives, Dairy Farmers of America, CoBank, situation and developed the best route and technology to use to connect the two buildings. Additional sup- Alabama Farmers Cooperatives, Dairy Farmers port for the project was provided by Sen. Lowell Barron and Rep. Todd Greeson. Pictured here working on of America, and Tennessee Valley Authority. the connection are FTC crew members David Bearden (foreground), Eddie Garrett and Tommy Laney. 4 Connected - September/October 2009 Exclusive Broadband Media Networks now available to FTC Internet customers

FTC Internet customers can now The networks include the popular Internet connection,” says Lyles. “It's just browse over to some premium Internet, Disney Connection, ABC another benefit of doing business with content. “We are excited to offer several News NOW, and SOAPNETIC (see de- their member-owned cooperative.” exclusive broadband media networks scriptions below). A broadband connection is necessary to our Internet customers, giving them And best of all, through special ar- to access these premium networks, due access to some of the best news, sports rangement with the providers, FTC is to the level of video, multimedia content and entertainment content on the Web,” offering access to these broadband media and interactivity. says Brandi Lyles, Marketing Director for networks at no additional cost. For more information, and to access Farmers Telecommunications Coopera- “Our members can use these net- these broadband media networks, visit tive. works free of charge from their FTC offers a wide array of event programming options, allowing your customers to choose live events or recently completed games. Most events available on will be original and/or exclusive to the service, while others will be broadband-enhanced versions of games from one of ESPN’s television platforms. is the online home for sports fans to watch LIVE sporting events within an interac- tive online video player wherever they are. On watch more than 3,500 events each year, including College Football and Basketball, NBA, MLB, European Soccer, Grand Slam Tennis, the Masters and US Open Golf and more. Enjoy interactive features including scoreboards, stats, live chats and integrated Twitter updates.

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Connected - September/October 2009 5 Partnership for a Drug-Free DeKalb County is Making a Difference One Life at a Time

