LAKE UNION MAW °lief..ea argaw rite .1a4e Ilaeoa eeftimeace

Vol. XXXVIII Berrien Springs, Mich., October 22, 1946 No. 42 DIRECT FROM THE FALL COUNCIL By L. E. LENHEIM ROM all parts of the world ap- serving our churches and believers in The Council is just getting nicely F proximately 350 denominational the various countries of Europe. under way. The various committees leaders have gathered in. Grand Rap- The Council is mainly a business are now giving consideration to im- ids for the Autumn Council. This is session. Two of the most important portant plans and recommendations. a most important meeting. Executives committees are those on budget and The Lord is blessing the meetings from the far ends of the earth gather finance. Other committees of the coun- and there is a very fine 'spirit among once a year in Autumn Council ses- cil are the nominating, distribution 'our world leaders. Everyone seems in-' sion for the purpose of giving care- of labor and plans committees. These tensely interested in finishing the work ful study to our world-wide work and groups are now in session. As I write of God. these lines I am now sitting as a mem- laying plans for the coming year. New Elder M. V. Campbell, president of policies will be enacted and impor- ber of the important budget commit- the. Central Union Conference, gave tant budgets will be passed at this tee and I wish that all our believers a heart-searching study on the sub- session. might be present to hear these leaders ject of prayer at the devotional serv- from the far corners of the earth make Prior to the opening of the Coun- ice this morning. He emphasized the their appeals for financial help to en- cil (Oct. 14) the Union conference three types of prayer based on . the able them to carry forward their work presidents of North America, college text, Matt. 7:7, "Ask and it shall be in these distant lands. No doubt a presidents and departmental leaders, given you; seek and ye shall find; budget of approximately ten millions held very important pre-council con- knock, and it shall be opened unto of dollars will be passed at this ses- ventions and their recommendations you." As I close this article let me sion. The General Conference does will be presented to the delegates of say that we are now in the second day not have this money in their hands. the Fall Council for study. • of the Council and may I urge our This budget will be voted in faith. The opening service of the Coun- believers in the Lake Union to re- We are counting on our believers ev- cil featured the General Conference member this important gathering be- president, Elder J. L. McElhany be- erywhere to support the program of God to the extent that this money will fore the throne of grace. The actions hind the desk, flanked by his cabinet taken at this Council will be far-reach- of General Conference officers on the be forthcoming in 1947 so that our work will not be hindered in . any ing and will have a great effect upon platform. A stirring sermon was de- our work throughout the entire world. livered based on the words of the way in its prosecution. Apostle Peter as recorded in Acts 3:6, "Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY I thee." The speaker portrayed in a M. E. KERN most vivid manner the utter worth- General Conference Field Secretary • lessness of material things and ap- YOUNG fa t h e r and mother soul. There are thousands in this pealed to our leaders gathered in ex- A were in great distress regard- troubled world who are waiting for ecutive session to lean wholly upon ing the illness of their baby. It wasn't a personal word from someone who God in these crisis hours and to growing. It weighed less than when knows the way of salvation from sin. plead for an infilling of the Holy it was born. They finally- took it to What wonderful opportunities for Spirit. Thus a mighty keynote was a specialist, but were sorely disap- those who know the Lord! As some- sounded at the very opening service. pointed. They felt that they could one has said: "He who casts a rich Yesterday morning Elder A. V. Ol- not make use of his prescription. What thought in the mind of a friend is son, vice president of the General should they do? The specialist's office giving as the angels give." Conference, led the devotional serv- nurse made a suggestion that proVed But sometimes we seem to lack ice and related to the delegates in a to be the solution. Soon the, baby was opportunity; or we do not know how most interesting way some of the con- healthy and growing—the joy of the to make the approach. We feel that ditions now existing in European household. we need some tangible excuse, some- countries. He also cited instances of • How often in life a few words thing to offer for sale, some favor to the miraculous power of God in pre- bring healing and health to a sinsick ask or something to give. 2 LAKE UNION HERALD

During the period from November ence and also to Elder R. H. Wentland have interesting programs, have mis- 1 to 28 Seventh-day Adventists in of the Conference, for their sionary projects and also arrange for North America have a good excuse assistance in the campaign. outings and social events. for personal contact with all their We are deeply thankful to God for Before school opened a week-end friends and neighbors. We are asked His guidance throughout the day. We outing was held at Barbee Lake. The by the American Bible Society to realize that He was definitely with us Anderson society had sent invitations help enlist all the people in Bible and added His abundant blessing to to the young people in neighboring reading, from Thanksgiving to Christ- our work for Him. churches to join them and some ac- mas. We will take in our hands the ALVIN W. JOHNSON, President cepted the invitation. Brother Roland Bible Society bookmark leaflet, giv- Webb had the camp well organized. THE HEART ing the list of daily readings, and It was a pleasure for Professor Vern OF CHRISTIANITY also a leaflet, "The Book of Power," C. Hoffman and the writer to join THAT Christianity ought to be the prepared by the General Conference, this group for the Sabbath services. kind of a burden to an individual and visit the homes in our commu- An interesting vesper service was con- nities, asking the people to join in that sails are to a ship and that wings ducted. On Sabbath morning we went world-wide Bible reading. are to a bird is the conviction of Dr. to the Wolf Lake church. Meeting in These leaflets will come to your Arthur L. Bietz, professor of applied this church had special significance church free, through your conference Christianity at the College of Medical because