wMk laat

Mtmeheetift A CUy o f V&Uige Charm


Victims o f Alleged **Talent Scout** Mob Feared; f Alcorn Argument Ciano at Salzburg;

^ . Rush Slayer ~ ^

Ends Trial; Judge In^m ding

Ministers at Once '

Police Delay Arraignment

Will Open Charge Of Jefferson as An' '4.k

ger Growa When De- in Conferences

Prosecutor Calls Hayes RoosaTelt : RaviTcs Early t tails Become Known.

*Rough and Arrogant' ’ American PoUtieai Term! Waat Palm Beach. FU.. Aug. 11. Eerie Wail Proves to Bo Italian Brings Si Head o f Tuppet Gov- PitUburgfa, Aug. 11.—(F)— Air Raid l^est —(JT)—Faaring mob vlolance, police Product of Machine Age I^sident Rooaavelt ravlvad laat lions from Mi ernment' Which He night a tarm of aarly Amaricaa authoritlaa today dalayad arralgn- Hemet Calif., Aug. 11.—(/ On What Closely Used to Loqt O ty; political campaigna ia critida- mant ot CbariM Jefferson on chart- Given Britain ing to the Young Democratic aa of abductli^ two Miami high That ecria waU In the dead of the night—it’a bean kaaping tao- operating Pot Asks for Conviction. convention a ca.>didata arho runs school girls, slaying one and holding on a "atraddlebug" platform. Identa for mUas around awake the other prisoner three daya. Early Today slnca Aug. S—turns out to ba And Military 1 PoUUciana who prof Based to A few hours after tha tall, 34- Bulletin! nothing but a product of tbs ma- Should Do know said tha tarm had Its ori- yaar-old Jaffaraon confaaaad. County chine ago. Walaiknry. Aug. 11—<4V- gin almost a eaatuiy ago aad Solicitor W. E. Roebuck arid to aa* Tba plarclag whistla-moan FVee Q ty o f Bnreriar Oanrt Jadgo Brnrat A. was used in critlclam of a vacil- aultlng aad fatally stabbing Rutb Lights « Blotted Out in IngUa, oyroiag Ua nharga. told lating candidate. Oaa dictionary Ruth Ftances Dtlnn, 17, (left above) and Jean Bolton, 10, (also came from high speed fans ta Ftmnces Duim. IT-yearntld brunette blowen of orchard-dustlog da- Balkans and Far tke Watoebnry eo—piracy trial deflnea "atraddlsbug" thus: beauty, ofiricera nuhed him away above) both Miami. Fla., girhi, were victims of a aelf-atylad "talent scout” Area Populated by 30.- pnry laday that It aiaat aera- who called himaalf Charles R. Jaffaraon and who, upon being apprehend- vlcaa operated only at . night, "A baatia havtag loow lags. under heavy guard to an undlacloaed 000.000; BeporU on when the air la oumaat so tao Salatraig, donaaay. A u g .: tlidaa with‘parUenlarearar’ tha jail: ed, admitted abducting tha girls for ransom. Mlaa Bolton escaped the "Having lags nr )ta*ut or walnut ranchaa many —ItaUan Fonlsn Mlnlatav toittonroy t aceampSara TalL astrida of aomathlag. Officials reported there waa an wild adventure with her life, but Mlaa Dunn’a stabbad body waa found Suiscesa Are Sketchy. eigaiaa4 grayhalraa Jnrial In- on a lonely beach. * apart Galeaaah Claao- arrived h «4 "A two-facad poUUctaa." undertone of anger In street gather- fanntog taa Jnnr, aa to what Inga bare ae details o f tha case ba- Men who drava for tor h thraa-day oenfaroaea London, Aug, 11.—(1^—Great through the Baa Jacinto valley ^ Wright It ahaoM ghra tha taatl- easM tanarally known. GanMO Foragbi ^ nmny ot ozooamineoo, rototrad Jsaa Bolton, 10-yaar-old blonde, Britatn’a greatost blackout—a aad evro Into nelghbomtag BMun- danMnstratlon ef etj^Oion and mili- talaa, huatlag tbs' wrird oeumrs VoalUbbeotaop to attuaa'tha 1 ^ by aaam to . Edward O. Vary, saoend aSOuctlon victim wtM was Now Havwi iaaryar. aad Harry Barkley Slaps. rqlaaatd unharmed lata Wadnaaday tary defanaas agalnat bombing souroa, waro tollad by the tost Baritoaalstoaawemdltlaaa HI Gladiolus Show Here tha blowerA almoot Mlant riooo R. Madiiairi% raHWriaa, hath ot night at Boca Raton 38 miles from raids—aariy today Uottad out rope. Wham^hiM ylmtod jgH y; hare, waa taken by ralatlvas to a at hand, an hoard hMidaot mllaa UghU' la half of Bnglaad, on atoa away. Otaoa bronght Lack of Plans aeeludsd raaort to racuparata from . raatfar MuoooBk . ^ — .. her harroaring aapariaaca. Draws Mfuiy Entries populated by 30,000,000 ponaho. (iloarty eoopoeattag peltttaal' Mlaa Bolton yaotarday told ot ba- Aa dawn otraakad tha aaotom ariUtaiy partaoM rimriC _____ ,______J t o a a t o a ot By Repiiblican big kept bound for moat ot three ky, just baton tha aignal tor the Froa e f D anig, 1 ^m y. omt Ohartoa B. days aad nights in Jaffaraoa’a ooupa, James Milo o f I*lainfield “il^U on,” Sir John . Aadanon, benrad la a marshy ride road SOU Danzig Nazis. and tba Fhr P ' aam^waBtlriaa. wha ptaniad la- Four Chinese lord privy asal aari air raid praeau- ISMtaiirH neeroA tori who aa a atato^ tost from the eoaatal highway near Is the Winner o f the Uons chlaf. told raportora that tho SeiMtor Brings Young OoeaJtoton. parlmant would prove of "groat atriyrii< iiltomaYinifltl that he apHt Sweepstakes Cup in flwa with h aa other atenaal To Be Handed .J im" but that It waa tmpoaribla Look to Talk _ Democrats to Feel by Tha body of Miao Durni was yat to "tapraat a oenatdarad judg- The Open Color Class. Watortmiy. Aug ll—<4V-8pociai Declaration; PolWca found ia Pabaatto uadarbruah naar- Half eoverad with sand aad aa er Etf JHIfSi Aa daylight progroaaid aatl- For Guidance StS Proeieutor Hugh M. Aleotn. cloring Jamas MUo ot Plalnvflla won tha Over to Japs In ReUef Is Denied. old raincoat, It araa badly brnlaad, r osarchllghto whirii hod foanad tha ..«a tha atoto’a aigumrota ia tte muni- boro savaral atob wounds la tha side aaraapataka cup ia the open color 101.1 —— aky tor throa aad a half houn waro atpal mnUon-doDar fraud trial to- Plttaburgh, Aug. IL—(*) Sana- ad a bunat bole In the terahand. elaasas at tba 14th annual aahlbtt dimmad and London, narva eantor SalslMirg CwRffrattee of Jaffaraon, a man ot many aiiaem of tha Oonasctlcut dladlolua aociaty, British' Announce New of tba 38 black-out eountlaa of day, tormad Mayor Frank Hhyaa, tor Barkley -ot Kentucky, tha San- ad a chackared natlon-wlda career which opanSd tUs noon at tha Ma- oouthaastain Bngland, Ford^ Miiiktan Ba> chkd roadtttlva ot tba city rinro ato majority Boor laadar, brought whlcb includsd tbaatilcaL radio aad Evidence Establishes to Ufa. IMO, n *Toagh aad arrogant" head aonle Tantoi* at the Oentar. Thara and la tba Touag Democrato’ National nawapaptr work aa wan aa a civil Prime Fm^ Ceses; peeled to Ghro €! • ot a “puppot govenunant'' which bo aad arilltary poliea roeord rinca tbO arsrs more thaa 3op antraato in Oonvantton to Ita fast today whan thoaa riamia, Tha awaapstokaa cup ariy Air Mlatatiy . To iHuaedialo Ftatara. had nrod to loot tho city. aga of 15, left Miami aariy Monday Sujnreiid^ la Ordered. Ending hto ono-boor aigiiiarot at ba'dacland "our Rapuhilean Mends with tha two girU, avbo thought ha la tha opah color amateur elaaaea tha anoema e f Loaden'o have Bowliaro to go aad nothtag to puroult plaaoo, aatt-olm oft 1|:3B p. aa (a a .t), Aleoni ratorrad araa a narvla talaat aeont. Ha bad baa not tasn awarded. Tbato wars London, Aug.—Oft—Tho Brittah to the eaoa aa h "aoedid atoiy" and stand on and ara aaarching around tham a aerasn teat baro.-> about 300 oonqpoUag. Tha praridant aad tha balkwa ;T ari: govoromont annoimood today that Maria taokai toOqr ta lha tali the hoy that ha ooold aaa *WBly in the darlmaai tor an usua ot IS n rombWag atotammit to tha af tha aoeiaty apd F. W. Lotoma katchy but Londoiwro who soma aorL" ad ohout ta tha dark hours f ftalaa atol Toulk tiMH aaa atantar —eonvlctlon tor an tha aoUritor, SbatW W. H. Lawianoa ware hi tha laiK No awarda a tour Chlneoa nOagad tafreriota who fS dritaiitanto who ara chargad with Spaakliig extomporanaoualy to a and W. C Fullar ef the Unltad made ta tha otadHng claaaqawy the had boaa tho eantac of the Brttirii- ntalaro far tha eonvanUon movtag two hours tha etty. heatag aoarolrad to cheat aad da* Stataa Dapartamat e f JusUca. ha Judgao W toWranfaiUwann^ an Japanooo dteputa Tloat nniid tha city, hind achaCula said after Aubrey gave dataUa af tha aptaoda.' Later. Jamaa Oden o f Boaton, Jataos at riaulu- Uon, J toOta ta gtat ta a Judge HnSm A. lagUa told the waUams, natlanal yovth Um aoSeitor aaM, ba rigaad a Of Plahn^ aad jmoism ho handed over te Japanooo oMlheil- tag an tratar, had doitad tosro- ttaa tor triaL .tatyhawmddlMginMaabmta at ot hlo mwwaro to gna y 4 f‘Itackvfila. to tha ' iiie aad would araas -phgp* Priittoi in taMsAr R a i ^ i 1 Hoar, m tor aland a cn ey htagdahiror a oottrt until Rmbheaaa an dhauttag: the hqph ot tha four Ckfaaoe aad that they would whrii ba would ra- ‘"An lanm, aa lama my ooootry ^ _ ,'ot e fataaar t wito gadjnta aad gnna to dawat for aa laaaa.' in im taeit to flad ba bandad ovar Immieataty-. Atof down ton aatSan ft waa anpaetod the eaaia ot tad apntnad hiaa Ha aad make aa laana mma ot them tended holdfaig them tor laaaeaL Japan gag autoaritlga In Ttantrin tha » I I a j u r y t r i a l Tha bsat HOra la tba riww was would go to tha jury Wadnaaday hava bean wnoag to abik thatr Ha told ot amaultteg Htaa tam o, adjotaiaff to to "F. J. MeOoy" antar- oeeuaa tba tour at. roonltalty to toa mt Mm arid than country fai order that they aright kimag of a Ohtagaa raatoam efflctal altar, ssettaari ART mma wnu n/aam ^ m haatlag bar with a hamiaar ad by ’F. W. Loraaa of Marldrit a dtatatadtoiMdr. baa aha aeraamad tor halpj of too Japaaoso-demtaatod North boMy c — getad with lOatMwadTnmt dsop pink variety with 13 open iBUto Mata 04 rs- MW. lha proaaeutor chatgad that id token bar Into tha n Bbrota. This variety has baas a China ragbao. BritUb wfaaal to tut* laa Briton lamalnad |n 1 tliam ovar aftor they w on ottasd to Hhyaa ana at the 34 dtfamtahta ha- Itooountlag'tha wlnaar tor the bast optof hi three I \ tr^rnd Wa truat to tba piapto and DemoeraUe party, ha aassttiil tto out of tour roeant ahowa of tba Maw tba Brtttah ooaamiiMi at Ttaotaki JWAj brought on too Ji amartod that tha mayor waa the aoeenvUriunaato had laid tha fona- liimlaDd Oladlehia soeialy. ‘taniher and tba flatohar ot thla eon datkm tor tha aecompMahaanto ot Oamaiarclal growara who raeaiv- bloehado at too Italy Si#8 the prasant admtnlatratlon aad tha ad awards In tha opaa aaetloa w on ta Ih ordar to hava n aueoaaMUl eon' party had "alwaya bean a New Kvarott Ctark of Pequonoeh, ^toat not June 14. Plromise News Sir Roboat Larita CTalglo, piraey, Aleoni toU the Jury, tt wso baai party." IMsmisses A lito display, BuiBbar and gaaittyl norimaiy to have aa “unocnijnilonfl Ha said tha RapubUcans "say Aianlns ef f,inngwioodnw, aaoot id crto ^ • to oenvay Londonta (tanlrinn to tha amyor, erookad hankar aad a dla- they favor tho objoettvoo ot " orttatleally arraagsd, Munoon ot Of America] I h i a hoMot auditor," New Deal but object to the a Tokyo gevonimint. Tho ambaroodor Law Test Case Warobouas Print tor tha boat dta- hi addition to Bajraa, ha aam eda. They de not MB us what Ihrir onaagad tor artiatle affect and to Chtaa, Sir Arohtoold Ctarh Korr, Calk Two New objaettva would have haan haditaay Ohm boo boon hirtraetad to tafana an hqr parUdpanto hi tha allagad otahy of Racbvilla tor I' Colon Wkilo plat to eeainln. fear other dafea ~ m m power." "tataad" dirolay. tbs Chungfctag. gevaromwri oTtoa Japnaese to bregt^ale Loud applanaa graetod hia state- Fodnd Court Dedies Brittah dsetatan. at toa aata Carl b . Otaea, form ar o « - laa R. w . Stovano af Watmhary Baiag JMkra ctol ot a Watottany bank; Gaorga mt that lahaf rolla Would have Two of too Chtanm will ba triad Rqiorled Detentioto of It Locks Jnrisdictioa I Slat honora arith bar corsage on mordar ebargoa groirlag out of X. Ktagatoy, hand oC IIm Naw Tcrk boas materially rodubac K tha ad- "AawBana” yallowprima wtOi too aanootahttaa o f 1 0.3*g. too Thir^ at Kaifeng. tow^^rato wM arinlstrstioa had baS tha "W Over Rei^slration Fee. m rwbon. Mrs. Stavwia ol haartod eo-opo*isee ot.tbeoa euotoago offlataL April S. Tho other toot too m a Otty < r) Won the W . LoevT Utaleh troaky tor two win be ch Nptog, Aug. l>- (ff)—Opto a n- * doad Ita r ig h to " pharing labai^* tor bowl amagmaanta ot apa. Atny nSeqwfr wa have raaebad tha Maw Havoa. Aag. U——A ohl^ ta illegal OMrt hy toa Oritad iss tao>nht hy tha Mmtarsriof the used Chr Doalaro i la the open oictlen. He; S,' toe raOad hi thta toroa. ogatori Btato Motor V< Snt pvtas tor too aaoot art riatto of tS wt of gladlohM. otoar dm aatonrt at w .,*—y anilhiiB I ta to Flashes! ttaff* wtto the toftw. m ga aad .rihtoa (glads prod . . wtoeBrit- on provlaaa, who waro lapoctod to aa ffhga ««•.) ig) waa hi tba hava hato datritod tor todtaota ' wntaavatoai antoertUas tha ehUgaOto to hiaotlvai Study Possible 000 year at too I toa awn rvor tor total la lac g. u ottaa. Thta Mur ribbon wa I r o o a l v a d b y t o r triliMprl mr aawlhaj wha VnOapd tha Plortat of Wa I^POTiH today t o a d Dahvary o f the Dutch Private /Tha ekuma ot 33M aad IMILI Robbery link by a Feliral eei atiT wm oMig tha Jtoanaa at toa ' t i i r o i ^ "Mrid Botarday n id gatod o f atoi ST tod ~ at To- tonperttorldt by a iutaa n . Ctaik or whkk atae ta ban taagy to hyu m aoonomta lOfasri-AaM Bank Suspen^ tratnliig atartiagtag Aag. SLr PoBee to Qneslion N«m^ & Ctaeatt Oonrt of ApaialA l I l a t a r i e n a at tor tm peamro ta North __ JOto raWa, SL. I ef tho Tota irkow of Law who hi Um toori ews of Ota otaams war walk Htdd-np Sus- n atae WM aaMuaoad^^rt aa- tha oelori as tor «aH oatwtlh Jadga Chnrii O Dad p t t o i toOowtog pect Regarding U bL ad Judge n— yn.qedd4td ta too thar Chtagai. Sau Ghang-Wu, who Aetion Taken 24 batang to the riooMO ot IgOg Met oonrt hara. wroto too Watoinftoo. Ai«. ll.-(y)-T h s WM amatad ta toe Ttaetahi BrIUik toa Juto 31 obregattaa of toa JapHH 1394. IN I, INg and IflA IffU igg| StpCffiiitar aoa-tTWlad Btatas trods tn a ty . eriMon of tha Traaoury Aug. t: After Newt of The two etagnos ta to ( rik‘‘wtato atatod that too tamtori,' Aug.US’ I L - ^ — r r i f a a Ion to r n s tatattaqtoay ta._. of tamrtat aellvily, would ad wars toaso o f 1341 aad M S, adtad today n poariholtF that the tod avar to the Jhtoawto tor tor’s Deaili trrioa rohkrii al tha iatata SSa- MMt to otartod to too otato gSAHA44.4l3Jto cuotaom ito«| I b y o a o d i t o r i r i I ffh .pay^ .lrin yos- Btoarttoata too tor agoMh. gTjaMdOJS. . ~ aevritatatof . Ang.—(In—T to Aug. 11—(Fi- Arthur IL Kh vatahaahtag tirm at Mtodah n book -TW L and Oempony whtah was oparatod Fib. la 7c toot ho Tba pram warnad toot am antl- hsro by tto Into rku Maaabaiaiar wtthfSTASSL Amgrtato aaorrmtot wa# niwamrad ownoMtan of paymwita OotaeUvn B atgt I Aihankins'Forming 'World ewirthilaaa. aad might ha today, M toon After aowo ot Maau- lar m I 0I to t o Nw N o w Ttrii at aay ttaaa. ------'a doato hoeamg ' bordar whkh aadad aaita thta iH naitowhlta, toa Jaaaaaaa ____Bhataaw dtad lata 0 Dnoa dta not attand toa htat j

I t o a I Unit io Regain Freedom gw apaaly to oarodato at a Faria ontaoh, bu t______lys ef tba aror , to the oaU-Brittoh dtdasitaataathtadadb aatll yao. to toil natal n^tatoartot^arid tarday. |y aattadad wtto O nauahatmar, s German Mnaaottd atao r graatad toturoWaattan hi Tha Nato- om Mankri to artaads ta ligp . roeantly wm i near immannitir to nriiou i thff Jrmbmb RMlRt msMM nertw ated as a gmod offlosr ot tba I tart Africa, saytaf that an to Frtakw oirnfarrlag w ito p p p r t Iriglto to Honor ta raeogrittan to to to taapactom to. roam efttalatator toe declared tataaStan ef hta amvtoa so an adv a on toa praagiach ------_ aa aatt-Oritlih mevr Final II. I. Ha was 40. OM an toa rranah I tor Chtaa, Maartieukuo and Ji Aftar tba Mari earns to power ta I t h a t " t h g y w i U n a t ta Anaal 18gg T to Nathariatota Maadriaaoha to tort to tnad w 'rz. flrm aapaiatad from Ha Battle af- att- of onr eountry." •to parttataated ta tha Tto neant Aragy 1