By Caroline Bowman vention and recovery.” The prevention program reaches Ten years ago, after a 16-year old boy children as young as five years old. from DeKalb County was charged with a Volunteers from the Partnership visit drug-related murder, a group of con- classrooms across the county to address cerned citizens decided something must poison control and other basic safety be done to protect those in their commu- issues. “We want the children to realize nity from the perils of drugs and other at a young age that staying healthy is destructive decisions. extremely important,” Barrontine com- Today, that coalition is known as ments. the Partnership for a Drug-Free DeKalb When students reach the fifth grade, County. they are introduced to the DARE pro- “We are built on awareness and ac- gram, which raises awareness of the tion,” says Liz Barrontine, Project Coordi- many dangers of tobacco use. Sylvania School works with the Partnership for a nator for the Partnership. “We shed light Partnership DeKalb works with Drug-Free DeKalb County offering a class, FOCUS on the side of DeKalb County that most clubs such as SADD (Students Against on SADD, which promotes participation in extracur- people would rather ignore. We want to Destructive Decisions) and FOCUS, ricular activities to keep students away from making create a climate where it is not easy to an HIV/AIDS prevention group, to destructive choices. Students from Mrs. Lea's FO- look the other way. By acknowledging reach high school students throughout CUS class work with elementary students, helping the problem and doing what we can to the county. These clubs allow teens to them with class work, reading to them and more. fix it, we are able to celebrate overcoming spread knowledge about the damage bad “Not just anyone can join the class. The students it.” choices can cause, and encourage their must apply to the program and go through a selec- Partnership DeKalb is made up al- peers to make wise decisions. tion process,” says Mrs. Lea. “This is the second most entirely of volunteers and is funded One of the most successful projects year we have offered the FOCUS class, and the by grants, donations, and the United Giv- of the Partnership is Mentor DeKalb. The students really love it. It benefits the younger chil- ers Fund (see sidebar for additional UGF- mentoring program provides mentors dren, as well as the mentors.” funded programs.) to youth in need of a positive influence. The Partnership is attacking the “It’s all about building relationships,” TOP OF PAGE: Ismael Sebastian practices math drug problem in DeKalb County from all says Barrontine. “These kids just need with Erika Mitchell. INSET: Front Row: Victoria Da- sides. “We are trying to break the cycle someone to show them they care.” vis gets assistance from Jon Roberts. Back Row (L that drug use creates,” Barrontine says. The success of the program has re- to R): Lori Hitchcock watches Lauren King work on “That means prevention as well as inter- vealed itself in many ways. a classroom assignment. 6 Connected - September/October 2009 “When a volunteer steps up and we can find the right speaker for you,” United Givers Fund dedicates an hour a week to a child, they explains Barrontine. Speakers are avail- plant a seed,” explains Barrontine. “As able for schools, churches, civic organi- The DeKalb County United Giver’s the child grows up, they remember the zations, employers, clubs or any other Fund is a non-profit organization. It was difference their mentor’s kindness made group wanting to learn more about the founded in 1958 with the purpose of and will want to help others.” war on drugs. providing local agencies with funding The children in the program often Youth drug screening is yet another that would help them achieve their mis- receive tutoring from their mentors. service provided by Partnership DeKalb. sion of serving local communities in the “When the kids are encouraged to do Schools in both DeKalb County and Fort area. Some of the agencies supported by their homework and stay in school, it Payne City systems have been provided UGF include: can really make a difference in the rest with information concerning the free American Red Cross of their lives,” she states. “I have seen a drug screenings made available by the direct correlation between the increase Court Referral Office. Provides disaster relief to victims, blood in graduation rates and the decrease in services, hospital volunteers, and emer- arrest rates. This statistic confirms that gency calls to and from military families. the volunteers are impacting lives and How can you help? Boy Scouts making real changes.” Such great progress has been made Instills values in young people and pre- since the Partnership was created a pares them to make ethical choices. decade ago. Its future, however, depends Proactive approach greatly on the contributions and efforts of CASA (Care Assurance System for Aging) Partnership DeKalb is also in- volunteers. Provides clothing, food, transportation volved in a number of other projects. “We are asking people of all ages to a doctor, air conditioning units, heat- Scripwatch, a joint project with DeKalb in the community to simply stand up ers and telephone assurance to aging County 911, allows area pharmacies to right where they are and get involved,” and homebound individuals. report suspicious prescriptions to local Barrontine says. “By giving even a small law enforcement agencies. amount of time, volunteers can make a ARC (Association for Retarded Citizens) “The misuse of prescription drugs huge difference.” Helps adults with mental retardation is a huge problem where we live,” states While many youth in the county are achieve a high level of independence. Barrontine. “In Alabama, hydrocodone benefiting from the mentoring program, is highly misdistributed and misused. there are still numerous students waiting Girl Scouts Many people think since it is a prescrip- for a volunteer to give just one hour a Helps girls build courage, confidence, tion it is alright to take, but if your body week. “You can contact your local school and character. is not in need of the drug, it can have or our office to find a child you can devastating side effects.” help,” says Barrontine. “Simply fill out Salvation Army By putting pharmacies on watch for an application form, agree to a back- Provides emergency aid in food, medi- questionable prescriptions, Partnership ground check, and you will be matched cine, utility assistance, shelter and trans- DeKalb is making it much more difficult with a child in your area.” portation. for people to wrongly obtain prescription Citizens can also help by pitching Child Development Center drugs. in with a Partnership project such as the Provides quality child day care services The Partnership is also working with Fair Booth, the DeKalb County Basketball at a more affordable price for children local businesses to reduce the availabil- Tournament or the Home and Garden 12 months to 10 years. ity of products used in the manufacture Show. Volunteers can also help with of methamphetamine. The program, membership campaigns and Red Rib- Easter Seal Society Merchants Against Meth allows Partner- bon Week, the largest drug prevention Provides handicapped individuals with ship DeKalb to educate retailers in the campaign in the country. transportation vouchers (for gas) to get area about the precursor chemicals used “Right now, we are preparing for our to doctor’s appointments and helps with to make meth and how businesses can re- annual 5k run/walk,” says Barrontine. the cost of medical equipment. duce the ease with which these products The event, held October 3rd, starts at 8 can be obtained from their store. a.m. at the Wills Valley Rec Center. The Rose Haven By being aware of customers’ efforts entry fee is $25, with a discount for stu- Provides safe, confidential shelter, crisis to purchase large amounts of products dents. There will also be a one mile Fun intervention, and advocacy for victims such as ephedrine, muriatic acid, lantern Run for children, which costs $5 (there of violence. fuel, and Heet, business owners can do is no fee for any adults who enter the 5k their part to stop drug production in the run and want to participate in the Fun USO area. Run with a child). Supports our troops and their families The Partnership for a Drug-Free The work of volunteers is essential, worldwide by providing vital deploy- DeKalb also serves as a speakers bureau. says Barrontine, if the Partnership is to ment, family support, education, en- “Whether you are wanting to hear about continue changing lives in DeKalb. For tertainment and travel assistance pro- the physical effects of drug use, preven- more information, call 256-997-0000 or grams. tion methods, or even personal stories, visit Connected - September/October 2009 7 The future of television viewing!

Television viewing is about to change Marketing Director Brandi Lyles," and it bers at such affordable prices," says forever in Northeast Alabama, as Farm- doesn't have all the service issues related Fred Johnson, General Manager of FTC. ers Telecommunications Cooperative to traditional cable TV. Digital Television Members can save money each month by launches its Digital Television service. just delivers a better experience.” purchasing a Bundle Plan that includes FTC TV will offer a wide selection Because it is digital, FTC TV will be Digital Television along with Unlimited of channels, all delivered over a World capable of convenient features not avail- Nationwide Calling, High-Speed Inter- Class Broadband Network. “Besides able with other TV services. Local con- net, Voice Mail Basic and Unlimited Call- amazing picture and sound quality, tent will also be presented, from sports ing Features (see pricing below). Digital Television is less susceptible than and news to human interest features. FTC TV is in the final testing stages. satellite TV to interruptions caused by "We are especially pleased to offer To add your name to the Pending Sub- cloud cover and rainstorms," says FTC Digital Television service to our mem- scriber List, call FTC at 638-2144.n Triple Play Triple Play Triple Play Triple Play 1 Max 2 Enhanced Plus 3 Enhanced 4 Essential Digital Television Digital Television Digital Television Digital Television Expanded Basic (200 channels*) Expanded Basic (200 channels*) Expanded Basic (200 channels*) Expanded Basic (200 channels*)