Mrs. E. G. White had taken home missionary secretary, and every Evangelists and pastor of the White part in the dedicatory services of the one should- be used. This brings to Memorial church in Los Angeles. Dr. church. We were welcomed by the our church members, young and old, Bietz conducted the autumn Week of church membership and enjoyed an a wonderful opportunity to approach Prayer, October 4 to 12, in Emmanuel interesting Sabbath school which was their neighbors and friends regard- Missionary College. followed by the preaching service. ing the importance of reading God's "The core of Christianity is a trans- The remainder of the Sabbath was holy book. A few earnest words of forming fellowship with Jesus." Elder filled with good things and .Profes- ours may turn the tide in the lives Bietz emphasized this truth through- sor Hoffman showed educational of many. "Who then is willing to out the series of morning and evening films Saturday night. consecrate his service this day unto sermons he delivered. Teachers and W. A. NELSON the Lord?" I Chron. 29:5. students united in a spirit of deeper consecration and scores of students for NUPTIALS EMMANUEL MISSIONARY the first time declared their undivided Miss Mary Eileen Grassel of Indian- COLLEGE INGATHERING allegiance to Christian principles. apolis and Mr. Earl Douglas Day of FOLLOWING the Week of Prayer, a. Dr. Alvin W. Johnson, president Rochester, , were united in week in ,which the Lord was very of the College, supervised the organi- matrimony Sunday, September 15 at near, students and faculty of Emman- zation of the entire school family into 3:00 P.M. in a wedding service solem- uel Missionary College put into prayer bands. These groups met daily nized in the Indianapolis North Side preceding the general convocation in Seventh-day Adventist Church. "works" in the Ingathering field day The bride's cousin, Mrs. Jack on Tuesday, October 15, some of the the college auditorium. Anders of Berrien Springs, Michigan, convictions that had been aroused. "We appreciate Dr. Bietz' untiring served as Matron of honor and Paul A total of more than six thousand and consecrated labor in our behalf," Yeoman of Rochester, New York, was dollars was raised for the Ingathering says President Johnson. "We know best man. fund. Approximately sixty cars, filled that he has at the very beginning of Special music was rendered by Mrs. with nearly three hundred students this college year strengthened the reso- Alberta Huff Yeoman, Juanita Howell, who participated in the solicitation, lution of all to walk in close fellow- Betty Sue Osgood, Phyllis Williams, canvassed the rural districts in Ber- ship with God." and George Gough. rien County as well as the villages and Baptismal classes will be formed A reception followed in the social towns in this territory. Those students after a series of doctrinal follow-up room of the church. The happy couple who remained on the campus were sermons by G. E. Vandeman, instruc- will make their home in Rochester, given opportunity to donate their labor tor in speech and field evangelism. New York. DEWITT S. OSGOOD for the day to the Ingathering fund to DR. P. T. GIBBS which a large number responded. CtrQ=la=Z=2=2=CM=II=11=2=3=3:=3=II=L1=3=Q In addition to the cash donations re- LAKE UNION'HERALD ceived, considerable produce was con- S. E. .Wight - - - President Published weekly by the tributed in the rural areas. This was Elton Dessain - - - Sec.-Treas. LAKE UNION CONFERENCE OF sold at auction on Tuesday evening 3266 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis 7, rms. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS and the proceeds added to the fund. Telephone—Wabash 4571 Berrien Springs, Mich. was most inspirational to observe It 3=2=a=3=2=cl=2=1.13aazzzzzzst All matter for publication should reach the spirit of willingness and determina- the Lake Union Conference office. WEDNES DAY preceding the date of issue. Subscrip tion on the part of our student body CAMPING WITH THE $1.00. ANDERSON YOUNG PEOPLE tion price and other members of the College fam- R. M. Harrison - Managing Editor THE Missionary Volunteer officers of ily, to make our Ingathering field day Entered as second-class matter Novem- a record of achievement. We wish to the Anderson church endeavor to pro- ber 3. 1908 under act of March 3, 1879. Re- entered March 12, 1946 at the Post Office, express appreciation to Elder H. K. vide a well-rounded program for the Berrien Springs, Michigan. Printed by the Halladay of the Lake Union Confer- young people of the church. They College Press, Berrien Springs, Michigan. LAKE UNION HERALD •

YOUTH FOR YOUTH PROGRAM have shown their interest in the boys dude the election of officers. A good THERE were some who said, "It was and girls by providing a neatly decor- representation from each church is done once but it couldn't be done ated, light, well-ventilated room for desired, so plan now to be at the again." Nevertheless it was done the school. Some of the men of the Dorcas Federation meeting, and en- again. The Missionary Volunteer Soci- church left their regular work and do- courage other ladies. ety of the Indianapolis North Side nated • three weeks' time to the school This time you are asked to bring Church under the leadership of Earl room. The church can take pride in your own lunch, and also some ex- Bocock braced themselves for another what was accomplished. Thirteen fine tra for those who may be visiting. Youth for Youth program effort to be boys and girls are enrolled and enjoy- Come and enjoy the day with other held in the church auditorium Friday ing the privilege of studying under a ladies in the Chicago area who are interested in working for God. evenings for a period of 12 weeks. Last Christian teacher. year the Lord blessed the Missionary Vincennes has been working on a Volunteer program effort with 19 new school plant all summer. It 'is OVER THE TOP souls. What could these young people not completed but school has opened. "Praise God from whom all bles expect this year? was the question on When the school plant is completed sings flow." everyone's lips. it will be a credit to our work in the At the beginning of 1946 the col- The program committee consisted oldest city in the state. The citizens of porteurs of pledged to deliver of Earl Bocock, chairman, Robert Lit- the city have taken an interest in the $100,000 worth of our books during tle and, Jeanne Turner. Edgar Grund- project and helped our brethren secure the year. In only nine months, or at set, the principal of our Junior Acad- scarce materials. It was a pleasure re- the end of September, the deliveries emy, was appointed