S Io D 2X0bsadr HALE's BLANKETS Dollar Short , Nations Advised to Devalue Currency If Needed

S Io D 2X0bsadr HALE's BLANKETS Dollar Short , Nations Advised to Devalue Currency If Needed

'■*’^"'JM >•'''*■■ MONDAY. [ * flanrirratw ".i- K , ;a « D .V Arafago Doily Net fiaas fh* tpS MeoNi e< AMMO*. M Mra. Bte M. » dfl| M IftrUi ■obart I. Dooclaa of 187 Bina- i B K adt atraat, Manahaatar win cMar Wkn m Amarlatloa wSI PTAatGrei^ tan. Mra. »wn Bprlnfflald OaUafo aa a troabaaaa irrow aeantag at 7:8# In 9 ,3 8 8 bam”tirtried*boep!torY$er^ CItala room af tba afeot^^epeny^ wIM at tba fan tarn opantaf Tuaa^, tba Room Math an , ■opt. 88. Tba fraahman.etaaa wOl TneaNew^inn >««e aareud «nd- tba A m ha Cramer Jonssen at prmwit at Um boina of bar arrlra a week ahead of racutar />. MnmMaamm MmolUfw— car ./ rUtmuOmm raahtar, Mn. Mward MeXaavar. BtndanU to taka part In an orlan- Mancbaatar Radio Chib mamban banrd and aauneU m iitlita erap ' M4 danaalt atraat. win hold tbair (Unt mooting af aaltad to ardaf. ~ rA (POUITBEN PAGES) PRICE FOURaNtS tatlan arecrata prior to tba formal tba aaaaan tonight at 7r88 at tba Room Nothen for EeA arfl: RrsaMmip Mra. Jew MmIo; claaLa MoMay. 8apt MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11., 1949 ------- n o An Batata Motbara’ Orolo hama af tba praaldant, Btonlay riaa paeaMant, Mp^ftank Mi^ Teacher Of Piano ea r s f i »> ■ ■»«%■ UM OrMA- Mk A total af ISO BtudanU artn at of 88 Oeburn rand. Ftana win Grade Appointed to ■ana;- aacntary, MM. -Oaorga ' ' i > — VOL. LXYIIL, N a 292 wm boM Ita Brat maattac of tba ha In tha CSaaa of 1068, Includlnc li CM 0( tiM aoaaon tamorrow nlgbt at 8 o’clock ba dtaeuaaad, efflaon nawilnatad Tlirktagton; traaaarer, ' Mrs. B. ■arliMa CtM about 84 per cant of atudonta and aeary marabar la urged to ba AasiM in Work M. jcifiiBen. Miw L*M,8iMktia, at tba boaao of Mra. DarM Dono- who bare had aonw mlUtary an- WuTlh^mMt «wr(Ma Md 4ml- ran, laadar. Otbar aOcara are: Mrs. O iri rroaUeb. Ufa. ~ Telephone 2>1061 Aunonnoe Reaulta of Dollar Grlab Parley 4 | i i a u eor M dmM wsrfar*. laadar. Mra. Manry Bto- parlanca or tratalnc. T b ^ ^ 1^ m day ntabt a ptan. UgMy ana- Hanaan. Mn. Malria • Long!rilow, Dollar Short , Nations (ta preparation for arork In tha Memorial Tampta, Pytblaa Sta- cosaful In Abar acboola, was tal- Rra. Oaorfo Wmiana, Ml*. Aflan aacrotary, Mra. Arthur S a j i a ^ phyalaal aducatkm, tlatad into the ManchaOtar Oraan Rbedaa. Mn. Paul Boris. MM Million Dollar Pier Ovti OKiMtim oC wWch ___ Mra. Antbaiqr tara. win maot tomorrow arantag group work and commxmlty arean- In Odd BaDawa ban. Tba bnatoam P. T. A. Tha main foatun of tba Frank Balatena, Mlm Matbar Qran- Wmcm IX Wood la aondnetar, win tiambrla. librarian, Mn. Han- ptan la to appoint ana parent tor atram. - ■Mt tanigfct at B aTelaali at tha rf Haafa. laatkNi, taachar education, and win bo toOowod by a aoclal ttana, ■Mead OBMMfatlnnal eliarali far racraatlon and camping at Bprtag- erltb rafraabmanU oaread by Mra. aneb grade to ba daaigbatad aa Dttagatoe to P. T. A. Oounell Can HUdlng and bar commlttoa. "Roam Matbar.'