Ciano at Salzburg; Ministers at Once ' in Conferences'4.K

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Ciano at Salzburg; Ministers at Once ' in Conferences'4.K wMk laat Mtmeheetift A CUy o f V&Uige Charm •n rage 14), MANCHESTER, CONN- FRIDAY. AUGUST 11,1939 (SIX TE E N PAG ES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL.LYIIL.N0.2M Victims o f Alleged **Talent Scout** Mob Feared; f Alcorn Argument Ciano at Salzburg; ^ . Rush Slayer ~ ^ Ends Trial; Judge In^m ding Ministers at Once ' Police Delay Arraignment Will Open Charge Of Jefferson as An' '4.k ger Growa When De- in Conferences Prosecutor Calls Hayes RoosaTelt: RaviTcs Early t tails Become Known. *Rough and Arrogant' ’ American PoUtieai Term! Waat Palm Beach. FU.. Aug. 11. Eerie Wail Proves to Bo Italian Brings Si Head o f Tuppet Gov- PitUburgfa, Aug. 11.—(F)— Air Raid l^est —(JT)—Faaring mob vlolance, police Product of Machine Age I^sident Rooaavelt ravlvad laat lions from Mi ernment' Which He night a tarm of aarly Amaricaa authoritlaa today dalayad arralgn- Hemet Calif., Aug. 11.—(/ On What Closely Used to Loqt O ty; political campaigna ia critida- mant ot CbariM Jefferson on chart- Given Britain ing to the Young Democratic aa of abductli^ two Miami high That ecria waU In the dead of the night—it’a bean kaaping tao- operating Pot Asks for Conviction. convention a ca.>didata arho runs school girls, slaying one and holding on a "atraddlebug" platform. Identa for mUas around awake the other prisoner three daya. Early Today slnca Aug. S—turns out to ba And Military 1 PoUUciana who prof Based to A few hours after tha tall, 34- Bulletin! nothing but a product of tbs ma- Should Do know said tha tarm had Its ori- yaar-old Jaffaraon confaaaad. County chine ago. Walaiknry. Aug. 11—<4V- gin almost a eaatuiy ago aad Solicitor W. E. Roebuck arid to aa* Tba plarclag whistla-moan FVee Q ty o f Bnreriar Oanrt Jadgo Brnrat A. was used in critlclam of a vacil- aultlng aad fatally stabbing Rutb Lights « Blotted Out in IngUa, oyroiag Ua nharga. told lating candidate. Oaa dictionary Ruth Ftances Dtlnn, 17, (left above) and Jean Bolton, 10, (also came from high speed fans ta Ftmnces Duim. IT-yearntld brunette blowen of orchard-dustlog da- Balkans and Far tke Watoebnry eo—piracy trial deflnea "atraddlsbug" thus: beauty, ofiricera nuhed him away above) both Miami. Fla., girhi, were victims of a aelf-atylad "talent scout” Area Populated by 30.- pnry laday that It aiaat aera- who called himaalf Charles R. Jaffaraon and who, upon being apprehend- vlcaa operated only at . night, "A baatia havtag loow lags. under heavy guard to an undlacloaed 000.000; BeporU on when the air la oumaat so tao Salatraig, donaaay. A u g .: tlidaa with‘parUenlarearar’ tha jail: ed, admitted abducting tha girls for ransom. Mlaa Bolton escaped the "Having lags nr )ta*ut or walnut ranchaa many —ItaUan Fonlsn Mlnlatav toittonroy t aceampSara TalL astrida of aomathlag. Officials reported there waa an wild adventure with her life, but Mlaa Dunn’a stabbad body waa found Suiscesa Are Sketchy. eigaiaa4 grayhalraa Jnrial In- on a lonely beach. * apart Galeaaah Claao- arrived h «4 "A two-facad poUUctaa." undertone of anger In street gather- fanntog taa Jnnr, aa to what Inga bare ae details o f tha case ba- Men who drava for tor h thraa-day oenfaroaea London, Aug, 11.