song leader and had reached $101,800. Miss Juanita Howell was asked to cently to see the children of this church being directed and trained by a Chris- Regular colporteurs who have stayed take charge of the special music. Miss by during the year to help. make this Anna Hollingsworth (now Mrs. Rob- tian teacher. We can visualize how happy they will be when the building remarkable goal possible are John ert Little) had charge of the usherettes. Snell, Frank Ullrich, Candido Ricca, William Hershey was operator of the is completed. Some of the parents in the Middle- Frank Unger, Newell Brown, A. D. film strip machine. Shane, Velda Shane, Pearl Wicker- The doctrinal subjects were given in town church decided their children sheim, R. A. Shackell, Lowell Ross, their order. Each theme was presented must be gathered into one of our own Else B. Vogt, Elizabeth Beyer, Mabel by three speakers. First, certain phases schools. This church was fortunate in Nelsen, Elsa B. Huth, C. E. Lee, Nor- of the topic were stressed in a 15 min- having as one of its members a former man Loewe, Melvin Nichols, Louie ute Bible study; then the film strip on church school teacher. It was nearly Whitten, Hugo Mitzelfelt, Harriet the subject took another 15 or 20 min- time for schools to open. By everyone utes; to conclude, the third speaker co-operating, a room was arranged, Donat, Emma Peterson, Hannah Han- made the application and appeal. desks secured and school started. son, and Elsbeth Herman. Speakers included: Earl Bocock, Merle Equipment is being added. This is a Students who contributed a sub- • Ashley, 'Orva Lee Ackerman, Edgar small church of twenty-eight members stantial amount toward the total were: Grundset, Robert Little, Elton Moore, but the children are just as precious as Herbert Lohr, Walter Low, Gladys Howard Munson, Russell Simmons, those in the larger churches. Moll, Lorraine' Saline, Gilbert Berto- Myron Stone, J. C. Ray, Paul Turner. It cheers our hearts to see new "ha- cchini, Raymond Hoffman, Velma The series was well attended vens of refuge" being opened. - Boelter, Alma Cummings, Betty Cum- throughout and to the glory of God W. A. NELSON mings, Virginia Hobbs, Annabelle 9 souls have been baptized. This sec- Hobbs, Ansil Hamying, Mary Moore, ond series has required a little more Ruth Russell, Charles Bruns, Betty follow-up work than last year's pro- ILLINOIS Coffman, Eldon Cole, Ralph Roeper, gram effort. There are two others who Theodore Carcich - - President Jean Wieland, George Wolfer, How- are now attending church and who ex- E. L. Green - - - - Sec.-Treas. ard Peterson, Gwen Lewis, Gene Beals, pect to be baptized soon. Box 29, Brookfield, Illinois Mary Beals, Betty Hall, Doris Brown, DEWITT S. OSGOOD Susumu Mitoma, Fred Thompson, Yasuko Miyashiro, Donna Murmann, NEW CHURCH SCHOOLS IMPORTANT—FOR LADIES OF and Arline Wickersheim. This student FOUR of the churches that did not THE CHICAGO AREA! group delivered more than $27,000 as against $10,000 last year. have a church school last year are con- ON Tuesday, October 29, at 10:15 ducting a school this year. In some of A.M., the Dorcas Federation will meet New workers just starting and who these churches we hardly knew how in the West Central church, 5701 W. have already delivered or taken orders they could raise the money and pro- Midway Park—c or n e r of Midway for books between $100 and $1000 vide a place for a school, but the ob- Park and Waller Avenues. are: Victor Brown, Luther Knutson. stacles have been met and the schools Elder Theodore Carcich, president Lillian Blasius, Betty Bucy, Rene Ver- are• in operation. of the Illinois Conference, and Elder haeghe, Bertha Verhaeghe, Mrs. Rob- In Bloomington the school has been H. K. Halladay, Home Missionary ert Clayton, Merril Wier. reopened. The teacher and pupils are Secretary of the Lake Union Confer- Especially do we appreciate the ef- happy in their work and the church ence, will be the guests for the day. fort of the Bible House workers who is supporting the program. An inspirational meeting is planned, had a part in this: C. B. Burgess, Mrs. The members of the Knox church and the program of the day will in- C. B. Burgess, and H. A. Iles, also our 4 LAZE UNION HERALD office secretary, Rosemary Richards, the accommodations there. The Ber- and last but not least, my faithful as- rien Center group joined with the sociates G. R. Ernest and J. M. Bucy. MICHIGAN Berrien Springs Village group in their The loyal support given the "book T. G. Bunch - - - President newly enlarged church auditorium, E. F. Willett - - - Sec.-Treas. work" by our conference president, but accommodations there would have 620 Townsend St. been quite inadequate had not fifty conference workers, and by our peo- Box 900, Lansing 4, Michigan ple throughout the state is not for- children, 8-12 years old, been gathered gotten. 4)=Z=DZ:i:=4:C=t=i=i1=i)==tii=t=t=ti=i= into another room and been organized Frank Unger writes as follows: "We JACKSON COOKING SCHOOL into a permanent Junior Church. The saw the first fruits of our labor here __THE Jackson effort group has just Berrien Springs College church •is yesterday when two people were bap- completed the last in a series of three having to hold two capacity worship tized. They are the result of our con- cooking school classes, held in the services, at 8:45 A.M. and 11:15 A.M., tacts and Bible studies. Others are in- YMCA dining room under the leader- to accommodate its attendance. terested so we hope to have more be- ship of the Mmes. Laurence Kagels, The hearts of all thrilled to the messages preached in each place. In fore long." Duane Miller and Charles Felton. Many more such souls will yield as Each week, red gladiolas beautifully Decatur, Elder W. W. R. Lake, re- cently repatriated from a Japanese the invitation is given to them. Do you, decorated the tables spread with a de- concentration camp in Borneo, held reader, want a part in giving the gos: licious dinner, which demonstrated his audience spellbound in bothrmorn- C. H. SMITH that a vegetarian meal can be appetiz- pel invitation? ing and afternoon sessions. In Bu- ing. Preceding the dinners Mrs. Ka- NEWS NOTES chanan, Elder Orville Dunn, pioneer gels gave a brief lecture on the need of ON Sabbath, Oct o b e r 12, Elder missionary to the French West In- a healthful diet, giving information Wight visited the Franklin church. dies, ministered in his characteristi- regarding the various dishes that were Brother Henry Rodenberg and his cally interesting and helpful manner. being served, while Mrs. Miller did wife were at the office on Sunday, A part of the afternoon was devoted October 13. He and