Voice Mail Basic, plus Voice Mail Basic, plus Voice Mail Basic, plus Voice Mail Basic, plus UNLIMITED Calling Features UNLIMITED Calling Features UNLIMITED Calling Features UNLIMITED Calling Features

High-Speed Broadband Internet High-Speed Broadband Internet High-Speed Broadband Internet High-Speed Broadband Internet with speeds up to 10MB** with speeds up to 6MB** with speeds up to 3MB** with speeds up to 1.5MB** $ .95 $ .95 $ .95 $ .95 179 Per Month 169 Per Month 159 Per Month 139 Per Month Call FTC at 638-2144 to add your name to the Pending Subscriber List!

Restrictions on Use of FTC’s Unlimited Long Distance Service FTC’s Unlimited Long Distance Service is available to Residential customers only and is provided subject to FTC’s Standard Terms and Conditions and FTC’s Price List (subject to any advertised discount).* These can be found at . Unlimited Long Distance Service, whether purchased alone or as part of an FTC Bundle, is for typical domestic voice use only. It does not include 900 calls, 800 services, Calling card calls, International calls, Directory Assistance, Operator Assistance, multi-line conference calls, chat services, or data services – standard rates apply for these services. All long distance calling areas are limited to the 48 continental United States plus Alaska, Hawaii, and select U.S. Territories. Long distance is not intended for use to connect to Internet service providers, data providers, or information services. Commercial facsimile, auto-redialing, resale, telemarketing, and general business use are strictly prohibited. While FTC does not apply arbitrary limits on typical long distance usage per month, should FTC determine, in its sole discretion, that usage is not consistent with typical Residential voice usage patterns and is abusive of the Service, FTC reserves the right, after giving notice of its intent, to immediately suspend, restrict or terminate the long distance service, or to bill future excessive usage charges at the per minute rate included in the FTC Price List, without further notice. FTC reserves the right to block permanent Call Forwarding in connection with the use of Unlimited Long Distance Service. Customers must subscribe to FTC Long Distance. All rates are subject to change. FTC reserves the right to eliminate its Unlimited Long Distance Service offering or any FTC Bundle that includes Unlimited Long Distance Service at any time upon appropriate notice to all customers subscribing to the Service or Bundle, consistent with then existing Alabama law and the rules and regulations of the Alabama Public Service Commission. Additional requirements and restrictions may apply. Quoted rates do not include applicable taxes and fees. *Number approximate. Actual lineup will vary. ** Speeds are approximate, not guaranteed. Some areas not yet capable of receiving this service. 8 Connected - September/October 2009 Channel Guide

