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LAKE UNION MAW °lief..ea argaw rite .1a4e Ilaeoa eeftimeace Vol. XXXVIII Berrien Springs, Mich., October 22, 1946 No. 42 DIRECT FROM THE FALL COUNCIL By L. E. LENHEIM ROM all parts of the world ap- serving our churches and believers in The Council is just getting nicely F proximately 350 denominational the various countries of Europe. under way. The various committees leaders have gathered in. Grand Rap- The Council is mainly a business are now giving consideration to im- ids for the Autumn Council. This is session. Two of the most important portant plans and recommendations. a most important meeting. Executives committees are those on budget and The Lord is blessing the meetings from the far ends of the earth gather finance. Other committees of the coun- and there is a very fine 'spirit among once a year in Autumn Council ses- cil are the nominating, distribution 'our world leaders. Everyone seems in-' sion for the purpose of giving care- of labor and plans committees. These tensely interested in finishing the work ful study to our world-wide work and groups are now in session. As I write of God. these lines I am now sitting as a mem- laying plans for the coming year. New Elder M. V. Campbell, president of policies will be enacted and impor- ber of the important budget commit- the. Central Union Conference, gave tant budgets will be passed at this tee and I wish that all our believers a heart-searching study on the sub- session. might be present to hear these leaders ject of prayer at the devotional serv- from the far corners of the earth make Prior to the opening of the Coun- ice this morning. He emphasized the their appeals for financial help to en- cil (Oct. 14) the Union conference three types of prayer based on . the able them to carry forward their work presidents of North America, college text, Matt. 7:7, "Ask and it shall be in these distant lands. No doubt a presidents and departmental leaders, given you; seek and ye shall find; budget of approximately ten millions held very important pre-council con- knock, and it shall be opened unto of dollars will be passed at this ses- ventions and their recommendations you." As I close this article let me sion. The General Conference does will be presented to the delegates of say that we are now in the second day not have this money in their hands. the Fall Council for study. • of the Council and may I urge our This budget will be voted in faith. The opening service of the Coun- believers in the Lake Union to re- We are counting on our believers ev- cil featured the General Conference member this important gathering be- president, Elder J. L. McElhany be- erywhere to support the program of God to the extent that this money will fore the throne of grace. The actions hind the desk, flanked by his cabinet taken at this Council will be far-reach- of General Conference officers on the be forthcoming in 1947 so that our work will not be hindered in . any ing and will have a great effect upon platform. A stirring sermon was de- our work throughout the entire world. livered based on the words of the way in its prosecution. Apostle Peter as recorded in Acts 3:6, "Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY I thee." The speaker portrayed in a M. E. KERN most vivid manner the utter worth- General Conference Field Secretary • lessness of material things and ap- YOUNG fa t h e r and mother soul. There are thousands in this pealed to our leaders gathered in ex- A were in great distress regard- troubled world who are waiting for ecutive session to lean wholly upon ing the illness of their baby. It wasn't a personal word from someone who God in these crisis hours and to growing. It weighed less than when knows the way of salvation from sin. plead for an infilling of the Holy it was born. They finally- took it to What wonderful opportunities for Spirit. Thus a mighty keynote was a specialist, but were sorely disap- those who know the Lord! As some- sounded at the very opening service. pointed. They felt that they could one has said: "He who casts a rich Yesterday morning Elder A. V. Ol- not make use of his prescription. What thought in the mind of a friend is son, vice president of the General should they do? The specialist's office giving as the angels give." Conference, led the devotional serv- nurse made a suggestion that proVed But sometimes we seem to lack ice and related to the delegates in a to be the solution. Soon the, baby was opportunity; or we do not know how most interesting way some of the con- healthy and growing—the joy of the to make the approach. We feel that ditions now existing in European household. we need some tangible excuse, some- countries. He also cited instances of • How often in life a few words thing to offer for sale, some favor to the miraculous power of God in pre- bring healing and health to a sinsick ask or something to give. 2 LAKE UNION HERALD During the period from November ence and also to Elder R. H. Wentland have interesting programs, have mis- 1 to 28 Seventh-day Adventists in of the Michigan Conference, for their sionary projects and also arrange for North America have a good excuse assistance in the campaign. outings and social events. for personal contact with all their We are deeply thankful to God for Before school opened a week-end friends and neighbors. We are asked His guidance throughout the day. We outing was held at Barbee Lake. The by the American Bible Society to realize that He was definitely with us Anderson society had sent invitations help enlist all the people in Bible and added His abundant blessing to to the young people in neighboring reading, from Thanksgiving to Christ- our work for Him. churches to join them and some ac- mas. We will take in our hands the ALVIN W. JOHNSON, President cepted the invitation. Brother Roland Bible Society bookmark leaflet, giv- Webb had the camp well organized. THE HEART ing the list of daily readings, and It was a pleasure for Professor Vern OF CHRISTIANITY also a leaflet, "The Book of Power," C. Hoffman and the writer to join THAT Christianity ought to be the prepared by the General Conference, this group for the Sabbath services. kind of a burden to an individual and visit the homes in our commu- An interesting vesper service was con- nities, asking the people to join in that sails are to a ship and that wings ducted. On Sabbath morning we went world-wide Bible reading. are to a bird is the conviction of Dr. to the Wolf Lake church. Meeting in These leaflets will come to your Arthur L. Bietz, professor of applied this church had special significance church free, through your conference Christianity at the College of Medical because Mrs. E. G. White had taken home missionary secretary, and every Evangelists and pastor of the White part in the dedicatory services of the one should- be used. This brings to Memorial church in Los Angeles. Dr. church. We were welcomed by the our church members, young and old, Bietz conducted the autumn Week of church membership and enjoyed an a wonderful opportunity to approach Prayer, October 4 to 12, in Emmanuel interesting Sabbath school which was their neighbors and friends regard- Missionary College. followed by the preaching service. ing the importance of reading God's "The core of Christianity is a trans- The remainder of the Sabbath was holy book. A few earnest words of forming fellowship with Jesus." Elder filled with good things and .Profes- ours may turn the tide in the lives Bietz emphasized this truth through- sor Hoffman showed educational of many. "Who then is willing to out the series of morning and evening films Saturday night. consecrate his service this day unto sermons he delivered. Teachers and W. A. NELSON the Lord?" I Chron. 29:5. students united in a spirit of deeper consecration and scores of students for NUPTIALS EMMANUEL MISSIONARY the first time declared their undivided Miss Mary Eileen Grassel of Indian- COLLEGE INGATHERING allegiance to Christian principles. apolis and Mr. Earl Douglas Day of FOLLOWING the Week of Prayer, a. Dr. Alvin W. Johnson, president Rochester, New York, were united in week in ,which the Lord was very of the College, supervised the organi- matrimony Sunday, September 15 at near, students and faculty of Emman- zation of the entire school family into 3:00 P.M. in a wedding service solem- uel Missionary College put into prayer bands. These groups met daily nized in the Indianapolis North Side preceding the general convocation in Seventh-day Adventist Church. "works" in the Ingathering field day The bride's cousin, Mrs. Jack on Tuesday, October 15, some of the the college auditorium. Anders of Berrien Springs, Michigan, convictions that had been aroused. "We appreciate Dr. Bietz' untiring served as Matron of honor and Paul A total of more than six thousand and consecrated labor in our behalf," Yeoman of Rochester, New York, was dollars was raised for the Ingathering says President Johnson. "We know best man. fund. Approximately sixty cars, filled that he has at the very beginning of Special music was rendered by Mrs.