two other men ex- the demonstrating. to a greatly appreciated sacred con- pect to be working on the girls' dormi- The featured dish of, the first class cert. At the Berrien Springs Village tory by the 21st of this month. The was choplets. The students were im- church, Elder E. W. Dunbar, Secre- two Kinsey brother, Oris and Lloyd, pressed by the variety of ways this tary of the General Conference Mis- and their father, Ben Kinsey, from protein food could be prepared. sionary Volunteer Department, spoke Berrien Springs, Michigan, are work- The second class gave instruction in inspiringly to both the adult and ing on the girls' dormitory and at preparing roasts. The series was com- junior congregations. At the College this writing the sub-floor for the first pleted as the guests learned the meth- church, Elder A. L. Bietz, of Los floor is laid. You may expect to ,hear ods plus the value of serving patties Angeles, concluded his very success- of progress now. Two cottages are and one-meal dishes such as chili, ful week of prayer studies. His hear- under construction. Brother Young is chop suey, etc. ers were led into a new consecration. pressing the work to • completion as The large number of guests were Large numbers• of the' Berrien groups fast as possible. The roof is on the pleased to have the opportunity of spent the afternoon in varied mission- first cottage and the electric wires are purchasing a copy of "Our Commu- ary activities and private devotions. nity Exchange of Favorite Recipes" in. Brother 011ie Green and his family W. A. WESTERHOUT are to occupy the cottage that is fin- which gives added information in the NEWS NOTES preparation of many other foods for ished first. THE northland has intrigued sev- their families. At this writing Elder and Mrs. eral of the conference workers re- Wight are in Grand Rapids in attend- The Jackson. folk feel very fortunate cently. This is the time for seeing the ance at the Fall Council. in having had the opportunity of at- trees at their height of color change. Miss Helen Addis, of Indianapolis, tending this sucessful school. Every Many excellent pictures have been se- has joined the Conference working lady expressed her appreciation for staff in the office. the assistance received. cured. The Hugh Forquer family has The work in Indiana is progress- MRS. 0. J. MILLS selected this' time of the year to take ing, despite many handicaps. How A RECENT SABBATH their vacation in that part of the state. could it be otherwise, when God IN DISTRICT ONE On Wednesday Elder Wentland and has promised to make Himself re- IT WAS truly a day of joy and glad- Mr. Willett visited some of the lead- sponsible for our success, whenever ness for our believers in Michigan's ing businessmen of Lansing in the we wholly consecrate ourselves to District No. 1. At present there is interest of Ingathering. Their efforts . Him! no auditorium in this territory large were richly rewarded and they are On Sabbath, October 12, I had the enough to accommodate all local Sev- planning to visit more of these men. privilege of worshiping with the be- enth-day Adventists and communi- Thursday found Mr. Willett and Mr. lievers at Versailles. This is the last cants. However, on October 12, the Sickles in Battle Creek and Urbandale. out-post in the southeastern part of believers coniprising our northern The former met appointments at Carl- Indiana, and next to it are several group of churches—Dowagiac, Glen- ton •Center and Hastings on Sabbath. counties , where there are no mem- wood and Decatur—gathered at Deca- The Onaway district enjoyed an all- bers. The people at Versailles are anx- tur for a Union Meeting that over- day meeting on Sabbath with Elder ious to enter some of these unworked flowed accommodations. Members from H. P. Evens of the Book and Bible places. Please remember them in your the Niles, Bridgman and Buchanan House assisting. The folk at the junior prayers. ELTON DESSAIN churches met at Bu'chanan and strained academy have laid plans to complete


their Ingathering work this. week. IERZIZt=2=2=a=r-L-1 =3=2:2iel statement of this annual drive for the Plans are being laid by Elder S. W. years 1945-1946. With the exception Hyde for holding an effort in the LAKE REGION of two churches, all showed a sub- Onaway church. Therefore they are J. G. Bement - - - President stantial gain. Seven churches-Beacon putting the church in order. P. N. Crowe - - - Sec.-Treas. Light in Ecorse, Bethany Chapel in 619-621 Woodland Part The folk who attended the union • Chicago 16, Illinois Elkhart, East Side Church in Detroit, meeting in Hartford on Sabbath were North Street Church in Flint, Phila- encouraged by the presence of Elder delphia Church in Muncie, Sharon in Hunter. From there he went direct to DID YOU RESPOND? Inkster, and the Conference church, Grand Rapids where he and Elder IT IS encouraging to note the inter- raised in 1946 over three times more Wentland attended some of the pre- est which is being manifested in the than was raised in the preceding year; Fall Council meetings. Mrs. Rey will New Boarding Academy drive. In the while Burnette, Capitol Avenue in In- attend the Fall Council and assist in September remittances from the dianapolis, Ephesus in Marion, First the secretarial work. churches, nearly $1,000 was turned in Church in Evanston, Mizpah in Gary Brother HOward Burbank filled an to be applied to this fund. Have you and Morgan Park church showed more appointment in the Urbandale church done your part in this worthy cause? than double gains. The two new on Sabbath. The past few days he has If you have not, do it NOW! -THIS churches-Chicago Heights and Milan been recuperating from a sprained MONTH! J. GERSHOM DASENT -entered the campaign and have ankle. shown themselves fit for places which For the past three weeks Mr. Cowin AN OUTSTANDING REPORT they occupy. As a result of this faith- has been visiting 21 of the 36 church Now that the Ingathering for 1946 fulness on the part of our churches, schools in the Michigan Conference. is over, it was thought that it would the gains in 1946 over 1945 exceeded He reports that the teaching which is be encouraging to the churches to have the whole amount raised in !945 by being done this year is of a superior Placed at their disposal a comparative $1,819.82. Read the table carefully. nature. There are less beginning teach- Comparative Statement of Ingathering -'45 -'46 ers than in the past and those which have been employed this year have Church City Membership 1945 1946 Gain more training for their work than Beacbn Light Ecorse, Michigan 45 $ 232.00 $ 750.00 $ 518.00 Berea a Battle Creek, Mich. 17 337.65 