2 FTC Local 129 A&E 242 Discovery Health 508 HBO Comedy 644 Crescendo 3 WRCB Chattanooga - NBC 130 National Geographic 243 Fit TV 510 HBO Zone 645 Celebration (Christian) 4 WRCB Retro TV 131 300 Biography Channel 512 HBO Latino 646 Praise (Gospel) 8 WAMY - Huntsville My 8 TV 132 Learning Channel (TLC) 301 History International 514 MAX E 647 Unforgettable 9 WTVC Chattanooga - ABC 133 History Channel 302 Military History 516 MoreMAX 648 Jazzup Broadway 11 QVC 134 303 Crime & Investigation Network 518 5 Star MAX 649 Cinema 12 WDEF Chattanooga - CBS 135 BBC America 304 CNN International 520 OuterMAX 650 Voice Box (Vocal) 15 WHDF Florence/Huntsville - UPN 136 BBC World News 305 Boomerang 522 ActionMAX 651 Zen (Meditative Music) 19 WHNT Huntsville - CBS 137 Military Channel 306 Flix East 524 ThrillerMAX 652 Dream Sequence (Mood) 20 WHNT Retro TV 138 307 Flix West 526 WomenMAX 653 Acoustic Chill (Mood) 21 HSN 139 308 Hallmark Movie Channel 527 Cinemax 654 Blue Room (Mood) 25 WHIQ Huntsville - PBS 141 Spike TV 309 Sundance E 553 Telemundo 655 Jet Set (Mood) 31 WAAY Huntsville - ABC 142 Comedy Central 312 Game Show Network 555 CNN en Espanol 656 Swing (Big-band) 45 WTCI Chattanooga - PBS 144 SYFY 323 Oxygen East 556 History en Espanol 657 Noggin (Pre-school) 48 WAFF Huntsville - NBC 145 Sleuth 400 Starz East 557 Discovery en Espanol 658 Nick Kids (Kids Music) 54 WZDK Huntsville - FOX 156 Fox Movie Channel 401 Starz West 558 659 Say it loud (Seasonal) 56 C-SPAN 157 Turner Classic Movies 402 Starz Cinema E 560 ESPN Deportes 660 Comedy RADIO 57 C-SPAN2 158 Chiller 403 Starz Cinema W 563 TBN Enlace 703 WRCB-NBC HD 58 C-SPAN3 172 CNN 404 Starz Kids & Family E 564 La Familia Cosmovision 709 WTVC-ABC HD 64 Eternal Word 173 CNN Headline News 405 Starz Kids & Family W 566 MUN2 712 WDEF-CBS HD 65 i-Life 174 ABC News Now 406 Starz Comedy E 605 MTV’s TRL (Today’s Music) 715 WHDF-UPN HD 66 INSP 175 MSNBC 408 Starz Edge E 606 Blast (Today’s Top 40) 719 WHNT-CBS HD 67 TBN 176 CNBC 410 Starz in Black E 607 Grind (Rhythmic pop) 725 WHIQ-PBS HD 69 Shop NBC 177 CNBC World 412 Encore E 608 Neon (Modern Pop) 731 WAAY-ABC HD 70 ESPN 178 Fox News Channel 413 Encore W 609 Cover to Cover 745 WTCI-PBS HD 71 ESPN Classic 179 Fox Business Network 414 Encore Drama E 610 Plush (Soft Pop) 748 WAFF-NBC HD 72 ESPNews 180 The Weather Channel 416 Encore Mystery E 611 I Love the 70s 750 WZDK-Fox HD 73 ESPNU 181 RFD-TV 418 Encore WAM E 612 I Love the 80s 751 National Geographic HD 74 ESPN 2 200 CMT 419 Encore WAM W 613 I Love the 90s 752 Discovery HD Theatre 75 Speed Channel 201 CMT Pure Country 420 Encore Action E 614 Solid GolD Oldies 754 Palladia-HD 76 Fox Soccer Channel 202 421 Encore Action W 615 Discotech (Disco) 755 -HD 77 Fox Sports South 203 FUEL TV 422 Encore Love E 616 Vinyl (Dance) 756 HGTV-HD 80 Fox College Sports Atlantic 204 MTV 424 Encore Westerns E 617 Electronica 757 espn-HD 81 Fox College Sports Central 205 MTV 2 426 IndiePlex 618 MTV2 (Rock) 758 espn2-HD 82 Fox College Sports Pacific 206 MTV Hits 427 RetroPlex 619 Rock Legends 759 Outdoor Channel 2-HD 83 CBS College Sports Ntwk. 207 MTV Jams 450 Showtime E 620 Arena Rock 761 A&E-HD 84 Sportsman’s Channel 208 BET 451 Showtime W 621 Crunch (Alternative) 762 History Channel-HD 85 Outdoor Channel 209 VH1 452 Showtime 2 E 622 Axis (World Class Rock) 763 Wealth TV-HD 86 210 VH1 Classic Rock 453 Showtime 2 W 623 MTV2 Headbanger’s Ball 764 Universal-HD 87 Versus (Outdoor Life) 211 VH1 Soul 454 Showtime Showcase E 624 NuGroove (R&B Hits) 794 ABC Family-HD 98 The Disney Channel 212 BET Jazz 455 Showtime Showcase W 625 Soul City (Classic R&B) 795 Disney-HD 99 Disney XD 213 BET Gospel 456 Showtime FamilyZone E 626 Hip-nod-ics (Rap) 796 Disney XD-HD 100 Nickelodeon/Nick at Nite 215 mtvU 457 Showtime FamilyZone W 627 Dope (Rap) 800 Starz E-HD 101 Nick 2 216 MTV Tr3s 458 Showtime Women E 628 VH1 Soul 804 Starz Kids & Family E-HD 102 NickToons 225 SOAPnet 459 Showtime Women W 629 CMT Radio 850 Showtime East HD 103 Cartoon Network 226 Lifetime 460 Showtime Extreme E 630 Bluegrass 866 Movie Channel E HD 104 Noggin 227 Lifetime Movies 461 Showtime Extreme W 631 Diner (Americana) 900 HBO E-HD 105 The N 228 Lifetime Real Women 462 Showtime Beyond E 632 Wide Open Country 902 HBO 2 e-HD 106 PBS Kids Sprout 231 Food Network 463 Showtime Beyond W 633 Ragga (Reggae) 914 Cinemax E-HD 107 232 HGTV 464 Showtime Next E 634 Pegado (Latin Hip-Hop) 916 MoreMAX e-HD 108 Channel 233 Planet Green 465 Showtime Next W 635 MTV Tr3s (Latin Pop) 950-963 ESPN PPV 1 121 TBS 234 DIY Network 466 The Movie Channel E 636 Manteca (Latin Jazz) 950-963 ESPN PPV 2 122 ABC Family 235 Fine Living 467 The Movie Channel W 637 Radio Alterna (Latin) 950-963 ESPN PPV 3 123 USA Network 236 Wealth TV 468 TMC Extra East 638 Tejano (Tex/Mex) 950-963 ESPN PPV 4 124 FX 237 469 TMC Extra W 639 Big World (World) 950-963 ESPN PPV 5 125 TNT 238 Logo 500 HBO 640 OASIS (smooth jazz) 950-963 ESPN PPV 6 126 truTV 239 Style 502 HBO Plus 2 641 SMOKE (mainstream jazz) 999 EAS (Emergency Alert System) 127 TV Land 240 E! Entertainment TV 504 HBO Signature 642 BLUES part 2 128 Hallmark 241 Fox Reality 506 HBO Family 643 OPERA Connected - September/October 2009 9 SEXTING what every parent needs to know about this growing adolescent problem

By Joseph M. Morgan If the word "sexting" makes you feel uncomfortable, it should. It is every bit as explicit as it sounds, and it is becoming more prev- alent among our youth. Sexting is the act of sending sexually ex- plicit messages or photos between cell phones via text messages.

