Lents Neighborhood Association 1017 NE 117th Avenue Portland, 97220 503-823-4550 phone 503-823-4525 fax

April 26, 2017

TO: Bureau Director Mike Abbaté Portland Parks & Recreation VIA EMAIL: [email protected] CC: Portland Pickles via email: [email protected]

Re: Lents Neighborhood Association Support for the Portland Pickles

Dear Director Abbaté:

The Lents Neighborhood Association (LNA) supports the Portland Pickles and the extension of their lease to use Walker Stadium in Lents Park to 15 years, subject to a review and update of the Good Neighbor Agreement currently in place.

Last year's Pickles season was a win for East Portland; if one were to keep score, there were hundreds, if not thousands, of new visitors to Lents. Pickles Baseball increased revenue for businesses in the immediate area, employed local residents, and immediately addressed concerns from neighbors regarding parking and sound level issues.

This year's baseball fans will see the construction in the Lents Town Center. It is our hope that among those baseball fans will be some who will lease the new retail spaces, rent the new apartments, or return to Lents to shop and visit the newly renovated Lents Park. Lents couldn't get a better endorsement than from Pickles Baseball fans who come to Walker Stadium to enjoy the Great American Pastime, and find a neighborhood in the process of revitalization.

An ideal day would include Portland Pickles Baseball fans making a day of it--bowling in the afternoon at KingPins Bowling, heading down the street to visit the Belmont Goats on their way to Zoiglhaus for a quick snack, and finishing a perfect summer's day at the ball game. All good for Lents.

The LNA would like to go to bat for the Portland Pickles and help them to become an institution in Portland. We support their continued use of Walker Stadium and Lents Park. Please contact me if you would like to discuss our support for the Pickles. Thank you.

Very truly yours, Judy Low, Chair Lents Neighborhood Association 503-788-3068 503-975-4734