'■*’^"'JM >•'''*■■ MONDAY. [ * flanrirratw ".i- K , ;a « D .V Arafago Doily Net fiaas fh* tpS MeoNi e< AMMO*. M Mra. Bte M. » dfl| M IftrUi ■obart I. Dooclaa of 187 Bina- i B K adt atraat, Manahaatar win cMar Wkn m Amarlatloa wSI PTAatGrei^ tan. Mra. »wn Bprlnfflald OaUafo aa a troabaaaa irrow aeantag at 7:8# In 9 ,3 8 8 bam”tirtried*boep!torY$er^ CItala room af tba afeot^^epeny^ wIM at tba fan tarn opantaf Tuaa^, tba Room Math an , ■opt. 88. Tba fraahman.etaaa wOl TneaNew^inn >««e aareud «nd- tba A m ha Cramer Jonssen at prmwit at Um boina of bar arrlra a week ahead of racutar />. MnmMaamm MmolUfw— car ./ rUtmuOmm raahtar, Mn. Mward MeXaavar. BtndanU to taka part In an orlan- Mancbaatar Radio Chib mamban banrd and aauneU m iitlita erap ' M4 danaalt atraat. win hold tbair (Unt mooting af aaltad to ardaf. ~ rA (POUITBEN PAGES) PRICE FOURaNtS tatlan arecrata prior to tba formal tba aaaaan tonight at 7r88 at tba Room Nothen for EeA arfl: RrsaMmip Mra. Jew MmIo; claaLa MoMay. 8apt MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11., 1949 ------n o An Batata Motbara’ Orolo hama af tba praaldant, Btonlay riaa paeaMant, Mp^ftank Mi^ Teacher Of Piano ea r s f i »> ■ ■»«%■ UM OrMA- Mk A total af ISO BtudanU artn at of 88 Oeburn rand. Ftana win Grade Appointed to ■ana;- aacntary, MM. -Oaorga ' ' i > — VOL. LXYIIL, N a 292 wm boM Ita Brat maattac of tba ha In tha CSaaa of 1068, Includlnc li CM 0( tiM aoaaon tamorrow nlgbt at 8 o’clock ba dtaeuaaad, efflaon nawilnatad Tlirktagton; traaaarer, ' Mrs. B. ■arliMa CtM about 84 per cant of atudonta and aeary marabar la urged to ba AasiM in Work M. jcifiiBen. Miw L*M,8iMktia, at tba boaao of Mra. DarM Dono- who bare had aonw mlUtary an- WuTlh^mMt «wr(Ma Md 4ml- ran, laadar. Otbar aOcara are: Mrs. O iri rroaUeb. Ufa. ~ Telephone 2>1061 Aunonnoe Reaulta of Dollar Grlab Parley 4 | i i a u eor M dmM wsrfar*. laadar. Mra. Manry Bto- parlanca or tratalnc. T b ^ ^ 1^ m day ntabt a ptan. UgMy ana- Hanaan. Mn. Malria • Long!rilow, Dollar Short , Nations (ta preparation for arork In tha Memorial Tampta, Pytblaa Sta- cosaful In Abar acboola, was tal- Rra. Oaorfo Wmiana, Ml*. Aflan aacrotary, Mra. Arthur S a j i a ^ phyalaal aducatkm, tlatad into the ManchaOtar Oraan Rbedaa. Mn. Paul Boris. MM Million Dollar Pier Ovti OKiMtim oC wWch ___ Mra. Antbaiqr tara. win maot tomorrow arantag group work and commxmlty arean- In Odd BaDawa ban. Tba bnatoam P. T. A. Tha main foatun of tba Frank Balatena, Mlm Matbar Qran- Wmcm IX Wood la aondnetar, win tiambrla. librarian, Mn. Han- ptan la to appoint ana parent tor atram. - ■Mt tanigfct at B aTelaali at tha rf Haafa. laatkNi, taachar education, and win bo toOowod by a aoclal ttana, ■Mead OBMMfatlnnal eliarali far racraatlon and camping at Bprtag- erltb rafraabmanU oaread by Mra. aneb grade to ba daaigbatad aa Dttagatoe to P. T. A. Oounell Can HUdlng and bar commlttoa. "Roam Matbar.'* wboo# nap anal a n ; ttka Eatbar OnnatotPin. Mrs. At Atlantic City Advised to Devalue Ml drat t diaarMl AB kwtni^ Tba S tn ^ araop of tba Boutb Mllty win be to aaatat the (w S - Bliatatlit- are lirrttad to )otn. Raymond Schnilar, Mlaa Mariorlo MatbodlatW. I. a 8. win Mambara of tba Manchaatar an, the beapitallty. morabateUpi, LalAoldt. Mn. OUmoun C k^ luon ow oroiitaB at 7:48 to tba dan Chib arc raquaotad to bring aad waya and maana cemmittaaa Mra. John Boyia, Mra. Allan Bourn. . Mr. end Mra. rraak Croekor a< churdi parlor. Mara bar* arc ra- Choice Openings by panondl aantaet wltb tba other Tha program for tho maann. brine tboir aarad pan- flower apachnana, flower a r ra n ^ Raaean atraat and Mr. and Mra. nindod to tall menu and new paidnto af bar grade, to gr whldi ipttpwplaaa to ba oxeepUonatty Damaged by Fire rtmam Cdrraa of dionadt Mroat. I wUl ba Mra. ooman and waiaoma than1 Into tbfl tatantatag, waa dlaruaead. - Walker BrIciB, Mra. Oaorga B - to tba maattag tonight at ^ cl*k In Air Fon^ Currency If Needed MM rotUTMd altar a motor trip In cantor Church Houaa. R. T. A. Arraagimanta wen ngda tor to Malaa wkara thap apant a few Uatt, Mra. W ^ r Holman and Roam'Malhara, aa a group, . toaa to bfl brid In tba dapa. Mra. Matbar Hardtaf. Tauag man In Mbnebaatar a n to doeido upon a eoda of atiguattooti«a Mancbaatar Oraan acboot for tlM FUmos Race Through tlma with refreatanMta by agaU ramindad that than a n aav- for parental elatto to purpeaa at sequainttag tba new International ’ Monetarj ■. Klrkham and bar commlttoa oral cbeloa apanlnga In tba U8 ^ this diririaa of motban with tba •taaehan and 300 Feel of Famous News Tidbits doatr and a m an totlmato PAINT THAT’S Report Is Laid Before win foUow the pregrain. Army and UB Air Borea at this acfioal psbey. Baeb tagdior will CaBod Frmi (ff) Wires Nation *8 Labor Front Ubm. a ba achloTad baterran tba par. g m a Miort taDt on w ^ t bar Stmetore; Losa b £•• Cbancaa far adraneamant, trae- onto, tba toaabara, aad tba oom- p«4o arm aecampllah through the Financial Leaders of ■t. Macdca'a Motbon mlttooa. )U$T RIGHT timated at $300,000; bMln tba now aaaaan with a 8:80 OL adncatlan. and tacbnleal aebeel- yanr. Bteek moiket eSveMm bcMbly 48 Countries; Has ^ hick BUppar tag to propan a man tor a akillad Mrs. Oilmeun Gain wha Is The flret tan win bo bald on. lap- Big Ballroom Gntted; ta rwpoiiM to ctocl etrlke tnioe . . Seen Brighter Today t i V S Ding at tba homo of Mn. ^Uiony macbanica )ob upon re antarina Room Mother far tbnfaarth grade, tambar U tor tha mothon W tba Maey lima you eead w iulariar paiat Mr Great Britain's Crisis in eraa cboaaa chairman, and Mrs. ktadatganan, Saptambar M for tba No One Reported Hurt EugwM R. Btack. prMtdwit of Konim. 88 Waatmlnlator food, to dvlltaii Ufa an I at tba klgbaat leral walk, woedwod^ etc., tkat'iwariiabli^ water* World Bulk. mdsMU t ^ to® which tha huabanda of tba mam- WUUam Blaiifiiaa. flfth grads, is 8mt grade. Octooar 8 tor the aoe- Mind; Americans Be­ altonato chairman. Mn. Tbom- and and.third gndaa, Octobor 18 proof and coven eaiUy, yet you don't want m a t aa axpearioo of joctal wei- Sleeltoork Strike Set ban wfll ba wOleoma. Then Is a abelca af branch at Atlantic City, N. J„ 8 » t toro profTfliM may b# •■P®^ aendca tor tba young mm ontartag aa Rogan, eighth grade, Mrs. for tba tourtb, 8RI1, aixtb. aevonth the glare you gat fitxn a regular gle« cnaawL Adenauer Seen lieve She Must Finally it. Mary’a Waman’a Auxiliary tba u s Army tor a tbrw year an- Walter Anderaoo, aeventh grade, and a ^ t h grndaa technlea. AU 18,_(iP>_A $200,000 Are roeofory to oomo countme . . For Tonight fa Called Mn. Raymand Sehallar. sixth gum ts an eerdlaUy Inritsd to at- Kyaaim Cdoid Scmi.Ck)« b ptrfect It U. a Army offlcUli In Bcrlta my Follow That Cours^ baa aot the data of Thuraday, 8ap- llatmanL tuck aa field Arttllary. ripped through 800 feet of Bovlct autborttloi hayo promimd Off; Truce h to Be tambar 88. tor Ita faU aummage Cerpo Of Bfnglnaan, Armored Cav- gnda, Mrs. Ebnar RuU, third |. cwnbinct the free woridag quaUtia af a Sat the famed million dollar pior Strong Man In aala, to be brid In tba pariah hooaa. aln, eta. grads, Mra. Paul Boris, aaooiMl A food aale.wn Ibo bOld In tha to laloem two AmAlm mi et v: Tba raoort'a fira dapartmant 1 kana aaya Ormk tro ^ On Results of Sur­ anual maattag this afternoon at porarily. The walkout a g ^ a t Tho TS-yoar-oM Adenauer haada Although tbo documaot ro- bfaugbt apaeic- high praaaura Albanian bordar to aeU Republican^ hava captured con­ Tala Unlvarsity. Um Christian DsmocraUe union, ferrod to aU "deficit natioos,’’ its HALE'S Mora than 1800 tadustrtaUsU tha Union RaUroad Co. at Pitts­ effect waa to spotlight tho Brit- WILL BUY SPECIAL! SPEOAU SPEOAU a^pm ant into ptay. Tbo hooa ■ itebto aatf-dafanaa.** . . • Faudtag trol of tba New London O ty vey Over the Nation burgh, aehodulod for 8:80 a. m. strongest party ta ths Right-Wing Unas ware nm from tbs him tobOr and aaanagamant ta 188-day from all sections of tha atate con­ coalition. tab problem—and to add praasurs *S8 BDICK 8 BOAN COuaclL 0.0 J>. candldataa won aU vened at tha Sterling Law building (a. a U today, was p o atp o ^ by to numerous past suggastioBS for rT A M P A X praaaura boardwalk aystam, tada- Bingar Mtaufacturlng eontaaay Washington. Sept 18—(F)—Tba tha Brotherhood of RaUroad Train­ It was Um Christian DamocraUc SELF SERVE and pandaat from tbo root of tha city, •trika la Bbaabath, N. J^ ara on three oounOl seaU at stake In a for tha opening aaaaion of tha sterling devahisUoa. *40 CHEVROLET SEDAN MOOtflN SAMfAtY PSOnCflONl city alacUoB yastarday, glvtag average boma-owlar'a light bill meattag — a short buataaas con- men. The union aald it had vote that won the presidency for Extra Special! ‘ it bad boon taatallad for Juat such aaaaklag taram again. tb ^ party a B-8 margin of paw- agraad to send rapraaantattw to Hsuao who leads the coaUUtm’a U m impact waa tha greater ba- *41 PACKARD SEDAN 8IBBt8 8 an amargancy. g| ,raga toOta affacUng tacraasad sUghtly last year but It's cUva to elect new dtaactora to aacond strongest party, tha Free cause a cabinet level Brtttah-U. B.* HEALTH MARKET 1 B b ssj ••MB ar. •erva for terms ol four years aaeh. Washington tomorraw to dtamw *41 CHRYSLER SEDAN J a n ie s Fireman also used Atlantic 800.000 amployaaa of WbUa Naw London votara ware sUU lower than 10 yean ago. tho Graham B. Anthony, chairman tha dtaputo with tba National Me­ Democrats. Canadian confaranoa ended yastar- aty*a "dolugo towar,” a hugo. I Elactrte oompaay and W«ottag- Fodaral Power Oommlaalan said Lasted Oaly a Kauad day with agreement on a *4S DbSOTO c l u b P a cific 80 Square 100-foot-blgb hoao earriar, which enstlag tbata baUota, DamocraUc of Colt's Manufacturing Company, diation Board. houm Electric Oarporatlon la today. of Hartford, la chalrmaa of tha The unioB aald tha walkoi^ Tbs raanlt waa victory for ths point troatmont for Brttain'a d ^ *4S NASH SEDAN apaws out abnootSO tlmaa as much ^ atataa la eombtaod Adanaasr-Heuas forcaa tor Uto—without inchidlog rava)> water aa aa ordinary ftao boss, The com ml salon's anaual survey nominating cooimlttea. whidi would Bwirs idle thouaante *47 KAISER SEDAN F a st Color Twk ly aO^»®n^a®tl^^ Richard C 1^. of typical rsaldintlal bUta fbr cttlaa A- WUitams, rice praal of Btaol wbrkeM hr tha Pittsburgh over the SeciaWat opposition. The uatkHi of Um pound as ono of .tha aad uadar high prmaura. deni of the United IBUmtaattag district, could ba caltad m U Ooclaltats. supporting Chairman p d n ta *40 IDRD COACH XImps- snsclsl smMMB' sssklM bS ta l7tbX ^r*% lU yp-ng P4b»ur r r ia tl .^ of 8,800 or more abowoO an avar- aga raduction of about 10 per cant company hare, and Frederick Ihix, hours notice. The dlori*** “ Dr. Kurt Bchumachor, eat out to Lawara Pries at Goods tag JRidwoiRIng fliaman to eon- [ ^ t of the Lux aock Oom- make tha atoetion a teat of U m pound’s valua now ta $4.08. tain Dm btaoa in a rotaUvaly tmafl for 88, 100 and 380 kUowatt-bour over working rules. SEE THESE TODAY at $ 1 . 1 9 ta Wateibury. were noml Tb Meat Again Today strength but they lasted only ona Ita devaluation, ta foralgB trada, PERCALE^ aboroward aoction of tba pier. > monthly bills. to miccead C. E. Hart, Jr. round. Tbamanda Out to Watch Tha avaraga bill for 280 kllo- Efforts to and tba four-day old watt-hours waa $7.01 Jan. 1, 1848. president of tho Cbaa# B ra« I Mlaamirl Padfle railroad strike Heuaa waa alactad on the aacond (ONttaaod as Page OlgM) BUNNNER'S Anrage 4 Montba Sapply Daaplte tba aarly hour, Ibou- BoatoB BoUra special pracdOr Irital slataa of delegatee to the compared with $7.44, Jan. 1. 1988, ttopper Co.. Watorbury. an® _^J- continued aa union and manage- baUot with 41# votes odt of SOO. saada of eurloua townafrik tumad ton F. Brooks president ,of^tae Tbta loft Adenauer ta clear con­ PRINTSu to guard against lacurranco I dty conventlrm tonight ware an- end $<82 Jan. 1. 18U. Southern New England Telephone PACKARD out tp watch tba spaetacla. Tba During 1848. the commission on ra g e a) trol. backed by a majority ta tha ftamap a t tba aky for many mtlaa. af TlabTT at five struck aauaaga-1 tarad Company here. . __ « pariiamanL tha praaldant and tha SSS Eagt Canter St. r^ioa ropad off tho ar«u‘to kaap maUag ptanU. A stunntag upset marked the said, alactridty bill* increased In Uoyd B. Soaver. plant manager TtnJWHALtcOM Democratic prbnartaa in the town 17H per cent of tha 8814 commu- coalition cabinet ho will form. O PEN : Mon, Wed. Fri. E ta . aaoctators harlr Beldl^ - Hemingway Company Adenauer already haa played Tho mllltan doUar piar is tha of Oriawrid. AU but one of the nlUaa aurvayad. and decreased in Putnam, waa nominated to auccaed such a laadtag rote ta fashioning Flashes! * aoeoad taigoat ta Atlantic City. town’s present oSlee-hoIders ware 8.7 par cent, in tba raaldanUal bill Harry C. Haapall, president of the Want Chance the naw raputalc that soma of hta 39 Boat to tba ataal plar. It la ownad Hints Inquiry defeated by Insurgent Damocrata moot Bubjact to change. Brunswick Worsted MUla, Inc.. moat ardent aupportan hava mut I a« UH on Wtoa) bgr-Agaoetatad Raalty. Inc., aa At­ ■e In Waterbary Tha changaa ta that WU — tha Mooaup. aa the Windham county tarad occasionally about a "one lantic City firm, aad la laaaad to la Watarbury, meanwhile, May­ BOO-kilowmtt-kours monthly bill— director. . .. To Air Views Beautiful patterns and or Raymond E. Snyder, RepubU- varied from taeraaaaa of 88 or more For the Hartford county director m:ui show.” colorings fer^ fall .and oporatora. This year, a firm Of Navy Planes Is Domtaaat FIgmo ------1^ Qaory Coatallo, who can, aiuiounced be Intended to a m-mth to dacraaaes of a like Slxtten F. Wollmar, president of Prom the time the Bonn con Hartfard, Sept IS- (C) --A f winter. Large "and rnnall om a n Neww T o n clhr ferry sar- ■efdc a second term. Hla nomtaa- amount. the Hartford Empire comply, Republicans of State De­ vantien began writing the rapub- ThoiSpaoariMa maa oaarialed at Special Sale I Many Factors Involved , florals aad novelty pat­ rioa, laaaad the plar. Uon waa rirtuaUy assured last was nominated to Uc’L’•-•- constitution__ _ a year ago, ei-adlag more Uma 820800 In ha- Dust Mops 0S<^-$1.69-$X.98 terns made by Padfle. Built ta 1808 ^ C apt John U S®®**®** I night ^ e n only rae "rtato of delo- ••No attempt has bean made to R. Burt, director of the ^ t t A mand Same Time aa Adenauer haa bean tha moat -o m aiu o a waa Saad •B.OOO by For One Week M ili^ Toung, tha plar once was a won- Probe Will Be Started I gates______waa AM forthe tl O.O.P. dty determine the reasonahleneas of Whitney dlvtaloii. Nlles-Bament- Given to Democrats Judge J. Joaoph Smith la U. B. der for Its aim aad oanatruetkm. primary Thursday night. Pond Co.. West Hartford. (CaaUaaed on Page EtokI) Dtatriet Coart today. Ha aaa- If Sec. Johnson Acts In the New London " voting. Re­ (Oontlanad on Page t an) To Sooeecd Mnwrif taooad Ontaappe Sferfaaaa, 88, at 3 8 C o lo r s an Fagu Tm) publicans atao elected three new IfoFfRD Farlwr, pr$ii—U aov- 121 Spring atnai. Tkampaearilto. mtmbera of tba Board of Educa­ Bard-Parkor company, P*"tairy. arnor Bowtaa ta going to ^ « to 18 moatha aa eoek at -fear WaahtagtoB. SapL 18 — (F» — was nomtaatod to aucceod hlm^lf tba radio every weak, hta Rapu^ Senator RuamU (D-Oa) aald today tion and reelected another. Three Russia Dared eoonta of evading the tax la tka R e g . $ 1 . 1 5 Damocrata ware unseated. Hutt Is Facing u director at large. Ucan opponanU say. they o u ^ to yaoia ISU Ifcraagk 18M. U m mo- Redls JaOed i tiMra may ba aoma Senate haar- RaOy Haada EepubBeaaa served an appointive term of two liggg g chance to air their riawa, taga If Sacratary of Dofonm John- Frands N. Kelly led the victori­ yoai* as tho auccoasor to A. G. too* By Yugoslavia Uon ttmt Sferiaasa asaka raattto- '■m lays a haavy band on NavM ous Republican candldataa for tha Long Sentence Bodlne. praaldant of tha Rodina R$pubUcRn StRt* ChRlriuRD Uon of Um aaoney to the gaveto- Rmmembw! This Is For Tues. B ear Brand avlatit^ Ho added ♦ Jiat^ doesn't a t y Council. polUng 8,304 votes. Corporation. Bridgeport, who r ^ aaranca P. Baldwin r a p o ^ j p a For Coutempt slgn^ in 1847 whan be waa riactad terday that ba haa .asked Con­ ***fc*^ ^?n»*lu!iwLsr I Mesastooaaa a A.. navuiSarin wsswaa sccunusecond wim with, i such a thing, however. j ^ Everett W, Brown, a ra- R rid sC D O rt Man Pleads vice piaaidant of the association. necticut radio atatlona to give Tito's Chief Spokesman 8aM Ba Marderad Maa Sept. 73 ONLY and ONLY In Fifth Defendant at Com____ Ruaaall. a tired Navy captain, third, with 2,- Following the selection of the "comparabto time to apokoaman Telb Stalin to Com­ Dover, Dot. Sept It.—tF H ^ Knitting „ ?2?T11^|802. They replace Damocrata Guilty tO Charge of dirsetera tha convanUoa was for tha Republican party. " wItauM toaUSad today that 10- muniflt Trial Is S Sen-ltSk e n - took thotiia p^iuon poaition that tltat the ^ aanataig;^aonata ------I z *T__r i r l schsdulad to hsar an .addrssa by Ona aUUan— WAVE ta New plain to the U. N. year-oM Bobart Breaaaa klllad on The Food Departments twwi-wel K v tkw ® K i d n a p p i n g S m a ll G ir l Hitand G. Batchellar, president of Haven—already haa granted the elderly Vtrglalaa aad than ea- te n c e d b y t h e C o u r t Uulty on the b a ^ of L a j Anthony Turello. Denied en------tha Allegheny Ludlum Steal raqueat Baldwin aald, and ha « - poratkm. of Pittsburgh. Ths st^ l BalRsde, YugoalariA Sept IS— turaed to the Bring roaaa at bla Worsted ------atatem«U by the Dam«)cratlc Trenton, N. J.. SepL 18.—m — pacta to hatr from tho others ba- (F)—'Yugoslavia dared Russia to­ farm beam aaytag cabnlyt *T 80- New York, Sept 18—(«)—A fifth Capt John O. Orommelta, a vet- committee, Reagan and Tu- U Bridgeport, Conn., father of sxscutivo will speak on the sub­ fora tha weak ends ject "Public Relations Begins at day to taka bar complaints against ^ the old^toS-1 that batt bid dafandant at tha Oommunlat con-1 w y "" l y rnrt.ii ti,. .rff.n- ran'a» indepandenU and fin- two smaU children today faced a Baldwin aald tha governor a thta country to the United Na- face off.” TI.JW.IULC COM ^ Skein aptaaoy trial haa been Jailed for , il ^hedIshed flfthfifth addand aeventh ta thetha Lriaon term of 80 years to Ufa for Home.’* weakly Monday night talha wart tlona. • • • BROOMS . - - . ^ kidnaping of flve-yaar-old CUalcal Sessions 'a n tii^ political and contwvor- m a n c h is t iA C omm* |C of 4 0 8 . emtampt of court. ' l**ww.**ST**.®*»^-*"*^^n*^mf eight-man field. Reagan receivad Three "cUnlcal" aaaslons are ^ Moaha Pljada, ona of Promlor U Friaata Arraetod _ Carl Wtotar, Michigan atato "‘*»Wod to djmth 3,188 votes, Turallo, 1,778. ilaL” Marahal ’nto'a top-ranking apokas- Frague. Oecboelovakla, S*p4- Sweepers Janie Frans. . ^ . ■chedulad for thta afternoon. One Renans His Broadcoato olulrmaa of tho Communist party, «»• Edward P. Nallan, seeking ra- Gerald A. Hutt. 88. pleaded wlU ba on industrial relations, man, aald ta an article ta Qia offl- U_- occimatl or Bowles dtaoontia- GatbaSc prieota bava baaa aavaH- KNIT WITH THE BEST YARN $1.79-$1.89 day tor rofuaal to a n ^ r a quoa- hiVststenMHt Wlli’blow the Ition, waa the top Republican county Grand Jury - indictment a third onI ompfoye and community ended. Governor------. "Yugoalaria will hava Uon. hooaaw l ^ thing open and bring on IJ^**!**^^*" *“ wacUon, polling riiarglng him with the kidnaping uod hta broadcasts until last night to lose.'* ad la tba past two weaka hi • 8®V* Bear Brand knitting woratbd for quality, ooftneas and $4-95 - $6-45 Fodoral Judge Harold R. Medina Friday night September 28 waa when ho renewed them en a waritly Fljada’s btosU lotaat broadside emawat move to aoMah a - jnothar congraarional * ' ^ ' ^ ‘g,.,„gt two rival, ta ” At the evening aaaaion t ^ ta- easy knitting. Thirty-eight colon. oaqarad that Winter will hava to set for aentenctag. duafrtaltata will convene at Wool- tata. In the war of words between Um church aetwOrfc af remata ta Jail between court aaa- Crommolta already la due to | the Democratic prlmariea at Naw Hutt a d m I t t d ab d u c t^ sey hall where they will be wel­ Last night tha governor dta- Kiamlln and Ttto'a reglmo, was Uoas Uaktag prteaV and bM $1^98 Blona Instead of tomalnlng frdo ta bkmde, Mue-eyed Jahle for aexuri cuaaod unomploymont aatorti^ touchfd off by an arUcla in the • • • Same Day Service comed by Governor Chaator A. Ruastan forolim policy weakly haU. (UMtiBOod oa ra g s Two) (Uontiaaod oa Page Tsm) reasons. He told police ha lured Bowles. ^ ^ there waa “a rift in tho clouds" bo- laluactiou la Graatod Tho Judge fottad Winter "guilty Janie into hU car aa aha FoUowtag a brief report by W, cauaa Um unemployment total to New Ttmaa which had CbiMo,“ ■ SSept ep t U 1 ' m - A Start Knitting Now of wUfui aad dtUborsU oontampt’’ near bar Trenton homo after fall­ Yugoalaria' of duplIcRy ta her deal- porary taJuaeUaa iJ!^rDowar has already vripodT^**® P” '*'**® have ruled the to dtacloao any oridenco of sexual satlon. SCRUB BRUSH 29c my (ST—Airpowar naa airaaoy wipau «..» *h. hum. I A F Ialalia Before TO A. M. Uadar Croaa Bvamlaatian out the enemy in tba- —U. 8. - —Field - , gg^^^ Cbunty 10 uia HumMui Waahlngton. Bapt 1 8 - ;^ Wonderized KITS Uon." Gallaghar aald. Cbunty Judge Charlea P Oolchaatar. Sopt Mm artkia said . tha CELLUl^SE SPONGE ...... 40c,'95c BLANKETS Wintar, ona of eleven top I nuuwuvars ta Want Germany, um- Under ndoa of tbo oxarctae, air Hutchinaon said bo wovdd have daha that Timoalftaria Aid^TtS: brtaUtag band of otflbt imuntat-tad Greek I _ l*®®ripto, •lM8M,8M81,^^iy“ ANTI-SHRINK, ANTI-MATTING GLASS WAX 59c, 59c, -98c •upartarlty ta abUtad from one Hutt’a background atudlod before sidle a baarily aiwad vehicle up w h o ^ a totol of 828,000 a yoar. cauaa of the Osm; May Be Called For At 5 P. M. a&.u'iliaK; force to tbo other. Earlier Air­ sentencing him. to spoUlgkt Um CNO's rqetuittng guarrlUa rriwle amounted to noth-|dlturaa.. •A?*’*?*'*^***’ overthrow of the government, waa But Um problem wUl go « an ^ to Um Hartford Connecticut Trust oNort aad glv# kurinero a ohanoo uig nmrt______than a_ jdala______Ita.I t aald I4.04S.S44.0S48S. Bear Brand Argsrle Men’s Sodt K its ...... $1.85 B A R C O L IN E ...... 25c,‘ 35c, 65c, $i:i25 b y gov- way to Its p ro v ^ ly aclMdul^ force Qoaoral Tbomaa Darcy bad Hutt aald He haa bean an ta- Ctompany ta Beat Hampton Thura­ elaimod tha “annlhUaUon" of ths mate of New York mental ho^l- to traca Um flow of CNO takc- the Soriat-domtoatad Comtaform I _ - Bear Ifoand Argyle Men’s lii Kits to match .|1J10 WALL PAPER WAX ...... - - I L W OTM ^t eounsol. conclualona Saturday. day afternoon. . ^ ^ propaganda "potaonB.UMBttropoanj Oqach Chacfo Bear Brand Town and Sport Men’s Sodi Kite . ^. ,|1,85 aggroasor by air warfare. ^ . ... ARhough Um "gang" win bo l ^ t homa, aoeordtag to Capt HU Slo- SUght Additloiial Chsrffl l^tlUa. iMtaod. Judge Pbiup G a^^ Under Naw Jareay tow, death pak. oemmaadaat Bear Brand Men’sra SockEKics andana AnkltAnaie Pklnra in Ct.oior c ^ Kitsm ia $1.69•i.ov 'SCRAIUH REMOVKR POLISH ...... 25e Modtaa ruled that the question I chief um rii^ s ^ American combat troops and on taktag ten baga of moels out of *^Yugffiaria haa sent to Naw HaUyweod, ^ 111 tha atoctrie d u lr to the maxi UmS ^ Its^ v a l win noithor i^p t Robart M. Mimkaa. bgt I For TUfl StnricB B eer Brand Men’sn’s Knlt-a-Monogram Knlt-fl< Tie Kits ...$1.78 i “t S t tbo fatlMr-ta-laW w "ta | « f h tw a n d jr o m ^ alnnan moved toward the ftaali------talloB plana aad oparaUans offtoar Tarkapmcerfiti U. N. datagathm I nta Oeodi Laalla A Jakn.41,lf j ‘DU-BV DEGREASER .....kw.>49^ 9$c 25% Wool, 25% Cotton, 50% Rayon mwad conveys last Sunday caused phaao of Um JoJnt mgaouvara ralS ita penalty for kidnaping ta surprtao nor uanorvo ahyono tor SULd bysSroIgn Mtatati on a writ o f h ^ ntym Bear Brand Men'«’s Angel CreM Knit-a-He Kits ..$1.75 every way proper, raiavent aad ______m THuU did Um wiMto. town wlU know Ita at Harilord. said tto baadt had to 7VOOD CREAM . .. .. 5 9 c "uabaliavabla overall danwga." opposing foroas slowly maaaod tn|krbldi ransom la make spadal amagamaato with vard KardalJ. far the Aaacmtdy j after being boohed OO; Bear Brand Babyby Soaker Kits ...... 9Sc Wooly warm Chatham “Kingston” blankets that will *sl$rt$J*** Ha explained thero ware dlffl- nortbaaat Bavaria. not aaak any miMom. wholly nariotont purpoao. ggggton OpaMM aaptambtofS] SO. | taosM wlih bta — Winter replied that "1 must ra- Janie, bar hair braided ta pig; The vahlcto wlU ba a the Fadafsl Itoaarv# Bank at Bos­ .. rrr: —.. -Ilp* jam. is, aamnd Bear Brand Bootle and Mitten K its ...... 89c DRAX aaae«eeeee#ee«eeeaeeeeaaeeee*eoeee ete e e-a S9e keep you warm for yean. Rose, blue, aqua, yellow and; spsaUuUy dacUna to sBawtr tha eultiaa ta aiiiaatag damage by ThaTna finalxmai su-ouvall-out battlem iue orof tha i • ----”, ton to obtain Um 178-pouad aUvor Mto. maanwhUa. Bear Brand Hog Me Toy K its ...... 79c pinnae d the Sflth and SStb fight­ Mg field problem to ochfdulad to be talla. told tha story of Irnr o r d ^ thoaa dambaring out of It bo ala a HaaonNtooi her I own kiatocY|ior id taanta Pisyff geraniuin red. quaatian on the ground that U Nattonal Ouardaman kaamnga heard. ’T^artwhoala" are eommon ------•“ "■•'tion. * - p Hotmewaras Deptv—Baeemenl . would bo a riolatlon of a$y er Units, causlag a dday la the gin Priday whan tha cooatabulary, I to tha Grand Jury yaetard^. curroaoyottt west but not W thaaa books, waning ho Main Floor—Renr iettag as aggr«aaora, attempt to was ta tha Jury nan only two data at tha bank to ool|soi S,(m goctaUsm In one ««»*»?. No ahargoe kaoa Manchester announoament. k ^ M______a__ Ab....4. I MklobteOAm BlbA flflPAM 9flb! parts. ' m tholr p«lnet-|mtautao. Oha was taken to too allvar 'doUavs far the ouartaiiy coaching ftrocn Um Kvanuln. ^ a - though U girl tsMJ iMT Green Stamps GWm i With Cadi,S 6 H f aald ba migbt My "SHiaaanr unite on Um auto­ dafand Orafanrioahr, A fter Um do-ra-ml ta ton*“ f bahn wota daatroyod to all tatonta pal haadquaitara. court from her classroom at at. payron of thta town's Comp^ S S S m ^ on. oauntfy”_oiMa woa ;T lia d feroad h to I hlmaotf or hta fathor-tn-law opaa rrancto aobooL B, 14Sd Haavy Tank BattaUoo, Um hatehsa wlU ba eloaad a ^ tha m to proaaoution if ha aaaararad. bad purpcaaa.'* ba aald. "Tba at­ First dlvtaion troops today ware nardaman, wltti a Jaap U anaouneod goal of Framiar tacks ware beautifully dallvarod.’* alowly pursuing tba iratraatlng Her fathar, truck-driver John CNOv S ta m Jahn b-;;' '7 Cleaners Tfci MMPewwe__ Frans, aooompantad Jaato to the Glvtag Um mdors In tb a tank bKri"g Um rear, wUI tumble off Mto told Champion ooal mtaan COM l A i mmewwe ■Tba bidga told Winter ho bad no Umplraa let tba convoys roll bo- enemy, bearing out ro$d blocks ta tha ato)s armory, eauao. thoy aald. It would have left to delay advancing columna. InvostigaUmi. WlU hntastor 8gt A(|am Ptakara, ho waa taklag tho aama kin# of TBLBPHONB 7t54 M A n m s s v ih conatitiiUonal right, to iwfuao to Hutt to being held .to county . vatorah Unkman, who aavvod In Thero thar part-Uma acldtora. MMKHWKtWk iMMs nnawor, a ^ Um JaU flontanoo fd- taken two days to roorgaataa Tha niaiMuvar involves dafanaa after driUtog, ,vriU gat their silver oqulpuMnt If Uua movamoat hqd, at waatara Oannaay fron attacka Burapban thaatar la Wortd I aa rsoa Mak j.Ooattnuad w Fogu Xwui W arIL "fUllBoa’* V f * . - j : aa Fsoa Xwajt boon ridad out aqd dtaporsod. 