Sexting has become a major problem the possession and distribution of child as a sex offender for the rest of your life. It among our nation's youth. More than 20 pornography. As long as the image circu- also has other consequences about where percent of teens ages 13 to 19 admit to lates, anyone in possession of it may face you can live and with whom you can live, participating in sexting, according to a charges. involving children. nationwide survey by the National Cam- “Sexting may seem fun or flirta- “Even if you’re charged as a juve- paign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned tious or meant to be a joke,” says DeKalb nile,” O'Dell continues, “under Megan’s Pregnancy. The study also found that a County District Attorney Mike O'Dell, Law you may be required to register as a staggering 42 percent of those did so at “but your child could be committing a se- sex offender for a minimum of 10 years. the urging of others. Thirty-eight per- rious crime. Production of a sexual depic- That is a long-term consequence I’m sure cent of teens are reported to have at least tion of nudity is a Class A felony under many young people have never contem- received an offensive or distressing sexual Alabama law, which can mean anything plated.” image via text or email. from 10 years to life in prison. Sexting can also have devastatingly “Even possession of material of that negative emotional and psychological nature, including pictures on a cell phone, impacts on a teen's life. Youth who en- can result in a Class C felony,” he contin- gage in sexting risk reoccurring embar- A serious offense ues, “which is punishable by a year and a rassment and There can be many consequences to day to ten years in jail. Those are for adult victimization. sexting, and none of them are positive. offenders, but teenagers can also face Once an im- Youth who send such messages may these kinds of charges.” age is spread face charges of producing, possessing or O'Dell says that in addition to pos- via cell phone distributing child pornography. sible jail time, additional charges associ- or posted For example, if a teen girl takes an ated with sexting can affect a child for the online, it is explicit picture of herself and sends it to rest of their lives. impossible to her boyfriend, she can be charged with “If you engage in a sexting activ- get back and the production and distribution of child ity, either production or possession, you can potentially pornography. If the boyfriend in turn could wind up being charged as a sex circulate for forwards the image to one of his friends, offender,” O'Dell says, “which would re- years. District Attorney Mike O'Dell the boyfriend can then be charged with quire you under Megan’s Law to register “Teens 10 Connected - September/October 2009 need to understand there is no guarantee In fact, there have been numerous “It is important that you take the time to that what they are sending will remain local incidents in recent years of adults learn what they are doing and who they private,” O'Dell says. “In fact, it's just the texting underage teens and engaging are in contact with.” opposite. Pictures can take a leap from them in conversation of a sexual nature. Parents are often shocked to discover cell phone to a computer on Facebook or These predators often encourage their the content their children are sharing Myspace, and then be transmitted around potential victims to send nude or partially through their cell phones. O'Dell encour- the world. Once it's in cyberspace it can nude photos of themselves via their cell ages parents to talk with their children never be private and you can never take phones. Law enforcement has intervened about the boundaries of appropriate cell it back.” and arrests have been made in many phone use. “You may disagree with each Teens who text inappropriate photos cases. However, there is no way to know other,” he says, “but they will know how of themselves face social repercussions how many such incidents go unreported you feel — and I think you have not such as ridicule and harassment from because a parent or other responsible only the right, but the duty as a parent peers. They become easy targets of mean adult has not been alerted. to enforce with your children the way comments, jokes and rumors. These O'Dell says the key to protecting they conduct themselves with their cell teens face being judged and excluded by youth from the dangers of sexting is to phones.” friends, families and communities. start at home. Individuals who engage in sexting “We've gotten into a whole new often do not realize that these images realm of personal relationships with could follow them forever, negatively im- our children now with the advances of Avoiding mistakes pacting social, academic and employment cell phone technology and cyberspace,” O'Dell says it is not his goal to punish opportunities. O'Dell says. “It is important that parents young people for their mistakes, but to “The short-term consequences of set guidelines and expectations for the keep them from making decisions that sexting may be embarrassment or hu- way their children behave online and could ruin their lives. miliation,” O'Dell says. “There may also through texts. It is every bit as important “My goal as a District Attorney is not be consequences in the school or legal as setting rules for the way they behave in to put our young people in jail,” O'Dell system if you’re charged with a crime. other areas of their lives. explains. “My goal is to stop them from “But the long-term consequences fol- “You need to know who your kids making mistakes they will regret for low you for the rest of your life,” he adds. are communicating with,” O'Dell says. the rest of their lives. We all need, from “Anyone seeking to know more about “You expect to know who they see each time to time, someone to tell us that our you may be able to access this informa- day and who their friends and teammates activities are either foolish or stupid or tion. Obviously, if you’re looking for from school are. You should expect to harmful. college admission or future employment, know the same of who they are in contact “All of those descriptions pertain to these are the last things you want people with on their cell phone. sexting,” he adds, “every one of them. It to look at if they are deciding whether or “Many times children are commu- is foolish. It is stupid. It is harmful. And not to accept you into their program.” nicating at 2:00 a.m. on their cell phones it could have long-term consequences and you are asleep and have no idea what that will affect you for the rest of your is going on in their lives,” he continues. life.”n Prowling predators Even more frightening is that im- Sexting: Where to turn for help ages can find their way into the hands of If you discover sexual comments or photos from an adult on your child's adults who prey on children and collect cell phone, contact the School Resource officer at your child's school, child pornography. Sexual predators DeKalb County Sheriff Jimmy Harris (845-3801), or District Attorney Mike often pursue teens who engage in sexting because they believe them to be easier O'Dell (845-8550). Early intervention is the key to protecting your child. targets. Connected - September/October 2009 11 RECYCLE