324.45 Loss have some during the recent war emer- Berean South Bend, Ind. 70 461.42 813.60 352.18 gency period. Bethany Chapel Elkhart; Ind. 13 81.74 243.95 162.21 Efforts are being conducted in Flint Burnette* Terre Haute, Ind. .21 101.05 211.25 110.20 Calvin Center Cassopolis, Mich. 55 275.00 196.86 Loss and Mio with good success. Capitol Avenue Indianapolis, Ind. 3 I 8 1.582.83 3,884.85 2,302.02 Sabbath found Elder Bunch in De- *Chicago Heights Chicago Heights, Ill. 30 249.98 249.98 troit where he spoke at the Grand Detroit E. Side Detroit, Michigan 143 350.00 1,500.00 1,150.00 319.68 63.68 River and Field Avenue churches. He E. St. Louis E. St. • Louis, Ill. 46 256.00 Ephesus Marion,. Ind 21 224.11 539.44 315.33 visited Elder Light and attended the First Church Evanston, Ill. 33 238.57 559.44 320.87 Slovakian church. Elder R. Ruhling of Hartford Ave. Detroit, Michigan 467 2,200.50 4,001.84 1,801.34 the General Conference spoke in the *Milan Milan, Michigan 15 100.94 100.94 Mizpah Gary, Indiana 146 700.00 1,618.87 918.87 German church, Elder Lorenz spoke Morgan Park Chicago, Ill. 80 595.32 1,255.85 660.53 in the Slovakian church and Elder North Street Flint, Michigan 78 341.44 1,110.96 769.52 Halswick spoke in the Rumanian Philadelphia Muncie, Ind. 27 254.34 776.59 522.25 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 62 606.51 861.07 254.56 church. Sharon Chapel Sharon Church Inkster, Michigan 87 370.51 1,240.10 869.59 Several visiting ministers were in Shiloh Chicago, III. 690 2,220.50 4,050.92 1,830.42 the state for the Sabbath services. El- Springfield Springfield, III. 29 196.13 332.62 136.49 Conference Church 24 100.00 327.80 227.80 der T. L. Oswald of the General Con- Total 2,551 $11,725.62 $25,271.06 $13,636.78 ference Home Missionary Department Summary: Gain $13,636.78 spoke in Lansing at the 11:00 hour. Loss 91.34 Elder F. D. Nichol, editor of the *New Churches Actual Gain $13,545.55 Review and Herald spoke at Battle Creek Sabbath morning and at the ple is making this possible even among Lansing M. V. meeting in the after- the smaller churches. God's work is noon. L. A. Skinner was in Battle WISCONSIN to triumph over every other endeavor, Creek for the Friday evening service. T. B. Unruh - - - President and boys and girls will be rightly R. G. Burchfield - Sec.-Treas. On Sabbath Elder E. L. Cardey spoke trained to fill the great need of work- at Bauer, Elder W. B. Ochs spoke at 302 B. Gorham St., Madison, Wisconidit ers in finishing the mighty work in Mail Address, Box 512 Grand Rapids, and Elder H. M. Blun- the earth. It is this that causes God's den spoke at Cedar Lake. t=fta=cm-t=c1=cetct=0:::0:20=Qmtztn3:2=3:111 people to sacrifice and give heavily , .A full basement is being placed un- MODERN MIRACLES that Christian Education may prosper! der the Cheboygan church for Sabbath MANY modern miracles are con- And God will not forget their work school classrooms. In the meantime tinuously in the making among the and labor of love. they are meeting in one of the mem- churches of the state where the church It is gratifying to observe the sin- ber's homes. The work is expected to schools are in operation. The faithful cerity of the small membership of be completed by the time winter sets in. and consistent support of God's peo- the, .Cumberland church in their de- LAKE UNION HERALD

termination to support Christian Edu- throughout the entire circle of Wiscon- FEEDING THE LAMBS cation. With the help of their pastor, sin. Churches are making sacrifices, OF THE FLOCK Elder Odegaard, they have elevated but not in vain. They are already see- CHRISTIAN Education is in full swing their church building 40 inches, and ing the good that is being accom- in Wisconsin! The boys and girls from are now in the process of building a plished. If only more such schools every corner of the State are enjoying modern room on the ground floor can be established! Let us pray. ear- the sweet fellowship of Christian where they will house the school al- nestly that God will in His providence teachers, and as I visit the schools, I ready begun in the home of their local work out His plan concerning each find an unusual spirit of co-operation elder, Brother Dehline. Mrs. Verna church in training their children for and interest prevailing on the part of Johnson, their teacher, is making the the final issues. If your church has the eager students to get the best out best of the limited quarters of the children who should have the oppor- of school. front room, looking forward with her tunities of Christian Education now I greatly appreciate the untiring ef- students to the time when they will is the time to plan for next year. Do forts of our teachers to make their occupy the fine room, and washrooms, not put it off, any longer. We shall be schools a success. The Lord is richly now in the making. glad to work and plan with you to blessing their efforts. Let us continue The small group at Pardeeville has make this a reality in your church. to support these worthy havens of ref- also set out to establish a worthy monu- M. J. PEREPELITZA uge for the lambs of our flock by our prayers, our means, and our visits. ment in the name of Christian Edu- SOUTHWESTERN DORCAS The names of the teachers on our cation. Their fine school is in oper- FEDERATION staff, and the schools they serve are as ation on the ground floor of their THE Southwestern Dorcas Federa- follows: newly acquired church building at tion of Wisconsin will have a meet- Wyocena under the direction of Miss ing at La Crosse, October 22. This Beloit, Esther Senger Arla Joyner who is doing creditable Berg Park, Lucille Belin district includes the following Bethel, LaVerle Hurlburt work with her little flock. With this churches: Hylandale, La Crosse, La Clear Lake, Esther Grundset kind of determination to train their Farge, Reedsburg, Richland Center, Clear Lake, Lucille Parfitt youth for Christ, the members will Sparta, Tomah, Wyeville and all iso- Clearwater Lake, Daisy Sterns surely receive a reward for their sac- Cumberland, Verna Johnson lated sisters in district 7 and 7A. Green Bay, Myrtle Johnson rifices. Their pastor, Elder Gor- Here is the day's program: Hylandale, Jewell Nolin don Heide, is working hard to make Time: October 22, 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. Madison, Belle Petersen this school a real light upon a hill, Place: In the heart of La. Crosse in Milton Junction, Myrtle Herwick Milton Junction, Ruth Radtke even as his newly-established schools the Seventh-day Adventist church on Milwaukee, James R. Patterson at Reedsburg and Oxford are today. the corner of Sixth and King streets. Milwaukee, Alfreda Costerisan Elder C. M. Bee has also organized a (F or m e r 1 y the First Presbyterian Milwaukee, Naomi Zalabak fine school at Oshkosh this fall. Their church). Moon, Ruth Kaiser Oakland, Ruth Stotz teacher, Mrs. H. T. Hansen, formerly Conference Help: Elder G. F. Ruf, Oshkosh, Mrs. H. T. Hansen of Racine, is doing a fine work in be- and Sister Orrick. Oxford, Ramona Ellis half of their youth. Due to a lack of Guest Speaker: Miss Sprain from Pardeeville, Arla Joyner the Juvenile Delinquency Department Poy Sippi, Carolyn Young adequate space in their church build- Raymond, Joyce Schaal ing they have been temporarily forced of La Crosse. Reedsburg, Marjorie Danielson to seek another place where they could What to Bring: 1. Reports of Dor- Superior, Alice Herwick operate a school. Their faith was re- cas activities of your church. 