Curriculum Vitae

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Curriculum Vitae Francesco Maiani, Ph.D., LL.M. Assistant Professor, Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP) Rue de la Mouline 28, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland +41 21 557 4024 (office), +39 02 583 24 140 (home) E-mail: [email protected] Curriculum Vitae Personal information Place and date of birth: Rome, 15 April 1974 Nationality: Republic of San Marino Current academic position Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration, Lausanne Since 2008 Assistant Professor, “Europe and Globalization” Unit Main research interests EU Constitutional and Institutional Law Legal Europeanization and Globalization International Human Rights and Refugee Law EC Asylum Law and Policy Education University of Lausanne, University of Milan “Statale” 2006 Ph.D. in Law, highest distinction (summa cum laude) Thesis: “Family Unity and the Dublin System - Between Migration Management and Respect for Human Rights” (in French) Université Libre de Bruxelles, Odysseus Network 2003 Certificate, summer school “European Union Law and Policy on Asylum and Immigration” University of Lausanne, University of Geneva 2000 LL.M. in European Law and International Economic Law, highest distinction (félicitations) Dissertation: “The Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data by the Community Institutions – Systematic Aspects” (in French) University of Rome “La Sapienza” 1999 University degree in Law (laurea in giurisprudenza), highest distinction (110/110 e lode) Dissertation: “The Personal Scope of Application of the EC Directives on Public Procurement” (in Italian) 1/7 Francesco Maiani, Ph.D., LL.M. Previous academic positions European University Institute 2007-08 Max Weber Fellow University of Lausanne 2007-08 Substitute Professor (professeur remplaçant), Chair of European Law University of Lausanne 2006-07 Adjunct Lecturer (chargé de cours), Chair of European Law University of Lausanne, Swiss National Science Foundation 2003-06 Research Assistant (collaborateur scientifique) on the project “Implications and Perspectives of the European Migration Policy for the EU Member States and for Switzerland” Project director: Roland Bieber University of Lausanne 2001-06 Teaching Assistant (assistant diplômé), Chair of European Law University of Rome “La Sapienza” 1999 Teaching Assistant (cultore della materia), Chair of Administrative Law Teaching experience Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration, Lausanne Lecture course “Internationalisation of Public Policies” (MPA) Lecture course “Fundamental Rights” (Master PMP) Lecture course “Swiss Constitutional Law” (Master PMP) Lecture course “Internationalisation of Public Policies” (Master PMP) Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) Lecture course “The EU Return Policy” (Certificate, EU Law on Immigration and Asylum) University of Lausanne 2006-08 Lecture course “Advanced European Law” (MA Law) Lecture course “Internal Market Law: Free Movement of Persons and Economic Freedoms” (with Astrid Epiney) (LL.M. in European and Int’l Economic Law) Seminar “Constitutional Law of the EU” (LL.M. in European and Int’l Economic Law) 2/7 Francesco Maiani, Ph.D., LL.M. Awards Professor Walter Hug Foundation, St. Gallen 2008 Ph.D. thesis honoured with the “Professor Walter Hug” prize University of Lausanne 2007 Ph.D. thesis honoured with the “Mario Prezzi G.E.I.” award Affiliations Odysseus Network 2009 Alternate member for Switzerland European Communities Studies Association (ECSA) Suisse 2009 Member of the Steering Committee Invited talks in conferences and courses (selected) “New European Governance”, ECSA-Suisse Conference, European Nov. 26, 2010 Institute of the University of Geneva Lisbon and the new instruments of democratic governance “Les acteurs non étatiques dans la globalisation juridique”, XXII Oct. 29, 2010 Session of the Seminar on Comparative, European and Global Administrative Law, Chaire M.A.D.P., Sciences Po, Strasbourg Between (national) form and (transnational) substance – the transformation of law in the land of the Helvetii (in French) “Round Table: Towards a Common European Asylum System”, Apr. 26, 2010 European Parliament Can the Member States trust each other’s asylum systems? “Vers une démocratie administrative?”, Ecole nationale Mar. 21, 2010 d’administration (ENA), Strasbourg Less is More? The Commission Proposal on Access to EU Documents and the Proper Limits of Transparency (in French, with J.P. Villeneuve and M. Pasquier) ELENA Course: The Common European Asylum System: Ten Years Nov. 14, 2009 On, Vienna The Dublin System: Policy, Principles, and Legal Issues Summer School: EU Law and Policy on Immigration and Asylum, July 3, 2009 Université Libre de Bruxelles The Distribution of Asylum Seekers Between the Member States “La Suisse partie prenante au système de Dublin”, OSAR, Lausanne June 3, 2009 Dublin, the State, and the rule of law (in French) 3/7 Francesco Maiani, Ph.D., LL.M. “10 Ans de Coordination Sociale Suisse-UE”, IRAL, Université de May 29, 2009 Lausanne The free movement of persons, a ‘quiet revolution’ of mobility in Switzerland (in French) “Unfair and Inefficient? Dublin II and the Right to Asylum in Europe”, May 25, 2009 Nobel Peace Centre, Oslo The Dublin System: Three Snapshots EUROMED Migration II, Nuremberg Apr 20, 2009 The Return Directive: Content, Context, Debates “Towards a Common European Asylum System”, ISF, Oslo Nov 11, 2008 The Dublin Regulation: An Outsider’s Inside Perspective “On persecution”, Workshop, EUI, Florence Oct 17, 2008 The concept of 'persecution' in refugee law: indeterminacy, context-sensitivity, and the quest for a principled approach 2nd Global International Studies Conference, University of July 23-26, 2008 Ljubljana, World International Studies Committee The EU, its Western Neighbours, and the Functionally Driven Harmonisation of Asylum Standards “Integration Without EU Membership in Europe: Models, May 22-23, 2008 Experiences, Perspectives”, EUI, Florence Co-organizer and Rapporteur on Switzerland: Legal Europeanization as Legal Transformation: a Swiss Perspective “3. Schweizerische Migrationsrechtstage”, University of Bern Sept. 3-4, 2007 EC Law and the Expulsion of Third Country Nationals - Towards Common Return Procedures? (in French) Master Programme in State Management and Humanitarian Affairs, March 29, 2006 University of Rome “La Sapienza” European Asylum Law and Policy - an Introduction Advanced Course in EU Law, University of Milan “Statale” March 20, 2006 European and International Asylum Law – the Geneva Convention, the ECHR and EC Law (in Italian) “The Enlargement and the Political and Economic Future of the March 25, 2004 European Union”, University of Madrid “San Pablo CEU” Crisis and Evolution: the European Asylum Regime in the Perspective of the Enlargement Swiss Federal Tribunal Nov. 2002 - Feb. 2003 The Foundations of European Law (in French, with Roland Bieber) “Perspectives of the Nice Treaty and the IGC in 2004”, Centre for Jan. 26, 2001 European Constitutional Law (Athens) The Agenda of the 2004 Intergovernmental Conference and the Role of the National Parliaments in ‘Ordinary’ Decision-making at EU Level 4/7 Francesco Maiani, Ph.D., LL.M. Publications Books “Droit constitutionnel de l’Union européenne – Recueil de textes” (with R. Bieber), Helbing & Lichtenhahn, Basel, 2010, XV + 686 “L’unité familiale et le système de Dublin – entre gestion des flux migratoires et respect des droits fondamentaux”, Helbing & Lichtenhahn, Basel, 2006, XVII + 411 “Droit européen des transports” (with R. Bieber and M. Delaloye), Helbing & Lichtenhahn/Bruylant/LGDJ, Basel/Brussels/Paris, 2006, XXIX + 413 “Précis de droit européen” (with R. Bieber), Stämpfli, Bern, 2004, XVI + 378 Articles in periodical publications “Fitting EU asylum standards in the Dublin equation: recent case law, legislative reforms, and the position of Dublin ‘associates’”, Revue suisse pour la pratique et le droit d’asile (ASYL), 2/10, 9-19 “Directive de la honte ou instrument de progrès ? Avancées, régressions et statu quo en droit des étrangers sous l’influence de la Directive sur le retour”, Annuaire suisse de droit européen 2008/2009, Stämpfli/Schulthess, Bern/Zurich, 2009, 289-315 “Le droit communautaire et l’éloignement des ressortissants de pays tiers – vers des procedures de retour communes?”, Annuaire du droit de la migration 2006/2007, Stämpfli, Bern, 2007, 69-96 “Le développement des politiques migratoires de l’UE dans le cadre du programme de La Haye” (with R. Bieber), in A. Epiney, M. Wyssling (eds), Annuaire suisse de droit européen 2006/2007, Stämpfli/Schulthess, Bern/Zurich, 2007, 61-99 “Referenden im Ratifizierungs-prozess der Europäischen Verfassung” (with R. Bieber), in A. Epiney, S. Theuerkauf, F. Rivière, M. Wyssling (eds), Annuaire suisse de droit européen 2004/2005, Stämpfli/Schulthess, Bern/Zurich, 2005, 253-266 “L’harmonisation du droit matériel de l’asile au sein de l’Union européenne” (with R. Bieber), Annuaire suisse de droit européen 2003, Stämpfli/Schulthess, Bern/Zurich, 2004, 147-170 “Evoluzione e continuità: la partecipazione degli enti territoriali alle procedure decisionali dell’Unione europea nel progetto di Costituzione europea”, Diritto e Cultura 1-2/2003, special issue: Quale costituzione per l’Europa – Consolidamento e innovazione costituzionale nel ‘secondo’ Trattato di Roma, 459-483 “Le cadre réglementaire des traitements de données personnelles effectués au sein de l’Union européenne – situation présente et perspectives de développement”, Revue trimestrielle de droit européen, 2002, 283-309 Contributions
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