1 ^ aa “aaataiii powqr^ ■ N. ',1 ( PAGE MANCHESTKI e v e n in g h e r a l d , MANCHlSi ER. CONNh TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1949 UANCHESTEB EVBNINU HBKAUI. MAMUIBSTSE, CONN, TUESDAY, SEFTEMBEE 18, 1948 change ta tfla statua under the ia no form for thla. It may ha vldes aevere penalty for tollore to done by mail or peroonally appear- ' t', aa comply.” Act. cillln brought about Yhmarkable not need to oaOM hanm (fl “That applieo after the regla- tag at the board ofltae." advances In tbq traatmaht of all Red 1m Jailed May Register | General Morehouse added that First Meeting aad have to go tbraugb Um aaoM won tor Vrttea trant becoroet 36 as weU aa be- The Director emphastxed that m ■ iva ■■■■■■■■ Marriage Law phaaaa o f syphlUa. At pcaaent thla Manchester Products Teacher Group aU over again. the law la else e p e ^ ' Ue requtremenU to reglstar and susner drug is the most effective means be ■utrenMnU coooem tag obllgatUm tore.” ba said, “and It means Uat For Contempt MM was aoaMwha a ^ UM hauT Hasten tor At ^Ueges college and university students, as I legal obligations of registrants aviAable for trsatlag ,lha oaqiwct- M a registrant to keep hU local I were In no way altered becatiaa OfGlee.Oub crowdad ta Um moentag. tbe'hmch were MMe A w Dfc board Informad aa to any change well as other registrants, should Is Amended ant mother' who ia Infected with Plans for Year tr*. taM drlvar vn»««'t^Thta w notify Uelr respedlve locsl boards I there have been no inductions OF •mMERCVRY ■ j^ illa , With penIciUln, the time (CeaMaued itms Fags Uae) To Be Show Feature in bla addreaa—where ha may be I wiUin the pest lew months. d iM to UM fact UMt only wtU «>• reached by malt, that la or I when they leave their homes. There reared for treatment amounte ------first round was made oould thm Nf*l NeceaaBry fo r Slu* Tim e Lin^it o f 6 0 Days to only a matter of days or a fow lowed the witneaa' continued refus­ Charter Member of Lo­ ■ 4^*1 * 1 0 DELIVERED IN al. Exchange Qnb loSpon* O lU o m umi Committee a defltaU km »w l^ denta to Return Home cal Beethoven Group b whara all tha pupita Uva. __ lea oaid mtata wara aarvaq P. Imposed on Blood Test rrewarltal. Prenatal Lawe Help Three other defendants la the Ellington » | Don was erraaged for Iha mtwu *Uai.l«a. While ad^uata therapy la the sor Exhibit o^xlems OmlfEMB Meet at gfune changes have bien mode For Draft Bt Age-IB I I V MANCHESTER trial,—now almost eight months Speaker Last Ni^t trip and tha prwlem waa aUmlnat- at the echooldnrtng ^ tsM, m JmImv Requirement principal factor In any program old—already were overnight JaU Hume of PreBident Mr. and Mrs. William nTV i»-^ Made and Distributed 1 montba. The trot grade room, Mt- waatjr pewepM B CHiry I7S ^ Montlily. Yoar Prewmt Car May aimed at preventing congenital lodgers for the dqratlon of the ad an FrMay. i Hartford. Sept, 13—OoU«g* end] •MMuautf Hartford, S «p t W —1,0 — Con* syphMU, it Is also essential to find Tha Baathoven QIae chib hakl Its nay of Plnnay street bad as wseh- Mra. Howard w m SJSd ta untroralty etudente who b*«w * 15 m E^oal ar Eicaad tlit Required Dowa Payment trial. They are Uua Hall, Henry end guaau thalr son Belmont B. Here at State Armory Off|a«a and comnUttoa chalae rooms In the lower ••vel.jwjtalfl- Dvi-tJsraji nacUcut waa tha flrat atata In this expectant mothers in the early Winston and Oilbert Oraan. flrat ■eaaonsl meeting at Bmaaual vwKsad to • " » of ^ them room^ years of a*a you.W*. • lUaI _ etagea of syphiUa. To do thla,'re* Ptnney with hia wife and son from ot. tha Maaebaatar E iaadltaa Aa- Intohia Ladlaa Bodoty o f Um Co- U> the eecood of V mlUlM* * IMMEDIATE DELIVERY country to safafunrd tha hesJth Defendant John Ontaa, editor o< church last night with an addreao mamM equip- starts aaad mA ra t^ to _U^/ SCHOOL oi (lie quirea general education of the en­ ddeago, ni., and Mrs. , Behnont Manchsatar la to hnvo a Prod­ ffgMtlea. local taaahcro' group, lamMa CongrsgatUmd chm ^ at hhnMs to laglater undarlba ^Jac- ^»'sT5i'y:x5!MBPS __ - Tha Daily Worker! wept to last hgr Bvald Mataou. charter omsMim Ueser tMe #■* est eefiw of persona mnrryinf and of their tire populetion. There cen be no PtnAe^a mother, Mrs. Ubby Ash- ucts Shoiv aponaorad by tha E t- Dm moating of the grtmp S S ftto * tlve Bervioa taw, Oonnecticut w MwS. OMPMelsPBfc June 3 and was relaaead after ■Mt yoatarday aftamoan at tha tmiA In Yeomans haU T h u redy future offspring In requiring by doubt but that premarital and prs- of the organlaatioa. opeaUng on altar from Hasinga. Mich. Mr. change Chib and axhlMUng In- State Director Vernon 8. More- statue a premarital blood teat of natel blood test lawe have been serving 30 days for oontempL Hall “Never aquander Mr. Mat- Plnnay ia enmioyed by the Oon- hqmo of tho praaWant M^o Dorla afUraaon. Mra. houae sold today, but may regis­ and W Inston were Jailed for their duatr3r*a effort In thla vtcUUty and *"1 both tha bride and groom. The instnimenUl In bringing about n o , BOW oooiiectad with a BrU^o- ttnentai Oan Company as produc­ Kibba. Mloo Klbbo takaa ovar Um Mra. Laotar Hutchtaa wbfi MA ter at the local board moat con­ DEVEUNPBD law also required statementa from not only an educationalI pnprogram, lour proteete aofnet Qhtee' aeu. port manufacturing coooem, lot- tion manager of the equipment dl- merchandise handlad by local inar- that poat laat yaar. venient to them, aa may others teace. Green was sent to JaU en toD offtaa of tba club following KuUgren foao up to aaco^ dlrac- rfMtiam claaaea. FILMS p„NT» tha phyalcian that In his opinion, but aleo 3n faciUtatIng the I medl- BMrly Hvad ban. vision. chants and dlatrlbutors. The show F ^ t auUiffo, whooo term expired room has been flnished off yriU vciwa they roach Um age 16. tha ^raons examlnad were not in­ cal aspecta of eyphUls control. June 30 for n contemptuoua re- The Ellington school board traoa aad Mra. Kannath Fox JJ** "The law requiraa ragtotrallon MANCMRfTCS. .riLCPNOMC SISft The M .nn oponing marks the la to be held In the Stota Armory iM t Jvnt* uMneta end ehalvee and bulletin DANCE elected third dlrectr^ 3 9 c R oll fected with ayphUls, or If infected, There were 110 eaeee o f congenital merk. >■ 35th yoar M the orga—Wljlard The data,thus gathered to sent to rnmulf Im IJ manihtr mnt<- every 100 persons examined under Vince who won a scholarship to Ellington Boy and Girl Scouts rated from Its topmost peak to Its the use of the marriage license. came here by special train on Bun- the Hertt School of Muetc and alao Columbia Moum* o f work aeo^pUahad Freeman, 41. American buolneas- the local board of **»* tHm luMlaih ml 116.05 _IJl Section 507a of the 1040 supple­ the premarital law was found to day. ^ have Joined In having a refresh­ shining floor and Moths of vao'lns showed more than 100 a p r w he terms hi* home and which has took tha Beethoven Glee dub ment stand at tha Union Agricul­ mon from Bridgawater. Maaa.. c a a e a N W ment to ,the General Statutaa. have positive blood testa, with the I dlmanslons ulU be arranged there made, rohaa fo r 'the Uiolr. g y - jurledlctlon over him.'' amends trie law relating to mar­ munber of positives divided nearly ecbolarehlp at the high ecbool the tural Fair in Broad Brook Wad- I on. The front of the Armory wUI A total of la i pupUe registered dMil today of guaahot wounds auf- When Um registrant has # BALLET TAP ACROBATIC m peet two yeers. menU mendad and J*P H v^ riage licenses (Sec. 7302 of the equaUy between the sexes There nasday. ‘ also take on holiday attire. at Horace W. Porter echod Thurs­ Girl Bcout klU to ha w t«22i^ ferod ta hia suburban bom* Uat menent home, the permanrot Iw b m a l were considerably fewer positive Republicans Win Everett McCluggage gave three Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oeratung addiaos shouM ba given to regte- M Haar a SIAn nHAIM HIHOINa General Ststutea Revision of School Featore day niemlng for the flret fall eee- seas, tour afghans, two bedaproad* lnY0Brt§mtm 1040). It becomes effective Octo­ blood teste from expectant moth­ Scottleh eeleetione. of Main street are entertaining As an educational feature Man­ mado aad saut to a Taxas N ?SC cfflclM .. toe*8tate TOE ADAGIO 7M wuN snnn, MaNcmtna. conn. ers; approximately .5 of every 100 Paetor Olson of Bmanual church Mr. Gerstung'a parents froip New eton. TWO figure U not mlaaloiiary boxaa Hta waa the second deeU In tb« said. r«w toto purposA "home' to Mai 34M a Da«M Havay, YU MAMagir ber 1, 1049, and provides that all In New London chester's schools arill play a prom- licenses issued after that ^ date women examined. The majority axtanded hie beat wtshaa to the Jarsey thla waek. Inant part during the u rea days to be final as aeveral others pra- India with much nawM myaUrious ohaotlag. Harold Her the place w hero^ Imh'm M ii mUaai a til wiwiiMHi lam must be used within 60 days after had no knowledge that they had club Slid PraeMent Ouatafaon re­ EUington Orange wlU have a of U e show. It Is planned to vMualy rtflatorad wlU Clea, a Mfat y ta iy l ta. tba Com:| ^a. 45. a Brttiah tradqr. wa* klHad melW Identiaes himself date of issuance. Licenses issued the disease until tha physician (Coattaned from rage One) marked on the past history of tha dlaplay at the 4-town fair Wed- have every pupU attend U e ahow aSwup taefew days. Mlm Lota munity F o ^ ta a ^ U y . Laooard O ark. 42. ^ to IM ctoeaiaed. He pointed «mt MISCO prior to October 1, 1049. are not took a blood tost This fact ap- orgairixation, also on its future naoilay as weU aa a float In the or a given schedule. Ue feeling Hiidtag, flrat grade t o a ^ which a*™ **;* P***?' Froaclaco eaplorar. waa wounded that there to no ItopUity lor AX aaH amkm affected by thla amendment and pUed also to the premarital blood Haven. Philip CL McLean, former piMs for the coming musical pro­ parade. being that Uls newest generation litUa naw faUowa; Mlao nd ona under the Art untU the H * Special Claaa COMBINATION SCRIIN have no fixed expiration date. Democratic majority, leader of gram s C9iarter members with the : should know what their home Rooat, aocond grye. to, ■■'atonyeroii m..— ------y_- , reached, hut >»• AND STORM SASH A new marriage license form has The 1040 revision o f the Con­ the trio toU vlctiase of a .32 ligation to regtoter at 18. The DO YOU NEED A the Board of Aldermen, carried club this year include, besldea Gus­ I town has to offer, not only in Ethal Brabant, tolrd grada. 14 ^ sent out to youngto raUbr* pietol *Rar a friendly Businem Girin*. W tk a.iMa. th, w id • *n« saUot- been printed, which provides space necticut marriage license law is to the five wards which Let did not tafson. Paul Erickson and Evan fourth grada. to: Mra. HUM get opliilon# on need for auxlIUry law to apeclflc.” he said, “and pro- -d ,11 ■>«kl. ktlf-^ieriee some extent a further safeguard Memorial Rites j products but In Job opportunities drinking par^y U»at ended Id * * nS9w.f>t'lln0*.r for the posting of the expiration take. The third entry in the race, Nyqulet. I as welL Church. 14. flfUi grada M d IT aedety. Married Women’s date. These forma are now being against congenital syphilis and flfflit- * .V 0 0i0rm .0.h 0f 0ct00n 00010 former Coloration Counsel Vin­ B'ollmring the meeting, refresh-1 I A committse of the Exchange •teUi grada; Mlaa *H M group bae a mambarahlp of ■Chtaee* poUc* today said Uey shipped to the local registrars of alms at making the premarital cent P. Dooley, didn’t carry a tin­ ments were served by Mrs. Elele > Held for Sailors eavaath grada and 16, alghtb 61 and toawrara^ TRUSS? vlUl statistics and when marriage blood test law more effective. I CluB has been busy for aoma time kad "100 par cent proof of wue a u t o g l a s s C b u s gle ward. Gustafson and a social hour wasj ------; making necessary arrangaiusnts groda. did th# shooting. Thor* be* been Atadtfs Banlali faticna With licenses are Issued after October 1. enjoyed. i M m RO RS the local registrars will call the Lee’s primary \ictories gave Groton. Sept 13—(P)—Memorial i for thla siu b is undertaking and In addition two stud^ta from no arreet. p u a ta i* expiration date to the attention of It1ff1li]*V him 154 of the 310 delegates to to­ Services for six submariners who le at present contacting buainese WUUmantlc Taacharo OoOya w w Fraeman'a attractive widow. a a rM iM ^ Expert Care the Intended bride and groom. , aamx|«« t night’s convention. Just short of a lost Ualr Uvea during rescue op­ and Industry throughout tha tonu on hand. Joseph Maya. 33. said abq slept ihrougb majority. His backers claimed he erations following Ue Cocblno dl.1- to determine Uelr booth needs In Church aad J. Morris Mnowlm SJJ^pal: $25 to Lela urr M xamomntAn Blood Law AM Shirley May Plans Chrlatmaa T r ^ : V* ^ Um flgbt and sbooting In en ad­ If yon art oear Bfty and foal aliMty—the eauae of yoot For some time phyelclane and Of Naw Planes had enough support in the 13 aster In U e Arctic were held at plenty of time for ea»«»«« ------pravented bar from hearing the Tybur the country have been interested ' waged to assure hia nomination. terday. Mora than 1,000 navy men pare U e beat poselble ^ p la y . with tha coDaga. wUl hava an gunfire after ahe retired. Tel. 3-a5S2 (Coattaoed from Page Oae) tlonal Woman; and ^ 7 5 tor THE BAKTUerr- espart ASRON MODERN TRUSS PITTERS tnarantee in preventing congenltsJ syphilis. i Lee, a 33-year-old formar news­ and thalr relatives crowded Into an This committee is headed by Ed- poctunltyftr Um axparitnea ta and aUff tor church. A to to ^ Hatris^waa abot three times, i Now, however, for perhaps the auditorium on the baee to pay tri­ U’ard W. .Kraaanlca aa chqlrman classroom arork, undor Um l o ^ Teacher With BR.UNABD CO. tbalr work. Proa Informatien ta youra at our atore— paperman who is now director of New York, Sept. 13—,for Mid. Thaaa wan a few ef Ihe little ^ ^ mT pUm for tiw condng ymr P» with arsenicela and biamuth prepa­ doesn't think the seersUry is ^ n g goal a week ago, arrived at La- Bridge. The aix were swept from werlffh tallest mountain ia north­ VaneUaa BHada master of ceremonies at the “pops” Uelr general civic prograqt in IntenoUaff incMants ''' occurring arrangad to teataUva foM by aha west China recently. rations that bad to be given once to abolish either of these Naval concerts in the Tale Bowl. Quardia field from London shortly the deck of Ue submarine Tusk Manehaster. which Otway* do arlth little on#* and tha othar odtoara. This caUa or twice a week, preferably by the after midnight. branches. BepubUcaa Candidate while attempting to reaoue crew­ at U * flrat day e f ecbwU. ^ a for a much four^ or fifth month of pregnan­ “Of course.” the senator added, CommentMg on her unsuccesa- men o f the Oocblno, which sank program which appealed to Um , cy, untU the time of delivery. Un­ Mayor William C. Celantano, The Red Cross field director at llttla girl, for Inotance, Juat didn't there hiay be something going on Republican, has announced he In­ ful swim, she said “ ths Udss didn't after a aeries of battery room ex- Tripoli, NorU Africa, eervef V, S. want to tlda tha taia. Har grand­ memben who wtod « der these conditions, it was frefre-i-1 j iwow about.' tends to run again In the city elec- bother me. It was the coldness of ploaiona o ff tha coast of Norway troopa scattered over slx-and-a- on a tantaUva haala. A t a nAar | quently dimcult to persuade pa-. ^ Courage father brought her to’achool In the l tlon November 8. The Republican the water.” August 35. commander Cliastar L. helf mlUion square mllee of terri­ morning fuUy expecting her to ^ date tha comp^ ^ 1 tienta to take the regular treat- ••id it took a lot of courage I city convention at which he is ex- "Next time. I’m going to start Hulse Protaatant chaplain at the tory. announcad. w o m « m 4 8 t MAIN STREET TEL. 5161, MANCHESTER menu that were essential to to -Sa^ out.^d turn by hue, hut ah* wouldn't be 1 pected to be renominated without earUer,” the told newsmen. “ If base aald the lost man bad given coiuied aboard. Grandpa cams at­ pledge $1,000 to the CBurA En- proper care. Within only the peat that he understands how many had gone to England earlier this an exampla of “valiant living and fiuamoat Fund which to to be paid tew years, the introduction of peni- I opposition will be held next week. J tar bar. Anotbar htUa man who officers feel and is sympathetic At Griswold. City Assessor At- summer, I would have had my I vaUant , dying.” The epitaph o f h a la i to hava bis anotbaa leava $250 each year for four y«a*» with them. I pherie LeCIalre was the only Dem­ choice of some beautiful days on each. 6e aald, should be, "he lost him. cauaad bar ta tori after alM Tha woman will ba hoOtOM to the /9/sf Class Travel One of the highest ranking Navy ocratic office-holder to survive the which to swim Ue channeL" . | bla Ufe in saving otbera.” onea gat out,ef bis sight that It young woman of tha church at m ^. officers ever — five star Admiral primary upsets. He defeated Jo- She said she win start training j ■ w o^ b a hoot to padr up hia luach evening meeting *?Pto»)»» " Want MOHE William F. (Bull) Halsey. — I seph ^lomski, Jr., 715 to 632. shortly after Christmas for next' ang taka it Amra ae that he would At that time they will be given spoke out yesterday for C*m- ! Other results; First Selectman. year's attempt. Circle melin. Halsey said: Henry B. Olson, 678. Aloj-sius 8. Shirley May was accompanlad I feel very - -strongly he ia at Kargul, 710; Second Selectman, on the plane by her father, J. Wal­ WEP. Thrn BATUBDAY tempting to i ) something for the ' Armand Doyon. 668. John Walsh ter France, and her coach, Harry Plret rood of the country and that he 664; Town Oerk. Chester L. Du- Boudaklan. has shown wonderful courage In kowski. aia415. Wilfred Jodoin, aia616, Norman T. LarocheUe, 377. Ted Womer, her manager, who CodfilO/loTltfl/l jeopardizing his career by doing was among Uose waiting at the WED.-Tm:BS.-FBI.-BAT. this. I feel he deserves ti— help At Thomaston airport said arrangements for Men nronld do aay- and r.jpect of all naval officers." Insurgent Republicans at Tbom- another croaa> channel attempt When Crommelln first issued h« aaton wera beaten back In aa at­ next year have been made already. thlag Jer Amm . • > sUtement. he said he reaUzed he tempt to procure endorsement for was risking his career. However, the re-election of Democratic Se­ he told reporters yes»*rday thal lectman Eugene Torrence. Tor­ TbifiY a TELEVISION rence’s name waa placed iq nomi­ Kttle tf Aaaa DAVID O. SELZNtClP> America's M ost Distinctive Car so far “nobody has said boo” to ,VLou»U Prieeg in ConnectieuT* him. nation but he waa beaten on a ia tha bait ■ ptfitomtt ixetptionoUy 'The late Secretary of Defense. I checklist ballot by Henry Hutchin- •f waMM... JamM V. Forrestal, was quoted I son, G. O. P. town committee can- JENNIFER JONES lELICIOVI yesterday by a naval aeronautical ’ dIdate, 151 to 42. aid nara tf COMPUniY RBUIIT MOTORS engineer aa having said Uat "1 • At Seymour. First selectman bar Ii tba ix tr » m » ly fear for Ue striking > 3w*r of Ue Harry Mannweller and Second Se- JOSEPH corrm fiUMUSluil lAa a na«r laotorl Ford, Chav, m few •# Navy after I leave office.” ! lectman Raymond Bpo^timer S M g R eason! fVaMtilti, Dodga i i t at Wards low prkal LOW PRICEB The engineer. Hugh Hanson, said 1 were nominated by Ue Republl- ||oo at Loe Angeles Uat he was promp- : cans for Uelr tenth terms in Troda>ls ollowanca for your old motor. ted to recaU Ue quotation by. °®ce. ' . . , % >rfroif ynty You M ould Buy Compora'. than buy o Words rabutll molorl Crommelln's aUtement that U e A Republican cdr. Sedan $1195 465 Hartford Road ; « (CoatlBiMd from Page Oa«) • f *47 Naah “ 6 0 0 ” 4^1r. S e d a n ____ . . . $ 1 1 5 0 €or. McKee Street i JaU under $50,000 bail. He was VUffDoesNot *40 Bui^ Special 4^r. Sedan ...... $ 5 9 5 Phone 2-4304 committed Saturday after being picked up in PbUadelphla soon Sell pota and pans, dishes, stove pipes, l«wn Blowers, *40 Chryaler Royal 4-dr. Sedan ...... $ 5 7 5 Open Eveninffs Till 7 after abandoning Ue child. MeanwhUe, Hutt’s wife left Miow shovels, curtains, blankets, lampa, Hvinff I *40 Dodge Deluxe 4-dr. Sedan ...... $ 5 9 5 Thura. iind Fri. Till 9 Bridgeport for Trenton last night room furniture, clocks, watches, dianmnd rinfs, fas, with a lawyer to see what could tires or automobiles.' *40 Chevrolet Deluxe 2-dr. Sedan .... $ 4 5 0 be done to help her husband. She *40 Hudnon “ 6” Coupe ...... $ 2 5 0 had caUed U e Frans home earlier to plead fbr mercy for Hutt only *38 Chev. Deluxe 4-dr. Sedan ...... $ 2 9 5 to be rebuffed. BURNSIDE THEATRE INI if4* iMCOtN cetMoreunM MO(ir udan MORIARTY WMe S4»we* Ww. i*e4 taMfc MV64A4U1IC *37 Ford 2-dr. Sedan...... $250 BURNSIDE CENTER C liff Only S0 Um ipgaMteMR* fpBtMl it eievf t$a *36 Ford 4-dr. Sedan ...... $ 1 5 0 BROTHERS Big Attendance OUrts Wed. “ CUebM Every 8Baday» I *35 Chevrolet 4-dr. Sedan ...... $ 5 0 C O A L . I S . Plas “ Ths Escape” R A D IO A N D • As Meet Opens HYORA-MT^IC DRIVING-—SIMPLE AS h Z S / HO MuaouiTOBai HO iMSBura ' ♦ TRADES ACCEPTED GOOD (CeaUansd traos Pag# Om ) CsatmUsd by asrtai DDT Oarayl IKBE i$ only ,eoe fine c$r more luxuiioM* Lincoln power . • • let* you drive without vCOAL; TELEVIMOM shifting,,without touching a clutch. No gears to shift I A. PurteU, Hartford, president of OPENING Tin action tbajs the 1949 Lincoln Cosm(^ UP TO 24 MONTHS T a PAY Ua aasociation. Ue convention wlU hear an address by Arthur H. poUua—qod that car ia the 1949 Lincoln May we place one at your call toroorrow? — ► No dutch to press! MOUey, preaidant of Parade Pub- ' WEDNESDAY EVENING Buy from a televixion expert and huve - Cofmopoliuo with b y p ia -iu t ic *! With BYDBA-MATtc traosnlistioD and thrilling Ucation, Inc., Naw York. In his OPEN *TIL 9 EVERY NIGHT ,YOVR iet eom eU y iHBtuUed. ' For avoiA-HATlc lata you apj^iata com- new "Salen Styling.*! the 1949 Lincoln Coe- address PurteU Is expected to cover SEPTEMBER 14; 1949 Ue fields of sailing, advertising, ^lately tka aafnificeat rte^nsivendes of mopoliun is more beautif|il than ever to drive! CofYiplefdy aufomatief and production. He la the former publisher of Ue American Maga- alne and a former vice president BOLAND MOTORS and director of the Crowell-Colller RADIO AND Publishing Company. Ha ia chair­ EIGHT O’CLOCK DOORS OPEN 7:30 man fit taa beard of diraetora of >/*• r.fKvtc^ TELEVISION d HT Yanr Homatewn Nash Daalar tho National Salea Executlva Chib. CliSTs H IMS LIVK ClNUP i. BHOAD 468 Hartford Road, Cor. McKaa Strudi<--PhoBa 1-4804 | | P P t69 dpM r At Waat CanUr Street Americana, raports tha Tea Bureau, uae about 23 milUon Sterts Thsrs.i “ CABRnOlB B A ll.” Ppan Eveniofa Till 7-«^Thuni. and FrL Till 9 MAMCHfEBTCD CLCPHONff S I3 S l i f * pounds of tea a year tor Iced tea. n os “ BOT BOOEBt” 'r " T n e J - f t t "

/ • # ■f- ■

lUHCHISrEB BVtNlNO HERALD. MANCREVrER, 00(IN.. TUESDAY, SEPlRMBra 18, 1H9 MANCHESTER EVE^HNO HERALD. nillCHE8TBR. OONM« TUESDAY, ScPl'BMBER 18. ter, and M i msfher assompsnisd worlier, waa set upon ^ fife a f the totoads e ta he tha other two women as ake at- trim onurt ‘ _ lUnitTlifc. M o eek . Um ry - ...... kept going do 4te ths strike, aad Beats, Slashes Judse Clair R. Black quns- aMf. W. A. Extend Labor temptod to cross the ateket Has Wofor itwsf b» b o iO n g To Continue ralhoat "steadily Is to Polio Declines Amlover Starr eald the I n ■. 9 $ w tn ,a . i t •bar* tiensd John, end the boy teU eC up last JMy XX. Panee Mksi'ge . of n tehan alriks taking Miokael for n ride ou tke Registrations Jota TunMr, BaaU O n ^ , The IbramlaaHon Serstee for that tho women eagagad la *TM0r- U s# a wAtwAAd tnapot. Put In nmn oc Mw^iais to isateraA " His Playmate Jgam Tunwy Howard beb. Havi Again in State Study Classes Todoy^s Rodio Dock Strike handlebare of Iris Mcycto. Maloehn Crook, pastor of the Obn- aad wMdtog of ene tea-bee ier e e ^ petae*. Pew on lieuli, bubbUne Ths HawUton govenunwit haa In tlie vaennt tot scosrdlng to K fw m , abd Jabn lag tha altoran- gregatlonal e k w ^ w fll taka plaoe bofibne bitetof. is* Hve »i»u9us hRO serr*. •riasd ths dodu and tehsn ayu bis story, hs beat Mlchast storiied C ttw d m Om ckurek oa Wednaaday, Bap- NOW OPEN ______OnvM nfiatra* State University Offer* thair opsratlon uadar snwrgeaey Eleven Year OM Boy 1b him with a Jach-knlls. and cut Hm Beea Dropfiiiif in tember XA at 9 p m. All tatereat- dofMMHat an the stead No Sign of Early Settle* him eu the forehead with a m r p tm , 9vA Meawe. Onw ftatatiM. ad are ureleeme ta sttanA Miatag any ‘T tot'er dia- e i9 * t— IsglatoUan. |r*' AtCracuB inf Fonr Prognuns in ay Cbisf Justios HeM( Refnaes to Ex­ stick. ralbi fio ro iM ; public lulatkM Nnmber of Cm m Since Harry Daggett will have ahatge taibaaes or hair-puillag.'' WDRC—Newa: BasA the Ootou WDRC—TsBi nient In H b w r U i Sterr sUd ths psm«s to lh sl Md publicity, iobn SwdMay. Joba e f aa A d m elaaa ta tha Chureh Ilfild of Relations Frsd Vlassa. failed TMcaase the ualoa refused plain Hif Actions Thm he knotted a pteo# o f n y o ------1 Hek, fed' Peak Week of Ang. 29 sehoal begtimhig Sunday, Baptam- WONS—Nswa. _ „ Peace Talka Fail to taka u y reaUstlo view of eet- •round Michnri’e nedi and also ber XA at 9:48 a. m. WWTHT—As We See XL UonMat" ha added: choked him vrith his hands. Thm MARION WILUAMS lLr<00 9 t l» — Port Huron, Mich., SopL 11 .— ‘ — ahtM , eiw ard L. BrttiMr. Hartfon Sept X9—Feilomyeh- Mr. and Mra Thomaa cyBrten Storm, Sept 19.—Tlw labor WHAT—Blue Minor Trto he threw away the knife and ftoA Boy Scoot Newt W TTC-Stelta DaBaa. Nsw Torh, fispt U - m - Bsmn -Out of what Mr. Bridges oaUed UP)—Eleven-yenr-old* John Schil­ J u ^ Black ordered that John Itl6 ^ Town Senion forj5 5 ^ c Meed. h . c. vvin tod - •re ant e f town on a veeatton trip. Management Tnetltuto o f the WKNB—Neera; Baetbboard Va- w n o —li f e la Tear Hands Professional School of ihe Dance tte oantlaaed ta diiWni wtthia Uklvarsl^ of Cbnnaoticut vrill of­ f^itee la ths HavraUan dock striks •nine propoeels,* Sve required nibl- be g t ^ an inteUigeace test and itatiea. tration of mat 're fsnglng from ler, morose and tight-UppeA \ ;»!lowhntiona John F. Dailey, Ooorgo N. Brig­ Oonaootlcut aoeordlag tooths lat­ fer pubUe aduH edneatien olassss "SALAlii; M:4A— have broken up In future, _ peyririatric . enanrinattoa before *arii 37 la planitlM aa outing WONS—Must# Tou Uks. waces to all terms o f any antend- held today in a vleloua attack on STUDIO ham, John Hayduakle. William C. est Sguras teaued by the state de- la the Arid e f Mber retatiena bt **WlDRO—Hew HRglaad Hoto- there to no dgu today of enily small playmate. further court actlcn. Ordered to Stop at Center Bpringa Park far all W THT—It ’s Tour Buslataa IT ^ itiict wwcb aright bs w— - The father said John had never RoekvOa, aapt M ~ 'Dia Ha- Ffundar. William Foehnert, Joaaph partmnR of haalth. la Um aui r oonaoetieut ettlea begliialag Arreeted at Iris sriioallMNiM, tlie 324 CENTER STREET (R u r ) Cuba af tha Pack. Thla ta a gat TEA bonk. sotttonMnt sd euL" before dteptoyed virifuce. He said Webater, Rlnwr MiffUt. R O M 4a October. Based oa hlgh^ ano- WTOT—Bandstand; Mewa aad f^ a a m auww waa atteadad by y af dtaeaaa for the past i tegatlwr to start ths now ysar af **NM fs ofi an stotlous. The U. A Modtotlon and Oen^ boy admitted ho beat aad atoriwd Orumbach, John Wralght, Robert Polludng RWers cissful program la Btamfnrd aad _ W ith e r. At various stogas sf the mge- four-year-oM Michael Lyou In i the boy suffered a.head In ^ry in thaw aaa pamaa Moaday days, there eroro 49 potteaqreUtte cubbteg bfl wltX a baag. Cub- cUUiUm i bowffvffr. flood Moyer; Houae, Hector Blair, Don­ Rartfbrd last Sptlag. tiM Ihstl- Q W H AT Oheeter, the Cutloua UiXI tistlons. Bridges bod o «s i^ toa^ vacant lot aad then tried to sUaa n fall from a Mcycto when •n a la r. haoiac the lariaat attand- a hated from 9 of the 8 Om - master CUnt Hendrickson requests WDRO—World TbnIghL randy to try to help agUn U the eept wage Increaeea varying from ald Neff. John WilUama; Uegal, B. tttte plana to oMtlaae Its activity thmel gte the amUtor tod. younger. Bnroll Now For Fall C/osMf aaM hi aaay yuan aad aaw arr- F. Ackerman, R. J. Plfeoa, Harry Boetleut eeuatlea. UtahSaM, MM‘ Hartford, Sept U (F) F onr la tlioae dues. In respensi to saoh boy bring a lunch at w n c —Loronae Jones. WHAT—Moonligbt IteUnec. cha««e aroae. ‘ 14 to 99 criito an dteaax aad Windham counties did twriva noon, Ssptember 17. al WTHT—Joe HsaeL In Probate Court yeeterday ara) caataala. H. Xjugg; finance, Francta J. Fit- communities In the Nangatock mad In Waterbary aad Brii RED NEN*8 WCOC—Mews; X390 Oub. Cyrus fi. Ching. 0; D e ^ , fiOOiOOO, 9:00—SbowtinM. Carried to court from hla hoa- Free Eatimales pubUc courses la m m subjects 6:80—Serene GanunoU; Wcatheri and Wareboueemen'e Union blam­ By The Asfioelat^ P ^ pitU bed, Michael identified John. aaaaar, Howard Dlmock; Hoard of Clatew Cenrt W’edaeeday Uve week that the stete waa with­ and Shelton, X,900.000. *‘wobc-NsWs; Bis Children’s Ballroom Chuaes— Age 9 to 12 Taa Itaelaw, Mcbard Hiller, Henry Orievaaca Froesduraa, CXsIlective WONS—Champion. Wonder 9:48—Oonoert Hour. ed wMch other for fUlure to eettle Psria—Henri RnbauA 75, F rw b •That’# Wm.” he said. ” He beat Work called For and DeSvmd The Small Qaima Court will hold out a diptharla eaaa. The hearing for oio'Nattgataek Bargalalag. Humaa Rslatioas la Win ^ Held On Wcdnesdajra—4 :30 to 7:30 P. M. Marrhaw. rnakUn A Hariow; ThajrVs standoulf in pulling peimr and claying pounr! Horse. 9:00—BaaehaU GaoM. the X8d-dey-old walkout during composer Who once was me. He,had a knife. I went to Ita next oeadon on Wedneaday, Both lobar aad broncho pneu­ valley municipalities waa ordered Industry, Amecioaa Labor Unions WORO-SM 9A7 MC. dv« doyt of confsrencee Btrt' of ths Boston symphony orchestra. We handle any iob fro towa clerk, traaauier and a(ent of Sept X4 In the Police court room, monia ernre on the increase dur- after the commlmlon had told Its W TIC—Just Plain BUI. • 1 ^ and didn't remember any­ Teen-age Ballroom Wednesdaya—7:30 to 8:30 P. M. aa^ Tawn Oepiiait Fund, Kerwin A. Current Labos Law, ’Ttine ask WTHT-Sky Kins. WFHA— 19A7 MC. In Hclolulu, HawUton Governor PortXsaA Ota.—Dr. Lawrence thing after that” the amalVsst scratch to tha atarting at X;30 p.m. William J. iilg the past week. Cases of lobar director, Richard blartin, to order hCotiaa Study aad Job Bvalua' w n o —FM 4A9 MC| 9A8 MC- BBlott; ooOeetor of taaea. Fraacia Dunlap, clerk of tho court win re­ Norwich to advertise for bids; or im ram M. R tU n ^ k Kdmondi OrifflA 7A retired Michael’s step-father. Forest C. largest wreck. AdgH Ballroom Wednesdays— 8:30 to 9:30 P. M. pneumonia roae from 7 to X4, and tiea. It Is fsR that, by giving * ’ w n R C -C w t Mneeey and Mnr- WORO—FM On tho air 1 p. m.- **dloRDDotatod but not ffUFpnffO® famer at Reed coUen and an wmr Happiecht; raflatrar of TOtara, ceive additional clalme at thla those of bronche pneuamnla from or before December XA for a saw' Barden, a etete insurance Inepeo- Oaonre B. Seheeto; conatablea, repreaentetivas o f labor, maaai tlta TO ton. ____ lli9 B p .n L at th o*^ak d «n 'n of negotiation#. part In marine biology. time. Followtng the Wedneaday 9 to X3. A t the same time, measles age treatment plant and a m meat aad the gaaeral pabSc an We Bavs The Mpst Oarald lUaley, Wilfred Kaat, Gk>r- aeaaion, the court will again ba In intaroeptor system. Norwich WONS—CurtM Bradtoy. Same ae WDRC. Ho did not otoberate. Moooehenrt. caass Increased from 8 to A chtek' opportunity to learn sems of the W H AT—SpertA _ W FHA WUfrwl C TSuiyama f^ubU- Motlem Shop in Town Mrs. Williams is a member of the Dancing Masteia $t dap Hanaon. L— Six. Seme aa w n c. taa. w iu bOBda aet at |XB0. Judge without their havlag to file ew i palitles. Bridgeport. Waterbury w n c —Nswa Wio union submitted nine spccl- voted to prohibit the' ohoot- ’Trial of three Waterbary women haul Falaar dlagualiAed hlmaetf aa Oaea • Week OeOeetien and New London have been or­ on breach of the peace chargee ta fte proposnto for setUemsnt hla fom ar law partner Attorney Alderman Jamaa A. Dohacty of tng of hen pheasants and thla waa dered to build sewage treatmmt WDRC—jn sk Cslmsn HeadUn- Bridges saiA but "we have not w added to the club’s by-lawa. Pred- connection vrith a diaturbanoe •araaid J. Aoharmaa waa renre- the City Health Oonunittaa an- plants and other facUlti the picket line at tiM atrlkebound lO -T V ootvsd a singte proposal from the aentiag the aoouaed. Aaalaiant nouncea that atarting this dent John Malta said posters to smployers.’’ the gartwge win be coUectad once thla effect w ill be pinoed through­ U. S. ’Tinte Carp., plant here Freaecutor Joba Moran pieaeated No Contusion New been continued until Friday. w n o - S t ite tly Sports; Wsath- X0:00—DuMont Progrems to W. ftuasril Starr, ipokesinan for the eaaa. the raault of an aectdant a week Inatead of twice aa la the out the town’s hunting Noon the Hawalton Employers Council cuatem during the a u n m a r Whan the hunting season begins ’Trial Juetice OsrroU B. Knlbbe three weaha ago whaa an auto op< Detroit, Sept XS—i/f) — From ordered the continuance at the re­ W H AT—Suppsr Ssreaadc F. M. which represented the atnick firnu •latad hy Mr. MoOeUua aad o m monthe. O ct XA 980 pheasants w ill be 9:00—Tbletunes. Attend Fair leaa^ by the aasoclatlon, a few >w on therrs going to be less quest of Grand Juror George ffffid: ' by Fredarlek BUow, XT. of confusion over spelling the Fan- Lynch who told the court he WDRC—Rscord Album. 8:40—Howdy Doo^. -We elncerely regret t ^ •venue eeUlded oa Rpring Many RockvIUe raddant^ at a time. Bruno Patrla waa elect' tero family name. 9:0O-ftawIXfyy OiiA ed treasurer ef the ergaalaation would eceh additional evidenoe. W r o r - Sportspags. etuatton has fslleA ^ Planning to attend the Four Town The five sons and two daughtere About 90 witneeaca teetifled at a 9:90—Baay Doea I t raady to continue negottoticna m fair to M hdd at Broad Brook on to succeed Dino Florl w ho' re I Ib I me wkfftlhEiRE Csf •:9a— 6:9B—Woathorman, Take a ear, any car—In any pries fidd. Compare it to ti** new of an Itelian-bom Immigrant dis­ three-hour hearing last night ba- X4-X9 f t wmA 11-1$ f t WONS—Answ,j Man. ___ H ^ a U with the union whenever Thomaa K. Oartor, 8d of XSd Wedneaday. continuing through dgned. covered their father had given 7:00—KuklA Fran and OUU. It wtohee to do eo. We hope buw h aueka up againit the new Ford’# loA ith rt cot tho avenlnt. The fair la bdng held There were only right represen fore tha reeeea. Mion.*N-Mn WCOC-'^Nsws; Ooneert Hour, 7:80—VIncont Lopea. ■boteham road, Maamipegua, each one of them a differently Tha three women, Lnura Mo- the union vriU be m o re -reUlitic the famoue New York Fadnoo Academy award aa ^ ^ T„ waa flaed |M oa a diarge at aa earner date than usual thla tetivas of the X9 teams in the spelled last name in registering end X-toa 8|adeboker trucks are^ WKNB-Sporto. 7:40—Manbattoa Spotlight. year aa an experiment BowHng Ltsague that attended Hale, buslneM apent for the Wa­ evMIteie with pieb-up w eetee bedhe WT HT — Ssreno O a m m s 11, Year.” See if It offer# a choice of ocooomi^ reehleaa driving; John Darrah, SS their births. 8:00—Arthur Godfrey. j The employers declared the as Ford’s 100 h,p. V-6 or its 95 h.j». S ix . See if it has anything that wiD of atantford waa fined 934 for Red Men Meet the meeting Wednesday night at Juan’s waa Fantero, Donald’s terbury Watebworkers Union or as ebeaale fbr tesclal bedles. Wsathsr. 9:00—Program Playtieuee. anaedlng oa tlio Wilbur Crdaa The Red Men wlU meet this community Halt Harry Burger, Fantore, Angelo’s Fomaro, J (A F L ), Mra. Nella DuBlckl. a w n c —WrlghtnUa Folks. 9:90—Itema. compare with die new Foed ”{eer’l member of the union negotiating jjlighww; Fernand J. Preaeault. evading at eight o'Cloek In Red preddent has called another thon/s Fanllater, Joseph Fantora, S > 4 ^ 10:00—Boxlag. I t of Frodburg, Vt.. forfeltod m Men’s Hall, with a meeting of the meeting tonight at the hall. He Elisabeth’s Femettl, sad Nellie’s committee, and Mra. Myrtle Ln- Roae, were arrested by Constable WDRC—Dowsn tw failnra ta appear; Krneat Do- Red Men’s Oub, Inc. to follow. says it la very tftiportant that the Femetto. Owner uRar awnar i B Owner nftar awnar i W H A T -A W a aa Mstodlsn U FWeiaa KUM laRaM MINESTRONE AageOa, 4d of Randolph. Maaa.. Women o f the Moeoe captalna or their representatives A ll agreed on Juan’s last name Frederick Pona last Thursday trwdu aul parfarm ulM ouf acawanilgauny- far fba ansyAnadfi W THT—Hall of Fasto. The Rockville Chapter, Women morning foUowu|r an alterention. alao lorfetUd I l f for faUure to ap- be present tonight to make rules and Probate JuuL Sept X9-KF1—PoUee re­ 1 QT. 50c poar; Judgiaant waa auapended in oj the Moose wlU hold their regu­ governing the league and plan ter made it crilcial. FoUca dtarge that Mra. WONS—E vS i^ Stgr- ported today they ktllod IS persons the eaae of Wealoy J. Wind. Jr., lar meeting thla evening at eight the uchedules. kusul WKNB—940 Varistlsn yssterday In n raid agalnat a band I t o f 3Xi Waahtaigtoa atrOot, Hart- o’clock at the club rooms on Elm Superintendent Merle Wood- of 100 guerrillas operating near Comollo’s Epicure fard: Anaead F. HnAy. SI of Wtn- street manaee has announced that there Owner after awner raparts Mwt Mw husky, ' ‘ wDRC—Boulah. Tosu. South Korean port 5 9 Onk S t Fhons 3-4X9S daman Village, EllliigtoB, waa Every Mothers Chib are 84X pupils enrolled in the hundtanw, pewarful nuW tfudshakats o n lu fllw n n w WONS—Fulton iFWis. Jr. A number ot flags o f tho Oom- m eC '. 1100 oa a diarge of driving The Every Mothers club mMts schools o f South Windsor. Wap­ lha finest kind ef *ruund Ills town advor- tfudakefcar trucka. Tltoy*fu Amaricn’a Wnasi W H AT—Symphony HaU. munlst Peoples govammant of aa autoaeoMlo white undor the in- thla evening at g^.m . at the home ping grammar school has 373, Head- Nortbam Korea were taken from of Mrs. 3Cay We tisint for a business. buys far tang^nsfinB, luuhdnsf AsNauBa, WTWT—Don 'Xardlosr; fhiaaee o f llq m . Union school, X89, and Pleasant Um Edition, tha alaln guerrillaa, poUoe salA lagtaa Oeanadteoeo Valley achool, 3A A t Elteworth w n c —lig h t Up Time. Toau was ths scans tost fan of Tou’H w no other car can matA the ”b « r of that relsxing' Oominandor Joroao Itemktewica Jap Gets Tea Tears Memorial High school there are a bloody robolUon tod by Oommu- haa luuned tho foUoerlBg eoinmlt- 107 pupils from South Windsor CHORCHES MOTOR SALES tilS — ntots. "Mid SWp” Ride with nweo Wp and ehodte toaato aarve tho Doboaa BrtOI T o ^ Sept X9—(F) — KeIJiro WONS—T d lo -T e ^ and 181 from East Windsor, mak klANOHBSIkR WTHT—Do Tou Remember T ear in ite oaea... the easy ddins feel of . .Itehoe Haaaen Foat of the Aaerl- I Otwrt, warlltna chiEf of Japan’i ing a total of 8X8 at the high 89 OAKLAND STREET I "Pera-Flex" Springs .TTthe e a iy -a t^ ^ ost office in Peter Boasen’s store, W THT—B ow tlful Muric. INK Then, after youVa eompared Ford’# loelia and’’bal" to aD^ - THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 w h a t —Mosie from Holly- louth Windsor, and covering the LOTS otbert, ask yourself thie queetioo. . . where else Lovely Ladi$$ Lateet Equipment For All Kinds of Beauty Cultura entire town, making stops at get such savings? Up to 10% M . . • np to 25% East Windsor HIU and Wapping ANNIE I. SMITH ELEVATOR PRIVILBOE w n C —Ctovalcade o f America. m peat offices. Proprietor Phono dOlX — For Solo with Ford’e new Overdrive.® Add these eayinge to People new receiving their mall PERMANENT 9.60 Up WDRC—Mr. and Mrs. NortlL Ford’s lower prices end you have an unbeatebto through R.F.D. routes from East WTHT — Town Meeting Main Street Comer efi oomUnatioo. Try a Ford. . . you U want to Hartford, Manchester, Rockville the Air. Wadsworth Street xened | oritr one right awayl and Broad Brook w ill get It di­ WH AY —CM»teln Glenn a for Business Site 14^ x rectly through South Windsor. ent Hunt 140 (more or kas). The route wtU cover approxlmate- w n c —Me and Janie. 40 miles. WONS—Official Detective. Broad Street xoned for Psstmaster Robert Boesen has •i48— . asked the townspeople not to use W H AT—News; Sports. light indnstry. Sisc 90 x the new address until it goes late St86— 200. Owner out of town. sffeet, O ct XA when Instruotioas WONS—News. Willing to sacrifice. w ill be issued for changing ad­ 9:«d— _ . dresses and proper tecatlons (pr WDRC—We the people. 13 lots one block west of I mail boxes. WONS—John Steele, Adventur- Main. Ideal for small bond­ A daughter w m bom at Hart- ing development. Win sellj M h a r ta l ta Mr. and Mm. Loon WHAY—Moonlight Mating!. as a whole or in part. Fatrla of Strong road. W TIC—Fibber McGee and Mol­ Dr. Goddard reports that there are three peUo eases in South ly. Lot at comer of Porter 1 Windsor; a father, Richard Har- fgvo*^** . I^.nect’io*^ 9:S0— Street and Lancaster Road. rtiifUm and his tsix year old WDRC—lit Pnys to Be Ig­ Fully improved. Price rea- of^ Pleasant Valle; ey reaA and an­ norant. other ease from Avery street A ll WTHT—News. I sonable. WONS—Mysterious Traveler. are U MuUdpU Hemital. Hart­ Three lots, Scarborough ford and are oenaider^ mild 9:48— W THT—Rex Maupln Enter­ Road. Fully improved. Ex­ eWNb aaMS Ite. •W OwWk* tains* cellent buy for hoilder er| Leaps TO Hie Death private owner. WDRC—Hit the Jsekpot. V l8-(Fl~Hunch- , wn(3—Big Town. Five lots. Little Street I backed Sam Kats, 4A was a frs- WONS — Kom’s-a-Krackln. quant visitor to police hesdquar- near Broad Street B xone. ttrs. A And for smaH bniMer. Thff record ahowed Id UmM in We Hand You The Home in your futum Tour ABC apedal thla week puts 91 years, mostly on bad, check About fSrfy-flve lots, I tha apotUgbt on a aet e f a^nna chargee. Ha was oonvicte Cabot. ‘The Menchaeter A crowd gathered and cheered ------ORGANIZED AnOi ------REALTOR Meuday Thru FrMay Jtaaiw. the Eveniaf HeralA XX^O Ave. Ameri vjiieii he w u uncovered and haul' Open Evenings Till, 7 1009 Main Street loehidlaf W edacu^ Attemoeu esa, Nsw York. XA N ..Y . ed free w iU ^ rope. INT8R SOnn’fi $1 0 0 ,0 0 0 CfiJI-fillHIV COHtSff fiiS Of fOR SW i^ ’MUSinOrBllS Open TUI Noe# aa /


atoto vatk fhayana^rd of a felattvMy tow vatoa in clared tto matter dene). EVENING COLLEGE STUDY- aa« tba a wactat ghoat writer ^thn aaaita^Hta^lky^ af Barkley h Getting Sore Faye Ijaerson Three days oftar tto ^4 and flaaUy paid tte now awtagtag tt as Raeoavalt toM nawnman . , COiDUCATIONAL-DEGREI GRANTINO 's r.z i other way, hot al«ayn{ wtfa cut horadf ooddmUy, OJM | party'a fkn benw fnai Banfa. Connecticut lathapraaai Seeka Divorce that ttoro had net h a m a m iw L In each degraa, the whole apt- About Personal Questions]^ la "«MTttlcal lova,” flm poMtleal thoaay an r u hbifd a f OH gtaagraaomat Hoiaevek, oMd to I m a tai fact, ladlacriaal* aoda wna awnawkat aynthatle, a ttmea tha vattagl wAud to ad at NL. . Y a n k ee powar af rialdinta af pthara, ta| lat ato tried to Bomnrtt i aaMlf an v«ar Om plaoa. oonunacctal anpMt oa the part of timn tha hava to aaan- A c t r c f f t .W b u Ib IP B e y B r A . H . a too tary l aglaliHva banneh arhl W a a h ta M ia p t. *• “ Tto oetreos’ flrd mi Tka wmtd,” mfB Dr. CAIa- a nawa aarvlea, witk Ih iilay har- to faMaw pafular oeta rdtuna, tha ravaiaa nmrgfai In AM any aaeta than to tha UMad Statoa For the Hauoa ta was auppamd to guainataa ay FraaldwH^Bntklwr to gatttag nlatthnn. Free from EIJioU to William Omwford af <------^ . , A laiMMd m, ” araat kava a larga atnabar aelf a conunardal artlcla. Ikat la, Uttla Irkod at all tha gueaWona Ha ___ wont hta RoosavaR pravlouffy ^ma married Sanato ta gaato yanr whan any aad to rap- pawar a f rapraaantatlon ta all| vm M>« tody to hoooma _ - — Roowrellv She Siqrs et faopla arko kara kwralopad to o f oearna. the way many thtaga targe af Benthem eeato is Oannaetleut vatota. akout hta aataonal Ufn lb EUaohan Daenir of FMMdd- raaant tawna. aa auch, but It W raaamoat as her through ftaytant >hta and Ruth Ooggtoa of Fort Riimiitiw SdcrMarinl a atoga wkara tkay fad tbaia- which do aueeaod la oaptnrlag tka tha Sanato vfhleb ta eonatHuttan ft isn’t fikathT V. F. Ha hu datoota that thoy ora gatag to got Medleal Sioatorial than tha aartous ai studtona T to Oonneettant Sonata, an tha any Buppoaad to rapraaat paouln- hta bumps akma with tha Maw Tork, Bapt. 10- Connecticut to IMtow tha pepalBr vata. M t aoad to aama up with a nmlla. Mvoroo praooodtago ogalnat ElUott mottan ptetuns bagMO tor mor- favortta battte cry ta enuaa tha atote’a ponulattan to koal?t pepped the « u » rtaga, aad turned to tto Biundjwy | ArchHartorel Drafttsg iB B a u r tio w yla irkataaif tkay an.” •klilay had happened to make It. haa haan for abottUoi « o f the I howdM tt taltow tha lam alaatlon ^MMlmnSv aarrv-amndaiod In Ita Tkta tima, bowsvar. thara’s lady SSHritat do.an’t ~ tkotlta Win lefa eeaqiiar tka boaab, tka the oemmarclat nawa ventan aa famous ” rattoa harm priaint aanatorlal dtatrtattag; Otago In Itig . B to now ta ••••S******* ^5 Tka tody ta Mis. Chrlton F. Hn^ won’t. And Uko 5 w r* ‘a*leoUoo p tc^ now la tho motion pletaro TlimW •««***»»**^—-:::tS - . bar would have paid off. aad bal- ta tha Connaetleut M W oA She Tkta garty aaandarlng ofaratoa m ho lant at oU auro what tbs Indy Tool I kglBeerliig •*••••••••*** * aavaa a n e a a f lay. attraeUva 8 . Doula widow and standor" In Haw Tork. Bto It iiniamt aaan vary poailWa. tybeo would have made her the reaenUUvaa. • ____ curlowr waya from atoottan to alaa- TIm only mambora of tka nm would aw ffb e A d . ___ _ ^'nmSvieeT-eU Ubaml Aria, Ttoe Arte This ory ta nanawaa It ta in g n M to U tlon, now awtaftag tha Sanato out hay family Uvtag artld la ttnro. mntkrr o f two daughtara. Boma Miffirmlag yaatordny that ito and olao has oppanrad hi doaa Itr Paopla ana*t aetlnr aa U toaat of the eouatry—for a few day aha aaay ataoC to boeomo Mra. It asold houpau hut prebeiy ohows. ' 7 5 ii>irpw*n> •••••••«• nenaanaa bionuaa tha anly way o f ttna oaa d a y v tha vaitnaaa are the ttarhaty apes of Oibrattar. wont-whentha V out to the Into preeldmVe aaeond son weaka. gatW oy. Than, agatai, Mm may 5 5 tt aaar wauM. a n thayT It aaanu tha s»'a,f *“ gnat nllftoa, aad tba aaplratlon writer put la bar month, nador' Houae ta for tba Oeasoonto to win n rumor that ho ta aagogod. ta be prealdee, doemrt t a k e r s . ”Fayo Emaroon oonflrmad to­ RgBlBlfaHaBBAccBplBifwmf A .^ la l f . M. DbOt brS SataedayB UiMjl CM MM BH iM*i "irr o f tba arorkTa gnataat humaa neath the commordallam. than control of the Honse. M It ^ ahodt to boeomo engaged or ta Wut he warned reporters n ^ to day So foport that oto would H om ea o f about to marry Mrs. H a ^ . aiaiiSgui^g^ thlakan. aa waU aa a gnat hid- was a girl named Shirley rraaoa. Democrats ever wwftad hard .liaBB Im ba aaad aa I draw any daductiooa. H# «Maawl Moh n dlvocoa from Elliott Roooo- COUME SCHEDULE - CLASSES BEGIN SEPT. 26 enough aad effectively enough In ft koapa rawjrtara maettag Um * Oatatanding VahieB *| •I N. a *. daa portlaa o f aaary laat human We hope aba la able to raaome be­ piana avary tlma ha gets sonta- as "without toundotlon" n p ^ I volt.' the small towns to angtoam n that there ahroody to aa I -m m gltataonn ooM rm oorry balag, a n atm an oa tba alda of ing heraalf. switch ta pomioal allagtaMo Ssr whsia out of Wadjtagton. _ aUndlng hatwaan Hm and Mrs. to any Mr. Rooaevdt aad 1 meusN ____ ' J** Ion, “nacrlUcal km," tba one tha 40 towns nitiaanry to ahanga How tho ” Voop," . aa k a aalta Haffl^and that thay wUl to mar- havobsaaaopantodfto aoamUrn# AceovNTme control at tha Honaa, than thay hlmaslt.'to a fun lertag Mlow, al- mmt I plan n dtvoreo whan I kavo B m . Von eew M ^ r « « . weapon which, however long and w W with a Joha. Ha can riad m tha wldo^a M r ^ y. gffe-wtee A ll Negro Jury wouM hava andad. any way. tha But whan to goto thar^tf to ftatahad ear auRont awtIOB pte- effe.ieffa aUDit WMAO Of mudi It may be aaglacted. la nev­ Mtuatlaa agataak whieh thay aaaa- avan taka ana on U m ^ . goes-Barklsy to reMgnod to tto tuto. BWott and 1 parted on • ssstrSnSir e i0 e -u in .TMMia er obaolata. plata. wbleh ta haataally nat tha • Ha atao B n paUont friendly tarwta.*" torn tkom JABTIi ooi Be • ! ette-ieae 0iaa-a:M prwvad through long yanra o f oon- SacTthat ,w« ^ JhaB Btoi M i Ba MWiB •tie-ieffe Sffa-Mffs To Hear Evidence fact that tbara to n vattaa’ har- tag with tto& qnaotieao whan tto Rooaavalt, who was rooebto tm - tffs ough ayatoaa, but tba leA that iriulTfi-l b^ao. plana lands. __ a nowaman la Provldaaee, It. I., c-je-isae IjaianM int tm w »»>**/*— Bettor Not To Tnuubito? Omaeotleut aaaaU towns stffl vote But both hta aanso o f humor and sold tto broakup of the marriage t m -u m iffs- ttn FYankfort Ky., Sept IS—UCh- hta anUenoa with raportera, wM Ha could, of eourao. avoid tto ■ Jarvis Rsoify affto Sin iirtlMia»ato aM X**» International economic termi­ ipubUean. tt soma a af tha roportara aad thalr «PtaHt«»a If la a paraonal awttar—I have no sife-iein la TIM lla iriiMfM •»—*— The fate of Oetuge Adams, Negro aia m ataboot hta favortta paopla, comment” Ho woo In Provldonoo •ffe-ieae sisa-iatn nology la like diplomatic lingo— charged with nairder of a white lah towns ahanld soddanly bagta ha omit "*ihi*g on Mra. Hadley. etf0 .ietn 0100- 0d0 Tnaaday, ■aptambar 1» voting Damocmtic. that would ba ora araartag a Uttla thta. T ie o d d a M i Uka a huadrad to for n apeoklng ongogemant Company 0100-10100 aaemlngly daalgnad to keep ordl- man, wm ba deoklad by aa all-Na- gn fa r as hta frtandai^ with t ^ e ff0 .ia :n gro Jury. tha and of tha rattan horongh In- Tba Bdt-< ona agnlnat It. ______Hta vrifO dadtaad eommant to - •ffa-Miea Buo, avan though the canatUutlen lady Woonaarhad, tha v m v would I yond tha fonnal statoment 0t00- StW Circuit Judge W. B. Ardery yes­ •obTI b r AIT o » w .M « terday granted the reoueet of hta al ayatam of reprmmtotlon Roosevelt, married twice before, effs- tm attaTtaal- Than to the eeaaawad to and Mias Bmaraon. married once *tetorm ke%r i i f f s - s m •nwn la a forthoomlag oonfor- One o f the potential aolutlons attomey-eon, Philip R Ardery, agataat which tha Danmerato now complalw would atlB ba In onta- m n ptM Jum p to Safety plana. . . bafora, wora vrad ta Deeambar, tm - sffi tm - anoa^ up la Canada, o f Brltldi, that Negroes be Included on the as k nan to I T to poraohuUsU, Ohowlng up at •BSBB«BBBBS tm - tm 0tn for the world-wlda dollar abort- panel from which the IS trial 1044, . _ ___ idta-tetae and American atomic age la tanned "devaluation.” That Torloua rxncberT homao through­ neosevoR. 00, and the actnos, ■ Ida- ein tm - ttm Jurora were cboeen. It At Plane Bum s out tha raglon, oraro r « m ^ up Ties- e:n HUlkorttl it —*—*"*-^ to dlacnaa la auch a flna-aoundlng, mysUfy- Attorneys Ardary aad Charlm tm -ttm aad returned ***^ *® fi Ttee- e-je tm - tm the T*-*«ew of whathar or not tag term that one hardly dares L. Hobson, counaet for the defend­ ft was tha Brat paroehuto Jump e t m e:se- e:ia ant, protested to tbe tadga th thn VbMad lasni San Jem. Oallf.. Bapf. 10—-- HytoPMk, H. T.. home in recent tm- t:n tm -ttm tkia oouatry ahould do m on translate It down to understand- Nagroas hava been excluded from for ah hands. weeks and tto wife boa stayed at whan foadiag tho IkHr B-ia swept hy.Bamaa, 10 sir Jofanl. O ko ii ttaa-ie:n tm -itm lig[ o f Ita atomic knoadadga with I lavela. ■tote court grahd and trial Jurtas faces atafs poroebutad to aqfoty thdr Hew Tork dty apartment tm -itm the tarn conatrlaa which ware our But what It propoeea ta thta: here. N dtber RooaevoK nor hta wife ta m I tot tm - tm Sifa- stia jaateraay. aocoodo boforo tto huge i loporteff to hove a romonUe inter- **O Of MaadwteA Bff0-Mff0 gartoefo In tha Arat croatlon o f{ that by the device of towering Judge Ardery ruled Adams’ dva i:ee- e:n 0 0 rights wert not prejudiced by bis •nnly Intoniai M to bn that oupmSg treoa eroHiod and hurnod. Hollywood, gapt. 10— Intentlan o f tba conatttuUan BBak- thrao months thay will leave tore prescriptions Coveraga 0iie.N:n mads the atom botob oboolota. aaough to pay our tariff charge a It la tba Connecticut Sen­ a for Ms New Torfc d ty raaldance. potto irss&eold tho Mg s. SMp ooamad to Hta first wife was tto fonnre CALLED FOR e:M- S:ie Tkato la. ha dalmod. one aub- aad atm compete against Amer­ Sleuths Exam ine ate, orlgtaaUy Intended to be Maet- T il Mala IttBBl aQaalHy MaterlalB aai •ffe-ia:n 0100- 0d0 ed as the direct repreeentatlva of oxModo Juot toforo Im poet._____ Mary Lea BppUng. now Biro. tm - mtt atanae o f wklch aaven ouncaa, ican-made goods ta their own burning wradmgo was apraod Douglas FoiitoakA bat too loog 0ff0- ana amargaaey war time speed, be­ BI GER DODGE VAUIE MEANS iffe .ia :n Perhaps tt’a bettor to let the 6 M UtmNCi fore wa have devekq^ a system calle de your line so that do o n e con m ech y o o .' iffa -u ffs process stand under its formal Nfw I’AIKAKI) itea-ioffs for apreadtag Dr. Chisholm’s sev­ Aad if yoa d n n a petty Itoe, it's especially ixm and mystifying terminology, and iiee-u:N D.O.a A ftl itw -ioffa en ounces so they can kill all tha to oontlnuo spooking of it oa ”do- poftaac for dieia «> >han telephooe time feidyl i:ae-M:n. i;a e -io in world but ouraalvea. T:ae.uffe 1 :M -ieff0 valuoHon." Whan you translate iffe-iaffe Mt. although there can ba Meet youi^Wffa an ^ed to cbopen n — odma YOUR DOUAR GUYS MORE! i;a e -io :n It into what tt reoUy nwaas. It iiae-is:n iffe -w in arueb doubt eoncemtag Dr. Chis­ Mtalna a oortoln uaplaosantnaao. they Bodentaod why. tm -itftt holm’s apacllo claim, tt can ba ae- titt-itim PTf O W O C T tm -itm a-je- 0:10 esptsd aa n tthaly paamlaa that Tht Syathttlc Shirley tttt-itm 0:10. g:ie tha atom bomb win same day N 9:ae-M:n e:M-ioffe obaolata. that tha ganlua o f man Bhlrlay Frsnoa ta ohMoualy v:ee.M sn •iM-MifB good aortmmar. go fOr aa ilia. t:M for killing man haa net yet i:ae-itffe 0:M- 0:10 leachsd ito peak. Wa don't know know, ato may olao to a v . m Ttae- effi •tie. sue anaetly how many mllMona of del- ohannhig young paraon. But nsT- ttm-itm 0ff0-lBff0 there tha foot that aha laro It aaata to praduea ana atom Slw iMMUti R fsb p ii|n M SietITAtlAL SCMNCI bomb which eaa UU JIMfiOO tat- good owlmmor, nor a ohormlag, ■G0N0MIC8 lia a -U in aun bataga, but wa da kanw It ta ■PpaoUng poroon hod vory muob BKI NNIHn I'A(K\KI» You couM pay a Hioaeand doHora more aad i • Etry affi- sue terribly rrpwiatve. Tha aoat can to do wtth tho tact that oho got nol tat all dm aktiai roBUilnoef.. . am SataA VAMBI Mwe lataa VAumi W j^ sffs-uffa to Airopo to hove her chance to HIOHEST'QUAllTY , tas ”OMA«er” ernta I s**w ba brought down, aad tha mnnbar ...fameve dependahiHty af Dadfal t:ie-iatn try to mrtm tho Qiaanol. She's your penooal icpccaciiudea ia the Tda- affS-1:10 o f daatha ppr mUMon daUara ta- PRICED THE lOW EIT tot M araaaad until wa are tadaad able 8to got bor Hwnco boooiise Exnerteaee tbe tbrUI o f tbe «• nesto rew hm ta 2"i tm TYPIWUTING phooc Comp0oy*0 basiocn ofioe— sad bTa her hM tow ta eM tow eet OwmM MONMUNO faiNCI to aCard a wider, pachapa even a Amortoan newopopor faotura oery< Tea wfll hsM to see N la toBeva job to aoswer qaestioaa aboac year atreka. She’s Ydollai!lfbuye a for bigger E^^^ptofarmflsiUn^jMw snoeoltto complete, taaughter. loo docldad to oiqato what It Tglavigion kt Hevar kes this qatily domt- e^YuDei^prkmuert^ 1:01- tm ThIa ta enaetly what we will do, htqiMd would to a glomoroua aam wMdew beoa odd d oech e aa etptft on tto nlqphoae bafinwf . . . ea aew mBwMen^AenAelomu AMAZINO NIW PRICIS . T N I R U D M D Lotcett prices in Conn, fr k iim n t Hedge AB-Fkid Drive. im - tffa ■aya Dr. Chlifioim, braaditng news story by Bnonring bor. Tho kw ktataBcd pitaa. Mcda by the eetvice. . . fhengn ia aenrice. . . peyawaw« . . Ttea-it:o» OHkti fWat- ailauttte prodlattan Into footuro oorvico woo tolpod la tho aweefOderers sf tto feiaoee. ’ IbtoaloofcatvbatDodgegivae TtToull iod itaturee tbst mesa tffa-taiea a ffto w ffi Any Rwk« or model for dtnciory litttagf aad a heat ef adtar tdiphooe jore eomfert, mors safety, 1:10 -0 0 8 Bwanctng by a movIo Cfampony WItCO windews. tMe DjDBA yon. Dodgo Is bi||sr on tbe p tise- tffi fW IWWWMl Wd payahatadcat lego monty. Bo omart and ______better eoenomy... EXTRA iffs -ia ffe tff0-0:ia RSAL Rtlf flirin f cMoklnMIia mstten. She’s naainUy fciaadly*—aad die la- (e fiie far oorn fa rto^ d ra tA - m •MN a tmlaaa wa ehaago aur- wklHi hod e stovto It wos wUUag ■•▼c. Bay from a tolovisloa ‘ 1867til tioa-taffa 0ff0-ftia to havo ihirtey odvortlao. Ah un- dWB and eireee ntodew adds to vnes iaquirica aboat your telephooe eeniot. y«ar4eg» roos^ bead snai tot VALDEI D0D6E i:a a .iM n ogperti and heva YOUR room, dbow room ... and guest Seeyour favorite model at jour lOCIOLM Y torwntor watch company, whoso Ito sHrscHvsnsm of any bssM. tm -vtm y u Uw post ganafottan growa tolevision aet correctly 1B' You’ll find hey hdpfal— aad ooacnoua, ma. room, too. But mteUer on tto doskrVnowIPMvolaryoto^ Jtofa JBI 1018 tto m m n » m wa product Bktrley opporontly woo CM <■ tow to toe fWMento ed eel I stalled- ■m, VeMtie aenW Ww «enf B 0 •• Im onteido for easier baadliag, tbst yonr date toys s for MB rib I tm -ttm • fftoa n a to fiM . "thay wOl daotroy going lie wear on her aviin. fode^ jW m i tilh WM M l iiOAm w ww seder psAing and gsraglng. biggnt oabM in D odfsl M,w«l|mta< tm -itm Itok n a ia n fECBe** out of the deal. In the end it ^ 1 h a d io a n d Witat Is hta annrarr Wa are oroa mainly tha newspaper fea­ V b i r r a t b l b v ib io h Average Wtadew For Iwformatin WrItG or Wrtetor pf TM tvtniai CRllRit th0 wMdera of the atom ture torvlee, seeking to create 4dS Hartford Road ■48a ptaampi of boctarlolog- wedahta story and haadUnes for Cor. McKoo Stroet $19.95 THE SOUTHERN NEW INOLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY wtQ Isagh whan tho Amoricoa puhlic. whtrii fl- Phono 8-4804 Wa oan tokr tto « tto vanturo, boUyhoood it. SOtlMENE and FLAGG, Inc. HILLYERCQLLEGE ■agly.|ti>that iflBaw a dolly podcaga of atook Open Ereninga HD 7 ' H om e Prodaeta Co; i b h .** 634 CENTER STREET MANC5HESTER thet oanlekroad tor Bhtrlay'a diat. daoncad 040 TdMod St, Boot HeitiWf 315 HodaoR SAreat P IM M 0 - 1 0 1 gotfHHriay'a family at home, aolorlod t1iiiiaadFri.TU18 dan

• • ..V • -li ■■ / '■■

