Agenda -8 F. No. 8- 63/2013-FC

1. The Addl. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Land Management) and the Nodal Officer, Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, the State Government of vide his letter dated 1st August 2013 submitted a proposal to obtain prior approval of Central Government under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 for diversion of 204.356 hectares of forest land in favour of M/s. Power Grid Corporation of Limited for construction of 765 KV Vindhyachal Poling Station to Circuit –I and Circuit-II Transmission line in Satna, , Katni and Sahdol districts, Madhya Pradesh.

2. Details indicated in the proposal submitted by the Government of Madhya Pradesh are as below: FACT SHEET

1. Name of the Proposal Diversion of 204.356 hectares of forest land in favour of M/s. Power Grid Corporation of India Limited for construction of 765 KV Vindhyachal Poling Station to Satna Circuit –I and Circuit-II Transmission line in Satna, Singrauli, Katni and Sahdol districts, Madhya Pradesh.

2 Location:

State Madhya Pradesh

District Satna, Singrauli, Katni and Sahdol

3. Particular of Forests

(i) Name of Forest Division Satna, Singrauli, Katni and North Sahdol

(ii) Area of Forest land for Diversion

(iii) Legal Status of Forest Division Protected Reserve land Forest (ha.) Forest (ha.) Satna 35.121 - Katni - 15.544 North 6.768 28.073 Sahdol Singrauli - 118.85 Total 41.889 162.467

(iv) Density of Vegetation Division Forest Type Crown Density Satna Mixed Forest 0.2 to 0.5 Class IV –b Katni Area with 0.1 root stock (BL2) North Mixed Forest 0.3 to 0.5 Sahdol Class IV –a Singrauli Mixed Forest 0.3 to 0.5 Class IV –b

(v) Species-wise and A. Satna Division diameter class wise Teak: 10 cm to 20 cm- 125 trees ; 21 cm – 61 cm- 0 enumeration of trees trees ; 61 cm – 120 cm: 0 trees , more than 121 cm- 0 trees. Other species: 10 cm to 20 cm- 135 trees ; 21 cm – 61 cm- 1537 trees ; 61 cm – 120 cm: 176 trees , more than 121 cm- 50 trees. Bamboo: 4, 945 Nos. B. Katni Division Teak: Nil Other species: 10 cm to 20 cm- 34 trees ; 21 cm – 61 cm- 201 trees ; 61 cm – 120 cm: 13 trees , more than 121 cm- 0 trees. Bamboo: 14 Nos. C. North Sahdol Division Teak: 10 cm to 20 cm- 0 trees ; 21 cm – 61 cm- 176 trees ; 61 cm – 120 cm: 10 trees, more than 121 cm- 1 tree. Other species: 10 cm to 20 cm- 0 trees ; 21 cm – 61 cm- 9780 trees ; 61 cm – 120 cm: 4,027 trees , more than 121 cm- 1,239 trees. Bamboo: 1,498 Nos. D. Singrauli Division Teak: 10 cm to 20 cm- 0 trees ; 21 cm – 61 cm- 64 trees ; 61 cm – 120 cm: 0 trees , more than 121 cm- 0 trees. Other species: 10 cm to 20 cm- 0 trees ; 21 cm – 61 cm- 19,997 trees ; 61 cm – 120 cm: 7,285 trees , more than 121 cm- 2,089 trees.

4. Vulnerability of area to Forest land proposed to be diverted is not vegetation vulnerable to erosion.

5 Approximate distance of Satna Forest Division: 200 meters proposed site for Katni Forest Division: 0 meters diversion from boundary North Sahdol Forest Division: Located within the of forest boundary. Singrauli Forest Division: Located within the boundary.

6. Whether forms part of Forest land proposed to be diverted does not form National Park, Wildlife part of National Park, Wildlife Sanctuary, Sanctuary, Biosphere Biosphere Reserve, Tiger Reserve, Elephant Reserve, Tiger Reserve, Corridor etc. It is however, located within the Elephant Corridor etc. (if Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve and Sanjay Tiger so, the details of the area Reserve. Minimum distance of the forest land the comments of the Chief proposed to be diverted from buffer zone of the Wildlife Warden to be Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve is 2.50 kilometres. annexed)

7. Whether any rare/ Rare/ endangered/ unique species of flora and endangered/ unique fauna are not found in the area. species of flora and fauna found in the area if so, details thereof.

8. Whether any protected No. archaeological/ heritage site/ defence establishment or any other important monument is located in the area. If so, the details thereof with NOC from competent authority, if required.

9. Whether the requirement Requirement of forest land as proposed by the of forest land as proposed User Agency in col.2 of Part-I is unavoidable and by the User Agency in bare minimum. col.2 of Part-I is unavoidable and bare minimum for the project. If no, recommended area item-wise with details of alternatives examined.

10. Whether any work in No work in violation of the FC Act has been violation of the Act has carried out.

been carried out (Yes/ No). If yes, details of the same including period of work done, action taken on erring officials. Whether work in violation is still under progress.