* wboo# nap anal a n ; ttka Eatbar OnnatotPin. Mrs. At Atlantic City Advised to Devalue Ml drat t diaarMl AB kwtni^ Tba S tn ^ araop of tba Boutb Mllty win be to aaatat the (w S - Bliatatlit- are lirrttad to )otn. Raymond Schnilar, Mlaa Mariorlo MatbodlatW. I. a 8. win Mambara of tba Manchaatar an, the beapitallty. morabateUpi, LalAoldt. Mn. OUmoun C k^ luon ow oroiitaB at 7:48 to tba dan Chib arc raquaotad to bring aad waya and maana cemmittaaa Mra. John Boyia, Mra. Allan Bourn. Mr. end Mra. rraak Croekor a< churdi parlor. Mara bar* arc ra- Choice Openings by panondl aantaet wltb tba other Tha program for tho maann. brine tboir aarad pan- flower apachnana, flower a r ra n ^ Raaean atraat and Mr. and Mra. nindod to tall menu and new paidnto af bar grade, to gr whldi ipttpwplaaa to ba oxeepUonatty Damaged by Fire rtmam Cdrraa of dionadt Mroat. I wUl ba Mra. ooman and waiaoma than1 Into tbfl tatantatag, waa dlaruaead. - Walker BrIciB, Mra. Oaorga B - to tba maattag tonight at ^ cl*k In Air Fon^ Currency If Needed MM rotUTMd altar a motor trip In cantor Church Houaa. R. T. A. Arraagimanta wen ngda tor to Malaa wkara thap apant a few Uatt, Mra. W ^ r Holman and Roam'Malhara, aa a group, . toaa to bfl brid In tba dapa. Mra. Matbar Hardtaf. Tauag man In Mbnebaatar a n to doeido upon a eoda of atiguattooti«a Mancbaatar Oraan acboot for tlM FUmos Race Through tlma with refreatanMta by agaU ramindad that than a n aav- for parental elatto to purpeaa at sequainttag tba new International ’ Monetarj ■. Klrkham and bar commlttoa oral cbeloa apanlnga In tba U8 ^ this diririaa of motban with tba •taaehan and 300 Feel of Famous News Tidbits doatr and a m an totlmato PAINT THAT’S Report Is Laid Before win foUow the pregrain. Army and UB Air Borea at this acfioal psbey. Baeb tagdior will CaBod Frmi (ff) Wires Nation *8 Labor Front Ubm. a ba achloTad baterran tba par. g m a Miort taDt on w ^ t bar Stmetore; Losa b £•• Cbancaa far adraneamant, trae- onto, tba toaabara, aad tba oom- p«4o arm aecampllah through the Financial Leaders of ■t. Macdca'a Motbon mlttooa. )U$T RIGHT timated at $300,000; bMln tba now aaaaan with a 8:80 OL adncatlan. and tacbnleal aebeel- yanr. Bteek moiket eSveMm bcMbly 48 Countries; Has ^ hick BUppar tag to propan a man tor a akillad Mrs. Oilmeun Gain wha Is The flret tan win bo bald on. lap- Big Ballroom Gntted; ta rwpoiiM to ctocl etrlke tnioe . Seen Brighter Today t i V S Ding at tba homo of Mn. ^Uiony macbanica )ob upon re antarina Room Mother far tbnfaarth grade, tambar U tor tha mothon W tba Maey lima you eead w iulariar paiat Mr Great Britain's Crisis in eraa cboaaa chairman, and Mrs. ktadatganan, Saptambar M for tba No One Reported Hurt EugwM R. Btack. prMtdwit of Konim. 