2. Arti- Wittenberg, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Jones cles of interest to exhibit. 3. Food for Yuba (Home School), Rose Hatcher warded when they were successful in M. J. PEREPELITZA securing from one of their members a joint dinner. 4. Bring your own a fine dwelling house, the front room dishes and cups. The La Crosse church NEWS NOTES of which offered them the kind of will furnish a hot drink. ON Thursday, October 10, the space they needed. Adjoining the Come early and enjoy a full day Bethel Academy Finance Committee house, is an empty lot which, upon of instruction and Christian fellow. convened at the academy to study ship. proper arrangements, provided them MRS. J. H. MEIER some weighty and vital problems. with an unusual playground. It is WEDDING BELLS Word has reached the office that, greatly appreciated by the students. IN A beautiful outdoor service on Elder D. W. Anderson and Brother The house is occupied by the teacher August 18, Miss Lillian Larson, the Peterson of the Clearwater Lake and family, affording Brother Hansen daughter of Dr. and Mrs. V. S. Lar- Church, are conducting an evangelis- the opportunity to carry on with his son of Madison, was united in marri- tic effort in the town of Eagle River. colporteur work in the great city of age to Mr. Byron Patrick. Elder T. E. The attendance is heartening. Pray Oshkosh. It is undoubtedly through Unruh officiated. The setting of the for this effort. providential circumstances, that he was wedding was the beautiful lawn and Sunday, October 6, was the date for led .to Oshkosh to help break the sod flower garden of the bride's parents. the opening of the Dorcas FederatiOn for the evangelistic effort which Elder Mr. and Mrs. Patrick will serve on meeting which Elder Unruh attended Bee is already conducting. With this the teaching staff of the greater New at Berrien Springs, Michigan. Follow- kind of service 'the harvest surely will York Academy. The many friends of ing this he met with the Lake Union come, not only from the effort, but these young people wish them God's Conference Committee and on Wed- also through the school that they sup- choicest blessings and an abundance nesday he was at the Hinsdale Sani- port. of happiness in their service together tarium where a meeting of the Hins- Instances like these are evident in the Master's vineyard. dale Board was called. On Sabbath,


Mutual System and 200 Transcribed Stations MEW vi,(R)C,E,-.°,', RADIO SCHEDULE Check Y our Station With Log Shown Below Effective October to, ;946. Subject to change. Please consult your local newspaper for time and station.

City Station kc. Local Time City Station kc. Local Time City Station kc. Local Time City StatMn kc. Local Time Bridgeport WICC 600 10:30 AM DISTRICT • OF COLUMBIA ILLINOIS Bessemer WILD 1400 12:30 PM Fresno • KFRE 0340 8ido AM WOL 1260 10:30 AM Chicago KGER 1390 00:30 AM WAIT 82o 10:30 AM Birmingham WSGN 610 10:30 AM Long Beach FLORIDA Galesburg WGIL 1400 9:30 AM Birmingham WTNB 1490 9:30 AM Los Angeles KHJ 930 8:30 AM Ft. Meyers WINK 1240 9:15 AM Harrisburg WEBQ 1240 8:15 PM Decatur WMSL 1400 9:30 AM Marysville KMYC 1450 8:30 AM Herrin KYOS 1490 8:3o AM Ft. Pierce WIRA 1400 10:30 AM WJPF 1340 10:00 AM Dothan WAGE' 1400 9:30 AM Merced Jacksonville WLDS 1180 5:00 PM Gadsden WJBY 1240 9:30 AM Pisadena KWKW 1430 4:15 PM Gainesville WRLIF 850 10:30 AM Pekin WSIV 1140 8:30 AM Hunstville WBHP 1230 9:30 AM Redding KVCV 1230 8:30 AM Jacksonville WJHP 1320 10:30 AM Lakeland WLAK 9:30 AM Quincy WTAD 930 9:00 AM .Mobile WKRG 710 9:30 AM Riverside KPRO 1440 8:30 AM 1340 Rockford 9:30 AM San Ber'do KFXM 1240 8:30 AM Miami WKAT 1360 to:00 AM WROK 1440 9:00 AM Mobile WKRG 710 Springfield WCBS 1450 10:00 AM Montgomery WSFA 1440 9:oo AM San Diego KGB 1360 8:30 AM Ocala WTMC 1490 15:30 AM M'cle Shls. WLAY 1450 8:oo AM San Francisco KFRC 610 8:30 AM Orlando WDBO 580 10:3o AM INDIANA Selma • WHBB 1490 9:30 AM S. L. Obispo KVEC 1230 8:30 AM St. Petersburg WTSP 1380 9:00 AM Hammond WJOB 1230 8:30 PM Talladega WHTB 123o 9:30 AM Santa Ana KVOE 1495 8:30 AM Tallahassee WTAL 1340 10:30 AM Lafayette WASK 1450 9:30 AM Tuscaloosa WJRD f230 7:00 PM Sta. Barbara KDB 1490 8:30 AM GEORGIA Richmond WKBV 1490 8:30 AM ARIZONA Visalia Monday KTKC 940 10:00 PM Atlanta WATL 1400 toi3o AM South Bend WSBT 96o 9:00 AM Globe KWJB 0240 7:30 AM Ter. Haute WBOW 1230 9:30 AM Augusta WRDW 1480 10:30 AM Phoenix KTAR 620 7:30 AM Brunswick WMOG 1490 10:30 AM Vincennes WAOV 1450 9:30 AM Prescott KYCA 1490 7:30 AM Alamosa KGIW 1450 8:30 AM Cartersville WBHF 0450 10:30 AM Safford KGLU 1450 7:30 AM Colo. Spgns. KVOR 1300 8:30 AM Cordele WMJM 1490 8:15 PM Cedar Rapids WMT 600 9:3o AM Tucson KVOA 1296 7:30 AM Denver KFEL 950 9:30 AM Dalton WBLJ 1230 9:30 Clinton KROS 1340 AM 7:00 PM Yuma KYUM 1240 7:30 AM Durango KIUP 1400 11:00 AM Gainesville WGGA 1240 8:30 AM Dubuque KDTH 1370 9:30 AM Greeley KFKA 910 9:3o AM La Grange WLAG 1240 8:oo PM Fort Dodge KVFD 1400 10:30 AM Helena KFFA 1490 9:30 AM La Junta KOKO 1400 9:00 AM Macon WNEX 1400 10:30 AM M'shalltown KFJB 1230 9:30 AM Hot Springs KWFC 1340 930 AM Pueblo KGHF 1350 10:30 AM Savannah WCCP 1450 10:30 AM Mason City KGLO 130o 9:3o PM Jonesboro KBTM 1230 12:00 N Trinidad KSFT 0280 9:00 AM Waycross WAYX 1230 10:35 AM Ottumwa KBIZ 1240 9:3o AM Little Rock KLRA Into to:30 AM Shenandoah KMA 96o 9:30 AM Little Rock KXLR 1450 9:30 AM Sioux City KTRI 1450 9:30 AM Boise KIDO 1380 Pine Bluff . KOTN 1490 9:3o AM Bridgeport WICC 600 10:30 AM to:oci AM Spencer KICD 1240 9:30 AM CALIFORNIA Hartford WONS 1410 10:30 AM Idaho Falls KID 1350 8:30 AM Bakersfield KPMC 1560 8:30 AM New Haven (See Bridgeport) Lewiston KRLC 1400 8:30 AM KANSAS Brawley KROP 1300 8:30 AM New London WNLC 1490 3:30 PM Pocatello KSEI 930 9:oo AM Atchison KVAK 1450 9:30 AM Chico KHSL 1290 8:30 AM Twin Falls KTFI 1270 8:oo PM Coffeyville KGGF 690 6:3o PM DELAWARE El Centro KXO 1230 8:312 AM Twin Falls KVMV 1450 8:30 AM Garden City KIUL 1240 9:30 AM Eureka KIEM 1480 8:30 AM Wilmington WILM 1450 10:30 AM Wallace KWAL 1450 8:30 AM Great Bend KVGB 1400 9:30 AM