With so many options, basic recycling is easy — and it can make a huge difference in our country's resources

By Joseph M. Morgan tion with city programs or with one of list of recyclable materials or for current the many recycling businesses in the area metal values call 256-845-8899. It does not matter if you are a Demo- that accept materials on-site or at drop- crat or a Republican, a conservative or a off bins. There are also a number of local ➥The City of Scottsboro Solid Waste liberal. It does not matter which side of scrap yards willing to pay top dollar for and Recycling facility located at 27150 the global warming debate you are on, or scrap metal, including soft drink cans John T. Reid Parkway accepts the fol- how you feel about offshore drilling or and soup cans. lowing materials: cardboard, paper, 'cap and trade.' Recycling is something aluminum cans, number one or number all Americans can agree on. ➥The Fort Payne City Recycling Cen- two plastic bottles and jugs, all types of You may decide to recycle because ter is located at 406 Logan Street SE. paper, rinsed tin and steel food cans and you feel morally obligated, or because Fort Payne's recycling center accepts a other types of metal. you feel it is your civic duty. You may wide range of materials, including: clean The facility is open Monday through recycle simply because 'going green' is aluminum cans, clean food cans, used Friday from 6 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. For a the trendy thing to do these days. It is motor oil, automobile batteries, met- more detailed list of recyclable materials, only important that you begin, whatever als of all kinds, 4' or 8' fluorescent light or for more information about your reason. bulbs, styrofoam peanuts, number two the City of Scottsboro recy- Studies have shown that the U.S. is HDPE plastic bottles (such as milk jugs cling service, call 256- the number one trash-producing country and shampoo bottles), number one PET 259-5548 or visit www. in the world, creating 1,609 pounds of plastic bottles (such as soft drink and wa- refuse per person per year. That means ter bottles), shrink wrap plastic, plastic that 5% of the world's population gener- bags, glass, clean white office paper and ➥Recycling for Scotts- ates 40% of the world's waste. computer paper (must be separated), all boro (a business sepa- Approximately 60% of all refuse other types of paper (can be mixed), and rate from the City thrown away in the U.S. today could be cardboard boxes. of Scottsboro), recycled, yet only 28% is recycled annu- Fort Payne City Recycling Center is is located ally. open Monday through Friday from 6:30 on Abbey Farmers Telecommunications Coop- a.m. until 6:00 p.m. and an attendant is Lane off erative is implementing an office-wide on site for assistance until 2:30 p.m. The of U.S. recycling program for paper and other center is closed on weekends, but ninety- products. These efforts are in conjunc- gallon collection carts are placed outside tion with its annual Directory Recycling the fence for convenient drop-off. For a Program. “This year students collected a more detailed list of recyclable materi- total of 7,108 FTC directories,” says Kim als, or for more information about Fort Williams, Public Relations Representa- Payne City Recycling Center, call 256- tive for FTC. “That equals almost 10,000 845-8977 or visit pounds of paper that will be recycled instead of ending up in a landfill.” ➥Scrappers Recycling, located at 2513 For those who live in this region, Gault Avenue South in Fort Payne, pays recycling is an easy habit to start. There customers by the pound for all types of are many options in and around the FTC metal (with the exception of wire). It is service area that make recycling conve- open Monday through Friday from 7 nient for all. a.m. until 4:30 p.m., and Saturday from Recycling can be done in conjunc- 7 a.m. until noon. For a more detailed 12 Connected - September/October 2009 Highway 72. The business accepts a wide noon. For a more detailed list of recy- Facts about recycling range of materials, including: card- clables or for current metal values, call board, motor oil, paper, number one and 256-259-6044. •Americans use 2.5 million plastic number two plastics, steel cans and glass bottles every hour. Thirty-eight billion bottles or jars (windows and other types ➥Bowman's Scrap and Recycling, plastic bottles are thrown away a year. of glass not accepted). Recycling for located at 363 Old Larkinsville Road in Scottsboro pays customers by the pound Scottsboro, is a metal recycler who pays •It takes a plastic bottle anywhere from for the following materials: aluminum customers by the pound for aluminum 100 to 1,000 years to decompose. cans, copper, brass and bailed cardboard. and steel cans, copper, brass, stainless Customers can drop off recyclables steel and automobiles. Bowman's Scrap •To produce each week’s Sunday news- at the recycling center or at one of four and Recycling does not accept comput- papers, 500,000 trees must be cut drop-off bins throughout the city: the ers, microwaves, televisions, steel wire, down. entrance to the Scottsboro Municipal fencing or tires. Airport on Willow Street; at Lakeside Bowman's Scrap and Recycling is •Rain Forests are being cut down at a Grocery off Veterans Drive; at Trinity open Monday through Friday from 7 rate of 100 acres per minute. Lutheran Church on Broad Street; and at a.m. until 5 p.m. and Saturday from 7 the