lead t o toa atouaiptkm


tfow Matofl a tone laaaaB far Mtar* ICANCHE8TER EVENINO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY. AUGUST 11,19S» FAGl •a* that wahiSlf rooriagdam. Tha iriSM who baa Cfnioiiy Cheney Mob Feared; tesrned feel eeoeeatrattee wfll o4- ■M il." ■ . A f^ la Baa JTnaalsaa la tPM Believes Racial Variation Daiujg Nazis juat klmsslf to enodltloM m tbay AirRaidTest ‘ aa a U. & Army ima*tor, .tar wfeleb arteo later oa. If be bM Uito magle Rush Slayer ba raaalwif a two yaai’ ■aat aa m mw ef an arngfe to carry btm throMb. Diesel Principle , ^ ^ _ O f f i c e r s M e e t Bar tha aaam of QeBtoiB: ^ mbs. Basie Existed in Families Look to Talk It te vttaTthat booM oeadRlona ars Given Britain Ellington 19M, from Praame mlUtaiy prtaaa, ■...... ' '"1 :fev '. ------rraneiseoi aantancad to im In oonduelvo to rMl appUcatloa. aaS It Centnriet OUi ^ Info Hiding to 15 years for crlml* M o AXtOp CtUf^-<^9>*-Oui afOw miMM m dol e te n o tm of to- that work linputea te allowed to MIm Mabel Parker has tetaneh pmUftorie cava In north Cbiaa bas day. For Guidance carry on to a flateb without tampta- Early Today Goofer on N w T«mi» to aal assault; arrest la Wlehlta, Kaaa, Uoos or compelling interruptions. from tha Johnaon MomorialIkesBtua hnopll la IStO for vagrancy and return to eoma svidtaos which waa Intorprat- According to Dr. Wtidearsieh’s N ews F ro m M anch ester’s N eigh b ors la Stafford Spriqgs, to bar hone on AttMupt to End Strike (OMttamad from Om .) tatsspeaUttoa. sosm of tba ettotnaj Wo o h l a g t o n . — p r i a t l ^ ■■Si Paaaeylvania prison, atm as Ckxl ad today by Dr. Frank Wsidaaraleli, (C I f r o m P a g e O n a ) (C I t r e m P a g e O a a . ) Mala street, where ahe te coavales- Of V«»«l We«Ter*. dard: arrsat Halana, Mont, as Coeb- Amancana, tba ladlana aad Eakl- dag. et tho Dtestf angia* was dteeornU ■ ;■ tf _____ ■Tt wasn't what I Intended at an; Botod antbropologtst, aa Indleatlng BMa are jiist as f o r ^ to tba aaw ran, IfSf, for Intand to dafraud Pad- Forster as a maa wbo gave aa ap- Playground Bridges country at regular Intervals ia tbe Mr. aad Mrs. Robart lYlaa hava cantartaa ago by soma Matey tetoaff ' Jeffaraoo declared to county SoUci* aral govammsat; turaad over to that ths baste of racial vmrtatloB world, so far as racial cbainctoria- ^ Alt'i p. m. today, rapreawtaUva# tlcs ara coaceraed; as dre the peo- propripto answer to "unbeUevabte future. raturaed from a vlalt wttb rataUvea tribasnan, Bntthaonlaa iMtltntteff tor Roebuck aad deteatlvaa. Daavar authoritl^ plaead under two axiatod withia siagte famOtes of tbreats of tba Potea" by hia daeU- under. the direction of Miaa Colena thoroughfare. Bartholomew Mullins in Groton, Maas., to tbalr boma oa at Om t Wva local ea and oStciala ‘1 hadn't any IntaoUon et biifBag yearai probation tor imperaonadiig ple who emme bare from Europe Have Been Rebuilt It WM a waird.yxpattoaoa to walk am dato otod roeintly. , O mmt Brotbera *bra la eenfar- prlmltlvs bunuuis. three caaturim or more ago. rationa Oiat: through tba aula atraato af a city I-each of WilUmantlc held at the of Prospect etreet Is a member of Mata atreet. tba girl and didn’t want to hart a Pedaral oOesr. Tolland Gilead Congregational church morn- Stafford Springs the Survey crew. H mf exhlWtad a anlay Tira f in fiitee, dtoeuaatag tarna wUcb, tf aa> J mb/* In tha CSV*, Dr. Wtldanrtlcb told -Coavaationally, tba dUfaraaeas ba- "War tbreata do not frighten us of 0,000,000 at 1 a. m. and en,i tbam Auflitors Say Romeo Oordoa H. Dlmoek ef the Aetna taa" wUoh nasa Ugh eonpiantex.to ''eapUMa to botli aldaa. a»y be ths PaoUte Sotenea Congram, wars twoaa rtoas are auppasad to have at aU: ^ as qutet as a coltegs town aa a Sat- Mrx Joha H. Stoeto ings during this and next week. The John Netto Fire Insurance company, Hartford, adopted and thereby brtnp to an and Talk Provoked Aager The two bridges that spaa tba ing peo^e’a and adult choirs met a WoBuee saoHgk hast to canoa Intriw Ha asserted aoinctbing Mtaa Dunn found tba benas of aavan paraonx baan dua to tba oowidBad lafluancae National SoclalUta have urday whan tba footbaU team U 2128-8, RackylUu 423. Stafford Is enjoying a week's vM tloa, * the ala waaka old atrike of Cbanay Ciano at Salzburg; AMorantljr tbay wars all mamban of avolutlen aad adgraUca over a •aan to tt that toa Dailxig people brook that Sows through tba North playing aw m from boma. the evening. The choirs which -^BkotbaiB aalaat waavara. aald about "Jocelyn," the girl ba End plavgrouads, waabad out d u r^ rhave besn dlrsctod by Ulas Leach Mr. aad Mm. WlUiain Cummings te a wooden cyMadar of OBO family and tbay nngod ttom loaf period. have not laat ttoir nerves in tbcae Rob ^ Loodaa OcaatSad Overcharged Vernon Lake Amston and aon, Stewart, of Montejatr, N. closety-fltUag pi—g**- A t ths bat- '!■ Hue aaoaaiai. altar a lonf maat- claimed spumed him, provoked bla aa eld maa to a aaw-bera bate. tbe floods last Beptomber, have been At Piccadilly Clrcoa crowds had Mrx Mabel N. Morgansoo had as will present a final concert in He- A truck driven by Albert Polster aager. tense times; bron Congregational church Sun- J., am visiting at ths hOBM of tom of tho eyttadailht M^ay lav x'tBC «t tba Mutara. It waa voted to Ministen at Once Tbap Uvod aoBMwbara batwaaa Sd,- Dr. W aldiSriSiaaldtbs Norfb rebuilt The annual meeting of the gatbarad at I3A0 aa the llghto want recent guestx her alster, Ura. Gert- of East Main sU-eet collided with a tor put a Wt «C tiate. than atraeli - t v'aSc Chanay Brotbera to dlacuaa a "Every time I hear about her or 000 aad 100,000 yaara ago. Dr. Wal- “We have done everything la Eighth School and UUUtiea district rude' Gaffoey and daughter Shirley day evening. August 2Q at 7:30 The annual boat races will bs held Judge Thsodom A. Psimer aad Mrx think about bar tbingi go wrong," China eava dlseavartao tbm nd that Daasig la raeeat waeka to reputes out. A half-bour later this hub of Report That Contractor coats of 85 and and as be was un- new coach driven-by Jack Plan- Palmer of Steal atreet Uw pluagar srlth hte haaite The - 'rpeir union proposal, wbleb bas as Ita '‘siimob t(iH ' UM IMAIIMlSOt ***T*TTH^ M d AUft* bald la Juna voted SSOO tp ba ^ sa t txedoa night Ufa wm dsaartod ax- able to pay the floe he waa taken of Hartford and Mra. Barbara Jor- o'clock. 'This includes Colchester, at the lake thli month, the flmt will ,aipeate tba previously announced da* be axplatnad. Begin inferences aad to aatwar every attack or sur- oa raereattea wark at the aortb «td. Westchester, Middle Haddam, He- tanlda of Uanebeater on Varracka Leon W. Parker, Supervisor of ths heat rsoulUag aa tha air waa eaur . ‘*rba skull of tba old ama loeka tmllaa racial types eaeurriag fra- eapt for tha Una of "dead" »«■»<. Charged $12,000 for to Tolland Jail. , don of the same city.’ Uke place on Sunday at 2 P. H. A and was oaough to Igatta tha > aira et tba union (or a loom load not JafferaoB inalttad ha did not ahoet In gaoaral Uka tha upper pateoUtbto maatly among Indiana all aaar tba prist on Daasig of w totevtr kind; Included in tbe budget wm the Stretching up Regent etreet and tha -3VM Day Saturday Mr. Md Mrs. Merritt Usher had bron and Gilead choirs consisting of hill Wednesday afternoon about 4 State Highway department la tak- to aateaad tbraa looma per worker, "Polsad may clearly understand coat of rebuilding tba bridgas. The one hundred voices. o'cleqk. According to the state po- number of boats have been entered ing hla annuel vacation. 'indar, which was tba Utas Dunn, although a medical from Pago Onau) maa of B u r^ (wbo uvad at least Amarieaa ecmlaant, ware aatbropo- patroUlng bobbtea and ARP man Labor l ^ t Actually Ths Ea^t Centra] Pomona Grange aa recent guests Mveral of their out- and the affair Is looked forward to and faimod lato ftepte. • a pMca work baals et wa»aa examiner reported the girt had a' 13,000 yaan ago) but showod sobm toffteal oeoiao of buamas wba a x i^ that Germany and our Fuehrer, work wm lintelMd aad tha new flU of-town friends. Eugene Reblllard of New Britain lice the new coach waa traveling : to be less than .OOS per thousand on tha lookout for stray Ughta. will bold Ita annual field day and with great Interest Committee In Jstt bullet wound In her bead. Jaffaraen spoelal toatarao d»inotariale of ad la aorthara Asia baCcra mmi ba- Adotf Hitter, ato datormlaad to leading to the brldgaa was amde Tba p a t r ^ took avldm daUght Cost Hiin $7 , 000. picnic On Saturday at the grounds A ipecial setback party will be ia a guest' of bis cousin Henry Por- west down the steep’grade when It ptcka. of tba laps, tbay davted into tbalr stand at our aide in case of aa at- when last weak'a atorm waahad struck the truck, juat as .Polster charge — Heasm. Benson,. Payne aald a butcher knife IncUOtad the dlscuaalona. Aalstte raaso of today," Or. Wai- gaa to aUgrata from tba Far East to making housabnldars wbo bad of tbe Tolland County Temporary held this evening sponsor^ by the ter this week. and Egan. The foTopswy baa held out for a atab wounds. dsarsUk roportad. serosa what la now Em big Btralt tack from Poland." away part et the fill. This bM Tolland Grange at the Community was about to make a left turn Into Decides to Divide ' loom assignment and not more left tlgbto bundag. Off Hyde Park Rock^vlUe, Aug. 22—The firm of Home in Vernon Center with the Mr. and Mra. Howard Tryon of Six new cottages am under con- [3 Late Wadnaaday Jafferaon sug* Two SBaaMaM 0 « A faaaala skuU, ba added, had Into North Assarica OoBs Bpeach Aaawar to Potea . ■Inoe been replaced aad tbs bridgaa progiM getting under way at 10:30 Rouse with the Home Economics Buckingham entertained Mr. and tha driveway of hls home'. The paa- Ltkan .OU per thousand picks, with ara bow open. A ftb a time ot tba one patrelaiaB Jwted to a raaldant. Louis Parlysky A Company of Hart-1 struction hem and a number of ad- gaatad Ulas Bolton, who bad bean Tha quastlona of Dansig and "da- tba dtattaet appoaraaeo of a pros- "R aaama aa laager aaeaaaary," Ritter's VoalkUcbsr Beobaebtor "Lumma you'd 'ava old Ooaring X m/ There will be a program of Oororoittee In charge. Prizes are to Mra. Elton Buell with a ihore din- •engera escaped Injuries. The truck Meteorite He Owns small laereasa for excallaat work fcnalva maasurst" against what tha aat-day MalaaasUa." The Mala- ba added, “to aaouate that tbera flood sand and atones were washed ford bM completed Ita audit of th e ; and cam were badly damaged. State ditions being made to cottages al- f Whoa tba union oSicars would told Miss Dunn went away with an* baadad tba spaaob witb tbU cbarac bussing *la planes in your dining sports for men, women, boys and be awarded and rafreahments served. ner at Madison recently In honor ready built otbar roan '1n a boat," eaO ralativaa Rama-BatUn partaara hava ealted naslaaa are tha blaek ptgmaatad wars Immlgretioae diffariaf widely Into tbe brook. These ara aote be- hooka of tho Town of Veraoa and . George Neff has had as recent of their twentieth wedding anni- Trooper William H. Stephenson of I no d a ^ te atatament as to tba "anelrotemant'’ by Orast Britain and pastes Itvtag on tba equatorial torlwUen la large type: "Danslg'a tag reawved. room if you don’t kaap tbam Ughta girls which will Include a ipecial the local barrarka Investigated. The Mr. Thoms, Purchasing Agent (or In Miami and obtain a car in which aceordlag to tba physical dmraetar Aaawar te War Mad PMaad.” down.” submitted Its report to the select-1 wheelbarrow race and relay race guests hls aon Harold and family of versary. Uncaa on the Thamea, la mady to oc- ct the present negotiations, It Franca wart expected to many ob- islaads la tba aoutbwastara Paclfle, of tba lauBlgmats aad tba regions Elmwood. new coach owned by the Manrhea- (Jhatbam, O nt—(Canadian Press) Is understood that the delegates ' thav could go to California. "lost warning," said Boarsaa- Thara were ramaikably fbw aoel- men yesterday. This report con- for the boys and glrlx There will Lasrrence Perry and hli aimt. cupy hla new cottage Just complet- —Dr. Luke Smith, owner of on 88- Faartng harm unlata aba obeyed. servofa to be the crux of the diaeua- especially batwami Australia aad wbsrs tbsy eaaM froat" Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Usher had as Miss Mildred Stone of Hartford ter Motor Sales company was being i,tha a m a ^ today poaseaa some lat- tlens. Talk of Japanem participa- Cbiaa. seltuBg. attrlbutlag ''Polteb ««■*- deata In tha rterkneae wbleb Lor ' — tatna many recolnmendations for. be a suitable prise awarded the driven from Boston to Manchester ed. pound meteorite that fell near Chat -Ituda and dlseration la their demand Mlsa Bolton called aa aunt, who Ths eava which produced tha tenoa” la tba "EngUab xanta." Bii^e-Elect Guest folded about her. TVaffie llghto ■ he .town but the records themselves Grange whose members win tbe recent guests their daughter and have returned to their homea after Dr.f B. R. Oarclad ot Danielson is Butpaeted something wrong la tha tion In the Italian-German military EaaamUass to Bsklaw. boa^ Is la a hill juab above tha family of Wetheiufleld. spending three days at the World's for delivery. ham laat month, has decided to -anaklag, and that tba previous union alliance figures In axle diacusalona of Anotbar faaiate akuU, Dr. Waldsn- scene of another remarkabla an- f t o Polteb aawspapar Kurjar but gUromers through narrow „ Sfe found to be correct without largest number of points, In addi- having a six room cottage built. divide It Into eight secUonx aaeh stand i^gbt be slightly modified If tone of the gtrl'a voice. SiM ruib' Palakl a aittela likening Germany to automobite lights were tbteldad •hortagex tion to the Individual prises. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Clough of Fair In New York this week. LieuL Randolph C. Barrows, ton Rev. John H. Landry la bavlng an the alleged "encirclement." - releb rsportsd, “sbowa etear rmsm- dteeovery—tba re- New London are at their Tolland of Mr. and Mrs. Ra.vmond C. Bar- inscribed: "Luke Smith matoorltx" tbareby a settlement could be made. ad to Boca Raton, dataetlves trailing Even the question of paaoa or war. blaaee to tba Eskimo of today. uc^t Osrtraga m a "naet of coa- Of Honor at Shower dimmed almost to tavlatbmty. he report aeserta that Fred The program for the afternoon Mrs. Norman Warner and daughter addition made to hla cottage, Smith, an oil prospector who ' It eras aald that nothing definite In another ear. Iclnjr nMn. estiniAtsd will Include three softball gamex farm for the weekend. Mlsa Charlotte have returned from rows of Union and Stafford Springs It waa bald by aoma nautral ob- ''Thtaa facts prove that tbera was by Dr. Weidbnrrira to have lived tagloa" which must ba "aboltehad'' Trabu raa with lowered riiadsa. Romeo, a ^ n a t whom the Town of has resigned from the faculty of Miaa Elsie Potter of Hartford la bought the meteorite for 84, aald -arin be knosra until after the com- Meanwhile, Jafferaon baeama fear* aervera, might hinge on tha outcome •rouaad tba Iro of tha Oarmaa For- Air raid unite did Uttte more Vernon Taxpa)rers League, Inc., hat There will be an All Girls game at Mlsa Mary Leonard has returned a trip through tbe White Mountains building a four room log cabin. not a ualtonalty but great varia- about BOO,000 years ago. Tba loca- from an extended teachers' tour to and Lake Wlnnepesaukee In New Admiral Blllard academy at New highly polished side of each of Um pany offldala have had a chance to ful, left MIta Bolton and plunged of the talks. bility of tha physteal ettaraetor of tion Is known as tha hill of caiou- « n Office mouthpiooa, Doutacha A aiteeaUanaooa ahower wm held direct traffic In tba buslnaaa dte- brought suit for $25,000, charged two o'clock; a gams between the 8. Oulllotto of Norwich la secUoni also would bo markad with aimalilm tba nnloo proposals. This off Into a swamp. Latar ha returned Dfplomattech-Polltlsche Korreepon- trteta hut In suburbs and residential the Town of Vemoo 828,013.45 for Oiamplone of the Northern League California and icenic places enroute. Hampshire. London to enter the Federal (^Ivtl building a fiva room cottage on Bt. Tha general Imprcaalon In wall In svsn tba aarllsst reprsaentativaa of koutlen. The Faking man was last night In honor of Mias Margaret Edward Woebomurka Jr., while ■kigtnecring service. He la now sta- the names of twro man ha aceusaa ■ alteanoon. It la thought' that the to the highway and waa walking formed elreles was ‘.hat Ctano would modem maa. which eorraeponds to found in 1039. dens. Mlnleucd of Oak atraet at tha home secUons thay put out make-belteve labor which actually .cost him 8T,- and the Southern League at three Mr. and Mrs. Asa W. Ellis and Ronan street. of having defaced tt by chipping off tlPM urlU ba taken up srlth a pra- northward when he was arrastad. preaent from Mussolini the sugges- Tbe puhIleatloB declared that Area, pretondsd to glva flret aid aad 120.55. Mr. Romeo also did a large o'clock and at four o'clock an All assisting workhien In raising a son Keilneth and Mlsa Dorothy tioned with the Geology section at Hm. Hasel Hutchine Is enjoying of Mtea Joeephlae Kusak of BO North neighbors house to replace new tim- Athol, Mass. Lieut. Barrows Is a souvenir pieces with a hammer. nantaden and diseuaalon o f, the tion that Germany proceed with ^gland's '‘blank check guarantae" ■trsot. belnad famlUea out of ‘2>ombad” amount of work repairing bridges State game between the Northern White of Coventry were recent the new addition of a roof garden He said It Was "only fltUng that ptopoaal, but that company Wan tad far Pargary moderation. The Italian premier leavee It to Foliah Initiative to start buUdings. damaged laat September during the and Southern leagues. A basket bers waa hit over the eye -when a quests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. graduate of Maaaachiiaetts state which has been recently added to Tba brlde-elaet wm aeatod undtr jack slipped. The cut took several college, Amherst and received hls such vtllBlny should M recorded In an nrai await tba reaction of Fair Haven. N. J„ Aug. 11—ort Btatoa ia 83 per cent of the Church Supper sponsored by the was arrested by State trooper Wil- part waa seen—Ontario, MIehlgaa [Old Opera House forgsry and swindling msrehanta reoommendatlona would receive full Rartferd, Cona. Hitler -had ndt yet decided oa any" Oiapmaa and Hiss Helen Ferrence. i^ u a l loading of aballx m aaareh- value of the equipment hired. Hie hold their outing on Saturday at Mm. Bessie Hilliard and aon Ken- Mm. Chet Tlemey te at her cot- and Indlanx NanMS of the untverri' out of IBOO. consideration In hlghast Oermar Tatepbooe B-OISI Alaska Jun ...... definite move In tbP Dansig dispute. Ughto piekad out “aaamy" bombarx report stataa xIao that tha auditors Lake Compounce and a large at- Tolland Federated C^hurch ladles neth of Andover spent Wednesday In liam H. Stephenson of the Stafford tage with a number of frlenda from quarters. Allegheny ...... Miss Mlnleucd will be married on Aid Society with the Oadle Roll Gilead the gueato of Mrs. Charles Springs barracka on the charge of ttea were aot onaoiiaoad. A fifth arlll Used as Storehouse Judge Kurils said "Jefferson" re- 1 :aa p.m. (^uotottona No Meatleu ef Otepoto October T to Robert Bonadjes of Lights on raUwoy stdlnsrs north felt tt would hayxbeen of advantage tendance Is expected. Mrs. Florence Ftskdale, Moox go to Um Smlthaonlan taatttuto at Wtehse To Present Solid Front Allied Ctaem...... Forester made no mention of tbe of Loadoa and a t NotUaglMm North Is In charge of the arrange- Uotbera of the community having Fteh. Mm. Hilliard attended the violation of the rules of the road, Harold Mofinlen of Hartford aad sided bare until April of thla ■^aar Insnraaaa Stacks Hartford. to the toam to have engaged tbe charge, will be held at the church Lxdlea' Aid supper. following an acldent on the O ystal WUhlllftMe under tha name of Tbomaa Cbchran Perhaps ihore than evar before Bid AtkSd Am C a n ...... eurreat dlsputo wttb Poland over proved coaaplcuoux Rattway offU servlcaa of a timekeeper on the Job. mentx New Jersey spent ths wssksnd at Blaoa ba bought tha watoerito did tba axis wish to prsaant a aolid Am Hoine P ro d ...... tba number of Polteb customs m- ciate aald oparatloas la eoamteta this evening. A community aing will Mias Barbara Fish and Henry Lake-ROckvIlle Highway this week^ the take. The ttakaiataty brick whUa writing a radio aerial. Kurtis Aetna Casualty...... 210 225 Need Wei fa n Werfcer Meetulg follow on the lawn In front of the Hurley of Unlonvllle attended the when a car driven by Bochetto col- from farmer Dan SoloaMn, Smith loaMad Ob (MUaad alroat a t A] addad that Cochran Itvsd with a front to tba world. 'There waa avtn Am Rad St S ...... speetors—a dlaagraamant which darkaaaa aeamad too dangerous but Various other recommendations Kiowa Council, Degree of Poca- Billy Kennedy of New Haven was has rsoelvsd offers from a number Aetna Fire ...... 48H fTH Am Smalt ...... addad tbay ware prepared to opar- church. Walter Dawley of Hartford mces held at Goahen, N. Y., Wed- lided with another operated by plaoa, pwwibaaad aema i Bm age radio aetraas who posed as Mrs. namiUtSoB on tha poMbUlty tha Aetna Ltfs ...... 80H 83H Danslfrars aaaart could have led to are made In the lengthy report to hontas will hold a meeting this eve- a guest over tha wreakend. ef unlveralUos and mtMsuam for I t • Itetiecd aoBspany that asannlaf^ Cochran. rorsign mlntetora would taka a prac- Am T and T ...... a oonfltet last woek-and bad tt not Open Forum ato wUbout Ughta to t o a af war. the aetoctmen. The aui^tors feel ning in Red Men's hall. At the con- will play for the occasion. nesday. Roland H. Engwall of 140 Belmont Mies Jaanetta Burks of Phlladsl Automobite ...... 88 87 Doorman at aU Bight rastouraffta Mra. Ida C. (Sold and daughter of Mm. Ida Hamilton of Stofford avenue, Springfield. The cam were tnrm afl butnafa anth tba intention Tba forgery charge, Xurtla aald, tical Stop toward atrengtlienlng tba Conn. Oensfsl ...... 38 80 Am Tob B ...... baaa ter Danslg'a ‘Mlf rastraint." that the Selectman a t best can give clusion of the bualneaa eesalon there phis Is spending the summer with DteaMIklwtex combination by preparing to re- Am Wat Wke ...... Througb. tba spaacb raa m la- off Ploeadmy Cltous deoaad steal Hartford are guests of her parents, Springs and Mias Sue Forrest of considerably damaged and the paa- her mother at tbe Relaa eottags. ag miNr It an a manttfaeturlBg waa mada after Cochran laft for Hartford F in ...... 77H 79(4 halateto and carrtad —— ■oiily a part of their .time toward the wlU be a grocery social for the Mr. and Mra. Jacob Chorcbea. New Britain were dinner guests at p in t la being uaad aa a ateiraiieuaa. the south whan it waa found he had ceive Japan aa a mllftary ally. Aanaeonda ...... dlract appeal to clUsans of Franoa, a E. a Aaawara gm axpmiditure M the town's funds and members and refreahmenta will be aengem escaped uninjured. Bochetto Billy and Bobby Day of Naw Hav- Plymouth, M ux, Aug. 11—m — (In Milan, MusaoUnVa II Poi Hartford Steam BoUei 58 62 Editor, Tbe Evening Herald: This way to tba flrat aid post," tbe home of Hr. and Um. J. Banks waa releaved after potting a bond of Mrx Eva Mulealiy, 80, dtod at Jor- H mN waa naeb wetb donOxon signed another name to a fllT.SO NaUonal F im ...... Armour ni ...... Britain and tba United Btatoa to that a welfare worker is of utmost served. en ars spending the montb et Aug' DTtalia salutod Cltano’s dspanura 59(4 51(4 Atohteon ...... raoogalsa that "Daasig Is Oarmaa.’' In answer to a V. O'a forum artl> tbay ealted to pimarahy. Jonea Tuesday. They alao called 820 for hls appearance In the Tol- dan hospital today from Injurtes It wda aaeaaaary to cheek. Civil suite wars Iliad later Phoanlx ...... 76(4 78(4 naccaalty to tbe needs of the town. on Mm. Ruby Gibson of Jonea street, ust at the lakx suffered laat night when aha waa aggrt;_SW B«f to l>«to d tba by■by many merebantamerchants against tha tor Balaburg with a ntw barrage Aviation Oorp ...... aad M argumaat that tbara waa no ole of August 20, may 1 stoto that Hie cemetery fund at the present land jnatice court on Monday tbe During tbe week a ping pong against "pluto-damooractea" and In- Trsvaler* ...... 440 460 •anaa la sanding English and French tba baby squlrrate win la an probo- Througb aa agraaoMat et aa- Hebron, and Mm. Nellie Skinner of 14th. Btniek by an XutomobOa. watag and ttortog the tall and dapper, wall-draaaadwall-draasad :man. public UttUttes Batdwla C t ...... time has total aaaeto of 803.548.44 Gilead North Wostchester In the afternoon. tournament la being held at tha aailymilr aprlng, aa alavatar waa In* _____ dieatad that Japanaae gsaturra to- B and O ...... jroutba lato battto to save Daasig bUlty ba waU takaa ears ef ^ tba troaomarx asM day bagtais at Bast ■with the Perpetual Cara fund con- Repreeentatives of tha stats high- Club Houas. Oamea ara pteyad off wards closar ralattoni with Uiq axU Conn. Lit. and Pow. . 59 53 for Poland When, seoordiag to tba motbar aqtdrraL la a caas Uka this. Capa, tba aaatanunost axtramity af Ulas Oolena Ltoch of WUIlmantlc way planning survey am engaged In - ptnllad Tba company baa a plant Career Cenfuatag Bandlx ...... alatlag of B47 pane books diatrlbuted Eighteen were present at tbe La- Is a guest of Mr. and Mra. Robert aad the finals held this sveaiag. A , bi Barttard and baa ptante alao la would ba considered. Conn. P e w ...... 49(4 51(4 Oannan coataatioa, the city belongs If tha young ara left untouebad, tba Sibarix bafora tt bagtaa at any a aevemi weeks checkup of motor dance will be hM oa Saturday ere- Miami ria., Aug. 11 — (PI — Hartford Elec. LL ... SB 68 Beth 8 U ...... otbar plaex in tha two h a i^ totaling 883,380.00 dles' Aid meeting held at the home Foots this weak. Vravldanoa aad aaar Beaton. Tba Chartaa Jaffarson ,tha man of niany (Foreign olrotee id Rome report- Beth SU T p f ...... historically aad by ebolca to <3er- motbar wUl usuaUy move them to a Tha audltora point out that the con- vehicle travel over all of the intor- ning, epoasored bv tha Jvadiet Mam- ed that (Sermany promised she niumlnaUng Sbs. ... 56(4 88(4 maay. of Mrs. Floyd Fogll Wednesday Mm. William Porter and chlldrsn locking thoroughfares, state, atato in Manehaatar te being names wbo Detactive Usut. E. W. Borden ...... •af a plaoa. 1 have aaaa this dooa. As tinuous shrinkage In the returns to afternoon. The ladles met at the Lorraine and WIlUa'm and Nornutn bera et the Lake Amston OiloBy aad far tba ateraga el buraara would risk no war over Danzig whan Hartford G a s ...... 34 88 tar M aqr axparteaoa goaa, tba Gray aid and back country roada In this prizes will bs awarded tbs wlnasri Mateban aald admittad kidnaping tha Italian-German military alU- Bo. New Eng. TsI. Co. 162 can' Pae ...... the Perpetual (tore fund, due to re- hall and tied a quilt, .then came to Miner of East Glastonbury wem mamifafinirad at tba Hartford two Miami high aehool glrla and 286 Chea and Ob ...... AttItBda'M m Baaarvad squirrel U net m suspteloua af tba duced rates of interest in savlnga Mr. and Mrs. Asher A. Oolllns caltem at ths home of Mrk. Winthrop iectlon and Union. Queatloos ara of Um toumamentx anca was aignsd teat May aad thara Wsstora Mass...... 86 88 Warsaw, Aug. 22.—<(P)— The humM race a t tba Rad aad I Inm- Mra. Fogil'a where a delicious sup- oaked by the mpreaentaUvai who TImm la now a damtnd for slaylag one, had a oarear aa con- waa Speculation on wbathar Gar- Chrysler ...... aeoounto mey result In a serious 'and family have m their guests this per consloting of potato aalad, cold Porter Tuesday afternoon, A ssrtoa of bridge nartlM te bd tba bomara and trueka ara at tba fusing as hls allaasa. bidoetrlol Polish preea today took a more ro- glna that in tide ease, tt te tba Gray probtem for tha tmatoes of that Mlsa Shirley Montgomery of Am- ara.atotloned for a day each at both held weekly at tha Ium, preosads to many would ba urgad to adhere to Acme Wire ...... 16>4 Ool Gas and El ...... aervad attitude toward what tt tenaa si>actes. week, Mra. ColUaa' mother, Mrs. meat, date bread, rellob, punch. Ice central and laolatod highway Inter* at Apal plaea naarly Dataetlves said hie real nama was that angagament.) Coml Inc T r ...... fund unteas some maana are found cream and fancy cookies was served. Bton spent Tuesday at the home of be need for the eatortalnffteat oad Ma and fix day taking away tba baat* Am. H ardw are...... 31 ‘‘a propaganda war being waged by I ballava without a doubt that If to gain additional income. Walter 8. Bamea and her grand- her aunt, Mrx George Schatx aection, cover a wide range ot In games for the cniUdraa's Party to be ABffMVE a m M fflO M Herbert Wintam Goddard. Jr. The DansIg Problem Meet Crgant Com! B olv...... (tormany" but oontinuad Its ' f m i | daughter, Ulos June Henlg of CM- Mrs. Clarence Fogll aaalated with Arrow H aad H, com. ST formation from motorteto using the a. Hie man said hie fathar'a name waa It w u reported reliably that quaa- Cona Edls ...... left alone, the baby squlriate wm Details ef tke Rapeii the refreshments. held later la the seasoa. Tba company has evtdantly glvan BUltags aad Spanear. 8 counter thrusts. ■urviva. I may ba mlstakea. la any TODAY AND S A n ^ A T rain, Idaaa. Ohio leads the world In the man- Goddard, but through a step-fathar tlona aa to the attitude ot Hungary ConaOU...... In connection with the tax ooUec- Frank C. Stoddard of Wapping A claia of thirty-live children ______■ ttw Mas to nta tba plaea to man* his lagal Bams iras Tom Ooehrsn. and TugoaUvU In tha event of a Bristol Bram ...... M Dansig Nast I^sadar Alban avant-, I would Uka to bear wbStbar tor’s roport, tbe audit shows that have joined the choral singing group ufsetum of paving bricks. Obit’s Pat FIreanaa.. T4 Obnt Can ...... Forstor'a apaach last night was gen- araot tliay do. aad hte brother, George S toddi^ of natara, aa a Bgn baa baao pisoad Aa Tom Ashwell ha waa dlractor of contlnenlal amerganey would be ex- Corn P ro d ...... nuaisroua opan Itoma on tha rate I tba bttOdlag to tba affaet U at It tha Miami redatal thaater In lOM. ploibd. But the most urgent prob- Bagla Lock...... S araUy Intwpratod la PMlib etreJes Oiailas E. Booth. boA prior to IBSl were oadttod Blmahury, left this week for an ex- Fafair Bearing ...... IIO Del L and W n ...... M aa Indication that Adolph Hitler tended tour to the West Coast. They Ha alao has uaad T. J. Whitney and lamlem waa DaasIg.Dansig, whichwhiel at a rotmlng Douglas Aire ...... tiia ddsKauiient lodgur m * glvea otbar names. protoat meeting■ laat ‘ nl ht reltoraM Grey Tal Pay Station t bad not dacldad on any daflnlto Ftoda Ship to tlM pruaent ooltector, Henry win vlalt TeDowatone Park, Seatt'e, Hart and Cooley___llS Du Pont ...... moves to bring tha Free Cite Into San Franctaeo, Hollywood, and the Jafferaon eald ha learned theatrt- Ita with for poutical on with Oer- Eastman K o d ...... tbe Ralcb. 34S Taare Cadar Water Hoarmaan. Tlw admlatetratlva de- World’s Fair there. The return trip Wbo W aal Talk oal work while In a Psnnaylvanla re- many. Hendey Maoh.. Oom.. 8 fletenctas ia tba Tax OoOsetor'a of- WESTINGHOVSE Save 10% to 30% During Our formatory, where he had been placed Eteetrlealna Inataltod spaetai tote- Landera Frary A Clk. 3SH Elec A uto-L ...... Tba Express Poranny declared Miami. Fte.—(PI—After 340 years, (lea include the fottowtag acooidtag win laciude a vlalt to the New York I- (Jf i ■gpeelal pelloe on a eharga of criminal assault phone llna a -o ne of which. It waa New Brit. Mach.. Com. 24 H Gen Elec ...... that tba sltuatloa In aaatom Europe, the BrlUah Admiralty kaowa that to tha auditor’a' report: .Many ac- World’s Fair. They expect to. be r T u n u E a a y irmed with aportlag rlllaa have been whan IS years old. Since then he said, would keep Ctano In eonstant do., pfd ...... 100 Gen Food! ...... after tbe events of test March (tba R. M. 8. Wincheater tank la tba counts aiiparuntly ahatod .or aua- goiM about-three weckx A farmrell eat to tha Andemana ■ Indla'a penal a reported by deteoUvas aad oonUct with MuetoUnI — at Hotal North aad Judd ___ asH Gen Mot ...... dtemembarmant of Csaeboslmkla) ehaUows off tba Florida coast balow pended oa the rata hooka haVe aovor party wm glym Mr. Frank Stoddard Better Grade Bttlamaat laland-«-to put down a Oesterrelcher Hof where quarters OlUett ...... and tba so-called S rar ot nervea,” MlamL by hls nei^bore at the home of hie othtrs to have held these joha: Peek. Stow A WUeox 4 has now entered Its "third round." baan legally passed oa by ths Srioct. son. Mr. aad Mrs. F. Earl Stoddard. raaderlag tribe of deadly Jarmwaa, Thaater Guild Productlona In West for Clano were prepared. Russell Mfg. Co...... IT Becker P ro d ...... A Nsgro flabermaa told a groop mm; .iiaymenta hava bam often re- ELECTRIC WM et whom baa ever bean oap- Palm Beach; director rederal thea- It was axpeotsd Fuahrer HiUer Hudson Mot ...... ‘This can ba daacribed m tba of Mlamlana ba bad aaaa obJt& oa Mr. aad Mrx William Foster of SoovtU Mfg...... 30H round of ‘mad propaganda* aad u ceived SM credtted to current year’s Brooklyn, N. T., arrhred Friday to wedaUva. ^ ter In Miami; production manage'' would remain today at BerchUa- Silex .Co...... 18 tot Hanr ...... tba oeaaa bad that loekad lUmeaa- balancee dM before taxm la arreaiu INNERSPRING MA Them nativaa. living untor ultra- for a radio eUUon (WL.W) In Cin- gaden, a few mitea from Salzbiburg la tot Nick ...... on a cateh-ae-catch-caa basis," tba noo. A faw men ths ago a salvage spend two weeks witb her mother rlmlUva condlUooa, nurobar only Stanley W orks...... 30 newspaper said. liave hem paid; lateraet hM hem at thair summer heme on Ayeiy cinnati; advertutng copy writer In the Bavarian Alps. It waa certain do., pfd ...... 28 tot T and T ...... party want out. It nturaad witbis coosiatently eolculatod tacorrectly; TOASTER 00, but Ua la wait for labotars, New Tork. Denver and West coast he would be on call if necesaary, but ‘‘Germany Is trying to put Polsad cannon encniatod with *-amaflta oad — ON TOB AAMB atreet. Torringtoa ...... 20H Jobns-Man ...... In tba rola of aggressor nstion PMBMBta have hem credited to Bltlvatora, and police parties and (rtUea; radio gag writer In New It appeared both MuaaoUni and Hit- Kanneeott ...... ruatod by long yaara under water. .prtoclpal before latarast. liens aad The town of South Windsor sold 1.05 auaa many deaths with daft bow- York: motion picture (Paramount) ter were placing the burden of to- Vaeder Root ...... 48 while trying to peamadi Europe Borne Idantl^rlng marks ramala- at public auction on Saturday ths aaaahlp. Now York Banka Lab Val R R ...... against bataig dragged lato war." peaalttea have hem paid; a old. Baptist church paracBage to latent aeout; reporter for Ban Pran- day's negotutlons on ths foreign Ligg aad My B ...... ad, aad a description was seat to bar et of tlM balancaa appearing -m $2.29 Apart from otbar dafanalvs maa- ministers. Bank of New York .. 39S Town Clark Malcolm Juao for 88,- Mai# lo Bsl at ttl-N . U mbb eteoo ns'sepapers (Examiner. CaU- LoeWa ...... Aomlrsltir the unpaid oa tho rate books hava bam poUoa have attempted to team Bulletln), and producer of high Thla was ths Srst msettng of ths Bankera Trust ...... S3 gm ip h m that the UteBtUM BOO. This bttildlag hM bam oeeupiad Rfffidar IS-M Vb Im ! 8UPBR-VALUK! Fiao iMMr «altab'______.______language from woman Jara- Central Hanover___ OT Lorillard ...... tildflBRd to hava bam paid hy tha school playa In various eittea. foreign mlntetora stnee May gg, the old guna m coming frooi the by Fred Meclangtiltn tor eeyeral /. oiod ia hosyy tk U n g . B a aoro to giM mm odilla Umt ta il" But the women, ahowlng He wee unemployed when arrest- when In the Berlin chancellery they Chaee ...... 31H Mont W a rd ...... naval vasaet Wlacbsstmr, which dte- taxpayer; maay of tha tho ttaxpayara yearx apUtude tor Itamlag English, ed la Boca Raton yesterday. signed tha agreamant whteh made Otemlcai ...... 4Si| Naah-Kaiv ...... Raising asMared la 163S white oa duty to were uaavrare tliat there were un- Mr. aad Mrx RusmI C. Stoughton —tks tteo Is short — BO got ia bbbb! malnad sullen aad unoommunlca- Loag Beeerd Uelcd Italy and Oamiany mUltaiy allies City ...... 24ti Nat Btee ...... paid taxto outstanding agOlaat their aad soo. Rueeel Jr., are epmdlair tbe The AAanchester Ele^ric Division Iva about their own tongue. The Federal Bureau of Inveetlga- aa weU as Ideological frtende. OoaUnantal ...... 13^ Nat Cash R ag...... noiaee, The audltora recommend moath at the bonM of hla aunt, Mtea OTHER MATTRESSES FROM $12.95 UP Much has happened since then to Com Exchange...... 84 Nat Dairy...... A Fam ily A Uttte mate tbaa a fffth ef tba that tha function of tax ooltectlag Etta I Stougbtoa. Mr. and Mrx warrant more thorougb-golng ex- Ftrot Hauooal ...... 183S Nat DtetiU ...... olafutty amployad la tba Ubttad ha ptefarmed on a fun tlaM basis Stoughton’s homa te hi Lsaaburg, Vx tob OONNEOITUVr ffQWHB iOOMPANT change of opinions than te poasibte Guaranto T rust...... 3S3 N T C en tral...... • y OUVE BOM Ona BABTON itotaa ara farm workaio. la miltahls quarter* at tba Torn hall through ordinary diplomatic ehan- Irving T ru s t...... U N T N H aad H ...... aad that oddltlaaal halp bt takm oa I t te aald tlMt domaeUe firss la ^PmHBlBSM MBTttBf. fBBII nate—paitteularty tha quarrsi be- MaahatUa ...... is Nor Am to oariat during tha preparaUoa aad England eauM twice m muqh air tween Qennany and Botond ovar oereooa week batter la a maniag of bills and danM tha busy Manufact Trust .... 80 Rachard ...... Bsom week and think bat- I* poButlaa m Industrial amokx Dansig. Parsm P ie t...... BMMtha of cdBoctlag. Tho report N. T. Trust ...... 20# tor alooa. Tratnlng and tha aatora LAKESIDE CASINO itatee, lalthoagh the reoorde of NOTICE! Public N st'o a a l...... 20 aa R ...... aS tha wark doetda, but tba abOlty Haiiqiers Military Mlsateoa Arrtva Pbalps D odfo...... Caoaa Vf OeDeetor Hotr™'*' Moscow. Aug. n . —(ffV-The Srtt- Title Qusraatoa...... t% to eaaeaatrato la tha bayaeto af M euruto anoouattag for Um ptotod V. ff. Trust ...... 2010 Phil P s t...... mass rsgsrdlaasiar eaodlttena. timt he hold offleo, wo are driuttehr $4-95 to Isb and french mUliaty mtmtons ar- Pub goo H J ...... la a Mwapapai efftea dossM af Regnilar Meeting of Local rived la Moacaw today, ready to be- ;:88 BATCBDAV ef the optatm that aa audit ef tbe 63 gin staff talke wbleb may prove a ecbooooo -- SH typavn^^ are'atocldag at aoaa. tax oolteetor'a offles getag bach for TAKE HOME A Q'JART / momentous factor |a lang drawn out Forgets Politics .. U tt aad tba gsMral bufrg aaaoM to aao- a period of five years or more tf up T. W. U. A. nagetlatlona tor a thraa-pewar mu- toaooabe -- Mlra agalaat an teaw of pcadaattea. fouod neceoeaty, la abaointoly emm ***ii!&^ $1.95 $14.50 tual ald-aaet. RapubUe atl mS beheld a m lraalx. Bariaoa tial to tha latetest of tha taxpoy' T b a n S r i ^ baadad by Britteb In Serving Public Ray Tto a . erritera turn out ew Uka tigbtniag, erx" ■' Admiral Sir R a g in g piqa Bafeww Btrs teat M earaplatalyly ta tludr ■ week m BaguUrly priead front*’ Boakeaaaa adth t b e ^ M M aato sonwIt itoad • bff a Tha andltoru remmiamded tho tfMtVW — ar mahng Saturday, Aug. 12—2 P. M. ^te-Brie-Draa aad Freaeb Basra Rosb . beodlag of Um eterit In tho Botoet- a Baa tot ia Jsaeph Edouard Doumaae, or ■baU Uh . . . M8e •,CHiaM ll N l l' I .S'l.u 12.60 to $6.96. Largo any flaWM Aak^yy.I SK' aoek—“ paraea kaw tbw BMB'a offtoo aad aim ths Deputy dwaaa from. WaB from Xisatograd an tbo Rad Arrow Hawse ettj^-O P-M tto EstolM 3. Baasoy-Vaa eda»aooo laafMd------‘-Ito k M tbalr mtada aa Owte Town Otok, aalectkm ot b Ism and ad- bookraaax lagidarty exprsaa They were gmetad at Qwwdar, superiatomteat of rural Bou Pm .oooeoo'oboooao Leningrad atotlon by a dategatlan of Jackaea Oouaty haspItoL « o t a lowtodla. tovartobOrtba fnai 88.28 to tW J0;j Bmitb Ry is. *t)b. pea Joat gat The annual TWtead Oooity Dear: ora. Buy savoral now At asva no to 3 8 « Onrt TINKER HALL Sovlat efltotro b aaM by tha Bad of resignauoa to Oeuato BI Brmids oetotte euUag wm taka pteeo Ariose deputy chief of staff. Bmaro- Judfe r . U B y ^ Jr. la it aha said: toR." theae low sala prieaa. A apuu Bate. B t (toa aad Mini ' Saturday aftarnom at .Ifoxid, the "I hava really eo M ^ tha work ■t OU Cal . heoM of Mrx Fanule Dtawn Weteh. I AH Union M eiobers Are Urged to Attend Membara of tha mlsriioa wtB ale but. Mr. Byam. I guesa I must ba Tbte te M. bat R te aB. St oa H 3 to asiUsr Itta m The opeakera of Um aftetaoea wm tond a mUltary rosapUan tonlfEt a tothtra aa a pcimeml mnplaya Taa Oorp . Temarrow wffl to.aaaupted totoS u *T keep thlnWag of the pohUo aa bad to raB Eur. A S*.» be g w g ii Labor OoombI with Britteb and Praneb axparia raa- the enee to be served, sad aa tor* ~ ■sasawirto Joomh M. ihM aad Btato Uiint la Mmmv. m ~ get to beep mr poUUeal tonaea to I ChrWds bsoa»bao«a« cfotte Chalmwa 3. Ftoaete Bom 20% Discount On Living Rooip Suites proper may beftn repair." ttoloa Pm . mmr W. Phripa of Andovor te Unit Aire •obooooAaaeao fbstarylVakM ______m ..Thaeooaljr court as admlatotim ' of U eooBty ■mnrlotlen, turn body. 10 oOBtroBed by two other QMI Ctop •eooooabaoAA aabor of oUmt atotao party ttolt imp dStog oS8im ^'$i w lto M eo4it I are expected to atteod. T. 11 Judges wTm> are membero of tba Om eooeoooOb Donm BED Faster Schedules Pendergaat Domecratle fbcttea. R V M Robbto Occanonal did not act oa the letter. V Btq d .. Thteu wm h a ? aal Under Bus Changes totUhtoa ...... •M l u k w4 RrS Ptoty thla evooteg nadsr tho Ara oto » and M fg ...... BAiroOcS^Sff Afl. pieao of tho (hoags Ecoaoailoi JPEO /^ Eyes Examined Tffoblessrih ...... ifoad R aUsks t k r e ^ atfttoo a t Um OmimunHjr Boom to Jtfx HsMt WM Onhee aad aavtra*. TMtead. Pilaia wm bo'awafdod and IrWi- Btee Bmto aad a h (ooih) ranw O R K S ~ DANCDfQ BheuU tha Puhte U t l ^ Omo- Itol M*iWia Onto Aito. SH- rMretfiaimfi wffl bo mlsmea gm at the (TtomMlUul Omn. ■■■YtoBV Classes Fitted tomtoed to tke todhidBel at S $13-95 to p a v tha riffM to aabitltiita bnsm Um bom H am ard to Mabcheatir. tt la dea't wi gnoM of boom tuemtly at aoi tad that tha sbanga wui ba- . Ptonak Oaiatoghass and ^ S u Mk^ WHtetodbypaiw •howirx Bho wm ba —irted to $37-75 Oaovar. BATUEtoAT OtoMT Paul Aiat. 3r„ ua Batuiday aftsr- $25-00 Tho lo Bksly to affaet J^totoerwo toa aaw mm Buoa, AMgmt 38 at twu e'elodi at m AB Ihtaal tovtsol of tba Nortbam Irttoad paritooNat b«t 891 A^in Street et a n ^ auk w aat‘‘ttoT iaaM t ar for a eartola eocasr, wa tba road. BtStoo a man e ^ ^ t o ^ a m ^ t o t e O M a R iSH CIRCLE ■onml atytaa of badSsta ■ IralapfciEi ' ' dtfM who I d l y I to aoUd amhefsny, with f to la already apiMtototadturlex Taut ttoN ara i Ato^SrSay imChm ^ Ikaclly w ni I a n first quality bada — rsgidarty | itoi toa aatbowklab tbay dnTM bS Mid-Summer Week-End Special I u v a ffom 18% to 3 t « for bad, aprlng aad m nttnax Ftt up tha a toa amasbar'a aatosy af tosto thsao fla* ehaln axtrx Mg aavtog you maha during oar ante. Ric h a r d st one ; to N od a r t wjksr L QUART.HIGBKAND A€3ffiS DAffiY - OniCIAK UONBT* aim gam* m t waMt. A tetgagrowd m-TZST ICE CREAM : ” ' r . J. ABdd, OptMMtfigt IjMt be af tba mum to aapaatod to atoud thigSm li Va whteh alarto a t 8 :#• pi, ax af I Par- WK 'V—w r t V B . Atesrt ,ff8 af 33 weet Big ~Savings Throutfiodt The Entire Store • t toa Owtor wUh IS b a t o n 3udg* i3«f I taU m O ty Oaort 1 P R P y toajteawr part af toa e lto t? ^ tgei with avadSMT • w iesj mm m m e BSMB oa«tog a ha naatt eCaa aa- ESTABUSHBD ' ------aariy today. gM dtoaa teit.bhaaalt. im HIGHLAND ACRES DAIRY FRIGIOADUB ’S, INC. MANCHB8TEB BVENINO HEBALD. MANCHBSTBB. OOHN« fllD A T , AUGUST 11, IMS ifo a UANCHESTER EVBNINO HERALD. MANCHEaTER, CONN. FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, IMS