11. Details of Compensatory Detailed scheme for creation and ten year Afforestation Scheme: maintenance of compensatory afforestation over degraded forest land twice in extent to the forest land proposed to be diverted at an estimated outlay of Rs. 19,28,92,194/- has been prepared. Certificate from the Divisional Forests Officers Satna, Katni, North Sahdol and Singrauli Divisions that the degraded forest land identified for compensatory afforestation is suitable for the purpose.

12. Recommendations

DFO Recommended.

CCF Recommended

Nodal Officer & Addl. Recommended PCCF

State Govt. Recommended

1. The Addl. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Land Management) and the Nodal Officer, Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, the State Government of Madhya Pradesh in his letter dated 1st August 2013 submitted following additional information pertaining to the proposal:

(i) Total length of transmission line is 265 kilometres out of which 5.242 km in Satna Forest Division, 2.320 kilometres in Katni Forest Division, 5.200 kilometres in North Sahdol Forest Division and 17.739 kilometres in Singrauli Forest Division falls within the forest land under administrative control of Forest Department involving 204.356 hectares of forest land. The balance transmission line passes through Revenue and private land. The proposed transmission line does not involve any revenue forest land. Certificate from concerned Tahasildar in this regard is enclosed. Width of the proposed double circuit line is 67 meters. Administrative approval for the proposed transmission line has been accorded by the Ministry of Power, Government of India.

(ii) A copy of resolution from all concerned gram Sabha in respect of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 is enclosed with the proposal.

(iii) Copy of certificate from the District Collectors of Satna, Katni, North Sahdol and Singrauli districts that process for settlement of rights under the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 on the forest land proposed to be diverted is presently not under process and no claim for recognition of individual or community rights on the said forest land has been received by the District level Committee.

2. The Forest land proposed to be diverted has been inspected by the representative of the Regional Office (Western Zone), . Additional information furnished in the site inspection report submitted by the Regional Office (Western Zone), Bhopal vide their letter dated 2nd September 2013 are as below:

(i) Power Grid Corporation of India has been entrusted with the work of construction of 765 KV Vidhyanchal Pooling –Satna transmission Line. This line will pass through Satna, Umri, Shahdol and Singrauli Districts. This line will transmit electricity in different parts of the country under the ambitious project of 2000 MW productions from Vidhyanchal IV and Rihand III Power project of NTPC.

(ii) This is national project by which the power generated by the Vidhyanchal IV and Rihand III Power project of NTPC will be transmitted to the states of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarhi, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Delhi, UP and Maharashtra and others. By this industries and agriculture will be provided power which in turn will provide employment to the lakhs people and the country will be benefitted as well.

(iii) To project passes through 03 forest divisions. The land is undulating and covered with almost barren to moderately dense forest cover which varies from mixed forest to Sal Forests. In Satna area the tract was almost devoid of trees and sometimes the area is covered with Lentana bushes. The slope was gentle and the outcrop was rocky. In Shahdol, terrain was undulating and the mixed crop composition was mainly of Butea monosperma, amla Lagerstomaia. Accacia cathechu , bamboo , Boswellia serrata etc. In the terrain was undulating, slope moderated and it was primarily of Sal forests. The density is more in Singrauli.

(iv) The general observations in that most of areas being close to revenue area are not dense. The density is varies from 0.0 to 0.6 .In Satna it is less but in Shahdol ad Singrauli it is more. The terrain varies from flat land to generally undulating with slops. The main tree species found were Butea monosperma, Terminalia arjuna, Madhuca indica, Lanea coromandelica. Terminalia arjuna, Adina cordifolia, Boswellia serrrata, Diospyros melanoxylon, Saccopetalum tomentosum , Sterculia urens, Acacia catechu, Shorea robusta etc.

(v) The area proposed for the diversion in Northern dry deciduous forests and ,Sal Forests. Species found in visited compartment were Butea monosperma, Madhuca indica, Lannea corommandelica. Terminalia arjuna Adina cordifolia, Boswellia serrata, Diospyos melanoxylon, Saccopetalum tomentosum, Stercullia urens, Acacia catechu, Sherea robusta, etc. The density is varies from 0.0 to 0.6. The density in Satna is almost 0 in Satna and above 0.4 Shahdol and Singrauli Division. The density in PF is generally lower than in PFs.

(vi) The proposal does not involve construction of any building (including residential)

(vii) The proposed line is part of transmission system associated with Rihand Stage III & Vindhyachal IV generation projects. The Cost of entire transmission system has been approved for Rs. 7031.88

(viii) No wild life seen during inspection. However as per compartment histories of compartment histories show presence of deer, Jackal, Hyena, bear wild pig, fox, hare been mentioned.

(ix) Total numbers of tree to be felled are as below:

(a) Numbers of trees including bamboo to be felled below 60 cm: 38492 (b) Number of trees to be felled above 60 cm : 14,904 Total : 53396

(x) There will not be much effect on general ecosystem as the felling will take place in areas spread out throughout the length of 03 forest divisions.