—(1^—Great through the Baa Jacinto valley ^ Wright It ahaoM ghra tha taatl- easM tanarally known. GanMO Foragbi ^ nmny ot ozooamineoo, rototrad Jsaa Bolton, 10-yaar-old blonde, Britatn’a greatost blackout—a aad evro Into nelghbomtag BMun- danMnstratlon ef etj^Oion and mili- talaa, huatlag tbs' wrird oeumrs VoalUbbeotaop to attuaa'tha 1 ^ by aaam to . Edward O. Vary, saoend aSOuctlon victim wtM was Now Havwi iaaryar. aad Harry rqlaaatd unharmed lata Wadnaaday tary defanaas agalnat bombing souroa, waro tollad by the tost Baritoaalstoaawemdltlaaa HI Barkley Slaps. Gladiolus Show Here R. Madiiairi% raHWriaa, hath ot night at Boca Raton 38 miles from raids—aariy today Uottad out tha blowerA almoot Mlant riooo rope. at hand, an hoard hMidaot mllaa Wham^hiM ylmtod jgH y; hare, waa taken by ralatlvas to a Otaoa bronght UghU' la half of Bnglaad, on atoa away. Lack of Plans aeeludsd raaort to racuparata from . raatfar MuoooBk . ^ — .. her harroaring aapariaaca. Draws Mfuiy Entries populated by 30,000,000 ponaho. (iloarty eoopoeattag peltttaal' Mlaa Bolton yaotarday told ot ba- Aa dawn otraakad tha aaotom ariUtaiy partaoM rimriC _____ ,______ J t o a a t o a ot By Repiiblican big kept bound for moat ot three ky, just baton tha aignal tor the Froa e f D anig, 1 ^m y. omt Ohartoa B. days aad nights in Jaffaraoa’a ooupa, James Milo o f I*lainfield “il^U on,” Sir John . Aadanon, benrad la a marshy ride road SOU Danzig Nazis. and tba Fhr P ' aam^waBtlriaa. wha ptaniad la- Four Chinese lord privy asal aari air raid praeau- ISMtaiirH neeroA tori who aa a atato^ tost from the eoaatal highway near Is the Winner o f the Uons chlaf. told raportora that tho SeiMtor Brings Young OoeaJtoton. parlmant would prove of "groat atriyrii< iiltomaYinifltl that he apHt Sweepstakes Cup in flwa with h aa other atenaal To Be Handed .J im" but that It waa tmpoaribla Look to Talk _ Democrats to Feel by Tha body of Miao Durni was yat to "tapraat a oenatdarad judg- The Open Color Class. Watortmiy. Aug ll—<4V-8pociai Declaration; PolWca found ia Pabaatto uadarbruah naar- Half eoverad with sand aad aa er Etf JHIfSi Aa daylight progroaaid aatl- For Guidance StS Proeieutor Hugh M. Aleotn. cloring Jamas MUo ot Plalnvflla won tha Over to Japs In ReUef Is Denied. old raincoat, It araa badly brnlaad, r osarchllghto whirii hod foanad tha ..«a tha atoto’a aigumrota ia tte muni- boro savaral atob wounds la tha side aaraapataka cup ia the open color 101.1 —— aky tor throa aad a half houn waro atpal mnUon-doDar fraud trial to- Plttaburgh, Aug. IL—(*) Sana- ad a bunat bole In the terahand. elaasas at tba 14th annual aahlbtt dimmad and London, narva eantor SalslMirg CwRffrattee of Jaffaraon, a man ot many aiiaem of tha Oonasctlcut dladlolua aociaty, British' Announce New of tba 38 black-out eountlaa of day, tormad Mayor Frank Hhyaa, tor Barkley -ot Kentucky, tha San- ad a chackared