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Page Six DAILY WORKER, NEW YORK, MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1929 UP WITH THE UNION By Fred Ellis * LS M M M Copyright, 1919, by Jlailu I J I I J I J Publishers Co., Inc. Central Organ of the Workers (Communist) Party 9 te* t*i»l***** Published by the National Dally SUBSCRIPTION RATES: . r '-Is'' {if Publishing Association, - Worker Ry Mall (in New Vork only): ", 0 Sunday, at -- iS.OO a year $4.50 six HAYWOOD’S i" f*cept months 2G-2S Union Square, New 5 ork $2.50 three months ..... N. Y., lelephone, Stuyvesant D „ , Mai ’ (outside of York): All rights reserved. Republican J696-7-S. Cable: “DAIWORK.” .®5Tn New lion forbidden except by permission. f J V J ROBERT MINOR Editor Address and mail all checks to The Daily Worker, 26-28 Union WM. F. DUNNE Ass. Editor Square, New Vork, N. V. _____________________ The First Convention of the I.W.W. in Chicago, Arvo Vaara, Communist June, 1905; Haywood’s Speech Editor, Class War Prisoner to the Convention In previous chapters Haywood told of his early life in the Old By WILLIAM MOKI.VRITY. his pocket; which brought thi [from West as miner, cowboy and homesteader; of his activity in the West- The Yea! Yea! Yea! of the court , , threat from the bench of a commit ern Federation of Miners; his election to head of the union; its strug- crier on February 19, brought at- ment. The Crown rested its case upon Chicago January, tention in the crowded court room the evidence as submitted. Roe gles in Idaho and Colorado; of the conference at in n buck, to of Sudbury. And then, as though tl seeking have Crown At- 1905 that called the first convention of the I.W.W. Now go on reading. torney McKessock address the jurj seeking to bring home to the inter- * * * ested workers that though ancient first, was ordered to proceed. The t Crown By WILLIAM D. HAYWOOD. and worn-out forms prevailed, cap- would have the last say-so. The jury italism demands strict obedience, retired and Roebuck PART 56. Justice Wright warned all present claimed that the judge had been in that silence must prevail under pen- error in stating in his instructions twelfth convention of the W.F.M., in 1905, was in Salt Lake alty of imprisonment. One worker f that Vaara was responsible. Judge THECity. In spite of the many strikes and the tremendous expense in- was subsequently seen whispering , Wright insisted that this had been volved, it was the finest convention that we ever had held. There had to his companion and was promtly ’ proven in the evidence and it was been an increase of three thousand members during the previous year. ordered to be put outside by the , [ not at all necessary to recall the There were delegates from the new camps in Nevada jury. judge. The law is not to be trifled j —Tonopah, Goldfield, Rhyolite and Albert with! The twelve good men and true re- Ryan was a delegate from Arizona; the W. F. M. quired three hours, less five W Arvo Vaara, senior editor of min- elected him to the first I. W. W. convention. Later utes, to bring in their verdict of scrape and killed two Vapaus, was charged with seditious he got mixed up in a shooting Li qjiml guilty. This finding was a blow to strikebreakers, and was sent- libel. He was found guilty after a gunmen who had been JjPV the hopes of the workers San Quentin, Cali- trial which lasted all day. Sentence 1 interested enced to life imprisonment in f jin the case. Itwas confidently ex- before he was myA JKJJ was imposed of six months’ impri- fornia, where he served fifteen years pected that after being out so long, sonment, with a fine of one thous- pardoned! The other delegates to the June convention VESj ' a disagreement at least would have adopted Manifesto and JmH and dollars additional, non-payment myself. The W. F. M. had the ' resulted. The judge discharged the Manifesto and of which would mean further im- myself. The W. F. M. had adopetd the jury and addressed himself to Com- Federation in the new prisonment for two years, commenc- instructed us to install the ’ jrade Vaara. “Your crime is of a ing with the expiration of the six organization. * * * most unusual character.” He was months’ prison term. The jury was [; exceedingly glad that it was so. AFTER we returned to Denver from Salt Lake, it was only a matter out for nearly three hours before “ ', Vaara had to this country to for the first convention they brought down a decision. come of a few days until we went to Chicago become a citizen, not to write like There were none of the high spots of what was