October 12, Elder and Mrs. Unruh Position Wanted. - Experienced lumber- met with the Richland Center Church man, retail sales, counter-work, estimating, COLPORTEUR REPORT shipping, etc. References exchanged. S.D.A. for services. FOR THE , MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1946 member. T. H. Richards, 2721 Haley, Fort On Sunday, October 13, Elder Worth 11, . C. M. Bee, assisted by Elder F. M. Wisconsin, W. C. Whitten, Sec. Wanted.-Office girl to work in a clinic. Larsen, opened an evangelistic ef- Bk. Hrs.. Total Del. Good wages to a nurse or laboratory tech- Atkin, LeVern HS 176 $ 413.87 $ 397.37 nician. Excellent living quarters available. fort in Oshkosh. The meetings are Benedict, C. HS 225 591.90 591.90 Belin, Donald MC 64 206.65 172.65 In replying, state your training and experi- being held in the 20th Century Club Blessing, R. ' HS 169 648.70 584.50y ence. Martinson Clinic, Wayzata, . Rooms. Chapman. Ida NG 89 182.75 196.95 Cleveland, M. MC 162 551.55 525.65 Wanted Immediately. - Reliable woman We were happy to have Elder and Grotteau, E. DR 11 48.95 48.95 who would like a good permanent home and Hirsch, H. BR 116 280.00 280.00 Mrs. E. R. Potter, from the Michigan Jacobson, E BR 14 61.65 8.15 $45 per month in exchange for care of chil- Conference, visit our office one day Jordan, Guy BR 202 679.20 645.50 dren and home five days per week. Mrs. Kingman, J. DA 60 150.10 98.20 Irene Claflin, 565 Denver St., Lansing 10, last week, while they were on their McColpin, Mich. Telephone' 4-5866. vacation. Mrs. Marvin BR 59 212.10 189.45 Nasvall. W. HS 134 596.50 581.00 Moving?-When you plan moving a Brother Perepelitza visited the Robbins, R. MC 120 578.15 578.15 Waite, Althea BR 89 296.60 238.45 long distance to any point in the United Green Bay church Sabbath, October Benedict. R. MC 74 77.75 60.75 States, contact Atlas Van Lines, 4875 Mil- 12. He reports that the church is Dunkel, Joan BR 41 19.45 22.95 Ford, Dwain BR 11 11.90 47.05 waukee Ave., Chicago 30, Ill.; telephone making good progress, and the M.V. Franklin, R. BR 45 66.75 59.50 Avenue 7000. This company is owned and Hale. Dorothy .._. 78 21.75 21.75 operated by Mr. Geo. E. Edler. work under the leadership of Miss Johnson, D. MC 67 117.55 321.80 Myrtle Johnson, promises to be a Kaatz, Jim MC 67 72.20 28.00 For Sale.-A strictly modern six-room bun- Lange, Carroll BS 65.00 real help to the young people of Massey, Ted BR 81 59.20 106.45 galow in Berrien Springs; stoker heat, electric Green Bay. Michalenko, I. BS 55 242.10 197.95 hot water heater, laundry room in basement, Sevison, V. Col 5 30.40 large garage, large corner lot nicely land- Elder G. F. Ruf spent October 10- 4 part time 183 369.65 352.05 scaped. Priced to sell. Immediate passession. II Students 524 688.65 961.60 15 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, at- We have three very choice fruit farms near tending the Pre-Council. 2397 $ 6,556.97 $ 6.450.52 Emmanuel Missionary College. These are real money-makers and worth the price asked. Elder T. E. Unruh left Sunday for Completely equipped. Quick Possession. Earl Grand Rapids, Michigan to attend the BUSINESS NOTICES Spaulding. Active Realtor. Phone Berrien Fall Council. Please send all advertisements, accom- Springs 3701. panied by cash, to your local conference Elder E. D. Calkins is experienc- office. They must be approved by the ing good success in the effort at Fort president or secretary before publication. The rate is one dollar for each insertion SUNSET TABLE Atkinson. Many are attending regu- of forty words or less, and two cents per each additional word. October 25, 1946 larly and becoming interested in the truth. Pray with us that many souls Indianapolis C 4:52 Springfield C 5:06 Wanted.-By, experienced single Seventh- Chicago C 4:54 Detroit E 5:36 may be garnered into the fold as a day Adventist man, year-around farm work. Madison C 5:00 Lansing E 5:40 result of these meetings. Post-office Box 238, Wentzville, . C-Central Time E-Eastern Time 8 LAKE UNION HERALD VOICE OF PROPHECY—NEW RADIO LOG GIVING CHANGED SCHEDULES (Continued from P. 7)

City Station kc. Local Time City Station kc. Local Time City Station kc. Local Time City Station kc. Local Time WEAU 790 9:3o AM Scranton WARM 1400 8:30 AM Eau Claire WFKY 1490 9:30 AM Keene WKNE 1290 10:30 AM Fond du Lac KFIZ 1450 9:30 AM Frankfort State -Col. WMAJ 1450 10:30 AM WSON 86o 9:30 AM Laconia WLNH 1340 10:30 AM WCLO 123o 9:30 AM Henderson Washington WJPA 1450 7:00 PM Janesville WGRC 1400 9:30 AM WOMT 1240 Louisville Wilkes-Barre WBAX 1240 10:30 AM Manitowoc 9:30 AM Bridgeton WSNJ 1240 12:30 PM RHODE ISLAND Marinette WMAM 57o 4:30 PM KNOE 1450 8:30 PM Trenton WTTM 920 10:30 AM WIGM 490 9:00 AM Monroe Providence WEAN 700 10:3o AM Medford 1 New Orleans WNOE 1450 9:30 AM NEW MEXICO SOUTH CAROLINA Milwaukee WFOX 860 8:oo AM KWKH 1130 9:30 AM Albuquerque KOB 770 8:30 AM Shreveport Charleston WCSC 1390 8:00 AM Poynette- - Clovis WIBU 1240 9:30 AM Columbia WKIX 1490 10:30 AM Madison Saturday KICA 1240 5:00 PM WJMC 1240 8:oo AM Auburn (See Lewiston) Conway WLAT 5490 10:30 AM Rice Lake Hobbs KWEW 1490 7:30 PM Florence WOLS 1230 8:15 AM Superior WDSM 123o 9:00 AM Bangor WABI 910 10:3o AM WCOU 1240 10:30 AM Tucumcari KTNM 1400 7:30 AM Rock Hill WRHI 1340 10:30 AM Wis. Rapids WFHR 1340 9:30 AM Lewiston Portland WGAN 560 10:30 AM NEW YORK Sumter WFIG 1340 8:3o AM 12:30 I'M Albany WABY 1400 3:00 PM Casper KDFN 1470 5:00 PM Presque Isle WAGM 1450 MARYLAND Auburn WMBO 1340 10:30 AM Aberdeen KABR 1420 2:30 PM Cheyenne KFBC 1240 9:30 AM 2:00 PM Batavia WBTA 1490 2:00 PM Pierre KGFX 63o 12:00 N Powell KPOW 1230 5:30 PM Baltimore WCBM 1400 Buffalo WEBR 1340 9:30 AM Rapid City KOTA 1380 moo AM Rock Spgns. KVRS 1400 8:30 AM Baltimore WFBR 1300 9:30 AM Gloversville- Sioux Falls KSOO 1140 10:30 AM Sheridan KWYO 140o 8:30 PM Hagerstown WJET 124010:3o AM 1230 10:30 AM Johnstown WNT 1340 11:30 AM • Watertown KWAT 1240 4:00 PM Worland KWOR 1490 9:15 AM Salisbury WBC• Kingston WKNY 1490 10:30 AM TENNESSEE TERRITORIES WNAC 1260 10:30 AM Middletown WAI,L 1340 10:30 AM Chattanooga WAGC 1450 9:30 AM ALASKA Boston W5AR 1480 10:30 AM N. Y. City WHN 1050 10:3o AM Clarksville WJZM 1400 9:3o AM Anchorage KFQD 790 11:30 AM Fall River WEIM 1340 1:15 PM N. Y. City WHN 1050 to:00 PM Cleveland WBAC 1340 12:30 PM Fairbanks Fitchburg WHYN 1400 lo:30 AM Ogdensburg WSLB 1400 2:00 PM Cookeville WHUB 140o 