Scottsboro City Jail off Broad Street. a.m. until noon. For a more detailed •If all U.S. newspapers were recycled, Glass is only accepted at the Scottsboro list of recyclables or for current metal we could save about 250 million trees City Jail and the recycling center. values, call 256-259-0345. each year. Recycling for Scottsboro is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. ➥A & K Metals, located at 985 County •If every American recycled just one- until 4:30 p.m. For a more detailed list of Road 95 in Flat Rock, pays customers tenth of their newspapers, we would recyclables or for current metal values, by the pound for iron, shredded metal, save about 25 million trees per year. call 256-259-0639. copper, aluminum, stainless steel, brass, heavy equipment, automobiles, •The amount of wood and paper we ➥Scottsboro Recycling (a business refrigerators, washers, dryers and other throw away each year is enough to heat separate from the City of Scottsboro), lo- metal appliances. A & K Metals does 50 million homes for 20 years. cated on 3602 E. Willow Street, is a metal not accept microwaves, televisions and recycler who accepts aluminum, copper, fencing. Residential pick-up is available •Approximately 1 billion trees worth of brass, stainless steel, car batteries and for large loads and vehicles. paper are thrown away every year in transmissions. Customers are paid by the A & K Metals is open Monday the U.S. pound for materials according to the fluc- through Friday from 7 a.m. until 3:45 tuating market value of each metal. p.m. and Saturday from 7 a.m. until •Americans use 85 million tons of paper Scottsboro Recycling is open Mon- 3:45 p.m. For a more detailed list of a year; about 680 pounds per person. day through Friday from 8 a.m. until recyclables or for current metal values, 4:30 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. until call 256-632-6299. •Each ton (2,000 pounds) of recycled paper can save 17 trees, 380 gallons of ➥Progress Rail Services Corporation, oil, three cubic yards of landfill space, located at 500 Mathis Mill Road in Al- 4,000 kilowatts of energy and 7,000 bertville, pays customers by the pound gallons of water. This represents a 64% for all metals with the exception of energy savings, a 58% water savings, steel wire and cable. It is open Monday and 60 pounds less of air pollution. through Friday from 7:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. and from noon until 3:45 p.m. •Americans throw away 36 billion alu- For a more detailed list of recyclables or minum cans per year worth $600 mil- for current metal values, call 256-878- lion in scrap value. 3051 or visit •A modern glass bottle could take up ➥R & R Recycling, located at 4505 to one million years or more to decom- Hustleville Road in Albertville, pays pose. customers by the pound for any type of metal. It is open Monday through Fri- •The energy saved from recycling one day from 7 a.m. until 5 p.m. For a more glass bottle can run a 100-watt light detailed list of recyclables or for current bulb for four hours. It also causes 20% metal values, call 256-891-4120. n less air pollution and 50% less water pollution than when a new bottle is made from raw materials. John Walker the Solid Waste Supervisor for the City of Fort Payne, demonstrates the aluminum can baler.

Connected - September/October 2009 13 26th Annual Mentone Colorfest

Upcoming October 17-18 A bonfire and storytelling kick-off this an- nual event. Great food, arts and crafts, live entertainment and more Events will provide hours of enjoyment for the entire family! Call Carole Killian for more information at 256-638-7709.

CAC Golf Tournament October 6, 2009

The DeKalb County Chil- dren's Advocacy Center (CAC) is hosting their 4th Annual Golf Tournament at Terrapin Hills Golf and County Club. This four man best ball tournament will begin with lunch at 11 a.m. and a Shotgun Start at noon. All proceeds help the CAC reduce the trauma of child sexual abuse. Call 256-997-9700 for more information or to register a team, or obtain a registration form by visiting

DeKalb County Special Services Center November 13 - 15 & 20 - 22, 2009 Willy Loman is a failing salesman who cannot understand how he failed to gain success and happiness. Through a AUCTION series of tragic soul-searching revelations of the life he has lived with his wife, his sons, and his business associates, we discover how his quest for the "American Dream" kept him blind to the people who truly loved him. NACC Theatre November 14 The DeKalb County Special proudly presents one of the most profound classic dramas of Services Center is having their annual fundraiser auction the American theatre. Nov. 14, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. The center serves children ages 3 to 21 with varying degrees of physical and cognitive Showtimes: disabilities. Funds raised from the auction will be used to Friday & Saturday at 7:00 p.m. purchase special equipment necessary to help the students. Sunday Matinee at 2:00 p.m. There will be an open house for viewing auction items on All tickets are $5. Nov. 12 & 13 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with silent bids Seating is reserved. being accepted until the day of the auction. If you would like Handicapped seating is available. to donate an item for auction, or for more information, call Contact the NACC Theatre at 638-4418, extension 218 to pur- 256-623-3554. chase tickets or for more information.