natlon-wlda career which opanSd tUs noon at tha Ma- oouthaastain Bngland, Ford^ Miiiktan Ba> chkd roadtttlva ot tba city rinro ato majority Boor laadar, brought whlcb includsd tbaatilcaL radio aad Evidence Establishes to Ufa. IMO, n *Toagh aad arrogant" head aonle Tantoi* at the Oentar. Thara and la tba Touag Democrato’ National nawapaptr work aa wan aa a civil Prime Fm^ Ceses; peeled to Ghro €! • ot a “puppot govenunant'' which bo aad arilltary poliea roeord rinca tbO arsrs more thaa 3op antraato in Oonvantton to Ita fast today whan thoaa riamia, Tha awaapstokaa cup ariy Air Mlatatiy . To iHuaedialo Ftatara. had nrod to loot tho city. aga of 15, left Miami aariy Monday Sujnreiid^ la Ordered. Ending hto ono-boor aigiiiarot at ba'dacland "our Rapuhilean Mends with tha two girU, avbo thought ha la tha opah color amateur elaaaea tha anoema e f Loaden'o have Bowliaro to go aad nothtag to puroult plaaoo, aatt-olm oft 1|:3B p. aa (a a .t), Aleoni ratorrad araa a narvla talaat aeont. Ha bad baa not tasn awarded. Tbato wars London, Aug.—Oft—Tho Brittah to the eaoa aa h "aoedid atoiy" and stand on and ara aaarching around tham a aerasn teat baro.-> about 300 oonqpoUag. Tha praridant aad tha balkwa ;T ari: govoromont annoimood today that Maria taokai toOqr ta lha tali the hoy that ha ooold aaa *WBly in the darlmaai tor an usua ot IS n rombWag atotammit to tha af tha aoeiaty apd F. W. Lotoma katchy but Londoiwro who soma aorL" tour Chlneoa nOagad tafreriota who ad ohout ta tha dark hours f ftalaa atol Toulk tiMH aaa atantar —eonvlctlon tor an tha aoUritor, SbatW W. H. Lawianoa ware hi tha laiK No awarda a fS dritaiitanto who ara chargad with Spaakliig extomporanaoualy to a and W. C Fullar ef the Unltad made ta tha otadHng claaaqawy the had boaa tho eantac of the Brttirii- ntalaro far tha eonvanUon movtag two hours tha etty. heatag aoarolrad to cheat aad da* Stataa Dapartamat e f JusUca. ha Judgao W toWranfaiUwann^ an Japanooo dteputa at Tloat nniid tha city, hind achaCula said after Aubrey gave dataUa af tha aptaoda.' Later. Uon, JamaaJ Oden o f Boaton, Jataos riaulu- toOta ta gtat ta a Judge HnSm A. lagUa told the waUams, natlanal yovth Um aoSeitor aaM, ba rigaad a Of Plahn^ aad jmoism ho handed over te Japanooo oMlheil- tag an .tatyhawmddlMginMaabmta at tratar, had doitad tosro- ot hlo mwwaro to gna y 4 f‘Itackvfila. to tha ttaa tor triaL ' iiie aad would araas -phgp* Priittoi in taMsAr R a i ^ i 1 Hoar, m tor aland a cn ey htagdahiror a oottrt until Rmbheaaa an dhauttag: the hqph ot tha four Ckfaaoe aad that they would whrii ba would ra- ‘"An lanm, aa lama my ooootry ^ _ ,'ot e fataaar t wito gadjnta aad gnna to dawat for aa laaaa.' in im taeit to flad ba bandad ovar Immieataty-. Atof down ton aatSan ft waa anpaetod the eaaia ot tad apntnad hiaa Ha aad make aa laana mma ot them tended holdfaig them tor laaaeaL Japan gag autoaritlga In Ttantrin tha » I I a j u r y t r i a l Tha bsat HOra la tba riww was would go to tha jury Wadnaaday hava bean wnoag to abik thatr Ha told ot amaultteg Htaa tam o, adjotaiaff to to "F.
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