ACTA ZOOLOGICA BULGARICA Acta zool. bulg., Suppl. 3, 2011: 87-93 Status of the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) in the European part of Turkey Dimitar A. Demerdzhiev1, Stoycho A. Stoychev2, Nikolay G. Terziev2, and Ivaylo D. Angelov2 1 31 Bulgaria Blv�., 4230 Asenovgra�, Bulgaria; E�mails: �emer�jiev@yahoo.�om; �_�emer�
[email protected]; w�� 2 Haskovo 6300, P.O.Box 130, Bulgaria; E�mails: stoy�hev.s@gmail.�om; w��;
[email protected]; ivailoange�
[email protected]; w�� Abstract: This arti�le presents the results of the �rst more �etaile� stu�ying on the �istribution an� numbers of the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Аquila heliaca SA V I G NY 1809) population in the European part of Turkey. T�enty territories o��upie� by Imperial Eagle pairs, �istribute� in three �ifferent regions �ere �is�overe� �uring the perio� 2008�2009. The bree�ing population was estimate� at 30�50 pairs. The stu�y i�enti�e� t�o main habitat types typi�al of the Imperial Eagles in European Turkey – open hilly areas an� lo� mountain areas (up to 450 m a.s.l.) an� lo� relief plain areas (50�150 m a.s.l.). Poplar trees (Populus sp. L) were i�enti�e� as the most preferre� nesting substratum (44%), follo�e� by Oaks (Quercus sp. L) (40%). Bree�ing �ensity �as 1 pair/100 km2 in both habitat types. The shortest �istan�e bet�een t�o bree�ing pairs �as 5.8 km re�or�e� in plain areas in the Thra�e region.