twrin* srlth tenin. M um ir ended 2L' lost aftar dark laat Mffht. aalaafs hlstwo-bour argument ywNsrday Ja p a n 's Good W ill Glo be G ird lers Re^tr^ In ConTolsiiig Frolic at State Theater cfBears aaM In their Mat reoort to Four Chinese Ponces in Leslie H oward Film Sports Program with this plea to the Jury: Younger Si$ter Given iHilarious Hit |Navy Salvagers shore they hoped to Mak the teat Bft—to A patat T>oa't you, I Implors you la*, Stale Places four pontoons beSeca daybreak to- taut from the bottom was i dies and geatleawn, by your «oU Slack Session Custody of Prisoner day, but no work iaperta have bean RiL oeiaacs axpaotad to ta ForCCOiiting foMvor eloM the doan of toasor- '' M ' Speeding Work raoelvad alnea tha aua want ' Squalua aharawAiS uata gka I Be Handed row la Prank Hsysa’ (aes.” On State Bill ad aad «kaB tHt aad tow ai Manj^Ypuths Naw Tarh, Ang. 11— OM.) Lists lo r Prim aries. Aided by^m ploym ent | ggran pentnoas fhllad J lF t* nesdayk Affair. "to hum my eUont and the other The Judge aeked If hto mther Squalus Tom orrow . ■U ihtw doubt as to tho pecfaotlon the Swakm twtiSkd away t i m m accused la this cam with tha tn a waa la court. Opens Here Sunday. of prmimlBary arrangamenta tha Job Up to a lata hour thU aftarneen, Unit in Group. e n tS t af Wtlag topmiloA^^ Obmplata detalla of the eperta of ouoplelen,” Murray told tho Jury "Na aha isn't” ^a youthful Portsmouth, N. R „ Aug. 11.—(A would ba poatpenoS untfl naxt araek. there bad been no callara at tha of- voice repUad, "hut I am." it li m M. Ineludad Um program which win ka conducted at Mayor Hayoo was no ssero guUty Hartford, Aug. 11.— About Comedy in large measure to on -Hopeful of making a aacond aSOrt under preaant pteBA tha work rfriffUfip' tint tlM Brttilk eanaol- of wrong doing than wore ths two flea of tha Tawa CUrk eMkiiig to Judge O'Dwyer looked down. I its way to the State Theater, which I to ralM the submarine Squalua to- ■heet ealls for at toast A d * a t botteaa 1 * m m teiw 3*a to he uee^ tha annual outing of tha Chamber 80 per cent of all pucemehta made Before him stood a 18-year-oId, meticulous lagpactlen ot the ar- ■M m l b* •Ilawtd to TUit Smi fron assistant prosecutors In ths ease. atflUaU themaelves with political Sunday opens for a three day run morrow, Navy aSIvagers labored at IntheaacaiidaMampt U M to tt(M to 00* tbot h* wM be* of Commerce at Oorafleld Polat Murray said ths "entlro theory” partlM for tha condng primartaa. o r ' by the 18 offices of the CJonnacUcut blue-^red, chestnut-haired girl. full speed today to comptoto the rangeroents hWore air actually wtU naxt Wedneadsy aftemoon wara an- •Tm Nora Lynch—hto riiter" with a picture hailed acroH the ba pumped Into the Mg drums to of tho sUto’o cast against Hayes to alter their party ntarabarahlpt. 8|ato IkBpIoyment Service during country aa top-notch btlarioua ro- 1 intricate preUintnartoe neceaaary for nouncad today by Jack SanMa, aha confided. Their mother, eae hotot the 34,000,000 aub, which hotda was that ths mayor "must have Tba Raglatrars af Votora, Rehart July were of youths betwsen the anca. I the ponderous task. chairman of tha ' eommlttaa la sm ■aid. has been "too upset" to the bodtoa a t 83 man who dtod when ^1a eSldol drejM It wm odd tbo known" shout alisgodl; IU I ae- N. Valtch tor tha rapubSalMa aad sgM af 18 and 3fi, It wqa aimounoed Tha frantic but futile eSorta of a Working under Seed Ughta until mmUm « t mnoadorlnf tlM •U«v- charge. CharSda "Pete" Wlgren. tlvltlea on ths part of hlo adolnls- BMward Morlarty for the demaerats, appear. today by Stoto Laboij^^minlasloner behind-the-counter girl to deny the •d torrorUto woa dealt with entirely Miehael Zwiek. Frank Vittaer and trstlon and then he pointed out will ba In eeaalan until tote thU eve- "Tm going to send you home parenthood of a foundling aerident- •M rt (IM i ether mattere now under Jerry Braaalek, the latter replee- that Aeslstsnt Prosecutors Hugh OeroeUua J. Danaher. A total ot 890 In custody of a poUesman," the dfaniMhTn In the Tokyo conference. Ing Jack Darycr, will handle the M. Alcorh, Jr., sad Harold B. youth placements were recorded aUy wished on her form the baato at I^U y'a altUng of the regUtrara • Judge told Patrick. "That po- tha Ginger Rogera-David Niven It waa announ^ that "detailed various evoata. Mitchell wero members a t tha U' the Bilal aeanoa for party regis- during which inontb 3,900 place- liceman will be your sleter.” iBBtrvetloaB’' on other pointa had state Leglslnture during eeeslone ments were made with private em- comedy bit "Bachelor Mother.' Mr. Vittaer wUl have charge of tration for tha cantaata thU falL The two walked from the Iltocovarlng tha Infant on the haaa aent to Sir Robert within the aeftbell and taro fiva-lnnlag gamsa when, the state clslme, the city Thera wart tome corrocUona made pleirarA — courtroom, hand In hhnd. after laat 48 houra and that resumption paid Illegal fees to lobbylata at the The report of Walter R. Ketehqm. ■tape of an orphanage. Ginger to will ba playad. one between the today on the party lUto, and bafora the Judge admonlahed The girl unable to convlnea the authorities, e( the talks, suspended since last Merehaate Retail Bureau and the Capitol. elating time at 10 p. m. It U expeet- yoiith placement officer for Cdn- not to let her brother "out- week, was eapected shortly. " If they (Alcorn, Jr., and Mitch- ad that aavaral atotloaa and era- neetteut, made to CommlMloner as well her own employere, that the Automotive Bureau, the other be- smart" her. baby Isn't beiA Her handsome boM, TlM new Instructions were de- tween the Magle man and the mar- ell) didn't know aajrthing about auroa adit be made. It U atraieed -DUnaher abowt that 3,755 youths In So until next Wedneadsy, Tha fUturo loelcs uneartaia tor ite* bato aa Otaigar Rogers and David tha aga group mentioned, registered In fact, threatens to dtomtoa her un- Niven wendar what to do about It la "Badwler Mother" here at the | aerlhad as dealli>g primarily with ried men. Vittaer will also direct this situstlen, U It fair to say that that tha MeSnn today U not bald for Norah sriU be her biethar'e FARE "p6Uet and ascurity questions." It Frank Hayes should have known the purpoM of making naw votora. for emplojrment during the month toM she aaaumM the raapoculblllty State ThMter Sunday, Monday and Tueaday. s m admitted, however, that they the tug-of-arar. S,on other youths renewed beaa—then they must appear In of rearing the child properly. Annaga H um Matehae everj^lng that happened In tba but only to tie up adro aome party court to hear the Judy's asa- by TRAM to NIW YORK also rsferred to the currency and city of WaterburyT" Murray de- thoae voters already du}y made. their regtstratkme. Thla la a de- Ludlcroua compUeatiene develop Mlvor quesUona which have present- Ur. Wlgren will handle volley ball. ereSM of 3,461 from the reglstra,- tence. when her employer's father, owner In which three mntebee have been manded. "Weren't they Just as Intereat la party regUtratton, huOdlnia are equipped with storm I ad tha eenference with Its freatest close to the etste Leglilature as ttona made In June when so many of the department store, grows een- riiuttoie which may be ewung In I Maria Meulova Flynn, 10-y#ar-old dancer. Inspects giant sound arranged, one between ths auto f i r thU yaar baa bean much ~ Storm to Hit dWeidUea. Frank Hayes was to tho' city of that ef a year age when there ' l^ iB M g h school fraduatee visited the vlnced that the child to hto grand- oe quickly and require Uttte | "'I camera on "Intermeuo" set Olrl. bom In Chine, iMkee ^ r te rttn mecbaalce and gas station men and I^^^B a^aym ent offices for the first ■OA and trlM to perauada hto aon to ipreparsUon fo r use. the retail elerlu, the second between WstorburyT" f ■tote, aa well ai town eUetlens Maas NO Vattod rrsat. debut dancing In picture starring Leslie Howard. Versetlle Merle The lawyer slso^rscallsd that In prospect. Plan Feeder marry the girt This beetle totua- Tlw baavler teaks at boardlag up | speaks several languages, sings, pUys piano, end appeared with the automobile dealers and dairy- I ^ ^ ^ T h s youth plaeemsnt officer's rs- Uen producM a gay aatartalnmeat Florida Today TVakyo. Aug. 11—m —Although T o ^ whan Hsysa was cisetad on Set for Tokio take-off on 31,320-mlle flight around world la Jape- A • O I " " * •" •tors windoera and putting up au Ballet Ruses In Shanghai during ItST bombings. men and the third between the re- pert shows that of those placed. 281 m. vartoua characters try to *uttora not alreaiiy in pIsM wara I tbo TXnIted States and France have tailmercbaats and profeealonsi men. tha Democratle ticket to tha drat nsM monoplane, above. Navigator and chief pilot la Sumitoahi damenatrated an Interest In the fu- of hla two terms aa lieutenant gov- Nakao, left Takeo-Ohsra, right, rldta along as "good will envoy” were entering the labor market for Air System I the entanglemento of the left until later, when hhiateiF I WORLD’S FAIR M Wlgren ariU also Arset bowling on ture Chhie'e eentrd government Green WiU Give tha flret time. 199 bad work ex- whole affair, waather should ^ve notloa ot the| c t the green. ernor, Prheecutor Hugh Alcorn, Sr., to other natkmac"Charted course crosses five' continents—North perienca not related to the appli- Northeast W arnings O r- cuMOBoy, a torelgn offloe spokes- many dlffarent varietlaa with a waa the Republican candidate for and South America, Africa, Asia, and Europe. Mtoa Rogers, wbo foraakM her dtetuihanca'a approach. Foraeart- Mr. Zarlek arlll have charge of cant's sducatlon, trslnlng or general dered Displayed Along era aald few points were apt to faal I ■aa said today, Japan doesn't eon- Many Are Entered spread covering a whole table and governor, dweated by Wilbur L. background and 400 are considered Three Connecticut Qties dancing aboM for this comedleBne aider that evtdenea o f a united boraeehoa pitching, darts, Chlnasa V D e e i s i o n T o d a y any affaeto befora mld-monilng. artlatleally arranged on white plush. CroM. im tne employment eervice In the role, to co-atarred with David NIvca Southeast Coast. Amatleaa-FraBeh-Britlah front. ohecksrs and cards, whlls Mr, Bran- "I hope," Murray said, "there la dU dum and a Republican tareeU- Included in List Fur- who racantly aoerod in "Wuthering The storm Srat eras located Thaa-1 AJI. Dim H. Y. (SELT.) TVo great basketa in this ^ I b l t nick wlU conduct deck tennis and "youth problem" group, although Ra said neither natten had asked In Gladiolus Show are filled writb the exquisite white no significance in the persecution dee." adding: seme of their expericneee to related RelghtA" OiarlM COburA Frank day morning north ot Puerto RIee l IAJM.I |U.H.Y.(S.C.T.)rinFM. to yattlelpate In the Britlsh-Jap- badminton. This la ths most ex- Barkley Slaps Atlantic city, N. J„ Aug. 11.— nished by Company. JackaonvUte. FIa , Aug. 11—— and was reported to be o f “slight I "Maid of Orleans” ; other large that has been given this accused In "I arant to amend tbat^almUe, — to training. Albertson and E. E. CUve complete SMoa oonfarence. sdilch has been tensive sports program aver planned this case because of this fact, and let me put It thU aray: Tne Demo- —A bevy ef weary ataga and acnah the featured cast of "Bachelor Reatdenta Along ths eoutlMaat Pler- tetenalty.” As It moved atoadlly| lOUND vases contain "Lavender Queen!' and •9S rmnate Apptteantr. daadloeked on the question of (Osatlaaed from Pago Oae.) for ■ Chamber outing. The directors I hope there are no ecarn left from cratic party adU not aundve aa an ■tars, thalr minds on aartoua Iw er Waahlngton, Aug. 11—(IR—Air- Mother,” an RKO Radio Picture, IdA eoAtt took precAutloos agAlnet at northwestward the Bureau I whatkar Oraat Britain would with- a different shade of the aama color, will lesva at noon Wsdnasday to set Three hundred and ninety-eight "Minuet." Here also Is a new ver- that campaign." Lack of Plans affective force In the nation If the probtoma, puabod thalr way thiough line Feeder System, Inc., e f New under Garaon Kanin's direction. gale winds and high tides aa a trop- hero changed tie roporta to "mUd” * « w auppoft of ibe currency. * He whlU gtsdiolus. Bagdad, (smoky up ths equipment. Murray told the Jury he waa voters have to cbooN between •dmlrtag faaa today to Mar Judg* of thoae placed during July were York haa Mrved notice of Ita tnten- "IndlanapoUa Speedway," Warner ic Storm aerlrled In thalr dlrocttoa Intenaity and then “ moderato.” H"*** •ddad that any move for such par- glads) ^iddlela. Eaatsr lilies, silver elon of the famous and popular tomale appUcanto, 140 of erhlch from tba Bahamas today. "Picardy" large shrimp pink here, not to care a lawyer's fee, Republican twecdle dum and meat of nine ddarly gentlemen, who tloa to apply to the Civil Aaronau- Btoa' new and thriU-paeked drama ever, no Increase In Intenelty yaete^ WORirt PAM tPKlAU amSMtaf tlelpation should have preceded the king artemlila and lavender llatrii, but becauM "I have an abiding By Republican Democratic tweidle dummer." cempoM the Ammiean roderotimi found thalr way Iqto domMtIc aerv- ties Authority for permtoalon to op- The Weather Bureau said tha day or early today waa reported. lirfM MARTm» BrlSh-Japanese talks. arranged In e rectangular green bloome: a basket of "Mother a t tha auto racetracks, wilt be the storm, unleaa It changed direction, o f sFaaj ard aaaetiei. oaw aWar Ww ipeaA Alcorn Argument conviction and faith In the Inne- Ha said Republican and Demo of Lahor'a Executive Ceuaell. tee and 143 Into manufacturing in- erate a chain of airlines In 14 atatoa. second feature. Oo-etarred at the TTie higheet winds reported— 80 t t r Robert Lsalle Cralgle. British basket and tied with green satin Machree" one of tha ko-called Tha boardwalk of' this aaaahora dustrlcA 40 were given employment would readi the nortoa ooeat about miles an hour—were far below tha | ■slaty, aamlact af train ttoval at L O W IIT "imoklea", with Its beautiful com- rence of my friend." cratle reactionaries "arant to undo N o Ucm sent out by R. T. CranA beeid ot the large cast are Pat raa authoritatively ribbon, arranged by Paul Buettner (Oaatlaaed from Page Oua) resort took pn a holiday spirit aa In retaU storeA 19 in agrlcintOTe aild-afteinoan. and ordered north- 7B-mlle an hour velocity o f a hurri- to have received instructions bination of soft pink and lavender. what we have accomplUhed In these preatdant ot the organIxatioA aald O'Brien and "Oomph Girl" Ann east storm warnUge dlaMayad from of the Pentland shop, wbo was for- Ends Trial; Judge hundreds ef faaa playfuUy Jammed and 3 to prefeaaloaal poationa. Other It would file appUcatlona for perma- U. Hwttwd 7«8 AJR.* hia goveramant which, whild merly with Men Bcbling of New This le not a new variety but has last few yean and return to the un' young women applicants found em- SheridaA with Gale Page, John Daytona Beach down to Key W est point In our hUtory arhera ara are restricted IndlvidualUm of ths around tho otara aaWng far auto* nent authorisation to engage in air- OeaH-Y. (SJO-T.} 9 i« « not aaanpleto. JustlSed hla notifying York, netlonelly known florist and been a great favorite. confronted with permanent unem- graphs. Tha Broadway and tfoUy* ployment In fields of building cen- Payne and Prank McHugh in the Fotecaatora aald tha storm wa Before the '49 gold ruab. North | • RWHtAK THROUGN TRAINt. wMi seedman. This basket Is In the cen- Newer Varlettea Will Open Charge Start Budget prevtoue century.” structien, finance, commercial aarv- mail and paaaenger transportation top lupportlng rolsA The exciting ot moderate Intensity, with winds Retwahf U. t i T. Botamataii Kato, Japanese minister- ployment of aeverat million men I wood performara, however, had Mrs Oaroilna was tha natton’a lea" itraamifnil a>r-aaa4lHawed lusary aaaahaa ter near the entrance, and on the The commercial growers all fea- TeU Tates Out of Mckool only for what the council would lee, wholesale dtoMbuUon and Irani- between these eitlM: ■tory of two brothers who have of 40 to 80 mltae aa hour near the 448 SJd. — at-IUgo In China, that eonversa- do not attempt here to My," be Pepper eald Owen D. Young, Gen- geld producer. tloaa adght he raoumad. right Is snotber exhibit from the ture some of the newer varieties continued, "but are have dene ■ay. poristion. SyrAcuae, N. T „ Elmlro, N. been bitten by the racing bug. the center. e*e r a ewnplele deHy seroke at lew iwmd I3I43F.M. PentUnd shop, a large blue vsm of with their exceedingly long and (OMttooad from Pago One.) Consideration eral Electric beard chairman, had A F L PiaaldaBt William Oraan Of the male applicants. 140 went WlUlamaport, Pa.. KylertowA P a , film deala with the drama, romance, Ito poettten at 1 a m , eaateni everything arlthln human possibili- told tales out of school la a apaaeh Mpfamal )>R "Picardy" gladiolus and huckleber- vigorous flower spikes. William ty to ereats aad to preserve the promiaad laat night tha Judgmaat to manufacturing. 181 to public and Plttaburgh, Pa., Parkeiaburg, W. and danger la the Uvm of the dar- standard UmA was about 38 mltea laterpreted this as Schenetaky of RockvUls has a hand- auditing firm which fermsrW work- In Boston arben be said he knew wbo nortbeoat of Namau. Bahaman ca^ I Britain had oom- ry foUage. Tills won the New Eng- Jobs of men aad aroman." would ba ready for daitvary today eemtructlen. 38 to retaU atoieA 80 Va . CharlMtoA W. Va , TW-atlaA | Iflg driverA some exhibit In the center of the ed on city booki; Thomas P. Kelly, the next president araa going to be, (3:30 p. m„ a. a L ), prevtdtog to hotels and rastaaranto, 80 to Tenn., (Johnaon caty, Klagapert, ItaL and ita dbeetton waat nertn- ssd n t bi aoasultatlen with the United land (lladtelus Society's bronse Recreation Gmiinittee • 90 iMW warn far RM UUI COACH PAm medal. hall, composed of massed bouquets an alderman and the mayor's exacu- Defenda OoveraaMit Spending but wouldn't tell. Then, turning to everyone had aurvtvad tlw strannoua •nleulture, and others want to pri- Bristol), Knoxvllte, Tenn., and At*. weat—on a Mna narth of Naawiu. Fraaoa to ascertain of a Blngle color In a sort of tisred, tive secretary; and Daniel J. Leary, Defending government epending, tha Senate Republican leadership, vato building construction, meehanl- Ita forward movamwit waa 13-14 FOR POISON nnr tha heart o f Naw YarL O mb H lAN C H Ifm Other Wlaaars Meets Tonight for •eeaiona of tha teat few days when This new discovery haa given vlewpeiata an economic quas- circular arrangement, and contpicu- former city comptroller. Barkley said "to hear Republican the senator asserted: I the fate of theatrical unionism eal repalra, finance, commercial “"M'S,?!. V., cu,. K .. James Not SeekmgmllM aa hour. ttoM Involved la the Tientsin dls- L. 8. Mala of South Windsor won quick relief to UiouMiid i auffar* RflfMarOMiWAT .$ t*fi. oua among them Is the dark valvety Referring to attacka made by the Preliminary Studies. breaet-beatera you arould think tha "If Hr. Young were here, I would faced an extraordinary erlalA Mrvice, wholesale dtotributlon, Newark. N. J„ North Beach Air- NMann Mteaaa rak ForcA srsaasiR yuta. B m American and French Srst for tha largest Indlvtdtial Sow- Ing wtth.Polaon Ivy I glads In the maroon ehadse. Everett defense lawyers on the prosecution public debt was a peculiar tnven- ask him If he knows what contacts tranaportotlon and profeealonal port, N. Y m Bridgapert, Ooaa., New I TTamni which mimed the full g g o u r o o m m m f ' Chaigsa MUtelraa In Tokyo aarUer er, "Star Prince." and Srst oo his and Ita wltneesee, Alcorn said they Presidential Post force tba btew, bad winds ^ 38 Stops Itd iis f A t Oaeo! Clark of Poquonock and Howard.T. Tonight the recreation commute# tlen of the Democrats." Senator McNary (Oregon) arch fields. HaveA CoaA, Hartford. Odoa, a t ha aw weak aoMBed the Japanese of exhibit of crooked spikeaSPl In a pot- had "Indulged In mere vituperation Tha oceupattonal greupinga m to 40 mllM an hour, net sufficient tery container for livingivlng room ta- Munton have especially fine exhibits will meet to consider the public "Hoover started that” he said, ■traUgUt of Republican-Democratic Tobaceo Workert WeatSeld, MaaA, and Albany, N. Y. | Stops Sproadisf! CHAMRtABVANeii 7 0 t s t w o m m m f \ U M their governaaenta' concern. on the north and northaast corner and abuM" than haa ever been heard adding hU administration Jumped blockadere, haa bad adth the Wall thoaa p la e a d rto ^ that 104 to CUIM dOIMfOe „f«e.w ew \ ble. James Mile wenn MueM i ribbons In any other court. recreation budget for the coming Albany, UUea and SyracuoA N. T. ProcBuUOBS iVwg tho FloiidA Britain oms understood to have of the hall, and Ur. Munson has the the debt $6.000,000,(WO "and there Street crowd about the aclection of youths want Into baavy unakUled Cincinnati. Ohto, LexIagtoA Ky., Harrisburg, Pa , Aug. 11.—(P>— a m JS e "*** phyateteir tnkan the attUuda that she alone for hla artistic arrangement of "To anawer It," aaaerted the year. Preliminary Mtlroatea will occupatlooa. 48 to eeml-ekilled ma- eoestltim e o o M e t * ^ c j ^ white gteda In a wrhlte container distinction of entering the only U not a courthouM, nor a aidawalk a candidate agreeable to that Gov. Arthur H. JamM la "not a can- aould not dselda on Japan's demand prosecutor, "I svould have to step be made on the baala ot demands In To Give Addreti tradM and S3 given clerical Tri-atiaA Tenn.. AahavUte, N. C^l didate” tor next year's Rapublicaa I moving 'ItW r ii* ':. e for mantle, and also entered spike ■lightly fragrant gladiolus produced nor a sUaet nor a wataiworks from group." Spartanburg. 8. C.. Auguste, Oa ,| qnELDOM DBUo o a tar withdrawal «t her currency down Into tha gutter they occupy." this field for the term Ifi39-Kl40. Hyde Park to Palo Alto to show for jabA praaidentUI nomination but wouldn't might oobm ■e tai a wind, laah- wdth the longest Sosverhead In the so far. It Is a dainty decorative glad The Park Department already baa He eald WaU Street bad picked •ad JaekaonvOto, FM. J. W. HALE o a NELU HAVEN r r aaggart Inasmuch as other posters In pink and yellow and Is named Aestotaat Talka Hear and Half that 36.000.000,000.” Bricker "because be talka ilbaral Of tha young women pteMd the turn It down—"No man eoukL” ing up aarBn4 I, aaoving boato to THE . Miow of "Picardy" variety. held one budget meeting and may Try-attaA T boa, Wlaatan-Satem, I «Se were alsaUariy eanoetaed. "Incense." Well known growers ell Alcorn began tbs etate'e culminat- Delegktee, atlU weighing the full and acta like Hoover” and Dawey Mr. and Mta Hunter Rayaolda, greataat number, 183, ware given Tha rad-baadod governor, a farm- ■Mar aworings •ad t h a ^ . . Mrs. H. W. Stevens again won meet again soon for further expense N. c!, Oraenabon, N. C, Raleigh. honiM and public ' A British embassy spokesman an- over the country hsve been experi- ing argument after hla aaetstant, Import of Preeldent Rooaevelt'a becauM ha araa a "glamour boy and who have been working eu tobacco dnmaatlr or aarvice JohA w ^ Bi er county Judge wbo mye be once I Many with "Amy Belle" the spike com consideration. N. C.. Norfolk, Va . Rldunand, Va , nounoad Britain now has satis&ed menting along this line with little Harold E. Mitchell, bad addreaeed statement that he would not sup- ha wiU taka orders." at the Hartman jHsnUUoa to RocK* toUhd eawtoyment In manual Mini-1... WAS A "breAker boy” In a ooaI mine, poaed of the imalleet Soreta in good the Jury for an hour and a half. Other town departments are tak- port a conservative for the Preai- •IditedtatadM la faetorlM. P o rty Lyaenwrg, Va, and RoaaokA Va aude knoem hla views after a Teaaa I hwaslf that "suStelent prims facie condition. success \ip to date. Loula Johnson, aaslatant aacra- land, and have baas eoMuettag srldMiaa has been dlarovsred" to Arrangementn Claee Mitchell, who termed Mayor ing up tha questioa e f expanM itams dentlal neminatlon, beard wmiama Ugioua and raeraatioa pregranu two aaeurad elarical poalUons. S3 C3vU Aeronautlea Authority offi* frtand declared Jamec and Vloe| Larger Thaa Ever tary of arar, anoUiar speakar, araa •eml-akUtod machtna Joba aad SBletola aald the appileatlana had not parmlt the surrender of four Tlent- In the ertletlc arrangements class, Hayes' eight-year regime a "esM aad will have these in ehape for declare: cheered when ba atated tha adminis- altar worktog houra, win glva an Preatdant Oaniar erould ba "kteaT' Ra Odnasa wanted by Japanese au- The exhibit which contlauaa until gladiolus predominate, and eotna In- pool of municipal corruption," tpoke conalderatlod with the Board of Se- "N o b i^ U ptaytng politica with addrsM la the South Methodist tound work aa aSIea ctotkA yet haaa raetlvad. Ra^Ulean aad Democratle noad- 10 o'clock this evening according to of "tha shame that haa been com- tration araa building a big Navy and thoritlea on terrorism charges. teresting results have been obtain- lectmen at coming mMUngs. By relief. The people know we have Army "not to armge arar, but to kaep church on Sunday ovaBlag at 7 Tbs seen have been la refuge In Chairman R. H. Houne and his com- ed. In some cases crooked spikea are mitted upon the ^ t e , " and urged vote of the Selectmen, all final bud- kept the record clean. No one ad- o'clock. OoL Cart LiEateA aatl-Naw Deal mittee, Is the equal of any previous ua out ef arar." tbo Brltlah conceaslon at 1^001010. used with good effect In combina- tha ju ry to "ehow the world that gets wUl be prepared In the detailed ministering - these measures today Union servICM for BMmbera ef Hamburg, Oarmaay, Aug. ft.— Texas Democrat and newspaper I show held In Hartford. If not Just this type of municipal rottenness" Manor, In hla farewell addroM, Condition of Girl bUsher, iiaerted yesterday that ^ro ad them, the embaaay said, tion with artemeala or other foliage form first used laat year, which can write a check In four figures and conceded the Democrats arefc "bad- Center Oongregatlotml and South , (PI—ThrM mambara of tha craw pf a Ilttla larger and flner. As one ap- would not be tolerated. the critica knew It." mM and Garner are the "two beat- would be bald on murder warrants for low bowl arrangements. A deep form shows a breakdown of all ly divided" aad In a plea for har- Methodist diureh wUI ho held Sun- and two on chargee o< belonging to proaches the temple. If they did not purple glad called "Pellegrino" used Mitchell eatd the cam waa one ot costa into Individual Items. "MoMy la HeMat Hands” day. Tba aubjact of tha talk to ha Remain* Serion»lS;.vaS-J|J“ J“ quallSod men In Amarlea” to I notice the sign, they would be a^- both "avarice and greed" and of mony asMrtod; ■hraak” what ha called "thla Franh- lOagal orgaalsatlons with white was moat effective, as He said not In n stngte laatanoa given by Mr. and Mta Hunter la •ireatod oa chargaa ot curtaaey K tractad by thb large, varl-colorcd "lust for power feeding, upon It- "UnlSM arlM men and women In- Un D. Roooevelt-Joha L. Lewis Donesa ■nseolhlag Aka were the corsages featuring gladio- has "the finger of suspicion pdntsd treveae and eempoM the warring 'Uf4 oa a Tobacco Plantotlca.” aanmgUag. They were arreetod arrangemanta of gladiolus on sach self." That they may hatter carry a « 'X > Tba embassy denied that the de- lus. to a major official tpandlng theM faettons, are ahall go Into the next Hartford. Aim. 11,—* > —The last Frida/. Authortttoa daeBaed to pillar at the entrance. One of the letter will bear dea- The S4-year eld aaaUtant prosecu- funds. Tha paopla know tha money the work that they arp dotog at tha glva tha' aamM of tho prtsoaarA alslan eras aimed at smoothing the tor, wbo repreeentad the town ot About Town great battle, - with tha forcM of eo^tten of Barbara Warner, 3- Tel eourse of the Tokyo talks. The an- Ths exhibits fill the entire ban- criptloB for Ite unique oomposltlon. U In honest luuiids." pUntotlcu, a room in cm of the West HairUord In ths 103* Houm reaction and privilege, crippled aad yMTwId daughter of Mr. and Mia nonneamant. hosrever, coming dnr- quet hall. No attempt has bben It was the entry of Pentland tha Williams snkl a recent Inveatlga- unprepared.” shads has bssn ast aaidA for their J. made at general decoration or back- of Representatives, aaaerted that Lany Wanar a t Wlmteor avs; Wariilngton. Aug. 11.——T. K.I ISB the deadlock In negotiations Florist. The glad and buds were the tlon of W PA ahowed that out of ex- UM and there haa hosn good at- mw. ground. The containers are for the Hayea waa cognisant of the alleged The Carlyle Johnson Machine tendances at tha evening gathcringA Wtodmer, atm woa eooMdwad Mooeew. Aug. 11.—m —Lautanoa Chatflrid. of Danbuty, Coom, will | over greater Issues at Tlrntstn, grand, dark wine velvet "Monte- penditures of millions by thousands Mrtoua at Hartford hoapttol toitey. represent Comwctlent In the 335- most part white or a neutral ahsde conspiracy from Its beginning. Company la now circulating a new of government workers only 12 In- A. StoiBhardt, saw Uhitod Statoa ' aanasd Japanese official circles to negro". green epiials. tied wttb sil- although doeton aald hw rocovety amhaasador to Boriat Ruaria, today class hydroplaiw n ee at the PreM- that aets off to advantage the glori- ver and also white ribbon. "His function all the way 10 page catalogue , which givea a stances of Irregularity had been eenclude that Britain waa attempt- through," said Mitchell, "waa to Parachute Firm |g expoctode praaontad hla erodantiala to Mi- dent'e Oup .regatta on tlw Potooaae I ing to ease tension caused by delay ous flowers, and the tables ars description of the latest types, alae turned up and one of these waa ”n Tho child baa a poaelhto fracturo covered with whits. It Is free and cover this aa much aa poMible and and prices of the Johnson clutch. In man told a friend at midnight ne waa Pair Start Hop chael KaUahi, bead of the AU-Rua- rtver Sept.' A He wm race with la the talks. ■Ucnce waa always Ms role, except at the afcuU. leoalvod when tba •toa Central Exeputtva OemialttoA nine othero for tlw John Charloa | The British refusal to hand over those Interested should, not mlat it. the catalogue la listed the com- i [oing to Bupport someona far tha It Is difficult to give an adequate Brothers’ Bodies when he waa used aa 'front man' to pany’e etandard friction clutch with Unate." Chan^ Name family car. oparatod M r Tbay chatted for h * an hour. Tbomaa trophy. the four Chinese waa given aa the