9:30 AM Tuesday KFAR 66o 11:30 AM Holyoke AM Rochester WSAY 1370 10:30 AM Memphis WHBQ 1400 9:30 AM HAWAII WLLH 1400 10:30 Lowell Saranac Lake WNBZ 1320 9:30 AM WSIX 980 9:30 AM Hilo KHBC 1230 8:30 AM Springfield (See Holyoke) Nashville WAAB 1440 to:30 AM Schenectady WBCA 44700 10:30 AM TEXAS Honolulu KGMB 590 8:30 AM Worcester Syracuse MICHIGAN WOLF 1490 9:30 AM Amarillo KFDA 1230 9:30 AM CANAL ZONE WATT 1240 8:30 AM Utica WIBX 1230 7:00 AM Beaumont (See Port Arthur) Colon HOK 640 12:30 PM Cadillac WHDF 1400 9:30 AM Watertown WATN 1240 9:30 AM Brownwood KBWD 1380 9:30 AM Colon HP5K 6005 12:30 PM Calumet CKLW Boo 10:30 AM NORTH CAROLINA Corpus Christi KWBU 1030 9:30 AM PUERTO RICO Detroit WDBC 1490 9:30 AM Asheville WISE 1230 10:30 AM Corsicana KAND 1340 9:30 AM San Juan WKAQ 620 5:30 PM Escanaba Warren WREN 1400 9:30 AM WRR 1310 9:3o AM OTHER COUNTRIES Grand Rapids WJEF 1230 9:00 AM Dallas WJMS 1450 9:30 AM Charlotte WAYS 6to 1:oo PM El Paso (See XELO 6:00 P M) BAHAMAS Ironwood WKZO 590 9:30 AM Durham WHHT 1580 10:30 AM Galveston KLUF 1400 9:30 AM Nassau ZNS 64o 6:oo PM Kalamazoo WKLA 1450 9:30 AM Fayetteville WFNC 1450 10:30 AM Harlingen KGBS 1240 10:30 PM Nassau ZNS 6090 6:no PM Ludington WDMJ 1340 9:30 AM Goldsboro WGBR 1400 10:3o AM KPAB 1490 9:30 AM BRITISH GUIANA Marquette Laredo WKBZ 1490 10:30 AM Henderson WHNC 890 9:45 AM Lufkin KRBA 1340 9:30 AM Georgetown ZFY 6000 6:no PM Muskegon 10:30 AM Raleigh WRAL 1240 10:3o AM Midland KCRS 1230 10:00 AM Port Huron WHLS 1450 BERMUDA 11:00 AM R'noke Rds. WCBT 1230 10:30 AM KRIG 1410 9:30 AM S. S. Marie WSOO 123o Odessa Bermuda ZBM 1240 2:00 PM 10:30 AM WSTP 1490 10:30 AM Traverse City WTCM 1400 Salisbury Palestine KNET 1450 9:3o AM CANADA MINNESOTA Shelby WOHS 730 1o:30 AM Pampa KPDN 1340 9:30 AM Alberta— 9:3o AM Wilmington WMFD 1400 lomo AM Plainview KVOP 1400 9:30 PM Albert Lea KATE 1450 G. Prairie CFGP 1340 9:3o AM 8:3o AM Pt. Arthur KPAC 1250 9:30 AM Duluth WEBC 1320 Calgary CFCN Into 8:30 AM 9:30 AM S. Antonio KMAC 1240 9:30 AM Fergus Falls KGDE 1230 Bismarck (See Mandan) British Columbia— 8:30 AM Sherman KRRV 910 9:30 AM Hibbing WMFG 1240 Devil's Lake KDLR 1240 9:30 AM P. George CKPG 1230 • 6:oo PM 9:30 AM Sweetwater KXOX 1240 8:30 AM Mankato KYSM 5230 Grand Fks. KILO 1440 10:05 AM New Brunswick— KGKB 1490 6:30 PM Minneapolis- Jamestown KSIB 60o .9:30 AM Tyler St. John CHSJ 1150 2:30 PM 9:30 AM KVWC 1490 10:30 AM St. Paul WLOL 1220 Mandan KGCU 1270 9:30 AM Vernon Ontario— 9:30 AM KWTX 1230 9:30 AM Moorhead KVOX 1340 Valley City KOVC 1490 9:30 AM Waco Kingston CKWS 960 10:30 AM KROC 1340 9:30 AM Rochester OHIO UTAH Windsor CKLW 800 8:30 AM 9:30 AM KVNU 1230 7:30 AM St. Cloud KFAM 1450 Columbus WHKC 6,o 11:30 AM Logan Prince Edward Island— WHLB 1370 8:30 AM KLO 1430 7:30 AM Virginia Hamilton WHOM 1450 11:00 AM Ogden Charlott'n CFCY 63o 1:30 PM Willmar KWLM 1340 8:3o AM Lima WLOK 1240 10:00 AM Price KOAL 145o 7:30 AM Quebec— 8:30 AM Winona KWNO 1230 Steubenville WSTV 1340 To:30 AM Provo KOVO 1240 8:30 AM Montreal CJAD 800 9:30 AM Youngstown WKBN 57o 7:00 AM S. L. City KALL 910 7:30 AM Saskatchewan— KUTA 570 10:00 AM Biloxi (See Gulfport) S. L. City Saskatoon CFOC 600 8:0o AM 9:00 AM Greenwood WGRM 1240 Ada KADA 1230 2:00 PM VERMONT MEXICO 8:30 AM PM • WSYB 1380 10:30 AM Gulfport WGCM 1240 Ardmore KVSO 1240 2:00 Rutland Ciudad Juarez, Hattiesburg WFOR 140o moo AM Bartlesville KWON 1400 9:30 AM VIRGINIA Chihuahua XELO 800 6:no PM Jackson WJXN 1490 9:30 AM Elk City KASA 1240 9:30 AM Charlottesville WCHV 1240 10:00 AM NEWFOUNDLAND Laurel WLAU 1490 9:30 AM Muskogee KBIX 1490 2:00 PM Covington WKEY 1340 8:30 AM St. Johns VOAR 950 Laurel WAML 1340 10:30 AM Okla City KOCY 1340 9:30 AM Frederickhurg WFVA 1230 8:30 AM 12:45 PM 9:00 PM—Sunday Meridian WCOC 910 10:30 AM Okmulgee KHBG 1240 9:30 AM Harrisonburg WSVA 550 4:30 PM MOZAMBIQUE, AFRICA Mer;dian WMOX 1240 9:30 AM Ponca City WBBZ 1230 9:30 AM Norton WNVA 5450 10:30 AM Lourenco. Marques— McComb WSKB 1230 1:30 PM Shawnee KGFF 1450 2:00 PM Norfolk-Plymouth WSAP 1490 10:30 AM Tuesday CR7BE 9710 6:o2 PM Natchez AtrMig tzso 9:00 AM Tulsa KOME 1340 10:00 AM Petersburg WSSV 1240 8:30 AM PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Vicksburg SVORC 1420 10:00 AM Tulsa KTUL 1430 10:30 AM Winchester WINC 1400 Imo PM Manila KZPI 700 9:30 AM MISSOURI OREGON WASHINGTON FOREIGN LANGUAGE Jefferson City tssvUO 1240 9:3o AM Albany KWIL 1240 8:30 AM Aberdeen KXRO 1340 8:30 AM PORTUGUESE Joplin WMBH 1450 6:3o PM Astoria EAST 123o 8:3o AM Bellingham KVOS 790 5:30 PM California— Poplar Bluff KWOC 1340 9:30 AM Baker KBKR 1490 1:30 PM Centralia- Tulare KCOK 1240 7:15 AM Sedalia KDRO 1490 9:30 AM Bend KBND 1340 8:30 AM Chehalis KELA 1470 8:30 AM Massachusetts— Springfield KTTS 1400 9:30 AM Coos Bay KOOS 1230 8:30 AM Everett KRKO 1400 8:30 AM New Bedford WNBH 1340 8:30 AM St. Joseph KRES 123o 8:30 AM Eugene KOR 1450 8:30 AM Olympia KGY 1240 7:30 AM Cape Cod WOCB 1240 8:30 AM Grants Pass KUIN 134o 8:30 AM Seattle-Tacoma KVI 570 8:30 AM SPANISH Billings KGHL 790 10:15 PM La Grande KLBM 1450 9:30 AM Walla Walla KUJ 1420 8:30 AM AriGrolonbae— Great Falls KFBB 1310 4:30 PM Portland KXL 750 8:30 AM Wenatchee KPQ 56o 9:00 AM KWJB 124o 7:00 AM Kalispell KGEZ 1340 1o:15 AM Roseburg KRNR 490 8:30 AM Yakima KIT 1280 8:3o AM Phoenix KTAR 620 7:00 AM Miles City KRIF 1340 1:00 PM Salem KSLM 1390 8:30 AM WEST VIRGINIA Prescott KYCA 1490 7:00 AM Missoula KGVO 1290 4:30 PM The Dalles KODL 1230 9:30 AM Beckley WWNR 1450 10:30 AM Safford KGLU 1450 7:00 AM Sidney KGCX 1480 8:30 AM Charleston WGKV 1490 9:00 AM Tucson KVOA 1290 7:00 AM . NEBRASKA Butler WISR 68o 9:30 AM Fairmont WMMN 920 1:00 PM Yuma KYUM 1240 7:00 AM Fremont KORN 1400 9:30 AM Easton WEST 1400 10:30 AM Logan WLOG 1230 6:00 PM New Mexico— Gd. Island KMMJ 750 10:30 AM Du Bois WCED 1230 10:00 AM Morgantown WAJR 1230 10:3o AM Albuquerque KGGM 126o 9:30 AM Hastings KHAS 1230 9:30 AM Erie WLEU 145o 10:30 AM Welch WBRW 1340 8:15 AM Santa Fe KVSF 1340 10i30 AM Kearney KGFW 1340 9:30 AM Hazelton WAZL 1450 9:00 AM Wheeling WWVA 1170 8:00 AM New York— Lincoln KFOR 1240 10:00 AM Indiana WDAD 1450 1o:30 AM Williamson WBTH 1400 10:30 AM Brooklyn WBYN t430 3:30 PM No. Platte KODY 1240 8:30 AM McKeesport WEDO 810 5:00 PM WISCONSIN Texas— Omaha KBON 1490 9:30 AM Oil City WKRZ 134o 10:30 AM Appleton WHBY 1230 9:30 AM Harlingen KGBS 1240 10:30 PM NEVADA Philadelphia WIP 6,o 10:30 AM Ashland WATW 1400 9:30 AM Laredo KPAB 1490 7:30 AM Reno KATO 1340 8:30 AM Reading WHUM 1240 10:3o AM Cheboygan WHBL 1330 8:30 AM S. Ant'io KCOR 1350 7:15 AM If you desire free copies of our radio logs for distribution, write The Voice of Prophecy, Box 55, Los Angeles, California.