14 Connected - September/October 2009 Sand Billy Holkem Mountain Forty years ago, Billy Holkem was faced much mon- with a serious problem. His wife, Fay, began ey, but we Kitchens working the night shift, leaving him at home sold a lot of with four hungry kids. “I guess you could say food and had I started cooking out of necessity,” he laughs. a lot of fun!” But what started as a way of survival Last year, soon turned into a passion. “I started sim- Holkem retired after ple, but worked my way up to full meals,” 40 years as a machine technician at Shaw In- Holkem says. “When you eat as much as I do, dustries in Trenton, Ga. He now spends his you start thinking about how you can make time cooking for his wife of 50 years, four what you are eating better. So, every time I grown children, 14 grandchildren, and soon- cooked something, I would try to improve it to-be 6 great grand kids. He also enjoys help- somehow. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it ing with the boys’ clubs at his home church, didn’t. But eventually, through trial and error, Rainsville Church of God, watching Westerns, I came up with some pretty good recipes of fishing and supporting Auburn and Fyffe foot- my own.” ball. Holkem also takes care of his five pets: a In 1997, Holkem opened Uncle Bill’s BBQ dog, cat, fish, parakeet and cockatiel. in Rainsville that he and his wife would oper- Holkem shares this month his famous ate for four years. “Fay and I had mentioned Boston butt pork roast rub and cole slaw reci- opening our own BBQ business several times, pes (once served together on a bun at his res- so when the opportunity presented itself, we taurant), as well as his mother-in-law’s Old took the chance,” he says. “We didn’t make Fashioned Chess Pie and Pink Fluff.

Baked Beans be done at this point, but remove from 2 cups sharp cheddar cheese 1 medium onion, chopped grill and place in a foil lined deep roast- Mix first 6 ingredients and 1 cup of 16 oz. can pork n' beans ing pan. Place in preheated oven of 350º cheese. Pour into greased baking dish and 1/2 cup brown sugar for 4 to 6 hours, depending on size of bake 20 minutes at 375º. Remove from 6 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled roast. Will be done when fork pushes in oven and top with remaining cheese. 1 Tbsp mustard roast easily. Pull pork when cool. Return to oven for 15 minutes or until 1/4 tsp cinnamon cheese melts. Makes a good side dish for 1 cup ketchup Cole Slaw almost everything. 1 cup mayonnaise Mix ingredients and pour into greased 1/4 cup sugar Old Fashioned Chess Pie baking dish. Bake in 350º oven 35-45 1/4 cup cider vinegar 2 eggs minutes. 1/4 cup mustard 1 cup sugar 1-1/2 Tbsp celery seed 1 Tbsp flour Uncle Bill's Boston Butt Pork 1 tsp salt 1 Tbsp meal Roast Rub 1/8 tsp pepper 1/4 cup milk Approximately 1 Tbsp of each, to taste: 1 medium cabbage 3 Tbsp margarine Meat tenderizer 1 green pepper, finely chopped 1/2 tsp vinegar Garlic salt 2 Tbsp grated onion 1/2 tsp vanilla flavoring Onion powder Ginger Stir first seven ingredients in large bowl. Beat eggs. Add sugar, beat well. Add oth- Chili powder Add cabbage, bell pepper and onion. Mix er ingredients and stir. Pour into unbaked Thyme (powdered) well. Better if made the day before serv- pie crust. Bake at 350º for 45 minutes. Salt ing. Keep refrigerated. Black pepper Pink Fluff Hominy Casserole 1 can condensed milk Wash 4 or 5 lbs. of pork roast and drain. 2-16 oz. cans yellow hominy 1 can cherry pie filling Then, rub with Uncle Bill's meat rub and 1 large jar chopped pimento 1 large tub Cool Whip let set in refrigerator for 30 minutes 2 chopped jalapeño peppers, according 3 cups miniature marshmallows to an hour. In meantime, build fire in to taste 1/2 cup flake coconut charcoal grill. When coals are white hot, 1/2 tsp garlic salt place roast on grill. Keep turned until 1/2 tsp onion powder Mix all ingredients. Refrigerate 1 hour or golden brown on all sides. Meat will not 2 Tbsp mayonnaise overnight before serving.

Connected - September/October 15 Pre-sort Standard US Postage Paid Metro Mail 36201 P.O.“W Boxe Keep 217• You Connected” 144 McCurdy Ave. N. Rainsville, Alabama 35986

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