MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH OF UKRAINE KHARKIV NATIONAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITY S U R G E R Y Textbook for Vth year students of medical faculties Thoracic, cardiovascular, endocrine surgery Kharkov 2017 UDC 616.712 + 616.1 + 616.43/.45] – 089 (075.8) Х 49 Reviewers: M. D. Professor M. M. Veligotsky (KhMAPE) M. D. Professor B. I. Peev (KhMAPE) Authors: V. V. Boyko, V. N. Lisovyi, L. I. Goncharenko, I. A. Taraban, I. A. Krivoruchko, Yu. I. Kozin, P. M. Zamyatin, Yu. B. Grigorov, V. V. Makarov, V. O. Prasol, V. G. Groma, D. O. Evtushenko, S. V. Sushkov, O. К. Тolstanov, O. S. Larin, І. А. Lurin, V. V. Shafranskyi, V. I. Shcherbakov, O. V. Kuznetsov, R. M. Smachilo, N. F. Mizhiritskaya , L. O. Ponomarev, S. I. Makeev , D. V. Minukhin, M. M. Goloborodko, D. G. Dotsenko, K. M. Smolyanik, A. V. Tokarev, Yu. V. Avdosev, K. V. Gorbenko, V. V. Tsodikov, M. S. Chernyayev, S. Yu. Basylaishvili, D. V. Okley Х 49 Thoracic, cardiovascular, endocrine surgery: Textbook for Vth year students of medical faculties / Authors: V. V. Boyko, V. N. Lisovyi, L. I. Goncharenko, I. A. Taraban at alias; edited by V. V. Boyko and V. M. Lisovyi. – Kharkiv, 2017. – 400 p. ISBN 978-617-578-116-6 APPROVED Academic Council of KNMU. Protocol №v3 from «17» 03 2011 In connection with the transition of teaching at universities in Ukraine on the principles of credit-modular system of learning from ESTS IV year medical students learn surgery on the new model curriculum «Surgery», which includes 5 modules. Under the new program, students study surgery V courses on topics of Module 2 «Thoracic, cardiovascular, endocrine surgery».
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