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 194f .■f ■ v„'h. ‘ :~4 M AW iaU tm BVBNIMO aiBALl^ "•^AV IIANCHmCit IVININO HOtALD. MANCHEttnU TUMbAY, SEPTEMBER It, 1®4» early bulto;A raaaid to *"* “ 'SouthChurch weald art be i iGarden QubV in oatobar pUat ~ i8s makas It dtffteOlt tar than NewPim^uod It arnsa. Th* South Coveotry ChiMsaa maattonad flow. eompato In th* Amarieaa sear* Graduate Nurse Says Gamblers ManekeBier lioittQuiiier Mra. Ito a B e e J W fle ^ ^ lalffbt at th* iahaaL Thia Id ■ca that: wttbatood drought taclud- Rooms Ready CYOPn^ress rket wltk UB. • mada goods. Bu* [ S l y aottoa high achoal pnpUa win Season Begins ad: daipbtatuma, haUoon flower, May Be Offered ropa’s spportunlUas to narrow tk* Date Book ^ Auction af vrtara. Is Outlined gap by eutttag peoflto or eoato Seek His life Night Is Set ^ tha WM followed are limited. iy at th* Tawa han, Nartb M^dBf Program Is t o r a qitoattoa and aaawra parkri. Enlargement of Facil­ g. "Where a pries reducUen of OaeaaUua Ntohaiaaa ai a f Mr. y. Fir tha Plml PMlag Mamban bcought la tbelr pTOb- ities and Safety Regn- ‘adei^ Housing Units th* magnitude Indicated .... la Open ■ irtssllitf GraUfiowery Apples Of­ Knpehaaaa; Uhrary * Ura. ItoysMad H. Bradtoj aad I DtoCrtet, 8v* p a n ------' Prc8«Bt«d; Flowars laxM the past aunaara. Candidate in Spring* To B« Hold Sept. 2 8 eata, Qaatniii at Diocesan Director of naceaaary to expand sKport% it Frevhdcnal Laagda ef^Weaeaa family aa Ridgewood Trail, Rbrt* Mra. Bdwaid Klrhham and bar lations Proxid^ would ta many casea aasm posribl* field Qaims Someone V oton , 9 pan., Mary Chaney At Gouitry Qnb; Ex­ fered Te- -d Fmaaaa Mr DiiplBjTBd hf Manbars aoaammaa roaadad out the ava- EsMTCsncy Doctsra Movement Addressm only through an ddjnstniani of th* Library. . 3am tb Krawrtn aai n , ' taoth £ j asM ir Vaith^ I atac byaarring to* eraam aad IpiwiWBty «f Aequir* pect 2 0 0 to Attead Now DwindUac Jimo; SMilfiR Aanaato. m««iaf.^A)l Tha aacend pboas at a four-part exchange rate." Fired Shot at Him Wootw I RapUMaaak amM Chib oomUm * K. of C Members to r five yean* Harry 0 IBt* ____ memoX biMMElUi ^ afuta ia8 18 with ao Ldvaaaa FrcgraiA’' tounttad by asm Orfoid Vniage «nd Dr.. Josapb Barry. S*117S, Th* deficit cotmtiias, it was da- DupUcato Bridga, West 8M* Itoe, ;ta tt* etarad, "sannot afford to forego Bpringflald. Maan. S ^ 18-«6) 7:90 pjn . Praaldant Cfrarlaa Mather aa- Tatali I at yaatorday* atocUon to hsM O at I toa*» aam si aa watt aa qalto a Tha asm th*u e SouthBonia Msttodtotssotara church la tta and Dr. Jeha B. Sutpidn, 601B, Rev. John P. Wodarakt DIoceaan any sultobl* Instnunant, Including iktariMt WUl appear oa th* ualtet Aa aaplaii a g haat lag vatan win b* U n i6« Homes ara tha phyaldana wIm win ra* —A Raform candldato for amyor Manchettar Boy Senate annual nouncad today tha aSwtyorgan- 14-YearOId Boy o ftin g to antofm ttaI toeffltlaa aad any naceasary eecebang* adjuat- Friday avaalag the writoff **«»»: britovad by ira af 8 6.akto8p.ai.ataM Tawal sight tad a largi auatbar aajeyed ■afrty cods qMcid to amargancy ealla to* dlreetor of th* Cathollo Youth Or- raportad to poUea a gunshot Scoutora banquet, Murphy’s Raa- Maaeheatar Ltens Club will 8988.10. OanlKlaarar aompqr with tn* Sden; Terms Unknown ntent, that could expand thair dol* taurant, 9:90 pja. mittoa af AhTMUtoe Part rt baaa^aaaaa. H* I buttgtaff la a mart mtarartlag pragram af a t tt* state of Ooanaeticat,Cm la rap­ NORTH! END morrow afternoon. ganlaatlon. addreaoed members of c k ^ e waa fired tato hla hou hold Ito charter night earamcnlea applsb mad* taalr first api the Cemmunity House to aiaks M Kill* Hb Mother i th* Knighto of Columbus last lar anporta" Baturtev, Sape 11 toantorirm ralta M tU ara m-| idly Murtaf completion, tt i PHAWMAi , Warning I ■arly today—only a law houra he* Septombar 2S at tti* klancheater Mass ao tha raarirat. Nina eratoa mtouto •rrangamaats fra Uw ■8 to fCB tm t Um f«d«ml (ov> night and told them at th* pro­ C. U a t C. Garden party and Country a u k About 200 para ^ anaouaead hart today. And ta an apparent reference daaeerti bridge at heoia o f Mra. W . a t aonHAswar were diapaaad af at family baihaeo* to b* hal^t W*?*Sk«Ntoiydak Orera MpaeV Tbs Mrs. Wsliar B. Th* vroch taeindad ooavarttag •ff«r to torn o««r gram and prograas of th* CTO tan hla appaaranca bafora a Grand are axpactod to attend. A turkey Andruirt’a Orova, Buaday, Sept. Kammathii taanaRtoi af Okiia-I Huntington, W. Va., Sept. 18— to tha prolonged efforta of Britata Jury to toil what ha kaowa about J. Bima, Boutdav Road, 1:M a M|h aM 8J8 aad a lew af IS. ■d a oomaUtto* — . ^ Kantueky th* syamaalum ta th* haaamant Ortoie TUtagn nnd S U w In th* Hartford Dtooass. and some other countries tcT bal­ dtanev will be aarvad at 7:90 fa$- On& 687 half hariiil haahafa id 1 j from nooa to 8 pja. The bar- natoarad to aask daaaflma Th* ~aelaty af “ About Town Tha CTO. an organisation for rackets in tha city. ■afrnday, Oatrihar 1 lowed hy general dancing with mu- beeua which wiU feature too*, w 1 iS J iw tato ilamrnmna for tha churah to tlM Town at tUnetmUt ance trade accounts by "anatority" Tau Oadara Fall Oaramonlal tomatoaa war* oa tha nraihat yea- tomily irm-'-*- af Mar bays at eapm o aaa Mra| . ^ told sU to poUc* ha school, SUtac ta tt* targe araa grammar, high school and post Ralph W. Hupier, 29, oaa-tim* ala to o* BuppUed by EIlawDith that the a a ^ pork and vagrtablik to epee to the aU toSnr fonowlng rnoalpt Mgh school youth, was organtaad programa and Import rostrlcUons, poUewnan running for mayor on Dagraa worit 2:90 pjn. Farad* 6 hMMMdaa* whs to yrtMatty hla aarthar to death while with aatid. pouring a eoaerato Soar Unne Lodge, No. 72, Knighto of th* report warnsd: Mitten and hla orchaaua. to 8wto8la. Btaca tha vaay aatoRHL I laat WMk a t Inform* tioo from in th* dloces* about thteo years both tk* Rapubiican and Usmo- p jn . Th* local dub la being apoaaoiad ■arvlag la tha V. 8. _ . . ah* toy a■toeping to ttair Bh^ron- And ehuagtag doors leading tato Pythlaa, wlU meet tomorrow eve- 'Tt may he praferahl* for a eeun- Annual Fair, Woman’s Auxiliary at~tba atartnt oa Aaguat *"uK2ioeeday, Rawari Baaaatt, af tha tova. CBaataai atoa aad Al­ ttda was af 8 triatorto traa lUynMod n . BnWwln not- n ^ at eight In Orange halL ago, sold Father Wodarakl, and la cratlo ticksta, blamed "gambling by th* West Hartford Uona Club chairman, haa caltod a final maat­ J. 8ato,lbr.. th* gymnarium. Tba worm wffl tr ta Chang* an unaiiltabi* ax- of Manobaatar Mamorial hoapltal H thUT preduat has baaa tha at tti ham* af Mn. PMlto Obaaay, b* ooraplated thto weak and tt* ttint iHfUtoUofi la now pro- now oompoaed of SOS chapton and Chang* rat* through tha nachtaery tatoreata" for attompUng to In- and ameag tha tavltod guaata arltl track gardaa predact said. By tag of tha eammittoa at 8 p m . at . 1 A aUto trooper quoted tt* alxUi Umldato him. ta Masonic Tempi*. ha AISo Urbtnattl of Norwich, pari rang* U , 18 haa bar Osorgs Rsyaslda. gradar.aa aaytag ■aothra had room* WlU ba ready tor use with paaaS nrtilch wooUl omS* tocli a 26,728 membera. Tha member- of fund consultation rathar than tha toawtoaa aoM fr Cranmunlty ItaU to ch aA ttokel p. ak at th* Tha fsttowtaj tosmbSTS brought The town committoa of the local abtp for 1S46 haa Increased hy Ki\ A shotgun blast tor* through Oetekev lA 16 presldaat of tha Liena Oub In that i?cr I oocaalonany baatan him with the opening at church eobool oa aouM a Ukaly domlopiM nt branch of the TWCA wUJ meet to subjsot its aconomy to th* riaka f A Play, "Jennie Klaaed Ma, I at |l JO and^atowef^ ■fitoa and tort mtauto raatlama. I MOM* WSM WMBM i atiolB^^ mM I ------*- I mto XWWOT*ftowsra fraVBm the uvwmr 1,700 over that of last yaar, ha th* front door of hla Bavoy avanua dty and an organlaer of Uona half' h* Oardan C Sunday. Tgday aaaaral Uanagar Oaorga this arcnlnf with Mrs. William of atrioua daflatlon and unaniploy- —Alfred Brown. Brookline, Xeaa, Whiten hall. Community Playara International; alao Oharlaa Naylor Otter pbaeee of the Advanee ment or to imposs raarrlctlona that horn* shortly after h* waa swak- a t taeaatoaa wars snvMT Sgt Baryte Langford -eald a . WaddaD aald ha baa bawi un- Stockel o f 77 Boulder road. Mias In sxptalntag the organisational Mis* Jean BaMaaea eaad hy a ringing doorball at 2 a. for a L. of C of New Oknaan, lacantly claeted [ Jmnaa Paarll* Bdmlaton told this Program include providtag aa ad- hasp imports so low aa to andangar Octehar I t. 18. 18 acM for 6 Mfh af |1.T0 aad a tow boms , abla aa pat to aacoia any dafinite Kua SaUgupU of Bangkok. 81am. set-up on the parish, diatrict and governor of Diatrict 23, u ona In­ •ebSdetod apjtohar, iS?^«.^laiIrad^^£^M* Mrs. tori wbtob | ston tha sawrtSMnfMShw.*H i 2lri I 9***^ ^ dlUonal doorway from tta baaa- who has been studying at Oomell its waU-bring and efficiancy." Local Products Show, Monday, af IL80, a n d ^ total racalpta w i ^ latonnatioii. b«t that ha thought diocesan levels. Father Wodarakl Ml** Jeaa Robinson' who com­ Hupfar claimed ha waa saved ternational, plus visiting Liuna Oardera at Roehy HW w m la - Oataa wmbahii laf ai ‘ a J u t hla tatber. Pearly Bdmls- raent araa to th* outalda o f tta t t aoaaa pandbig laglalatlon la a«ft»- and leaves shortly for bar home, Tha report struck this not* of pleted her nurses’ training on Tuesday and Wadnaaday, Exchanife Ouh oacU U from varloua aecUone wan H141J0. Mr. Vlsaa Naw ehurch, aad the eonetructloa of a explained the problem faced ta urgancy: "Tha rtaak o f taereastag poaribly from being shot when h* aMs to b* prsssBt but anottar toa, went to work yesterday la a tod to WaalUngtcai. tha town migot will be the apaaker. September 8 at th* New England Qub, State Annory. of Cannactieut. woarlat apBaml. bo6dli nearby mine be got hla tothar'a uWty bulldtag fra the atoraga of deddtag what age-levsi would ben* dollar axporto cannot ba dalayed pauaed briafly to ^ a t hla crying Tharady and Friday, Oct. 81, 88 Final plane for th* affair win be aeaahar waa aacurad to taka her lAm tha dadsian of -aking or ra^ Deaconess HoqXtal ta Boston, Is ptoat. may ho left at GtoMa’a equipment and euppUeA e6t moet hy the C2TO. ta th* h (^ that It can ba quickly thr**-montha old son who \ TIm Cantor Tbaapian* present mada at a dtanar maatteg tonight j ,i«n»w tha tadami hmialng pro- Applications ara being accepted Three gaoups war* considered: ■pending th* remainder o f the awakened by th* notes. About 800 saw f in alarm aaSa tt* eornor of 06l#y r The work te being carried on un­ jacta Kara. complatod by aom* axtraordtaary month with her parents, Mr. and "For Leva or Money," a comedy by ■2 8:99 at Murphy’s laataorant. Wappiog Rout* 8L The voiantoor bandlas der the direction of the Board of for the Red Croee Home Nursing ;>ublic grammar school children, affort at th* riaventh hour." la Nat Frightenai F. Hugh Herbart, Hollister school Odleara ta aiMltion to Praaldent carda war* diatrihutod to tt* dit- Natoty SIS raaiMe* course, "Ckre of the Sick.” atart- tigh school atudanta and youth Mra. Albert J. Itobtaaon o f 66 fsraet famlllaa to town Buaday by fuad craimUttoo to Mr. Kokorda. S r^S K "Pink aad Patekaa," Truatoaa of tta church, and Ever­ In a rimllar report to It* gov StlU datermtaed to ca n y auditorium. Mather are Oeorga DeCormtar. flrri Hrahort W. qpbto, Roy _ atodFriJHr ntoht Wtoar Lana Homan, aet up aa a Ing Tuesday, September 20, and from high acbool ag* to 25 yaara ernora. th* World Bank *m Rldg* street She wtu return to W a p p t o s ^ iB oy Mom Trtmp 8 to tta family auto. After ruahlng ett McKinney ia chairman at tta Only two more eollee* toapovary wartima daralopmant, th* hoapltal, October 1. to aarv* on cruaada bafora a Hampden coun­ vice president; Oaorge WlUard, aeon Witt Ideal waattar, whltt imday aftaenoea at BC aad Mra. Joaoph Shaawra. Th* a t Miry'S O rognap w « I committee to provide the funds continuing on. for ala lesson* which of aga. Extensive tavaetlgatlan phaalaed Ito own Inability to "p io- eecond vie* prarident; mrnard Fo­ Fraacla cut of gua aaar han b* aaksd a Mwlwuaaa 174 famlllaa, whlla Or* the staff. ty Grand Jury, Hupfar told news­ to a impartaat factor FtaM tta Bast Hartford DovatottaO balldlas was only partly aeaatad atoek *mi«» atatlon oparutra to can Waat neceaiary for It* completion. Hon dates at Hose will bo held every Tueeday and brought a declaton to coneentrato vld* the answer to an or avan a man: garty, third vica president: Bd- rear ttto Motoiaad Daray» Now toad Vinaga^ a parmanent projaet, on the high achool group and Miaa Robtaaon waa graduated Hospilal Notes ■oantry fairs.a lb diffarant wars dafaatod,■atod, 8-L hy Vlrglnto atato i^ o A ahylag ha Thursday evening from 7:S0 to major part a t th* world’s financial "No on* la going to frighten me ward Macauley, secretary; Harold han, Hav. > IS a tovaly ahar House No. 4 to pey n o famlUaak From thna P:S0, at the Horn* Nursing head­ carefully planned program w tlla^ through Its landing powara. from Mancbeator High school with lU wan la tta mam ouuami Wtadaer MaeriMrt’q aaftlMn ti ^N«My*GtolM aad Diaaa Matyo- wtaatod to rantadar. to tiina within the paat yaara. Or* or atop ms.” Kearns, treasurer; Albert Brlatoi), tt* Ofova aad to ttraa Mato; ka, balk at North Oaveatry, wars Maaday. rt mrntlagtrart quarter* In the building at the drawn up that etreaaed tha rellg* "It Is bayond both th* parp...e the claaa of 1646 aa an honor stu- lion tauMr; John Orvlnt, tall Than wm ha a gaiA batwam r aaw "Paaar r wMdk! He waa tokaa Into euatody your fire tax without ford VlOaga raatdanU hara baan dsnt • Hupfar, a World war II Navy Patteato Today ...... ISd outalda wan artU*. gcato, tta goatt Wladaar Mannaata ~ad Ma* tlbhaa award winaer* la few Hdautaa totor and hrtd ta ca - "It WU grand of you to d iv e I raar of the Hospital Annex loua, Boctal, cultural and racraa- and th* powar of tbs bank, for Admitted yaatorday: Joaapb twlator; Robert Bchaller and Dr. la tha tawa atonnad ^ fadaral acUon toward tlonal aq>ects of life, continued the axampia, to eura th* 'dollar abort veteran, haa been waging a vigor cultural tb* Aba MUtor Post, A. U Baa- tta gardaa aectton af oouaty jaU hen pending tto from that bright, fuDy olothad. { intereot. thla^lact, but aach tlina, Hartford Road. Hioaa wishing to ous campaign for mayor on charg- Rau, 159 Wootfand straat; Loratta John Shea, diractora for two years, Oatahar 8 ------Oaarga Ototk; Faaay sign up should call Mr*. Jacob Mil­ speaker. This program has bean ag*’,” said th* rtport oraaented 1^ and John Willard and John Breen, aal aahlhlta. day aftaraooa at tta Faarily arrival at Pika oounty, Kentucky, to save tta )roung woman," houalnf ahort- aa gambling waa running opaniy R l t ^ 81 Lockwood atreet; Mrs. day aftaraeoa at tt* M Mr. I aad totar k* gav* tkan aa a door on look er exclaim^ u the hero I ler, 108 Adelaide Road, telephone adhered to with great aueeaaa, he th* hank’s Amarlcan president. dtrectora for ana yaar. At tt* parade to tt* uttarnoou; Barbaoa* at Andnilrt'a Orava. aad Mra. Whtthrap offtcars with extradltloe papaiB. aga. thia aetton waa atarad a t t Eugene It Black. ta tha city ta collusion with th* pa- Emma Kirin, 28 Foley straat; Mra. tta Hartford Oounty TMCA float Sunday, BapL 18, th* Rosary jadglag day at th* U. af C Th* huffbaad (ooad tha womua’* waa diBgged aahora with hu | 8288. stated. In following the apecUlc The new club la part o f Con­ Rtolay MUL Mi a W. B.Btyaat: Faamit ptoat Tu«tdoy TBa SUvar Lana area homaa ara Uc*. Edith Wsbar, RoekriU*; Mra. Ocr necticut DIatriet 22, Zone 2 of won th* firat pria* af 818 aad th* Altar Boclaty a t 8t Fraacla of arday. Th* tw* ghrta ara ah _jdy. Maglatrat* Atox Btoek- burden. auppoaadly going to bo damoUahad aim of tha CTO—that of p^ u c News Tidbits truda Slater, Olaatonbuiy: Martin Th* Stats Ohristh M Io irtH tha flewar aSaw, Mlaa tag religiously w*n*taatructod Worried chiefly over hla wtfa Uona bitcniatlanal and brfaiga to WappliQ Matharia CInh tta aacond Aerial chureb win laava tta church tor partirinatlea la tt* aal tha bura aald aba had boon klUed In. •That’* All v ery weU." *n *rled whan tha hooalng amargancy la Called Froai (ff) WIrga and thra* children, Hupfar ap­ Larabas, 180 Burnham straat. at'8 a.ak tor Its aaaond annual ------m aaadBatiil a *Tlafdaa S«pf2mb6r 13fh Miss June CSaughsey. daughter youth. n total at four, tha number a t clric arias at 110. Bappar waa aarvad to eveato la Wariilagtaa, D. C , 8 9 ■toaUy by a ahotgun charga ta th e hero; "but whAt 1 want to | arar. o f Mr. and Mrs. Fraacla FiUger- pealed for poUc* protection. Admitted today: Mr*. JliUa pOgriraaga to Mother Oabrial ac paiSriUas S*ra tt which waa vary tatoraatlag k n ow ia—who puahad me InT" The CTO has also made eatcellent Local Business organtsatlona her*. The other* •var 808 paopto at tt* Oammualty Dacemhar. ‘Hrilr projort Ht utonaattvA Ska awa- Maw, howavar, it may bo that ald, o f Waat Ckntar etreet, is leav DatocUv* Thomaa Kan* report- Sharidmi. 8 HolUator atraat; Law- ara Rotary, Exchange and Ki- Ho m s by tta Iridtoa Aid Soetoty. Shrine and tt* Shriaa of our ady ptoata tadoacs. 7 p. m. to 9 p . nou Ibo goaonunant ariU offar tha Or* progreaa ta the fleM of sports. Lean Kraenwr. aurvlvtag mem­ ttaoad dalag tt* (anowtag tttaga tag today to start bar fieahman Bald Father WodarsU, and base­ •d finding a shotgun slug taahad- renca Baglay,45 K, Fotey atraat wants Chiba. , Puaelug waa oujeyad by aaaay to of Lourdco, Now Tork dty aad tt* Wtattnm Marrtoak Jr„ with _____ Paaald WBaaa af ford pcojact far a lanMncom* homo ber at aotortoua Candy Kid Wblt- dad ta a atarcaaa Juat briitad tbs Dtechargad yaatarday: Erneat Shrtn* of St Margar*t_ta l rtd|» Bhar: FtoRt paonlaA Um yaar at the University « f CMneC' ball teams from tha Hartford Dio­ Women Meet tta avanlng at tta Oenunuatty Margery daylori of Starrs wee* aad Mlaa Thahaa J. W right la'ba 2 " hsiow auifaca, araa. and will aeah to haro tha Ucut She 1s a graduate of Man tomor* gang of oarly 1920a, ends front door at tb* Hupfar horn*. Farcy, Andover; Mra. Emma An- Blgkt-a! Houaa. It waa aatla>atad that tJOO p ort AU a at the alao awarded a Mas ribboe ta tta town taka arar SUror Lana Homaa. cese have gained three New Eng­ 22-yaar team at Clinton State ■ariat ktaa. Supply ptoat toad aad as tops Thursday chesUr High School, elaas o f 1M9. land CTO cbamplonahips In the Kan* said It was ^panntly flrad daraon, Hartford: Mia. Rita Hol­ ra ever attaadad tta Fair. Aa aa- may attend tha pllfrimaga ■Brtaultural daoiarirtrattoaa. Uva- A atato rally la Broad Brook la CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS a parmanant rather Prison ta Dannemor, N. T . .. . from a gun used to hunt dear. land, 840 Waat Oentor atraat; Mlaa Another thing that tbs world oauat af tt* priaaa win b* givaa raaervetlena must be ■tock saetloa. Thrir project was eehadutod t o r e t t a v r i ^ o f Date- ■at ttam to grouad. DIvids iria; a'tomporary projaet baton. If last three years. As an Interest* Soroptimigt in Season*! Hanry A. Wallaee haa decided not adnaaday with Mrs. John Curtin, ptoat MadraiBA Uiy hulha 2" balow Ssptsmb«r 15 th lag sidelight, the priest naentloned Hupfar told newsman '1 hav* ns Arlaira Moaslar, Paarl atraat; Mar­ naada la an alarm clock that know* IfttMTe oontroniag paraaltaa ta ahaap. bar 9 aa waU aa aa i POWER CLEANED tha low-incoHM tdaa waa to work. Tha Ladtss AuxtUary of th* to nm for any office thia yaar... Idea who la reaponribl*." garet WUUama, 49 Park atraat; whether the boa* win be. ta tb* la ardar that almanlary children Mrs. SUniay IComy or by caning Thaaa two 6-H m anban ara oilgl- whan tocal aoriety edtoara m ^ It wtmld bar a largo part of praaont Itallan-Amerlcan club will meet that a former ManchestM* man. First Session; Plan Reports from Lagena ta Axorea 818C4. A ■pselnl masting a t the 1 , Mill,, h. • h r <'/>1 Ml Bast Hartford, calebratod their aroused when he couldn’t answer He claimed it waa the second at­ pto U now under way hy tta or- Lotcegf prieeg lit Conn- IB o whole prtmoaition la atin new officara took their posltlona, taxes should be repealed aa soon DIacharged today: Mrs. Dorothy t r t n i j& t o UMoa school la tha Wapping (mnga wm mart to­ ttaga^ *• TJli* 225* OMmiau a t a patttottva formula araeh to doubt, but tha Board of Joint 45th ereddtag anniversaries the question. Father Wodarakl tempt to Intimidate him wlthta gaataattoa committoa of th* 1 ;u I’. It I -I. I I I. XI .1III It* III . » i< ll I udth president Alice aampet con­ as possible.. .Maasechuaetta legls- morulag. m tha, aftoenoon Mr. night at th* Community Rouse eipja sag Praetteaa af tta Chrla- Mr aaalag tt* fflfAeulty la eough- Any Bttk# er r m S sI Ig r Dtractoia haa boon tatereatod to at the Old Town Hall In East said that ha checked and found three daya. Lackman and daughter, Stom; mthaai. Hal* Obaamualty Oeatar. ducting th* burineaa m eetl^ .i The latura la asked to raverae eonvic- Sandra WUrinakl, 174 Middle turn­ Frisk win toh* tta Ryu atraat at 8 p. m. Mra. Lola Watson arm ttoa Baiiarnr" 1^ aad bnutbiag aaaaad by Bad out roora ooneemlng tha fn* Hartford, last night The couples that 27 men new playing ta the Another ahotgim bleat waa fired Lattoca will aooo he mailed to Btoto oStoan an atoa invltaS to lc88 ttoBey. Be MBiii aai were Biarried In a double wedding club win meet in the banquet hall Uona of 21 persona hanged 257 pike, west; Mrs. Phyllta Heritage rua and Mh OoBlaa tta Mata ba tn charga a t tha Laetur*r*a eoSM 400 mdobera o f tbs ■puanu a t Brountol Asthma tare plana for thaaa hontong pro* major leagues were at on* time at Murphy’s the second and ftourih yean ago... Big Chtoeae Conmw- at hla home aarly Sunday morning, ■traa;. Tha Wapptog athoal wlU program aa Mrs. Kocarnik the a ratty at Soatt Taarlngton church brought aueh atrtkiag raaulta that 8BF0. Bay frost s telovIsIsB Jacla. ceremony held in Brooklyn, New membera o f CTO teams. Among and son. 1099 Mata atreet Ctemana Uon for tta aorvey to Monday eventaga in each month aist conceatratiooa ara reported Hiipfer said, but he did not report Wahman. North Oovantry; Mn. ctoaa8|;Sri8 f- at. ay ahortaniag regular tocturer haa baan ffl In the Suaday avaatot- tta tom* quicMy apraud ovar Bu- export aad have TOUR York, 45 yeare ago. Saturday night th* better known of these are at 6:80. The first will be a buai building up 140 miles from Canton It to police at that time. hoapiul but la ecavalsaeing at what ctoaaaa thaaa paopto wm tha couple# were entertained by Phylha Cahrart 87 Plymouth tta jwau hour to ptok ap tta Uhloa totoraaUd to. At praaiat WaRer rapA Now mtraduoad ta tha Uhtt- 9UILDER8 o r totevIffioB sot eofToetly la- Tommy "OM Reliable" Heniich at n.-i meeting and at the second Hui^er resigned as a policeman asham shnsran aaittar. home. aST Stataa aa Bal-Dla. Thto prsM- Mr*. Adel* Zanlungo who baked the Naw York Yankees and the Sigmund Engel, dlmuniUve, aged Lane; Rslirii Maher. 89 Henry D. VanAradato haa agraad^ to stsD od. Mother Is Also meeting of th* month a program Romeo is aununoned into Chicago several month* ago. ■tract. Th* Dameeratls eaaeua Friday rutloa eoatalaa th* aum* uettva ra- and dacoratad a baautlfvl for Pittsburgh Pirates’ Ralph KtaeK will foUow the dinner. Since then, he haa bean working toaoh patottof: Mra. Adam AMESITE DRIVEWAY tha oGcaatoB. . i criminal court for trial on chargea Births yesterday: A daughter to jUght at tta towh haU waa torgaly Quandt, h a l^ craft; Mlaa Joas Marlborough gradlanta and aids aa a palitottva currently leading the Natkmal Routine business and raporta of awlndUng two Chicago widows aa a temporary'engineer ta the ■tlmdad than bring over 800 to aaa* guaptog, ehokiM and tha Aloe Tsrrto sud AoplisN sa i 90B Victim of Polio League with 46 home runs. Mr. and Mra. Raymond Pahehete, Kay* Jay*, daartnf. An laaaoaa occm ied th* Ume. Plans were . ..^.JDetrolt’a votera choose mayor­ water department. praaaat Bvaryttiiig waat anMOth- Hartford, Sapt 18—(P) — Mora faahag of aufroeatloa that ofUn- RBUABUt - RRABOWABIJt - WORE C LIFF'S ^ S S J S C9iari*a Ftndlay, chalrmaa o f Father Wodarrid concluded Ma RockvUla; a dsufditor to Mr. and wm ba at a nominal fa* tor the M n. Buraay Olahay, chairman made for th* regional conference alty candidates and act on city During the political campaign, Do You qr and tta fonowlag offleara ware paert* an asawns a plao* on tb* tlmta aoeompantoa Brondhtol 465 Hsrtferd Rsad tha Tall Oedara autmnobile prise talk with several humorous sto­ ta Portland. Maine. October I and he haa charged threats hav* bean Mra. Howard Serith, 149 Union mambara. It la aaeaaaary to a »k * of the M ia drive la thia ptoe* for UOARANTBCD — FRBB BBTIMATBS U -iO -d n m charter "loyalty ameadmeat" ta atreet nomtautod aad approvad tor First atota payrril than at any othar AatfaBta. Th* Moatroaa Salta arent now in prograas, urges all ries stemming from his contacts a, and membera who lave hurbanda fall primary election today... mad* that he would never get a 'Balactmaa, Theum Burgaoa who an addiUoaal riiarg* to noa-auaH eg yaara haa aaaouaoad IBA Dept B-201, MoatrusA Calif., U ftoatoad Cor. M dbo Strsot a t d four*yaaiH>ld poUo with youths of all age*. tlm* alaoa bafora th* war, aaya bars. Short eouree riaaaea o f from who have tickets to be sure to ara to urge them to gc aa pro- Woman accuaed of making trea- permanent dty job. Births to<^: A daughter to Mr. KnowThai,,. haa aarvad tha town In Ouri offloa State Fenonnal DIractor Glen don upeu artifloatlau from haudquar- la anxious that aS auffarara from PhoBO t-4t04 patient to Kagtewood boqiiUl haa make returns by October 1 when During the burin ess meeting, vlrion wljl be made for their en Dletrlct Attorney Stenh-n Moyn- and Mia. Clarence Bristol, 212 10 tarms; aacond ariactman, Thora- fear to ato weak* an ptonaad, Bronchial Aathma Spaama try thto aonable Tokyo Rose broadcoeU to A. SeoboriA A job aa state po­ Mn. Joim M. lyisr, chalnnaa at aayoii* wfihlag to do- b a « afarlelHn with tha aama dla* the award will be mad*. Grand Itoight John Hayford an­ tertalnment American ti^pa during war con- ahan summoned Hiipfer to appear Hanry street: a daughter to Mr. aa Aharn, who haa aarvad sight lice patrolman waa advartlaad tost ■ amatganey prtlo drive preparatloB, Thay wffl aaad a lib- DEMAIO BROS. Opts Evm iataTII t nounced that th* annual faU o«t- Mra. Elisabeth Ubert. who haa cedea at San Franclaco trial that before tb* Grand Jury after he and M n. Walter liomrger, 131- 21,504 kravts of bread termri Board of Taa Ravtow for Wednawtoy. Aa o f noon yaatarday, Um project, baa said. Mra Albtrt arm supply Fra* to aayena who TliUn>BONB IM I aaat, the health department dla- tag of th* group will be held Sua- served as chalnnan of the annual F. & Ib er aad i Mra Albert may 8s so hy aandlag d « a ^ to S IN C E 1920 cloned today. Emblem Club members are re­ she wasn’t paid "180 yen a month made repeated allegations of cor- tagtoo. tour yaara; Bdwia Bumbum aad Scoborta aalA 129 parsons had ap- "M lo " "la aara of loeal poatatost- writs* ttoun. If you wUh. you may Tkars. aad FrL IB 9 . minded of th* Sret fall meeting at day, October 6. James Tierney driv* for funds for the local can Just to entertain American aol- ruotions In the dty. were i»cd in 1948 Bran* Patna; town clerk. Oiailaa pSad fra tha peat paying 82100 a a*ad 18e te oevar mallteg and Mrs. Thaodor Sommars, U , at heads the committee ta charge cer clinic, has been highly com On Approval ganlaatlon committoa haa alao It la hoped ttara wffl ha a 41 Mariam araaud whoaa son, eight o’clock tomorrow evening at at dlers." The city prlira-y election Is Baaa aad town traaaurar, Calvta year, plus malntananoa. Scoborta good napoas* to this woethy handling. Send tor It today. the affair. pUmented by the atato committra by the patienta at Bnariaa, Baton tb* caucus hagan, appototad Mra Tylar aad Mra A. Mark, 4, has baan a polio patlant the Elks Homg ta RockvUl*. at for her leadership ta the cam- Californians are well In lead O ct 11. attribatad tha Incraaasd Intoraat ta Martborcugh haa baaa at c which Mrs. J. Stanley McCray, The Ctolumbua Day Essay Con­ Pittsburgh, Pa. — Th* Pltta- Tniman Hllla, who haa aarvad 14 ■Uto jobs to praaont wldaapraad Harry Olaea aa oe-chalrmaa of a tta top ■( tt* list la tha atato tor la tha hoqrital ataea BtpL S, waa paljpi, and the club for taking tMa among aUtea in Federal U>11laa hurgh aoo reoantly bought a •dtolttad to tho hoapltal yaatorday th* presideat will presld*. A pot test will be held on Oct. 10, and bfanchcfitcr Memorial yram aa oonrtahto, notlflad tha ancmploymaat ta private Industry. cMckea-pot-pia la Oetobar. Mra aevaS youiff la ovar aubacrlh- the annual Italian-American a* Its main project year after year. employment, aaya Civil Service 22-foot python — on approvat Dwnoentlc Town Committoa that Hatmaa F. LaDoyt and Mlaa as a “dtSnlte** easa. Hospital at* luck supper at 6:U win pracede Not only did Manchester go over Oommlxston . . . Cambridge, Maas., PiilYlic Reconis He eald appllcatleaa fbr some joto liig Ito qROtoi tk* meeting. Mra. Roy Barlow of Night at the K. of C. ta scheduled Thart an two thinga yrt to b* Hoopital compared to have increased "aa much aa 200 Anal* Wallwood arm be co-chnlr- Mr. aad Mrs. Ctoytoa Fuen aad tandawta said both wars in "good" for Oct. 17 under the chairman­ the top ta the recent campaign, city council requests Investigation dacldad. whsthar th* city wiU mea of a aatback party Sapt. 21 aeaditloa. this town, who la chairman, will be but also the surrounding area. of alleged 40-bonr delay by city LagyNotkoa' par ca n t" AH*rtoyB.r^afBaarHart> ship of Jean Oolavecchlo. W am w te* Deeda pay $660 fbr the amaU anaka and 10,765 ioares in 1945. to th* auditorium. td ceStt on (riaada han Suaday. Diroo other eaeea, two from aaalated by Mrs. Oeorga L. The club voted to donate the hoapltal officlalB in notifying whather It wUl ba happy to Its Oraaladlo and Mra. Paul IScobuc* Joseph Dyer is ta charge of the sum of ten dollar* (b provide an Tbomss D. Wilson to Atholl T. AT A oouuT or ntOBATa b. Paklatoa Ofadaitoea Baaaf V. S. Mra wmard Graaa of North Mra. JareoM F. Wair aad Son. Bridgeport and one from FalrSeld annual communion for deceased young couple of death of their Wilson, property on Woodlsnd new home. Coventry waa admitted Sunday ware aleo admitted to Bnglewood d of Manchester, and other mem­ evening’s entorUtament for the at IfeaelMsUr wllhia aad for tb* EUary N. WaIr hav* haaa vtoltiBg brothers to be held O ct 80. flrht-born child . . . Attorneys for street Dtatrtet at M*»cb*eter, oa th* SUi Karachi-. In tb* leraaeaa. aad Ikat boUm Upon •ppllerilon of RAynMUd N. a gtook Incraasa. tember 18. at th* P. O. C. Club in Word haa been received here of b* givaa t* ril pafooaa tatoraitod la LavrilM , admlnlatrator. praying tor Olastonbury. Firemen who wish Mtalater, Douglas Abbott—turned •n ofdor of *rio of eortrin rari ooAU tha death today of Attorney Oarl Nod* We la Woods ■rid aatoto of ib* **ad*ncy el arid *F- ^ « m IMeauDy to go riM uld' call 8128 before to the banli fund nraettag. F. BoUman of this city at his FlleaUoa aad Ui* tiato aad f<4o* af p*rUe«U*riy d*aertko(i tn orid nppit-1 M scIiIr 8 Shop Weprh—Geaeral le p s lrlttg Thursday night And there the carefully-avoided summer home at Watch Hill, R. L Caring tbaraea. by Fubllahlag a eogy crilon on flic. It 1* GeaMreterB. Starters said C srtanten ReM H OaUtTiapt U -«n - aubjeot of devaluatloa waa opaned Prospect Sept 18—(P)" A a f thia ordar la aom* nawapaFar bav- ORDBRBD: That tk* (oroaolng *p-1 A nativa o f this city, BoUman yesrear old WsternuryW TOur woman found iag a elraulaUoa ia aakl dlat^. at b Um Uw i k« kurO and d*t*rwia«d r tO priasal s« i it a pair of Our Lady of th* Most Holy up wide, ta tha report of the fund’s was a graduate of the Tale Law •t tk* Frokt-U offtw in Maaehcrior ta I ALL WORK GUARANTEED Rosary Mothara Circle, organised exMutIve dlrectorsL wsndartag nuto ta an Isolated laait five daya bafora tb* day el arid "J I yertsrday. aehqol ta'th* class of 1901 and hMring. to appear If they m c* um ■riC Dlotrlot on. Ik* »th day of I within the y te, will hold its ffrat Expand Bur*p*^ Exports wooded section a t this town early SOLMENE & FLA(JG ■optemkor. A D „ 194*. at tea ricloohl had practiced his profession hers today and token to Watorhuty at m IU tlm* and plaM aad b* haaTO S e t U s E ht GBSSsatesd Rsesps fall matting tomorrow evening, at Preaentad by Managing DIractor since 1902. l . N OORPOBATBD Mkitir* tbarato, and mrim ratura tb* In (k* toranooA aad that m Um fc« A*iBerN dbwl**rebeelrACKAID IKT*AMA1IC DIIVI-*elulweidM l .tar u •>85, at tha home of Mrs. Russell Camille Outt, of Belgium, to the h on itol. .whara .a apokaaman asM t!5)a oouitand by m rillu la a giv** to *U parson* tat*r«ri*d ta Mrt !... morning Lennon, 84 Cooltdge straat This aaaambled governors and w p ly- He was aatjva ta National ■h* fa trader traatroant for pnau- DdMtfB mnd P lym o trtk D etd en mrrt laitor aa ar batar* Smtoubar to Mtoto a t lb* p*nd«arir of uUd m II- .h* told Ms la to b* a aoelal maattag, with *n tag aqusUy to Britain and th* oth* Survlira ara hla widow, Mrs. bara IMraoSi 84. o f 28 ScovUI Oalaaurda. 9 n i Waat dlh atraat Oanay a eirriilsUMi to arid dtatow, rt biraij iTsd at L Expaaahm of Europe’a 6 3 4 IMaad. N. T.; Alaundar aartbridl. 4tl 6 v* d*r* b*f«ro ih* day •( ■aid hsAring. SERVICE CENTER M A N C R iim with ■IgMaan took motor i ports to th* wwstom bamlaph* Veiwlla BoUman and a brother, atraat, and said they war* attempt­ CENTER ST. MANCHESTER Ubarty Av#.. Jaraay City, N. J,: Hary to apprar if tk*y om «*u m rt *rtd tl«M S it EAST CENTER STREET ' ja l t of driving qxamlnattona nera partleulariy to th* Unltad SUtas— Frank B. BoUman. alao an attor­ ing to datorrain* the reason for her U tov-k It lUaMlt afraat, Hanchaater. and pUc* and b. hoard ralaUvc th.ra- 16 BRAINARD PLACE. TEL. 7255 8 e^elock this aftornoon. Tbs la a key to,the worid’e problem of ney hero. presence in th* nud* to the area to, *nd »*k» .return to IW* court..

