Parish Folders
PA RISHFD LII)ElP; B ABINGER PF/AB/:l TIts Mo11e at Ab i nger". (Gaun t r•y Li-+ e 1951) , ROAa.n Vi 1 1a ^• o^; c:inn—rji an—j:D77 4o Lord Abinqer, death O'S-, 1861 (press cuttir.q) /4 Account o-f John Hool e, "European l>lagaz :i. rve" March 1792 /5 Abinger GhurcEi from east- eahly 20th„ cent- photograph» /6 Abinger Church from south- early 20th, cent, photograph. /7 "Abinger's story.,,,," by E,H.Rideout,"The Advertiser" 1974,2 copies,7/1 and 7/2. /a Abinger Ha mmer Village Sc In oo I Tr u s t a p p e a 1 198 2 /9 Crossways Farm, ArcEi, Fiistory notes. / /f- ,4 fJCvU TW ^<v.Vw<s VWa/uvvvaHv IZowajxa. /" i(jij L>AVNe. i: See a 1so 1652 Deed , "^PF / RE I/ 2.51 /(^ ADDINI3TDN P/F/ADD/1 Ad d i n g t o n Park," "i h s S a t u r d a; / -ila g a z .in e " 2 3 J111 y 1842 /2 Addington Palace,press cutting at date of e,..-:) | e 1928 Add i ngton Pal ace"Ti mes" c u 11 i n g <3. t t. i me o f 1928 h P A R J.S H F L.) I... r>£ R S ALBURY PF/ALB/l (Altau.ry Estate sale, Transferred to Ml 4/ALEt''9) /2 "A visit to Albu.ry Cathedral via St,. Martha'-s" (Catholic and Apostolic Church), incomplete press cutting undated,c.1855 /3 "The Parish, the Church and its Minister"by "The Clerical RoverA1bury section (see also PF/GFD/300) 1878? /4 Consecration o-f Parish Church with new chancel, press cuttinq ,undated, (19tl-K centurv ?) /5 William Oughtred, press cutting,undated, /6 Death ot Henry Drummond, preess cutting 1860 /7 Henry Drummond, obituary,"The Star" 1860 /8 Henry Drummond, Tuneral,press cutting 3n3„1860 /9 ditto di tto another pres;;s ci..i.11 i 11a1B60 /lO Henry Drummond,death "West Surrey Times"25.2,1860 /11 Albury Cliurch, incomplete 19th, century press c y 11i n g , u.n d a t e d, /12 S E? r Vi c e a t A1 fc) u r y C; I-ua r c I•) w i.
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