'w ■ ■ ■' ijf•'CSi if • ' \. - ____ ■/ 4^ag e six MANCHfiSlEX EVENWO HIKALD. MAMCBECTIE. OONN, FSIDAT. ADUHTST11. IfM j / MANCHESTES giVBWIWO HERAUD, ICANCHBSTEB. OONM, FBIDAT, AITOUfiT 11,1M9 /lefVr^ bn fatOa bMk. araa U ------eoleay, da ate rank #00 mOm up tba Andwrtff urycd, tor tba Haw Deal dUaftabi Itaikoi troops Wa$Mngt6n 1)aybook* pin and with tba aaataat Sowar Urges Labor Aawaea. It was hi one of tba ua garden to tooat Suddea Reepiratory Trouble Guard Changes I D e c i d e s F o r d to eaat ragratful ayaa on tba ndaa ytea « baaittisto tonratddaa parts of *Tour thousand rnltos trera Mickey Rooney Father Cira|n0 9fral5 of tbena atnieturoa. put IM tba world. HBay e f. tba axilL^ horns, this aiaaalng uarseeostruct- Imperil* Life o f *Heart* Baby IE Sm a SAVE IXIR/Ui Mr. Rooaavalt baa bad two tanaa taiy auppHaa at tbalr diapoaal ah Chiefs Agree Preston Grover wttbout ada^uato toola aad napra^ od old lady still carrtaa htrnelf ' parsd tor imgim Ufa, aiovad lAOO Being Plaimed Violated Law •■BAiJS^Snl^jjio S i^ K T . Ota In tba Praeldaaey In tba ebaraetar with a view to atdfay and absttiay arlth aa air that waa cartataly ae- Quits Burlesque Stage u auMn atTMt — JM M Watolag* ; O ft o r OMm ^ •Bd adtas aoutbward to vnia Aaaa qulrad far froa> tha Amaaaa.t ■aMMxisr. UDM. of tba *t>rnat Uberm.” Ha eaa aay forcM s aspaiuloh toward Mmuto. Aug. u -<»>-T k . f e >: raoiu a raJutoaon Senator Thom as Makes tea to prapaitor tor tba to tsw ' and happily," aajra BBrdsh If tbara were a, wtda open rich > •*•------atawMO-^f probably apaad tba rant of hia Ufa "dastaram eotoay dropped toto baby Mary Heart RafaaL kora MoB' Howitaer Gimpanies to Honyerood—(IF—Mickajr itom y’r^ievro toyi^ to get tetojha rtu f^ lL a b o r B oard R iilcs C om - ban saity to toaditoa aad dsaondnau a f thla eouatry now, aa Braaa was at tha the exposed brort. Hmy eald aaothcr on Mickey's nbma and minding my OtUkw I. IMI Obaeartiy," aaya Burdatt. odds pn hna artd goodbya io tha thing la tba atteraooa auaablna of It to etOy a short Ubm afaior it Plea for Agreement of aad of tba tl. a CIvU' war, there itoy with on axpoaad heart, waa an- cause might be general baart bualaaaa hare la tha theater. pany M ust Reinstate I M lbs CiTBiaB axils oU oeafsrsdate brasd (atoatly M too arald. Tn dstonalnad to would ba mora boito for tba to- Be Gm verted Into Pka that hna been hls Ufa for n quarter BSMPt a diatliieUon, as WUUam AUaa was quitai 'yaSrratly ballavad that ban noatoa a rsBort cf dfkagacad today by suddealy davel* fatigue reanltlgg from the unnatural '*rhs naraUert part o f the arhols AFLandaO. froni Ttotea aad Alabaani bavs ra UB, the aatUars wara doci* ertaatoy crop o f Oarmaa aallaaL of n oantury. Discharged Men. White baa put dsetersd—If - ba Tufoaiavto would comply raadUy rhwt baypaasd to of acattarad dwouyh Brasil, many to o^ respiratory trouhto._____ poEtion o f tba organ, which rarta toon s in M erg er. thing te that I w ill ba arltb HIckay Atod by tropleal Oaaaaa. Tha sur- on tba child's chart and to protected Joe Tuto, Sr., has gone to the 1 itlcba to hta funa. But If ba eom* •Bougb arltb such raquaata, U tbaia- WashtoytoB, Aug. 11,—(ffj— __ taka iHEtognlsIisd rotes la tbs Ufa vivon Btorriad Into Bmalitoa tom* ^nis a&iUstiaUoa at oxygsn af- pasture cnllad Hollywood. a lo t Tou know, our ewa traaadna tba war. by a thin clam cup. Washington, Aug. 11.—(JF—MaJ. Washington, Aug. 11.—(ff)— Thai prnmlaaa with tbs Olaaaaa and tba by tea could praaarva aoBM appear- &U of tbs aaOea. Most Of tbsm ars Utaa, and flaalfy aU traea of tba Sentimental Songs fordsd temporary relief but wbro- fully eloas, but 1 don't aaa him very aoaacaimoii nAm ptaa for a *tomrktoy agrtaaaaat'* ba* Of tba buBAroto of aoatbsrasrs ever deprived of tbto the Infanta UaUl tbto monung'a sudden ad- He has rotirad from burlesque. often. Sundays for Brenkfosts and Natlonrt Labor RalaUona Boiard bas oa# tmy tif M>ii *•••••••&<•• •}t-M BrasUlaa cttlasna but a> tow ntola ooloay, aa a caleay, vaatohad. Gan. Albert H. Blandlng, chief of Burkaa and the O*0onnora all tba Oa of ladapaadaat aatateBca. So twaaa tba A IT . and tha CIO, a w bo wuBt to SoBlb Atoiilcn after leaplratiaa and putoa would again verse davalopmant tha baby's condl He to going to gat thraa times hto that's about ruled that the Ford Motor Company lix f> 99 itftSi «••••.••••••} tt Atosttcaa etttawiabto- dowrai daa* the National Guard Bureau, dUcloa- present salary as n doubla talking UaKl# C9P9 '®t^phlns win tads and ba win ba r ^ tha statemast that tea had not only though tbsy inaliiteto tbalr asparato tba CtoO war, atost w an abaorbad tlato aad aa oatatandtog aargaoa to Writer 77 Today become irregular. Her temperature tloB had been aattofectory and doC' Since this SOetchmna want Into violatad tha Wagner Act and must | oonsultatloD would ba held today to ed today that the Army’s efforte to comic for one-tenth na much work. rainatate with back pay 34 dlacbarg- aumbarad as tba naUon’a graataqr id no, but haa amphaalsad It by Into tiiis LfttiB AMsHotti oesiintBl* lUo ds Jaasiro, Dr. rraakHa Pjrtas, A Uttls eonttaned normal, doctora m^. tha thanter A5 ysstn ago, when ha eatittas, waa asada today by Chair* plan treatments to prolong tha "streamliae” Ite'forces would result Ha'to going to have time for base- sd ampl03rea. or Tiia «aaoci*TBO poHtloal fliala. Um lo wMek tiM ■■tewtsil But ara proud to claln Villa ' *T vtoltad Hay, Honywood, Aug. 11—t bs caused by gradual cloeiag artery has bean around Its present Ail fiKktt at fppebllaaltaM at Democratic party wbiph has fouybt fronUar, to a rather surprtolny Bio dq Jeaelre. the headquarters companies. Other ing to ba elos^ to little Joe, Jr. Union, aasnulUng or Intlmldatinc | ipaalal aitpetohaa parala are alaa ra« eontrtbutlona to BraslUan ' prog- young womaa In 1AM. 8hs stni un- welhwtohers Into aacluaion, whara $75. Money epparantl)’ doesn't 'Uidon man, or tatertering artth em- him at avsry turn abd haa so la> ptoca o f news. raaa." / moves for greater efficiency are Joe to going to be' on actor tn mean much to Joa. It It did, he'd itoratonds BagUMi. but has forgot* contemplated, but have not been ployed coUeotlve bnrgrtnmg rights. duatrloualyauAirtouai; souyhjt Us dastnictlon. Of eoursa. It waa uadarstood that Vnift AnsfIcuM WM la la Aryanttoa, aaUaa have ttoaa 'tea how to spsak It. With aa ob- affidavit that Bridgaa waa not a Mickey's studio. Of course, there's long ago have triad to cash In on ran aarriaa allael at H. a. A. aara- dM rkB 8so Fseto mstfkt teuth* Communist party member but that ordered. a lot of other Important guys like 'frie board ruled that the company I Thateil;~ 'telly tbind at all rsmarkabla Britain aad Franca had goaa oi to kigb navy noaimaad „ vloos sbertags of this world's Tha ds]^ found bar la good baalth hto unusual oqn’s earnings. bad not dominated the Ford Brother-1 Tat sad was tba toto ef adether May SeetAicl he had been offered as high aa $10,- The guard reorganization trails Gable and Beery to contend with In abptu the -.h , - goods, bar bouse waa clean as a and m anunr alert. that of the regular Army, which Fsnerot ot Mickey at 44 hood of Amerten, Inc., aa i mployee' raMItPan RapraaeaUtlraa: Tba tba PrpBldeiit'a declaration la through the form o f making aoine 000 to roy the araSt coast CIO tead- the same place, but to Joe It’s Joa haa a chubby, full face and a I Jallaa Matbiwa Spaela) Apanar—N tv >te tlmtay was put Into effect laat January. In organisation. It dtomtosed chohtob Ha pickad axaetly tba sort of deal with Belyrada, but tr was a member. Mickey's studio. noos. Sna for thto broad burleaquo that Ford had disc barged unjuatiy rark. Cbteaco. Oatrolt aaA naatoa. To Call Doyle Leech said he had signed an ua- tha latter, the arar streAgth of the Not Bare How He Got Oentraet riybt oceaOlaB and tba riybt month hardly anyone, tn view of the dtlplo- Infantry regiment aros reduced by that is naturally bulbous. If you'd n nddlUonnl amployea. but artd tha HBOnCR ADDIT BONBAO o r notarixed, iaformrt document but Joe to not quite aure how thto Ilka to know arhat Mickey Rooney I aactnaTKMts. of tbs riybt yaar to maks IL Hls matle morality at that capital, 571 men, and the conooUdatlon o f company was guilty of dlacrimtnn- the dfeense produced a photostatic three-year contract came about. He will look Ilka at 44, take a gander at thm In discharging tha A't. Dsmocratle anahilas bavs aoma which to ea oven a Httto Iob^ tevel copy of a documeat which It artd Howltser and headquarters com- Tba BaraM rrtanaa Oaaipaap laai. Bridges* Attorney to Dis- lee saved the overbaod of AS knows Mickey had aomething to do hto dad. Ths case grew out of n UAW at- aaaaaMp aa BaaaaM raapaaaiailUr lalwlrs waska and awatba In wUcb ■a the average hi Europe, . ba- had been madf to a stenographer with IL He thinks Mickey's mother, Joe has became a Axturo during tempt to clreulnte union boadbUls tar tTpegrapaiaal arrera aeeeerlae la cuss A sk in g H elp o f and had been notarised. Several bfflcars and men. aAaaniaaRMata la the Waaehaetar to think over the probability of Uavad tt wbidd araouat to anything QUALITY Net Effect Te Be SUght hto former wife, wae pulling for hto aaven years os chief comic at at the company's gates tn 1M7 aad changes bad been written into the him, toa the Follies Theater In Loa Angolas Baaalaa BaiaM. ielectiny any candidate, next yaar, in a pinch. Attorney General. In the National Guard, however, the violence that followed. document end Heinrich testUled the "When Hr. Mayer—he's head of and hto co-arorkera dlEtka aajrtngl on whom Franklin D. Roosavslt has About tha only eoaeluaion to ba Vf Blandlng said the net effect of the handarriUng araa Leech's The de the studio, you know—saw me, he good-bye but they know he'll be troveB Fer Parte Friday, Aupiat 11 turned thumb# down. Because, a ft- U more important than ever during Sale times! merger would be alight. Unleaa i drawn from tba stiff-necked atti- San Frnnetodo, Aug. 11—(ffl— Dc* fense attempted thereby to eatab' state so decides, the Howitzer com' aald: 'What an Interesting face— back on many of those "free" eve- Rome, Aug. 11—(ff)— H. R. Eklna, | er all, there are etlll enouyb Demo- tude ef Tuyoalavto to that aoma- fenao attonaye said today they llsh that Leach had read tha docu- panlea artll merely be altered and why haven't we bad him here be- nings to which he's looking forward UdHM Prero eorreepoodent here It's often easy to evarieok QuaUty when aala aavlaga'ara of pri- I Nuif GbUIbc Puldiy? crats wbo adore him to defeat body muat have mada It an object might anUat the aid of Attorney ment carefully aad had mada the not dtobanded. fore?' He told me hb liked the aray to talk boraea and shop and old Ebo'araa ordered from Italy jreetar* mary toaportaaea. Hare at Watkiaa tbara'a no lot-down to QuaUty changes h lm s^. * Sept. 1 also to the effective date I conducted myaelf. WelL Uke UcDta w ith klmotioed strip taoaars. avery ftiet ot (arrttorlal twice over any Democratic candi- —from the cash point of view— .Oenarrt Frank Murphy to Sad a day when the government cloned the I . . . aala or no aala! Watkiaa Auguat 'Sala radoetlona ara mada to oerTB ft mnunofiB on Stftiuoy for new “streamlined” Infantry drill •rganlsnUoa'a Rome bureau,' toft | date whom be had condemned, even for Balyrada to play ball with ton- oa regular Watkins Quality Furniture. 95% o f our stock to re- Morton (Larry) Doyle to fores hto regulation* for both the regulars wwi Mb wife today for Paris. by ellencc. doa and ftrto . I f this yaaia in and guardsmen. Among other duced from 10 to 50% fo r thto avaaL Bo whaa yon ahep hare for ' appearanca hero aa a witneaa la tba BiU for Support Uva coate Include such Items on I Riiropa com a down to hiring tha Harry Bridgaa daportatlOB bearlag. changes; thass call for use of the $133,000 fo r reporting Senate Sadi August Salotaaviags you caa eeacaatrato on atyto, color and so-rolled column of three In march- 22 Million Is Jurira ami Jndyea moat playars Germany and Italy Richard'Gladsteia. one of the de- House debates; $970. for packing I Thomas told reporters that ha saw texture, with tha kaowtodga that whatever you choose meats the fense coimart, said be arould dtocuae Doubled by Judge ing, a slower cadence, and abolition boara for eenatora; fS.OOO for I ara not to aay peMtloa to praaant of "squads right.” The day will come, no doubt, no reason why tha twr, labor or- Ufual WaUlna High Standard o f ExeeUanet. the proalbUlty tojto Jnmee M. Landto, r maintenanca of the vlce-piealdant’a I tha atronycat team. yanlaatlona should have to gat to- deen o f the HerVard Law School, Congress Cost and oproker'i automobtles, includ- when it will be Anally datermlnsd gether •• one. who to presiding at the haartng. Los Angalea, Aug. 11.—OF—Car- ing chauffeurs’ oalariet; A19JI00 for whether the presumptive yuaran "There is plenty o f room to this The defense has dCacrtbed Doyle, folding Mnators' speeches for mdll* I hm ter Da Haven's bUl for supporting Peace Only Real tea In tba ITnItod Stetas Conatltu- BI M Coantcr*Soe country for both o f them." ha said, now In Minnesota, ao the "main- In clu d es L ib ra ry , B otR n ic tng; 85.000 for the Senate’s ttoy I tioa of trial by Jury, la Indeed a Dorothy Lomour la being sued "but tha leaders muat Erlvo for spring" of a "conaplracy" to M* tha aromen ba has married doubled subway train, and 84,587,480 for I Bome working acrsrment ao that the CusU>m*made Chain port Bridges to his native AOstra i today. Garden and Upkeep of printing, iand. binding tba Oongrsa* I yuarantee or not Whether tha Jury for 18.000 by Alfred C. Bvaini. a $47-50 Social Security! cause of labor will not be hurt hr on n chnrge he to n member of n Mrs. Ihrelyn Burd Da Havaa, slonrt Record and tba thouannda ef | aystam Is an Inteyral part of our "musical director," who claims that atrlfe. party advocating violent overthrisw seekiag a dlvorca after 10 years of Gipitol BiAilding. bUla Introduced. mffUS REUJ yovammant or a matter of conven- **!■■ l*mour owea him tha money "I am Inclined to b«tle^■p that the Covered la a fabric to harmontoa wltb your othar of the American government. marriaga. arse granted $100 a strife will end of Its owm Iree will. Providroee. R. I., Aug. I I —(jrt— ience, to be put on or token off, Hko for hls sarvlcaa In "teaching her Uvtag room furaltural Tailorad to erdar by sklUed A subpoena haa been served ;on ntonUi for heraelf and their ac Weshtagton (IF—It costs *laioo In Amar- aalarton—do not end with adjourn- ths dsek, cnaas aahors to a BWBitot' | from tba avidaaea tba eorperatloa n the Wagner Aet. which yuaran letteira, and wbo altorad aa affidavit. Iro. Thto I know for n profound menL pal court bsnrtag today. dafaadant had no lasponalbUity tees tha right of oollectiva bargain Boron Oroti Moot In gto workers. CapL John J. Keegan, of tba Port' truth o f our tlma—that tha people Hs was graatod Ubsrty sb I5.00SI whatavar for tba accldaat or Its land. Ora., detectlva bureau, identl' Ctorloa, Pp., Aug. 11—OF—Stats of the United States ate datermtned The Kouas, bseanae of ite larger ball,' nccusod o f violating stntn | In New York The Sanate comniltta heard about Motor PoUcamaa Rirtiard RothweU membership, coats more than twice consaquanoas. I t owned a truck l!U) witnaasea and took 9,845 payee Sad a letter aent over hto signature to build paaoa, not to become in- gambUng laws. Ha clrtn s r a va to James E. Davla, former L*ia An- aald, aa attem pt to pass aaothar ear volved -a war. The nation prays for aa much as ths Senate to operate. oel ama aachorsd thras miles off* I which, merely happanad to be By qearya „ of testimony; the House Labor com- on a sharp curva causad a bigsadoa rolltea heard abmit M witnaaaaa aad geles police chief, aad dated OcL S, panes, for only la peace ohall we The totrt for ths House la this As- ■hors aad tbsrotorn ante subjsrtl tba road at tba spot and was atnick New York. Aug. 11.—AU that to- 1M7. H ie totter naked Davla to la- to eraah Into a culvert aad overturn, Sad genuiaa aocirt eectiilty tor the enl year jvaa more than |A,S00J)0()[, only to Fadsrni JurtodlctlM. A took about 5,000 pages o f tasti kUUag Jamea O. Chffray, 55. Ctove* by two eonidiay cars. Tba com- do about Arturo Toaeaatal'a anub to mony. tervlew James Hjocne, a Oommua- In oafftn rt to about $3^00,000 tor cuosd arlth Mm Brs opstntofB o8| toad, aflsw refom d to by frianSa aa the Seawte. plainant held that tha truek should King Oaorga aad Queen EUsabeth at Neither committee mada any tot party organliMr, wba waa dasertb- thraa other eaEnoA aU at wbe •d as "very sort" at tbs party and tathar of the FRA." Bealdaa aalarlas, malatananea aurramtorad mors than a wnsk ngnl with have bean under such control a Lsmdea oaocert raoaatly haa Just raoommaadatloaa after tha axten- Oaffroy ouffand a bsoksa b< Eva hearings. Soma propbsato for attempt to obtain a atotoBaeat from aad Efnllnr axpaaaaa, tbs tagtoln* to fftldleg pftftItB OC ftUtlMTftttfft tba PoUab traato tbs It could bavs s t o j^ to to by a oonfld- him "to prove boycBd doubt that aad dtod a few houia aftor tha ae* End* Second Swim toy mualctoa who waa thaia. ravtetof tha law may develop, how - oidant tort sigh t Mauilca 8. Arnoff, pompous tbraata avoid satanylsmsat la tbs eoUl- aver, from a Houaa tnvastlgatlm this Bridges to a member of the Ciom* if the NaM boaatara. For tba Polaa sloa, but tbs Judys darlsrss Acoordtoy to thla totUa-tato, tha fall of the Labor Board's sitmtnts mualrt party." 45. CtoTrtaad eontraetior who v that maaatro rafuaad to coma to tha box Keegan earlier had decllneO to drtviag tbo car, said caarsy had AcroM Baltic Sea t BOW taUday a yood daal mora such to not tbs tow. tratlon of tha law. **?**"**•* tha ta- In tha midst of tba Sanate and Identify the letter but t alagraphad baas promlwant In aegaataattoa ot ' yM ay Oanaaay a baatiay Trom rssdliiy lbs Jiidys's epiakm toratoE ^bam m ba happaiMd to hie office for a copy. Upon receipt tha Fadacai Rooslag Administration A CLEAR TRACK TO ba dtorobaid whaa tha command Houaa haarings, Charlaa Fahy, yen- m turns they ara about dytay la da- ons Is rsadtly e o n v la ^ that tbs sral eounaal for tha Labor Board, at the telegTsplilc copy be ackaowt* and that tbsy wsrs an routs to Oopaakagaii, Aug. 11.— tha manaday "canter of con* Oay •Fa desaat ahata to tha'aum- Haadwritlag anrtyala raertvad Hyaanto, Mnaa„ Aug. 11—(IF— fhclor la taw adaiIntotratloB. BMf tlIBgi Of Conneciteui Frnak Oarlson, AS, Hyniuto gntnge- " darmaay. Chippendale •— by Grand Rapide CrafUmen major attsatlaa, with Edarard O. I Many Jurtos , do fooUsB. stupid, Tba four fltokla af this bototoroua By ASBOCIATED PRESS Hataulcb, o f Berkley, CaUf.. noted mnn who leceivad n pitot's Hcenea 8nnte.*fVL^5f!"[L*A'^'.*U.- SERVICE - rfalB mada by tba Napt Kelcb baa mtwaiin af the bmuo s [ But tUs to net tha Idad of talk “nJuto tbinya. aknasUmss Jurora For a bedroom of importanea oonalder this qasUt7 *nisds haadwritlag'expert and crlaUaolo- only last wank, aad Rtdrnrd EHrtaa. 'nw city admlntotratlon wa at a ealm aatlen. suraj|baM of obtabiadIts owa U uw i^ tba acraam- torouad^ louder than avar wtta |A, garaga madianfai. dtod last night have bsan brtbsd. Tbs Jury pyttem Hartford—Mrs. Aagto S. 18tb C antarr group. Psoals. tops and drswsr*froDto gtat, on the arltaeaa ataad. Hatartah fronted today arlth vabamant sS l8ln^|s am ^in^mspl to Uhaly toStB( mast of tbraata, with aad/bliica tba Naila ^caranlayaf earouEny eustooiars. Burr, widow of WUUa o. Burr who brought Mcraaeopas and charts to wbea uiS alrptont la wbleh they terta by moro than SO taouaebE has maay wasknassas. But ea tba ff»Mato laryaxaa brtauatoy art of Hondana mtoiogsnr Tanatrs. Mlaetod for bsiuity the haartng for examlnatloa o f tba were maktog n seento tour phtaged IBWI to HsA In BW EMB BfB _ — -- at tha mouth andaaeoinitarad louder in Poland a aUi' waa owner aM odltar o f The Hart- tksaatened arlth Brietlen from ah* I haad Judyaa ara not btfain* ^ "Bweet Beato O'Oradr 3 PIECES of psin. For strength, posts, imlls and frsnMs art al haadwritlag of Jelia L. Laacb, a Laa into Kaataekrt Sound, an ki * ' ctont ndeba homes Jattor back to ^ sun loudsr vsitu Culartsrreitom. lack it ot Caiw of tba aeraama, ford ‘nmas, died at bar Foraat atraot bto. They are net eftea stupid but boma. Ska was n . ^ mahoesiir. Six pleoM from which to sdaet Angalaa honaapaiatas. Bf borriSed bxtbare wnteheg. A^nlsk colonial tlman. A delegn* '.dt lb quite w^Mn tba HItlar , ^Mr. Harffy l ^ addtog to tba • m B Ib ffw Calalag Oidnr bs fs r mors ItoUs to say, •*“ F are aomaUmas croekad. Aiyt Hartford—Tba Stata Board sC Othar Watidns Bsdrooms 144.60 up. Laacb haa tMUtod that a Oom- Stntn sad' kienl.-«atkortttoa lasti* tm plan (tori with the council ^an. yon asked for '.gIt. rahers « to It apfaamto" area hMider, avaa U? •* "<»«• M that by- munirt party dalagattoa la Loa Aa* tnted. an Imestgatloa to agalnat eebaduled enln o f tha komas *kay ara quite often ptelUeally, , rwa ya^Ut era. Tbouaaada of p r ^ Naturaopatblc Examlaars, masting I 4M*H«SBt Bf aw Enro. k at tba rtek of butaUar awnatbifiK. galas coerced him Into atCBlag tkn eaann. for daUnqwt *tnnan. I b e y l a t h e shooUn y. aeoBoaileany or aoctony prajudlead. ^ aouvaalra ef theaa "good eld at the capital atovatad Its vloa-praa- AiBysEi MW fs r YBcatloB . srlstlH 4 ktent. Dr. Evaratt H. C t o ^ ot $149 a^H ^n^m^ij^l FoIIA praaa ylvaaTat every liia la- aanomoua Also Uw aqualUn( Jury system of haa for long tba pramtoaa. alBTBr? IksUlM ‘ ease yeirti lad M iK d sem s-r Tba fun Uas to tbatbs ' coBUBuntty Thompaeavilla. to tbo praEdaacy. *atiea of belay aayayadtba darinaa fai wUp- praaabean la ballsvad tba last to taro ba quite laaapara- Hartford—Tba State Publle Wotkp UsBs St WoHsa’s. Oar law pilcBs gitrs yaa • oiMT up tha spirit of or tbs Ama people daya of baahla froma mora damocracy. Kanuina, Tha framers •d to’w seegw i s j r ^ s ifcw / K W LOUDa w ? ‘ **»^ l>cpartnEBt aakad oontracton to tn e k to I oouatry for a notO^OBtettaoua unwslcoma aound of tha than BUI baaof Rights mark- wars not, par- •abmit bids on or baforo Aug. AA for Tlia Oarmaa /9A press alaiilar appears, If laaa aadted vUupara- Tba playful EtKtont^aro haetaa tbs eonstiuctlen o f slato poUro I hapa. vlolenUy (Jamoerstie la thair a lew laugh at tba axpanaa of savw racks at Caasaa aad PantolsoiL 25c Peechee Shoe W hite 1 4 c ERTRR ^ tba ^ t rary. tn ttOB be hi bending tba paat. Perbaps It la too views, but they eonaldared tha Jury arM a^ faculty mamhm wha da* to axpsetad tbs barracks wiD i sRvmsSe.. ^Nry effort' to avoidlaytBMgiaatlva a war by to fltetam aaaiiRie to that ba o f tba such vital Impor- odad to cut up aad attend a Tlmaa about A7A.000 aaeh taeludlat s 17t 5 ^lyhteBlay aa enemy srbo, awk- boiP note la a tancanote of that terror, they but faieorperated It la Square burlaaqua M ew tha other expanss e f goaaral ecaatmel Vbi abt o . nEpB moBny a^toa W^y for tha Naria, utterly i*. alghL atoctrieal work and phaiM aa than art aomatha Indleattana fimdamental In tba law. Comfort is adlflkalt fssturs to tscurs Rubbing Alcohol 2 25< jgyto toy datogh Crtning Op to ba friyhtaaad—and to ba ^ protoaaora wanted to raaareakaattag and veotUatlon. boMtrtod lateat attackWith tha on paaaaya Poland of Uraa, bow- ttoM a a ^ la advaaet. aa they Hartford—Art wmiams af in aa oorarioasl disir bat wa’va B»w baeomUy terribly afraid that dor Ssrtiea. VOU M Y NO that It la dominated•w , wa not aaem marply to have by fallen lata a aant aa aadargraduato down Breoklawa Oouatry Chib waa achlsvsd H ia this aaidd with s chan* Mi torraate of abuse may fail aad to buv out tba antlra Srst row. Ha •tata Junior rhamplcnahlp wttl. _ limt-POfTACf, MONffT* a hapa of frigbtanln(frams of tba Sited, othar with raUUan to nal-piMtad badu H m nwdad lags, > iBat soon Oermaay. M may la o have but by to a new and auddaa aa back with tba Arm row aad the •Cora of T4*TA—14« wbleb was four WHEN YOU BUT Jurtao, teteraat o f tha Idas that parw saeoad. aalliag tba row bablnd at aa Strokes batter than the aaeond place tamsd arm sapports sad namw, aum o i COM. fpn. ybb Asfand- herself againsthaar Polish that, atat- laat. H itler may bn b^ they ara not aa asosaaary as outrageous premium to hto fraterni- Robert Quinlan of BboiehaveB. graceful arma ara pAOtifs bom m sd ink SOT* apt to of ytor the Issue not eas hua- dBrHd to fltb t tba or Fouadara yield. Oartalaly battavad. ar at all ty brothert. Wethareflald —Jamaa R. Oaffsy, ftorn Sharston d M in s . D aaaudisad WHBWw dtodth part so certainly bi favor The profseaore ran the gauatlet ______tba Oarmaa nawapapera•vents that baratt la quite ao an right to tbraa-yaar-old aen o f Agr. aad Mra. topaatrp oovsrs. Othsrs from |T.t6 4 Germany as German bray srould of thair smirking EudeaU In tha Jamaa Gaffey of Milford, waa ktUad b cb b tu outdooe tbairhave prarlona them as afforta long as they do what up. . h Woodbury**. ' J w rg *u **8 o 8 y Laat C O lo r M * have tha world bells v-e. lobby aad watebad tha procaadlnga whea ba fan from aa automobUa bi On Una of bulty^ tbraata that Hair-filled Sofas $13^ tha Judya diraeta or advises, but In dark diaeomfort, tbalr backs to whlla ba was ridlag alone la tka Soi^ 10G dtc*29e To pur ears, at aUmm events, prta tbaaetba Impraaaloo of a dagraa thair tormaators. rear saat Hto motbar and victor FRIGIDAIRErMETER'MISER that they ara aafely to be disre- Bnah Far the Dally Watkavs Straw Hats - now 5 la t^ German nawapaperdad qnaUty out- of aagar aavar attain* Holt, at Hartford, rldtag to fnaL It wbuM bs fifflcnH to And a Anar SCUuaXOe garded or lynartd wbenevar they Bailm Hutten. tka wotid'a EcB* ^l^IjiimdJILjgjtriiws . ^. . . . ♦, »„W ow bants sound extremelyad bypanicky. aayooa wboare "wrony.”la not on tba hoard a aeraam aiE wkan they turn* mads Mfri than tUs. Grand BajpUs Gdnie** ad around found tha car's doM open Oacy yerye-ot byaterta. New - Eng^nd Jfacfo« MapleGroup EHTRR *Ha can destroy a Jury's rf *5?5*^*** dahado to and tha boys body M ag to tbo read. quality; South AoMfrean horsdialr. 000,000 To^ Powdor Over S, Dr| W «dt 19e W SScTbodi Bm*b >fr. Rooaevelt’a measays to the worhTs rIchMrt gtrt haa bean con* Wadnewiay In a test laadli IBS bean eopfad in this BoA for S6e ;ifrnroyto— CnMogOrdw jlttarahoaa roc raythe tba cvtdence, Impraaaloa thaa''aome other Judya tribuUag to the elaaa-struggle. The ttecthro dscorstor ad ectod fabrics. lets ^ - now ! —<♦*»» oonyeatlon of Touag Dero- mtlas off tha Rhode is fiv l ___ hrsshftrtt group. l^rpicaJIy fina N av 25c Tcolb Pa*te SanlM. Oan dmk tohn yaw *W*tle dubs of^ America' baiay tortnradat Pttto- bayood.can deetroy aU boar- a Jury's good vardlet entire aUff of the Dally Worker, the came to tha Stkoraky plaat bars for $24-85 Uw dalightful dMign has tba lumpy nU^ADUBS A m Yblast ______Algo Other Bargains rt 12c. Endaad craftHnanahto has goiM into by tba eeld eoatampt Oommuntote* gaaatte, to w a u ^ ropalrn texliag along' Om wi^fiHw freuKy of Atting gneafrtlly mto 25eSw iTim , mtkm rtdar. Yow gaadi ana k.pute Into plain Words a poai- bacauae be diaaym a with Its con- neckUas woven o f tba aama fabric its construction, Bxtanskm taM s Bodifor S9e elusions Then what baoomaa of of tba water aU tha way from New- cither a largo or small room. Other, Ofl...... IS e RBtod haro from am Worn* I OB hls part which most popla. aa Barbara's lataat draaa. port to Stratford. sad 4 lid s d ia in w ith daeh sat A Large Group ol Women** toMy, l|ad takaf for yraatod. tba OenstItutloBal yuarsateaT TWs to ksw E aaaaa akoia: a few ..W atklBS a w d a *to -o rd er'a o fa s fro m ' towB to wc tot M y awa. Breaferd—T ^ body af a aaui $7tj00. Sto 25L N«neuui 15e 1 wPl aat Hppoct a Oeaaarvattva foaad Seatteg to tha aouad at la* In Use tm. you CAH M H mif rr ' I to IMO, BO awtter |f wak TacoahY Aetkai biaattoad aa tkat mt 1 b te riu e Summer J ^ r t JUMaE Daaals Day. W. a f mbNr...cal Wantoand to tha psrfaetl]^ laaal «H ww ■ fer as lir ■■ Ow of tbs BMto uasxpsctod ds* Ptoto ICaa.. Who had baa Swad Sksviug Grecrn^ S»&T7M agnM la -Up to $1.96 w party's aattoaal es*- **toacxts la tha Boropaaa adx-ua tortalsAt'issiS'jsss: W t a*ar. ^ da baro.-- Ha dtod a f aaaa wkOa $1.15 « IW h Ih yemp wfrIfgrBtor. 2ior S6e S5e y to tta appareaqy roUahla _Jto t M m m m to Ms aatoMw. waa, to WNMMt to h ^ b t « » 4ot TugMiavto, haa rafuaad O*. Suprenie Qnidity Reg. $ldS9 BMtod that ha waald. toa eeold id s nb ------*** **** Mmanda that that V W ilk t7c gf ewiprto dtoarad^tlag caytiy adopt what ^ qgQ ^ Htd.-4g»-WiMd C^mp Cot - - VO.* ‘ “btoieiitoi aautoaUur of bto Diatac hla Abo CaiB^ Chaira at Huge Sievlugs' haa to tha avaat af a war. Taa WMallid wen*«.Ht. ___ _ Wt O A M TC tK « IN I •• SC' BIOWTeOMEBY WAB K E M P * S, In c. \\.\IM) mmh &SmT S5i82? ofMANaiESTER tha to rt batf a T tM *«8 M AOf Bn UUHT aadEiorStosw . s lltr ' MAJVdmanlEK EVElflWG IIERALD. UANCBESTEB, conn, FRIDAY, AUGUST U, 1989 MANCHESTER Ev An INO HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN- FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 1 ,198R >Ar.E ETom*