to be the Industrial Workers of the World. Brand’s Hall this to stir things up. It was a Purpose of Restrictive Immigration in the trial which were a feature was packed with spectators an dover two hundred : ; peculiarly heartless piece of writing. on June 27, 1905. of the preliminary hearing. No de- By KARL REEVE ; “You do not deserve the slightest b market, when a new world war is delegates. Many of the delegates had come up on the platform, among fiance of the judge, or of threats The sentence will be e (Editor, Labor Defender.) the ptospect for the immediate fu- old Mother Jones, the only woman who had taken commitment for contempt [consideration. them two veterans. deliberate 1 six months imprisonment, with a The United States government, at Move Big Capitalist ture, t hat *the government is inten- exchanged ’greet- of court unless we record a j a Bosses to Protect the part in the initial conference, and Gene Debs. As I display fine of one thousand dollars addi- - the present time, is conducting a sifying its attack on the working of testiness when his lordship ings with them. I turned over in my mind how I should open the con- ruled In default of the payment wide-spread campaign for further System of Exploitation class of this country. The govern- out a question by defense lawyer tional. t! Commune the workers had 1 of the fine an additional two years : restriction of immigration. The 70th ment fears that the foreign born vention. I recalled that during the French Roebuck, directed at A. T. Hill. s “The [must be served, commencing from session of congress has now ad- Workers, who have behind them a addressed each other as “fellow citizens,” but here there were many witness must not persist in his ans- a always ‘history revolutionary 1 the time of the expiration of joumed, and one of its last acts us hope we shall have about you know that there are 66 foreign of struggle, country, so that would not do. wer, when I have question the e workers who were not citizens of the ruled the [sentence of six months.” was to refuse a senate vote on a us that natural safeguard. I do not language newspaper publications in who are class conscious and who improper, or to I didn’t want to use the old trade union form, “brothers and sisters,” he will have be Comrade Vaara listened to the resolution to postpone from July 1, mean that all evils can be traced to the city of New York alone? are opposed to the capitalist sys- placed in custody.” e • so, picking up a piece of board that lay on the platform and using it tirade from the bench quitely and, jf 1929 to July 1, 1930, the day when [ races different from those of the Attacks Y. W. C. L. tem of exploitation, will play an in- parent creasing opened Roebucli Asks for Particulars. [ left the prisoner’s box with the same a : the “National Origins” method of stock, I do mean they are “Do you know that we have in role in the American class' for a gavel. I the convention with “fellow workers:” bringing different customs and country organization struggle. A. W. Roebuck early called for a .calmness as he had entered it. The ; determining immigration quotas this an call- * * * ideals motion of dismissal of his client, ! j defense is strong for an appeal. would go into effect. In refusing to ! and endeavoring "to implant ing itself the American Young The government is attacking the with a of the He objected to the form and sub- declares tjiat McKessock’s jpostpone this method whereby the them within our body politic. Neither Workers (Communist) League and Negro workers and the workers of IN calling this convention to order I do so sense resnon- [Roebuck 3 prejudice -1 stance of the indictment. “The heir [crack to the jury about the defense >j quotas are based on the population do I believe in race or in that it is teaching small children other races than the white for the sibility that rests upon me and rests upon every delegate that is a citizen,” the superiority of one race over disiegard our same reason apparent is private said not placing Vaara in the witness 5 as it was in 1790, the senate was j and hatred of form that it attacks the for- here. This is the Continental Congress of the working class. We are the defense; “it is not sedition to [ edified by a speech of Senator Reed, another, but I hold that as a ma- of government?” eign born. The 12 million Negro box is a violation of a prisoner’s 5 1 here to confederate the workers of this country into a working class refer to the Prince of Wales.” Roe- “rights.” who said that the basis which has jority of.