Valuing Intellectual Capital, Multinationals and Taxhavens Springer Verlag 2013
Collected References, available on-line as <> 27-Oct-13 References for: Gio Wiederhold: Valuing Intellectual Capital, Multinationals and Taxhavens Springer Verlag 2013 VIC Citations This list includes all the references cited, as well as others that I have persused. For general information, I chose a recent publication for citation, trusting that it will be easier to locate and cite earlier work. As is common in tax matters, opinions abound. Refereed material is italicized. Entries cited and listed in the Reference section of Valuing Intelectual Capital have [bold identifiers]; entries considered, but not cited are marked ‡. Entries marked † were used for [W:06] . Transcription into the spreadsheet for VIC are marked [xls/worksheet]. Shaded text is to be omitted in publication, but helpful for search or as an aide de memoire. I am dding {chapter.section} references AAAAAAA [Aaron:13B] Henry J. Aaron: Tax Reform? Between a Rock and a Hard Place; Huffington Post, Brookings, 15 Jan. 2013. The 1986 reforms shifted $1T (adjusted) from individuals to Corportations over 10 years. Mobility of capital and the proliferation of multinatinal companies prevents such a solution now. Must raise personal income tax.{VIC Ch10.7.4} [Aaron:13G] Henry J. Aaron: You Get What You Pay For: Lessons From the IRS Scandal; Brookings, 31 May 2013. Only 1% of returns is audited. $450B is uncollected. Each dollar spent auditing yields $8. {VIC Ch8,7.3} [AbahoonieA:10]‡ Edward Abahoonie and Liah Alfonso: Deferred taxes on foreign earnings: A road map; Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC), Dec.2010, updated 2012
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