that guanrlMn agmlMR Tito has krakai antJn Runaway Auto Offer Ignored German Girl Student Telit Sales Classes TU ra^]ivla. ity Tax Increase tnadan teat H its Roffideuee ItaUans Gain Tournament Finals, Motors Defeated By Red Chiefs Of Conditiont at Home Soon lo Start Baaba.a'* unit to a Of 15 P. C. Is Seen EvwpOee Slvnb IDiuib* Ciechoglovak PrcM and Hartford, Sapt. 13.— J. Maasalt, •$. a ( 6$ Bnn# atArt. amaat have baaa pUyod. Malan ------pion Ooldaa Ratrlaver handled controlled Caechoalovak praas and to teaching In her nattva country. gparta B4H#r m 1 Paymeat $36,800 by Chief o f Police Harman daau to arrive from forelga coun- Tha Oerman glri and the others took' • firtvertaan ttA .Mot toght ANGLE Ayara bad a buoy woak-aad with SchandM, added naom laurela radio today Ignored a demand by Ulao who ore expactod tlSa term tha^teim Sw 'rt Oommaroa and ftei^lMillioii D ollar that, was k iiM lw to-an dni .by k a victory ovar OBoato Kelly la tbe Big Johnny Cracka Out tbe naUon's Roman CatboBc biah- at the Hartford Samiaary Foun- who will oome here under CW8 to hla outataadlBf record of are among 83 atudenta which that toil Merchants Bureau durtiig the brMi hM)ss oT in M M T«Re- ___ • war. puiytag under wrmpa.. . first reoad Saturday, and topped 1 Tourney Retulu | WUk «xaet —UiMt— not opa the* tha Communist gavam* dation under apcdal airaage- FaU Term that Is sxpectod to com- ptkf, waaL' lototiog to Alya Davies to tba aacoad rouad Two Homen,' Drir«B achiavemaata by taking two ment call off lU war against the organisaUon will bring to aamiaa- Pier b Damaged LaiTv "Yogi” Barra aad Obarito te«a eovpIMI. 0 « e n a M u * flrat placco In the Weatchaater menta with Church World Serv­ manoa some time during the first Raaaatt had partnd tba ear on- My two Mgg^ IBM each fdk Yaabaa cateb- Simday. la Ctaao A , NaonU Lortt* Itallau Arasrtesins (t6) cburdi pnd cooperate for a fair ice, united Protestant foreign re­ rtea and achoote in this country week of Octbear. Mrs. Martha Home Four Markort; i««r 0«org« U, WmMcII Mtd thii j Kennel Club ahow bald la Rye, this year. Their purpoae here wlU poaito m a ift ak 173 MM* ara tba Koatoa Maratboa and the ara, aad tbalr wlvao. wars a m ^ wood was dafaatod by Abca Bltoh AB. R. H. PO A.E accord. lief agency. Btevanaon, executive aecrotary of « a ‘^lt^i^^a, wnsL wiMB tba ear Maarhtitr- Araqr and Navy Uub on tba iSUi bola. la tba match 1 0 1 1 0 PNA^fl Topple Motor* morniac ttat ob the huU o f pM'- N. T„ on Sunday. InaUad, tha newapapara eonUn- be to team ways In which they tha C. of C„ made thia announoa- 1 tba guasU to tha staada. Johnay PhilUpa, 3b . . . .3 Lisat year Ingebur$ waa a atu- a ta ru t ralHna to aaaw uakabani lltoakaglvtog Jday rood raoa.” Looey, fermsr boaab^ bo^ play va. par toa n a y Mat ww Richters, 3 1 0 0 2 0 ! centat*. kancheater^ awy face a "Mike” took drat In the uad to hurt charges at tha Caacho- dent majoring in philoiogy at the may help rebuild tbe reUgioua life ment this morning. Through tba years. It haf .re*^ OfarUa ItobUaa told thia wrttor m .... VtlUty Claaa' with 133 1-3 out in their own countries. nsannar. T ^ v i bHli trnvela# IW katbw player from WalUngford. Jaaa Itavimay aad Abca BHoh M. Correntl, lb 8 2 3 12 0 O' The Itallau-Americaiia defsatod edbifty tax laereaae of about IS alovak halrachy and tha Vatican. University of Marburg. Germany. An advisory commlttaa, com- malnad a landmark of-tha raitort., fast bafatoaHiklag O yaatarday. Bobbtoa, holder of aovoa took Brat aad oaecad aatA ro- of a poaaible 300 poinU and The blahopa had extended what With an excellent eommand of la BOW a mambar of GenUIcort, If . .2 2 0 1 0 0 the New Britolh KMghU o f Osl* pererat tbla year. The local Bven among students tbe effects poaad o f atudenta In the Spring Tba saetien that was asatroya*. One svargraa#rgraa# la (rabt af tba aatteaal loog dlatoaea runatog ■poettvoty. sad JuHo Faulknor 2 2 0 5 0 anothw drat In the Open B they called their "good will and English that tepaad Into German Term, mat lost weak and made conUlnad tha hugs ballraom, as honaa was neooeffing to tralntof staff. Laoay waa wlUiUia J. Pringle, p .. 4 umbua 10 to 8 and the Now Brie ovuaty paymaat for the paat lacal Ctaaa with 196 1-3 out o f a of the war are sun felt, abe aald. nbamptonabtpa. Is eurraatly pro- GroraBay Paekars to tba Nattoaol took low groos. Tlito worti’s 1 8 0 2 0 0 1 Uln P. N. A. pinned a 10 to 3 ds* proferrad hand fbr agraemsnt.” and show in the caUousaeaa and only under etreaa, Mias NoeUe this dactekm. Jamas Doraay, Oon- weU as various awiiaanaant canoes* tba report o f Patoolmab Gaarg a G- paring blaraalf for tha National OaUi. cf ...... year aaoeuntad to about $33,000 or poaalbla 300. FootbaU Laatua aarilor dtao’ Day TouraonMat win bo M. Pringle, e . . 4 0 0 6 1 0 feat oo Brood Street Motors last 13,000 over tbe oriftaal appropria* In a memorandum'addreaaed to inconsideraU manner with which dcacribcd the depression a sditant of CHitiibutlvo Edncatloa. Dane H m baaaa la aw#ad 1^ 38-kiloaMtor ran oa Novambar 13 ■atoetod IS hole. Tero hundred of the boat eoo...FiMPoat of Middletown P. Correntl. rf 2 1 0 0 0 0 night at Robertson Park to move ttoB o f $33,000. Now, with a aew tha Oommnnlat-lad government, they treat each other. broken spirits of tba thousands of wiU oaaign the Instractora fee the Was Natblag t'ansnal : Nlebolaa CoralH. at Newark. and Ragmr Dove of the Courant oat Maaebaotor Om atry club worn* obedience doga la the Eaat they offerad to raaume nagotla- pi^tical refugcaa that have cteaaos. The coursco wlU be held Tba burntag Of Atlantic Oty’4> Aaatber aooWant la«t aigbt ae- Annlello. 2b .4 1112 0into the finals of Manchester's la- oouaty bud^t approved yaaterday "It is so wonderful here, every­ RobMas ryachad poak form thU ‘ to tba wrttar at tbs dtonar a» bewMag toaguae win bagla to vlteUon Softball tourney. were repreaented at the ahow. tkma for a su tc-ch u rdi agrta- one la so considerate and kind,” crowded Into her country. Housed different evenings to allow aavarni dmusamaat plan la n o t! enrrad to ffw it at $• Plilo a ^ t oummor In tba recant Now Eng­ by Rartlord County leetalatora, it board. Yale ployon JolaM the play aariy la Oetobar. AO woman Totals ...... 27 10 7 21 11 1 John Pringle slammed out two appean that llancheater'a county ment If raatrlctlona on chufch ac­ she exclaimed. in tents, air-raid bunkers, and thona who wish to taka both to unusual. Tbe nearby Central pier and to v s ^ can drtvm to Wil- land sa-kUomator run to Oknicaa- lataraatod may olgn up to tba attend. soriboB, Yala alumni and radlomaa home runs and drove in four nuu tax payment for the 13S0 term tivity ware repealed. The daughter of a former In­ every imaglnabte kind of make­ has burned three Umea stoce l» lUm M M ^ , 17,^ IM ^ toa Maas., whan be dafaatod Jasaa to a dsUeioua roost baaf dtonar loekor room or coatoct Jaaat Oil* New Britain A of C. (3) n ila nMmorandum. dated Aug. The two couraee are known as was built. ' road. East HarUord. and Joseph to lead the Italian Americans to a amy be around $36,800. taxation of ton-ns, auch aa state dustrial economic expert, who Is shift shelter, their mental and v ia Cant Johnny Kelley aad Lou Rad idonUfleatlon tog ma bartoon, ehainnoa, for this year. AB. R. H. PO A.E. 10 to 3 win over New Britoia. payments on the basts of tbe un­ 14, waa delivered to the govern­ now working with the intema- moral perapactlva has been da- Stors Organixatlen and Salsa Prp- ^The ^ staaplaebasa plar, :1400 fe e t; ' a . AdotowakL 38, o f 87 Whitman Whito. all wan-kaowB maiatlioa- Badge* la ereaae d motlon. The former la a anrva^ stibet.t. Now BrltaIrltoln. No Inliirtaa tbeoa prasant won proas aad r s ^ Burke, aa ... .4 0 0 3 1 2 Pringle not only starred St tba incorporated bualnesa tax which ment tan days before It waa ra- Uonal TMCA on the rahabUlta- •troyad, she said. long,-burned In 1863. but was M* are. Tha olandar 33-yoar-old Rob- WMIa tha Yalaa wars wearing Nua 0 1 4 0 0 The annual flnancial meeting on leaaad to wastarn prase raprasan- of tha four functional divlatons oc ropertad and no anaatp wara Pegolo. e .... .4 piste but pitched a nifty six hitter, brtnga the county $178,000 thia Uon of political refugees in Ger­ "Tba American govemmant b « ^ blna sat a aaw couraa raeord to taga . . . Tha beari tookad 4 0 0 0 2 1striking out six and Issued four county affaire waa held yaaterday tatlvaa bars yaaterday, church and tha churches have helped ua a raUdl buitocaa; merchandising, Wban tbs pier Was biblt by m ^ .. pgtiataiaa .Dant ' ‘ Marino. 8b . . . td Hartford. Taking part ware year, liquor permits which ratum many, Mlaa NoeUe, her paranU. managamant, promotion, and con- gafdd. wlaatog tha Bay Stato avant Rob* empty with less than 300 In tba FacMnl. cf . . . 3 0 0 4 0 0 bssea on balls. Jack Mongan and $38,000 and simtlar rebataa and aonrcas aatd. three staters and a brotbar Bed improve our phyUcal condlUona," — w, , ___ _ ■ cap*- Vouag, be buUt himaalf s btoa eaptotoad tba loeal Araur aad otonda. Tba bowl eapoeity to TO.- Local Sport 1 0 0 0 0Pete Troy did the pitching for mcmbera of tbe legMatlve delega* In Oovanmmat Hands abe declared. "Now we must balp Itot It la derignad to provlda sj about halfway nut tha long New Havaa, BapL l»-*rta four a imtlva of 1^; Joi natlcoal crowna to hto list, 1 cohtributlerw Joa D. win gat wf ^ top i^ In tha acorebing blaae. orabls msntlOR for All-Btots In ever witnsse a TwOlght League the paat yaara, have atartad to Town oLUcars nominated at the mas rraaa Bklartaa m1 fibRVOionslilp I HRiidouL # • • **P dRpRrtflSWt# 1348 when his tsom woa tbs Cen­ bosce. Gain. M. Pringle, Bednersyk. ers wera added, oue in tbe fifth Front Brighter In their newipapeia Otecha The two 4-H Onba are tba He­ varioua storea In town. Tha■ exact■ It waa a huge electrical advar- playoff gams was oa bond for last and one mors in tbe sixth on coaoam local offlciala. Prevlouaiy Democratic caucus 'rtaursoay svan- ■ S S tolS ffi blaaad born* «"4 tral Connecticut Intsrsehobtotic Saturday's BA’s-Sllk aty tUt at Hollfelder: sacriflceo. Rlchtere; left found only reprints the govern bron Sparkles, Alfred Ooldateln, Bite and starUng time wUl be an­ Using sign that faaturad an alae- a tba Tuikay Day fivo-mik race fan. on bases. Itellsn Amsriesns 8. New Pringle's second home nm blast. not much Intareat baa been abown ment leaden’ speachas, plus aharp leader, and tha Workbaskat Oub, Ing are: Aaseaaor, Jaase Hills; nounced in the near future. Hartford, gapL-IS.—(ffH*-Goorft Luigus dtompioaslilp. the Oval tric horte race on its oval face. J4, pfthoNsav York, - New batw to 1348 aad 1346. Cbartto’alm an •• Bodra Harris gave up on Totl Bsnw as eSiAsr Usl ■sosee, hrt tlic BriUto K. of C. 6; hoses on balla New Britain picked up tbres ever thia item. It waa one more or (OanOanad fraas Page Oae) commentary added by the. editors. Amaton. Mrs. Lillian Broudaur, board oi tax ravlaw, Pblup U’Bricn; Rantdcnta aay tha 'vacaUaaspi o f­ McKee. $4, Gorman’s ban s to at TTO Main igalt^ Italtonsfrom The Hill to Bt. Louis has received and thrown laaa "taken for granted” without Haven aM ^-||artford Vaftraal aaacaatrattog at prraant oa_k^ iST B toS ^ tM N ^ ■troet J. Pringle 4. Mongsn 7. Troy 1: runs in the fourth to tie tte gams The youth front organ, Mteda leader, though aha hpa triad to re­ licsV aatactman, Kotanu Mcloebe; ten^ bqt, on the arUflclak hpraa Tbs West Bids Rac Bowling brilltoatly far the Ysnkres this season, and Osaey Stengel has hto at 8 all. Three singles, two Dosss too anich Inveatlgatlon. Now the at* repreaentatlvea nmt again Fronts, raitaratad a charge sl' sign, but. no .one else has been aacond, Harbart Jotanaon; town camp la BeHla died at the HMg- League will hrid a masting Striks-outs, J. Pringle 6, Usngon races as they patraUad'tha 'baachr loog-raags bat for the nm down tbe stretch. 2; Mongon 4 for 8 runs In 3H on bolls and two arild pltcbss ac­ mounting coata are aroualng com* today. Union leadetia ra jecM a ready danlad by tbe church—that found as ^ t to taka her place. Clark, treasurer and agent of town ' Awaa x:aa front. ford hospital todqy aa a residt of Wsdiissday night at 7:80 at ths a i injurtas raceivod Saptentbar’' .10 runs; Troy 8 for 3 runs in 2 3-3; counted for the ruM. Prlngto sot* ment. 7^ county tax payment la I proposal that strlkara, mambma cf tha Caeeh OathoUe leaden and tbe Othera prasant wars B. Henry ilapoatt fund, Mra. Cbarlaa P. Uln­ Tha firs waa diacovarad by Hickman Unveils West Bids Rsc to map plans for tied dovm after ths rocky fourth baaed on a proportion of four rail oparatlng brotbarbooda, Vatican bad provoked the cmitro- Safton, County 4-H agent, ar, andorsad from Republican By Yugoslavia wban atrock, by a car an the Maf^ ____ [Top hooM nm Wttor of tba day to ths coming season. Oflteers wUl wild pitches. J. Pringle 8, Mongan boardwalk patrolman, who saw 1; losing piUhsr. Mongon; um­ and pitched ons Mt boU tba rest of town's tax Income, a situation that ratum to tbalr Jobs during tba na- roy. Shirley Walk, a salat ant agent, and ticket; tax coUactor, Mrs. William smoke pouring from the aide of Un turnpike. RaWh Klnsr at the Pittsburgh also be slsetsd at this Urns. tbs route. maebaa back to astabliah that each gotlatlona to aattla tba dMputa Mr. St Louis, who heads tha Tol­ HlUs; grand Jurora, Ralph Sacord, According to tbe atata pobca • )| ow BMn, wVrora not as good os ptratss.___ Hammering Ralph has ’49 Yale Eleven pires. Boh*nho, Dennis: time 1:40. "The VaUoaa has given many (Coattoned frani Page One) the budding near tba shore and. Joe Page, Ted Wilks HoUfslder for New Britoia and town's county payment la ultimata-1 Involving Interpretation of union proofa of ita eoopanUoa with tha land County Fat Lamb Club. Irving Urtltln. Henry Olsackl; _____ The paat few years, tba plaasura McKee was struck by a ear oper­ wo toobod. Don’t pick uoao tbal^Vo^y deporitod td^balto toto toe Tonight the Women’s Bowling Hippo Oorrsntl, John Pringle and ly baaed aa Its method o f i rules. Soma 38,000 rail workara After a chorus song by the two ated by WiUlam Lumpkin,* 37, o f No. 1 toam la too Bast", round atonda. Duo to tbs fact tbs Plrotos warmongen and tba Garmana edio registrar of voters, Bela Sctirelrar; . . . . . •Hnterfer- palace had baan leased by Gaorge New Haven, Bspt 13— 'JCh- Ths Lssgus win hold a masting at 8 I Now Brltoto P.NA. (10) Banjo GaUl for ths I. A.’s eoUsetsd lag. art Idle—Includliig 8,000 strikers want to revtae the borden and re­ clubs, the Rev. H. R. Keen, ssslst- conatablaa. Julea RebUlard. H ow -, y Hamid, and waa called "Hamid’s ill Winter street. New Kfam. Harman Hlekmaa told old Bluos ore dosp to tbs second dlrtolon. "Blusa” and ’Whltos” of the Tola o’clock at tba TAf.C.A AD teams ' AB. H. PO. A.E. Mts each. HHka^ Aseeeemeata —and oparatlono baited through­ gain lost terrltortea,” said Mteda ant. chsirmsn. acting In place of ard carpenter, Richard Rankel. aad msfflbsn of tbs pram andlictoar to rsosirtog Uttls publicity footboU squad faced each other and girls interested In bowling ore Key Men in Flag Races William Owen, gave words of wet MiUkm Dollar Pier." Hamid also 1 W. Strocsskl, Sb 8 ^ Motors Bow Out Hie proportion of tax payment out tbs carrlara 10-stata syatam. Fronts, and tbarafora R saaka -I-^tra th. bug, SfU pur > yaatorday at tho fourth an-[for hto circuit slamming fsata. ysetardoy to a bowl serlmmogs invited to attend. Die league will ! J. Strocsskl. 2b . S I Jerry C3iagnon proved no puxSts 'Riani appeared no sign of early come. nual Talo Univofftty A- A. barbs* gun "Tbs Man” Muriol moved ^ could M considerably bi^er per every opportunity to attack tbe and when tbs strife was over, tbs again roll at the Y this sqoson. i Pocyno, cf ----- 4 to tbe New Britain P. N. A an tax pairar in a town with a high aottlament In tha 136 day old Ha­ Soviet union and the people’s dem- I The Sparkles told of achieve­ f i t 1 Troteky over buUding Boclallsm N otice - cue. Tbs SOO-rioaad former .All I back toto oontontioo for tbs Ns* ments of the past year. Including rrgeney Cenraee • 0' Bhiss, Capt Lsvl Jackson’s first Standings and Schedule 1 Kowelcsyk. lb 5 they rapped him for ten Mts sad laval aaaeaament than in a town waiian dock atrika. Pesos talks oermUe eountrlen Tba Vatican American guard from Tsnnsasso | tlonal Laagus’s Most Vahiabls strtogsrs, kad tbsmssivas four BUn fisslslo. Church Bowling with a low level o f aaseaamenta. In Now York broke up In complete gardening, a club rally, family added with aomUs, to hto brief piaysr award. Blthsr Muatol or Tinshanls. if -8 ten runs to knock tba Motors out excommunlcaUon deone (agalnat banquet. Fun Night, etc. P*rty" i ’ ^” W e m « t Clear thU matter up." Hartford, Sept IS.—/ffV-Emer­ touchdowns of which Captain Levi Lsegut prsxy, reports Ms loop will Favors Yanks, Cirds; I Rondinl. rf . . . .8 of ths runMng by a 10 to 3 msro This HtuaUon, while not at stake failure yesterday. But tbe Fed­ Communists) it Ita reaction to our for tbe teactaera o f Hebon waa g iv -1 ^ ^ pu^ic gency teacher-training courees ZoniRf BaflPi #f Appofili aMWaga to tba guost, "Ws might jjackls Robinson of the Brooks hod none. mast ons week from tonight, Sep­ gin. The Motors played thslr at Um preeent time, baa been cauae eral Conciliation Service was The Misses Ruth Wilkalis, and baotOOrasU.” ., Tbo ElUa were far ssama likely to gain tbs honor m I RydscM. p ----- 4 oppoaltlon to CapltaUam and tha cn Thursday evening at the home win be given at the four state Tbe sertmmags was held before tember 30, at 7:30 at Center ^ Tigers and Indians worst game of ths season making for commant.bare in the past when ready to try to help again at the Owen twins, Emily and Louise, yesterday by tbe information mia- In accordaaea with tba raqto'^ INm bstog Uaprssalvo In a scrim- with Muslal holding ths upper I Morklewci, ss .3 explottatlon of the working man of the Workbaskat Club modeled of Mra. Joseph Orifflng. Teacbers iatry, “and say—aa Lenin said to teacher coUegaa next summer. a group of sportswrltsra and church. Last year 14 teams com­ six errors In the field sad os ooanty tax matters ware dlscuaaed. reaching a settlement of the wage and our fight for aodal JusUce. manto of tba aanlng ragulatlatb __ * TFhltss aad Btosajhaad o f tots. Bobtoson baa been peted in tbe' circuit and at least Qiances Very Slim I Kereleiso. e •.. 3 the dresses made by them which present included Mrs. Maude Bot- Troteky—it la poaible to build So­ The State Department of Ednca- of the Town of Manebastac,' tka broadcasters. Head Cooeb Her­ Bolcscyk. rf .. .3 many mental errora At the praeent ttma tbe big Item aupuU. “There la no religious strife In tomley, Mra. Ida C. Heck, Mrs. OiBtobtiLavl Jackson, Ford Nad-|botoarsd for tbs past oix wsska man Hlehmon ,trisd to sen them 16 teams are sought this ssason. Testeday’s Results o f eoaoem Is the k**- , No prograia was reported In had won them sacond place In the cialism In one country.” Uon, announcing plana to con­ Eoning Beard of Appeals wUI bOtd hotW' Flnmy Fuchs. BOb Spsarrlto a kess Injury... Eddie Compo, Tvro singles, a double aad a this country. Religion is only county dress revue. Floyd A. F (^ , Mrs. Delvina Uon- tinue the program started thia tbe Idea the play waa a "bit rag­ By Jack Hand American National 87 to 10 21 8 3 waU( gave New Britain thrw It appeara ^ t tte Increasa in l contract negotiations between the Tito declared tbe Soviet-led a public hearing to tha Mualctpal Mri Uttls Hariy Dartostorrsd oa]New Haven’s fins fsatbsrwslght WoUy Porclak, Most Valuable (.Issoclated Pwee Sports Writer) ToUto tba------approved.. budget over that of I Inte^Uonal serving our internal reacUon and Patty and Petey Shorey did two Ugnay of tha new Hebron aleman- Oominform < Communist interaa- summer, said the demand for ele- ged.” To most qf ths onlookers, No games scheduled. quick runs In ths flnL Loas Longahora- ita foreign advtaers as a pretaxj Building. Monday oventog, Bap- oENUsawblle sad Harold ImBonts, I who faost Willie Pep for tbs 133- Player In the Rec Basketball Joe Page and Ted Wilks, bose- Broad Street Motors (3) ume * oonunlaaionerwawaeaww eve »a ___ . recommended ■I ■ WHOVWUUn WIO i specialty numbers, Uiclr father, tary achool. Two of the teachers tlonal Information Bureau) coun-1 mentery school teachers wlU con- tember 13, 1343, at 3 F. M., on tha and ths serlmmags was held be­ Standings talUsa wars rogtotsrsd te tba 1 man's aaaoclatlon and the East for political attacks on our pao- Gardner Q. Shorey, accompanying were unable to attend. A sort of B'Sealor from Ithaca. N. T., was j pound crown BspL' 30 at Wator- fore ths cocktoH party and bar­ League and the State Polish National PO. A.E. tries wara enemlaa of tbe Yugo- tlnue. "CJontlnued Itl^h rsiaglstra- following appUcatlcoa: , too dafsnrivs star...Tommy Gqr-jbury, baon’t lost a fightolnes 1340. League tost ssason, to ths father boU's celebrated firemen, loom os fourth and tho sixth, aad five dent* plea democracy.” I them on tbe. piano. The Owen old fashioned “Skula" was praaent- cbfM^,” becue—not oftar—ths Tolas didn’t W L Pet GBL 8 3 1 ed ths plats In ths fifth ea two sUv people. He said’ they “era not' tlon In the elementary ac) Application of Fred Blaffart tor 4x ysara os a pro. has of a daughter born to Mrs. Porclak key men to the stretch drive of the Goszo, ss S S S IS tb^W MTli? New I twins sang a duet, “Candy Klaacs,’’ ad, arranged by Mrs. Norton P. stopping at destrtctlon of human ! said the announcement, ”wlU ab- nit ons.duks in 80 bouts. look nearly as bod aa tbsir coach St. Louie .. . . .87 50 .635 McCurry., Mts and three errorai and their alater, , aang a pormiaaloa lo tract uadarrtaM yesterday at Manchsoter Memo­ favored New York Yankees and 52 .623 Warner, which caused much merri­ Uves” in their fight agalnat his 1 aorb the supply of quabflad toach- ■ertnuanga by a 37' to 0 scars.,.. IThs Now Britain Falcons won ths would have ths observers beltovn rial hospital. Brooklyn .. . . .88 ' I CJovey, The MtAors two scores cams as iS; rapra- ‘ ‘ • song. Emily Owen and Mr. Shorey ment. Mias Marjorie H. MarUn dwalltog on Lets No. 33 ;aad 23 — ■ ------—4 crown Although Jackson felled to con­ St. Louis Cords. .... Philadelphia . .74 65 A32 14 coaat Average Light regima. | era as they become avoilabla,” The team standings or.d schedule Bolduc, Ed Zapatka rooebsd on on arret as aS d,C aa year at 3266,328 “ >out 68.0W eart played a duet. "Poet and Peasant.” assumed the role of teacher, wear­ ------I The courses are intended to quall- Btricklaad Btrcat, RaoidOBce A 11 ssason. nect for a touchdown, he set up Boston ...... 68 71 .489 20 I Green. Icadoff batter In the third aad was S O w t $318,000 for teat year, a ^ e d o iy . baa t h r a ^ a d A akit, “Old Black Joe,” was pre­ sons. Bowling activity will get off to a give the Yanks and Cords the edge .489 ing a long skirt and starched There has been no comment yet: fy collage graduates for elemen- row eppbslts ths 80 yard Uns on [Tbs local Bilk a ty Acas placed in ths first with a 88-yord Jaunt to but only os long os Page and Wl'.ks New York . ...67 70 iChsgnon. p .. doubled home by Larry Gas^ w U ^vrtthtba additional spend-1 strike after Sept. 30. The union Bill Increased sented by Kenneth A. Porter and the Whits 12. Bob Spears, pow­ flying start toni^t at the Bowl­ ...59 77 .434 blouse with stiff collar. Among from Belgrade on a Moecow radio | tary school Jobs. AppUcatUm of John Btatoar for tks Yale rids of tbs Bowl that tbs the second divtolon. ing Green when the Village Charm- continue to produce. Each hes Pittsburgh . f { ^ ; Jarvis, c ... CharUe Covey rescued Ganaa with t e noted would bring teat jrear'a for a 33 cents an bour savaral other boya. her pupils ware Mra George M. perMlaaion to arset vasUbule oh erhouse of tost year’s frsriiman Cincinnati . . .56 81 .409 pay bike over tbe preeent basic era start tbsir second year of 00m- appeared tn 81 gomei. “ J Phillips. 8b s clean shot to left JMl bUl to 3386,000. (CoaUauafl trani Fags Gas) A typical dub meeting waa pre­ Milne. M rs John A. Markham, front of dwalltog which wlU ha toam, went ths rest of ths way to CMcogo . . . .54 85 .388 OJ Caaa Pocyna with four ^ t e n p o r t a d that 806 Jail in rate o f $1.83. Hie operators pro- sented by The Sparkles, each mem­ petltion. As tbe Yonks and Cards move ** I Zapmtka. lb Mra. Herbert W. Porter, Mrs. Del­ dosar to atraat Itoa than rtgula- one bite. Stu Ttodale got tho toto the final three weeks of the American ! MilewsM. 2b i scored and a single and now are liouaad In quar­ poaed a cut of 13 cents an bour. the bills ehown,” tha commission ber givt^ a report of the year’s next two touchdowns and Bin Mc­ ....85 50 630 activities. Bob Rosen and Warren vina Montlgnay, Mrs. Carl Lankof, ttono allow.-also to aroct pOrch aa Twilight Baseball League offi­ season with the opening today of New York “ I run in four trips was ths star sd ta n IW 300 and that many m said. "Many factors oparata to Mrs. Carl Ltnka. Mrs. Milne and aoutt olda of dw dtog whidi will Nassiffs To Spohsor Dermott, another sophomore, Boston ...... 84 55 604 J8 2 4 21 7 8 wtUMOt bada, nacaaaltatlng p ^ Frankel gave an egg demonstra­ cials end managers will meet Mon­ the lost Intersectlonol eeries, the i Totals ...... the contest. Hto seventh taatog cause differences in costs and Mra. Links took the part of a cou­ WEDNESDAY be dosar to alda line than ragqto- scored tha final ons. day evening at 7:30 at the West relief aces figure to tell the story. Detroit ...... 82 58 .586 I home run was mads poaslbls by aa (dnacB ateHiIng on tba floor. S b e ^ W n | | | f^liflnof* rates among the various communl- tion. “ From Hen Houae,To Your Jes Palmer of Hartford, being . . .80 57 .584 Innings: Home.” ple of mischlavous boys in an ini­ tiona allow' at 361 Bush' llUl Road, Side Rec. New York, out front by three aevelsnd . . New Britain ___300 150 01—10 fast a base running exMbltloo aa ‘ ------^^imaworth toM ^ Uaa. BULLETIN .. fitted to the old kiclttng boots of Phitodelphto . .72 66 .522 oriag that bada a n being built to The boys' club mambert were mitable manner. All were attired miRST lU ifalson a.' • . " ' Eastern League Entry full games after Sunday s double Motors ...... 002 000 0— 2 has been seen at Robertson Fsik "In spite of numaroua rate re­ all awarded achievement certifi­ In somawhat outlandiah coatumas . AppUcoUan o f Manebaster Mo­ Btny (Never Miss) Boos, mods Hal Turktagton reported today Chicago ...___ 55 82 .401 in many a season. oanact the condition, out that To Air Views ductions in tha high rate areas, dlf- win while Boston was dropping 353 ' Runs batted tn. W. Straceskl, uam'* row ding la a flrat class prob- cates by Mr. Sefton. The glrU of appropriate for the Ume represent- 1 tor Boles for parmlnlrai to odl good on three or four ettempte tbe Brittoh-American basebatl two. used___ Page in five of Its 11 St. Louts ..___ 49 90 The Bnals wUl be played Wsd- feranoes between the highest and the Workbaaket Club will receive a d ..'' ’ j Used para on Mato strfst .(gouth for ths extra point. team has received a check geptember games. Three times he Washington . 44 93 321 Pacyna 2. Knowelciyk, Gaxxa, nesdav lAght at 8 and In tba svaat the* lowest UU more than 380 Saak a ; Coetieeed flM i Om at theirs at tbe close of the 4-H year, ’ A spelling lesson, geography.! Open AH Day Wednesday o f No. M D ’ Buatoaao sene. Replace Guard, in E. L.;|Stock8, T h rill Following the acrimmage cams $544.60 from the National B a se-| jjjj_^ Tommy Byrne out of ‘Today’s Game* ' Covey; two-bsse hits: Kowelcxylt, of rain the contest will be ptoysd per cent of tbe low blU still persiat September 30. music, ate., as taught In tba "good ^ ths cocktails and the barbecue. ■ - , .trouble. He saved Atoe Reynolds , Eastern League Playolfs ! Gaxxa; home runs, Pacyna; stol-' Thursday nlgbt at ths same tUaa. Aetliiff on th$ oondlUons s i tfco I a ^ a w a aaa a a s . for cartatn conaumptlona. .AppUcatlea of AUnondar Jar- M i t c ^ n BnsineM Here, tbe writers and broodeMters WlUces-Barre at Albany. ■ en bases. J. Straceskl, Ylnshanls Jail, vtolcb have been scored re- '***» ***** Alfred Goldstein. leader of the old days” were taught. | Yes, Ptoehunt is open aU day Wadneaday. fran* 3 A. M. nntfl Tia for pormiioica to aract'B’x lF Show at Avon ones to the recent toimsment. Sanford once each. 1 Sitodlv^tbe leclatetora named a t«nber than the August figures, ’In general, however, there are Sparkles, made some special Group aingtng and a social hour i d P. M. Comsi to . . . both Meat and Orpeorjr dapta. have many batted exocUy 1.000 per cent. The figure to the third bighset paid Manager Coeey Stengel may Binghamton at Scranton. 