
Common Musical Terms (CMA year 4, 10 new terms)

NOTE: Words marked with an asterisk (*) are new terms for year 4.

DYNAMICS/EXPRESSION (12) Term Symbol Definition Crescendo cresc. Gradually louder Decrescendo decresc. Gradually softer Diminuendo dim. Gradually softer Forte f Full, loud Forte-piano fp Loud followed by soft Fortissimo ff Very full, loud Mezzo Forte mf Moderately loud Mezzo piano mp Moderately soft Niente Nothing, barely audible Pianissimo pp Very softly Piano p Softly Sforzando sfz Sudden accent

ARTICULATION/STYLE (12) Accent ^ or > Emphasis on attack of note Cantabile In a singing or vocal style Dolce Gently, sweetly Espressivo Expressive, with expression Smooth, connected Maestoso Majestic marc. Marked, emphasized Pesante Heavy, weighty, with emphasis

Slur Connects two or more different notes indicating they should be played or sung in one breath or articulation. *Grandioso With Grandeur . Detached, separated - Sustained, full value

Tie Connects notes of the same pitch indicating the rhythmic values should be added together.

TEMPO (13) A Return to the original tempo Accelerando Accel. Gradually faster Adagio Slow Allegro Cheerful; fast Andante Moderately slow, like a walking speed Prolonged beyond its normal duration  Largo Broad Moderato Moderate Presto Very fast, ie., faster than allegro Rallentando Rall. Slowing down Ritardando Rit. Gradually slower Rubato The expressive alteration of or tempo. Tempo The speed or pacing of a composition *Tempo Primo At the original tempo Vivace Lively, brisk, ie., allegro or faster

FORM (8) Al fine To the end Bar Separates music into measures

Coda Ending section of a piece D.C. From the beginning

Del segno D.S. ( ) From the sign % Fine The end

Multiple endings First time through play the 1st ending, Second time through skip st nd the 1 ending and jump to the 2 ending

Repeat Play the bracketed section again

GENERAL (30) *Alla Breve Cut Time Balance C Correct levels of volume between sections and individuals Blend Matching of tone within sections and between sections Breath Mark , Indicates to take a breath at the specified point *Cadence The melodic or harmonic ending of a phrase of composition * // The division of two musical phrases marked by a rest or pause *Chord 3 or more notes sounding together Chromatic An ascending or descending line that advances by semitones. Con With Divisi Div. Divided; An instruction for one section to divide itself into two or more, taking separate parts that are often notated on the same staff. Dominant V In the tonal system, the fifth degree of the major or minor scale Enharmonic Notes of the same pitch with a different name (ex. F#/Gb) Flat Lowers the pitch of a note by a semitone or to lower in pitch  Interval The distance between two pitches Intonation Accuracy in pitch The group of sharp or flat signs placed at the beginning of a composition Meno Less Modulation Change of key within a piece Molto Much Piu More Poco Little Root The lowest note of a chord in fundamental position Scale A sequence of notes in ascending or descending order of pitch Sempre Always Sharp Raises the pitch of a note by a semitone or to rise in pitch  *Simile Continue in a similar style Soli Passage for all performer in a section Solo Passage for one performer only Sostenuto Sustained Subito Suddenly *Syncopation The shifting of accents from strong beats to weak beats * Be silent Timbre Quality or Color of tone Triad A chord consisting of three notes which can be arranged to form two superimposed 3rds. Tonic I In the major–minor tonal system, the main note of a key after which the key is named Tutti A passage for the full ensemble *Vibrato A slight fluctuation of the pitch used to enrich the sound