88 Waatmlnlator food, to dvlltaii Ufa an I at tba klgbaat leral walk, woedwod^ etc., tkat'iwariiabli^ water* World Bulk. mdsMU t ^ to® which tha huabanda of tba mam- WUUam Blaiifiiaa. flfth grads, is 8mt grade. Octooar 8 tor the aoe- Mind; Americans Be­ altonato chairman. Mn. Tbom- and and.third gndaa, Octobor 18 proof and coven eaiUy, yet you don't want m a t aa axpearioo of joctal wei- Sleeltoork Strike Set ban wfll ba wOleoma. Then Is a abelca af branch at Atlantic City, N. J„ 8 » t toro profTfliM may b# •■P®^ aendca tor tba young mm ontartag aa Rogan, eighth grade, Mrs. for tba tourtb, 8RI1, aixtb. aevonth the glare you gat fitxn a regular gle« cnaawL Adenauer Seen lieve She Must Finally it. Mary’a Waman’a Auxiliary tba u s Army tor a tbrw year an- Walter Anderaoo, aeventh grade, and a ^ t h grndaa technlea. AU 18,_(iP>_A $200,000 Are roeofory to oomo countme . For Tonight fa Called Mn. Raymand Sehallar. sixth gum ts an eerdlaUy Inritsd to at- Kyaaim Cdoid Scmi.Ck)« b ptrfect It U. a Army offlcUli In Bcrlta my Follow That Cours^ baa aot the data of Thuraday, 8ap- llatmanL tuck aa field Arttllary. ripped through 800 feet of Bovlct autborttloi hayo promimd Off; Truce h to Be tambar 88. tor Ita faU aummage Cerpo Of Bfnglnaan, Armored Cav- gnda, Mrs. Ebnar RuU, third |. cwnbinct the free woridag quaUtia af a Sat the famed million dollar pior Strong Man In aala, to be brid In tba pariah hooaa. aln, eta. grads, Mra. Paul Boris, aaooiMl A food aale.wn Ibo bOld In tha to laloem two AmAlm mi et<Oo- Washififlton, Sept. 18.—<JP) gnda, Mn. Eugana Biialaa. aaoand J. W. Halo CDipi. on Saturday, Oc­ paiat with the tmoMh, hard finiik of caaipad. early today. Tho well-known burg.*80 mllw north of Nuarnbuig Extended for 11 Day I mtrance on iMuat atreat Mn. Parenta an urged to talk aeer grade, Mn. J. 'f. Smali 8n t grade, —Th« internstioiMl mono- famoa Harriacn and Mn. Max tba poHlbUltlae with tbair aana, tober 88, atart^ at • o'cl^ aad If f tdfamoathiiig and leavec a foR, vel­ landmark, which jots 1,900 today . Explocitai If rix^tory West Germany Mra. R. W. Ilaem Brat smda, Mn. ecntlantag through tba day. - atm at Hiram Walkor and Soil, By U m Aiwdatfld Prafls tory fund today sdviaed dol- Kaaolkl M*e boon appotatod 00- of tba adrantagoa af aa Army or vety ihecn. 10 loft panel ihadcrwhich aim foot taito tho ocean on tho ehatnnan. Mamban of tha auxil­ Air Fbrea caiear. toe,, in Pwirta, m., oauam d a a ^ CondlUons along tho nation'a lar-shert countriM to davalua come iPMtchrd ia flat or gtow. downtown section mtimatod by company ofnclala at iary and church a n urged to aava flirtbar tafermatton ragardiag boardwalk, caught Are shout labor front appeared brighter to­ N«w President O rtain to their currencies, if need be, arUclaa for tba aala. the abora may ba bad erltbout ab- to boost their doIlsr«srniBg llgatloa St tba UB Army and US 4:S0 a. m. A norUioaot wind btaw | ^ aHowtd to toko day. roaring flamm down tbo bmcb •ta BtoEarB Crippa. BrtMab CbanmlKw of tba O. HaRmnn, ECA Craetor, naa cmm. Tbo atrtko sot for midnight Name Him Chaneellor; exports. Without singUnf oat At a mooting of tba Bpworth Air Eorca Racmlttag Btatlan.

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