tart b ack to h is co un try tom orrow man m in ority, haa bean the scene Italy Shifts m om tag. o f frlcU O B betwuea Sloveaee and m em bers o f the loeal N asi p arty. A S S O C I A T E D P R E S S Notables* Signatures T o H er Reserves B algrsd e, A u g. 11.— — Aut hor- IT'S EASY TO SA VE M O NEY! lU U v e sea said today 900,000 Hospital Notes TugoalasD tro ops would begin ma- Local Youth’s Hobby (Cootinned from Pag e O ea.) nsuvara A' uug. 30ao Itno Slo v aalaa t e rri A LL YOU DO IS CO MPARE THESE tory bOundad by It a ly . Garman>' A d m itted y esterd a y: D onald placed by about tha sam e num ber And H u n g ary. Stro n g, 71 N orth E lm a traa t; Ches John Brennan o f Biiaell o f men from other clasa ea T h la inform atio n w as dtockwad te r M elvtn. 13 Big elo w stre e t; M rs. PRICES! W H YP A Y M O REr RJC T U R E H E W S A rriv es a l Trlea te two d ays a fter governm ent circles Pe ter Lu urtae m a. * W arren atreet. Street Has Collection T tig osla via's Pre m ier D rag tsha reported th a t G erm any and It a ly B trt h i Yesterd a y, a daug h ter to C> ^U.5. 'Mmam B o m s (le ft) and V t t t j Caalb oania of W ashlncton. D. C ., L a r r y Crab b e and fro m th a t point to a conferenoa w ith Jap an ese m ill-1 For Your Sunday Dinner SM w a a tlw psarls from Bahrein, w hich Is in the Persian cu lf. : on ha becam e b ard .b ltta a. Pro m W I N N I R l Y A K O . . . t U T W H I C H O N I W O N F —lB a b attle bah rssn Jan H o n a n and Bnd dy T a e I w as sn t a ry a u th o rities. T b sy w ere re p o rV I th la y ™ u a t a ri b e w ent on to cap- ed to have been seekin g him to have fast In an a n u tcn r card f « W a s h t i d t o n , U i — la r h teli that baUi B g rs n m fcnocliaB owhsnstlon. tu ra th a slg n a tu iea o f n e arly a ll of Baby Lamb Lafa, 5 to S V t Lba. _ SUGAR CURED CORNED BEEF FANCY. FIRM him sig n over the title o f harb or Each. lb ...... d D C SPEHAL FOR SATURDAY 1 th a Isa d la c band lead ers b esidss w orks ha had been d irectin g a t H U -1 BANANAS o f radio, stago an d scrasn chew. Fresh Green Peas, well filed, «% |P Rib or Nard Corned Beef, 1 Am A m essenger' c ^ a d fo r some of I S quarts...... A ^ C lb. awa —a • . : l : v -• W .)'' ^ PInedo’f clo thin g a few daya la ter R a n la a p a rtia l lis t o f tha band Baby Lamb Foraa, boned and rolled B Fancy Bonelesa Brisket or Chuck Pieces 1 LH, FRANKFURTB la a d a n th a t Joh n h as Ipld in w att and last w ^ k ssvertQ TM ngtao con To SUca Cold, 0 7 # > Vt La MDfCBDHAM HORMBLSPAN .••••••••••••.••••••. I f o r and cam a off v icto r as th ey p u t cerns received c h ^ ^ bearin g hla PORKABIANS-LwiaatSHV...... ti psB to hla alb u m pag es: To m m y and nam e In paym ent m Pthedo’a ae-1 counts. B o fb lo r 25c GREEN GIANT PEAS -S casa SVr J ' ' ' I Jim m y D oesay. L a rr y CU nton, A rtie PRIME CORN FED BEEF Sh a w . B n a le Goodman, K a y K yser, Bonelesa Oven Roaat Beef, cut to anr alw FOR A NICE MEAT LOAF SWIFTS CORNED BEEF ...... S hrsa ttaa tlt^ H a l Ka m p. H orace H eld t and o th e rs Bapor ti N ow Flg h U a g yon may daalra, VaaL Baaf and Pork Ground 0% A t th a nraasB t tim e Bren nan la Shaag bat, A u g. U —(F)—Fo ralg n I W H I N ' L O V I C A M I ^ T h t e r lr e s ra n a ro ncti Idea o f try lB g to m aka " blff ooUecUen m o rs raaldanto o f tha H ungjao d istrict o f | for a Loaf, lb ...... 4to9C 1 LB. B 0X C R 0C 0LA TB8 bow lo ro eomoa (Ih'o o ra tlcallr) to Ba d d y Bbsea and D ix ie D o ab or, a t tra c th ra b y adding as m any auto- Shan g hai reported today th a t Ja p a Chack Beaf Ground, M |P EGGS the so nthlaad's co atrib n tlo a to Bro ad w ay en tertain m en t la a now g n m had p h i m o f s t a n a s possible. ILaOOOKIES nese troopa and Chinese g u e n U lssI Boneless Rolled Veal To Roast, M lb. 4^m^^8^a sh e w . **Tohol B o y.” T h e y ’ro sh esm a t one staffs In th e ir dance. P resa M f O r h is g reatest thrlU in w eia fig htin g a fOw m iles o utU dal “ Vleno E l A m or.” w hich m eans, sa ys D ix ie . ”Como Lo v e.” b i It the t h is sig n a t u n bunting gam a, Joh n • • • • • a e a e e e e e e e q a e a a a a a e a e a Lowar Round Ground, 7 0 m 19e d M j _ assn WOOS and w ins ths m aiden w ith some fancy footw ork. tha In ta m atto n al Se ttle m e n t aald th a t hla big m om ant waa tn F irin g starte d a t daw n and con lb. ^a N sw Y o rk a t a atags e n tra ncs and tinued in term ltto n tly. SOMETHING NEW! w aa ast upon b y a h u n g ry bunch of Fraahly Ground Hamburg, T A , . FECIAL! au tog raph bounds w ho thought be Th e Jap an ese N av y today se t I MOCK CHICKEN LEGS—OtUcioBS Friad A u g. 31 aa a daadUne a ft e r w hich lb..:.’...... IvC w aa a notad band lea d er. H e bad a in Deep Fat, d% C ^ R U N K O M A LT h ard try in g to convln M them no m ore Germ an Je w ish rofugeas 4 f o r ...... 25c t h a t ha w aa o nly an up a ta U N ut- w Ul be perm itted In th e section o f COLD CUTS m ag gar. h u t th ay k ^ t on pleading Shan g hai Into m a tlon al Settlem ent | • ST* 29c a a d a f t a r a u ita a ru m p us he eacap- north o f Soochow creek. SATURDAY POULTRY VALUES Grots A Weigel Frankfnrts, Bofogna, Ur- Bay Om aafi do8 Oaa Fioai ad th a m M . T h a fira t o p portunity Alth ou g h th a t ara a theoretloaUy I Fancy Fresh Broilera, about 8 pounds eadL erwnret. Minced Ham, 7 9 g ^ flw t h a had ha com pared hla own to under the a d m ln lstra tli ^ o f the Bhanaaa w ith th a t o f th e band lead- Shan g hai H u nlelp al O o u n ^ gov Our Own VlrghilA Bnked H w , EO^ H A R D . f O I L I D - A a In . e r and w as aurprlaad a t tha sim U ail- ernin g body o f th e In tern a tio n al 69c e o ., 2 f o r $ 1.35 sstiffstiea o f Naffl c n -la y ln f f SetU e m en t It to controUad by tha | Fresh Cut Up FowL I b e • • • • • • • • e e a e a e e e e e a e e a E ^ P traced th is Offf. received b y an Japanaaa N av y. No. 1 Potatoeg BaffUsh ffroesr a o ar A ldersho t, Hepburn was tha only T h a Jap anaaa - plaosd It im d ar] to V a aid n w a l the D aalsh'.O er. mm aeraan atnr to turn arm ad oceu p atlaa tw o y o ars ago. 79c a a . , 2 f o r $ 1.50 DEUCIOUS COMBINATION . . . LIVER 9^ . AND BACON a u a border, w h ere N asi sy m p a. ) down on Brannan’a rsqueat A N a v y spokatm an aald ths baa I Fr^ Cut Up PuDeta, 98c SPECIAL VALUE! th ie f are strtmff. ta d ellb le In k for an autograph and UtUa Jane on Ja w s ”w as ta k an w ith o ut re f t r-1 Teadar Cahres’ Lirar, Waatem, w as aood for the Betterlaff. Wttbam bnd the beat plan, Uthough ence to sattla m an t auth orlU ea-. Homs Dreaaed Chkkeiu for Fnrinc or Brautan didn’t fOUow U closUy. by rig h t o f m ilitary conquest." 15 ORA NGES A N D 10 Jaaa Wttbags bandad out Uttla aUps Roasting. All Siiea, 33c Fancy Sugar Corad Bacon, - A C . . o f p ap er with her algnatnrea but machiao sUecd.lb...... 2D C Brattiaa waa pantstant—ha aecurad Bm inal thing to hla album. Dutch Private POLISHS^YLEHAM -Ih’4Sa A—Mig tha etbar stars that Bran' RATHW LEAN PORE ROLL ...... E O t nan mat and raoatvad aignaturaa SA T U R D A Y SPE C IA LS A T O UR B A K ERY D EPT. frani wara Bob Him and Shirley Bank Suspends I RATHY LEAN BACON...... h.t8c Home Baked Beans, | p Fancy Layar Cakos, Chocolate or -A A .* R osa, A n n a M alyy Wong (In both RAT^ COOKED SALAMI...... kb l i e EagUab) tha lUU (C ragaOao.) quart ...... 15C White ...... X v C Bgothaga, I t e y Martta. Dfacto Dun- Home Mads Chaese Cakes, O O a » Fruit Bread, >| |P bar. Loin Lana. Oownto BoawaU. a privato han kin g heuaa. Its I each ...... An Botham. Patrleln EUla, John e a p itallsa tlo n fig;u ra ooul(d not ha aa-1 SO D AS B a rfi tff Poors Botoa. Ban Kua and BUI RpMnaon. eartalaad. - Pound Caka, Walnut or Chtrry, Coffea Rings, sugar frestad, AC.. S H O O T T H I * C H U T i S - C s i e l w m . a ta m U w k iU a f T O H - j P g i ^ » — Bn mi la d By Ospa lb...... 2 U C 18c aach. 8 for...... 2 5 C Jackso n. Iffiss- g els f b u l U p sn he w to ^ t o r s r le a vs a p ta M w H h C a rra ll. elai j n i tk«. to jwm i f m e Btannan aoeurad BUI Robinaon’s It-p e n n d parsehxto, a t Baa d elp h field , T k x . Bays Lto u t. Ja m ss to p-ran k gk is B r e s t lw Rik fO Marbla Cakes, Our Homs Mads BlUk Broad, A C » 4 ^ 25c 2 > tSi29c H aU (le f t)t ”T ry n et to eerspe ’chnto « i eeekptt siw Hng** w i k u tf iff In D . • . autograph on hla visit to tha Hart- F a ria , A u g. XX—

—T h a Fra n e h l fogfi itata thantor. Tha grant M lato try la a eoam taalqua foQ owlag I b e • • • • • • • • • • a e a e e a a a a a a a a a a o a 9c loaf- 8 for...... jL m C KRAFT CHIBSB \ aagrp dnnear had aonw troubla upoa th a auapaaalo a o f paym aato \ whUa tn Rnrtford and bad hi M oadalaaoha and (Company aaaouae-1 B 5 U t A C l # B I ^ H I P a a a a a a ^ a a ^ a a a • a • • • • • a a • a G E 8 S 4 S S C ^ thrantanad. Bronaaa approadiad ad to d ay th a t fu tu ra aorvtea oa oar- N A T IV E FRESI1 V E G E T A BLES MAXWELL HOUSE COFFER...... Mi RaMnaon for hto atganturo whUa ha ta la sh o rt tarm a a tte a al dafaaaol JACK FROST 8U6AB...... is4h.hif fie ** waa aormundad by bluaeonto. Ra- loaaa w ould bo aaaured ^ tha Parto SoHd, Rips Toautaaa Be lb. 1|9c Cantaloupe^ HeertleDeOght,. AC.« eanUy, John apant four daya la Now aad N atharlaad a b aa k a t A a is t ^ | Bstra L i ^ SIsa, S fo r ...... JtmC Task and m batwntn vUlto to tha ad eo m paay w aa a I Fresh Ptekod Liam Baana, le qi. Fancy Blbarte Puarhaa, O C m Wacld’a Fair ka ^ant aom Ui 4pouada ...... \ bnekataga gatUng antogmpba of o f t h o N athonaada-Sartoa I gtngo ntnro. On thla trip ha a haak tn g ayndtoata w kleh flo ated th a I Juicy Worida Oruagaa^ Lurgu AC,g 3 Ca ns Horshoy Syrup uaaueeaaaful ta gatUag tha algaa- ‘ la a . Carrote or Baati^ IA f * "tna af Judy Oarland dua fo tha *T h a Xfaadatoaoha haak.** th a eom-1 grant crush of paoplo around this anadquo aald, ” w aa a atam bar o f th a I Natira Potetoao, good aad amaly, Faa^ BaaMat l,fe B » A A ^ 3 Cons Franco Spoghotti poputor Hardy Faafily starlat. N athartoada B w laa baa M ag aya d U l doaaa ...... 2 T C ^ * D O W N T O T H I S E A '—To the memory of m ariners R E P U B L I C A N 0 M I N ? - P e llt ie a l fertan o t o f the O .O .P. eata arlth whtoh th a Fra a e h g eva m * I party haven’t anything to do w ith the m iniature elep hant eoUee- L I K I P A T H I R - M a U l a l ^ most plaaanat parson that Fancy Beadlsaa OrapafruH, I K m i lest St sea, a fisherm an (rip s the w heel at Gloucester, M ass.. John oaar aoaoatod was Vlrglala Bloat eoeetudod e o a tia e ts rtf M tva t o | Natlra Blaachad Cdary, 1 A a o 3 Jors* Stuffed O livos ; w here a hushed throng of 15,000 recently attended the annual tlon of B ra . W lUlam E . B ersh , w ifs sf Idsh a’s vsteran KepnbUean O a n d h l ( a ] ^ ) , js ^ ^ la t o fo u r p ar a a a t toauaa senator. She’s been e ellectlas them for M re a rs, the flgnreo *tltHqr n««""«ei soloist artth Kay m em orial service. Above, men from the U . S . navy Join the Xyoar'B band. Ban Barato had tha o f tha ax taraa t loaaa laauad a t hig h-1 Bbtiitag Picked Cora At Market Priea. 3 Jo rs Maraschino Chorrios • O toeecster friends and relatives In paying tribute at the fam oni raafflng from tiny Ivo ry elephants to th is stolster beast (le ft) tag Itoeasa pmtoat raUr S.0M ratoa aa d oeaQoMdattna fo r a t e l L BtotM to five men lost since last year's ceremony at tlahlng port. whose nams la Fcrd ln a n A Ferdinan d Is f M r e s ts old. Traasraal Mtoan at Jehai poosaat atganturo. Fancy Pla Applaa, I G f Fha^ BfaMbarrIaa • ThUa Paata • and burg, IpaBb Afiten. Now Uwt ho hag boon .nt It for yoara o f fk a a a h toaaa la m a l abroad. I Saadlaaa Grapes. 3 Cons Poos or Corn two ya m tha urga to grantor tl T b a a o eoetraeto b ava aaar and John apanda abaeat al| eotod a a d th air baaaHto < tatlaltaly| annra arUtlag nt stags doors, aeeruad to th a Fra a e h g e o a t m asa t I 3 Cons String Boons 1 F o ta ra aarvleo OB thaaa Id aas w in bo I G R O CERY D EP A R T M E N T'S F O O D SA L E trying to gat bnekstaga whan bo id b y tha B u t e a a d N athap. I can or any aray to get within raaeh- b a n (B aa g u a da F arto a t i* BUTTER SPECIALS TANG— CiMahT*iiAI PMfc Piadectl 3 C o m Tom utops lag dtotaaea of noted parforaowfu. P a y p -B a i) a t . A lth o u g h t h a! 8 • • •• a a D o e a 55c 25c 3 Co ns A p p losouco m aaaauaoaaM FBltHMBt'% Prom iie News OB th a Farto B o nraa, th a m arkat' w aa I 1-psai 3 Pockogos S t o lo /s Storeh ataady axeap t tog a Usk t t o O Ma t al I p s B B i a . . t r a a a a a 8 55e 8a B a « t e e e e 15c N a t b a n a a d F a te d aL Laa«(FLBfc8i» Rayal Of Americans Ma.3cna3 a V a a • • 3 Cons W yan dotte Cloonsor J" • *‘ 1 1 ^ a a a a a a a a a a a B a a a a r a D a a e 30e Royal ScRdsiflEBcy Now Yarii 29c Above Average Bfswilsl Itok, Beyal SearUt, State lEB8ClBBBt, t liEiaBt C8 l a a h a a a t 25c WhEalWyLaM! S>rs«iBRS 4 l i i i c a M B 25c Hawii8y*B ChacalBti Syrapb f n y n ra n tly to ^ m ^ U rUn Apple Crop Seen I 25c l « a s o a a a a a a a i j w K h s*d Slt o ta prbM am. 19c Rayal ScofM, M ILK CRACKERS ra n g w as aatd b y rUlab to so ur Crab Maat, FB»C7,iaipertgd. \ S hrt^ c a a B ...... ito7 C bo dlaaatiaflail w ith tha 25c ca^ i t o y i l Scar bt. Fumt , 19c N a w S l a e a a t a a a a n n A ao d a f n p up pat lagtano to Shaffield M ilk Iga-caaSc « m a n o f l e a e a a a a t t 39c yoar aad a too vaar (x n r4 l) ^••fMAMlOOOkaB «adi Crackan^ 1-fe. I 45c Graham Crsckmi # h t a u A u g . U —« n — Largorthai LOCAL, STRICTLY FRESH BGCS I Mlmatod t o ^ U a 1-hk has. BOTH FDR...... A YELLO W FREESTO NE PEACHES! Wasai Paym, Stetlar« 8 " u a B ty Of Jn a o X I aU ght nSIS’...... 45c 40-foat la l, ic. lSi.faal tal.. k (44)aart ’‘£ .’7Ss:Sv'%£ Lfirta Siss, 43c Bsteal oBk aBi matactal iM U - i f t - l k a i lerweaMhage, raportadt F i f p i r , B e t | ^ l O f S a o U flB M M ^ paatufoo 8 a a a a p « a a « MeedOl T8BSB8. FUST TOfRTHU THAR! J ^ m m U co w . l h a I 4 roSa >•*••0004 ad a O ld a Q y « Is Salle Fiat SilYar Date. Lbib* KttdMB Tswal HEARTS OF GOLD " a f i s a a c a a a e a a a a Ffao! Lcffo yackaca...... cooaHkUjNj tn HISTORY. COULD YOU IDARI A DIM ir.k TERY LARGE! fo r 7 af tha 15 c t . > «i|kbar Jaim " ta a a i a l f i i i t o w . K . T - la m g u to k b to tha a > B W le e m d ii froai a i P H O NE SERVICE U N T IL 8:15 P. M. D IAL 5137. M a D . E a c k t o a llir a a fi to * o dtoMa t r i m a a m ar) ftaam d alas . ' f v .< h i too fiia k la a j k i l i i l i H i m m « l M b M I m m w « Lifism A * i S?i uf »y i , Bverniro HSSALo; HAMCKEifnni» OOKH^ IWDATf Aimosr ll« IMf \ - MANtHESTEX EVENIKO HEXALD. IIANCBEXTEX. CONN. EXIDAT. AUGITST11.198S MBi grutototory ■(■aagaa aad cH a from hunt trailer aceoaapaaled by Suite and Bride Maoda ikt thair boaia today after a ehauScur, nuna aad attandant, " dutlM eonalsted of awtagtog a atmi- tom. He riaas te tha surfaoA ffoote University Oil 330 mila hMay aaooh trip. Dorsey’s Band Tells How Otter on bla back and balaaeaa (ba neb Totes Five Fswne ^ t SERIAL STORY Sports W riter aledga hammar on a drIlL One day Daily Iwdio Programs Arrive at Qiicago Tha tofhatlla piuatyaia Tietin, aa* Fsigato 9a Tara OB Badto- tbs drill eraa betog held by the fore- o« bis atoBiaeb. Well Flowing aaaad to aa ”toae line" >■ wMeh ha Salt Laka City—iff)— Soft touafc At Compounce man and Jimmy, momentarily "out Dines on Clams He takoa tha clam bitwein bedh To Sate^ Aida haa apaat moat cf tha paat thraa caaM from tha apartm«it of Ralph of the groove” cm the upbeat, caught forepaera, extends tha Hmba bock jraaiA waa laarrtad yaataaday to Xltia—off on a vacation—for 10 day*. WAR AND A WOMAN Averts Panic the foreman on the point of the over his head and brtoga tha elate .Chicago, Aug. 11—(F>—Fredarlck down on tb* rock with a powerfiil Tartaa Larkin of Daytaa, O. Than amoke. The fire depsutmeht SUPER BY BETTY W ALLACE jaw,' knocking him Into oblivion. Mua oaaviea. ■•••. FIfbI Violent Death B. Snlte. Jr., aelf-atytad "hollar Tha young coupla mod# tha eattogulabed a blaze to an over, Jimmy Dorsey, regarded by mual- Jimmy'wtocly banded to hie reelgna- Palo Alto. <3aUf.—(A)—A deecrtp- whack that breaka tb* ahell, wbare- hanqrpwon trip to ralte’a opaetolly heatad radio. ciaaa both popular and classical aa tlon of a aea otter dining on a clam, upon dinner la rwriy. Maitu Scandal at Lou* kid,”' and hla brida racahrad coa* Qean Smoke • Filled Uon before the foreman regained ucing a rock for a utensil and bta WDRC Oaat Of the world's greetest tucophonlot, oonacloueneiia. Tba next time the two wnc gotog. Thart itaust ba a plana out Arens; CCC Loses own atomarh for a table enlivened Tka I lia Baa Oiri iaian a In a titu tid n . UlfDA STOmi — Fan la Im-ai of. hare tonight” brings hit "eontraattog music" to men met waa yeara later at a dance a aaasion at the Paelflc Scitnea Con- eW Hartfiort. Cobb. !••• mb bar bam Meaffa Saaea. the Laka Oompounce ballroom, tn at which Jimmy and bla present or- J! EBStern OBrUgfe* SBVtai Hma Houika aat down heavily, her $750,000 Equipment. grrm. London — — Polio* tooktaff tba edga flt tha ] HmrttkrA. Omul Baton Rotiga, La., Aug. 11,—(P) W MARKETS MABCIA Bnta — Navy glii abrewd pM ayec suddenly defeated Brlatol, Sunday night! "Swing" flrat chestra were playing. "I’ll bat you don't ronMmbar me,'^ sold the fore- Dr. Edna H. Flah4r of Boa Fran- throuali the effaete df a iT-year^d Baearttadlba > W. IM « K. a M. —A vtalpn of flowing "black, gold” ba^ oAx tt DAT! aad tired. "You’re crasy. linda cams Into Jimmy’s Ilfs sometlma M OajUcht SaviBt H um rrlday, Aucnot II. 4»r am m I mm h Ms Ni fw 'tmm I w a BP I I a I Me . *!md(?^OOOPCII—Naval Sybig Boise, Idaho. Aug. 11.—(JV—A ago only In quite a dIStrent man- man with a big omUe. "Ye* I do!" cisco State College told tha story boy drowned In a oano* to tha -an oil wall—today spread over Tn wt mm m* mm a,4w at ka aw aflp ttnt laar. lar ow pet, Storm. But 1 can’t aay 1 blama you. light announcer’s presence of mtod tiH Jimmy bluebingly. "How about after atudjlng aea otter herds off Thamee river, found tbto entry In H. I M i : Wu MI a> cak. iHeau. ■SSfVfliSr u l PSBSRMlSe It’s enough to make anyone lose ner than the present mualcal veralan 00—M anhattan Minuet. Louisiana Btata University which weaa mm w eat w a i Wi hwa w npada MNn averted panic and possibla tragedy at we know It today. At that time your autograph U' *ald the foreman. the California coast. hla diarv: "Left about e ^ t ofeleek I o f t b a : t: TtUmy, Anr* OBOBOE CAMKBON — Uadab their mtod. I’ll park your things, Tha ottar acquires a clam and a for Australia. Hdt going tb* wrong :1.1—From the Gold f.'oast at tha aama time gloomily recorded I a m w t a 4 a a x I N Mr a taa a . paDt eW mi im > to a fan-packed aporte arena gutted Jimmy waa a drilltr’s helper tn a “Only t ^ time—not with a aledgs- P. U. «• 4n1 pa «a mmm Ht mmm twMt tibwin u4 m- but what n i teU your father to the Pennsylvania cool mine and hla bammer, pleaae!” good-slsed rock from the ocaan bot- way." ether wBd 4:00—BBckatBfe Wife. :4.V-I)eep River Boys. Its first violent death aince acandal Sl m mm- fW av aW 0 aai pta i4a moentog, 1 don't know.” by a near mlUlon-doIIar Are which :0O-Ad Liner—Dance Program. broke over the school ala weeks ~ 4:10—Stella DalUe. Taatovdayt a'a Hwrt eraa no Umir to think of biased Into the early hours of to- - 4:S0—Vic and Bade. ;S0—Tower Town Tempos. ago. that "Get Dr. Logan, ha’U kaow 4:4B—Midstream. :45—Men Behind the Stars. At about the hour the well waa POPULAR MARKET Bttai day. I .00—Esso Reporter — News, '7 1 7 M A IM 8 T B E E T what to do." She arcat to the tele- S 8:00—T he O’Neils. being brought In on the campus, phone again. The airport Motwy Hero of the conflagration, which *, 8:18—Adrian Rnlllnl s Trio. Weather. George C. Heidelberg, 60, tecratary SELF SBBVICB OBOCEBT STOBE :08- The World of Sports —Jack And SELF SERVE GROCERIES ro NAVAL om CBBS for a ticket la Doddyia aecrotary, burned 1780,000 worth of OvUlan 7 8:80—Sliver Strings, Lee Oordon, of the L8U Student Emplojrinent itfVJTO Df OBASB. LJBUTEN- there was always money. It would Conservation Corps, equipment, waa I director. Zalman cojaimlttee, shot and kUIed blmself “W HERE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SH O P’ :18 -Eton Boys XI} MORTH MAIH ST. ANTS 'JAllBB OOOPEB AND T. D. be enough. James Allen, aporta writer of the I 6:00—News and Weather. 3resterd«y. BTLAND iMJVBED AS CBACX Time raced, and otaa raced against Nampa (Idaho) Free Free# for IT I 6:18—Strictly Sports with Boh :30—Edwin C. Hill. His wife waa secretary to Dr. 855 MAIN STREET ^ RUBINOW BUILDING years. At Hale’s NAVAL BOMBBE BCBNS.” jr S te ele . :40— Baseball scores. James Monroe Smith, former school It Somehow, ehe was dressed for '49—James Martin. Songs. Heavy Steer leef Ik. the trip. Crammtog oa her hat At 10:80 p. m., during the third ^ 6:80—The Oaucho's with Vincent president whose resignation, ar> Rib Roast Ctopptar MV round of the eeml-flnal event of a L S o r e y ’s E n s e m b l e . .00-Amos ’n’ Andy. Taking tba eultcaia out of Rourke’a 18—The P arker Fam ily s ta rrin g rest, and many Indictments rocked Te Iroll er Fry A aersam ttwa to Unda’a tbroat- boxing card. Alien smelled empke. I 6:48—Lowell Thomas. the huge unlveralty sprawled over Bha ffnit It off by clanebtog bar hand. Kloring bar gratofnlly, and The arena was to a sprawling, J 7:00—Fred Waring In neaaure Loon Janney. Freih Dretipd running tovrard the cab tbte was Self Serve the low-rnlllng bllla near here. .Chickens :30 - Michael Lnrlng. Songs. WEEK-END SPECIALS New Efiflind taath. Daddy's hetto waa beat over walttog outoldB. wooden building owned by Mrs. H. r Time. THX .48—Outdoors with Bob Edga. Baya He Talked “a t Baadoni'* tha akaanaertpt, Ha bad net heard H'. Bryant of Botae, atater-to-law o< 5 7:18—Angler's Newsreel with Cap- E. L, Echoli, a aophomore, told SUNNYFIELD Henry Ford, the Detroit automobile ORIGINAL IN NEW XNOLAND t. tain Tom Ham m ond, :00—Under Western Skies. Wbete ar Strief HpH lb., her atartlgd gasp, he bad not no- At balf-poat Sv* tba next day, :30 —Johnny Presents. tha ooroner’a jury which callad Homs Uetm that aha waa ahaking, that tha manufacturer, and her son, Melvin t 7:80—Inside of Sports with Jack Haldelberg'a death a aulclde that linda Storm was stepplag out of Bryant AND I s Btevena. :00—Raymond Paige, 99 Men and Bprtag ' nawapaper had allppad from bar tbs plane to San Otogo. She ra* a GIrL the man bad talked to him "at ran- Light bagan to flicker, smoke L 7:48—'The News Reporters. dom” while drinking In a bar room. SMOKED ^ 11 V4c LambLegs lb. membersd dimly tbs stops at Nash* F 8:00—Lucille Manners with Franlt ;.30- Campana F irst Nlghter. ■a affoft of will, aba cea- rolled In through (be dreeatog :00—Grand CentrsI Station. The oil well, the first on the Boaelees baraalf auffldently to band vin*, Uempbla, Donas. She had un* room. I' Black's Orchestra, campua, was brought In by William Steer ne»f dremed, lain dowa to the sleeper ON-N '■ FOODS .V , Speetetera Mae lik e Wpve e 9 :0 0 —W a ltz n m e . :30—Our Grand Plano Chuck Roost Heavy aad piek up the paper. On tram* :48—Yodlln’ Jim Ingalls. J. Helia and the Louisiana Cruaad- lb. bUag. aervalaaB legs, abe managed plane’s berth, but riw hadn’t slept Five hundred spec tatore rose like Health MaHiei « 9:80—Death Valley Days. AU day today riWd beea Hke a ^ 10:00—Ouy Lombardo’s Orchestra. :0O—Elaao R eporter — Nesra, er OH Company under a lease to gm to tha door. She felt bar a wave.eve. Weather. granted by the University three SHOULDERS 11 SU N N YFIELD Slic.d lb. womaa to a doo*. A platnclottaas flremon allppad to ~ 10:80—Jan Bavltt’s Orchestra, Bacon way, tooehteg tha wall, to bar own The Naval Hospital, wbrn ebe aa* i 11:00—Nesvs and Weather. 11:06—Foreat Fire -- Weather years ago. Oil from tha campua room. Allen^n’a aids and whlxpered for him CenuUoa ' llilO—Charlie Barnett’s Orchestra. Forecaat and Baseball well may go far toward making up Smoked torsd It a few mtautos later, was as to elaarlaar the arena—that the ritua- scores. tha deficit found at the University Tour man croadag tha country unreal to her oa tbs ploaa had beea. Hnk’flQnflHtyMiat . 11:80—Richard Hlmber’a Orchestra. Shoulders lb. la a now aaval bombar mat dlaaatar tlon waa aerlout. • ' Pot Roasts «u. 2 5 c ■ 13:00—Bunny Berrlgan’s Orchestra. 11:10—Main Street—Hartford. after Bmith’a arrest. Notbtog mattered, only Jimmy. She ”K’s juat a paoar fire to the Milk 11:39—Shep Flcld’i Orchaatra. si«riM CHUCK ROASTS yeatarday when the craft etufaed bad to see him! She pray^ for ItM —Blue Barron’s Orchestra. dressing room,” Allen told the fans 11:80—Cab Calloway’a Orcheatra. aad burned 10 miles from their dea- atrangtb. prayed that ba vras sOU 13:80—Nears. ttoatSon. KHled toatsntly were. . . and they settled back In their aesta. loaves Lomb Legs ls23« IDO a. m.—Silent. 13:00—Harry Jamea’ Orcheatra. FOWL alive, that no nurae or officer would b# Rddsdt Brekd 2 cans 20c Taaaorrosr's Prognun 13:80—Harry Owetui’ Orcheatra. s t e a k s Tba lattaia blnrrad. Linda’a Anger* come forward now and aay gently, "I think we'd better clear tbs TonsofTBw’B PrngrBin. Surplus Like aalla punched Into her palms, but A. M. ■’You’re too late.” arena until the smoke clears out— A. M. SHOULDER STEAKS a .-rib ffM didn’t faal It. Sba was rasdtog "Lieutenant Cboper,’’ ah* wtalap* ; 0 : 0 0 — R e v e i l l e . STvp. »-l 9 ‘ h. then we’ll oonttoue with the flght” Large! Tarkeys 0:80—Sunrlas Special. 7:00—Sboppera Special. lAs. Avg. ■ ' awiftly. *Tba two tojurad offloan ared jerkily to the flrat maa s’ Quietly the apeetatore moved BatkXfnad 7:18—Esao R eporter — Neww, 1933 Looms 29< mata rtiffiad by ambulaaca to tha . T:00—M im ing w atch. SMOKED w. He had gold braid ea bta out •:0O—Nears and Weather. Weather. Naval BomItaL A board of la* siseva. Bba didn’t leak at bis fSi MImitaa later tha arena waa aa Angel Coket StlS—HI Boys. 7:30—Shoppers Special. ROASTING veadgadOB.. ,V l- Tba mar said, ’Tbara are vtattoin tefarno. I S a r d i n e s •;80—Radio Bazaar. 8:00—Shoppera Special. Officials Aver There Will Taatatday. This tarrlbla thtog with him new, j thtok.” Tha eonflogratloa, taveoUgatloa Rib Roast Beef 0:00—Rambling Cowboys. 8:80—Easo Reporter — Newa, HAM S Cold Cuts Ibe 19e had bappanad yeatarday, aad abe "VlattacBT” Than ha waa atfll Be No Killing Pro* diaeloaad, brMa out to tba Bryaiit 0:18—Norman Cloutier’s Orchestra. Weatber. Jellied Coraed Beef hadn't known. Thay bad laft Tuea* aUval Ha waaat going to dla. Ha buildtog, which oarved alao as a ^ cans 25 * 9:48—Crackerjacks. 9:00—Richard MaawelL Rindless Baron Fowl 9:18—Flddler’a Fancy. gram to Cut Supply. day, from Waabtogton. They must waa all right A wave ef fatotnaaa warehouaa for tba Western Idaho- lO.-OO—W PA Band. lb. Imva made atopa along the way. hit bar, aad eba atruggled agatoat Baotern Oregon OOC diatrlct aad 10:80—Bright Idea Club. 9:38—Mualcal Interlude. Frankfurtt Ibe I 9 c lO -Poarf Clotli Bag Henfcer 9:88—National Hillbilly Cbam- PORK Her head waa Ugbt, bar baart tt fbr a momaoL Bolsa buotoate bouaee, but Cnmisle 11:00—Chautauqua Symphony Or- W ashington, Aug. 11 — (PI — A plona. aurplua corn and hog altustlon simi- ’b a m m a t t o g b a r d . Jimmy was to* A giri'a volea waa erytag, blank* the otlgto waa not definitely deter* Veal Roastfl u.25c-28e chestra. jurad. Yeatarday. Ra might ba ly. ”Why, finds Storm! Hew toad. 11:10—Armchair Quartet. 10:00—Dorian String Quartet. lar to th at of 1983 la developing In 10:80—Saturday Serenade. daad by now. *Vhy bad tbera been earth did ynu gat baraT” Fire Chief Frank Pulaski, who Tomato 11:48—Nature Skteebea. the mldwestern farm belt — but Pmh Frulfg aad Vagatablaa Oda cruel fflanoa — mtppoua abe Sba turned swiftly. Harcto Klag called out all the city’s lire flgbttog 13:00—Manhattan Melodies. 11:00—Highway! to Health. Agriculture Department officials de- SUGAR tib Lamb Chops GENUINE SPRING LAM B SALE hadn’t pickad up tha ympm— was ataadtog there, eteitog at her. apparatus and firemen, announced u.29e P. M. 1 1 :1 8 -Organ Mooda. clare there will be no "little pig" 11:30—Columbia Concert Hall. EOia ran upatairt. Tba takaphaiM. »—Mrs. and other meat animals The 1939 Lettuce Crtip Icoborg Fanto hald bar to tto grip. Was he otin alivnT Ob, eurae those planes! Tba catalogue la a dapartnra from In tbs structure also was stared can Franklin D. Roosevelt, who appear- pig entp Is expected to be the third §1 other yeara to that It la printed to automobUe e^ p m ea t worth oevsr* largeat since 1933. Without a war. Without bomba. Unit I Bd as guast director of Hobby Lobby Sorial Srrurily Art Revi* ROLL rotegravura tostead ef u a usual al thousand donare and heavy mto* Prieea DeoHae SJtorply Tom atoes A . 6 19 c Sba didn’t even know If hla had tog machinery valued at upwards I laat wreck, la coning back for twro FR A N K FU R T S baan tba hands guiding the wrbeel of buck aad white, presenting a moat sion M ost Im portant o f Aa a consequence of tbeae In- attractive format of (38,000. PINE A PPL E f mora broadcasts, Aug. 16 and 33. that obip. She didn't know wbather Cracker Jacks creases. prices of corn and hogs BU T TE R Bananas » 5c When flrat announcement of the A nearby lumber yard was de- .ptex 0 0 c STARCH When Mrs. Roosevelt broBdeast Nearly Four Score. have declined .marply. Corn prices hafd bean upset, thinking of bar; otroyed at a lose of more tbrui (38,* i PO R K U V E R 'wbetliar by any chance this ghastly new eatalogua was ■ JU IC E f iMt srsck she srant on tha air wtth- In mid-July averaged the lowest waaka ago, tba laeal store raealvad 000. 1 oat rehearaal because other engage- Hyde Park. N. T.. Auf. 11—OPl— since 1923. Hog priem were the tbtng was bar fault or aoL She ^ lb. kaaw so Rttlt about tba Navy. Four numerotu romieate far ooplea but pk(. s menta did not permit her arrival at f^r^dent Kooaev«lt attempted to* lowest sines 1934, HAM BURG sF A O H e m but t er were unable to flU them. Tlw cata- Baby Foods cuH 2 5 c I the studio in time. Llatenera ap- * man to a sUp. Wboaa fault ? day to clean up the laat of a alack Federal farm offlclala say there 24 logues win ba flvan out as long aa Claims Village S parently were unaware that she was la one major factor reaponsible for the supply loata. Plums in Syrup I reading the prepared script for the of bllla left over from a turbulent the unfavorable price altuatlon, and Print Tba talapbwia did not ring, gi Oookad » Cee* | 2 ut 49c S-Onnee Cen H eenid DesMlsoi » I Bele’eRedBisf PerauMO I ftrat time. congrcaalonal aeaaton an he could that la a reduced forein market for SELECTED MEDIUM wtntod ( 0 sMka Its grtantog, blaek Home of Heroine fans. That aparator didn’t care. It H*.XOsal I Dave Elman, regular master of away for New York early to- lard and pork products and corn. SP ICE D COTTAGE I ceremonies of the program, which Is Production being In excess of do- vma Just anotW can to her. Fighting Spirit morrow and aall away on a reatfiil gbe plefcad up tba phene agate. Oolong Tea S a WJZ-NBC feature, la In Fargo, mestic needs, surpluses have ac- EG G S Pillsbury't near 82c Ldodon— (MV-Old Mother Hub- Applesauce « N. D., recovering from an api>endl- cnilae cumulated. HAM CH EESE Tlaaao4 operator. It’s—It’a a mat tar of Ufa and death!” Bolsters Actor hard, who "went to tb* cupboard Chicken I Mnat Important of the nearly four t cUls operation that Interrupted his Until a few years ago, the United Utchea Teatod kRi! bMM ctatOMd fot tiM XMlt* k vacation Rcorr hull itlU to he aliened or veto- States normally sold abroad betVeen 2 3 c lb. ]|^ doz. Gold Medal 84c TU eon you book,” tba volea .—29e lb. chI wee one wrlUn|C baalr chan^ee 5 c lb. otod mmiy. tab village ef Ightbam by Sir Bd- NASH Cm 38 and 48 per cent of Its tard pro- Ne. 3 ward Harrtaan of the Heat Arch- ! NBC's first telecajit of trnnla I If'*** Social Security Act. iluctlon. Those sales have slumpeil aer linda huddled on tha chair, Ufa* HeOywead. Aug. 11— — The Pineooplo Juico Cen I Maly, tt amrthliig had bappmad to aeological BocieQr. DiAtcheA At Rye. N. Y.. while fairly ('onKreaameo, a^en they paeee>. BauilH had eoma la. she waa stand Now Englond On Display! toff tbara atartiig down at bar. ”Yoa ly tanpovoriahad actor agatoat daa Mr*. Hubbard waa aa Tghtham poor- tranamlttrr . . . MBS announrva ihr the present rale of taxes which fl- ca’s big Isrd buyers. That nation’! pair. boos* eharg* to 1TS4 w ra an aow - Coffee___ forthcoming addition of stations nam e the *4d*axe Inatiranre pro- purchases are now nrgllgable. Tliif m et ASF Feed Sfsrtt cCTopereta vilk the 4MR*t fmmt wm A u n th% doofe X bod Nev Eeqleitd cawwlt la brleM f to yovr ettonHap R ftnmy tMUBf, l«-WliRt'B Um mRt* llM eoa-Umo Kayatana kop sad ance of 48 canto a weak and JWCMl St Ashland. Ky.; WSIX at Ifram and thereby save an eMfmatetl What does the government plan tap*aatcb fllm fuamakar baa baan meager belongtaga tneindtog o j NaahvUle, Tran.; WLAP at lyxlng- |90ft,000.000 for the employers and to do about thia surplus aituatlon? Mustard Poanut Butter the ewmiiieA part New Eii^iid kei I* the prog- tor wtUi you. cbfldT.” UmaWB employee w'ho pay the levy. Fresh Saltines ran el ear e ^ e a . We ed ear ever wdeanic bread fsoa was suddoaly alarmad. to a hospital fbr IS mentbs. "oorner cupbnrd.” l ton, Ky., and WGRC of New AI- It la developing a two fold pro- A weak ago eurgaons amputatad *mia enpbeard eonid net ba cam Rg^fSh^ofl iSe 2 e.27c 5 bany, Ind.. and Lnulsrillr. Ky.. while *^e bin alio W'ould start old*a^e gram, one for attacking the corn vlilton. ap4 ebe aw aeKva New Engleedtn, to "TcoYe gray aa a gbaati TffI am pension payments two years sooner iinpeci ear wladewt Ihip week. AM ear diipleyt his left lag above o a knot, b ap^ otbarwia* Oun bare” on that tet- MIdeo 3 ' NBC reports WRLK of Clarksburg, surplus and the other for attacking quick. Is It your fatbarT” wm toatore New Eagb*4 whelaieine hrm pred- to bait a apwadtng tenee, be eeld, adding. ”la flut of I W*. Vs., and WGKV at CTiarleston, than orliclnally scheduled—on next the lard and pork surplus. '1 S'- C l-lb. jar ^ C 2-lb. box '7*0. BO. Ba'a oU figh t *T>eelani aay hav dotage flao I tbeae portieulain the tewntatlon to CAK E ; W. Va.. are joining that chain. Jan. 1; Rrant [>enslonii to some 200.- To Offer Farmers Loans acta, ppleetlfleally prepeiyd feedi and lUlHaRv Bba couttet go on. Tba toam otoag 11 leeda aterchaadiie whWi we weald like to aequilnl fluy ba obla to walk elatm fbr Ightbam tb* nerotee ef omoto Julco^^^^^^ 000 old persons previously Inellfctble TTo boUUr corn prices, It has been aad bunted, aad bar amuth just tbeaa daya If all gate waO,” a friaod tb* wefl-known nureetry rhyme la I Programs Umlght- Young Drnni-1*•'*" *" maximum and expects to continue to offer yea wHh. wpoldat bahava. ebaarvod today. breetottbl*.” FL O U R ' crats convention- WJZ-NBCWJ7.-NBG rt 4.141 "K' »“ *" Jo h n n Preacnle e r , y . for cool weather off the .New F.ng- also has under consideration pro- Prudsnes W c. ISc 1 moat kaow haw hs la.” \ ; mond Paige rono. n k to First *''i* Canadian roasts. posals to offer surplus lord to for- Sauorkraut Solad Dressing Cleanser- ”TouB kaow’ aoen aoougb.” } N lghter; 9:30 Bol. KlpU y. The president vetoed live bills eign buyers at "cutrate" prices. It Tba triapboai paalad. hb 7c pkg... WJZ-NBC 7 U' 1 Ion 1 Forget . .vesterday and signed 27. .Among j wx>uld do this through an saport atib- SW^TogGf.TTtsiiG 4iiofc 21c grabbed it "Hello!” for tba aaaeneaBHMiwronlmomananitlaiS' 8:30 Rubin H ikkI Ui II .-..r.rert: p'luote he approved was a 1180.000.- sldy. Too, .It may offer feeders a 3 Jc *7V01 you apeak with tka effi ■ Australia salute to World's Fair; i deficiency appropriation. premium to seU their hoga at medi- 3 19« oa duty?” the operator aokad. Ntj and vmitailis um rather than heavy weights. ^ * KM M sBarm rapH rouns 9:30 Grant Park cmccrt. The other bills received particular caaiaaia ’‘Tas. yea. AaytUag.” . MB8-CYjaln 7 new time for Wei- “ ''enllon. One. which he lost no .Such a program, officials belleva. otea ooaBdad calm aaa im- Tha flttad jacket rt OMV. ^lem Starch come Neighbor;" 9 30 Hep. William!*""' *" •l8o'og. will end next Feb- Would trad to reduce proepecUve IVORY SO A P OXYDOL ntroos Moiemm ^ is< ”Tou,waat tofanaatSoe of oourite, be worn Lrmke on ’ PusUlizatKin of Trans- '''••fi’ lb« right of civilian employes lard and pork auppllee and prevent ■AMrto: BMTATORKMTATOH UaataBaat Ooc^T” a wide teteeUen e n Tunofiflh Com portatlon Rates " Ibe government to file claims for further decUnee to priece of theae products. SIM CMOBS 2 & 149 OUXCMX yns, quiekly.” . 8c pkg, ------extra compensation for the yvars la tkte. plaaasT” vriveteen. or aay WTiat to expect- Saturday; i 1924. 2 ^s* 39^ "Dmtt aok aw VMatteea! Ti Aril wnt drebe, (O sH leuleO nly) WEAF'^NBC--10 a m Chautauqua The aecond. which hs vetoed with GUEST SIZE—4c. BIEDIUM—5c. MEDIUBf—3 for 26c. GIANT—65c. imkamavtnq r»--” ■ wCB Vinagor Cranberry Beans ^rmpbony, 8 p m. concert from Bcr-1 equal alacrity, .would havt extended May Not Impose — T tWak I aadentaad. uau PNAeiye Bn, 4 National High School band, I yeara from next Jan 3 the ant COepar Is dolag an weO aa could A triffy ■nart outflt. oa* that i be maim CBfl-Chaln—11:18 a,m. .Women In' *" which World war wterana Crisco Ldva Soop ko ospiKtod uador the clrcum- . Corn Crop Quotas Ivory P lak et ' ^^oo®gonalv^4y. .mi,— IkX C M iShffM i FLOUR -*ikr»aszjA**-cjs; World of Tomorrow; 1 p.m. bull aes-1 U>elr dependenU could have II ■! II IIHIH 1 ~r~n------nw WMw ■GTwwIl. m.' , Bton, •Tha FamUy;’’ 380 Champlain for aiyaatMl —FM> 2 11* toebte. rewfaea f S-« yard* ef (5. Cantaloupes *^7e 3 i>20e S'pilB. club m atinee; B;05 eastern the three and half years originally eral farm offlclala aald today ,*Td M ggiat th at you gat hare MILK 4 (raa* oourta tennla. MBS-Chain — 19e 21*k-i)*<(- toSoe iM ftedp of M4Mb. State allowed fbr the filing of veterans drought and grasalioppara had ^W E tlO'.PO IM tl yenraelf If at an poMltla,” tba volea rirt I *4 yard* te gglnch or U:80 BjB. Tpung Oemocrau claims had been booated to 18 and made It unUkMy - that raarkaUng aald gmtly. 'He’s barn badly to- jrardi te f4*toeb. Bi abno* Mayer Edward Kelly of Chicago; he thought 18 years was too much. quotas would bs tmpoaad on the SUNKIST ORANGES jurad aad tbaVa an we eaa aay at ■ ynrde te MMneb, 8 M yards ■Ltbfl Pie Applet 6 ue25ffi 88:45 p.m. Merconi' memorial Mr. Rooaevelt gave the post office 1939 com crop. SUGAR PLUMS te 8(Macb. Mmrd; 8 LoBiVm promenade con- at nearby Poughkeepaia ona of ita Tha proapacUva ytald waa raporU busiest days In a long time today by ad yeatarday a t 3.4S94M.000 buah- 2 doz. 29^ lO e doz. 2 .^ 35e ffea haag up wttboot^ tbaaktog Tbs anar fh l and Wlnlte fbUteB Grandmothor'fl Jelly poating nearly 189,000 lettens as- eU. a ilBritaBBB o f IIO.MTDOO buah- 15« ' bite. ’Heaifee, Baartm r«o gat to BoetuAlg^tete " Com (FW Bmm WBBk-and A o r t watree; For preaalng hU personal thanka to per- ala from tha J i^ 10 foraeast. go to Oillftirm . rigkt away.” atterin^-OUUA Pragna 6:58 Mu- sons who led the 1939 "Fight InfLi- AgrtouRura Dapattmant oOtdala "You'ro gotoff to Md right away, {•’• M r' 2.w25e 9l—iBt M O Roma 7:80 chamber Ula ParalyMa" campaign. aald that aa dadMan would ba BANANAS LIMA BEANS MBL0N8 Oterawketopofftofal^ fftopM TVBBO Caewe^a 9 danc«; mada aa camng a marhaUng quoU thia aatori Do yon w S toiM te OBB iMdoB U:18 Irish------— nKHL-xIM ------rX E E C T P JV X K T O W A LLl ABbwb Bartfasd Oadlt tr mm , . . For Sonday—HAT4 Buda- crop toport lala In. TI___m __ quotas_____ dra -..... "SbJb- SH <|t Pure Fruit Syrups 3 25e 3 for 25c ANDOVER SM* f Hnaghtlaa aoogs; qSF G8D Im;ipoaad by • rata of toymara. _ WaMiington, Aug. l l — (g>>—praM- Roark*, you : OBB fdailna 8:40 mainaay test; Jriag. S-.I GREEN BTi i C O V E N VFA9 Bula 10:38 Frtaeh evants. **»o«»alt has signed a bOl al> »rtp atOb. Oh AfBMUili lowtog B credit of (68344 Ir tha B4>- Ffankfort - Semhrldi aui ASSORTED ReWn u d White 8SM tjaia." iui0HUU7*aM SllSfiB coimu or Jaasas W. auaoa, farmar Tgindaa,Mb Aug, A« IL-B V -V ha aaau Pbiker Bence Reilfl CUPCAEES BREAD ’Batter MM wjm fair yaora ago. poatmaMar U Hartford, Tha t'oaVa eony 111 BM mmi m haU la • plata glaaa laqwclia Altwayu iytog boat umawMM lU M ln: Perk & Beane .BJB88W WHkoot amaahlM the amount reprcaMiu tha hilaiicB of a Oartbeu aiiliad at Foynaa. IrMand. iH ead i iK H d o R 2 (or 15e ^toorhai abortaga ranted by tha aoAanla- today, andlag bar 9rat tnM -A tla» SALMON doQii tIorM M iM to ' IL 9c can 1 & 7'.' rtW lL T B MAKCBE8TEIIVENINQ HERALD. MANCHESTBR. CONN, IWEDAT* RDQUST11,1M» MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11^1989 PAOI