(xi) The proposal does not involve rehabilitation of displaced persons.

(xii) Cost benefit analysis done separately for all 03 Forest Divisions and in all cases it is profitable.

(xiii) The land being diverted does not have any socio-cultural/religious value:

(xiv) No sacred groves or very old growth of trees or forests exist in the area proposed for the diversion. (xv) The land under diversion does not form part of any unique ecosystem?

(xvi) The project in part is situated between Bandhavgarh and Sanjay Tiger Reserve. It’s distance from buffer zone of Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve is 2.8 Km.

(xvii) Three alternatives were explored and at this proposed site forest land of 30.501 km I length is the least affected one. In other two alternatives it was 50.874 km and 42.16 km respectively. In proposed alignment out of total length of 265.00 km the line passes through forests is 30.501 km. This routs involving least forest area is suitable as forest areas are isolated speared out through 03 Forest Divisions includes as being unavoidable. The forests involved have an average density being around 0.4.

3. The Chief Conservator of Forests (Central), Regional Office (Western Zone), Bhopal who undertook inspection recommended diversion of the said forest land subject to the following conditions:

(i) One of the conditions of raising medicinal plants under transmission lines may be amended and instead of medicinal plants indigenous dwarf species along with dwarf medicinal trees medicinal trees may be raised.

(ii) Proper precaution be taken for soil conservation while undertaking the works in sloppy area.

(iii) CA should not be monoculture, but should be of a mix species available in the vicinity of such degraded forests where CA is being done.

4. Specific comments of the Addl. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Central), Regional Office, Western Zone Bhopal are as below:

(i) To transmit power one place to another, another, alternative has been examined and one with least forest area has been selected. Singrauli being a power hub requires distribution of power to the energy deficient states of the country and being the state undulating terrain, it becomes unavoidable to leave forest aside. Being an infrastructure development project, it is recommended that the proposal may kindly be approved

5. The Forest Advisory Committee (FAC) after examination of the said proposal in their meeting held on 17th and 18th October 2013 recommended that keeping in view that a part of the forest land proposed to be diverted is located between two important tiger reserves, comments of the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) on impacts, if any, of the proposed transmission line on migration of Tigers and other Wild animals between these tiger reserves, along with appropriate measures to mitigate the identified impacts may be sought. The FAC further recommended that the State Government may also be requested to provide details viz. alignment, transmission voltage, number of circuits etc. of existing as well as proposed high voltage (400 KV and above) transmission lines in these districts.

6. Addl. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Land Management) and the Nodal Officer, Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, the State Government of Madhya Pradesh vide his letter dated 7th February 2014 submitted a map indicating alignment of high voltage (400 KV and above) transmission lines in these district.

7. Similarly, the NTCA vide their U.O. dated 25th April 2014 informed this Ministry as below: (i) The above proposal as cited in the subject have been referred to this Authority for opinion from the FC Division of the Ministry as the proposed transmission line is located between the Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve and the Sanjay-Dubri Tiger Reserve (M.P.) and minimum distance of the Forest land proposed to be diverted from buffer zone of the Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve is 2.5 kilometers.

(ii) In this context, the GPS co-ordinates of the proposed transmission line passing between the said tiger reserves were sent to the Wildlife Institute of India for examining its probable impact on tiger and other wild animal’ conservation and for getting the location of the said proposed area examined vis-à-vis GIS map of the core and buffer area of Sanjay-Dubri and Bandhagrah tiger reserves, Madhya Pradesh.

(iii) Based on the recommendations of the Wildlife Institute of India, according approval in the instant case may be considered subject to fulfilment of following conditions:

(a) The proposed area falls in the areas linking two tiger reserves. Under section 38O(b) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, mining, industry and other ecologically unsustainable projects within tiger reserves are not permitted and as per section 38O(g) of the said Act, it has to be ensured that tiger reserves and areas linking one protected area with another protected area or tiger reserves and areas linking one protected area with another protected area of tiger reserve are not diverted for unsustainable uses, except in public interest and with the approval of the National Board for wildlife on the advice of the Tiger Conservation Authority. However, since this is a transmission line, it may be permitted. In case, the area is within 10 km. from core areas of either of the tiger reserves, the clearance from the Standing Committee of the NBWL should be taken.

(b) As the power line is traversing Bandhavgarh- Sanjay Dubri corridor, appropriate mitigation measures i.e. either putting it underground or reasonably high with minimal disturbance during its construction needs to be enforced.

(c) all other statutory clearances.

(d) height of transmission line should be kept in a manner so as to provide safe passage to elephants and to avoid their accidental electrocution.

(e) insulation of transmission wires besides bunch cabling should be ensured.

(f) regular monitoring of the transmission lines w.r.t. sagging/ breaking etc. must be ensured. (g) the State may enter into a MoU with the Power Grid Corporation in this regard.

8. The proposal along with the above-indicated additional information/ documents is placed before the Forest Advisory Committee for their Examination and appropriate recommendations.