2: double plays, Gosxa, Mllewskl. Houston. Ter.—Sugar Ray Rob* leaser differences today (han ware awards to the boys of his chib ss taterestlag vaJaea far yon. dgn for a pariod of oao yank ot .MiuBager; -• PongraU (Best of seven-game series). Zapatka; left on basea New Bri­ Inspn. 182. New York, knocked out S ^ S t t i a to aaik aoluUon o f the tha Increaaed rid age ,a s r i^ c e with rafreshmente closed a very | tba foUoartog locatloaa: Middla to teome In the 1049 event | Smoky Joe today. ^SS^Iowdlng. The committee waa bweflte provided by the teat U»gla- observed in 1388, when tbe first follows: A hoe to Bob pwen for enjoyable program. ] M anager, Yo«t Coach Avon — Ths totsrnationaUy fa­ Eddie Lopat pitches the National tain P.N.A. n. Broad Street Charlie Dotson. 186, Ohlcogo, 3. reports In the series were issued." the best garden as Judged st the TurnpUte Waot, Let No. 38 Wood­ mous Jimmy Lynch Death Dodgers Boston (Sain 10-141 at Chicago liHtnictodto provide for the ee- teture and a forthcoming survey Hebron and Gilead Oongrega- Cuatonara tell lu that wa tka bast Iamb pattla# ridge Addition No. 3, Rsaldaiiea A Williams Leads The 8Uk aty A C. WlU hold sn|^^*r against____ ths St Louis Motors 7: bases on bolls, Rydeckl (Non-TlUe). talflitoment of a Ji^ farm and to of achool building needs. The For 100-kilowatt-honrs of elec­ garden tour; a subsertpUo" to 4-H Uonal churches resproad their reg­ make will Join arlth t]ths American Hot Important meeting tomorrow ni^t Casey has selected rookie SchmlU (10-9). 2. Cliagnon 8: strikeouts, Rydeckl atudv tbe advlaabUlty of buUdlng resulte of the tetter, he said. wiU tricity, the amount characteristic­ National News to Wkrren Frankel; in town. N o secret to making • good qaality lamb pattia, aooe; Adams Straat Lot "No. 43, Maachsster’s entry tn the East- Rod RactogClub Sunday afternoon New York (Koslo 9-111 at St. 6, Chognon 8; wild pitches. Rydeckl San Francisco— Jssss Tlorso, ular aerricca Simday and tha Sun­ Oomar Middla ’Diniplka Waal, sBi Profsasional Basketball Lssgus at the V.F.W. Home at 8:80. This orally Hood to pitch the second a Jail. Members of this group determine whether there is to be ally used by a housOhld for light­ a 4-H Jackknife to Charlea day School wda reopened, having i f you start with fresh genuine spring lam b. . . properly at Cherry Park Speodway for the Batting Race WlU be the tost day for the Pro- Hood, s recent Konsoe Louia (Hunger 13-6)—Night. 2" liraplrrs, Dennis. Bohenko; time, 138*4. Stockton. Calif., outpointed OM Steele, chairman of a special aeaslon of the legislature ing, small appliances and refriger­ Schreier; a 4-H comb and nqll file Rastdanca A aena. , , . during tbs 1343-00 ssason will be be.'.fit of the Connecticut Chil­ AnSat^ been closed for the customary sum­ Masoned . .. that’s what makes the patties w e m U at known ga ths Naasiff Arms. TMa gram and Raffle 0>mmlttees to grad, will be getting his first Brooklyn (Hatten 11-8) at C3n* 1:28. Lem Thomas, 139, CMcage. 16. tba -coiinty commissioners, Sheriff I this fall. ation, the lowest typical monthly set to Bela Schreier for perfect mer vacaUon. Hie Rev. George M. Application of AlaxanMer 'Jar- dren’s Aid Society. moke thslr returns. major league starting test clnnatl (Wehmeler 11-9)—Night. XUswortb. Mayor CyrU Coleman Baldwto’s Letter attendance; 4-H pencil and sta­ 4 9c lb .,,always the sam e fine quality. vl$ fW parmlasion to erect S’x ll’ snnounMment was mads public Plans for ths four hour charity Chicago, Sept. 18—UP)—Borton’a bills were: Mllns la back again In tbe pulpit. toot Mgbt by Arthur Pongratx. Ted WUUams maintsinsd a wide ------. Return of Yogi Berra to home Philadelphia (Bowory 12-10) at Hartford. Judn John P. Cotter In a letter to the radio atationa Cities o f 80,000 peculation and tionery to Bela ^hreier for the Services at St. Peter’s Episcopal sign for. a period of two yaon #t psrformoncs of a thrill show plus Coach Bolduc has • „ „ MtUng form was a tremondo«ja Pittsburgh (Chambers 9-7)— of Hartford. Representative Wll- Baldwin said: more—Tacoma, Wash., 31.70; Lan­ most star awards for various If yon want to aave on the bndget . . . gat tk* praaanra tba following locations: Harttonl IjM jrsar tbs local E. U entry was a fuQ length stock cor racing lead to the Amsrlcau League bat­ things; subscription to 4-H Na­ church which hava been In charge cooker gotag on tkis menty lean Oenniao Spring laaib Stew, bnown as tho Guards. ting race today with A82 and also meeUng of ths 8Uk C*ly *****5*51boost to YsMc morale. They got Night. It.— x>. Barnes of Bloomfield, and "I aasuma that tba pattern used sing. Mich., and Madison, Wte., of a lay reader for the past month Rood (Waot of Bridge Btroat) show were announced today by team Irl enothsr Hft from Tommy Henrl^ch. American Hapraasntatlve Sheffield Cowles of I by the governor’a publicity de- $2.40; Lincoln, Nab., 33.48; Glen­ tional Nawa to Craig Rowley for wa alter at B5e Ih. Buataaao aoaa; -N.W. conwr Mid­ Georgs MltchsU has been ap- Promoter Ed Otto. monopoUnd ‘ four special dspsjt- best racord book. Craig had tha were again in charge ^ the Rev. peiptod buainaas manager wMls rasnU of play. at tiM East Bide ^ injured flrat boseman-ouUlelder. St. Louis (Garver 10-16) and! Phrmlngton. ' I partment In preparing aoripte dur- dale, Oallf., CDvlngton, Ky.. and dle Tmplka wait* aad A d a w Ths Lynch organtoation which asked to turn In their raffle books ^ again to taking batting prac- (Papal 4-9) at New York (Lopat: White oondltiona at tbe Jail taava I ing hU previous aarlaa o f broad- beat racord book for one of bia aga H. R. Keen Sundaj’. There waa a Poagrata will handle qm toam thriUsd on ostimatsd million cus­ Hto A83 was a ons point drop BATTERIES Chattenooga, Knoxville, Memphis Straat, Rastdanca A aoaa; K .E . at the Coventry Fair. communion service. Eariv morning Or get the rook book out and make some mansgtog duties. Earl Tost, coach from a week ago. Second ptocs at this Ume. inaista he's “ ready." 13-8 and Raschl 18-10) — two htV* attoation. tba budget shows I casts will be followed again, and Nashville, Tann., 12.60; Clava- corner Middla Turnpika West aad tomers at tha Now York World’s But most Important to Page who games. that costa of tha county building I “At that time I liatened to aev- The program closed with a mo­ communon servlcea win be re­ braised SHORT RIBS OF BEEF which wUl be at tost ysar’a auccsasfut Guards, Fair wUI perform feats of trick Georgs KsU of Detroit lost two iand. Ohio, 33.68. tion picture of the National Camp sumed at 8. as fonnerly. Adams Straat,' Raoidanca A bona; has algiisd to guide ths Naasiff Detroit (Houtteman 14-7) at IB Hartford also are high, al- oral of hla talks and was Impressed 10.000 to 80,000 population—Eu­ and thrill driving to brand new potato for J89 but was 30 potato at Washington, D. C.. from pic Mr.-Keen' left Monday to attend featured at 3S c lb. N.W. cornar Cantor sad Adaau qutotst. MltchsU said a publicity ahead o f third place Bob DUUngsr Dunn and Acevedo t e T Boston (Kinder 19-5). though these have generally been by the fact that they wire entirete gene, Ore., IIAO; Dscautur and Btraata. Rastdanca 'AA aoaa; Ol- 1943 Dodge esdans. The climax ^ . . While tha Yanks play a pair Cleveland (Wynn 10-6) at Phil* pared all|htly from tbe outgo of I political and controvenlal. My tures taken by Alfred Goldstein, tlie annual clergymen’s conference man would be named shortly. of the show to a romp to romp leap of SL.Louto. As t.ow 0 - 9 5 Florence, A in, Cblumbua, Mias., who attended last June. Dancing at tha Kent school. lasting through CQtt Straat (App. 460’ wast of T n tlfrl^ T o n ig h t I with the Brownies, the desperate adelDhIa (Kellner 17'^n)—Night. iBBtyear. opinion was bonie out by and Clarksville, Tann., $3; Fargua And what^B better on a cttol day than good No. 7%. IUM3I Moot Cantor Dsclrion to switch from ths with a stock sedan. Two aewoomars to tbs Mg 10 1 SllglC A VlUg I muat take on the Tha county building allotment I comments and criticisms coming followed, to music by Mr. Shorey, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Guards to Nassiffa was reached Ths Death Dodgsn will also wen Boston’s Bobby Dosrc who Chicago (Gumpert 11-14) at As Group 1 Falls. Minn., 32.10; Mnaitowoc. Pteol Biwm e, Jqred B. Tennant, Straat, vBbiar Adams Straat | !x - last night Two years ago the lo­ steaming Detroit club. Winners of Washington (Welk 1-11)—Night. this year was aat at 3106.480 o f I from aU parte o f tha state, Win, $2.18, and Virginia, Mbm.. home made soup. . for this we offer Knuckle tanaloto nUdanea A aoaa.' perform tbsir now famous Roman nturasd to tb* Itot wttb- A06 to which Janltora and engineers gat I “Elnea I am cartaln that tha with Bob Schuyler prompting. eal Natleaal Guard companies riding, Jumpa through fire on Us Johnny Pesky of Boston for Hartford. Bspt. 18—D isrs’o In- 10 straight and 18 of their Irat OT. With Your OW Battery $2.30. Mualciana and prompter gave their Soup bones with some meat on at 15c lb. or AppUcM^ ofrCilvia Tbag^ eponsMed an Independent baakst- c e ^ «oJih to nmr the Tlnr. to^J the for^^^ naarly half or $48,860. Tba super- governor Intends once hiore to uae, 3,800 to 10,000 population— Suit Against Firm motorcycles and a complete loop ssvontb end Hoot Evers of Detroit certain about Pee Wee Reese’s totendent gate a salary of 33,000 in the aama manner, the free time aervicea free. I fcr‘,parmlario)i to kaap S3 w ck- ball toam headed by Jos MeOus- to a car. Dtsss on ths same feats who notched A9T to Us Bt. Louts* Ihmn to ou^me efforts in Ms rs- tost Urns. *ftsnt on • condition, start a 10-game Jaunt OimtarsvlUo and Hartaalle , Ate., Mrs. Harold L. Gray has return' Rib Beef with considerable meat for 23c lb. aiia and to erect cqop lof oama at key. After, a very successful sea­ turn Malt With Miguel Acevedo to- j pennant factor. Dms is fast run- IB addition, in> $100 from last year. I normally provided in the Interests Corinth, StarkvlIM and 'I^lpaIo. ed from a week’s visit with Mr. which have drawn mors than 10,* Roy Sisvsra for 10th. turn bout wun m.igwn xnsrelK tog out on aU Yankee chsssrs tonight in Cincinnati. Only two cf County building tatepbona coate of public Oarvioe. I feel that the Here Continued I US Woodlaad Btraat, Raoldaaca B son against Connoctleut and trav­ 000,000 spsetotors to various In fourth place with .314 was nlgbt at tbs Auditorium their 16 remaining games will be Free Road Service Mlaa., 1^ FayettevlUe, LawUburg, and Mra. Stuart H.-Brinkman at Geanlne Spring Lamb ablpmant ahortonad np a UMte tWa soos. ‘ eling professional teams, tbo team n“ «ssd to r . ^ to. North but parUculort, for Detroit wMto $11A80. Repaira and main- ataUona using hU talks should. In wash, bat cariy porehaao caabira ns to ftataro nrare ,o ( tkoao stadiums and spssdwaya through­ Boston Dom DlMaggto; Dale was played at Ebbete Fiel(L #***Boe $ are aat at $13,800. Ooal | fairness, give comparable Ume to Maryville dnd Trenton, TUin., $3; SchenSotady, N. Y. dseidsd to enter the Eastern could • • rn ho. oMy 14 to ptoy wd trail, b^ Hnano KerrvUla, Lampasas and San Mar­ It is reported that 128 parents The $180,009 action brought by Application of J. D. Dumas fpr out tha country where tbs' Death Mlteb^ of Cleveland was fifth 37A00 and powqr light and apokaaman for the Republican extenoloii for pfrmioaiaa. to have League. Last year, to ths B. L., Dodgsn have appeared. with .313; Cass Mlcbasto of CM- i 1 . party. cos. Texas, $2.18; Las Vagna, Nav.. thus far hava signed up for tha hot J. Floyd Smith, former official of I ths Onaids finished to the runner- Robitison Enjoys figures at 36,600. lunches at the new elementary Uaed ^ Daaler’a Uqonaa b t 333 Tb^ will be followed on tbo eago. sixto with .808 aad tTe Brady.“ ^^PadlrDaM arco «• J^sW*!*."**Joe McCarthy’s Red Sox. to keep year tbe county building ‘ •ffierefore, please consider thia 33.16; Athens, Fort Payne and the Pioneer Parachute company RIB LAMB CHOPS or up spot In the Yankee Divtolon and ■nasdway by tbs hard riding, lend NICHOLS-BRISTOL, Inc. tju t Scotteboro. Ate., Aberdeen and schooL Others will provide thalr I Mato Btraat, Buatoara sons. * gained b spot to ths plajroffa With WsrU of Dotrott ninth with JOL w#bRr« thslr hopes olive, must gain ground rcoats were $800 higher than now a request for time comparable in hers, against that company and footed, chauffeurs of ths American Boston Varn Btsphena sklddsd Promoter Lou VtocusI baa prom­ 1099 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER Water Valiev, Mlaa.. Henderson, children’s lunches. At last report ' AppUcation of falter B. Gra- p ra ^ ea lly an a ll-lo ^ team, tha during the ssvsn-gome homestead Eight Point Lead budgeted. qusnUty and quality to that which Chenay Brotbera, was continued SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS 79c Hot Rod Racing Club. This or­ ofit of the top ton hut ecattousd ised to try to got you may see fit to allot to Gover­ Nev., and BrowhavUIe, Dickson, there were 30$ pupUa registered In I man for tantonaao ^ pahalsoion Guards proved one of ths best against the West. Then they must Board and Care Increasa to hava parking 1st tar Ptoahnrat ganisation to mads up of stock Ms Runs Batted In para with 14d. tbR ttirRt to him Iz qr nor Bowles. As soon as you have Franklin, OaUatln. Humboldt, Leb­ the school and the report la that without data yestertey after go-1 clubs to aver rsprsssnt ths town. cor driven from ths Ctotral Con­ Imock off the Tanks in the five New York. SepL 13—OP)—Jackie 'XI was noted yesterday that tng beforo Judge J. Joseph Smith Small Sanaage Grocery pdtrpoa, an Mate airost, Last year the teem was owned to- . Winiams had ths most runs, 13d; But tbs offer waa of games atUl to be played between advised us of these allotments and anon. Mount Pleasant. Murfrees­ more are akpactad. Two Latvian CHUCK GROUND .... ,1b. 5 9c necticut area. Entries ore drawn ondary latorofft to th« ooltmn* Robinson of Brooklyn takes on moat of the increases In the boro, Ripley, Sprinxfteld and TUI- cblldran, whose refuges parent# to U. 8. District Court. Dried Beef cornai4 Mlddlo Turnpika 1 Want. dspsntently. most Mta, 188; most doublsA 38 toe two cMbs. budget were due to higher board notified ua, we shall send you a from Unlonvills, Avon, PlolnvUle, and most homers, 87. MltehsU was teesd boxer wboss mind was ran sight-point lead 'Into tbe final three repratenteUve list of spsskera.'' laboma, T m a . $2.36; Llano and are with Mr. and Mra. Carl Frank J. Floyd Smith, now of Glen-1 Tender-cut Beef HONEYCOMB TRIPE .'.Ib. 4 ^ [Buatoara sona. NaraiffB have sponaorsd many Bristol, New Brltoto, Blomnflsld, ■ Clsvaland’a chances of repeating weeks of the National League bat­ qpd cart bills, both in tbe case of dale, ca lif., alleges that he waa atbistie teams In aU branchsa of tops In tripisa with 33 whUa DU- eontratod on tbs rmrongo hs ptaM as world cnomnschamps •are even more eounty Jail Inmatea, and In the | Hartford stations aald today it San Saba, Texas, $247. el. WlU be admitted to the schooL S tea k s Applicatlaa. of Wfyaa R. Hartford, Manchsstsr, Wtaatod, ting title race with Enos Slaughter Selectmen and town clerk were not paid aeeordtog to contract on sports during the past seTsral Hager Increased hto stMon Reven*el«U«n than Detroit’s. The 'Trito^ dart of county ebargea. would take several daya to go Into B e e f Staw Fowl. . . Fryars . . . Rrollan I Wright for Oxtanaioa o f p on sil- Windsor Locks, Thompironvllls and toed to 17. “.siisiss.’Rsyanga | ss.'sss’.'. ^ ^ games, plays only 14 and Stan Musial of SL Louis clos­ the matter completely. "It’s a in aesaion at the town cleric’s of­ certain patents and invantiona ha aton .to Oonduct patotlhg Buotoato years. Last year the Mato atrsst ing fast. 'O th er Itema in tba budget are| sporting goods stors sponsored Hasardvtlto. . AUle Reynolds cf New York re­ for to. on& knockout 17— & • h- .;;^ .: The Yonks ■ l , 112fi0 for redemption of debt pretty large subject to go into.” Entering SchoolSi,^ fice Saturday to make voters. 17 claims to have originated while | on Middla Turnpike East (R ^ Tho stock racers will run throe Robinson’s .347 is hardly safe PERSONNA wars given tha oath of office. here between 1343 and 1347. PINEHURST PET FOODS baskstball teams tn ths Rsc Junior gained psroentoge pItcMng honors hto record of nearly ♦*> *****■• ^ ., Llay 18 of 19 at tos Yankee Stadl- with Slaughter batting .839 and S w h lch $128,483.60 went out test declared one station executive. of No. 303 New Bolton Rood) Tto- and totsmoffiate Leaguea and al­ qualifying heats, two ssmi-flnal with s 18-4 r e c ^ fo r 800, but It matters i»M to Sn^id tos Red Sox nine of 13 jtear: $30,208.80 for Interest One Item complicating tha lasua Hiaaa are John H. Smith, Kate Q. TasUmony waa heard on a mo-| If your dog Ukas Pard. and you think it fai a bothor to ral aoM, aad to bavo diractlaaal events and a 38 lap fostiiro race. Muslal boosting his average an­ Arc Given Party Smith, Winiam H. Bromley, Al­ tlon tqr the defandanta to atrika so a first class Independent team Boston’s Mel ParnsU had tho most hs’U be tos underdog #8^ 5®*L» rmway Park where they have other five points to .331. It's a dgainat 183,104.80 test year; $30,- is that atotiom are now arrang­ buy a coupla of caaa at,a time buy a caao today . . . aava sign at Junction ol N«w Bolton to saml-pro competition. AH play­ Tho combination shew- will begin wins, 33, aad tho most compista In .ffns fettto for a Sght, taring S in g le o r ing their fall network achadulea bert LeShana, David Applaatelp, tha caoa from the Jury docket ba- R ^ aad Middle Turapika East, at 3:30 pjn. three-way fight to toe wire. IpO for auxiliary agenciaa this moBoy and have tho dog food on hand when yop nood It ers from last yaaria Guards and games, M. tad tores recent tosto ttat h w NaUonal the slugging of A a r and $37,300 teat year, a baad- and are not aura o f the time Isft Oaye Alexander, daughter of Flatcfaar Ward, Loti ' Turshan, causa both equitable relief ai\d [Rasldaaca AA aaoa. Tho Dodger sparkplug lost a Double Edff# BLADES Naasiff teams are Invltsd to try­ VirgU Trucks of Detroit hoostsd hslpsd wMp him toto ^ ^no. Slaughter point during t^e post week, ac­ Slg which Ineludaa farm bureau, for them to set their own pro Mra. Marjorie Alexander o f 643 Robert K. Links, EUina Berk, Wal- monetary damagas are sought. A case of 48 cana for $5.89 ($1.50 a doaea). Wo pall froian ApyUcatton of Jamaa Kelly tor out for ths Eastern League sn ^ . Ottloars Hesisetod grams. H onm Meat. . . aB kinds of dry dog food, induding 25 Ms strlksout tally to 141. ~ .pe o f hto etrssr. ***” • and tos efficient rollsf work of cording to averages lnclu(Ung Sun­ iMaat file coate and bar library Hartford road, and her elassmate, I axtanalon o f permlaohMi to ,.aall Praeties wUl start toidght at 6 Ths loedsra: Iks ago George avenged )iavs given tos Cards day's games, daughter allpppsd ananaa; 330,138 county offlciala' Meanwhile, Democratie State Priacllla Treat, daughter of Mr. and 50 lb. bags of Gaints. A special frozen dog Ham­ tropical fish aad to hava atjpi for o’aleek at ths armory, New Haven, Sept 18—(V)—All other toss In wMpplng SnulprI ^ earns edge over toe.Dodgsrs. offloera wen rsslsetod and appH* G AB R H Pet a bit but Muslal, with 10 Mta In 23 ■niarlaa this year and $38430 last Chairman John M. Bailey disclos­ and Mra. CTiarles V. Treat, were burg at 2 lb#. 49c dffers the Iddneya boef and hearts a ■ame at 33 Sunaat Btraoti Rasl- AU hema games wUl be played WllUaiM, Smith hers. Now he plans tot has been bumped in Ms I tbres county eoaunla- ed he had made a aimiter "free and cations tor two francbtoca wars at bate booated hto mark from A36 2 FOR 1 SALE e t which tho honored with a aurprise party I dance B aoaa. at tbs armory. The atone for ttat two-year-old loss to outings but too SL Louis aateiy and mlteaga comes I equal time” request when tha'lnta dog ae^ s in hla diet. tabled boro tost n l^ t st ths flrat Boston 'IfO 817 186 183 .383 Jngs t to .331. It wasq’t long ago that Saturday evening at the home of VACANT ' .a Ap$>Ucatioa o f lauironqa Eddy Lsogus sehsdufs starts Thanksglv Kail, Detroit 138 BOT 94 173 .889 Aoavado. ^ staff raquirsd Ms strong right arm Stan waa struggling to. gat hto to $U 400; $18430 for office IGovanior McCbnaughy was doing Mr. and Mra. Treat, 1038 Middla tor ITis Naasiff flva plana to tell mosttog of the Bastsrn Ba Juit Kff dRtRrsntnffd It thR Cu* BALL, nWAL « [ far permlarioa to and garage boms. katbsll Rasisetsd wsra: Diningsr, In four of Its last nine games. noao abova .800. 2 BOXES paaaa agalnat $14,700 teat . year; I hie aarlaa of radio talks. turnpike, west. 58 CRESTWOOD DRIVE— MANCHESTER 0 ^ aariy to Novambar at bon Laigaa. B t Louis .133 438 81 114 A lt ten . who pluiR to r«pRRt, but in The Cards. Uks aU 18 major There to a big drop from Mu Buy one bo* »t 50e— i qM fbead chargaa aoeb aa ratlre- ~Hiia request, Bailey said, waa Tiventy-four cteaamates of the wbicb win be cloaar to eaat side Louis O. Black c f New Haven, GLASS JARS [Una than regulatlona alia# at 30 DlMagglo, quicker time toon toe nine rounds laagus toama had an open date slal’a third ptaca a v e r ^ to. WU- ether 50e bos Bt b o oxtiB eoit iBMt fund and Inauranca $$4,618.- declined, although aoma stations girls in the eighth grade at tha Enatty plaa raeraatlOBi tar* prosidsnt; Hsrky Rubsnstsln of yesterday, but tosy*rs looking lord Marahall of New York, fourth this year and $88,840 last year.' lace. Hot wator haat, oU. atorm Daapwrod Drive, RaaUenea A West Ravon, vies prosidsnt; WU Boston . . .180 844 118 171 .1 14 It took too first tons. did give Democrats oeeaalonal Nathan Hate school In tha class taatlaa Mtoda, LoMi Ntghi*B Fighu Two otoor rsmatehss stud tks ahead to toe Mg thrss-gams ssrirs at .810. A fter that they aro bunch' BETTER BUY PLENTY tergaat Item u f axpenaa la time on tha air for rapUae. o f 1343 attended tha party and Gatago, amoalto driV(ivaway, plehst 1st. Near jtaaa. Uam A (BUI) Garrett of Bristol, MltchsU, SHURFINE COFFEE U, 48c aocratary; and Otto McCann of aovalaad .133 863 69 176 813 undsrosrd. Ons to a fourth bat­ s* Sportsman’s Park with iscond- ad. iHtod nnder tha Hartford County presented the honor guests with atofss oehoola. PrlcM far sals. Caa AppUCbtion at' Roland VaUlgat tle involving Itobby Polowltxsr placa Brooklyn Bspt. 81-23. Those Bobby Thomaon. of New York VALUE figuraa at $644401 aaytaw. I axteasioa of pontitsaioa to uoa toy Tht Afifiocifitfid Pr«M Milford, traoBurer. kllchaeto. mam» wbtth Nat OoUegiaaa corsagea and corapnete. tor ..187 804 68 184 .306 and Young Junior at Spilngflsld, games probably will dsetds ths holda itfto at .807, a point ahead of M73,74l last year. Of i Gaya la to attend the MacDuffie Quonaat Hut for temporary living Now Haven, 08im .-B sn ito Rey- Prsnehtos appUcattona tobtod CBIcsge other aiagla 3 faarily storea far Pesky, whom Bobby beat talcs before pennant race. Ctneinnatl’a Ted KlusBewtM’a .306. I state ward costs are aat at Los Angalaa—(ff)—UCLA is rap* achool, Springfield, Maas., and iquartequartera at SOI HUIaHi Strort. nsto. 134H. Faifflold, outpotatod until tbo next masting Bsptombof Ralph Klnsr. who hit four 88. were fUad by Danbuiy and An- Boston .. .i U 844 W 166 .308 tbsy BtagSd a ton-round draw Todight’s esriSB opener with the raaantod tn many o f tha nation’s PrtecUla the Mary Burnham IRamda A Tommy Giorgio, its. Bebsnsetodgr. They toagls tn ths ssral-flaai of New York Oianto to the first of 13 homers In tos toesk among hto I An paradnu totatoatad m ay' at- sonIa tatorests. Danbury was a Dosrr. leading tennis tournaments by two ■riiool in Northampton, Maas. ’ N. Y. 10. ^ .139 806 87 184 .308 sight rotrads. The otoor repeat stridght horns dates for ths Red aeven Mta. now haa 46 for tot a nnttoipntod county atudenta who rank among tha Square dancing waa enjoyed >4/^^ BRDCERYs toad tUf haartogl , Y WMt Springfield. Msss.— Tom< msmbsr of tbs teagua last sssi Boston .. yaar. Ha to asventh In batting at Birds. After that they finish up I te about I$100,000 i 66.0“ GEO. L. GRAZIADIO, Reqlfor but withdrew shenly betoro’ tbs Warts. bount to the Leon Brown-Loon oountry’s top tan. Barb Flam, outdoors by tha boya and girts and Zsatof-10074 of Appeals, my Jossup, 143. B p ria g D ^ rtri' .141 864 80 167 .8 0 1 Qabriol rtx*roundsr, with tos tat­ with five at CMeago aad Pitts­ .806. Rounding out tha 'top ton latlartyoarwhai raakad ninth among man, an< i rafraahmanta war# aarvA la the gatsto laa •Aaalta BrMartiB «. p ^ ^ Save Aaorewe, 148, ttow* plsyofte. Detroit .. Mttara an Carl Fnrillo of Brook Blsvan. ter sssking rsvsnga. burgh. _ t#totida($fi3r, Bavarly Baker, fifth raakteig wa* dlBlB$ room o f tha Treat home, 13b ; BTBBET TBLEPnONB 837B • 3 u / MAiN ‘,I • Ql Al. '.(•>! Brooklyn has to win this flag lyn, .808: Whltsy Locltman of New r Iha ertmty Nswarb. N J. -Vern XltebslI- Bt. Louis .134 417 71 134 337 Ths Show will bs h*ld rata at York. .801: and Red Schoendlenst j man. both are atudenta at tha which was decorated with rad, Jamaa M. *^ ea itoi—Tommy ColUna, 1$7>« shins, to bs moved indoors it nec on too.road. If its going to do fhs achool hare. white and blua. . BOSitqii, JtDoel(ad out Bobby Eng- lEddle Ounsron fight pmtponsd to Ewrs, >lob. Burt ShettQB'a Dedssrs. ua- o f B t LtmU. .293. UshTlMH. Fan Blvsr, 4. I Monday, rsto. Detroit 413 314 61 114 .837 ,4sosi:y. -y 0 > . f '' ' ' r ■ t I I A N d im t EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. 1949 ■ite Non-CkthoBe (who waa thtak- Tsi ayanaldi tag atrteualy of Urn Church te MANCmSTSK EVENING H E R >^. MAN^RBITEIt. C»NNn tUtalDAY. ^lEPl EMMim 11, 1*41 BY niNTAINB FU& eenvart)—Did becoming a Catho­ the apptedef th sM I iilW HtM b ILLik Sense and Nonsense lic atop your MnntagT mera nwBqj. ffk ir Convert—Ne, but it eempUcated a ateryi u HMMiAfnr tSlB 71 e w a n d h b l l T don't thtak that woman ought SI 41 ■SaMp WlfbasH Bnsrd I , V H B S ^ United BUtee pooKrymea ore It eoaeiderably. 17m crabbed hm » AlNot olMoi »•» Sflo 4 breeding Mggcr chickena with te set down at table with men. It lag about hta wifFP 9GHcH1n5ir53C" YOTOSU ^ • u m B s T " T ^ O . reoaia" for OAKLAND P-reom Mngla l«^TM «TQart»n<>iLLe T o w n P u m p S y m p h o n y OacH esTitA ruins conversation and I'm aura 1 < IMT Aora nootma OHUrcltAt. CAJtPKNTftT. Utata- ism cH ioM ' 4 up aad 4 dB*n. Vary easily Bse white meat What we wont "sanda for mdaer: ‘ - ttaaa. additidtw and oav eaaMrva -aaaaaaarlaa. UaHaiy'a . BKlSTtl* ODMf. Ugbl. badaakaapbig, 8 mlautaa to tee ta a chicken from wklcb It’a very had for them. It , puts Biil—You loo* aU out of aorta. Sympath^eFriaad-SVkM QM 1-door wdaa, elaaa. • now tiraa, I* Sunaat atraat Phoe« BRBAKS UP HOUMKBP iHo fraB Mata a t r ^ Nlrata fOBUy. eonverted lata two-family, also idtaa In their beada, and women What's the matterT tton. Donnara. porebaa pM m - ideal foe tourist homa as It is everyone In tha famUy can have a she do with all the mMidyt "MV kattary. PrtaaU ownar. ragaa at raaanakWa prtoN Worfe Opaa’tU*. 8 Rooma of faraltun wad aoU to can .at 188 B M dga atraat aoe- drunuUck. era never at aaaa with thamaetvea Jack—Ptanty. On aecoimt of my JkoM RockvU^ S baiaraan t B m w ' - > adjassnt to ths nsw highway. Cntabad Husband — MM Si l i t Maaliip niaraataad. ITiao .aBt^t S-UNS. Mr. and M n.------aa May Iftk. —Oshawa TUnaa-Oaxette. when they have Idas*” rheumatism the doctor told me to do anything with R. I nevtr gtv* a. ■a.'to I p. a*.______OURMAN SlMpliard poUca) pua. Uafortimataly. thU young oeuidp J. Orockstt Broksr. Phooe 841A 'c A * W. Someraet Uaughan. avoid all datnpnaaa and you’ve oiatao. R. M. Alawpndar. Tit. H montha oM. Morrla SO a^ her any . trtd. 8 hara boaa eenpaSad to gtoa u* o ' * Then thcra waa the Swee Young I no Idea how aiUy 1 foal aUttag in Itid ddeVROUrr. rapalat, BOV ■tabi. TiL 8SN their furniture. A faw.daya agA tINOLE Rooaa heateR $7 week. HOUSE rOR sole on Lakeriew Net In the Cnide! an empty bathtub atMl going over vtlaao. aaw 'Jatck. two aav CARPCNTBR Wort of aO Ulid*. thia fumitun waa rataraad to na On Una Phone 8PP0. Terraca South Cores try. Near Thing who waa being tatttated It la from force cf haMt that tho Coventry Lagb- Lake. pririlegea Into the mysteriea of golf by her I When the bridge club has iU meet-1 myself with a vacuum ctoanar. tparaa. 