rhm em Mld^ to got tk—gun* to *0M Oak ttoot prtparsd today for tha JK I Jew9 Continue Hope Invited to Aid Musi Top New Revenues Tourists Talk to givo ua a aeatu. Let~— f Ahtor cup raooa off thia port Dut^ ntato Dapartmant gurda have tog a 8T 1«8 arilo run from New Of Crashing British Blockade mada Jol— over tha ranasa nr Loadoa. Ooan,. yaotorday the fleet Clark Griffitli Ought Surveying lib year*. W te you ask th— about tho eudd^. found Ito— oeurMng Electric Boat Nine Troiinces To Get AddedFederal Aid About Cannon of torgata uadtr Aug. 11. fltlM iad tlM U m I wu Mcortod into rmdst hoflyy by Fort To Share His Formula ____ Jown continued te-Haifa by taro daatroyara. W a tUa tfiM. Aug; 11— By Jo Ballsy Against Billy Mi»ke in nears o f the steamer. Llsel and its Oommlttao, aald hurt night the are cannon surrounding tha ram- Wrttor. Gene Tboropoon do ItT" raa-lB-the-^treet Uvea by. for, and Knotted for Third. 'Hansen, It wo* sanounoN today by UN two ethers during th* rogutar MO Jewlab passengers. .The Usel’s group wantad the ^oplnlona of Btotlatlea tor Juaa. dlacloood that gional oSIcaa. bling old Btato Dapartmant stme- Third U. S. Surt, Speak NOT of PItUburgb, where on. A elngl* with non* oa sad two Manager Dick Kerr. Several nMm- aaoson lost yoor, than engaged th* captain was in lali In destine. It Santa Barbara, Calif., Aug. 11— "aceaomlats at ayary point of only Cattfornla, with a 817.48 dcoa- Ongraoo approved an taera— tura. For tba Bfista Department ia v a n c O u A';;‘: , s Instead at trying to leglslats the | there are tickets still svallabl* for out to th* — Inning mahoa 2.548 bers of loot year's team hav* boon Oriole* of th* north end for the IMS stated, and moat o f tl^ paa- (JP)—The former Baron— Emily vlaw" in auggaating ramadlaa to tton of its own, draw tho maximum from S8L480.000 to $88,000j)00 ia primarily a dapartmant of psoea! New York Yank— out of the wodd \ th* oorioa they didn't ploy. That faa* swrallow their etgara. A dou- PItUburgh. Aug. Lightn- working eut for th* part tore* town title. Th* Oriole* took th* The eruia* of the . a ieetrto aangsrs were held In campa Ten Von Romberg and her bridegroom, Oongt— I from tha traaoury, although a dosaa tha board’s admlntatrattva ampmma And soma of tha eannoa—eaptin^ Chicago, Aug. 11.—(41—Oomee moans nothing to Jos Fon-ln-the- ing greens saved par from a *b*l- woaks and new Oeaoh Hanson first encountar, 7-8, but Moriarty* elub fiost New Leadok t* I ' ■ I I fill I' 11. I ' I I 11111 1:11 11 M ; 11 champlooahip, Clark Griffith, the now a giant Swedish bricklayer. bla play by tho famlUar, effleitat aaeeagers .arere buried at sea Adolph B. Spreckels, secluded them' *Tha eoramittoa want# to bring ptataa cams el— . tor ths euiraat floeal year.' It voted ad to hlatorlc aagagOmaBta—are st— t, who kooors only that th* My*r*-Fr*y-MeCormlek machine— lacktag to the first round of th* wanU aU who wiah a try-out to re- cams back to roll up a Bl-T tri- 1888.000. 000 for old-oga aaMataaoa, potottag right at tbs Ho— foay old owner of the Woohlngtoa 110,600 Dapper Dan open but Wild- ter was highly euecMsfUl lasz i <.,Craleed oC Coast Two Months selves at her Imposing home, tha *braln trusta' of gbyammant Btotoo RMek Tlaalag Uart8 '>'•11. I I \ I > - ( ■ \|,|; I, . y .y they've turned In mors than lOO port S t this prsctlc*. umph In tb* second angagamant. * 'T»t more than tao months—arlth "BnmnenhaiiBen,” to ^ y after tell and buain— togsther.” O'Mabonay Board ogieiala said that no otaU usamploymant compansatlaa, aid to act— tha at— L They have Doan fleoators, ought to ohara hi* club'* wood eountry club's rouror record It Moriarty* have flIN on applica- Heavy Bno¥vfall preventN eontinu- for th* invadera landN on MsMdKy for amra than 38 ysara, through all formula for beating New York with weight boxer. now—reatore* normal pulse to un- the target oe the nstlon'e top-rank- Brothera for an tmpraasiva i ten4l,r and food nmnlng low—the ing friends "we may go on an ek' told rapertars as ha announoad a could go hlghor imUl Ita LogUia- dapandaat chUdraa and tba blind. Speak NOT of Jinxing th* team counted Uiouasnda. When BtUy tion to sntsr the HsrtfoN circuit stloa of th* oerieo. heavy aeiiaduls at bsartnga and Last ysor’a total waa ISOT.000,000. •OR* of admtoiatrattoao. '' • I ■ I \ I the rest of the American League. He’s Ame Anderson. 21 year* ing memy plsyars warm up to their triumph at th* Sido Oval id r Usai cruised along the Palestine tended honeymoon later.” tore apprevod aa like— so ia tto owa \ 1 1 : M , PreocrlpUon* often are as bard —th* Rede' front office hoe spoken Myera Mt a homer—never mind, Bfstt .’ jSi' waiting for an opMrtunlty The 27-year-old Mrs. Spreckels, atudfaa for this fan and winter. donattoa. Durtag ooagr— loaol da- BiMdai ralataig tha maxtwmiB aid- _ ffpaalak Naval Gun Bigg— old, weighing 20S pounds end totk. Ona eaaaoa, oa sagravad bro— to luad a* they ar* to take, but standing' six f— four Inches. He of that day after day and no on* you wouldn't believe It anyway. they MartN Stan PartyoMi crash the blockade. 'The crew widowed when the airplane of Baron "Wa want a fraa-for-all aeonomte bats oa tho rtvialaa, aomo m— bor* aga sRsteiioa eoatiibutkma, tba pays any attention. Jo* Fan-ln-the- Approaches wouldn't itlck and dlacuaaion," ha said. "But of course ^ pi— which was taken at \ I. I ■■ I I . tranalatod from the original Pboe- oomea oritb the repuiJitJen of being putts refusod to drop yeiterdsy **v*n ruas ta tba i for higher pay, which the Maximlllain Von Romberg fall Into said statos had Jtist about raachod new amandmaato would fra— ths Biciaa, the fleaator*' medicine — me treet only know* (hat he has welt- tha raU IlMa ham with sfftMal Cy BlanchaN flnishsd tho ga m s' granted. the Shrewsbury river at Rumson, N, tbs comralttaa will rsserva Um thalr taxtng limit tor this purp— old-age tasuraaoa poyron eontrlbu- Manna, rotta on tha steps beaide a terrific puncher, winning 10 of only 6fl of th* storting field of 160 right to organise thia" ceupls of huge anchors. Tha bigg— to oaH for ‘‘ hake well before uilng'' bla 11 profe.^stonal battle* by quick ed 20 long years for a team like tralaa aad aalra ears, 'lha eapa aa wsr* aM* to finish below 80 for th* Season’s Finest Card should hav* otortN aN gave os ' With passengers exhausted from J„ June t, 1928, married the heir to and might not b* ahU to taka ad- Uoas by amployor aad smploya at 1 _and keep on baking until patient this, 20 long years rtnc* Pat Moron thrss M il aN om rua ao ho gat twg* longer and thirst, the captain fl- a sugar fortune, also 27, at Reno, The — ator aald that invltaUona per — t oaeh uatU IMS, aad would of tha lot is a Spanlah Naval gim, knockouts, and his showing In bis tha raada lata town hava IM r Initial 18 of the 72-hol* battle. The vantogo of tbo iaeroosa, also eXptursd at Moans. eta rollef. brought home the bacon. trtkoouts. ' surrendered to British author- Nev., yesterday, would go to tha Brooking* Inatltu- Bohlad OaUfosaia, tha top-raakiag sdvaaea tha data for begtaalog pay- first two engagements since land- ahotmoker* wer* caught off guard Uon, the Twantlatb Century Fund, Moat og.tha artlUary have a at— [The Sapatori shook a run out of ing in the United States two weeks Speak NOT at the Mdowa It On* ebsarvar rsportad that at 8 aa th* greens had been soft and Osskla otol* th* show far t i i statos oa tho old-oga sasistonco ments of th— banaflta from Jan. 1, Yank— on oae hit In ths flrat aaythlag gees wroag, tor If yea da Slated Here Tonight vlalton with a Leonard P. Ay— , Clsvaland aeon- 1M8 to next Jaa. L piste over tha awuth. TIm Mg- ago has bolstered his European rep- o'clock of th* morning of n lundsy damp for praetlcs rounds. UsL togo^ior with tho prsssat stats Moutad Naval gun doaon’t How- 'innlBg yt^rday. Then every .Urns utation. He floored hla first oppo- yoa’ra UaMe to have aa awtol tt— doubtehesder, ths ball park parking homor that wont ovsr omhrt, and othara "who are raapon- oontrlbuttbas, ora; New York sca i^ Washington can- l^pU ig th* field with on* ever albla, ragardlsas of their visws." aver, aoBMoaa has removed tba nent six times to wdn on s technical parttag yMraelt together agala. A I lot had In tt earn from Michigan, parir il' a wer* S7-ye*r-old Gen# fl*r- In right doM aN daallyi Maaosebtootto, 814.18; Colorado, breach block. Tin; '\ \\( () ( OMI'.W V celled the run* In the same inning der a ear. Ootort aUo L_____ OsmplHa Rapart by Maieh Naaeleld Boot ta Fhtliy knockout end stopped his second in DooMtag Tbomaa la a year like thl* Illlnola, Tennessee, Kentucky, West of Brookfield, Conn., gentle- Ed Baldwin of Meriden.,.,^ ^ 814.10; Movbda. 818,28; Aiisosa. White Houaa poUeamea laugbad untU by tho flfth frame the Senator* twa rounds. Uvea a boated Ufe bei^ Virginia, Indians and Ohio. man farmer who has won every Cards Hopeful to M ho oMtottod thtao Pmehurst Fresh Poultry *Tha eommittaa will have a com- 118.17; CboaoetteuL 818.10; DIatrlet Wa— w. Aug. 11—<«)—PraMdaat when tha dlracUon of tha eaaaen had It woa 7-5. Speak NOT of slumps, tor during Confidant o f Ending | atoapwMta bm y Dutch Leonard, the Sf-yeor-old Anderaon wrill get his flret ocri- Ools Slann Onto* ehampkmahlp of any aigntflenne* on plats report on its work for Ooa- of Columbia, U2.7S; Now Torfc, Igaaea Meactekt aatartataad Post- waa meatlonad. eiu teat wrhen h* engages Billy ths Reds' wront hitting' alum^ this etther eld* of th* AUanUe, onfl grsM not later than March firat," 811.78; Now Hampohlro, fllJ S ; "Ton'd have to work a month," knueklahanar, got credit for hU Announcamant o f Lsdis*’ Day Budynklawica W innlnc^^N ^ battm inu'NihN' master Oaaaral Jamas A. Parlay at fourth victory without defeat Mlake, Jr., son of the let* heavy- year they passed the man In th* whoa th* gala g*t to for 88 aonto, lanky Denny Shut* of Huntlngtea. III E n c h a s e BROILERS 0‘Mahonay aald. Wyoming, 811.81. Arkanoas was at a piivato luaehaoa today. Farley ia weight contender, In s 10-round moon In the otaadlngs. W. Va.. two-time winner of the na- Streak In Main Event. Although tba eommittaa author- tba bottom a t, tha RaL with tho to be a guest of Foreign Mlnistar agatoat the Tank— this oaoson al- puts ooms hardy oats la froat of FOWL Tender Nttlves, Will Aver- though ha allowed all New Tork’e contest,, at St. Paul, Aug-' 21. rite hers Off. Hlttsrs On th* gstos right after breakfast. tional P. Q. A. and nearing SB. m laid an outline of 28 projects or Fsdsral and otaU gov^m onta aoeh Col. Joaa^ Back at a dtamar party Andiiraon wears s number 12 Speak NOT of tiring pitchers, tor flsrasen sold he could have flnlto- Thia BMctrie B I elub hu h FOR FRICASSEE nge 75c to 89c. subjects for atudy, O'Mahonay aald contributing $8.01. rune end had to be removed for a They borrow their menfolk*' lunch Point to Recorda to An- la tap coadiUoa, a aeor* at asad- baU taaat MUIar ht (bolghL after which te ia Uavt^ ^ plBchhltter In tha flfth. Thia woe oboe, boa hands th* olse of hems when Cincinnati pitchers tire (Tln- ed strong “If I hadn't boon trying to AbeM 8 *e • PooDds Each that sietual haartaga necessarily Tba hoard eaUmatad thirt tha old- train for Krakow. Ha will go~ to ; kits and then make then get their pN dghtoH, euliN fNm tha b*at to graot atop aN throw ia th* Meaty Frying Chickens ell right with Leonard, however, be- end craves to flghL He became In- cinasti batters rage end rain hits own supper* out of onna •teer ’em on th* last three hole*." wer Thodff Who Say fraao that brottgltt th* fa n would be limited to a few of th— . aga asstotaaeo program would givo Vienna and Roms Saturday. terested In boxing os s led of IS He woe two under par going Into thia aaaUaa. today awaltod tha bail Weighing About 3<4 Lbs, Ha atrssaad Invsatlgatlona o f tha cause Bobby Botalclla, who batted oil over th* landscape of eight WeU, thl* I* all n dream, but ohiirtog. Woyeik hi for him, atoglad with tho bo— load- when Karl Ogren, of Chicago, ones cities. the 16th. Shut* waa atrsligbt down Redd Have Safe Lead. that WlU aaN thaai ttto aotloa to wwt bhok to th* N 99c Each. oil and stsal Industnas as among s weltarwslght end middlowelght even ptachlag yourself d o « i't mak* tha middle most of th* tlms.but 29c lb. major haartaga also schadulad. ed tor tha wtoatog runs. Thia gave Speak NOT of Injurioo, for with It say different. Ths Rada nuiy or RN Maa Araaa toUght U m aaN, grabbN Haar* Md far a Mt Weahiagtea the serioa end on even contender, returned to his native slugging Ivsl Goodman out most of timid putUnf cost him a chance to at Leulo, Aim. 11-OPy-T* tbota out N tha abywhil* aa tlw . "Our baarlpgs wHI continue to Sweden to box In 1831. He admired may not com* la, but batwoen now crock par. Na N tha awit atitaeUw at tha We Wiii Also Have Large Roasting Chickens. break to 14 game* with Now York July end Ernie Lombardi out port I aad such Umoa' os it's efflrlol, th* who my th* Ctactomtl nods’ TH eurraat outdoor aoaaoa, la aapootod rua. Partoeka hN Mtt a atoN Bf. ; try and develop alt tha facta," ha this season. . Ogren's ability and becaro* at- National Open champion Byron gasM l*N Is too souMi far evea tba lyar Mat glght aN aaraN.i aald. “Thera wUI be po attempt at w t o w n ' s o n s b u s t to draw tha aaoaoa’a laigaat crowd. Tho eembtoatloa of Now York's tached to Ogren's family. Nelson from Reading. Ps., esnw red-hot Oardtoals to ovoreosM, UM Bddi* BaMwta at Moitdaa, atoto Indtsertmlaate. wanton development I^N atioa-H ^e S tores^ defeat and tha Boston Rod Sox' As on aihsteur, Anderson en- home with s 72 In th* cbos* far It,- fit Loula playon loply: ^ Naw I n of Just instances, Thsy won't be hit gsged In 86 contosts In various light haavywaIgM Shoulders of flfth straight victory redueod the 500 first money. Bracketed with him "Let's took at tha roeoN " ' tha aN N a iw lliit BACON, lb. 25c or miss." Yank— ' lead to flve aad a half countries of Europe. He began were Jimmy 'Themaon. ghnwne* on- rua outburrt The petroleum hearings will gamei, the short— margin since training at s gymnasium In Oslo, Delaware. Pn., Ed Dudley. Phlindsl- Oa aopt f, Ifidd, tha RadMrdi elsuaa atralght wto atroah at Lamb, 17c !b. FOR THE PICNIC VIERTEL’S wsto 4H gamoa boMN th* Chicago "Wild auU'*BWttiddowlaK CUoN m Serve with brown gravy sad start about Sept. 18 before the full Juto 18. conducted by Otto voo Porst, once ihia, Johnny Revolts, Evanston, 199 irte W M committee after a subcommittee again in cub* wtUi 28 oontosto to play—but aiaggtr, N U wmm ao will oolUda COLD CUTS. 3 5 C-4 5 C Lb. baked sweet potatoes W* Itocoaiaiaiid . . . FRANKFURT Beotoa ca— from behindA s successful heavyweight ceatend- 11., H arold (Jug) MeSpndan, Wto- thoy woa If of thoai aad cBaohN Mato Partydia Mmo M 1 has computed hearings on Indus- heating tha Philadolpbla Athletics, er In th* American ring, sad under ehostar. Moos., aad Ralph OuldoM, la Um ator haut Tha bout ROLLS.doMB .. I2 C IN BOBBaat » ON of UM ahowara. art Palay MMHam stae, Oeonlaa Bpriag. trial Insurancs, to start about Aug. FRANKFURTERS 7-8, gotttog th— runs on sto am- Von Porat's teachinga devolopod a MsAson, N. J. Four yoara lato^ oa flopt f, tb* aN two saera 21. Fro* Backhfaa’fi, Fan Lla* glaa to th* sixth toalag, _ tramoadous MtUng powrar. On* stroke bock arara Perry Del ahiggtog atalN th* ArsM haa wit- Mat* bafON h GROUND BEEF o t Teauny Bridgoo huriod tbo Do- Garda traUN tN New Tork OlanU |M99i4lM9____ 999992 99 UM WM CM99> Legs of Lamb TsnUUvs dates for other bear- poaBd...... jmOC Pienle Aceoahoriaa Von Porat urged Mm to invade Vecchio, Grsrnaburg, Pn., Tony Pto- aoven gaaM* wlta 81 to play. Thoy Ma huriar h N tokah ings are: Nov. 1, Investment banks; trott Tigors to a 4-8 triumjto over America to try his skill. H* wms aooa M atfviLLe na, Dayton, 0 „ Johnny BuUm Chles- aerappar triaa far a idta aoa- Prices for Fridoy and Soturdoy @ tho Chlcaago Whits Sox with a sev- li ON tost dv* which oouptod Fm oMrt aN tt WM to* 25c lb. 28c lb. Nov. 18, foreign carUU; Dec. l. brought to the United States by OOUiriMO TUOMA6.'/ _ . ~ lb* Wagner, AlHanec, 0 „ and WlU tho Oiute* oonapoo gavo thoss aaeuUva nw okavt status and enforcement of anti- en-hit ilx-atrikcout pertormoace Ogren who conduct* s training Lloyd Uangnim, Los Angeloa. which shut out the Sox until the Ul9 999* Flat Rot Prankfurts BUTT ENDS OF HAM trust laws; Dae. IS, Industrial ex- Libby's R«d Salmon toll con 23c ramp on his $50,000 estst* In th* TTie root of the field trallN be- Today Um Oardtaalo aN ^ T M M N - i a a l WUeon H an Rolls Welghfaic 4-8 Fomda Eaek. pansion plana, ninth. Wisconsin north woods. Jamas J. hind with a doian UN at T4. laolN- eloa* upoa U* hoola of Xadraaa af Naw 29c Lb. Tha Uko tho American League leaders, Brsddock trained there for hla Ing puMInks champ Andy Bawodka Yohdff O'Maboney aald hsaiinga also Ctoctonatl’s pae*-— ter* In the Na- aN hava id gaiBM to play Genaine Calves* Liver wet* plannad on "consumer eooper- »haey championship battl* wdtb Jo* Louis of Etna. Pa„ and about ths taaM at CtoetoNtt hM osly It. IV8 a It- barkay, WUtthMhtto aoqthphw, la| Scotch Ham. Sausage. Ewap. Milk rtleaal elrettlt also wer* spanked, 8-4 two yegr* ego. Moriartys-Bluefields 75. TrouM* .pltchtog and putting Ukaly to pravMo Ma Skax* af aaUM-, 86c 4 Lb. attea and tha Impact of technology Evopdrotfid Milk 4 toll cant 25c by th* Chicago Cub*. Th— of uatlea atarilar to IMd oN 18d4. Eckhardt’s Frankfurta. upon employment." \ th* runs which caused Foul Der- placed NaUoaal P. O. A. champion Howovor, whOo tho CaN iN ii aN poakN datla droworlM. A N with-1 Far Qoldi ringer hi* stvonth aetbock were un- denry PlenN from Hairebey, Pa, to toUtog a N attslatog oom aMBxw- art dauht Oiarga "UN' RD ROASTS OF BEEF, Cut From Our Quality Heavy oaraod a* tke uauoUy feultl— key- the latter group. turn daUy, thsltodi aroa’t dalag at Hartfard'a hart on ______Steer Beef. Milk Crackar* 2 1-lb. pkgt. 28c Bisquick atom cowblnatlon at Lonnlo Frey Sports Roundup Battle Again Tonight TournsBMnt officials who cut par badly rtthor. Thay'va aUppN a waighta. WlU gtv* tM sad BiUy Myers ran into a bod day. two Btrekee tor th* competltMo Utna la raeant daya hut aa yat Mjaaofa worth /Ma M atarta cuff Melton of the Giants returned By Eddls Brjeta pectod a wav* of tow scoring to to- hav* ahowB no aigaa of aoUapM to ON tM RookvUM vataraa, riNEHVRBT Jar Ringa, Good Jewel Shorteniag, Pattoa I* back. But no matter who dnv** second It-bole round what uta did dva yaaN hatryb to hla hat N vtettios. PHONE M a h i e u 's to form with a flve-hit pitching New York, Aug. 11.—(4^—Broad- Twi League's Keenest Lack,. 8 pkga. ... 4-lb. can .. . . Foaoy show whiek stopped the Boston B— way bookies can't oe* thoos 1-4 takes Um field for oithor team this with tha ateg* guns prlmN far th* •62: AaotMr maiiilag at qUqkiaatk-. SERVICE svsntog It will b* a Mttor stniggl* haN padMd aUpBcry graaaa. dome Tha Card* adN t thay'N fo tog to la, HahNd aakatahtt. a N Thay CNm 188 Spm ea Slraat Parowax, Oxydol, Sauerkraut 6-8. Ha had em bad taaliy. price* PhiUy Is quoting on BUiy Rivals Meet at West fourth. wMn Bboton got four* o f iU Conn to boat Qua Doraalo....three right doom tbs stretch to tha wlr* antidpaUd a aeVeampetitiv* oaurM have a prrtty tough Aadraaa, popular lid gauadar tu rn a OTLO C K I*lh« pkg. Side; Lawida and La and Oe net b* surpriasd If a photo rocord to replace the 88 set by tiM NatioBal Laoguo TONIGHT 2 Igt. pkg*. .... hits sad aU of its mas, iacluding a other National League managers tM Whalliig CfiQr. M M artaduIN hemor by AI fliauaona. Molten had flnloh is the result laasmueh Ptttahv^’a Ray Mangran who won't ho M oaay M ovartaktog Um tor loaighL noth dghtora hara Granulated Winiaaia’ Spicaa, Ivory Flakes, have Joined Cissey Stengel In the be- Finer Miiy Be Starters. a thtog. tiM Card* FOR QUICK MEALS — SIMPLE AS A B C ample batting support, however, lief tho Rods may blow their Itsd .,. thsr* Is Uttla er no lev* lort I shot a ra yiiteN ey. OUmta. Par on largo (oUowtog* bora (raai aaleaffd Sugar. 10 lbs. An Kinda, 3 /o r. 2 Ige. pkga. ..,. < Tha field WlU b* eut down to th* tav* ao Diaay Doaa to go la thor* tam w, NaUve Sweet. Jelcy, Florida 49c with Mel Ott, Joe Moore and Alex (qby doesn't that tennis star who twssn the teams. Therefor* If you pwtormaao** to tM fM t. Oooig* Kampourls hitting home runs. Toaigbt I* the night that th* an- best 84 eeoras anwng tba pro* end aN pitch ovory othor dav or ao. Certo, Ivory Soap, wonders why his gam* has blowm want a good seat this evening get AN, while they rtlR hav* tba ethar BortUM, a m at tka aowort W6Ntto[»*y BEETS or Native Fresh Tho b— hasoban, aa often hap- wrrit* Dorothy Dlx or Bostrica Fair- cient Yued between Moriarty* and over to th* Held early aad remem- eight hart among the nmnteuro far ia tM boxlMT nhka, wUI M ahoot-l . ORANGES bottio ...... 8 ban .... gaturday Md dunday play. baU af tha "M* * Paul" ooatotoattoo Eggs. Large Corned Beef 2 n,. 37c poas, ca— from thO|hottom of the fax 7.-.Dick Honloy, former North- the'^lueflelda will be tha center at ber that th* gasM will start at lag (or a thlN atralght hnNlwht|S“2l^a * ” Vinegar, otaadlngs aa th* B ra^ ya Dodger* —brothar Paul Daaa—h* tMaat CARROTS Size. doz. .. . Old Dnteh wast/m coach, oaya BUI D* Corre- hiuebaU Interest Thoas two toam* o'clock eha^. baaa Much haip- wMa M UagMi with TN ItopMta E S * " ^ t a ftk a . 42c doz. Pare Cider. gaL and Fmladrtphla Phillies divided a vant la th* b— ball toter the Big ot Ckanaer, 3 cans. ( Clqm Chowder *lia* 27c douMehaader. In taking th* fl— wlU meet at th* West Side Oval at Mart Start On TtaM Th* only othara N toot I8d4 wto' Naw Load** 148 pouadar la om h(||^ UahtaaN HP ft'"aafff Native Potatoes, Ten wlU have seen since they tut^ UM battw atattoga oa a •lar-atuddN M 3 'bunches 10c gama 8-0 Luke Hamlin of tha Dodg- ed Red Orange loose, lx o'clock and th* outeom* will dc- Moat of th* teams recogMa* the Tigers Garaer ntag coMbtoattea ar* th* ntohto ha- Grapefruit...... 3 for 29c J^lQu.llly, 2 9 - onifcad to pitch threo-htt ball to Importane* of gstttog startod on p^ot Jeaaph Mtthaai iladwieh. uadarae^ aithooBh O’MaUay grt to Green Peppera. Luncheon M e a t^'^^SSL th* ChUesn oenaatioa termin* two things, either, Mori- £» poppar Martla Who alUl routoa na OBM* FBinaga i aearai* '. *' NiMva Cabbage. Cooking Apples. 0 a a e a a o a e • Old Trutty Dog Food 3 cant23e batter a four-hit effort by Walter fomla, I* to be shipped time and now that the rae* has nar- Bock. It was HamUn’s second arty* will remain In undisputed roirsd down this useIsM batting Y Loop Honors much of Ma old 'TMaph' JaaO*aa.aa*tMrtop WIIIUaaaUo| atadMiBtal White Onions. Eating Apples. ^ dort-faotN Tarry Moor*. NMrpRBROwVrfaMrpMwoUr. laW WwMdasra (arN a aaaalaa 'A a .R .H , Blended Fruit A tral^t shutout and tor the second f nieeselnn of first place or they praeUcs that means absolutely notb- Clapp's Chopped Foods ^ Tlae straight game he didn't walk a iln- Daks Wins• A _ f ^ To (hoM fane who see Red* rather wllh Towm Stoaloy, HHartford IWloaiDaM, ao-Fh »..d d • ICEBERG or BOSTON 3 Burges* WMUtaaad, the Uionts' must shar* It with th* lfS8 tows lag Is to be cut down or IlmltN. Th* Juice, 18-oz. can. Q C Whoof iot or Corn Kix 2 pkgt. 21c gla batter. champions. The first meeting this umpires tMs evening have been In- UMa nedMrde (or tM NatloiN aaader 'wMla Charlayy aaohalaa. MUIar, r(HM .....4 d The Dodgers sUrted out to win Phi Beta Kappa aecond sacker, Drub Sulddegf 21-1* Leoga* ohoMploMhlp, tM Cordtoola. R^vMa IW pouadar. iwW attaaipt U PMtra. 0 ...... 4 t RIPE PEACHES Codfish Gik es 2 Tias majored to baMball at North Caro- year between the clubs ondN la a etructed to have all tbs prellmlaary LETTUCE 10c White Pickling <%— tho oooond ga— , too, hut tho Phll- detalle Ironed out and bs raady at To Wi^ First Round Idio today aN opUmMUe ovor toa to atop MIM ’ lU N rt Marldae...... - M a r^ . lb ...... a -1 I”1 I , MEAT VALUES FANCY FRUITS lina, Aut dkto’i graduata....ha has baatod',' dlsputa that still oehoos rtralght vtatarlaa, Mast a " Idaho Baking Potatoes. 2 qfs. 23c Vinegar, gallon.. J L r C Uss' pent-up batting tasUncta bu— throughout this happy hamlet. 6 e'eloeh sharp. It would not bs ao Othar palrlaga laaluda ToaagI B puarrlfc...... - ...... i f 6 6 j out eritb itv*a nma to th* stoth ton- flxod Uitogir up ao he can complete With Tbree Victoriae. W9mtti9: Mooaay. Boaln&l* *N_Paul Tony,’>|5uaaald, i f >.....9 i j J, Native Green Beans. AND VEGETABLES Kibbe's Beans iiSSSTi his A. B.^ogre* at Duk* thio fsU. Spike Lswtds wUl to* ths olab for bad If th* players went up there "Wo’v* Just hoguii to dght! •2 n. ing tor aa $-8 triumph. Jo* Marty and took a coupla of awtoga at th* Hartford. 184 pffuada; jTtolllW.9h ...... 1 r ! i 'i Native W'sa Beann. 4-qt. bskf. 39c Whole Pickling irtplad with th* ba— loaded ones Moriarty* but Just who Ty HoUaad Oaakea, Oodgors are aspeeted to buy will send to the Mil wlU aot bs ball aad hurrlad ths practito alo U m (aat-atapptog T|g*n baatbau RoekvIU* aN Tto LMtra. HfirtlaN, Mixed Spices, — '."r*...... 29c sad MerrUl May Magled with throe- l8d pouada. Haary ~ Oatart. I Firm. Slicing Deviled Ham , JaJto Mooty, SyracuM seuthpaw be- knowh until Just bsfors ths gam*. They do not do thia aod It la aot taam took tM drat rouN at tT' Fresh Persian Limes. pkg. 2 lul oa dnttog tbo Mg Mow. Thi* was "T" haaakall laagua M virtiia N a Wtodsor I lf paaNar. Woye&a tha fl— Mg loogu* vtetoty (w Hu !or* th* week la o u t.. . .the famutsr May BudiOa lA flnsr uneommon to have them taka Mx er P aowffw **9 A' Lemons. rr: 25c-29c maps of Walter flt. Dmis, Lionel Do net b* surpriasd If th* aaOsat Sight swtogo without say n | ^ far 81 to I vietoty ovar tM kvaago at OMaapaa wM TOMATOES Prepared Mus- Crmncd Pass aad Shriaip! poarsoa, who pitched flva-bit haa euletdaa TM Alajor Lea||ue Mw at d'Jdffetoak. White Grapes...... 19c Ib. Lr^ and Rivtogtoa Bialond or* t Fluor, portsldad eutSoMor aad their mate* er the other Uosl Last ii'tiiii tardjjL Jar^^ ..... 25c Baked Macaroni • . • popptaff out on Dot— t sports pag«s roiiat builar, takas tks MIL Mart- Mght tha fane rhantN far thsgsma I l O M at aavaral hay If laaf admita akaagaa aN 4 lbs. 23e Red sad White SauB • Taader this* Asya Tbay ar* r**p*euv*ly to start and tMa writar eskatod aas Mtch (ar UN dm i m ttitX tty win M Bed aad WhHe Ibagp OaelRy aitys ds art llln portaldsrs aad fiM “'TMntfo.Ai SuRuncr Squash. Ripe MazolaOil. Am rr" 29c-33c AiiMies Top Mika Jacobs’ ptreaa ag*at, Mb arcM- ‘ ' Uttla er ao took agatort Moriarty piayar at batUag ptaatlas aara, wM ataatod an Leader* 614^ m irr. RartfhN to...«»..4 d 1 9 Cauliflower. I— to Forsa, tact and hla boa offlM export.... tkom this year. Hallaad. wh* al- itog aevM euto at tbs bah batsr* lactN (ourtaaa npM la tM p.M. today. gallon ca n .. y I a W Morohoad City, N. C., baa vetad UMa, tMa aaartN to vlataty. &t uam. p •••'•* 1 I > Cucumbers. Cantaloupes .. 15c In Davis Cup Tests ways plays kto hnaehaa, su y doclO* gtvtog way to aastbar. Ih* flue y U m AadddatN PrdM Thunar, Extra Large Mae Sifted P e a s favorably for parl-nurtual betting, that La Fluor wlU ba abls to atop want to as* tha ban t w a la aatisa ity ffMk N 'tM taaa a a...... 9 9 Good Honest % K Macareni be if anybody wants to start a rac* batk tM Mttlag a N th* rt ...... 9 'd d tra<^ thora’a hla ehane*.. . . Jim ths Issgus Isadsrs. Tba aaelsat an* hlaae" fllhail B4tttae~-iHM. at Semi-Final* Supply YELLOW CORN Coffee, 1-Ib. pkg. I — C THESE PRICES ARE QUOTED FOR CASH. areuBd a long tiam and Antovkh. PMtodMphld. J4d. Oohh, lb 1 2 for 29c , J „ A u g . 11—— Mullen, Chicago fight promoter, to tM nlSontF^ Ht attthk. • • to town to lino up a fall ball park haawn what tt ia aU about aad al- laettag (our Hta la four tdMo to tM Runs—Werhar aN Fray, Jumbo Peanuts, no. 2 tins S I * ____ have dam It to- rsady.ha haa twp wtoa to Ma erndit Cla*ayNetMatche*|^£‘ : : j J I 22e dox. Honey Dew Melons. , oa today they win try U soekoroo. plat*. Haary" Oiysh ------' — MtL ti. H-Ib. pkg...... this year with ths champs. League Standing epiiis ^ Rum hattN to^-MoONirtN Oto- BtoachoN, p ...... I 6 9 • Lima Beans Ripe Plums. 