Final Appendicies 1 to 5 for Forums Approval 250314 AR Approved
Appendix 1 Local Authority Funding Reform Proforma LA Name: Hammersmith and Fulham LA Number: 205 Pupil Led Factors Reception uplift Yes Pupil Units 38.00 Proportion of total pre MFG Description Amount per pupil Pupil Units Sub Total Total Notional SEN (%) funding (%) 1) Basic Entitlement £3,564.11 9,312.00 2.88% Age Weighted Pupil Unit (AWPU) Primary (Years R-6) £33,188,992 40.59% Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9) £5,163.86 2,758.00 £14,241,926 £56,937,584 17.42% 1.73% Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11) £5,163.86 1,841.00 £9,506,666 11.63% 1.21% Secondary Primary Secondary Primary amount Eligible proportion Eligible proportion Proportion of total pre MFG Description amount per Sub Total Total Notional SEN Notional SEN per pupil of primary NOR of secondary NOR funding (%) pupil (%) (%) FSM6 % Primary £971.55 4,402.53 £4,277,276 18.17% FSM6 % Secondary £1,515.62 1,977.52 £2,997,166 17.65% IDACI Band 1 £600.00 £850.00 434.05 191.33 £423,062 7.00% 8.90% IDACI Band 2 £650.00 £900.00 584.94 316.61 £665,156 11.10% 15.40% 2) Deprivation £16,333,493 19.98% IDACI Band 3 £700.00 £950.00 1,353.07 626.11 £1,541,961 27.00% 33.00% IDACI Band 4 £750.00 £1,000.00 1,541.77 645.10 £1,801,427 31.40% 35.40% IDACI Band 5 £800.00 £1,100.00 1,509.99 586.13 £1,852,733 35.30% 37.80% IDACI Band 6 £850.00 £1,150.00 2,111.14 852.39 £2,774,712 51.20% 53.80% Secondary Primary Secondary Primary amount Eligible proportion Eligible proportion Proportion of total pre MFG Description amount per Sub Total Total Notional SEN Notional SEN per pupil of primary NOR of secondary NOR funding (%)
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