4 k» 1 raeappad Oanarala. oaBtractora AttMa ■*> pad although it haa baaa>BBd a tag. umpire always duets off tkS pisto UN. can SldO aftar • p. b . MMd. eaoinat arprk. *ltatattw PM Hry sad Sb *rII*s 4S abort Uaia, It hwka IBu aaw add LARGE Pleasant Meeplng room Many reeldente of oammunity hoy friend. "Any now toU am,” ta a reataurant. for builnaaB peraoa er couple. ■he said eeyly. "whleh club do 1 | Never do they act Uke clanu. OarHa* * Oaa«a. 8 and 1* W ^ aaw. 0*0 faaai U fully guarantoad. ' ,» work at Aircraft fin e. for ch)I- And the toember who la absent CLEAN LOW MILEAGE floar OwdRSg. M Oak. YOtmO Froahly Ullod a m RjSldaktHI eectlpn. on bus lina drea. Near new eebooL Pofir UM to oaake a bole-ln-Onaf” (Tho New Yorker) Making love ta like makiim f U . daO road. Pboaa »-01** ar t-Md*. Claanly picked. 18 to 18 Ika.. Me Y ctadad U a "PbUoa" BUetrte Ra- naak Avery. Phone WUBnwntic ■he aaked her Mother: tU such Ubm aa he can join bar. I A dog ta loved t>08 T—BlMk in4 '^lU Oottt l»4d RLYMOmM 8TOAN ^ BRICK. Stoaa. COMS’ wSrtL Pbaa frtgarator, aad a *MangaT oouh By old and young; Cbatraet or koarty Sinrk ^4 .iOOMB FOR RENT. OaU 8874. 15S8-J8. or write to owiwr.Wil- Little Girl—Do cate go te Unfortunately, -ha took the mall- pmpy. A ta m m to th« m im of l*4t PtiTMOtJTH 8 i»A N biaatUn range. llam Knecht South etreet ijtCh- Imx key aleiig. ITto huaband be- He waga hta tall ChiM** pot. Call n o t. Ro- 1*41 PONTIAC COirp* 1801. thlBdUrnltura U ahown by appoMt- Haavon, Mother dear? And not hta tengu4 i W s t # 1 WANTUlV-tMwa. calaoa aad baaf Sel4 Conn. Mother—Well, dear, since ani­ ■•Mbed bar, I9 phona, to return It, IM* PONTIAC 8HDAN AkTBItATlONS and additloiia, oattla. aiaa boraaa. Wo pay tRo maat only and'aan ba aaan to tha TWO Fumtahed roome for rent In end she has. The envelope contain­ aaaahig. If nielaaary. 'nUda Bart- 8 AND 8 Duplex. Large pleasant mals do not havo aeuta they can Pmfesrar- What ta the out­ All Cam Oaarantaad 4qmplaU altckaa ratnoddHag. Oa« BALLARira Drmhqi IBdbaH. tgbe top dbliar. PUB Bna 884 UM- Talcottrille. Steam heat aad re- hardly ba expected to go to ing it ta right there in the mailbox iO K t BROWN and «rtUU Skop- a fbed 8-08N Aak for Mr. Albatt. frt|Ar*tor.. Private kitchen. CaU tooasa two-car garaga good lo­ now, a.nd the husband can ase It standing contribution that chemis­ ka«« ColU*. Raa Wait Hartford ragao with giiaraataad adraataga of aqr ORpofl wiB BtiaOt cation. H. R Grady.' 8004 Heaven. doora. Burton A. Rica. raputatlon. AJtJL ALBERTS 8-3S8E Little Girl—Then Where do the any time he Ukes by stooping vtry try has given to the world? lUarard. CkU S-A oi_____ Baay Ttrma. Ukaral Tradot Student— Blondes. t&N 48 ASyn SL, Hartford MOVE RIGHT in. Better' 'built •ageta get etrtage for their barpeT close to ths slot and peering in. COLE MOTORS—4164 ArtWIt* Nr M * 41 Main Stora; W ataibun Opan daily to 840 BssrHns WsnM ftA four-rqpm homa origtnalty model 1-ANk I.MINAKD BON AIR Poat. UKcalleat aaQ aan- homq for this better typa com­ H o fe ! 1*41 PLmOUTH taro-door. IMl ilerlBhb—Nereerlse 11 Tbon. avantnga *til P P. H. munity garaga hot water l)eat. MlCKKk FINN t S S u a i luakiaat aapartly ra- Chavrolat coovartlbla, 1*8* OMa- ditlonar. Rayaoend D. Mahonay. PIRST-CLAJS laadacaptag arortt. MasiaBl— DrBMBtle St 7* Walnut atraat, Maachaatar. COOLBRATOR aad G. B Iron BOARD AND Room for lady In oil burner, ecrecna and storm pofM or adJuaiM lUaaonaol* mdbtla aadan. 1N7 PonUae aadan. private boma TaL 8-P184 fktaa Work K^-araatoad^ «Ta«i Maklar tMW lanna and plantlag PIa Ho TOHin c , raMlN lafee- 8818. goor modal. Johaaaa t H. P. out* wtadowa nicely landscaped. OaU Claan cam. pficad rlytit Ouar- boar«h motor. All vary raaanaaWe 8000. H. B. Grady, Ageat t|^t. or aaaiunda »HM1k___ antaad. Cola Ifotora. 41*4. traaa. fumtaB labor and aMtar- lealag. at Jaka abekarbaaB. [mmuoLmsmem] lala. Ufatliaa aapaHanoo. Largo Mgdaw raoL Phana 8SIS. Can 8018. ApsriBNNitS, FIstR o ftfu b o O.R . . .jd a i hood. Raa- aa*ortmaat of bhio apraaa aad REBUILT Shallew wan aratar ONE ACRE USTNALFOF AMMTmVOFHOfrHMCN 1*41 CHCvAOLpr LaUna club MUST s u m bet air tUmaao P* •s Baat offar takar it Call eoupa, radio, haatar. Vary good aaargtaaa traaa, 80e aad up Can pump. Can 8084. IMIianM MiaMClKTPtgFT/ 8-80*1 bdtvaon »-8 aaaamga. Opaa O pfnr t nwHlaa SS and P* pipaa and albowa. Alao on Just the lovely buildinf site conditipn. raaaonabla. Call 1-HOl rOR SALE—Folding baby, ear- bamar with eontrole for eteam. RENT SEBKER8-W a ara again M0 WTH aftar 8:00. all day Sunday, 87* Bunialda aa^ fbr a ttmlted Ubm only accepting on a side hill plot .vou have PRbSPCCr ^ IIX tchool. far nua, Caat Hartford. ATPRACnvU Oaa aUtiona, ga- rlaga. Good eoUditiM. 810. PhOM Phoae S-181*. ihfTHMT ckUdtaa. raopana Monday, 8-P7N______uwlleatiooe to Sad you a rant been looking for. A few miles ragaa.' grooary and ganaral ataraa. wa do our utmost to place you leADiW IS, IM*. Moeday tkrough cablna raatanraata, ota., aoaaral w a n t e d —BRIC-A-BRAC, fund- from town. Property -pTloed. »:00-ll:45. Lata Tybor. 1948 FORD JEEP WINDOWS, Shuttara, n a aonabla tttio. aatlquee Old MUI Tradlag la a dtalraMa rant as soon aa poa- BARE I f vUb thrlag quartan, tarma. fiNMFirS r. 41*7, _____ WaUaa Aganey, Ooroatrt. Tat Alao SO-galloa hot vatm PMt 17 MapU etraet Phoae Mbla hirastlgate ou. atrvice ARTHUR A- KNOFLA • aad gaa aMa arm haatar. VtOW. * Rantal Sarvlce Bureau. 841 Mata lUWMtt Equipped with 4 wheal WK SPBcaAUZB la raoSag aad WilttaanHc «1 8 J »-1 T 0 ^ . R esltor •‘iloW r ’cAN STAND." aayi aMlpg. Hifbaat quality aaatarlala. 8-181*. atreat Manohaeter. Phona Man- PU16MA eUaat arhan bar Spaacar Bptaal PARM PRBCZBR, M eu. f t . % chaater 8-4378 days Also open 876 Main Str*et drive. Full aide curtains and vorfemaaaip guaraatood. A ROYAU Corona portable. Smith FMCN Support araa dallvarad. I foal aa tMoo. lae.. m Aatutaa atr 35 too large for owner, ida- Thursday evenings 7-P p. at If I mally ham a back. W h ^ a Corona eteadard typewritera aad I. Phone WHUnuntte 1011' Phone 5440 Or 6968 HITTER. top. Excallent mechanical con­ Tot 4*80. Jw t iS n la to halp paopla Bke WANTED- QItI far gaaoral odlce adding machlnaa. tfaad machlii J-8. *-i* hgt. Do jou liswo ym ik trcuOloT if work. Mnat bo .uat aad aoeunte •old or rented. Repatra ea an , B bsIh i s fiSratIww Estsblished 1921 -I 5 -A © M call Uabal H. Broam. Rag- dition. makaa. Mai1ew*a. REFRIGERATOR In good run­ Far ftsat t i • M r ^ ISA typlet QaU.Sin to arraiigo fOr ning order, 360. Owner leaving Home Listings Wnntsd S o R igh t BY KtlUAM M AiniM ipakrtr Ooraatlar. Til. 3-1T7P. lntarrl4w. A-I BLACK Loam, 4 yards 818. BOOTS AND HER BUDDIER QUTTURS Rapatrad, ohlBnaya ra- town. Also canniag Jars 40e CEIFTRALLY Loeatad otflca, BY HBRSBBERGBR BUGS BUNNY Qimrry arnl- atone, I yards 880. dosan. OaU 7886. m oa availabla Immadiataly. HOLUSTBR STREET. 8 itXNSS f u n n y BU8INKSS tkO.QU8AM4l NO*. NOO ECR TO TWMM 03 kWUX. NCHR TbOWIfc OP SOCO, BALCT-PONTIAC, Inc. palrou and cloanad- raoCa buUtaad ALERT, WoQ groomad eronun Duaii JuffT rr-i oon^ a t AltoBMibllw f m Ssl* 4 1 Fist Paid stons 4 yards 814 BItbar single loonw or aultaa completed. Wvatory., Ule bath, > 0 0 1 % DOHiT U« 4 , .4*'*dK> bdiSER PQ7lk«0 6 i rOjpairad. Phono 8SN wttb car atn mtjty tanmadlata at- Sreplaee, hot water oQ heat wmethiiTV-. miOW WH-WHETHEK .. MWHI. XSE MW Cfsto I ll Center St.—2^546 tracUre aartUnga !n tbla dIgnISad Alao Bolton building atone aita KITCHEN SET, bookcaaaa aWe- Robqrt J. Saalth. Inc., *68 Mata NO«OCH YP4M. 1 0 6 S lfC I A L S FOR THE WEEK PUAnjRlHa Ohlaraat^ r^ t Sagstons Bolton Netch Quarry. 'trie stove, oil stova chain aad storm wtodowa and sctaeim, com­ [WRONa WITH VER TH' CrCtUEE— OK •DME* W 0 6 TVR finWPl QUO caradr In Sna allvat ea nbayal rockara washiag machine. Old bination doors, laundry la base­ CLUEdf aad axpart rtpalm aa - arall* aa paihwitpga plan. No dattTory, oal- Phone 8^ 11. Stanley Patnods YWl . QUHRTflP 1888 KrUDBBAIOBR 4-DR. SB- 1*40 LA S A IX ^ faup-doar aadu. guttar aad ooSouetor work. Try R ^ tin Bam. 708 North M ‘CONNECTINO rooms on ment 8 yean ol4 near eehooL Modal 88. Uquippod with radio, lactlag or Canraaaiiig. Ago 8o • BON-AIR PEAT. |8 per yard at ■eoonq Soor in bualnsae section. Priced for quick eala.- Oiarlee BAN-HRadlo aad haatar. Ovor- your -L o eal RoofOr.” CaO Ooo|h 48, Nationally adverUaad.. Oom- atraat. Is buying aad aaStag aq- drtaa. Jot hjack. Oodd condlttan. haatar, akp oorara and ana vUor. tin TTtfl. bog, 50c beg at bog. Saturdays tlquca and used furaltura. Come Snitoble for bMuty ealon, tailor L/Eeperence. TcL 8830. ' Nav tiraa. in axcallant condlUoa. pjete tffpUng at our aapanae. only. Ttiis la ar Ideal Hass to uae in and iMk around.' ChU 3-8874 shop,' dreaamaklng establlanment 1*N FORD STATION WAOOK— Write giving;fun detalla of your NIca marooa Snlah. Haatar aad Balch Pontiac, Inc., 188 Cantar ROOrtNO > SpoclalSklag la n - Bon Air Peat for lawns potted •r profesaiooal otflcea Apply Ed­ McKEB STREET--8-room ptngla difreaur. Bxcalirnt condition. •traot Manchaator. palrtng raota ot ail klnda, aMo paroonal bMkground and phone plants and mulch for treee and THOR Automagic diah washing ward J HoU, tOOP Main street 7 years ohL Pireplaee, hot water 1*47 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. 8BDAN. new roofa. Gutter work. Cblaa- number to Grace Crevey, ‘ 1080 shrubs. Bon-Atr Peat Co, lailnx- unit never ue^ 368; one Ken- Phone 8117 or 5114 heat oil furnace, ganuT*. ameelte rarmlngtoB atreet Waat Hart­ BMve washing machine, used but drive, wen shrubbed 1^ Inunedi- —Radta and bcatar. NIca dark Motarcydas WcycMs 11 naya elaaoad aad repalrad. M ford, Oonneetlcxri. ton, conn. Contact Raymond D. gray Snlah. Low mnaaga. yaan’ asparUnca. Fraa aoUmataa Mahoney, 78 Walnut etreet Man- not ahuawl. 336. Phene 8-0T81. * ate ooeupaney. Prioed for stack Heoacp for Rent 65 sale. Howard R Haatlnga mal ilia PLYMOUTH 4-DR. 8BDAN can HowUy. Maachaatar 8881. cheater. MODERN Roper gaa range, AU -r-RidU> and haatar. Motor erar- BOY’S BICYCLE good ooaditkB. r e l ia b l e Young U’omaa for Eatats Spsciallat, Odd Fellowa PIN WALE Corduroys $1.30 a white. 8 top .umera 8 gae ovens SEVEN-ROOM fumiahed home, Bldg. TsL 8-1107. hanlad. Good tiraa prico $1* Phono 8814. heuaework. Phone S-1S44. large gronnda on bus line. Auto­ IN f IXMXIC 4-DR. SUDAN— HcdUng—PiBBibInt 17 yard. Children’s all wool aklrt with thermostats, deep broiler. Like new eondiUon. 4174 Moving matic beat vSilly equipped, 8135 Miaa tdaek Snlah. Radio and WANTED—A profcMianal type leagtha. 75c - 31.10 sach. Wool­ BY V. T. BAMI-m OfTarad 18 PLUMBINe. boating. Rapaln on out of etate. See at 7 Harvard per month. Phone 8-0187. LoU fo r 8 b I* 72 Spectacular W i^ ^ . woaun who wants to earn en pieces for baby costa 31.PB • IN' IP I FdRIT a l l e y INIP , 1*87 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SUDAN old ..and new ayatema. oil burnar, money. Write Bon H, Herald. 38.50. Colonial Remnant Shoppe, road. wstu IF t p w r Ti^ —Nloa daan fraMi paint Oood VBNVriAN BLINDS. All typaa wafer pump aerrica. Prompt it- no Center atree* VERNON STREET: CtettMl lot lA U . VdlBWE Z CAN WHERE r CAN EBI ITS A , _ CRIB AND Mattreea BxoeUent Wanted to Rent 68 888 X 400. City water. OMm out IT—r CANT 3H4IT iKNPiS / r THINIA , tliaa. mada ta'ordar. akw racoocSttao- tentloa. John H. CailaoB. Tat w a it r e s s Wa n t e d . Miist have M-HIT rr, t CAN'T Uig. Baat qu^ty. nadall Maao- 78S8. some experience. Apply in person. eonditlon. Universal vacuum WANTED—One or two unfurnish­ and see It My alga la thare. N ir- elaaimr. peaw able. Phone 4S33. Qp«a Mon. and Thuia. Uvantnsa. foctuTtng Oo, 4it MMdM Tum- Silk City DInkr. 441 lUt» atnwt. Busts and Acrcanorks -46 ed rpoms by lady alone. Write’ Madeline Saslth, Realtor-. >4848 . I T - ^ . W . ' A •• OVER. plka Baat Can 4SN STEAM. Hdt wakhr bad b4t air Box R, Hertad. or 4878. . * : BRO*WN-BEAUPRE, Inc. baaung. Van cam p Broa Phono AVON Territorioe open Ip Rock­ MARTIN Outboard motor. Model TOUR Overcoat rnothproofed for s o f t e s t Phono T ltl RBUPHOLSTER Now. Prtcas at U44v ville, Tolland. Vernon, Bolton and 80. 3N ; car top boat. 350, at 14 5 years for only 88c. Berlou FOUR OR F|vc room house for 4 LARGE Cornar lot 75 a iT^.Sfust bottom. Matarial la at Ita Manchester.' For 4ariy appoint­ Muaro Street. Mothspray guarantees to repair adulta f4o children. OaU Maa- be sold at once. Ownerfa loaa ip Mlai* klRCU RY. Radio and heat- beat yalaa'artth large rarlaty to BFFICIBNT PtirtBblag end boat- ment, write Mrs. Dorothy Buck- or replace your coat if damaged oheriar 8-'*S8l ahytlma your gain. T. J. CMkeU, ,Erok'- OB ataarlag vhaol, undar- chooaa from. Framaa, ragardlaae mg. Phiggad drama maobiaa MkRCURt. Champion. Flambm. by moths within 8 ysara Wat er. Phoae 5414 .. floNkm aa ^ aaat maa. to Highland Terrace, Ifld- Chris Craft motors Lyman. of oonditloa, made hka now. cleaned, carl I. Nygren. Phone dletow*. Cenn. Mas Brotheira lac. RESl^hsilBLE of four bc------groan, fonr-door SOfaa cut to loro aaata. Can 7887 04*7. Dumpily. Penn Tan oeata. Sales, Ing eriCted Urgaatly heed 8 or KOK SAI-B t r exekang*. JMBdir.* SaBaa. Pilrata ownar Ihqnira 44 tervlea trade, term*. Small boat 10 X 13 HEAVY, Sne rug. tee lote at the Green. Wm. Kanrhi. for eoBpleU aatlafartlon. PLUMBING. Rbatinr, eatHnaUa WOMAN Wanted to help with, 8 room rent Refereneea OaU Ptaa atraot hoiisework. ene or two days a| hardware. Robert MeIntoak 38 small for our new home. Oood 7344 Builder, 518 Center etraet Phone RADK> — BUetrioa) Appliance gladly fumtahed. BxceUent work Harvard Road. * buy. Also -vawnmm cleaner. 88 7774 aad modarate pricea. Poggie * waek. CqU 8785. I Strickland street USED CARS SpreM . empire. piriied up and W ANTED—S o r more room a un our bodmorsng numbtr— whon th* wind blows it off. dathrarad promptly ‘ 80 yaam' Paterman. Call Manebaatar 8488 MONBY! Wa guarantee you $50 furnished for working couple. * ^ 8 SS4g BUXCK SEDAN or RockvUla 8183. DInmnnda—Wntrhpn— Rcwirl Property for 8aW 7t it comps btek!'* aaperiaaoa. John Maloeay Pbeae foe eelUng lOOMmxeeboxes 81 for |i Marhiitefy amt foahr 57 Teleplione 8-0118 or 8-0874 1S4SBUICK CONV. COUPE 8-1048. i Walaot atraat Xmas cards. Aim 50 and 85 for jew dry 4M p l u m b in g and heating. « ^ k l - ANDOVER and Coventry. Lake. 81DB GLANCES BY GALRRAITB BY DICE TURNER BY MERRILL C 3PU FORD TUDOR |1 with name on. Napkins aad WARDS HEAVY duty motors! ACCOUNTANT and wife in need CARNIVAL FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Okay With Nutty OLANDBR’S'MachlM S b ^ Re- tzlng in repaira. mrnodaimg. oop- LEONARD W TOST. lewiltr Re- of unfumiahed spartnMnt or rent Several good buys In waterfront :S*d7 BUICK SEDAHETTE per water piping, new tonetaue- stationery, Coete rotbing to try. Speed up thu Job. Save time and and other cottages. WoBan Agen­ ^ - - — te ' V u ■ ■ ' ■ ' ___B so««- J jja jf 1 pair — production — weldiag. Samples on approral. Welcoine, pali* and adJ'isU eratchca exMit- Call 8-8804' ''H o MST, NUTTV.^ f'lfeuln* , FlMAHONG TtoH^AASkS BNkeOW — YiATP I SS4S BUICK SEDAN Steal tor tala Open from 8 am . Uon. eetlmatee given, time pay- ly at reasonable pricea Opan money with wards repulahm-in- cy. Coventry. Tel. WUUmantle WMOcy/ Juammem.aum, ISA UTTlfi.OOrOPOUR 1 menta arranged. Edward Joha- 388 nans Stre^ Dept. 18, New-' duction motors! For farm and 818J3-170IW4. IMS.BCMS/ lt*8 CHRYSLER SEDAN to f p. m 88 Mill atreat Tbl. ark 8. N. J. ' Thuradinr eveninga 13* Spruce E44I0. •on. Phone M78 or 7)188. Industrial use. Meet aU N.EM.A. FsfBis sn6 Itand far Sal* 71 0 ^G O M A Mr HOW ABOUT (Ssas-' t»4C PONTIAC COACH street. Phons 3-4387. requirements. AC single phase 1-8 fORA RSUIC- COUATYRN. 1S88 STUDEBAKER SEDAN HEATING Boiler and nearly m HQUSinVIVES—Do you want a COVENTRY (North end) 14 acre SoborlMn for 8 s lt 76 ir su jc.' U N O L S U M A aphalt tiU. wan bustaese pf your own? SeU dreseea to 3-4 HP from 324.23 to 841.00. cotiLO ee Mpciogs' 1*41 BUICK SEDAN covering. Done by reliable, well- oH burner eontrole, 8100. Pho Fuel and Feed 49A Montgomery Ward. Mata straet fans, brook, tar road, 7 room y CMtJ f^m your own borne. Your own houM,' improvemente, 87,100, ANDOVER CENTER —S-family lt*L BUICK COUPE Uainod men. All ioba guaranteed. 800*. iW n . dweUIng for investment er home, Hall I^olenm Co., 88 Oak atreat dress frsa For partlculsra write SEASONED Hardwood for atorc, terms'. Wallss Agency. Coventry. 1*^ PACKARD s e d a n t o - Box 84 Somsrt, Conn. 8 rooms to each fiat very at­ Phona 3-4088, ayentiiga 8188. furnace and Sfaptkce. Maacbee- AN EXCELLENT buy, uswl OUver TeL WmimanUc 818J3-1701W4 1*40 PLYMOUTH COACH " 70" on rubber with cultivator, tractively decorated and tn per­ MnHiwrjF-TDrsiniBMihig I f WOMBN TO do general cieen- ter 8878- ip tt international p a n e l AWS Filed- hC* made, mowers plowa harrows, Sse us for your t() . ACRES of tobacco land and fect condition; one fiat available . TRUCK •baripened. autboardk and air CUSTOM MADE Clotbea to-flt Iq- Ing. one day • ws«k..Must pe equipment needs. Dublin Tractor shed with frontage on Hartford to purchaser; H-acra of land. dlvMual. Will woric from printed trusterorthy. Call 5 to 7 p. m. Garden—Pann—Dniry Cb., North Windham Road, Wttli- Road. OaU 2-04*8. Shown by appointment only bnt cobiad aagttka repaired. Chpttol Can 3-0184 Bqofpmwit. 88 Main-qtroet pattern er wiU originate. DreeMS, Pmdiieto 50 mantlc. Open eveainfa. Teiesa must be teen to be appteclated. WBMAN MOTOR SALES Mite, coats, gowns and play- Full price, > $10,500. Alice Clam- W0H4 N far housework and may be arranged. —TrBdiliHi— Tmrl adiUte, one ciUd. Home . nighta COVENTRY—Attractive S'rooni% BY AL VKRMEEB Good .wagaa references i^ulbed. atreet DRUMS-^-Cbmpi^ set oC'SIln^r^ Maatloa senen and storm win­ all Improvemente, over H a'ere, ______Could B p I t ? dows 'Price $8,000. Madeline PRISCILLA'S POP pfeVATELY" Owned, ntw 1*48 ALL AFPLIAfKMS aarricad and Phoae 8763 between 8-8 p. m. PICK YOUR own encumbers. land drums, white marine pearl artesian wsll, basemsnt 87,800, (7 ^ OH. WALOeV INV«d DaSoto, ouatom fonr-door aedan. repalaed. bumeia. rafrigaratoia, UAVELL’S BBprsss Itgbt trucktaS only. and chromium. Inoladaa bass, Saslth, Rekltor, 2-1842 or 4879. cash required 81,000. WeUes T ,1^3 ^ P3*OM«|- GOTHARRlED Briag containers, 38c baskat W T3« cnoof vou AMO VOUR 8400 under Uat price. Call 3885 raagea. maabara.1 etc. An work sad dslivety. Weshly or monthly Rebotto'a Parm, Btacb Mountain snare. 8 cymbalo, ease eovera and Agency, Coventry. TOI. WUIIman- p fto M ise s / VtXJ PROMISED * ^ , ' 8884 aventnga. rubbish foutss inritsdL Ms -ROOkiM tingle, two partlaUy Sn WEIL HAVE A HOME TO BCUNQ ME . fuaraataad. Matro Satrice Co. Wsat^^MsI* 86 traps. Price 1180. CaB RockvlUa oU hot water heat atorm Uc. 818J3-1701W4. TaL Maachaatar 8-U888 ebestsr 8-188*.______• 1484. IUw4 HoMchoM Good* 51 Windows aad screana. Immediate BOLTON — Large Immaculate 1848 FORD CLUB COUPE ASHES, Rubbish rsm ioi^ occupancy. G. I. loan availabla RACIO oaad SalqgT Hava it ra- WANTED—Truck driver o : E. MUSICAL Inatmmenta of ' aU Cape Cod, with all 8 rooms fin­ palied by axpartp. Pick-up earv- lara yards aad attics elsanaC FOUR Convector radiators, used Mnds. New, used, InetrumenU Price 810,500. S3va Tyler, Agtot ished. Tile bath, enclosed porah, 1848 PONTIAC iSTREAMUNEE 8 Dump truck rot hire. Sand, loam. WUHa A Son. for bet water or steom, practical­ 3-4489. SEDAN COUFE ice, guaranteed work Seta cbeek- far rent by the month. Ward one-car garage, approximately 8*4 / k ed m the hoBBa. Oar radloi gravoL 8U aad stspa J*n WANTED—Firat*Masa mechanic. ly now. OaU 2-0*78. Krauae. 5884 acres. Including f -ult treea T. J. Macrt. Phone 18 OAKLAND Street S rooma 1*40 PONTIAC FOUR DOOR apectalty. Manebaatar R adio Apply In peraen. Don Willis Oa­ CXJLDSPOT refrigentor, in very furaaee, immediate occupancy. Crockett Phone 8416. SEDAN. 8 Sarrioa, 73 Birch etraet Phone rage, i r Main atiWet 8-0*40. EMPTY VANS to aad from aU good condition, ^bullt unit one WesriRir AppsrpL-Fars 67 Price 88,800. Madeline Smith, ANDOVER, good 6 room house- aU statea Assured return lot year guarantoe. CaU 8-4808. Realtor.'3-lS a or 4878. ISS* BUICK CLUB COUPE WANTED—An experienced fuel Improvemente, plus private lake RADIO Cimic protecta your lb' ratea United. 188 West sttaeL oil and gaaoUne tank truck driv- BLUX COAT, innb cuff, aad eoqar and cottagei near center, 818,600. Phone 8874 triip. ala* 10-12. Goad oonditloa. FOUR-ROOM Cape Cod, pre-war BtsMat Our low overhead savei ar. Good character neceaaary. Ap­ btalt excellen'. eonditlon. AS Terms. WeUes Aganky. Coven­ 1*38 STUDEBAKER FOUR you mosey. Call today tf your OdOD USED furniture for sale to Ptwnc 8-9487. DOOR SEDAN MANCHESTER Package DMtTeQr. ply EUswerth and Liaeaew, 383 aettle an eatate. Phone 8079. modem conveniencea Aluminum try. Tsl. WllllmanUe 818J8- radio or eiactrlcal appliances need Local light trucking and paekqge Oakland .atreet Manchester. 1701W4. repaira. 110 Spruce street. Phone CXilLDREN'S coat. legging eeto, storm wlndoira and scraena cor­ 1*34 PLYMOUTH FOUR dellvenr. Refrlgaratora waahera ONE USED Maytag waohlng ma- •XoeUent eapdltlon. Stas'8, soldier ner lot priced for quick sale. DOOR SEDAN 80W. and stova moving a apectalty. WANTEIh-Man. SeUIng axper- ohine, 836; ona uaad Bengal oil BY MICHAKl O'MAt.I.EY AND RAI.PH LANE lancS prefafred but not neoaaaary blue, else 4 cherry red. > 1467.. Phone owner 8081. WnnirX—Kcsl BalaU 77 esei«s»e»SMtab*es.a«.t.».sea.v.aMT.«»r. ^ » g A Cio6*’ Up FLOUR Problems solved with Phone 8-0768. and gas ranM, aa is 385 deUver- VIC F U N T Moat can have radioe and heat- to otert. Rawlalgh’a. Dept CVI- s4 Ons used Ctoaley slactrio ra- TWO-FAMILY bouaa 18 acres of linoleum, qsphmt Ule counter. UGHT T R oexm a Hdlf-ton 88-M, Albany, N. T. FOR QUK3 C Rerjitn ta saUhig MnnsgirdHWSKMIRIlRkaiw.4mi VDO MAY HAVKMC8 (DM- •to. Gomplelely rtcondiUored Iv Expert workmenahip, free eatl- frigeraior, $85; one used cooler- W sB tpi— T o Be t land and bom. All improvemente, your property call Ed Krasenlcii, , “Too late! I was hoping w*’d get horn* from th* ^ow MANOCO A tUBWOtP BACK factory methc^. pick-up truck. No ai tea no ator lee refrigerator, 810. Wat- 14800. Phone Stafford Springs Suburban Realty Oo„ Itealtors, 49 “ Rabiwatpr, looki Junior posIPriNn firrt oaltfaepl' 0* SdPt.CUM IMNIiR,BUT IM nfqte*. Open evenings. Jones’ rubblaii Ptaoqe 8-1875 M 8884 V^ANTEP-^parienced meqt cut- WANTED—Used steam or before your father fixed ths baby's tltvtn o’clock bottta! ter. Refereneea raqtared. Apply In Uqs Brothars. > 8WS. Perklna street. Tel. 8314 J >WIWN6 n w BWWUOMAIU Pumlture. oak street Phone water radlataea aad pipes. OaU VOMsaf BKONSPtCUOUS/ 8-lOM- traB lsn and ashes removed. lia- paraon. -Buraaek'a, Hartford Road BOL^N-^Higb elevation with BALCH-PONTIAC, Tne. REMNANTS, Unolaum and waU 8821. with MAJOR Hf)OPLE| cmeratora eleaaet.. S%nd. grayql and McKte.atreati eeverings, ona-holf price. Las- lovely view. JuaJ over Manohea- BY J. R. WILLIAMS | ODR BtlARDINC HOUSE PETER W., PANTALUK eleetrteal and ctadara. Van aqrrioa and BVttNO Usad funUtura i WANTED—8 and 6 duplex. Large OU'I UUIt WAY . ' 168 CENTESt STREET garis ’ Floor'Oovarttig, 41 PumaU U* hna.hew Cape Cod holme, yard. Write Box D. HaraML BEAD,60y5/ VOtWB HBATO •WAT fiORT B6T n » eonfractor, malntanpRca and erlr- lobal movtag. Phone R. M. Jeaea. houaqbtad' good*, aav * QIUUltity< ' a l l e r s d r b a m b d HOLV / atr o u bl?- Ing far light and power. 40 Fos­ ' '^plp 'WsEtsf—Mslo Place. *Phona 8-4128. Formerly dormersT Sraplace, oU hot water MAKP/'LOMO PLUKidTLV PLMP TAUi* — EOT MAKB WITH th e PHONE 2-4848 8-1888, 8-80n . Wartfe Farm Store. Tha WoedAa4 n Mata atraat heat. Insulated. 1% acrea new SELLINO OH Buying propertyT a OOIM’ TO TK SOUTH SMOKES/ UP— X I4BAK ter street Phone 3808. Or PoBMl* 67 Can 2-8154 ______SEAS. BUT THI«!H s TM* THAT TOWN JOHNSILVER* FOR A Visax HE HA> THE AUSTIN A. Chambma 0 4 . owner can complete to suit Ms Contact this ofiice (or prompt FIRST Tltoe X EVER L04FER IS VWHUT HBLL 6ILENT AND TVUXIEHTFUL/- TUB MI46UE HAS TfiT FORD, excellent mechanical SOtOALLON Coleman gaa water terial Included. Seen by appoint aad persuna> Mrv'ce. Alice Ctam* condition. 385. Muat aeU befora ANTIQUES ReSnlahed. Repairing local movtag, packing, eratlag w ANTEP—High School boy er WANTED—GaUon Jugii! gitaton CAUOHT TM‘ BOAT.' HORNINT ■PPMORROW A MR. HEMlNaWfN, iP WSR GOT A 3 0 « A ll ^ d a dona on any furniture. Ttemann. aad atoraga 'avrtea to all parta girl, or woman, for dancing haatar, fnUy Inaiilated with mag' ment Pva Tyler, Agent, Mon pet rteai CsUte and Insuranca. r t L FURNISH FISH MOM Al^DkVlLLETALEMr ECOUT.^ D O N fT ^ PSELBO AMO IN Iday. Phone 8-8543. naolum rods, 884.*5. Watkins Cider MIU, now In operation. TaL 848 Main street Phone 49*8 or US/ ISP South Main street Phone ot the U. S. A. aad Canada.' OaU a^ool pianist Phona 8-8844. 8588. chaster 8-4488. FORM!/mSSASE, I t COMINS PDR AN PORD coupe. Oood mecka^ 5848. 8187. Brothars. 8-0880 eO tS ofiO AHEAP/ AUDITION.' . CAN SoikaovirCA^pDR VOO,' tel eonditoln. TMaonable. 85 81 TtlRNBULL Road. If you are UlEHOI«»4> '-'V t7iyLL Sltwtlonf Want«d-> FlOJr Base ruga, Ooralo, tUaa, seeking a good buy may wa sug (XJNSIDERING SELUNG Norwood atreet Phone 7454. ■ BodseboM Sorricss marhtaa, hookod and nuratry Romnn Witkoni Koar6 69 SB t u b B O A T / PaiMtl4 t -~ n M 4TiRK 51 S» gaot this property. A atagle home YOUR PROPERTY? Offpfdi ISA pattenu.to elooaa from. Not aU of 6 rooma with tour Snlabad and Without obligation to you. 1*38 DODGE. Reaeonable price. FIRST CLASS work. Speetelioa A LOCAL Oonselentioua atagla pattern* in all aiaea *al5 rag ROOM For Rant Green eectlon. 8 partially completed. This home BY cESUE TUBliEl PLAT riNUB. Holland window wUl appralae or ituika you a cash Score Oa* For Sara . dan 3-3454. 4:30 to 7. In paper handing. CaU Bob Flake, man dsslraa light work of any 818JI0, spaclal $447; Saia rag. Alao board If deslr*4 OaU 2-4404 • waa btalt Just bafors- the war, of offer for oro;oroperiy. See na before W ASH n iH H S ltOY*YpU»IM»«»W^tK. Y X atf shades made to meaaure. All evenings 8-8178. kind. Salary unimportant Refar- 19.75, Bpadal 88.49; 8al0.8 rag. axcallont matertala Nicely land' you eell! rs *0 poka? MMCouifiirTHfNi] FOR YOUR 1*41 FORD deluxe two-door, radio, metal Venetian bUnda at a i PAKCIRSOfiZyi aacea Writs Box CL HaraI4 38B6 spaclal 86* 7; 7.8x8 rag. acaped lot 75 a 170. Garaga with Phone 7788 Or 8378 gfM ttP YOU Tie* BCIN*< PM l X beaUr, full prlct 86*5; 1843 Cbav- low prioa. Keys asnde ertaUe you INTERIOR aad Bxtarior painting 18.75 spaclal 84.44: 6x18 rag. ROOM FOR glrL On bus Una. with amaotte drivt. AutemaUe lOMM MMt «*MM MUdS^BB. ItWtCAMa... rolet two-door, 1*47 Cbovrolet wait Marlow*a and paperhangtag. Get my fret 88.50 spaclal 8454; Jx* rag. 85.45 Phone 8800 after 5 p. m. hast wttb oU. Storm srindow. and BRAE-BURN REALTY T - l CMTT 7MCS MH f------MIPFYPUUK jEBm # ea seBOWt n e s e tqro-dqor. 1*40 Chevrolet two- •oUmate od youT'Vork. Raymond Pofp ■' Birda—-Peta 41 spadal 8SB6. Watkins Brothars, acroans for every window. Large •WBBT ia0V*M dpor, 1*48 Chevrolet aedan. Sev- CALL ROT aqd Gordon. Experts Flake, 8-8887. ■ PLBiUULNT room, goatleman pre- WANTED— 8 to 10 xerea. half ID a w B i TO for mg and upbotatery shampoo- ZIMMERMAN'S KmuiaU. Lake Inc.. ranr porch. Attractive living room clear, on highway 16 milts radius WBPtKimilU eipl otoara, fully equipped. Up to fenrad. Ons minute from 1 with fireplace aad bay window. iAmoiitka to pay. Douglaa Motor tag. Oem,date home and oAoa OUT8IDB. INSIDE Fating atreat Phone 6387. Extra nice WE BUT aad sail good uasd tuml- Office. Phohe 8088. Uanebsater. Box K, Hsrald.' 7 laOKTOSCBl elaanlng. All klnda of odd )oba. paperhangtag. Fraa ostlmatea Boxer pupa tae.. red Cocker Immediate occupancy and priced ‘ , *8* Main atreet Open every tvf*. Qombinauev rangao, gs* LARGE HEATED room with twin for quick sale at 818,400. Rooert *tU *. Phooe i-S0t 7 or UManebaatar 8- Prompt oarvloa. fteaeonaMa pupa. .______ranga* and naetera Jona» Furql WANTBD—Oideri 7-room home on M ia Micaa Phona 7680. D Fsechette. tura Stqra. 88 Qikk. Phona 8-1041 bed, for one gentleman. Haar bus. J. gmlth, Ine.. 808 Main etreet V-8. 80,000 Workman’s oompenaatloa. pubUc ObLLlBS, A.K C. sables tria 110 North school street Bhona Phone S4h0. , targe lot Write Box E, Herald. good ooudltiaa Can WEAVINQ of bunia, moth balsa UabiUty eara blua marlaa malaa tamalaa beau 8888. aod.tqrn doUdaig, aoalary runt titiiUy Bsrkad, fuU eoUara HXW SDC-RiOOM Cape Pod. one WANTED—Small aingta home, TAPPAM' Gas range, Hka uhfinlahe baaement garage. near Cheney mills. Write Box C, itandbaga ropnlraa aippar r*- LYiARBONNEAP Roupa Champion stock. Prioed ,to eult 8114 Cldl 8844 COMFORTABLE room, slagla or 4 88 fM w rd club fnaeament umbrellas rapplrod, Ing, taUrto', axterior. your pocketbook. 60S Keeney double, ta quiet home, for parti­ Durant etraet Pries 110,500. CaU Herald. - ' 4850.. Very men’s shirt eOUqra saenraad and banglag. Soot ssiKhag 8nd. atreet Phone MT4 THREE-PIECE Uvlag room *tat cular parson. Central locattan. WANTED—8 and 6 flat, oh or Prtoata rgplqrsd. Marlow'a UtUa MandUig iphlng. CaU 8 .^ 8 or 8-8804 with custom .made alip eovere Phone 8888. f ^ b s . suppUee and accee- HAMjUN |tr*st 10 roern duplex, near Osnter atrset. Write Eoi) B, 15^ CsU 4888 after 4 UK‘L P A W T m o anBd pwarhSflgiag. serla* Hfng pKi^ing. baUuag NICE PUABANf nwm far pr*-war all modara eonven- Hey aid. SAVOOCU* T8idiO CeiUngs regnlallahtd. tUatosable. dipptaf and eiippijM o f dog* liShle coup!* er two Mrli. fClteh' leno**, one apa'**meat owner oc­ Tt- betwuiB CURTAlNi Laundered, atrpight For estimates call Andrew TIuck. Kaonel Supph Shop. *86 Mata OIL BURNER, gti* Task •n pr)viwgw. ReferancM re- cupied. Ideal, oenventent location. nulreA Phone 3*1484 efter 4 Phoae 8058- Read Herald Adp*« Tier nilned ) l .00. Phoae SOiA 488L J •traet Taitphoae I 4874 and control*. SICO. Phone 8S7L 1 - ■•;>w r.; .'r ' -'T' 'j’ v ” / ■'*' * ' '