10c 4»£iffiM uL™ S o FtTT----- Of th s . Cttbaa Spaghetti I Cm toato IB palta, and a vte- Thdag'B Oaort aiar Baaaban axparta hava alwaya fait 9t 9 4 91 U Blueberries. Red Pitted that th* advMtag* Baa trith th* By*, N. Ta, Aug- ll-<(P>~Tk* KnTBL*8 MARKET Bed ead White Faaey, E stre! IB tha doiAla* at tha Boa BdwaN autas, CMcagO' TilbuM: Btoctrlc CELERY Sour Cherriei, ’’Jaaaaaas htoUoa iMdo RMba park » ehib raaosa af hav^ the Ud: Brown, ht iaiM. IN- MjpaUaahrt proSNaa at ftiwTi' t..... !fiSSi Ripe Avocado Pears. % lmm| iSZ5KLS*®i4f2 i , Serve WKhThewleee aad Cheese! bt erlekot club wtO eltooh tho Trlglw—Marsaaa, CMNgB 14; parlarty 9*' ***•* ‘ Ige. 19-oz. can .. at* for tho Au*- thdrheedquartets Mac brtor* taoy tun at tha plat*. If ao ' ~ (CMcagO d. a’a tour oMrt predelaat raeqaataoN ______HtA Oraaaa, 12c bunch lOf N— I wsr* known as totorstat* port* . . . . But thoa* axparta would b* How fork d, nartoal. TMaday aight whoa Um hidaMaa - W hy Rtoga PNafcl* PMMr, oloo aad qualify thorn to so— Yu- fcrttlo U toR N a m at d:18 at tM T-, » tkroa baa fclU, Oaoklai Telephone Peas Ripe California Pears 8 hffimD>S5 goslavia to the totor-aom ftaalo. for se*M r«osea they have raovod fOoadN If thoy fellawN Twl loagua Brooklyn S-8, PkItadotohU 0-t. LhM ItotMaaN lank PaMray out and now'thorn nr* inllHwi* at thia year, (Only gamoa acMdulad) Hartli mat t t a n r a m . 3 quarts 29c 6 for 19c AstIunaUe Adriaa Quirt aad leag TM daal^taN tag of 3 p'v- 2 2 * Joha BManrieh. vtctora to tha thorn to tho Tank** Stadium arbart lart taaai hao hN tha liM toalag the brsnd o f basohaU U much hot- Waahiagtaa T. Naw Torfc I la aa r “ tofftoa matM— ys—Nay. pair off "jlttaM” aad fbw I w. ajptort Bieardo Meralso aad L*r- ter." traaa that had start, BartaaY. PkUadMpMa d. EUTTEh — All Kinds Ib. 30c Datirtt 4, CMeogd g. TIaaN ...... a...... 6 AT MEAT MARKETS aaae Nodo— to tha 8ouM*a iMtah an Mat tt doght to ba th* baaaor hulflidaa a...... 8 this aftocaoea (8:M BOT). Ia vtew FoN C. Frick kaa aufg< gaato at tha aaaan aad ths Mn*at (Only ganMo aciadutod) AnMrttnk aad Nattakar Loastto* Rad Bag ...fe...... 1 RuiM- Foax. Bootoa, IW; Mo- Taylor's of‘yostarday'a proetadtoga onythtog orowd af th* year la enpaatad to Nortk B N JubMh ...... • Rooflt -2 5 - . Ib. 29c lit aa AmtmUaa vtrtary would b* wap umpUna for 80 daya oack aaa- Ita* tha spaeloua Oval tMa ovaalag. TELEPHONE 3886 MARKET aoa... .OtaaU aald thoy wouldn’t .TlgiN ®^’ *hi3 ii to Evaporated Sweet Potatoes m CENTER EIVEET pl^ Mfht balL but thay did pirt tha LowMa wm do tha hartag for ^a.H.PO.A. ^Hk EE QUALITY SUPREME ALWAYS REIGN. am* away to a w«M>to Iforlartya and Maoa tha Rist gaaM L ...... 4 said iMiiiMt Msten imoL It waa on dark bofem a* M ffiaMitla. * Milk, 4 cons 25c Smoked Shoulders. SS |b, 22c | U to Oto Wksfiss cond gam* wltk tho Boo* « af tha atdton haa sat appsaiN rara. Katfcavoek.______If .4 a t • dHaifa. How Torfc, itr. 10c can Th* Mff fttefear haa a world at dpaM M 4t i. otysfc, ah .... .a 9 d t Bslaa OcatJe Pr— Widasidoy th*t Caasy 1 Trial**—LtwM. WN itogtoa, It; of Joan AgnatoI to rtndghtsota; f-6. i liNt to ^inal Ma bull aad aantri ’ to atotah and la fM to 6« CMaapb- • ...... 9d- H. Wf anl i l c M. I h. .1 9 r * *r 1 dozen $1.10 ...... M e Ib. OhrGmidSertdiHub ...... Sleft. Pot Roost I k 29e-33c-35e d-%-«-8. ^dst toOewN with a bril- psa plteh*ta....M r*. O. sHa taSaw with tk* willow. Naw Torfc ...... 8 1 NhtiM Cblckana...... 82e-35c ft. llaat sxhMttea. donatuff moraNa, T , Ptttahurgb...... 48 ^ T O M A T O Abevt 19 Swoele tai n oml idt tlM ertltof wh*k aha si ohaN waa uoN lart aMht aad nb^~9b*...... 4 9 4 9*9 •••••••••• * ••• • ea®®® llU . Od, M , d-1 Agttoro waa tha ft— AP wlrophoto of old ‘Twa-Ton d*ae- bs aM* to tart anl'nad e< arooklya ...... 8d B. WtonbteW. c(. .4 9 9 I d Frankfurters Ib. 29c twa iaaaOa treai BraarNrish sad at ,88 JUICE I^SK IE S.. .^2 pkga. 15e BmytoiY U m It! taff atouad a aight spot woartag a tarn that he oaoM guaUalaakLN ...-4 9 4 1 4 oa* BaM ihad art RMat wtthta Ma dsMa aa aigaaMaL Tha ByeMMM. r f ...... 4 9 1 d • * W S*e, 85e ft. Imia toila gar* dr***....the Ba 4 cam 25c BoMbM Connd Beef...... *8* ft. gcNdt WhBwneta Me ft^ Mead. Me ft. An*B dub of Butoed. O a, travalod nMallaa la who wOI da tbo hnrttog lb.23c-25c-29c 9 m . lA4d all** to dOtond Its far the chaaspaT Povtaay, Borsllo Naw Shtoment Ydd Boeeli^ wiandad...... lie ftw rtdp ta to* D*nv*r m ar* saml-pro or La Fluor aad tha guoM la that BAKERY YedEeaeltaBhbeBff...... She ft. thiauah oiffht g*m** t tournaaoant La Fluor might get the can. FARM CREST COOKIES A GOOD BEEF LOAF 18 FINE! ' P E T E B S * witkEtocatosbaMcaUiI th* Cuban *Mild CtavMaN 17e Pound Box Maffkffk PyF.NIELSEN Pepperidge Farm Bread. WOwn Oh. IJItld B im b S to 4 ftta . .t it ft. offWRiniMn vHa a aaaM. l& n t e trtod-without have So* advaaUgo Chleaffh . OaesRUt • Taffy - Oatmeal ...... * * « * • IMNml Bfc—'to ftty Qutatra Maaphla Manda af Dae Pretara and that I* thoy Wliolewheat. Whit# and ...... SOe ft. Oar. Omtor and OvlawoU aiB. ennta ahofa awaff tlM WarttogtoB Mohusca. Raisin Bread. 8Bnhad gbaaldarh...... Ste ft. J. toO G A N gave him a "tacky haeae Near at at. pksftsg Stoak G roand...... 85c-88c ft. M.gne La^ tho rthor ffar-—tRafa ta* Raymond Donuta. ftoa atr— TaL I rtrtontly am a taaso, grtttog th* RANDALL Swiftli Dhlgy HaaiB ...... lie ftu way a gaia Ma fnaada gtv* aka •Tort" af the Coffee Cakes. added—btondN with Veal m dta NEP NELSON korsa afeaaa. Ma piajrera gtva Mas . W H O L E C H I C K E N 8eP9v* WhiB PBB dh ywBr waridae ar dMadMt, w m m HDBAia P.F^GASHiON _ tMir toaa ptoy. Oa tho Twisted •UBM aat IN .' Last Night*$FighU bars* ooOnto and thn fans giva hlai athsr hand th* Blnadolda hast w;cns\'- ^ Dirakc'a coffee Um Em »! It diB* Ibebert ywa ffhffr tha hand >ugli....wMeh la •BWl what^UM d eoa r .atdaraC leebox Cakes. 0«r Raeon Is CbaagWI _lar’t||a Price f 1A7. koto hkra briia an vartoo* othor ant* Dutch Apple Cakes. BoilN had Baked Haai PiMltotMnrt Madbreto FrieHt Pecan Coffee Cake. A P el Llaa a t Q aalty GraMtiM Uf^ PBMtdiaioa. Od). ,,va, * that I BrawB*hBNt4r 1 fflee 8dltctl8B d f iffitoilia Taiffsaaartlfl ln y Fatotoi. 18*. I t a r t H a l a s t CtnchmatL-sdlpatotad Fatoy Fsttor- JUST PHONE 3886 — WE WILL BE GLA D TO OBLIVERt aea, I8 i, Bsaaisart, K g, < ). WatMtaary, Oaaa, Tdehtor CUm- P/ ii:hu n l i^)vcc/7/ ^/ic - IM. N6» Trtfc. - - - AO Oar Lanb la Spring Leaib! Lsffaef Lpaih-Lena Bali of Idnak CENTER CUTS ABPintNaaL XANCHE8TE1 EVEMHCO HRRAIA MANCRESTBI. OONM« FITOAY. AUGUST 11. 198f VAMCHERm EVBMOCO BBBALO. MAMCBBRBB. OONIf, IBIDAT. AtJGinT 11. 1M» "FAGI fOUBTBBM ~ «. BED BYDER Ryder’s Rnae Is BUY S EI. L R E W T//^ — Sense and Nonsense — totOBBdb AjCP-DTbCUlJSBr Lidtot.^EDnpaBtaiM aif MOST o r US OO MOT HAVi. A Si 1818 anly 8M fa r aant at Iba Put your haaaawr (a too (ochar OUILTT OONBCIKNCB WHEN avaraga Income at tba paopla was With your baad-axa do Ukewiaa: THE (30VERNMENT TALKS ragulrad to pay tbs axpenaaa of tba mwMi Aay aaa aaa ba a kaachar, ABOUT IDLE CAPITAL NOT SE- govanmant la 1888 that par- eaa oltlctaa. IKO PUT TO WORK. oaatogs hod toeraoaad to oaatly 84 wStto8a tba boOdlBf baML p8r cant TBaMh it burta yoor faoa to amlla: Tula rn yon know bar to apeak A t tba atort tt aHw go awkward. to? UNOOMPLBRD TASKS WILL AOTIHIOIULBS rOKSALB 4 MOroRCYCLESo MACHINBRY AND RetnniB to Face Expeiuive Matter Bat yaaH gat Ita n sr wbila. Mary—Me, aoly to talk abowL NOT WORRY in IF WE GET BICYCLES 11 TUULB U Plana to Retire BUST AND FINISH THEM. iwm> baiu»ain»-i »30 I Control of Yugoslavia It aftaa watkMbla way: HAPPINESS COMES FROM jt3 t Buick wiUn, 19Sl N*Mti FOR SALE—1980 HARLET OAVtd USED OEHL, PAFBC, BUnard, Jersey Chaise To Support Son M ra Jaaa—'Wa bavaa'i baard WITHIN DEPENDINO UTON Fbto ■alaaoiaii 1 toat gat a aadu, lt29 PootUe ooacli, IMO eon motorcyclA raaaonAble. Call 11 McCormick BUo flUara, potato (Ug- WHAT WE ARE RATHER THAN bunch ot ardata aaar tba pbana oouM. Brunner Sale* Oo. to gara. L a m aalactlen traetora, gas fr a * USala Jobs aad Aunt EUa far Lewie atreet. Is Essential in Balkans 30 yaara. How da 30a axmet to ON WHAT WE HAVE. Second Balaamaii ■ ■Tan ontot hoaa itTMt. Open eeenUita. engines. Dublin Tractor Oo., WUU- baan toiktog srith yoor wito. mantlc. Morrlstowii, N. J., Aug. 11.—(B) Los Angelas, Aug. • 11.—(P>—It’a • » ’ tiMniT # Mr. Jaoaa—Bsay! ITl rant a cot- Taadisr—Donald, glva ma a aan- mn *ALB—1M7 NASH MssT raet aabllaotlaa at aArartlaina « l » ba Braltbwalte, 83 Peart atrsaL celery: vegetable salad. luncheon at the Sturbridge Inn. and them at work as they pressed the of Yogoalavia’a exports. Since Yugo- Itlond of Sagos ... . -J"48r ""V " laetWaA aalr a? aaaeallaliob of iba SEVERAL MODERN SIX ROOM Dinner—Tomato soup; meat loaf; later held an informal meeting at purple grapes of a plentiful 'vintage, slavia has no alternative market for Ihirai amAO tar tea aaralaa raaAaraA. summer squash; lettuce and cucum- Ami Spic«d Htrring AU aAaartiaaaMBia aiaat aoatora aingis bouses, alao two family Uata the Bennett camp. The next meet- ■at With tham In their cottages, and the bulk of this trade, har paalUon la airla. aaar anA traoaraaar »ita HELP WANTED—MALE M In axcallant locatlona Apply Bd- cream. Wounded Boy's ing will be held at the home of Mrs. partook of tha traditional honey aa regards Germany Is obvious. fl'IURZf •• “mm mar slump* to re«alenaaa aataiaaa ar iha paaliaa* wrard J. HoU. Telephone Manehea- MONDAY; **A flne situation! I bite my nails and I cateb die didten»— W ANTED-YOUNO men to work COwlea at Lakeview Terrace. Lake and water—mark-of boapttality. Belgrade's anxIeUas wars greatly ^ ledaad’s busibesi. The flxh- ata aaA Uar raoarra laa rlahi » ter 4643 or 8038. Breakfast—French omelet; rc- 'ntesa simple folk wore what to Increased when Italy odcupted A l- the baby puts his foot in his mouth and you drink cuter aAH. taalaa ar ralaei ear ooer ooa* on Delry Ferm. No loatars, end Wangumbaug. tog ruM) to on. toaated whole wheat biscuit; stew- Condition ‘Fair’ roe were atrange costumes, and bania in April, for Alhaiiu provides al^reA oaiaetlonaBla. no drinkers. Cell et 198 Spencer ed prunes. Mm. Edwin Boehm of Buffalo. N- Buiiaat of all tba flahing ports eLMINO HOURA-UlaaaiaaA aaa street. WANTED TO RENT Y„ and her daughter Mrs. Robett hard-leathar roocaaalns with tunny a powerful military > baas.. - which an SIgluflordur and btojordur. la aa raailaaaA aama Aar ■oat ba ra* 88 Lunch—carrots and peas; spin- curled-up toes like the nose nf Alatf could be used against . VuBoalAvia. gleaA ar II a'eloea aaooi BaiorAara ach; milk. Sebert of Hartford with whom ahe hnriaff capitals of tba world, Io< FLAPPER FANNY BY SYLVIA YOUNO MAN TO work in drug WANTED—8 ROOM tanamant. Raa- U visiting, were dinner guests dip's lamp. Buf they bad the aainie This fresh Yugoala* efriata npra*, •toad Riat half a dagrsa from tha store; one permenent end one vaca- aonabla. Middle aged couple. Avail- IXnnar—Roast beef; asparagus; Danbury, Aug. 11—()P|—Charles thouAto and dealraa aa our own' ■efita ooa of tha moa( Important da-, TBLBPHONB YOUR avocado salad; fruit whip. Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Circlit. tion relief positions open; one with able Sept. 1. Call 7310. Pack Moore, ll-yeac-old aon of Mr. Sebert at Northeast Shore, Lake people here at home—and., every- velopmanta In tha clash between ti)e TUESDAY: thing rglrolved About paaceJi j Tito whiatio of a fishing trawler WANT ADS some store experience preferred and Mrs. MacDonell' Moore, of Dan- Wangumbaug. Berlin-Rome axis aad tha AnTtor 1 Il tba aignal tor werktra to hurry MPlaa aval tba talapbooa but not compelling. Apply by letter Breakfast—Cottage cheesa; pine- Now Belgrads Is faced with the French brotherhood. - AAaara i HOUSES FOR SALE 72 apple. bury, remained In "fU r" condition at MIse Marion Eaton of Brockton. to tha dockf, to clean tha catch, at tha CBAHdB RATK atrao abo.a to Box D, Herald, giving refer- Masa, ia vtaltlng Misa Margaret M a ountractaiica to aArartiaara oat ences end previous experience, U Lunch—RloS; cooked carrots Danbury hospital today, suffering pack tba borring In barrels. In Ua CAAH HATBA will ba aeeapiao aa any. TWO TENEMENT HOUSE, 8 and olive and celery salad. a gunshot wound lii the abdomen. Jacobson, who returned Wedneadny illarBato lasers of fish and spiced PUU. PAtMHNT lt ealA at taa buai- 8 roomi, furnace, garage. All con- Dinner-^ Left-over beef; atiing The lad waa shot yekterday near the from the Girl Scout Leadership Mother Seeks Easy aatt. Tba avaraga daily catdi it aaaa aCtea an ar aofora taa aaraata veniences, centrally located. Write Cobb Released' WASH TUBBS AM m Aar tailowina ta. Arai inaartioa ot YOUNO MAN WITH some expen- beans; stewed totaatoea; salad of ■ummer home of hla parents at Training Camp at Plymouth, Mmw. about too bi^ls; moat et tha Vinr aaeP aA otbarwiaa taa CHAKiibi ence to work In meet market. Ad- Box F, Herald. green leafy vegetablas. No desert. Candlewood Lake Oub. New Mil- Billy Graham haa been spending WPA Job fo r Her Son aaasonh catch is consigned to JIATB trill ao oollariaA No raaponai* dress Box N. Herald. WEDNESDAY; ford. a few days at the cotUge of Mrs. From Hospital Swadan. - MJ8CT. W i l f i i 98 MItr tor arrora to lalapbonaA ada Breakfast—Coddled eggs; Melba State Policeman George Noxon Raymond Bennett at Big Alum Tha work jt aot hard, tha pay ■III aa aaaamoA aaa thalr aoeoracr LOTS FOR SALE 73 Bristol, R, 1.. Aiig. 11—(Pi— AAaaal aa roaraataaA Toast; atawad figs. aald two boys from the summer Lake near Sturbridge, Maas. good. AHanuta ssasona of hay> * • ^ 4 MMNf lACK M 8 WH a M ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 FOR SALE—BUILDINO let on Lunch—Fresh fruit as desired. colony at Oandlewook Lake Club Mrs, b ; Lynn Beerwort Of Sandy A Bristol mother, intsreeding tag, on inland farms, andT fishing INDEX OP with rellaf autboritiaa for a San Francisco. Aug. 11 — (F) — FOR SALE—800-FIVE gallon Coca School street 00x123. Inquire Mag- Dlancr—Chops; spinach; siimnMr ware in a boat shooting Into the Shores ia spending a weak , in Maine, kaap lealopd'a workars busy. Tba CLASSinCATIONS nell Drug CO. 1098 Main street. squaah; lettuca and olive salad; water with .33 calibre rifles. It la accompanying Mra. Cetoa Hurley of W PA job for aon, told them: Humoriit Irvin S. Oobb waa rcleaaad Cole kegs 33c each. Inquire Cen- "Plaaae see ; If you can't find Ulaad-has no unemployed, no a 0 a a a a a a a 0 a a 0 a a a a a a a a a a a a A ter Phermancy, Odd Fellows BliKk, gelatin. beUeved one of the bullets riccochet- WllUmantle. today from tba hoapito) whara ha' iMiaf problem...... U BROOKFIELD STREET, cholceat THURSDAY; ed from the water or (rom a atone Mrs. Eltan Branlerd of^ Boaton ia a place for hUb on a white col- had been under, treatment' for n o a A a e a A A A A A A A A A A o a a a A ^ or The Murphy Drug, Depot lar project. He Isn’t strong Althougb its namo auggasta;, Square. buUdlng lot near Center, 80x170. Breakfast—Crisp waffle; bacon; just beneath tha surface and atruck here for the remainder of August stomach disorder for nearly thraa a a a a a a o a A O A a A A a A a a A a A A A A Owner non-realdent. SaciiAct price. enough for pick and shovel weeks. tooatn wastat and tndlasa gtodato' r4 Gt TkGBhG ...... hr stewed prunes. the Moore boy^ who wraa standing The Rev. Henry E Hoblnsoa and work.” lealand'a climata greatly Tutom-' MGROHRU a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 9 Telephone Hartford 3-3241. Lunch—Cork on tha cob; celery ca ahore about a quarter-mile across several of the older boys class are "I got 8100,000 wofth. ot mefteal Bt GGh a a *0 a a a a a a a a a a a 1 A social arorber, aent to aisa Mas that of nortbam VnUed ELECTRICAL ilad: cooked turnips and carrots. the cove from the clubhouse. at Camp Woodstock for a few days' advice for nothing," Oobb said. "It A B M U n O G R G n U . . . . • A a a a ...... I Am'sto N lake—I wUI sell my up tha prospect, found him to isn’t often that a can can boast ha Stotaa. Tha warm eurierito of (ba ^rtGIIBlS ...... a ...... A ...... I APPUANCES—RADIO 4» Dinner—Celery soup: Salisbury It baa not been determined from outing. beautiful water front lot reason- be: had 18 doctora and lived." OuU Stream perform the magle able. Apply Ur. Kuhniy, Amaton ■teak; beets; lettuce and tomato which of the two rifles the shot Leonard PUIsbury, a student st Six feet two. 190 pounds. of Bloving It—cUmatlcelly—1000 larj BoteawAllee lot Aala ...... «FOR EXPERT RADIO repairs cell salad; stewed apricots. which hit the Moore boy waa dis- 3838. Reliable, reeaonable Ben- Lake. Andover-Newton 'Theologlcsl Semi- A picture of health. IBiloe south. ^ AolaBobllaa tot Aachana...... I FRIDAY: charged, Officer Noxon said. nary, aad an advisor at (3amp Wan- Aato Aoaaaoorlao—Tiraa ...... •sons Radio. 718 Mein street. Braakfaat—Cottage chcasa; plna- gtata W PA Admlatotrator YuM and toed'baim long been Aaia BapAitina—PaiBiina ...... t gumbaug on South atrsat wUl ba ta Ptfrall D. Coyle waa not antlra* Tales of Strange laatondara* mateBroblenu. They AAto M aola ...... I-A appla. charge of tha morning servlea at tha art bglaf aelvaa new. Tba gayaart K. i.4 » 1 '•'34 nbY Aa Ioa—A btp br Troaa ...... i Lunch—Celery aoup; aalad of |y without aympathy today, Aotea rot Hlra ...... r GARDEN—FARM - Hartford Couple Baby Has Delicate Oongregatlonal church next Sunday hosrever, whan the ctreum- and hot aprtofs era baing tapped whole tomatoes stuffed with diced la the absence of the pastor, who Birds Recounted fjeresao—Aerrlee—Atoraea ...... ir DAIRY PRODUCTS 5U cucumbers and grated raw carrots. atancea were called to hto atten- tor itaafii- and watarpowar to MalArereloa—Bloraiaa ...... II wUl supply the pulpit at Talcott- tion. Said Coyle: bMag aa^ltad to conearva fuel AIXBT OOF LMwfWtlwBMi* WaatoA Aotoa—Motororelta .... Ii FOR SALE—STRING heana 18c liijiircMl iu Crash Dinner—Jellied tomato bouillon Brain Operation vUle. served In cubes; *baked sea bars; *Maybe the boy to milk fed. eBp^tee, Tba island'a producing aaA rrataaaeaBBl beeket. Pick them yourself et 14 Miss Martha Mailman aad bar in which case ha probably , Baataaaa Aamtae IMIaraA It string beans; salad of cabbage and LOa Angalaa. — (F) — Talas of fgrto aeraaga is amall. but axpari- rT S S S S n S " village street. Town. brother Brie Hallmaa of Norrtatown bruises easily." ...>'-'7' BaoaibolA Sarrlaoa OBaraA ....11*4 gratto carrots; gelatin. ■tranga Unto and axploOag octupt ttNBll in groartog plants ta ehsm- BbUAIbb—OaBtraetlBB ...... it Slitjibury, Aug. 11—(Pi—Mr. and are guasta ot Ur. aad Mra. J. La M* sustset a pomi)^ altama* Flanato.—Noraarlaa ...... II SATURDAY: Kanaaa Oty. Aug. 11— Doc- wsM brought to America recently Mrs. WUIIam McLaughlin of 87 Roy Schwejrer. Faaaral Dtraotora ...... II HOUSEHOLD G(R)DS 51 Breakfast—Wbolt wheat cereal tors aald today 7-waek-old Shirley ■a Globe-Trotter Gaorga Vaadarvllt noiBblar—RooSoa ... II Mr. and Mra. John Cummlak left MalandB . %>btog iUatory to I-M Hungerford street. Hartford, were with ^llk or cream. Ann Ftahcr had a good chance to New Legion Home and hto wife headed back to tha SEE THE "HONEYM(X)N" — 3 Lunch — Combread; combination on Saturday for Providence aad -Or'aaa»aaiM ...... >* rooms of furniture 8168.00. (lu.uu Injured In an accident on Mountain become a normal haalthy child after Sunday aoeompaaled Mr. and Mra PbUadalphla drawing rooms tbi^ d^ abOva dark viotat ^WaaUdriTtOBttB the A bbs graoBdawMiMT down—18 months to pay. Albert's vegetable aalad. ■srted for Sumatra's jungtaa. Vmi road, shortly after midnight Thura- Dinner— Brollad atoali; bakad a delicate brain oparatlon. Martin CrofweU ot that d ty to L to Bids on Monday paMaga aartoa r . hgiB BIO vWf «El • iww aMr-** Furniture Co., 43 Allj-n Bt., Hert- day In which both were thrown Tha baby waa suffering from hy- boa Centor. Malao, wbeca aha'sriu Tba couple told at dtoeovarlng a ^ ford. Conn. carrots; asparagus salad; cUstard. lertnua. canary-ilka bird baUaved clear of their car. Mr. McLaughlin *Baked Sea Baas; After thor- drocephalus. a diaaaaa which medi- ■paad two weeks wilit bar mother rroobinr—Atorara w.. • l« cal science has found difficult to Mrs. Wrenji_.- long axUncL aad several naw spaeiaa Aaaaaai Aamoa ...... lO-A FOR SALE-CREAM RNAMK^ landing In a nearby Ravine. oughly washing and wiping fish, Mr. McLaughlin waa reported In conquer. Mr. and Mra. Ralph McQuestan Bids are expactad to-ba opened by la the Atjeh country of North Suma- tOONERVlIXB PUi BY FONTAINE FOX •raaortoA ...... II kitchen stove equipped with oil place In a baking pan with a small tra. lal Aarvloaa ...... II b\imer. Cell 8327. aertoua condition at St. Francis bos- amount of water and bake In mod- The surgeons succeeded In drain- of Hollla, N. Y„ are apandlng a weak Monday for tha oonatructlon of tha Baaalrtar ...... ii pllal. Hartford, today and hla wife's ing exceaa fluid from the spinal at Mrs. Thomas Graham’a Taa New Legion Home on Leonard VanderbUt, aon of tba lata Alfred Tailartne—Urrinr—OaanlBB ... !• erate oven One .pound or leas usual- Gwynaa VnadarbUL added a daacrip- - IS TaHat OooAa aoA Aarriea...... IIFRIGIDAIRE. 8 1*2 cu. ft., reftnlsh- condition was said to be fair. He ly requires from 18 to 30 minutes; cohimn which had praaaad agidnst Room, StraaL The foundatloa haa airaady UN4l .E **chrw ’ * wiubon , ;t»Quip man ■ the bralnu This gave temporayy re- tion of a raro typa of octopus which WaBiaA—BaalB.aa Sarrtea ...... II ed. perfect working condition, has a possible akull fracture and from 8 to 4 pounds, about 48 to 60 Melvla Young of the U. 8 . Marina bean oomplated by W. A. Johnson BAaOBtlMBl guaranteed to give iiatlefactory she baa lacerations of the head and lief to the Infant but the surgsons Corps has bsea apandlng a few days ha caught la Hawaiian wtoara—tba minutes. Add no fat. Beaaoa with ready for tha start of the building Ootuaaa aoA Claaaaa ...... it service, reasonahle. Kemp's Inc., knee. pointed out It .wrould ha several with hla parenU Mr. aad Mra John third ever reported In that territory, Brtaaia iBotraetlooa ...... Ii butter and salt If desired when ■a aoon aa tba contract has baan be sakL ,0 ^ 783 Mein. Driving toward Hartford. Mr. Mc- ready to serve. You will find this months before It could be kaowm Young before leaving tor Ohio ...... ss-a whether the results were pamulnent aarardad. “This particular octopus Uvea to a r IlMlGAl^UrsmAtle ...... ISFOR SALE—GOLD MEDAL Olen- Laughlin told State Policemen method of preparing flab aupertor whara ba will ba aUtlaaed. Lagloa officera axpact to have tba great dqKK>” ba axplatawd. “When . WGGfG4‘~tfl»trweftOOB • • • • • a A o a a ic or another operation might be wood combination stove. Alao din- George Smith and Laircn Larson to those methods calling for gravies Mr. aad Mra Alfred Staabosr and IW booM coniplatsd for occupancy they are bitwgtat to tba aurfoca, flttC X L lB AND BIB fBUNDB nsAAdAl that he had been blinded by the ai^ aaucea, for you will gat all tha necessary. family ot Norwich aad Mra Stato- Baaea—utocaa—Murtrasaa ..... li ning room ael. Sacrlflce. Muat go. by Nov. 1. Tha total edat of tba tba change ta water praawna to mors •ualBaaa OpportaBitlaa ...... II 83 Edward street. lights of three onopmlng cars and briiefUa of a good protalD food nar’s sistar Mias C. Evalya Atklaa buOdlag to expactad to ba about tbaa tbay can stand. Tha ona I cr Maoar to Loao ...... it struck a retaimng, abutment, badly without any of the harmful effseta of Orlando, Fla., apaat tba waaband 88.000. brougbt up lltarnUy burto In twnto.” ■alp aaa AHoatlatM MAYTAG WASHING machine, lUe- damaging the left tront of the ma- produced by the addition of the at tha Staahoar farm oa lUplay HUL Ha praaentad both hahraa to n '■alp WantoA—Paoula ...... Il tlme aluminum tub, reflnlahed and chine. ordinary sauces and saaaeatnga. Curb Stocks Mra Frsdarick Cbadxrlefc is aart- Honolulu Muaaum. Ualp nraoloA—Mai* ...... || rebuilt like new. Priced very low. .AelaaiBab PtaaiaA ...... II.A ously in at. tha horns et bar daogh- Blip Vantad—Mala or Paotala.. . II Kemp’s Inc., 763 Main. Qnaatlsni And Anawars tar Mra ' Jamaa W. Graaa aaar Firemen G>ni|iier M oaia Waataa ...... ii*a Mrs. Johnson Takes (Dry Backet) Ama Cits Pow aad Lt B IH Ma^alMd DapoL ■ItAAilona WaaiaA—Famala .... Ir Question; Thomas J. wants to Ask Gas and El A ...... W Grips Rafter Ti§^l ■liAaiiOBa WaBtaA—Mala ...... li Mias Carol Van Aradala ct HipUr Stubborn Blaze BmalarMtBi Aaanetaa ...... IV Notice of Public know; “Wfiat does a dentist mean Ama Suparpow ...... % HUl aatartalaad 80 mambara ad tba Uoa ArB»A t«olB rmmitrr— Aoblein Women’s Golf Title when he tells the patient the lattar au Bve...... 5% Touxg Damocratte Club at tha Vaa Causes His Deal Ueea—BirAe—Pata ...... ii has a dry socket ?" Do P r d ...... -8814 Aradala laka fraot Tuaaday avaafaw Uaa UocA—VabMIaa ...... ii Answer; Technically apaahtng. In El Bond aad 8h aa^oOaaoaa 8H at adag roaat which tooh tha Moons, Ang. l l —OR—Fliaman . Baalirr aba Aappliaa ...... ii Hearing Si WeotaA— P a t^ Poul'rr—Atoeb It dentistry a dry aockat maana a cer- Ford Ltd ...... e a a a - a a a s a o o o a a a( tha ragular oianUily from four towns wen a battla aariy Mra. Ethel Johnson w-on the tain condition uncevarsd whan a Nlag Hud Pow . OroanvUla, 8 . C . Aug. I t —<•>— Pat Aaia MtaratlaBaaaa Zoning Board of Appeals Mr. aad Mrp. W. U today ever a atiihboni blaaa In a Art la laa Par Aaia ...... la Women's Championship of the tooth Is axtraetad and thara Is no Panaroad ...... 114 family and Mr. and Mrs. Han, 10, gut a datoh g r^ « •aala aaA Aeoaaaortaa ...... ii In accordance with the require- Manchester Country Club . yester- bleeding, no plood clot aad tha ax- urn O a a ...... 3 Rlcbardaaa aad thorily ^ aaf Wadr cow ban oa tbo (arm at Frank a laRar aa ba foU Into an a lm tM •ailAIBa Matarlala ...... |iments of the Zoning Regulations, poaiire of a hard. dry. glassy bona. Uni Lit aad Pow A naaday at Mason' My^U^UMuabaK^to tba aaot vUlaga ascUoa ■baft ptoylag la a vnaain UMatoeAB—Waiebaa—JaAoIrr .. II day, defeating Miss Marion FiU- IK BloatneaJ Aopliaaeae—Hedmnotice .. lala hereby given that the Zon- garald, 6 and 4. Hewevar. one of my dentist friands buUEag. PApI and raaA ...... ing. Board of Appeala of tha Town In the Women's Tournament yae- tnforma me that this term la used Tha dm heatta ant Mat night to HP was found hanging by hla al- OerAaa—rarm— Oalrr ProAoeUof M Manchester will hold a public terday. match play against par, In eonvcraatlon with tba layman 8:80 a'ctoak nad it Monad antfl bowa on tha beam 18 font from tfto ----- "alA OooAa ...... || when the dentist la rtaacrlhlkjg an r* ana Toola ...... u hearing In tba Munlctpal Building using threeH)uartcr handicap, three Vernon^s Railroad Depot ■bortly attar mMaIgM. Fbadghton bottom of tba tooR. nW ■bjMi lan BCOBCBT BUriR NT J N N P ieiU lB l — iBatraaaoia ...... ( ...... |a on Thursday, August 17, 1989, at playcra were Uad at the end of the Infection with a breakdown of tha from Maoroa, •t'paay, ■old tba b ^ bgd bMd Mmailf ao I aaA Atoro Etiaipowot .... Ii 8:00 p. m., on tha following appU- round. The. tripla-Ue wlnnera were blood clot. Ho explains that thara la Long HUl amndged to aava otbar tightly agotoat tha rafter that tha -'1 at tba Ataraa ...... la catlons; Mias Marion rltss«rald, Mrs. Ethel a batter mental affect upon tha bntlilkMi — tba tons. olth«M b tha fourth toft lib was primid agatast ------1 Apporal—Para ...... |i patient wbm ba la told be has a 417 . Now Being Tom Down WaotoA—Towri^al Bor BaorA ...... V. Al AppUeation of tha Manchester Johnson and Mrs. K. Bralnard. all ■Uo tha haart ennslag It to Mop. . ra ^roAiaA ...... b Athletic AasocUUon for permlaalon 8 don-n. socket than when ha Is told ha has ftr MoorA—Maaorla ...... aa Infection. -Boataaraata ...... to erect two four-family apairt- Tha railroad depot at V< gitoekvilto Important ttaas at tbs Maas •Iloeaa—BoorA ...... menta oq Haynes Streep In a raai- known aa tba Vamon-RocfcvUto and tba mills tba- vicinity also tod tba Waahlngton. I rnttmtm Baa Bam dence B aone. Waal Pracltoa Question: K***V.'^wrltan: “Ito wvtnl itowMdi Aug. ii;-4Fy-Tha. Mother has n Mood pcaaMora e ( 8O0L Juaetkxii, la baing to n dowa and pnvldad s i CIO Mnowncai yoiMidtoy 85 at Ita Flaiak XaoaiMeta . . Application of Fraderlck tiM VIcIb II Moabars.batd ot cattle araa la tha ,,. .Pgganlla.Waal -SMas arta-Twat uae'' ' 3a>tbla ^amSUNiS IMyWkgBT* tltF'ttaritonar-aan-''’-Blttytr-aaw*ad ■anrttima landiri wouM 'ota“^J■or BaAi2?* *•’ ••• 'SehataehiMider for permlaalon to dal T Pjtod n i n plat r.waq|pastnn to tha Uma to enet a buUdlng to bit used as a at (ha Waat Side acid tomorrow Tan. Tbs normal ’ This to lA Pee Bant ...... afternoon at 8 o’clock. " preasurs runs abmit 180. Whan tba 8m oowii. milk room at the oomar of Bioad town tbnt haa Tha (hipot at Vamon was huflt ba- and Lockwood straeta, la a taal- ptaaaura Is abent 800. tmmadtoto Tba depot at atapo abouM ba takan to radaea It. fbra tha cm ta Roekvllla. Tha dence B aone. toaoeb Hm to KqdcvUto won aot AmtUcatlon t t George Dart for (liankanrtnt Psato) • baOtaattl 1888. on (M gM to Bock- parmimloa to eract a building to ba QuasUen: Maaria B. atotaa: “My 'Xflla-baiag tokaa ty ‘ used aa a milk room on Lake Strsat doctor tone ma I hnv« a mlU *mi- to a rural and raMdsnea A moot. trttkmar anaaato aad adstoaa timt f AU paraona iataraaiad la Mt BMM -SS *thiR appHcatloaa may appear at I raaMas Iw la ptatoMy Hgbt la h

