Some Aspects of the Morphological Processing of Bulgarian Milena Slavcheva Linguistic Modelling Department Central Laboratory for Parallel Processing Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 25A, Acad. G. Bonchev St, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
[email protected] Abstract linguistic and computational decision-making of each stage. This paper demonstrates the modelling Bulgarian computational morphology has de- of morphological knowledge in Bulgar- veloped as the result of local (Paskaleva et al. ian and applications of the created data 1993; Popov et al. 1998) and international activ- sets in an integrated framework for pro- ities for the compilation of sets of morphosyntac- duction and manipulation of language tic distinctions and the construction of electronic resources. The production scenario is lexicons (Dimitrova et al. 1998). The need for exemplified by the Bulgarian verb as the synchronization and standardization has lead to morphologically richest and most prob- the activities of the application to Bulgarian of lematic part-of-speech category. The internationally acknowledged guidelines for mor- definition of the set of morphosyntactic phosyntactic annotation (Slavcheva and Paskaleva specifications for verbs in the lexicon is 1997), and to the comparison of morphosyntactic described. The application of the tagset tagsets (Slavcheva 1997). in the automatic morphological analy- In this paper I demonstrate the production sce- sis of text corpora is accounted for. A nario of modelling morphological knowledge in Type Model of Bulgarian verbs handling Bulgarian and applications of the created data sets the attachment of short pronominal ele- in an integrated framework for production and ma- ments to verbs, is presented. nipulation of language resources, that is, the Bul- TreeBank framework (Simov et al.