m g U T . m m a m C ttnthtr »etO .'i

D m Woooaa'o AnaOlBiy at tho Ih a gt . a VMday fwikiftir MoBMrua H«9Ual oaoaMg ky L. . Lodfo, Mo. Package Store Paper Saiviige 9,388 jMd Ito trot fan atooUat jros^ 14TT, Loyal Ordar at Moooa, wao «iv la tko board rooBi at tbo boa> aaraidod to MTo. kalmk M t h of alUL witk IT BMaibora praarat. HUllard otraot. Banquet Held Report Made •A C k y • / yn ege Charm naaa woro aiodo for tho aaaaal fair, to t^ o plaeo ia tho Lodge o f Maaoi (TWENTY PAGES) rtacswatmcki Toaralo HTootokor. Mra U Mor- wm hold Ito flnt aiootlag of tho Sixth Annual Erent I* AO S«ctions Go Ovor EFFICIENT ASSlSTAras; MANCHnSTBR,NN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, lR4t fan oiaooB thto ovoalag at T:B' U) lu K ito r of 70 Wootarawtor Road 100 P. C During the FOR THE BEREAVED FOL. LXVnL, NO. EM la ow«"y oat tbo uaotplrod tona od H mto win bo ao dagroo work. Tho Held at Garden Grove Mta. Do m M Makopooro who araa BMotlag win bo dovotad ratlroly to tbo traaoactlra of buolnooo. A With 160 Attending Month of Aagast Many psopk art at a koa to know wl o< tlw oMk. !>•• - It aad ararad to Maw ___ HIMn« T. duriac tho oaonaor. dal hour with rofMoharata do inA wkon caBtd opoa to nnko fi 8pwavBe«rera Escort Defeadanta win follow. The Moneheotor Packago Rtoroo Paper oeOoetloa tor tho aorath ■rrangononta la tholr grlof. That k tlu News TidbitslD ecision Awaited r^ lin iU rd alfMt win alM Aaooolatloa held ito 5th aaaual of Attguat wao 00 foltowo: Merth* British Treasury ■'i ____ JoaaUor Aaa RowHgr. p ra t ooetioa 50,540 too,, o r 156 to tom to aa—for oport galdaiMa. C oM Frsoa (/V) Wkas Mr. aad Mra Koaaeth Ootrlaoky baaquot Baaday, Bqpt U at Gar* darahtor o f Mr. aad Mra. MUIard who hare bora apoadlag tholr va> pw coat: northoaot oocUea MA50 'Ito ^ augkttr kora auadoy, ORoirtey. of S Oorard Mroo^ la dra Grove wtth 150 moraboro aad catloa la Mow Tork aty, have ra> ibo., 00 155 per cant; ocuthoaot I awvtag Jr Ix ta M. Fnado ko^ aotonc tho 4M froahaion antortag turaod to tholr hooM^ IBB RIoooU guooto proorat Fraak Lerabardi, ooetioa 50,450 lbo„ or 140 par . Mr. n d Mr*, r . WMdoa WaUoaloy Obllogo thio ^«hoa^ 0 wooha oCt Say a o alao- ■treat. ebairoMa of tbo baaquot coountt* ora l; OQiithwoot ooetlea ITAto Has No Intention Discuss at »» DHTo ■. kM kora Thooo joang womoa cooio from BO titcal workaro On Datfe to •r ia f hara oaotkor ^ iTtto aatloa. tho D J ^ too latroducod Deputy Jodgo Joha Ihf., or 100 par eoat. Tho ntaaloy group wtll om ~ iBMlo of Maachootar who aotod Oolloctiaao tor the wiawnor iB^rovo after appoadao- raid a oon. of OotamUa,' H a j^ inoatho. Juno. July and Auguot, Olga coaatrloo. Durlag tholr flrot thia ovoalag at 7:45 la tho ladl I aMaUr of coreaooiiloo. sr..RiAiiCNiiTit • I 6 B tomy . . . Btato aurora of Dtotrlct WMk at Wollooloy Oollogo tho parlor of tho louth Mothodlot Tho noakoro ho callod oloctod: London, Sept 14.— — Fight Building Up Guild room for Ito flrot laoetlag of voralty at ConaocUeut Law Bohool. ter This Ffdl Before October 10 . . . Trumaa aoBrinatoo W ith K deal. Max Bdiubort; vice ia alao a graduate of Wilbrahaa Ike British iTeasary stood On W ho W in Pay In­ the ooaooa. The oobm win pr«* preoidoat, Joha Andlolo; treaourer, Joha Shorawa Oooper. former GOP Aobaotoo vail ao ta tho paot. Moatoero wUl Aoadamy.. . HALE'S CENTER PHARMACY Arm today on past dsdar^ The U. N. Aaaembly, Kontucy oonator to taho UN poot briag tholr owa oaadwleboo for tho Joooph Chofrena aad aecrotary. Ho ouccooofully oemplotod hlo surance and Pensions <2 ^ 5 T o f Freak Lombard!. 487 MAIN STREET . TEL. 4153 tiona by its chM, Sir Staf- vacancy loft by Dttlloo . . . M a tV f luBchoec at twelve aooa. aad toa ■tato bar aaamtaaUoa ta Jnly. Headquarters See. Acheaon Deelarea After a dollcleuo otoak dlnaor “Where Pharmacy la A Profiaeien**' foid Crippa, that Britain Jiaa IL n . Marita 55, anna flnn CaotMB Made, G«araatood ooffoo aad diooirt win bo oon Mr. Keith lo tho ooa of Mr. aad head dim ta Now Hovoa . . , Btato Pittaburglt, Sapt. 14.— bgr 'a eoanalttoo of hootaoooo for with an tho trlBualago tho root of Mra W anoa L Keith of 51 Caai- FUR m) intention of davaloing tha W addagtou. Sept 14 —(S U Pit To«r Thbk the oftorBoon aad ovoalag were Compkte Line Of Diabetic Poods and SnppHoa PoUco raidoro grab three coin —Only agroemant on tima each of tho aioetlaga which pecur bridge Btroot, and lo nuuTiod to tho pond sterling. A apokasman Sooretaiyof Btato Aohoooa aa- machlnoo ta louthtagtcu Kod ovary tore weoka ■peat la vIolUag wtth fidoBda aad and placo is naoded today to Phonm 7691 Today Amfu^ng, hOWUag OOd BOCCO WOTO foraior Dorothy Stroughaa. They FREE DELIVERY mads Uiis ckar in eomment- imuneod today that Sevlot-doflota* Mon’o dub. . . . BolUroero truck have one child, a daughter. ■triko oottlod after 54 hours. . . . start new steel contract talks. Mo oKtra Omam to haop ra lounaeulato Ooocoptloa Mothoro eajeyed. Tbo gathorlag alao heard During tho war, ha oorvod ao iag on a raport puMiahed by atod Sulaaria. Hungary a ^ ■OBM ftae oolea from Joaeph Cher* ^ Open AB Day Sunday the Now Tork Tlmra that tho will bo ehargod to tho Ual* | Oereraor Bowtoo, Morwalh Camm- Outcome of the negotiatioBa Orclo ertn aioot tomorrow a^ht at ■orgoant, radar tochnlctan, aad toa-foo4 opoaio with rod aad wMto P*_ , . erato confor, dgntflcanco not aa* tho hoBM of Mra Alloa Gatoa 45H rooo. who hao a ftae voice and pound night bo dovahiod thto tod Natloao Ooaonl Aooomhiy mrrrtms may depend on the reluc­ waa ta action ta the Italian theater Air Conditioned For Toar Comfort to li.50 fnoi Ito proorat toV' Oortrude BroaaNa, 45, raooorl.d to her o ^ K ikirt, 15. nouncod. . . . Book o m union of oU gumiBor otroot at AaM'o Orclo Otago Ught opera. for two yoaro. orfth vteUttoM o f hunoa r M t o I Mra. tance of some ated com­ ol. 14 55, Tho oocrotary omphattoalqr ro- j • * i| .-‘ r hoarto” Sofradaato loft Dover, DoL. oourramoo oogtaomon. firemen end hootloro win alao oMot toaiorrow oveniag Thoy a n oa total for the elaytag of Wodo Wool- on U. a. roUroodo. . . . Navy CUp- panies to pay the entire coat with Mta JOBMO J. MeValgh of M Tho opokoomoa told a ropertar Bowad at hlo aowo eenforoaco the aama. leug*etaadtag British- Aawriron { tofai J. O. CfOaraiiBa ouh^kon of insuranca and pansion pro­ Waot Orator otroot • *T1w otoiT >• not BOW. X cai rldga. 87. critic o f "whittling oway Navy Driver of Truck chaisoo of^oaUoua diorogard” of wMi Mm « WMte grams. COSMETICS only rotor you to paot pronoanew otrongth" through oorvlcoo nni- The ca o United BtoriworlMia ■Mats oa tho oohNct by “ tho humwi righto elauooo ta tho trial. HUMOW Ora tm k tu Held as Reckless poaeo troatim wtth tho IToa Oir* thoy ho gtolty* (AF wtoephoto). fleatioa wtll oocapo dladpltao ao and four loading otool prodastoo Wa carry all kadiat oonor at tho oxeiioqaor. other high offleoro back his viowo.. art ready to roouma contraet M O V I N G r braiida. Qdppo hao told FaHlamrat the Ho Oiad tho throe Sovlot aataU Tugodavta otorto prootcaara of talko, T l ^ win ooric a aotttomoiri ■ m o w fkioiiBRigiy August Frank Fracboy, 57, at Labor aeveranMat hao “not tho Htoo have Juat turaod down a pro­ 11 fhorged 00 coralBlena oploo.. . . mom or leas based on tho proal* Wo Wat, ov B ii 75 Tunnel rood, Voraon, wao ar- Arthur Drug Stores Home Mortgage Loans ■UahtMi krtootlon o f dmratutag atoritag quotations odvNnco ohorp- dcntlal fact Itadoro’ rooommrada Ranges, Refrigerators posal by the Uaitod Statm that rostod taat aisht on a charge of tho they aamo cemmloohino, aa provld- Republican Wins Race ly . . . . Sorvlcoo may bon jot ploao Uon of a 10 cent hourly package A T A U C T I O N rccklow qnvtag following an ac­ Itamero of eurroaey dovoluatloa od ta tho poaoo troatloo, to toko closed couree races.. . . PoUcomon tacreaao. ’The board advised cident at the tateraeetloa dt Bla- W ashers aud AO If yoa are baildinc or baying a THE OFFICE OF ta arltala oad oloowhoro ta up tho dio^to ovor chargoo that J. 8. Honigsa of Now Hovan, shot against any wage booM. ■en and HoO otreeto. Patrolman homo, kt ns teO yoa sboet the rope revived after tho hoa< they havo ropoatodly violatod tho ta court by eraaod man, takes U. a. Stool to Tolni Load Prlmo Amadeo taveoUgatad. Other AppUaneea. For Congressional Seat Jokn J. MoCtoy (right). DR. L GEBSHANOFF ▼arioos types o f flnancing that are tho tatoraatlraol mondary fund ■groomonto Thooo eoll for fair turn for woroo after first improv­ of the ’Tbo mammoth United Statw PoUoe report that m e h e y waa T elevision aad World Baak yoatorday urged trials aad varlouo poraoital froo- ing. . . . Steel Oorp., Mggoot stool prodBa- tho driver of a pick-up truck that new Wool Oetmna ropuMto, at a reerpMra hM *7 *•* OPTOMETRIST Aay Deolraklo ItooM Lowest prices in Cornu itoJW .IU pAowB Btotoo Moopltol rocognla- watting for tho oorporatidn to SATURDAYS woro lopoitod. e|al uboorvore aotod that ao gov- AUTO export aad have YOUR raaoMot. would aaBouaeo ta ad* tloa hut they are uawUltaggr Preaidentiel Bellotiiif od by USPHS ra training emtor name tho time end plaeo for now GuoUfoon was driving west on tokvkion set corrvetly in­ MODEL Member Federal Deposit Ins. Corp. 1^ 9 ^ DFoeiiduiSff dlocuoolono. BIwoll otroot and Fraehoy south vaaeo It had doddod to dovalua Ita for clinical psychologioU ... Act stalled. ^vldod tatoatoM ^ ' for Just Reanlt in PennsylvanU to Oft up univoraal motoring olg- Says U. S. Commiiiiists Negotiators win bo worittag un­ on Holl otroot whan the accident AIRPLANES cvraracy. To do-thls would bo to such eaooo of dioputoo ovor wheth­ Jtohnstewn. Pa., SopC 14— f a l l Elderly Couple CARS -4 i- •appoorad a ct to ha aurprlaod by or vtolatlono Waohtagtoo, 'Sept. 14—(F>—Ro- tloua. That meant giving np Ita (fin ) (FIghtor) 0>r. McKee Street tho atatamoato made la Waohtag- refusal to earry . ibMaana erawod today tkat a llomaa church nolthor oa anti- drive for a fourth poot-war teuad sdmlMiRtiStkio _ oMBsntnlffi ei sI4m aBERTA PEACHES . wb S o l e s a n d S e r v i c e Phone 2-4304 toa t o OamUla Outt o f M s tw e . tor tha aotttoSrat of dtaputou, ob* e . F. vletavy In a #raneytvaaia senue witwi. T,u. otjcoiigress' Eud of wage tacriaoto to 1945. A a M r Owa OradahMn Held for Court HOBBY SHOPPE — dlroetor of tho iatoraa-i which thoy opoelfleally Naval VeteraaJolm F. tavVir* with eapltaUsBi . bet eoacoraod union said tbo board’s ouggratad jwhh ouppllod llio flag ooagnddonal y^'waS-ar'sttagtag MMeeting e e t i n g Held in ■! ^ . (^fen Evenlnga TUI 7 Six GriawoM St. 3233 with "oraratlaUy oplritual" mlsdon 10-oont tecrodao'ta tha M M l’ d l [iwoJtara, lucapturod tko apodal_____' ' ____ " to FMddrat Trinnan’o . .lU fX . Snipe, Srol aiWtoa War- Farm boiiae in Beacon, Late October oompany-Snaneod Benjamin Macri. 54, of Nye aloctioa p ^ hia party loot ta tho | domosOe poUdoA dUp to oall np Bndoon otoeo Bovo- ponrion prograias street, and Mrs. Mary Bonino, 45, Thun, knd Fri. Tin 9 Open Eveainfs the WotU Bank. - h m atUtudo okewa by Itopubib- S in n in g t o m a t o e s » But einolalo did ooom wuRlod throe govoraaMato ta tholr rocont 1848 Trualsa owoop. Holltag tho triumph of totton. “hopoo for poacoful voyago" N. Y ., by. Red Leaders enough. JOHN W. KEEGAN of S3 ddridgo otroot, woro or- And ho did it without montloo- John P. Saylor r Mnro. to Albany mya commandor. Last rootad loot night by Patrolman *ii.t the otfoet oo atar- aotoo, ra ta tholr oarllor notoo ro- tag ta hlo oampolga tho nooM o f Robert L. Ootfoy. Democrat, ~ In Republican Floor Lead­ OM M nTol 55 ArMaiio Bo^ Pimo ByeboUki on chargea of Ung ao a roault of tha Wdohtagtoa plytag to tho^ diargoo mado try waa ta 1775 whm H.M.B. Vul­ Waahlngton, Bept 14—(F)—A Republic Stool Oompaay. Jenra rh o a a lttt DomoeraUe Gold Star Mother Mrs. | ■pedaloBedal oloctlon ta tho 55th Pona ture, a dUforont bird, came to lAMghlln gtool*Ooto aad IB* adultery. Another charge Intended oommualqua odi^t to aama ractont agataot thorn, eallo tato quoottoa Robert L. Ooffoy, 8t, who oought ■ylvoala DUttlet yootorday, G.OF. ■alf-atylod charter momber of tho er Predicts the Tim e o f land ~ J. NOVELLI'S FARM mult with a dangerouo weapon ka eOMt to future fund and bank I tholr___ good faith ta rtgpiwg the grief on Wool Point ebata boom. 1 ilonO 9 ^ Company joiaa* V. B. MOCMTAIM nPBn OLBBWWBPn r tbo eongfooolonai poot vaeotod by lasdon abopad eloorly ttarir think U. 8. Communist party oayo that E m iing o f the Session stool m announcing wmhMkoao to has been lodged agataot Macri. dobatoa, ovra though thooo talko trMttra ood providoo further Oluo- the death of her oon ta a plane they havo found a m ajor iaouo for Russia baa aont a oecrot "troublo- LofI Xtom B a i o f r are aoerot tratloa of tholr ealleuo dioragard Mio. FDB- Bridgeport opookor | ____ I renew nogotlattonk. OMior ta n a The offenM lo alleged to have I eraab. |4bw 1560 offorto to rdgata coa- ■hnnting unit" to thlo country. Ho woro okpoctod to follow aO U taken place at Macri'o home where May Aaowor of door tatornatlooal obllgaUoa." aiaco Mroi OMfoy had roedvod trol ef Oengrioo. tonight at GB company. . . Lynn explained Oommunista think the Woohington, Bept. 14— ( f l —A Sonepcople like Brisket, Adiooon noted that tha U. N. high ocbool wrockod by 1500,000 A U. S. atari opokoomoa, qoM the arrest waa made. Nor (Hd antlob omdalo aMfUvo I iTruman’a ondoroemont and Guy Goorgo Qabrtoloon, Natlanal party ta danger of being driven late . October adjournment of if "U g Otari" waa aecepUng-WI some Cnnck Corned beef. The pair will be presented ta e f ■laok’e laq^Uod ertUdamn at thlo campaigned with ringing support Ropubacan chairman, put It thlo firo. * • — underground. Congroto waa predicted today by board’d rocommendationo as a Town Court tomorrow. am Page Twe) of tho ontlro “fair deal" program, Maurice Malkta, tho author of Bat there are aome who oeuBtrya program of oodai o«rw way ta a otatemont: Senator Wherry of Nebraska, baato for a con tract ropiiod: *T want very lean. eBay to slice 1005. Thoy ootd CMppo may aa- her defeat wao oora ao a blow to -Tho eloetlaa of tho Ropublicon |hif ototomont, wao a wltnooa be­ wouldn’t think to." {the administration. Republican floor leader. Corned Beef. For tkOM peo* condldato . . . constitutes a ottag- fore a BenaU JUdldary oubcom- That lad to opoculatlon that IM ELBERTA PEACHES Was First Bool Toot tag lehuko to tho Truman odmln- Accord Seen mlttoo. Ho ooid the throo men Barring the raising of naw la- corporation, tha Industry's baa* Mr. Charles McCarthy, week ta tbo ABMrteaa coytaL Aid Promised Tha waotorn Pennsylvania vote lotratlon effort to load thio nation ^ TT1 . 1Moscowfrom Mowmw attended a meeting auasyby Presidant Truman, Demo­ wether, might ho planning to Sgtt Pinchorst neat nuuiacer T k ______^^1 provided tho first toot of tho down tho road to otatlsm.' I I'ft |( ove ll.a a T of top layer American Communists tho ouggooBon It tack up too chock Ready for Canidng Thoy argued that tha way Brit- V FU X CU XJtXSa * wooka ago ta a formhouoo at cratic leadera meonwhUt mapped has ready for Wednesday ata managoa her tatomol Itaandal JDV IrO V C m O r “fair deal" program Bald lUp. Leonard Hall of Now on ps^on and inouranoo oosta ^ w - » » balloting. Ropub- Tork, chairman of tbo G. O. P. Baacon, Now Tork, program that might bring tha Last July U. X Stori-and ethor ■Bis 100% Imui Steer Shoul­ aftalro Is strictly a domooUo Bwt-1 Ho said they gave party lino Senate abreast of Ita 1545 work ta tor. It only boeomoo tho ooo- Ucaiw and Domoermta aliko congroodonal campaign commit- oompanloo—rofuaod to bargain oa ALSO APPLES, CRABAPPLES der C lo^ gnmerly cored nrttod it as a duo to tho 1560 too: British and American ordem and have power to reorgan- six weeks. penslono, denied a wage taoraam by Pinchorst Teo^-ciire eom of the outddo world If and TeRs Mannfao- IM the party In thio country, if The House, in recess until Sap- and offorod on inouranoo pwa whoa orltica ean pravo podtlvdy Cemgrooo oloetiono. "If tho prootdont end hU follow- Tho vote yoatorday wao ta eon- oro are wise, they wlU see the Leaden Agree on Anti< tember 51, has completed moat which callod for workaro ahd om* method. The whole Shoul­ tho oodai servlera are harming They CaiK Re- ta major legislation and oeema wUt- der clod wlH weigh 7,to 8Vj outcome of Pennoylvanta'a SOth (ConUnoed on Pago ■) ployor to riMTO tko coots 50-50. Brttata's balaaee of paymonto po- Red Policies Tliere tag to call it a legUlaUvo day as Tho reply of Prooldont Claronaa JOSEPH NOVELLI Iha. They will be sold whole oltlea. thaw ooureoo said. I IV On His Snpport (Oonttonod on fate Two) Congroeoional District oloctlon an Oman of what awaits thorn ta 1560 ■oon ao tho Senate ean catch up. X RandiciM Inland atari Qloo to MaeRtalB Roai, GkBtoabarr or half. Adr. Plneharst. Mon«y WorriM. • ■ltd perhano awaken to the fact Waahtagten, Bopt 14-—Do- Wherry told a roportor that so dlcatod tho unton would not hoxa Now Haven. Sept. 1 4 - < r ) — Gee- that Americano do not want to be volopmont of Britlah and American Professor Asks far aa ho la concerned tho Ra- clear o-»*ng when contract oo^ the I oraor Bowlos oayo ha’ll do what ho led down tho back road to Sodal- antl-Communlst pollclao in tbo Far publicano are wUltagig to help end hogta osaln. Ho arid Iwtoiid Bureau Plans the oeooion as quickly aa poulble. __ Judge^s_ T m l ean to hdp Connecticut manu- lom." ■sat along largdy paroUd Unto would rmrtow ita proorat ponrien sr a L BO e< Baylor dofoatod Mrs. Coffey was forocaot ^ diplomatic au- Federal Probe He predicted It would be shortly Ioad addak: riri Itl A fln tltfl oontracto-l An Extension handily ta a race that waa pitched thoritlos today. boforo Novombor L I ••Wo afo prepared to w U 1 1 1 I Mid without a ftvo par rent foa primarily on Ropubllean attacks Thdr prodlctian wao booed aonotor Lucoa of lUlnoio, the and to boar a subotaatial Deipocratle leader, hat been blam- of the coot but we think the Tho Donweratle chief oxocuttvo'o I on — and Domociatic defonao of— talko BOW underway botwora For- Yale Teacher Makes _ , * o J an alluoloa to tho roemt furore ovor TUMtlier W arniliM from Prootdont Truman’s domootlo log- algn Mlnlotor Bovta and Socrotary ing the Republlcona for delaying I worker who ta benefited alpo Talto Sex and Vio- “nvo per contom” m Waohlngtonl !: Ilalatlvotolatlvo propooolo. of Stata Aehaoon. Important bllla loboukl oharo tha coot." Public Letter G>ncem- After a Democratic policy meet- . , ------Fonda alM dvaOahto tor hema * fT_e_iJ^ __ oL a P * ^ *" •" addrora before H artford to Go ,Ont to Like Um proddont, Mro. Coffqy The two woro boUovod to bo ta repaira, aMdraataadoa, eto. 8m lence unioioed as uie|g|,^|,^gf tii^jg^ufucturoro ao- ing Riots at Peekskill ing yeaterdsy, Lucas outlined o ■a tor earapleto detatta logard- ■oeiatlon of Conaoctleut hero last Four Nearby Gonntiea| oa Fago Two) on rugo Two) lilt of measures on which ho said Hearing la Opened night action will be sought before Con­ taa 5 MW laaa sr the otrrara New Haven, SepL 14.- gress quits. 5atag at am ovtotlag loaa. ^toooktag at tho ooooclatloa’o Hartford, Bopt 14—— AI I Profeooor Thontas i. Emerson at A\laata. Bopt 14-iS i — An ta- lS4th annual memoottag, Bowloo raid ■toppad-up four-county otorm I tho Tolo Law odiool made public Program Is Listed TMa la a tow Jarvla oarvlco . trtsutns tAlffI ofi BOX oad vtoloaeo— Ibo wonted to work eloody with The list put the sdminlstratlon’s F la s h e s ! lito roochlng tato New I man..foctiuero ta obtatauig for warning aervloo wlU bo sot np by Ban on Giveaway Shotoa letter today calling for a Fed- —Me charge to tho hoawwoi. W tS iO ld ^ t tho Hartford Weather Bureau ta| leral Grand Jury investigation of 31,314,000,000 foreign -irms bUl up (Lata BaBoOra of Iko (F) Tork end FloFlorida—lo unfoldtaf ta ConnocUeut "our fuU ohan^’ of cooporatimi with otata police I next, after the Senate completes tho trio, of aa .Atlaata judgo on federal oontraeta "as a moans of| the PeekakUl, N. Y.. disorders action on the pending, House-ap­ chargoo attomptod murder. otlmulating production and fore wtator to oproad quickly to I May Be Delayed^ Months which marked the recent Paul at otata and local offidalo latest ad- proved reciprocal trade agroemento JARVIS Tha ease pita Judgo RohartHobart Car-1 ploymiploymont’^ iRobioen concerts. measure. la No ntar agalrat his Mrangod wlto, I *1 hops an of you wiU fool free 0)000 oa coming hurrtoaaoo, oovoro Thd letter, addreooed to Attor- '•There'B not a thing on' Lucas’ Oorarany. l i> - 8 8 REALTY CO. Cro. Halm Carpontor, and his to call on my oMloo at any time gdoo, Seodo and onew and tool Oilcago, Bopt 14 — on — TlMAWould bo hold. Howovor, an ABCinoy General J. Howard McGrath, list that couldn’t go over until ' iM CKMTM i arr. oBotlmo friend and huotaoso afloo-lfor any kind of aonlatanco or ta- ■tormo. govonunont ban on radio giveaway said that ta caoo of an un* I charged that Governor Dewey next Janu^, and that includes Phom BUS Or 7575 olato. Attorney John Lockwood. formatton that wo can gHro jrou ta Thlo was dlocloaod at a dinner ■howa, oehodulod to bocomo affoo- favorabto doctaion tho network hkd V om the beginning foiled to the arms bill,’’ Wherry said. “But raRTER »S HEAOQUARTEM Carpontor, a Fulton county (At- doaltag wtth Waohtagton proeurv- mooftag of the *"**t|wreUM rom-1 Ootobor 1, may bo dotayad for would appeal to tho Suproma toko dodolvo action." It boro the ws aro wUltag to coopormto to ex­ r) at mlttoo of tbo Hartford Ghaptsr, Oourt before cancelling any of Itolnamoa of avo New Haven law- Tha "^CHW llOUP SWVIO ^ lOBta) dvU eourt judgo, is ehargod moat ogondoo or on any other “ “ months. It wao tadlcatod today. pedite action on tha measures ho with attempting to murder Lock- problonu probloma on which you fe dwo ' can ABMrtoaq Rod Crooo at Hotel Radto notworka wont ahead with rtwws. yoro, four of them mombera of MS liotod.’’ Notice wood after apradawn automobllo M helpful," odd tho govornor. Bond Tuesday night by Ralph B. ptaas Ito continue tho pregramo un- Hlekoy, aa aaolotaat at* the Tale Law school faculty. Lucas got rid for tho time being r u Ohara July 57. Tho attorney woo Bmlltag broadly, ho added: Huseko, motoorologlot at tha tUthatha logall^ of tho Federal Oom- nay gonoral from Woohington Bmeraon la former chairman of of a threatened filibuster when the parttoa of Ms 1939 BUICK-2-DOOR wounded ta tho toco. *T coa aoouro you tharo will bo Hartford Wwthor Bureau at munioatlona Commlaolon’o ruling o appoarod ta tiM Chicago hoar- the Peoples (WaUace) party of policy group agreed to delay action taro at oawtooy. tag, oald Judge Igoo’o (dociaiani AdaMasion of Eketora m o t o r j o b When tho trial oponod yootorday, ao ohargo—ftra per cant or other- Bra|nard Is detarmlnod by tho oourto. Tbo Cbaaactlcut. until January on a House-approved ______— aaoMant loUdtor Oonoral Ogdm wlaa — for thla oorvleo." 1 With ■WllUam R. Fuller, woo rootrataod by would bo "moroly aavioory* ta thol ‘Tha signers of thU letter have bill to ropoal tho taxes 'on oiso- NOTIGS lo hor^y givon that ^ H T r D REBUILT TRANS. Dorouiuo toM tho oourt: toanloglat ta riiargo of tho ota- t judge from put* Now York Fodoral eourte. varying political views, aad margortaa Butter state sonatoio 14 oC tofolgB birth aasaod tha FOC ru ta ^ r^ i^ t bo- hantf " o f a ooaolan ao It Ip now and tha ha aad Bfiarii Oteton hotel ta Now York. Look* aisetao aad tnnspqrtotien taxoo, under tho plan, otorm warntago Radio Foaturao. Incn produ^ of must priorat tholr dtlamNdp pf- 1937 Padmato Sedan ... $295 tax roUof far oniafi kuolhooomon, ayndlaatod radio pngruiu. w ^ yond the powaro _ itod by ilam Law Violatod opportunltloo for driaytag tho MB wuo4' *oid tho womoa "did not wtn bo rolayiid from tho buroau fodoral agency The letter aiuortod that there by Ito opponents wiU bo looo," ho pera. havo oaythtag on but a blaakot" logtalatlon roduotag tha doproda- eontondod tho FOC laekad auth^ to tha Goorgo O. Jaoohpoo. to tho otata poUeo harracka ta tty to looua Its ordar. Slmllor ehargod tho baa "doMroya| ■oomod "no doubt that fodoral ■aid ta a otatemont. la a : Dotoito AttoriMy cnia B om tt Uan period for machtoo tooia ohd Hartford. In turn, tho otata Arthur J. Vtaton, ■aid M waa oppopod to a poodtag oaam Sled by throo of the radio baotaomMm to o t aro not UlogaL’ law waa violatod at PookoklU.' Fulbrlght oald ho doesn’t think 1940 CHEVROLET COACH OUMoquoatly quoot toned Laokwood Uqo wUl relay the warntago aaar Oovoramrat attomoyo ooatoud* win bo more than 30 votao OiarloB Hooklor, eloooly on hlo rolatlaa'o wtth Oar* Sonata nMaouro tacroastaf tha notworka aro pondtag ta Fodoral For tbaao roaoono,” It road, thoro tholr tolot:^ notwoTk to other District ^ In Now York. od the eourt had ao authority toj • call upon you to briag tho caat ogatast tha tax ropoaL 0 CARTER CHEVROLET CO., Inei Board at SoloetmoB. $495— Down Payment $95 tontar’a wife, who had ouod tho tariff on bnportod oopbor.” 001 0 0 a Town of Oovratry. harracka oad to nMtropoIttan Tho Now Tork oulto wore tatorrmo— .JT-TT until altar— ____ tha ban ««-a|9*U *«*«• of fodoral mvorn- FoionU aoratoyraTay taggo for divoroo prior to tho AiSuttag too namifaoturon ho Ueo dopartaooato oorvod by 1 Attoot: Bhrtha Oour. ohaaiHiig. Mra. C a rt^ ter ah bad would otaad with them on thooo - *aOum * *?****• m. moat to tha oupitort of clvU righto Lucas oald that aftaf tha anna Towii Clork. ioouoo. tbo_gavomor oqM: n ot sag&x^ojsa; tajunotom ^ ^ oottat^ oomploulwl- btll is aOtad upon, the 8snata wUl 111 MAIN STREET filad a 1100,000 aSonattM of oftoe- Broadeaottag Syotam aiM National W hw ij Dated at Oovratry, O in^ thlo tlono oult ogalnot Mro. BotoUa aoyo itaua Ata Unoound w ew not ho jootUlmS3. ^ ^ I *r«| invaotlgatloa should bo taatl- taka up avs nsaouroa to tnerraoo 15th day o f Soptombor, 1545. "Many of our huotaooo toxoo to­ Traasary Balaoca Broadcaottaa (Momany. n Judge Igoa'oatd ho had hoardl tutod at anoo by tho civU righto pay and honaSta ot (odsral am- FHONE-6874-5292 Manful, who waa aanwd ta tho dt- chanrod FOC Is wltorat losM < that Radio Foaturrai KIUNNER'S-PACKARD voroo oiitt. day ore net only unoound but a aoetlon of tho Juotloo department ployoo, bidding military ponon* aoribuo dotrinont'to tho growth of | Wsahingten. Oopt 14—(FV—Tbo thorfty to BMka auofc a raU af— Sad raffarwl damage alroady and not Inehidtri among thara Is a T 858 EAST CENTER STREET ’ Lookweed tootlflod tkat Mro. that flvMWay paograma am lot- would ouBor furthar damage------„.ait| oprolal grand jury ' M a i ^ waa a ju M t ta the XmporWl Oonnoetieut Ihduotry. I hoUovo I poritlon of tho T r o a i^ . ■•Pt 251 woro pormlttod to hocoroo I ompanollod. and MI violatlooo of Mil to hooat the pay of Read Herald Advs. tto ban woro ofHeon from I16,0M up to 958JM0 OP^N: MON., WED h FRI,^ TILL 9 hatoLoiM tto Ottrpmten owned,! that wo muU take a otrong otoa4| Roooipta. 5 1 5 1 ^ ,^ t o : b i ^ t OPfOttto.L^JSK Ho viJSrtotoralf^ tow ohouldto jiulckly and Thoro waa no tadtaatjon bytho a year. ai)4ttetlM aftraaoarJur and tbo iNow York oourt whra a koarlag autooetty to set BOW. k IrifocUvriy proaocutoi^" I .■ / 4 judjlVtocothor ta tlM hotoL