..-Vi .i ♦ii/

tIAOII •ntTOAT, AUGUST U . I ft t . SmtfWMflrr Eiifi*w Hmdb

Tho Mftaehaatar Radio tMb will Ur. and Mra. EMny HUtoft of Valorto Templo maao *10191 bold Ita flint outlat fluaday at tba ftbi fttrsst wbo loftvbif Maa- Luther Leaguers There waa tOorm augbag. at -Hap- Foreign War Veto About Town pubUe baaeb, OolunMa taka. Tba tester on the ITtb to w k i iboir py Birth to Uoyd" aad oCbsr aooga Contacts Florida Friend Biambata wtU brine Ibalr own boa booM In Hftrrlsvlllo, R. I, wwn ben- To Act as Hosts and also tep Itaaoiag by Jeaaao HU Call Special Meet 4. hmehaa aad c a ^ a fifll day o f omd with ft sutpelso nolobmtloft of Ugaa and Rbee Daaeoase. Rose boatlaf, Bwlmiaait or ' aporta their Uth wmmg unlversnry k and Alberta fltaum gave aa axhibl- By Way of Minneapolis jh t ftt the boom of Mr. ftad Mm. abora. Ibay can alao brlnf tba tlon of -Jlttertmg- daaelag, a MMnflt KoMMa ft dfty la wbola family. It la aspected that WUIlftm Biugra of Summit strs Tba laithsr Laagos of tbs Eman- Rose mad a poem aba had ronipnesd AaderMn-Sbea Poet. Vetenns at Mr. and Mra. John L. ftelnarU of brother and slater-la-lftw M Mrs, usi Lutbsran church win hs host to Tom Stows fbrnMrIy at Tbs« This aoMtour relMad tha local pay IMa waak. Tba hot oaUU^'s birthday. Betty Hohl alao rorsiga Wars, win bold a •paeial Harald, now a rasldsnt o f *------aaiaikir hwuaht alnay tba tobaccoAHlncton. Va., formerly of Man- Hilton. Orly membem of tba Im- Om Hartford Lsagus at a Jblnt meeting Tuesday night at tba mssaage tor taiformaUcn to opera- ebeater arlll ba (ueata. mediate family srers , pressiit, to' meeting next Tuesday night which Florida, and at prssent on vacattoo tor RUaa In Miami, and within a SaSat tIMIt «M aaoaaaarr to la- Itefreshmsnte ware ssrvsd after Green Home at S o'clock. Tbe buai> In this vicinity, on reading that a & eluding Mra. Margaret Brosm, will stilt with an outdoor sports tlM ptrformancs and tba Uilbdsy neee of (he meeting will concern few ralnutea a contact was made and ha fbcaa. H m pay a«s mother of Mra. Hilton,,her slaUm, tropleal hurricane was coming to- a raaasuring m isugs waa rslaysd I la ha laaa, la aoaaa oftiaa, than A^ R. Ooa, aoa of Hr, aad Mra. program at 6:80 o'clock. Badmln- ke waa mads by Uoyd'a aunt. tba coming National convestkm of Allan It. Ooa of 74 Hamy atraet la a Booolo and Mra. John Porter of ton, eroqust, borssshos pitching ward Florida from Porto Rleo, miM back to Stowe, that reporti. at that It paid by aatall giowan. Hiss ChrisUiM PhiUlpa A parted of the VFW In Boaton and membefn a successful attempt last night candidate (or the freahraan elaaa at Hartford, Mr. Porter aad their taro snd darts will bs enjoyed on the will select the uniform to be worn, time ehewed that tbe hurricane waa I auda kaowB to tba ewn- Worceatar Polyteebnle Inatltute ebUdren. A piaasant evcalag was gs tries foUowsd. Hany gifte were through short wavs amateur radio MIU out St sea—that posMbUlty at aC tba plaatatloa aad they at church lawn, after which a abort received by the smaU guest of arrange for traasportatlon to Boa- which wtn ratlatcr September 3S, spent by all preaeat aad as a Indoor mooting wlU bo bald. to receivo Infcrmaetan from a friand, any damage to the area eurround- ~ t tba ecedlUona by glvtag honor. ton and return aad other Incidental Zeke RUaa, atetlon W4DNV, biit In enrollment bm ^ reatrleted to 18Q. ' 'gbt aad lasting remladsr of thsir conventloa affalra Ing Miami waa not anticipated, aad He la a fraduate of the 1M9 elaaa ft thsy presented to Mr. and Mrs. Tba Joint soooiaa waa arranged so doing bs had to maka eontset m nght winds were sxpsetod. from Hancbeater Hlyh achool. Hilton ft complete set of electric to create Interest In tbe Hartford Another Im por^t Item to be a roundabout manner. S lha aaaaal eutlat of tba Layton, nght llxtureo for the dlfforent room# District ecnventlon, to bo held at dlecuaeed wlU ba the 3800 etete ap> Through the courtegy of Stephen Stamford on Sept 2, 3 aad 4. Her- 17 M en A re A dded propriatlon for the VFW National pat na AaalUaty, win ba bald Sua- Tbe annual Robert Morria day of their new home. Loyxlm of Gardner street, this town, fa^; Aagnat >T on tba MaocbeaUr man Johnaon, wtio la prealdent of chajaplanablp drum eorpa towards Btetlon WIBBQ a contact was msde program la acheduled for Saturday, Ite pxpenssa wbUe In E|ostoa com- IM aad Otm Canb yrounda at Cov- August 28 at 3 p. m. at Wilcox Pier, Clifford Dolsen and- Elmer Rice the D istrict Is chairman o f tba To River Dike Job with Stowe's friend In MMwi, but MASONS’ SUPPLIES f$ttj Laka. A yeneral proyrani of attended the Boston Rsd Sox-Ath- committee In charge of Tueaday'a peting la the National eonveatlon. aa W4DNV, waa net being received Savin Rock. Dinner which la op- meeting. Refreabmenta wUl ba aerv- Thomas Morrlaeo of Hartford, ifoati arffll ba bald before and after tional will be aerved at S o'clock. letica gams la Boston yesterday. here too weU owing to interference. Tnaaadl rTBe Iba onttat dlaaer. William Pitkin It Is hoped a number of the EaatOm ed. chairman of ths financial commit- Loinrim made eontset with Rom F. ^ of the ouUny eommlt- Star members and other Maaonie Mr. and Mrs. Everett Goalee of Easliig aUghUy ths town's dteaet tee, will be present aad wlU give Wfiterbury, amateur radio operator order will attend. Huntington street have returned aid problam, WPA cfnetels yester- details on tbe matter. of Stetkm WtPTT. Mtameapolls. G. E. WILLIS « SON, INC

from 'Torrlngton srhere they were Boys to Be Trained day acetpted IT local rsaldenta for Minn., where eondltkma were mors t Mate Straal TM. IlSfl tbe guests of Mrs. B. M. Dunbar for favorable. week. They also took an auto assignment on ths Bast Hartford Local Man Files trip visiting the principle lakee from By Captain Jobert dUts project. Sixteen who faUed to Wlnnepesaukee across to the Finger show up for Interview lost out at Lakes In Nsw York sUte. ' the chance for work. However, It Bmikmpt Petition was aald that thaae might be eon- Andereon-Shea Poet boys eorpa Hdered Honday whan further In- wUl begin fall training after Labor terviews will ba held. Automobile Hits Frank Fasstea. ot 43 Oak street, Dine and Dance Day under the dlrecUon of Captain Of tba 38 men examined here yes- has Hied a vohmtery petition In Haree! Jobert, a Hancheater luiUva terday, 8 erere turned doem for phy- bankruptcy In which be Uste llabiU- at the sical reasona Six-Year-Old Boy who worked up through tbe renka Uea of 38,8(ff,00 with no asasta • V ^ from private to hU preaent rank. ' It la aald that of the total of per- Creditors listed are: Town of Han- The Weat Point system of di«l sons laid off WPA projects here, a cheater, 3716, Uated as secured; W.

J>ma]d Strong, six year old aon will be used and the will receive large proportloa have secured prit G. Glenney Oo., 3187, B. J. Holl instrueUon in the handling of the vate work. However, many of the Community Lunch of Hr. and Mrs. Hilton H. Strong 3433, Uttle and McKinney 3M9, modam anti-aircraft guna Boya Jobe obtained ara seasonal, and with Pereonsl Finance Company 3184, of n North Elm streat. suffered a from tbe age of 13 up ara eligible the coming of oold weather several M. Simons 3830, B. PaganI 3184, DEPOT SQUARE ^ fractured right lag yasterday after to this corps. more eases may be placed on the Salvatora DePumpo 3178, all of ba had been hit the car of An- Boya showing tbe most abUlty will charity Hate. Hence town offlclale Hancheater; Danbury Sqiiiare Box drew N. Titcomb of Buckland near be given an opportunity to attend ere doing all possible to get aS many Company, Danbury, 3233; Charlea the C. H. T. C. Campe next year. persona aast^ed to WPA as they 143 Woodbridga street. Tbe boy was H. Leppert, Hartford. 3130; Nsw Saturday Night taken to the Hanchester Hemorlal They will alao have an opportunity can. Ehiglana Container Company, Now Ho^taL According to the report to famlllarlsa themaelvea in offlcera' Haven, 3186; the Rockville Mining made to police, the driver of the car examination aubjecte. Special Chickeii and Spaghetti Dinner Company, RockvUle, 31,388. said a group of children were play- Boya planning to enter tbe eorpa Fazsina waa tha former proprie- for the fall term may contact Wil- CCC Enrollm ent Music hy “ The Rhythm Makers** ing near the road when the Strong tor of a macaroni factory located boy darted Into the path of tbe car. liam Leggett at the Hancheater on Cottage atreet. Green VFW Home, any day until The driver swerved, but tbe rear Age Cut to 23 and 1-2 wheels of the vehicle Injured the Labor Day.

boy. There waa no arrest.

Fifth Anniversary TThder terraa of a ntw ruling sent out today by state CCC headquar- Hand Made All Linen Appenzel Manchester ters. applicants' for enroUment In Occasion for Parly tike fiilttre cannot be over 38 and Ifate Book onehalf yeftra of age at the Unm of Hale’s M. IC M. LEARN HOW EASY IT IS taking the oath. Curtailment of cer- Tanight Ltojrd Temple, Jr., of 48 Middle tain activities and cutting down of Handkerchiefs Oladlolut show of Conn. Glad. Turnpike West eelebrated his fifth the corps ts said to be responsible for Society, Hasonlc Teuiple. Admis- First Quality Silk TO RUUD A VACATION COTTAGE birthday yesterday afternoon, with the de^loa to limit appllcante to sion fm . the assistance o f 20 plairmatee. the new low age bracket. Sport Size. Values To 60c. Temerrew Jeanne Milligan as mlatreaa of cere- Aug. 13.—L«g1on Jance at Rain- The Manchester selection agent THE HEW QudtLxuf! monies opened an amateur program ehortly will begin to accept applies- Ringless Sheer Chiffon bow dance ball, Bolton. with a piano solo. Songs were sung Oemtog Bvento tiona for the October camping peri- by Rose, Grace, Doris and Wilfred od. Any boys who wish to list them- .# V yaa have pat off kavinf a vseaden oottays of your own bacauM. Aug. 16.—Annual ouUng of Dancoase; Valerie and Uoyd Tem- paa aws aftaid of costs or thought it was too big an undertaking, selves may do ao by appearing at Chamber of Commerce. ple. Cynthia Ubert. and William poa wfll be delighted with this new plan. As Houiing Qulld head-, Aug. 30.—Atmual otiUng of tbe municipal building and leavlnq Young. Wilfred Dancoase played their names with Albert Behrend. iC each 'Snartare we ofler you “ ooc-atop" aervice. You aelect the cottaga Linne Lodge, Knights of Pythias, his guitar and Amelia RogowskI and mam •on want (boa the several attractive Ouildway Vacation Home at Hill'a Grove, Wapplng. Saturday. H O SE jlati«N by tonmoat ardiitacta). We do the rest. We relieve you of Aug. 28-Sept. 4.—KnlghU of Co-

IR dstaih, arrange flnandng, and your cottege ia buQt by a qualifled lumbus carnival at Haln street In New Smart Fall Shades. 3 or 4-Thiead amametor edw la a ntonber of the OuUd. Om price Includee every- grounds. A Pictorial Review Pattern Free You make a small down payment and pay the balance Sept. T-8.—Flower show of Man- ly~]l>*t like buying a car. You get a better cottage, too, chester Garden club. Masonic Tem- M A G N ELL'S IC E C RE A M With Each Dress Length Pur- ple. No admission. t-ManviUe en^neering standards make It safer against Are, ^ ^ r. Consult erith us 1 Smoother, More Dellcioiu and Finer Flavored! chased. This Applies Only To

Pictorial Patterns In Stock. Any I C p a ir AMt M a ft mm t o m or WEEK-END SPECIAL: SH OES REP A IRED TO Orders for Sizes Not In Stock At

TMi b aw asaalw aa-aias ka«b tSat awkw PINT Regular Price. LO O K LIK E NEW Pep p erm in t C a n d y haws SaSII^ a SftlalW ImNsS W a WySy. Matertah Vsag. air. rOM eWi IwIsM laws aaS lasaiiWiaa tgmtits Freeser aa anMs Sa aalw. aaa sa taaw arraaeswaat, Ice Cre a m Packed Regular 22c, 36” Punjab Jacquard Ckitton awwaSaaa, aSa., haowa aaS Saw plaw hy SAM YULYES caaairr'a laaaiac Maall haaw arebitteta, 701 Mala S t Joheaon Block 39 OTHER FLAVORS! RASPBERRY SHERBET OSWlS la Johaa-MaavUlt's iwHaaal advar.

nwwaais at tSa a ssar, «a brtst H w rae Serve With Your Dinner! ftaa IW a Swltad Uwa saly. Percale Prints Bedspreads

To m orro w N ig h t

T H E W . G . G LE N N EY C O . c y d . 19 $ 1 . 0 9 CaftI, launher, Meanea' SnppUea, Paint A m erica n Legion

I Ifa. Main Street Tel. 4IU Manebeater Good looking Jacquard floral patterns tai C a b a re t D ance All new Fall patterns In all typss at pa^ atx colors: Blua, gold, green, rose, orchid, tema and colorings. Guaranteed fast color. rad. Light weight and aaally waahed. Ofl JOHHSAUHmu MATMflftU Bolton

C U I I D U J R V H Of Tl ES RH O Plan T o A tte n d cc Domestic Dept.

H O m E i m P R O U E m E R T S A n d Enjo y A

1095 MAIN ST.* PHONE 9659 36” A B C Pleoso n t Evening ^



Fine quality cottons In authentic Scotch ^ pUid deaigni. .


I lOUIH t’iiVVOI .

66 1 I I / I 1

Of CLOTHING I . I A S I ' I I ' .


^ FURNISHINGS aad SHOES ' Drug Dept 5-

Vovides An Opportunity To Make 86c LACX) SHAMPOO...... ;..2 9 c

600-SHEET KLEENEX ...• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • v ...... 2 for 66c OaSar

lOe WOODBURY’S SO A P...... 8 for 21e t ^

60c LYONTS TOOTH P O W D E R .,.,...... 84e

AERH) DRQPQEART cream, ...... ;.....89e

RUBINSTEIN APPLE BLOSSOM C O L O G N E .."I..,....;:."..X ..:$ 1 .0 6 OyOOO 60e WOODBURY’S^CREAMS. .S9r — VlsHOiv REVU>N NAH. E N A M E L S ...... ;...... 6 0 e ^>

Stock Up Cbi SHOE DEPT. ^


FacChildreti Now at Big ^

Beadqnsrten PVae-v P«r School Use QBAIITY' ^ Price RedBcrions. for G. E. Paridnv' S S S t a i The JMtHAU MANCMiirM Comm*